DR :: Volume #4

#315: City of Lost ( IV )

Tillis raises both hands, grips tightly to stop the wooden club, that is one is more than one meter to be long fully, the peak curving shepherd probably uses long stick one thing. What is different from the ordinary long stick, is tying up two blue color and green ribbons in its peak, at this moment they are fluttering with the wind, seeming like seems like the flag to be the same. This is also the symbol of silver Saintess Sailon, on behalf of sea blue with representative the green of land, is showing all of this world. 蒂莉丝举起双手,紧握住手中的木棍,那是一根足有一米多长,顶端弯曲的好像牧羊人用长棍一样的东西。只不过和普通的长棍不同的是,在它的顶端绑着两条蓝色与绿色的丝带,此刻它们正在随风飘扬,看起来就好像是旗帜一样。这也正是银色圣女赛纶的标志,代表海洋的蓝与代表大地的绿,展现着这个世界的一切。 Sees only Tillis to hold up the long stick like this, then sets upright in the ground, closed the eye to pray in a low voice several anything, later loosened both hands to draw back backward. Then saw that stick to stand erect unexpectedly like this in the ground, takes root simply probably same motionless, until a moment later, it about swayed, thenworked as lang & R dquo ; Falls on the ground. But looks the direction that the stick refers, Tillis pondered the moment, this puts out a hand to aim at that direction. 只见蒂莉丝就这样举起长棍,然后竖在地面上,闭上眼睛低声祷告了几句什么,随后松开双手向后退开。接着便看见那根棍子居然就这样竖立在了地面上,简直就好像是生了根一样的一动不动,直到片刻之后,它才左右摇晃了一下,接着“当啷”一声倒在地面上。而看着棍子所指的方向,蒂莉丝思考了片刻,这才伸出手去指向那个方向。 We walk here. & R dquo ; “我们走这边。” Really doesn't have the issue? Tillis? & R dquo ; “真的没问题吗?蒂莉丝?” At this moment sees this, Thief in adventure group also to frown to ask. 此刻看见这一幕,冒险团里的一个盗贼也是不由皱起眉头开口询问道。 Before we take the main road obviously, according to the truth, following the front door wasn't safer one? Moreover there monster also cleaning up is slightly cleaner, but here ......... I remember that this road should be difficult to walk. & R dquo ; “之前我们明明都是走大路的,按照道理来说,走大门不是更安全一下吗?而且那里的怪物也清理的稍微干净一些,但是这边………我记得这条路应该不好走吧。” This is the direction of Saintess Sailon. & R dquo ; “这是圣女赛纶的指引。” Facing the question of Thief, Tillis gave the reply calmly. 面对盗贼的质疑,蒂莉丝则是心平气和的给出了回答。 Danger is everywhere, but this we cannot take the previous road time, because has the danger that we are unable to deal in that side. Although from distance. Here will be quite difficult to walk. However at least can make us avoid the danger. Far away from the threat of Death. & R dquo ; “危险无处不在,而这一次我们之所以不能够走以前的路,正是因为在那边有我们无法应对的危险。虽然从距离来说。这边会比较难走。但是至少可以让我们避开危险。远离死亡的威胁。” I knew. & R dquo ; “我知道了。” Hears the reply of Tillis, Commander Steve nods, then he has turned the head to give a hand signal to others. But sees even Commander Steve to support the speech of Tillis, then others will not naturally say anything again. In fact they have also been used to it regarding the way of Tillis this seemingly unthinkable judgment direction, before inquired stemming from the custom. But since at present Commander Steve has issued the order, then the people naturally also pack the luggage, goes forward toward another side following the mountain road. 听到蒂莉丝的回答,史蒂夫团长点了点头,接着他转过头去对其他人做了个手势。而看见连史蒂夫团长都支持蒂莉丝的说话,那么其他人自然也不会再多说什么。事实上对于蒂莉丝这种看起来匪夷所思的判断方向的方式他们也早就已经习惯了,之前不过是出于习惯询问一下而已。而眼下既然史蒂夫团长已经下达了命令,那么众人自然也是收拾好行装,顺着山路向着另外一侧前进。 What kind of. The Tillis method is very interesting. & R dquo ; “怎么样。蒂莉丝的方法很有趣吧。” Sees Zhan En to gaze at Tillis to tidy up wooden club in the hand interestingly, nearby Aina was also walked, followed side Zhan En's that racing racing jumped, later said. 看见詹恩饶有兴趣的注视着蒂莉丝收拾起自己手中的木棍,旁边的艾娜也是奔奔跳跳的走了过来,跟随在詹恩的身边,随后开口说道。 Most starts to see, I am also have a scare, this looks at the luck radically. However do not look that the Tillis approach seems like the game of child, however under her leadership, we have not really encountered several dangers, but these do not listen to the fellow who Tillis spoke. Also obtained should have the lesson, what kind of? Very mysterious? I have never thought that a wooden club can also achieve this degree. & R dquo ; “最开始看到的时候,就连我也是吓了一大跳呢,这根本就是看运气嘛。不过别看蒂莉丝的做法很像是小孩子的游戏,但是在她的带领下,我们还真的没有遇到过几次危险呢,而那些不听蒂莉丝说话的家伙。也都得到了应有教训,怎么样?是不是很神奇?真没想到,一根木棍也能够做到这种程度呢。” That is not the simple wooden club. & R dquo ; “那可不是简单的木棍。” Hears the sigh of Aina, Zhan En shakes the head, then looks to Tillis. 听到艾娜的感叹,詹恩摇了摇头,接着望向蒂莉丝 That is the Sailon indicator, the hearsay trees will turn toward the place that Sun raises to stretch. Thus assigned direction. But is made the wooden club that after obtaining the blessing of Sailon Saintess by the trees will become the indicator of the world. It not only can direct us to be out of the danger, but can also lead us to go the place that we want to go. Legend Sailon is the shepherd of world myriad things life, directs the direction for the flock of sheep, but her follower is the Sailon incarnation, replaces god line of direction that they believe in ......... & R dquo ; “那可是赛纶的指针,传闻树木会向着太阳升起的地方舒展。从而指定方向。而由树木制成的木棍在得到赛纶圣女的祝福之后就会成为世界的指针。它不但可以指引我们脱离危险,还能够带领我们到达我们希望到达的地方。传说赛纶是世间万物生灵的牧羊人,为羊群指引方向,而她的信徒就是赛纶的化身,代替她们信奉的神主行指引之则………” Mr. Zhan En, you know may be really clear. & R dquo ; 詹恩先生,您知道的可真清楚呢。” At this time Tillis had also packed own thing to walk, heard Zhan En's to tell, she curious opening eye, having several points of respectable vision to look to the present man. Also Tillis so will be no wonder surprised, the belief of Saintess Sailon is quite rare on continent. Her main Temple is also distributed in the seashore, what because Zhucheng of seashore mostly believes is Goddess of Water Renee, therefore as her from the god, the Sailon popularity is not very actually high. Tillis, if were not in childhood by Clergymen that believed in Sailon picked to foster to grow up since childhood, perhaps she will not have many understanding regarding this goddess. In fact until now, „ Fairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; In adventure group, no one knows Sailon that she believes in is actually what origin. 这个时候蒂莉丝也已经收拾好了自己的东西走了过来,听到詹恩的讲述,她不由好奇的睁大眼睛,带着几分尊敬的目光望向眼前的男子。也难怪蒂莉丝会这么惊讶,圣女赛纶的信仰在大陆上相当罕见。她的主要神殿也是分布在海边,而由于海边的诸城大多信奉的是水之女神蕾薇妮,所以作为她的从神,赛纶其实知名度并不算很高。就连蒂莉丝自己,如果不是小时候被一个信奉赛纶神官捡回去从小抚养长大的话,恐怕她也不会对于这位女神有多少认识。事实上直到现在,就连“妖精与宝箱”冒险团里,也没有一个人知道她信奉的赛纶究竟是个什么来历。 What makes Tillis not think, this aristocrat mister unexpectedly half the information of sect knocks to stumble does not hit says her to believe, this makes Tillis increase to the Zhan En favorable impression immediately, this also no wonder, knows that silver Saintess Sailon person on continent rarely seen, Tillis leaves the hometown to take risk now, in the met person knows her belief what's the matter coming that a palm can count, therefore saw Zhan En also to be for many several pointsto meet an old friend far from home at this moment & R dquo ; Warm feelings. 只是让蒂莉丝没想到的是,这位贵族先生居然连半个磕绊都不打就说出了她信奉的教派的信息,这顿时让蒂莉丝詹恩好感大增,这也难怪,知道银色圣女赛纶的人在大陆上都不多见,蒂莉丝离开家乡冒险到现在,遇见的人里知道她的信仰是怎么回事的一个手掌就能够数的过来,因此此刻看见詹恩也多了几分“他乡遇故知”的亲切感。 As a scholar, must always understand that the knowledge about gods is good. & R dquo ; “作为一个学者,总是要多了解一些关于神明的知识才行。” Facing the praise of Tillis, Zhan En actually seems neither arrogant nor servile, but had smile as always to answer. Then he put out a hand to push the eyeglasses, later has turned the head to turn toward the side to look at one. But detected that his vision, originally in Daniel cold snort/hum one that the side goes forward, has turned the head to march forward, does not seem to seen here what happened is the same. 面对蒂莉丝的赞扬,詹恩倒是显得不卑不亢,只是带着一如既往的微笑做出了回答。接着他伸出手去推了推眼镜,随后转过头向着侧面望了一眼。而察觉到他的目光,原本在侧面前进的丹尼尔冷哼一声,转过头去继续向前,似乎根本就没有看见这里发生了什么事一样。 adventure group continues to go forward. 冒险团继续前进。 Facts showed, the worry of that Thief is not not groundless. Although after the years, protected the City of Lost big city wall to have many places to collapse completely, but these place rare human footmarks, the road naturally is also more difficult to walk. The people can only continue upwardly following the beast diameter and ravine track, these paths are small and narrow, they are almost pasting the mountain wall slantingly on diagonal, the narrowest place can only allow one person to be sideways to pass. However what is lucky is on the scene is the professional, Thief and Ranger walks in the forefront is responsible for exploring the way and admonishing, simultaneously expressed the parts of these frail dangers. But Tillis will use the Sailon god technique reinforcement ground and path & mda S h through the hope ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; As auxiliary gods, the Sailon follower does not participate in the fight, the god technique that they grasp mostly is also like their gods. Belongs auxiliarily is in the majority. But attack and defense are few, but is very important. 事实证明,那个盗贼的担心也并非全无道理。虽然历经岁月,原本守护着失落之城的高大城墙有很多地方都已经完全坍塌,但是这些地方都罕有人迹,路自然也是更加难走。众人只能够顺着兽径和山间小道继续向上,这些道路又小又狭窄,它们几乎是贴着山壁斜斜向上,最狭窄的地方只能够允许一人侧身通过。不过幸运的是在场的都是专业人士,盗贼游侠走在最前面负责探路和警戒,同时表示出那些脆弱危险的部分。而蒂莉丝则会通过祈求来使用赛纶的神术加固地面与道路———作为一个辅助性的神明,赛纶的信徒并不怎么参加战斗,她们所掌握的神术也大多和她们的神明一样。属于辅助性的居多。而进攻与防守的却偏少,但是却很重要。 After all when your front did not have the path, needs a bridge or a ship spans the words of cliff and rivers, other gods followers are very difficult to achieve this point. 毕竟当你的前方没有了道路,需要一座桥或者一条船来跨越悬崖与河流的话,其他的神明信徒可是很难做到这一点的。 Naturally, regarding mage, this matter simply is minor matter one. 当然,对于法师来说,这种事情简直就是小事一桩。 Does not know that is because the asylum of Sailon is their luck is good enough, is all the way more difficult to walk besides the path. The people have almost not met what monster. However this also no wonder, the monster of City of Lost surrounding by the cleanest part of Adventurer cleaning up, almost without the remaining what things. Therefore at that time some people will suggest to walk the main entrance directly, the gods who since Tillis believes in think that there has the danger, then they change course actually also to have nothing at the worst. 不知道是因为赛纶的庇护还是他们运气够好,一路上除了道路本身难走一些之外。众人几乎没有遇到过什么怪物。不过这也难怪,失落之城外围的怪物是被冒险者清理的最干净的部分,几乎没有剩下什么东西。所以当时才会有人建议直接走正门,不过既然蒂莉丝信奉的神明认为那里有危险,那么他们改道其实也没什么大不了的。 Following the alley in ravine, the people arrived at the side of outer city area quickly, in their front, the big city wall has caved in thoroughly, the remnant of destroyed building of revealed pitch-dark gap and inside. When their top of the heads, often can hear grating squeals, raised the head looks even can see the shadow that in the fog of not far away dances in the air. 顺着山间的小路,众人很快就来到了外城区的侧面,在他们的面前,高大的城墙已经彻底塌陷,露出的只有黑洞洞的缺口与里面的断壁残垣。在他们的头顶,不时可以听见一声声刺耳的尖叫声,抬起头望去时甚至能够看见不远处的云雾之中飞舞的黑影。 Is Harpy, careful, do not make the sound, these things are very troublesome. & R dquo ; “是鹰身女妖,小心点儿,不要发出声音,这些东西很麻烦的。” Was explaining one to Zhan En in a low voice. Aina then held up the long bow in hand. Above vigilant aiming. But other Adventurer also put lightly the footsteps, could look, they regarding this place indeed were very familiar. Also knows how should deal to occupy demon here, Harpy is quite low level demon, it has the human female body and face, but the both legs are actually the appearance of eagle claw, but the both arms is a wing. Whole body is covering the feather, hearsay these Harpy most like pacing back and forth in the battlefield and other dead numerous places, attacks goal that these leave behind. As the flight race, these Harpy vision are very common. They more depend upon the sound to judge the position and size of goal. The extreme keen sense of hearing can make them discover the target in the shortest time, and launches the attack. But these Adventurer also very clear this point, all of them slowed down the footsteps obviously, softly caves in that to walk toward inside following the city wall, but Aina two Thief that grasps the crossbow arrow walks in the forefront, vigilantly and is gazing at the present sky cautiously, for fear that these banshee discover their trails. 低声对着詹恩解释了一句。艾娜便举起了手中的长弓。警惕的瞄准上方。而其他冒险者也放轻了脚步,看得出来,他们对于这个地方的确是非常熟悉。也知道该如何应对盘踞在这里的魔物,鹰身女妖是算是一种比较低级的魔物,它有着人类女性的身躯和面孔,但是双腿却是鹰爪的样子,而双臂则是一对翅膀。全身上下都覆盖着羽毛,传闻这些鹰身女妖最喜欢徘徊在战场等死者众多的地方,袭击那些落单的目标。作为飞行种族,这些鹰身女妖的视力很一般。它们更多是依靠声音来判断目标的方位和大小的。极端敏锐的听觉能够让她们在最短的时间内发现目标,并且发起进攻。而这些冒险者们显然也很清楚这一点,他们所有人都是放缓了脚步,轻手轻脚的顺着城墙塌陷的那一段向里面走去,而艾娜而两个手持弩矢的盗贼则走在最前面,警惕而小心翼翼的注视着眼前的天空,生怕那些女妖发现他们的踪迹。 Actually if here has mage more relaxed, regarding mage, „ sound-insulated technique & R dquo ; Can solve all problems, but in general adventure team is unfortunately unlikely to have mage, butFairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; Also is the same, therefore at this time they depending on oneself, without other means. 其实这里如果有个法师的话会更加轻松,对于法师来说,一个“隔音术”就可以解决所有问题,但可惜的是一般的冒险团队里都不太可能有法师,而“妖精与宝箱”也是一样,所以这个时候他们除了靠自己之外,也没有其他办法了。 Most starts, Adventurer were also worried that Zhan En can hold back to them, after all escorted aristocrat such matter for the first time they are not did, many aristocrats liked having one's wish, want to make anything to make anything. Even also some people look down upon their these Adventurer, does against with them specially, they do not let make anything is also bent on having to make anything, as if this can appear the dignity as aristocrat general. 最开始的时候,冒险者们还担心詹恩会不会给他们拖后腿,毕竟护送贵族这样的事情他们也不是第一次做了,不少贵族都喜欢随心所欲,想要做什么就做什么。甚至还有人看不起他们这些冒险者,专门和他们对着干,他们不让做什么还偏要做什么,仿佛这样才能够显现出自己身为贵族的威严一般。 But what makes them relax, Zhan En apparently does not have this problem, on the contrary, he even walking has not made the least bit sound, but walk like Ghost in team, these Adventurer do not look at his words, will not detect this seemingly delicate children of the nobility among them. But the Zhan En's performance also lets Commander Steve some surprise, to be honest, he has not thought that the opposite party will have such strength unexpectedly. However this is also good, was been higher by the strength of escort, the matter that they worry about are also less, so long as did not do like former these two fellows upwards does not die, this time quest was quite easy to complete. 但让他们松了口气的是,詹恩显然没有这个毛病,相反,他甚至连走路都没有发出半点儿声音,而是像幽灵一样的行走在团队之中,以至于那些冒险者不看着他的话,甚至不会察觉到这位看起来弱不禁风的贵族子弟就在他们中间。而詹恩的表现也让史蒂夫团长有些诧异,说实话,他也没有想到对方居然会有这样的实力。不过这样也好,被护送者的实力越高,他们操心的事情也就越少,只要不像之前那些两眼朝天的家伙那样不作不死的话,这次的任务还是相当容易完成的。 However everything has the accident/surprise. 但是凡事都有意外。 Zhan En has not had the problem, was in the commission army corps some people walks the mildew to transport & mda S h on the contrary ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; warrior when crawls following the wreckage of collapse upward, did not step on carefully on structure frail bricks and stones. But this bricks and stones already because of the reason of time, but is badly-damaged, is adding on the opposite party to shoulder the shield to bring the long sword to put on warrior of armor emphatically, that weight steps on to make on the bricks and stones of creakying thorough immediatelyka & R dquo ; A collapse sprinkles, but that unlucky warrior also sent out a scream, tumbles is crashing downward, fortunately held on his hand in critical juncture Commander Steve, this unlucky insect rescuing. 詹恩倒没有出现问题,反倒是佣兵团里有人走了霉运———一个战士在顺着塌陷的残骸往上爬的时候,不小心踩在了一片结构脆弱的砖石上。而这片砖石早已经因为时间的原因而残破不堪,在加上对方可是背负着重盾带着长剑穿着盔甲的战士,那重量一踩上去顿时让原本就摇摇欲坠的砖石彻底“咔啪”一声塌陷洒落,而那个倒霉的战士也是发出了一声尖叫,翻滚着向下坠落,幸运的是在危急关头史蒂夫团长一把拉住了他的手,这才把这个倒霉虫给救了下来。 But the people have not relaxed with enough time, only hears sharp grating songs and calls, next moment, when they raise the head looks, only discovered Harpy that these from the sky circled have gathered, the dive, launched the attack to them. 但众人还没有来得及松一口气,只听见一声尖锐刺耳的鸣叫声,下一刻,当他们抬头望去时,只发现那些原本在空中盘旋的鹰身女妖们已经集合起来,俯冲而下,向他们发起了进攻。 But sees this, Commander Steve is also the complexion sinks. 而看见这一幕,史蒂夫团长也是面色一沉。 Assembly formation, prepares to defend! & R dquo ; “集合队形,准备防御!” Then, sees only him to pull out the long sword like this, was shouting issued the order. 接着,只见他就这样抽出长剑,大喊着下达了命令。 What a pity is, the Harpy speed is too fast, the people were just ready, then saw that full dark clouds to clash like this straightly , both sides on this unretentive hit in one. 可惜的是,鹰身女妖的速度实在太快,众人才刚刚做好准备,便看见那一朵铺天盖地的黑云就这样笔直的冲了下来,紧接着,双方就这样毫无保留的撞击在了一起。
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