DR :: Volume #4

#314: City of Lost ( III )

In dark forest a silence...., 黑暗的森林之中一片寂静。…, Ice-cold, the Death mist is relentless spreads toward all around, the snow white thick fog is tumbling, quiet forwarding. But curling and shrinking that these incomparably fierce and brutal monster trembled in own nest, the bird has flown from this stretch of area, when the insect whining noise does not know unconscious disappearance. The ice-cold moonlight shines in this dark forest and snow white mist, imitates, if a deathly stillness tomb. 冰冷,死亡的雾气毫不留情的向着四周扩散开来,雪白的浓雾翻滚着,悄无声息的向前。而那些原本无比凶暴的怪物则瑟瑟发抖的卷缩在自己的巢穴之中,鸟儿早已经飞离了这片地区,就连虫鸣声也不知道在什么时候不知不觉的消失。只有冰冷的月光照耀在这黑暗的森林与雪白的雾气上,仿若一片死寂的墓地。 The white fog forwards , a slender petite form appears. 白雾向前,紧接着,一个纤细娇小的身影从中浮现。 That is a female. 那是一个女性。 She has a beautiful black hair that goes directly to the waist, the face of whole person was camouflaged by the black steel helmet, the graceful stature that the dark armor wraps can also show several points of female charm. However looks to discover carefully, wraps the armor on opposite party body is not fixed, but is ordinary like the running water, between transformation that facile chain armor and heavy/thick knight armor continuously, does not seem like the hard metal, pouring more like the running water general. Also because of this, during that darkness flows often appears wipes snow white seems even more dazzling. 她有着一头直达腰间的秀丽黑发,整个人的面部被黑色的钢铁头盔所遮蔽,只有黑暗盔甲包裹的曼妙身材还能够展现出几分女性的魅力。不过仔细望去就会发现,包裹在对方身体上的盔甲并不固定,而是如同流水一般,在轻便的锁子甲和厚重的骑士甲之间不住的变换,看起来不像是坚硬的金属,倒更像是流水一般。也正因为如此,在那黑暗流淌之中不时浮现的一抹雪白才显得越发耀眼。 Front is Isoss ............... & R dquo ; “前面就是伊索斯……………” The black knight stops the footsteps, looks up to the front, then talked to oneself in a low voice. With being different that the average person imagines, the sound that this seems like the quite terrifying dark military officer actually like the oriole has valley -like clear of pleasant to hear, even if at present this strange situation is also so. Stops the footsteps along with her, the white fog of tumbling was also stopping forward simultaneously, the mist is more like has the life generally backward reflex winding piece by piece, seems like existence that has the life then gazes at own master to be the same. 黑之骑士停下脚步,抬起头来望向前方,接着低声自语道。与一般人想象的有所不同,这位看起来颇为恐怖的黑暗将领的声音却是如同黄莺出谷般的清脆好听,哪怕是在眼前这种诡异的情况下也是如此。伴随着她停下脚步,原本向前翻滚的白雾也在同时停了下来,片片雾气更像是有生命一般向后回卷,就好像是一个有生命的存在回头注视着自己的主人一样。 Gate of dark shadow fragment ............ & R dquo ; “黑暗阴影之门的残片…………” The black knight is muttering. Then she puts out a hand, quick. A compass appeared in her hand like this. However what is different from the ordinary compass, the compass that in the black knight hand grasps is all over the body jet black. Lies above is seeming like with the miniature skeleton that the white bones carving becomes. Sees only her to take up that compass, then throws to in the air. Saw only that compass to transfer the revolutions, then steady stopping in in the air. Afterward then saw that lay in the above skeleton turning round to transfer the revolutions, then raised the head, quick, the azure light beam projected from its eye together, the hills of directional distant place. 黑之骑士喃喃自语着。接着她伸出手去,很快。一个指南针就这样出现在了她的手中。不过和普通的指南针有所不同的是,黑之骑士手中所握的这个指南针通体漆黑。在上面则趴着一个看起来好像是用白骨雕刻而成的微型骨架。只见她拿起那个指南针,接着扔向空中。只见那个指南针转了转,接着便稳稳的停在了空中。随后便看见那个趴在上面的骨架滴溜溜的转了转,接着抬起头来,很快,一道青色的光束从它的眼中射出,指向远处的群山。 In there. 就在那里。 Sees this, the black knight nods, but next moment. She raised the head, was crossed the hills by own vision, even crossed Isoss, went to the hills high mountains a common place. Although she is impossible really to see there, but the black knight gets hold of the double fist, that wonderful clear sound, becomes in this moment angry and excited. 看见这一幕,黑之骑士点了点头,不过下一刻。她就抬起头,让自己的目光越过了群山,甚至越过了伊索斯,投向了群山峻岭之中一处不起眼的地方。虽然她不可能真的看到那里,但是黑之骑士还是握紧双拳,就连那美妙清脆的声音,也在这一刻变得愤怒而激动起来。 Zhan En ......... this day arrived finally! You wash the clean neck just wait, once that humiliation, I must give back to you now in every possible way!! & R dquo ; 詹恩………这一天终于到了!你洗干净脖子等着吧,曾经的那份屈辱,现在我要百般的还给你!!” Achoo! & R dquo ; “阿嚏!” Zhan En sneezing. He put out the handkerchief to rub the nose. But at this time, Zhan En then heard in his side, broadcast a lively sound. 詹恩不由的打了个喷嚏。他拿出手帕揉了揉鼻。而就在这个时候,詹恩便听见在他的身边,传来了一个活泼的声音。 What's wrong? Did the aristocrat mister, you catch cold? On the mountain is very cold. Must take care to be good. & R dquo ; “怎么啦?贵族先生,你感冒了吗?山上可是很冷的。要注意身体才行哦。” Don't worry, Miss Aina. & R dquo ; “不用担心,艾娜小姐。” Is saying, Zhan En has turned the head. Looks to is sitting on the tree of not far away, sways the both legs to gaze at own half-elf young girl curiously. She is Ranger. Also is in this team only two females, seems like with Tillis is almost old. Compared with gentle Tillis, this young girl actually appears lively open, all day is an energy surplus appearance. After Zhan En points out the long bow in her hand is the magic bow from summer solstice forest, this half-elf young girl seemed full of the interest in Zhan En, always encircles in his side asks this and that regarded the encyclopedia to use Zhan En simply generally. But Zhan En also uses own human relations wrist/skill and charm, easy obtained this half-elf favorable impression. Besides demon charm addition, the Aina bloodline also becomes his boost. half-elf and elf belong to the magic power quite sensitive race, but is easier to receive the influence and induction of magic power to a magic power sensitive in which point. Why this in the elf has the shooter, has Druid, one of the reasons that but rarely has mage. Because the bloodlines of elf make them be grasped by magic power easily, tarnishes and degenerates. In fact even their distant relative drow are still this, only then the male will make mage, but the female will only become Priest, on the one hand besides the tradition of Lolth treatment of men as inferiors, a more realistic point is even if as the matter stands masculine mage were tempted to degenerate by demon, is still insufficient to give the entire drow ethnic group to cause the catastrophic consequence. 一面说着,詹恩一面转过头去。望向正坐在不远处的树上,晃荡着双腿好奇的注视着自己的半精灵少女。她是一个游侠。也是这个团队之中唯二的女性,年纪看起来和蒂莉丝差不多大。只不过和文静的蒂莉丝比起来,这个少女倒是显得活泼开朗,整天都是一副精力过剩的样子。在詹恩指出她手中的长弓是一把来自夏至森林的魔法弓之后,这个半精灵少女似乎就对詹恩充满了兴趣,总是围在他身边问这问那,简直把詹恩当成了百科全书一般来使用。而詹恩也利用自己的交际手腕和魅力,轻而易举的就获得了这位半精灵的好感。这其中除了魔族本身的魅力加成之外,艾娜的血统也成为了他的助力。半精灵和精灵都属于对魔力比较敏感的种族,而对魔力敏感的其中一点就是更容易受到魔力的影响和感应。这就是为什么精灵里有射手,有德鲁伊,但是很少有法师的原因之一。因为精灵的血脉使得她们更容易被魔力掌握,玷污和堕落。事实上就算是他们的远亲黑暗精灵也是这样,只有男性才会去做法师,而女性则只会成为牧师,一方面除了罗丝女尊男卑的传统之外,更切合实际的一点就是这样一来就算男性法师魔族引诱堕落,也不至于给整个黑暗精灵族群造成灾难性的后果。 Although in the description in world, the elf is generally very high regarding the resistance of magic with drow, but Zhan En is very clear that to other races, probably is the body of soft collapsing at the first blow is the same under the snail hard watch case, once can penetrate elf surface Magic Resistance, then they receive the magic power influence degree even to surpass the human and Kobold this kind of existence by far. 虽然一般在世间的描述中,精灵和黑暗精灵对于魔法的抗性都很高,但是詹恩很清楚那只是对其他种族而言,就好像在蜗牛坚硬的表壳下面是柔软的不堪一击的身躯一样,一旦能够穿透精灵表面的抗魔,那么他们受到魔力影响的程度甚至远远要超过人类和狗头人这一类的存在。 Sometimes, the extremely pure bloodlines are also a trouble. 有时候,太过纯洁的血脉也是个麻烦。 Zhan En as demon, is uses in the magic to be inborn preponderant, let alone Aina as Ranger, has not concentrated on to practice will barrier. Therefore quickly by Zhan En easy going well, but she, knows nothing obviously. 詹恩作为魔族,是施展魔法上天生具有优势,更何况艾娜作为一个游侠,根本就没有专注练习过意志屏障方面。因此很快就被詹恩轻而易举的得手,而她自己,显然对此还一无所知。 Just is a little small troublesome, does not receive the cold, which beautiful aristocrat young lady perhaps is missing below. & R dquo ; “只不过是一点儿小麻烦,并不是受了风寒,说不定是哪位美丽的贵族小姐正在思念在下呢。” Is saying, Zhan En is smiling shrugging the shoulders. But hears his reply, Aina is puts out a hand to cover the mouth, eaten chuckle. 一面说着,詹恩一面微笑着耸耸肩膀。而听到他的回答,艾娜则是伸出手去捂住嘴巴,吃吃的轻笑了起来。 Hee hee, you may be really interesting, aristocrat mister. According to this logic, person who you have liking? & R dquo ; “嘻嘻嘻,你可真有趣,贵族先生。这样说来,你已经有喜欢的人了?” In this world, since has the person who I like, naturally also has to like my person, Miss Aina. & R dquo ; “这个世界上既然有我喜欢的人,自然也有喜欢我的人,艾娜小姐。” Regarding the half-elf young girl's inquiry, Zhan En gave an ambiguous reply, but this reply lets Aina somewhat discontented pursing the lips close to. 对于半精灵少女的询问,詹恩只是给出了一个模棱两可的回答,而这个回答则让艾娜有些不满的撅起了嘴巴。 Really is, likes liking, does not like not liking. Human is this is not good, is always fuzzy. The words do not talk clearly. & R dquo ; “真是的,喜欢就是喜欢,不喜欢就是不喜欢。人类就是这点不好,总是模模糊糊的。话都说不清楚。” That is because the life of human was inferior long that the elf comes, naturally does not compare half-elf. & R dquo ; “那是因为人类的生命不如精灵来的漫长,自然也不比半精灵。” At the same time saying. Zhan En is taking a look at the present young girl at the same time, as half-elf, Aina obviously inherited the elf slender slender physique and gently beautiful appearance, ponytail that a emerald-green long hair grips in her behind rocking, showed with the master symmetric vigor and liveliness. But hears Zhan En's to reply, Aina somewhat opened the eye surprisedly, is gazing at him. 一面说着。詹恩一面打量着眼前的少女,作为一个半精灵,艾娜明显继承了精灵苗条纤细的身姿和柔美的容貌,一头翠绿色的长发扎成的马尾在她的身后晃动,展现出了与主人相称的活力与轻快。而听到詹恩的回答,艾娜则是有些惊讶的睁大了眼睛,注视着他。 Aristocrat mister said and elder said complete different, he said human, because the life is short, therefore is easier to erupt the blazing brilliance. Although human concentrates on the petty profit. However will have the fervor of rushing, isn't this? & R dquo ; “贵族先生说的和长老说的完全不一样呢,他说人类因为生命短暂,所以才更容易爆发出炽烈的光辉。虽然人类专注于蝇头小利。但是也会拥有澎湃的激情,难道不是这样吗?” Everything has the dual character, Miss Aina. & R dquo ; “凡事都有两面性,艾娜小姐。” Zhan En spreads out both hands. 詹恩摊开双手。 „ Because the human life span is short, therefore they regarding making mistakes are also very discrete. The elves make mistakes the time of being able very long corrects this mistake, but regarding most human, once they made the wrong choice, then that lamentation will pass through their life, even before them, is not perhaps able to get out of this pain at the point of death. Because every so often human is very tenacious. Even is not willing to acknowledge oneself made the wrong choice, when they detected when all these have created the painful result, often already without enough time. & R dquo ; “正因为人类寿命短暂,所以他们对于犯错也很谨慎。精灵们犯了错可以有很长的时间去修正这种错误,但是对于大部分人类来说,一旦他们做出了错误的选择,那么那种悔恨将贯穿他们的一生,甚至在他们临死前,恐怕都无法摆脱这种痛苦。因为很多时候人类是很固执的。甚至不愿意承认自己做出了错误的选择,而当他们察觉到这一切已经造成了痛苦的结果时,往往已经来不及了。” Really is fearful. & R dquo ; “真是可怕。” Hears Zhan En's to reply, the half-elf young girl of both hands cheek blinks. She pondered the moment, finally shakes the head. 听到詹恩的回答,双手支腮的半精灵少女眨了眨眼睛。她思考了片刻,最终还是摇了摇头。 I do not know you said is right, aristocrat mister. Because you and clan heads always told my completeness differently, but I thought what you said was very reasonable. But I did not have the means understanding ............ & R dquo ; “我不知道你说的对不对,贵族先生。因为你和族里长老告诉我的完全不同,但是我觉得你说的还是很有道理的。只不过我还没有办法理解…………” „ The truth of this world not to wrong. Only then exists or not. & R dquo ; “这个世界的道理没有对错。只有存在与否。” Is saying, Zhan En shakes the head. Lived so many years in rebirth later The lower world. His idea has the tremendous changes. The belief, the dignity, the life, all these all will be given the different meanings with the environment under on different occasions, to and mistakenly is not the issue, because this world has is in itself the answer. demon, human, the god clan is the same, this is a circulation, anybody is unable to flee. It seems like the world, the birth, grows up, feeble, Death, then obtains the new life in the ashes, starts once again, never stands still. 一面说着,詹恩一面摇了摇头。在重生之后的下层界生活了这么多年。他的想法已经有了翻天覆地的变化。信仰,尊严,生命,这一切的一切在不同的场合与环境下都会被赋予不同的含义,对和错不是问题,因为这个世界的存在本身即是答案。魔族,人类,神族都是一样,这是一个循环,任何人都无法逃离。就好像世界本身,诞生,长大,衰弱,死亡,接着在灰烬之中获得新生,周而复始,从未停歇。 The doomsday believer publicizes the world to destroy will happen one day, all hindrance are the futile efforts. However all lives are still living routinely, demon crave in as before tempting and degenerating, human continues the magnificence and glorious that seeks them to long for in the survival, gnome not waiting for death that because this world unfeeling relapse will tremble, but how calculated to take by force the next passing by passenger. 末日教徒宣扬世界终有一天毁灭,一切的阻碍都是徒劳。但是所有的生命依然是按部就班的过着日子,魔族们依旧热衷于引诱与堕落,人类则在生存中继续寻求他们渴望的辉煌和荣耀,就连地精也不会因为这个世界冷酷无情的反复而瑟瑟发抖的等死,而是盘算着如何打劫下一个路过的旅客。 Therefore the countless words gather simplest truth & mda S h finally ; Regardless how the world changes, so long as completed itself should the matter of doing to be OK with single-hearted devotion. 于是千言万语最终汇聚成一个最简单的道理—无论世界如何变化,只要专心做好自己该做的事情就可以了。 Aristocrat mister .........? & R dquo ; “贵族先生………?” Detected that the Zhan En's expression changes, Aina opens the mouth, wanted to say anything, but at this time, suddenly, saw only the half-elf Ranger complexion slightly changes, then she quickly held up the long bow to turn around, vigilant is looking steadily at the dark mountain range, simultaneously held up the long bow aiming in hand, then inclined the head and listened attentively, in a moment later, Zhan En had then seen Aina to move that elf sharp ear, then relaxes, put down the long bow in hand. 察觉到詹恩的表情有所改变,艾娜不由张开嘴巴,想要说些什么,而就在这个时候,忽然,只见半精灵游侠的面色微微一变,接着她急忙举起长弓转过身去,警惕的盯视着黑暗的山脉,同时举起了手中的长弓瞄准,接着侧耳倾听,在过了片刻之后,詹恩这才看见艾娜动了动那精灵般的尖耳朵,接着松了口气,重新放下了手中的长弓。 What's wrong? Miss Aina? & R dquo ; “怎么了?艾娜小姐?” .................. Perhaps is my misconception, the aristocrat mister, what sound did you have to hear a moment ago? & R dquo ; “………………或许是我的错觉,贵族先生,你刚才有听到什么声音吗?” Sound? No, I have not heard any sound. & R dquo ; “声音?不,我没有听到任何声音。” That was I misunderstands probably. & R dquo ; “那大概是我听错了吧。” Hears Zhan En's to reply, Aina also relaxes, that two-prong sharp ear also hung, later when she looks again to Zhan En, in the surface also restored originally the warm smile. 听到詹恩的回答,艾娜也是松了口气,那双尖尖的耳朵也垂了下来,随后她再次望向詹恩时,面上也重新恢复了原本热情的笑容。 Then the aristocrat mister should also rest, the night deeply, we must enter City of Lost tomorrow. & R dquo ; “那么贵族先生也该去休息了,夜已经深了,明天我们就要进入失落之城了哦。” Good, I knew. „ “好的,我知道了。“ Hears the speech of Aina, Zhan En nods, then he put out a hand to push the eyeglasses, looked to the dark mountain forest deep place. Afterward, the Zhan En corners of the mouth turn upwards slightly, bring to wipe the strange smile to turn around to leave.( To be continued......) 听到艾娜的说话,詹恩点了点头,接着他伸出手去推了推眼镜,望向黑暗的山林深处。随后,詹恩嘴角微微翘起,带着一抹诡异的笑容转身离开。(未完待续……)
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