DR :: Volume #4

#313: City of Lost ( II )

Entering City of Lost is not an easy matter. 进入失落之城并不是一件容易的事情。 Although said that beforehand here as a country capital, the good communications are very naturally important, however passing through so many years later, because the original path in disrepair after many years has become uneven, bumpy, some places even fell in torrents to bury or collapse by the mud-rock flow, in additionsettles down in & R dquo after that here ; Various monsters and demon beasts of getting down, want to enter City of Lost by far the imagination is more difficult. 虽然说以前这里作为一国首都,交通便利自然很重要,但是在经过这么多年之后,原本的道路因为年久失修早已经变得凹凸不平,坑坑洼洼,有些地方甚至被泥石流倾泻掩埋或者坍塌,再加上在那之后在这里“定居”下来的各种怪物和魔兽,想要进入失落之城远远比想象的要困难许多。 HoweverFairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; adventure group proved quickly with practical action, they do not have unearned reputation. 不过“妖精与宝箱”冒险团很快就用实际行动证明了,他们也并非是浪得虚名。 „!! & R dquo ; “吱呀!!” Scream gnome brandishes in the hand the worn-out lance to run out from the thick patch of grass, the next moment arrow arrow like lightning has passed through its head. half-elf Ranger young girl figure flexible lively draws back backward, in the hand non-stop puts out an arrow arrow to build again on the bow, sees only quickly flashes through together luminously, later another gnome falls down, even before calling out in grief has not sent out at the point of death with enough time has become a corpse. 尖叫的地精挥舞着手中破旧的长矛从草丛里冲出,下一刻如闪电般的箭矢就已经贯穿了它的脑袋。半精灵游侠少女身形灵活轻快的向后退开,手中不停的再次拿出一只箭矢搭在弓上,很快只见又是一道光亮闪过,随后又一个地精倒在地上,甚至连临死前的悲鸣都没有来得及发出就已经成为了一具尸体。 But in her front, the mercenaries of five warrior appearance appearances is the hand Sword protector shield, they held up half individual high shield to form a simple barrier to keep off in front, kept off these dirty and inferior monsters beyond the defense circle, met to begin the blade to fall, quick, along with blood of a series of splash, several gnome blood-curdling screech fell to the ground. But in another side, grasped crazy warrior of both hands great sword to coordinate two Thief to stall another wave of attack. Sees only Thief wields conveniently, sprinkled the crowsfeet on the ground, but another side another Thief throws a smoke ball, quick. The green smog erupts. Concentrates not loose will turn toward Kobold that they run to wrap in inside. 而在她的前方,五个战士打扮模样的佣兵则是手持剑盾,他们举起半个人高的盾牌形成了一道简易的屏障挡在前面,把那些肮脏又低劣的怪物挡在防御圈之外,接着手起刀落,很快,伴随着一连串飞溅的鲜血,又有几头地精惨叫倒地。而在另外一侧,手持双手巨剑的狂战士则配合着两个盗贼挡住了又一波的进攻。只见其中一个盗贼随手一挥,在地上洒满了三角钉,而另外一侧的另一个盗贼则是扔出了一个烟弹,很快。绿色的烟雾从中爆发而出。凝而不散的将向着他们跑来的狗头人包裹在了里面。 The under foot has the sharp nail, the side is the odor smog, these strength not how excel Kobold naturally becomes was chaotic. But when their mind/square inch chaos, saw only that crazy warrior both hands to hold up, gets hold of two meters both hands great swords to shout angrily, next moment sees only crazy warrior muscle to rouse immediately, crazy warrior sonic boom drank. The long sword in hand howls the incision air to sweep forward, later then sees these unlucky Kobold to cut off immediately around the middle, the stump residual limb that four dispersions fall everywhere is, mixes with the blood to scatter place. 脚下有尖锐的铁钉,身边是恶臭的烟雾,这些原本实力就不算多么高强的狗头人自然变得混乱不堪。而趁着它们方寸大乱之际,只见那个狂战士双手举起,握紧足足有两米长的双手巨剑怒喝一声,下一刻只见狂战士身上的肌肉顿时鼓了起来,紧接着狂战士一声爆喝。手中的长剑呼啸着切开空气向前扫过,随后便见那些倒霉的狗头人顿时被拦腰砍断,四散飞落的残肢到处都是,夹杂着鲜血散落一地。 The wild offensive prevented further acting of gnome and Kobold suddenly, they do not dare to attack again forward, but raises in the hand to rust the words that the tattered weapon yells no one to understand. However, the entire monster group starts to be in a tumult, later tall and powerfully built orc walked, it is more than two meters high. In the hand is grasping a fine gold axe, the body puts on one not to know that digs up leather armour that from anyone of corpse, looks also really looks like that a matter but actually. Afterward then sees that orc to angrily roar, both hands lifts up high the fine gold axe, divided toward the people. 狂野的攻势一时间阻止了地精狗头人的进一步动作,它们不敢再向前进攻,而是举起手中生锈破烂的武器吱吱呀呀的叫喊着没人能够听懂的话。但是紧接着,整个怪物群开始骚动起来,随后一个身材魁梧的半兽人走了出来,它足足有两米多高。手中握着一把精金斧头,身上穿着一件不知道从什么人尸体上扒下来的皮甲,看起来倒还真像那么回事。随后便看见那个半兽人怒吼一声,双手高举精金斧头,向着众人劈了过来。 But at this time, Steve acted. 而就在这个时候,史蒂夫出手了。 The mercenary regimental commander right hand grasps the sword. Straight directional front. Then he extends the left hand, according to long sword ice-cold sharp sword blade in the hand, meditated anything in a low voice, then the left hand has delimited on the sword blade, next moment, saw only that the ordinary sword blade to erupt the blazing red flame on immediately, later then saw Steve to hold up the long sword in hand, divided forward. 佣兵团长右手握剑。笔直的指向前方。接着他伸出左手,按在手中长剑冰冷锐利的剑锋上,低声默念了一句什么,接着左手在剑刃上划过,下一刻,只见那把平淡无奇的剑刃上顿时爆发出了炽烈的红色火焰,随后便看见史蒂夫举起手中的长剑,向前一劈。 Flushing away that forward fire snake that flame that next moment, on that sword blade burns opens the big mouth probably howls, only hearsto rumble & R dquo ; A loud sound. That orc was swallowed by the red flame like this thoroughly, is reduced to ashes. 下一刻,那剑身上燃烧的火焰就好像一条张开血盆大口的火蛇般呼啸的向前冲去,只听见“轰”的一声巨响。那个半兽人就这样被红色的火焰彻底吞噬,化为灰烬。 Sends out a scout to see if anybody is about, the road and difficult to walk, powerful orc warrior cannot flatter in front of this crowd of Adventurer shortly continually, remaining gnome and Kobold are also naturally uninterested, turning around runs. The moment time, because of fighting to appear in noisy some forest lands, again recover past tranquility. Only different is sprinkles all over the blood and scattered about corpse on withered and yellow lawn, but these things, will still return to the land even quickly, after next year beginning of the spring, they have changed into the manure, nourished this woods. 投石问路,路并不好走,眼看连强大的半兽人战士都在这群冒险者面前讨不了好,剩下的地精狗头人自然也无心恋战,吱吱呀呀的转身就跑。只是片刻功夫,原本还因为战斗而显得有些喧闹的林地里,又再一次回复了往日的平静。唯一不同的就是洒遍枯黄草地上的鲜血和七零八落的尸体,不过就算是这些东西,也会很快重回大地,等到来年开春之后,它们就已经化为肥料,滋养这片树林了。 Is good. 还算不错。 Stands narrows the eye to gaze at present Adventurer in middle Zhan En, slightly nodded. Reason that he before will hireFairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; adventure group, mainly looked, in the opposite party entered City of Lost to be able for successive three times moving out this point. In fact by the Zhan En's strength, brushes City of Lost this transcription is not strenuous only, but the issue lies in Zhan En only knows that City of Lost situation, but dwells these demon that actually not to understand regarding inside. He does not hope oneself stupidly rush, then makes one crowd of trouble. Although said that these demon in the Zhan En eye is a dish, but the issue lies in the side always follows one flock of disturbing others flies indeed is very annoying. Let alone he must deal with some thorny fellow, naturally does not want to cause complications. Because of this, Zhan En will hire one team of experienced Adventurer to come for oneself to keep off the blade especially, hides own identity. After all one crowd of Adventurer enter the City of Lost exploration is the common things, perhaps as the matter stands, Tinidell, does not have is so easy to discover his whereabouts even. 站在中间的詹恩眯起眼睛注视着眼前的冒险者,微微点了点头。他之前之所以会雇佣“妖精与宝箱”冒险团,主要是看在对方连续三次进入失落之城都能够全身而退这一点上。事实上以詹恩的实力,单刷失落之城这个副本也不会太费力,可问题在于詹恩只知道失落之城本身的情况,而对于里面栖息的那些魔物却并不了解。他可不希望自己傻兮兮的闯进去,然后再惹上一群麻烦。虽然说那些魔物在詹恩眼里都是一盘菜,可问题在于身边总是跟着一群吵人的苍蝇也的确很烦人。更何况他还要对付某个棘手的家伙,自然不希望节外生枝。正因为如此,詹恩才会特地雇佣一队经验丰富的冒险者来替自己挡刀,同时也是隐瞒自己的身份。毕竟一群冒险者进入失落之城探险是常有的事情,这样一来,就算是蒂尼德尔,恐怕也没有那么容易发现他的行踪吧。 However Zhan En has not thought, he brings covering this only adventure team, the strength but actually is also good. According to him the observation, almost every member had the Elite strength a moment ago, but regimental commander Steve has the level of Grandmaster middle reaches. If according to the Zhan En Dungeon System battle efficiency judges, then the general member battle efficiency in this adventure group has two stars fully, but Steve has almost two stars partly to arrive at the two star level. This in the Adventurer team is quite rare. Although in many Hero legends has Adventurer to cut the monster slaughter Long's story, but in fact, on Klein Continent 99% Adventurer fundamental strengths are not very strong. After all this line is to draw cash to work oneself to death, moreover danger numerous, slightly some people of skill, rather do some calmer and steadier work. For example gives the aristocrat to be the guard, or joins the army. Only then these most underlying bed, the person of having no way out, the choice will make Adventurer. Perhaps among them will present the sword Saint in the future, a Archmage kind of legendary character, but that is they after a series of risky and informed and experiencedpromotion & R dquo ; Achievement. At first joins this group of people, does not have no way out. Is down and out. 不过詹恩也没有想到,他拿来打掩护的这只冒险团队,实力倒还算是不错。根据他刚才的观察来看,几乎每个团员都有精英的实力,而团长史蒂夫更是有大师中游的水准。如果按照詹恩地下城系统的战斗力来判断的话,那么这个冒险团里的一般团员战斗力足有两颗星,而史蒂夫则差不多是有两星半到三星的水准。这在冒险者的队伍中算是比较少见的。虽然很多英雄传说里都有冒险者斩妖屠龙的故事,可事实上,克莱恩大陆上百分之九十九的冒险者基本实力都不算很强。毕竟这一行是拿钱卖命,而且危险重重,稍微有些本事的人,都宁可做些更加安稳的工作。比如去给贵族做护卫,或者加入军队。只有那些最低层的,无路可走的人,才会选择来做冒险者。或许他们当中日后会出现剑圣,大法师一类的传奇人物,但那都是他们在经过一系列冒险和历练之后“升级”的成果。最初加入这一行的人,不是走投无路。就是穷困潦倒。 Naturally. Also has the aristocrat heir because of yearning for the risk life in legend butforms a team & R dquo ; Comes out to seek for the stimulation, but this team could not maintain generally too for a long time, after all in whole time, the life of Adventurer can usepitiful & R dquo ; Described, is far from the story strange of that legend. The vast gap of reality and dream will make these idle to come out quickly to ask the exciting aristocrat heir bored to understand that difficulty of life, but the person who generally has a high and respected position is not willing to have this pain obviously. 当然。也不是没有贵族子嗣因为向往传说里的冒险生活而“组队”出来寻找刺激,不过这种团队一般都维持不了太长时间,毕竟在大部分时间里,冒险者的生活可以用“悲惨”来形容,远没有故事里传说的那么离奇。现实和梦想的巨大差距很快就会让那些闲得无聊出来找刺激的贵族子嗣们了解到生活的艰辛,而一般养尊处优的人显然是不愿意去吃这个苦的。 You seem like very calm, Mr. Zhan En. & R dquo ; “您看起来似乎很冷静,詹恩先生。” At this time. A gentle sound resounds from the Zhan En's ear, he has turned the head, sees only Tillis to stand in the place of own side not far away, round gaze that a pair of brown eye pupil opens he. But sees the Tillis expression, Zhan En also to show a faint smile. 就在这个时候。一个柔和的声音从詹恩的耳边响起,他转过头去,只见蒂莉丝正站在自己身边不远处的地方,一双棕色的眼眸睁的圆圆的注视着他。而看见蒂莉丝的表情,詹恩也是微微一笑。 Fortunately, Miss Tillis, I, although is a scholar, but the first time is not participated in the fight, this situation to me is also commonly seen. & R dquo ; “还好吧,蒂莉丝小姐,我虽然是个学者,但也并非是第一次参加战斗,这种情况对我来说也算是司空见惯。” „ Does Mr. Zhan En also meet the sword technique? & R dquo ; 詹恩先生也会剑术吗?” Hears here. Tillis subconscious lowers the head to look at to Zhan En waist that the long sword, compared with the ordinary long sword, this is quite magnificent the sword, on the black scabbard is forwarding the colorful gem and golden line, the handle part carves pair of Angel back to back, this is a weapon. Rather this seemingly is more like the artware more. 听到这里。蒂莉丝不由下意识的低下头去望向詹恩腰间那把长剑,与普通的长剑相比,这把剑颇为华丽,黑色的剑鞘上向前着五颜六色的宝石与金色的线条,手柄部分则雕刻成了一对背靠背的天使,与其说这是武器。不如说这看起来更像是艺术品多一些。 Slightly understands. & R dquo ; “略懂一些。” Facing the inquiry of Tillis. Zhan En smiles, this made the face of young girl red, although said that as Adventurer, Tillis also had has had to do. However present Zhan En obviously is different, his elegant bearing, mild-mannered and cultivated, long is also very dashing. Moreover exchanges when with him, cannot feel aristocrat that aggressive imposing manner completely. Moreover this young people understand also many, from the mysteries of these world, to every bit of property. He can say some interesting things, such a person naturally can win others' favorable impression, do not say that Tillis is a beginning to be interested in the opposite sex young girl, although as Adventurer she is the skilled old bird, however in the realm of love, this young lady is also only an rookie. 面对蒂莉丝的询问。詹恩又是一笑,这让少女的脸不由红了红,虽然说作为一个冒险者,蒂莉丝也不是没和人打过交道。但是眼前的詹恩却明显不同,他风度翩翩,温文尔雅,长的也很英俊潇洒。而且和他交流时,完全感觉不到贵族那种咄咄逼人的气势。而且这个年轻人懂的也很多,大到那些世界的奥秘,小到一草一木。他都能够说出一些有趣的东西来,这样一个人自然会博得别人的好感,更不要说蒂莉丝还是个情窦初开的少女,虽然作为一个冒险者她已经算是熟练的老鸟,但是在情场上,这位小姐也不过只是个新人而已。 But at this time, suddenly, a grating sound made a sound from side. 而就在这个时候,忽然,一个刺耳的声音从旁边响了起来。 But, the true battlefield slaughters with the aristocrats that appearance attractive performance may be completely two matters. & R dquo ; “但是,真正的战场厮杀和贵族之间那种样子好看的表演可完全是两回事。” Heard these words, Tillis gawked, then she has turned the head the direction that turned toward the sound to send out to look, saw only a waist to insert two two stilettos, put on the leather armour young man to frown, the board a face is looking to here. But sees him, Tillis frowns immediately. 听到这句话,蒂莉丝愣了一下,接着她转过头向着声音发出的方向看去,只见一个腰间插着两把两把短剑,穿着皮甲的年轻男子正皱起眉头,板着一张脸望向这边。而看见他,蒂莉丝顿时皱起了眉头。 Daniel, you said anything, was really disrespectful! & R dquo ; 丹尼尔,你说什么呢,真是太失礼了!” I told the facts. & R dquo ; “我只是实话实说罢了。” Hears the complaint of Tillis, that young people cold snort/hum named Daniel, then his uncomfortable stared Zhan En. 听到蒂莉丝的抱怨,那个叫丹尼尔的年轻人冷哼一声,接着他不爽的瞪了一眼詹恩 Here is the battlefield, the big master, does not practice wushu the training ground of competition, is not the aristocrat spare time idles the bored duel competition, we take the life to earn a living. For your safety considers, best the trick that is used to perform receive your son, so as to avoid makes us give you to clean up in behind. & R dquo ; “这里是战场,大老爷,不是演武比赛的训练场,也不是贵族茶余饭后闲得无聊的决斗比赛,我们可是拿命过活的。为了你的生命安全着想,最好还是把你那点儿用来表演的伎俩收起来,免得让我们给你在后面擦屁股。” Daniel, you said that went too far! & R dquo ; 丹尼尔,你这么说太过分了!” Hears here, Zhan En has not said anything, Tillis the discontented opens the mouth had said. But hears her speech, Daniel has not done the response, is only cold snort/hum turning around, arrived in the front formation. 听到这里,詹恩还没有多说什么,蒂莉丝却是已经不满的开口说道。而听到她的说话,丹尼尔则连回应都没有做,只是冷哼着转过身,重新走到了前方的队列之中。 Really is ............... & R dquo ; “真是的……………” Tillis resigned-looking is looking at the form of opposite party, then turns head, having the apology to say to Zhan En. 蒂莉丝一脸无奈的望着对方的身影,接着这才回过头去,带着歉意对詹恩开口说道。 Sorry, Mr. Zhan En, Daniel he is not intentionally, he is not good at exchanging ......... & R dquo with others ; “抱歉,詹恩先生,丹尼尔他不是故意的,他只是不擅长和别人交流而已………” I have not cared, Miss Tillis. & R dquo ; “我并没有放在心上,蒂莉丝小姐。” Facing the apology of Tillis, Zhan En is smiling beckoning with the hand. 面对蒂莉丝的道歉,詹恩微笑着摆了摆手。 This is only some minor matters, moreover I can also understand his worry, but please feel relieved, if to the critical juncture, I do not hope that exposes oneself that son cheap trick to reveal shortcomings is...... & R dquo ; “这只是一些小事而已,而且我也能够理解他的担忧,不过请放心,如果不是到了危急关头,我也不希望展露自己那点儿小把戏来献丑就是……” Looks at ............... & R dquo that you said ; “看您说的……………” Hears Zhan En not to care, Tillis then feels relieved, relaxes, later she raised the head again, looks to Zhan En. 听到詹恩没有在意,蒂莉丝这才放下心来,松了口气,随后她再次抬起头,望向詹恩 However the young girl has not detected, at this moment in their front, Daniel is gloomy a face, coldly is gazing at fixedly them. His double fist grips tightly, in that pair of dark green blue eye pupil, one group of flame in flaming is burning.( To be continued.) 但是少女并没有察觉到,此刻在她们的前面,丹尼尔正阴沉着一张脸,冷冷的瞪视着他们。他双拳紧握,在那双苍蓝的眼眸之中,一团火焰正在熊熊燃烧。(未完待续。)
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