DR :: Volume #4

#312: City of Lost ( I )

City of Lost Isoss. 失落之城伊索斯 Zhan En raised the head, looks the sketch of distant place that big city to the mist, although had had been through repeatedly several hundred years of wind and frost, but this city seems to be still retaining it once the magnificent fragment, merely is only this sea chestnut , makes one be inspired sufficiently. This not regarding this sentiment of city and this country, but is pure regarding historical & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Is passing through the past of the whole world, now and future existence spontaneous one respect. 詹恩抬起头来,望向雾气之中远处那个高大城市的剪影,虽然已经历经了几百年的风霜,但是这座城市似乎依然保留着它曾经辉煌的残片,仅仅只是这沧海一栗,也足以让人心生敬畏。这并非对于这座城市和这座国家的感情,而是单纯对于历史———贯穿着整个世界的过去,现在与未来的存在所自发的一种尊敬。 What kind of? Mister, this is a very magnificent city. & R dquo ; “怎么样?先生,这是一座很壮观的城市吧。” Detected that the Zhan En's look, follows in his side mercenary smiles is saying, in the tone disclosed that the master entertains own guest to go to the home to be a guest of the same sense of pride. However regarding can consecutively for enter adventure team that Isoss moves out several times, they also indeed have the reason to be proud. 察觉到詹恩的眼神,跟随在他身边的一个佣兵微笑着开口说道,语气中透露出主人招待自己的客人去家里做客一样的自豪感。不过对于能够连续好几次进入伊索斯全身而退的冒险团队来说,他们也的确有理由自豪。 Indeed is a very magnificent city. & R dquo ; “的确是一座很壮观的城市。” Zhan En these words are perfunctory actually not, dark green blue city name is not white to come, city of this building on mountain once was the Firmament Country most peak achievement. So long as there is a few words to describe that this city has how great & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; In order to construct this city, Firmament Country forgetting the entire 1/3 mountains of ravine pushing the flat land, was then constructed this city by the summit of crew cut on. Therefore it will be called the dark green blue city, was explained most is close to the sky the city. But in fact this city is also the Firmament Country most self-satisfied achievement, it is bigger than the liveliest city also to want big about one time present Eagle Plateau on . Moreover the peripheral steep sheer precipice and big city wall also decided this absolutely is not an easily captured city. Even initially the Firmament Country king also once the manifesto no one can break through above this clouds most to be close to the sky the city of Holy. 詹恩这句话倒不是敷衍,苍蓝之城这个名字可不是白来的,这座建筑在高山上的城市曾经是苍穹之国最巅峰的成就。只要有一句话就可以形容这座城市有多么伟大———为了建造这座城市,苍穹之国把遗忘溪谷的整整三分之一的高山给推成了平地,然后在被推平的山顶上建造起了这座城市。所以它才会被称为苍蓝之城,被喻最接近天空的城市。而事实上这座城市也是苍穹之国最得意的成就,它比现在雄鹰高原上最大最繁华的城市还要大一倍左右,而且周边陡峭的悬崖峭壁和高大的城墙也决定了这绝对不是一座容易被攻陷的城市。甚至当初苍穹之国的国王还曾经宣言没有任何人能够攻破这座云端之上最接近天空的神圣之城。 But Babylon exceedingly high tower also same but actually, the perfect defense will have the problem. Finally. The dark green blue city was finished thoroughly, it had not been captured by the enemy, but actually by person on one's own side from interior doing one group of chaotic, brought in the tide of fearful demon finally, making this once sparkle the brilliance and glory city this falls to the enemy thoroughly, turned into one pile of ruins. 只不过巴比伦通天塔也一样会倒,再完美的防御也会出现问题。最终。苍蓝之城还是彻底完蛋,它没有被敌人所攻陷,但是却被自己人从内部给搞的一团乱,最终引来了可怕的魔物之潮,让这座曾经闪耀着光辉与荣耀的城市就这样彻底沦陷,变成了一堆废墟。 I have never thought that such city. Also will be captured by demon. & R dquo ; “真没想到,这样的城市。也会被魔物攻陷。” Looks at the city wall in distant place, a young girl of Zhan En side not far away wear Clergymen robe is saying after a sigh in a low voice, this makes Zhan En looked at her one eyes, from Commander Steve there, he had known that this young girl named Tillis, is Sailon Priest. Has to acknowledge, when hears this news Zhan En to be somewhat surprised, after all Sailon Priest very few sees on the land, because Sailon is Goddess of Water Renee from god. Therefore her follower also mostly in the seashore, the domain that Sailon grasps after all is the guidance, this regarding runs the person of life to be very important in the sea year to year. However regarding the resident of land, appeared no too big use. 望着远处的城墙,詹恩身边不远处一个穿着神官袍的少女低声感叹道,这让詹恩不由的多看了她一眼,从史蒂夫团长那里,他已经得知这个少女名叫蒂莉丝,是一个赛纶牧师。不得不承认,在听到这个消息的时候詹恩有些惊讶,毕竟赛纶牧师在陆地上很少见到,因为赛纶水之女神蕾薇妮的从神。所以她的信徒也大多是在海边,毕竟赛纶掌握的领域是导航,这对于常年在海上跑生活的人来说很重要。但是对于陆地的住民来说,就显得没什么太大用处了。 However Zhan En also acknowledged, Sailon Priest regarding the Adventurer team is also a big boost, the Sailon navigation field may and is not only restricted in the sea level. The value isdirection & R dquo ;. The Sailon Priest most major characteristics are what environment regardless of places, can point outcorrect direction & R dquo ;, Thisdirection & R dquo ; But not only on behalf of the position of geographical position, but also includingfar away from direction & R dquo of danger ; Direction & R dquo that „ goal is at ;, Conceivable, has such Priest to lead a cheer, is important regarding adventure team. This young girl can guarantee adventure team at any time& R dquo of advance on the correct path ;, This is not an analogy, but is a fact. 不过詹恩也承认,一个赛纶牧师对于冒险者的团队来说也算是个不小的助力,赛纶的导航领域可并不仅仅限于海面上。其价值在于“方向”。赛纶牧师最大的特点就是无论身处在什么样的环境下,都能够指出“正确的方向”,这个“方向”可不仅仅代表地理位置的方位,还包括“远离危险的方向”“目标所在的方向”,可以想象,有这样一个牧师助阵,对于一个冒险团队来说有多么重要。这个少女可以保证冒险团队在任何时候都“前进在正确的道路上”,这可不是一个比喻,而是一个事实。 It seems like this time found an interesting toy. 看来这次找到一个有趣的玩具了。 Thinks of here, Zhan En shows a smile. Then he has turned the head to look to Tillis. 想到这里,詹恩露出一个笑容。接着他转过头去望向蒂莉丝 Dark green blue city was not captured by demon, Miss Tillis, in fact, the destruction of this city creates as a result of the civil strife completely. & R dquo ; “苍蓝之城可不是被魔物攻陷的,蒂莉丝小姐,事实上,这座城市的毁灭完全是由于内乱而造成的。” „? How did this say? & R dquo ; “哦?这怎么说?” Hears here, not only Tillis looked, other mercenary also curious looking to him. After all how to fall to the enemy regarding this city, these mercenaries also listened to a general idea, but their in the depths of ones heart not with the Tillis similar doubts, others regardless of the time being, they entered City of Lost for successive three times, regarding that city grand has profound understanding grandly. Although before arriving here, they had also heard many hearsay about City of Lost, mostly pointed out this city was captured by demon, authenticity that but actually many people suspect these hearsay. After all in their opinion, how this city saw does not seem like these orc and so on place that the thing can break through casually, even a elite army, is still very difficult to break through at present this huge magnificent city. 听到这里,不但蒂莉丝望了过来,就连其他佣兵也好奇的望向他。毕竟对于这座城市是如何沦陷的,这些佣兵也只是听了个大概,但是他们内心深处未尝没有和蒂莉丝同样的疑惑,其他人暂且不论,他们可是连续三次进入失落之城,对于那座城市的宏伟壮丽深有体会。虽然在来到这里之前,他们也听说过关于失落之城的不少传闻,大多指出这座城市是被魔物攻陷的,但其实不少人都怀疑这些传闻的真实性。毕竟在他们看来,这座城市怎么看也不像是那些半兽人之类的东西能够随随便便攻破的地方,就算是一只精锐的军队,也很难攻破眼前这座庞大壮观的城市吧。 Also because of this, the mercenaries interior also had all kinds of views, some people said the one who occupies this city is a big dragon, because only then the big dragon can the easy overstepping city wall, capture this city. Moreover the big dragon will urge some low monsters, suits the City of Lost situation very much. Also some people said that here was actually cursed by the gods, because Firmament Country abandoned their belief, therefore the gods get angry to fall the crime, the tide of summon demon destroyed this city. In brief, all kinds of guesses are numerous, anything has. However everyone also knows that these are only the hearsay, but now hears the Zhan En's view, obviously aroused their interest. After all this mister from the clothes is an aristocrat, moreover brings eyeglasses very learned appearance & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; The grass-root people on Klein Continent trust the high-level ruler relatively, the great person who in their opinion, these keep aloof will definitely not idle is deceiving himself to play bored. Moreover the aristocrat understands affirmed that are many, matter that they said that naturally majority should betruth & R dquo ;. 也正因为如此,佣兵们内部也产生了各种各样的说法,有人说占据这座城市的是一条巨龙,因为只有巨龙才能够轻而易举的越过城墙,攻陷这座城市。而且巨龙会驱使一些低等的怪物,也很符合失落之城的情况。也有人说这里其实是被神明诅咒了,因为苍穹之国抛弃了他们的信仰,所以神明发怒降罪,召唤魔物之潮摧毁了这座城市。总而言之,各种各样的猜测林林总总,什么都有。不过大家也知道这些都只是传闻,而现在听见詹恩的说法,明显引起了他们的兴趣。毕竟这位先生从穿着打扮来看就是个贵族,而且带着眼镜一副很有学问的样子———在克莱恩大陆上底层民众对于高层统治者还是相对信任的,在他们看来,那些高高在上的大人物肯定不会闲着无聊骗自己玩。而且贵族懂的肯定比自己多,他们说出来的事情,自然大部分应该就是“真相”了。 But regarding the question of mercenaries, Zhan En was also satisfied their desire that such as they hoped. 而对于佣兵们的疑问,詹恩也是如他们所愿的满足了他们的愿望。 It is well known, after the Firmament Country turbulence stems from the Dardanelle V world died of illness, as a result of the confusion that the throne contest caused, but was not such in fact, all these were a plot, but Dardanelle V world died a violent death is in itself part of plot, all these originated from Dardanelle wife Jolie & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Few people know, the wife of this king is a evil cult disciple. She has half demon bloodline, believes in the Lord of Darkness Sauron long night Church member. However she uses the camouflage external swindled the trust and admiration of Dardanelle V world. Finally marries the opposite party. Jolie is the plan used own bloodlines to rule and control this country. However the bloodlines of Dardanelle royal family have half from Angel, is the bloodline of people of Holy. Union of both sides naturally does not have the means to give birth to the child, but along with the passage of time, Dardanelle also starts to have the suspicion. Detected this suspicion, therefore Jolie intoxicated to kill the king, then she incited the child who empire prime minister Passy elected the Dardanelle V world younger sister to succeed to the throne. But she found the illegitimate child of Dardanelle V world quietly, elects this child to go with the throne successor who Prime Minister Passy selects to compete through another side strength. Finally successfully provoded the Firmament Country civil strife. & R dquo ; “众所周知,苍穹之国的动荡起源于达达尼尔五世病逝之后由于王位争夺战而造成的混乱,但事实上并非如此,这一切都是一个阴谋,而达达尼尔五世的暴毙本身就是阴谋的一部分,这一切都来源于达达尼尔的妻子嘉丽———很少有人知道,这位国王陛下的妻子是一个邪教徒。她本身拥有一半魔族的血统,是信奉黑暗之主索伦的永夜教团的成员。但是她用伪装的外在骗取了达达尼尔五世的信任与爱慕。最终与对方结婚。原本嘉丽是打算利用自己的血脉来统治并且控制这个国家。但是达达尼尔王室的血脉有一半来自天使,也就是神圣之民的血统。双方的结合自然是没有办法生下孩子的,而伴随着时间的推移,达达尼尔也开始对此产生怀疑。正是察觉到了这种怀疑,因此嘉丽才下毒杀死了国王,然后她授意帝国宰相帕西卡推选达达尼尔五世妹妹的孩子继承王位。而她自己则悄悄找到了达达尼尔五世的私生子,通过另外一方力量推选这个孩子去与帕西卡宰相选出的王位继承者竞争。最终成功引发了苍穹之国的内乱。” Unexpectedly such matter? & R dquo ; “居然还有这样的事情?” Hears here, is responsible for leading the way the mercenary who besides front, others almost turned toward Zhan En to close up, always serious Commander Steve also raises up the ear, is listening respectfully to the Zhan En's speech. Must know these, but the secret of aristocrat, no matter in what time where, people most like about these story back secrets, these mercenaries also simply know the destruction of Firmament Country is because the throne is turbulent, what makes them not think is. Behind this is also hiding such history unexpectedly. 听到这里,除了前面负责开路的佣兵之外,其他人几乎都向着詹恩靠拢了一些,就连向来严肃的史蒂夫团长也是竖起耳朵,聆听着詹恩的说话。要知道这些可是贵族的秘密,不管在什么时代什么地方,人们最喜欢的就是关于那些故事背后的秘密,原本这些佣兵也仅仅只是知道苍穹之国的毁灭是因为王位动荡,但让他们没有想到的是。这后面居然还隐藏着这样的历史。 Then finally? Mr. Zhan En? & R dquo ; “那么最后如何了呢?詹恩先生?” Was same as the legend story, assists King's Faction of illegitimate child to beat prime minister Passy, the opposite party, although wanted according to the city defense, but was not everyone supported him, therefore King's Faction one line crossed the city wall that the dark green blue city stood tall and erect with the help of person with high aspirations, and finally confronted with Prime Minister Passy. But when both sides battle continuous. Jolie appears suddenly. She utilized mysterious magic power to open the front door to The lower world, and summoned demon to try to eliminate everyone. But under this unexpected surprise attack, prime minister one group was naturally finished thoroughly. But the King's Faction same loss is also serious, finally, that illegitimate child who inherited half Holy bloodlines killed Jolie, because oneself also wound heavy incurable Death. But at this time entire city already under the demon attack that in Jolie summoned fell into a confusion, finally, remaining King's Faction brought the body of that illegitimate child to flee had turned into the dark green blue city of living hell. Then like the hearsay that you hear, loses the dark green blue country that the throne bloodlines inherited to fall into was turbulent and chaotic, and finally divides to rush to the segregation. & R dquo ; “就和传说故事里一样,辅佐私生子的王党击败了宰相帕西卡,对方虽然想要据城防守,但是原本就不是所有人都支持他,所以王党一行在有心人的帮助下神不知鬼不觉的越过了苍蓝之城高耸的城墙,并且最终与帕西卡宰相对峙。而就在双方激战不休的时候。嘉丽忽然出现。她运用神秘的魔力打开了通往下层界的大门,并且召唤出了魔物试图消灭所有人。而在这出其不意的突袭下,宰相一行人自然彻底完蛋。而王党也一样损失惨重,最终,那个继承了一半神圣血脉的私生子杀死了嘉丽,而自己也因为伤重不治死亡。而这个时候整个城市已经在嘉丽召唤出来的魔物袭击下陷入了一片混乱,最终,残余的王党带着那位私生子的尸体逃离了已经变成人间地狱的苍蓝之城。接下来就像你们所听到的传闻一样,失去了王位血脉继承的苍蓝之国陷入了动荡与混乱,并且最终分奔离析。” Unexpectedly is this ............... & R dquo ; “居然是这样……………” Hears here. The mercenaries sighed, they were also know before Firmament Country was destroyed, who knew behind this, unexpectedly such history. But sees their expressions, Zhan En to sneer in in the depths of ones heart, then continues to say. 听到这里。佣兵们不由感叹了起来,他们之前也不过是知道苍穹之国被毁灭,谁知道在这背后,居然还有这样的历史。而看见他们的表情,詹恩内心深处冷笑一声,接着继续开口说道。 Not only that must know after Dardanelle V world Death, as sky scepter of Firmament Country rule symbol continuously by seal in dark green blue inside royal city, hearsay, so long as some people can regain that the scepter, then can scatter regarding in demon in dark green blue city, and becomes the Firmament Country king. & R dquo ; “不仅如此,要知道在达达尼尔五死亡之后,作为苍穹之国统治标志的天空权杖就一直被封印在苍蓝之都的王城里,传闻只要有人能够重新获得那把权杖,那么就可以驱散围绕在苍蓝之城中的魔物,并且重新成为苍穹之国的国王。” Real? & R dquo ; “真的吗?” If the beforehand these stories regarding the mercenaries are only interested, the news that then Zhan En says now was as good dropped out a heavy bomb, suddenly even in the eyes of many sparkled the bright brilliance. However quick, had the senior mercenary to think anything resembled, frowns to look steadily at Zhan En to ask. 如果说之前的那些故事对于佣兵们来说只是有兴趣的话,那么詹恩现在所说的这个消息不亚于抛下了一颗重型炸弹,一时间甚至不少人的眼中都闪耀起了明亮的光辉。但是很快,就有老佣兵想到了什么似的,皱起眉头盯视着詹恩开口询问道。 don't tell me Mr. Zhan En, you goes to City of Lost, to seek for this scepter? & R dquo ; 难道说詹恩先生,您去失落之城,就是为了寻找这把权杖的?” This indeed is a very attractive secret. & R dquo ; “这的确是个很诱人的秘密。” Facing opposite party's interrogation, Zhan En shows a faint smile, he narrows the eye, sweeping one was silent in the mercenary surrounding is turning away from Commander Steve who oneself march forward, this opening the mouth replied. 面对对方的质问,詹恩只是微微一笑,他眯起眼睛,扫了一眼在佣兵外围沉默着背对自己继续向前走的史蒂夫团长,这才开口回答道。 What pitifully is, although the sky scepter is known as to control the scepter of sky, but only inherited the inheritance talent of Dardanelle royal family bloodlines to be able close to and obtains this acknowledgment of scepter. Otherwise initially Princess Jolie person, so long as grasps this to beat the scepter all dares to harbor the disloyalty to her, but does not need to cause so many schemes and tricks. In fact the mortal even approaching this cannot achieve the scepter, how was far from to obtain it. & R dquo ; “不过可惜的是,天空权杖虽然号称为支配天空的权杖,但是只有继承了达达尼尔王室血脉的继承人才能够靠近并且获得这把权杖的承认。不然的话当初嘉丽王妃只要掌握这把权杖就可以击败所有胆敢对她怀有异心的人,而不需要弄出这么多阴谋诡计了。事实上凡人甚至连靠近这把权杖都做不到,更谈不上如何获得它了。” This ............... & R dquo ; “这样啊……………” Hears here, mercenaries somewhat dejected, a priceless treasure in their opinion naturally is the good thing, but oneself, if could not attain that to have no significance. 听到这里,佣兵们不由的有些垂头丧气,一件价值连城的宝物在他们看来自然是好东西,但是自己如果拿不到那就没什么意义了。 No matter how said, they also heard a very interesting story, but after listening to the story, must continue to work. Therefore the mercenaries also sighed, then immediately disperses, formed the defense formation vigilantly, walks toward the front. But in Tillis eye flash looked at Zhan En several, as if wanted to say anything, finally half a word words had not said, lowered the head arrived one side. 不管怎么说,他们也是听到了一个很有趣的故事,但是听完故事之后还是要继续工作的。因此佣兵们也只是叹息了一下,接着立刻重新散开,警惕的形成了防御阵型,向着前方走去。而蒂莉丝则眼中闪光的望了詹恩几眼,似乎想要开口说些什么,最终还是半句话都没说,低着头重新走到了一边。 Really interesting. 真有趣。 Gets a panoramic view the expression of young girl, Zhan En shows a faint smile, then takes back the vision. 将少女的表情尽收眼底,詹恩微微一笑,接着收回目光。 However here also has a more interesting matter. 但是这里还有一件更有趣的事情呢。 Mr. Zhan En. & R dquo ; 詹恩先生。” While the Zhan En brain has relayed this thought that a low and deep sound resounds. He has turned the head, sees only Commander Steve not to know when arrived at own side, serious is looking at him. 就在詹恩脑中转过这个念头的同时,一个低沉的声音响起。他转过头去,只见史蒂夫团长不知道什么时候来到了自己的身边,严肃的望着他。 What matter has? Commander Steve? & R dquo ; “有什么事吗?史蒂夫团长?” Is ............... & R dquo ; “是的……………” Inquired facing Zhan En's, Steve silent moment, then opens the mouth to continue to inquire. 面对詹恩的询问,史蒂夫沉默了片刻,接着这才开口继续询问道。 I want to ask that you said a moment ago, that about sky scepter real? & R dquo ; “我想请问你刚才说的,关于天空权杖的那一段是真的吗?” Naturally, Commander Steve, I am an aristocrat, is a scholar. In the record of history is hiding many secrets, but this regarding a scholar is not anything. & R dquo ; “当然,史蒂夫团长,我是贵族,也是一名学者。历史的记录里隐藏着很多秘密,但是这对于一名学者来说并不算什么。” Very sorry, I am not questioning your status ............... & R dquo ; “很抱歉,我不是在质疑您的身份……………” Hears here, Steve hesitant, finally says. 听到这里,史蒂夫犹豫了一下,最终开口说道。 I want to know, by such treasure, will certainly have many valuables and money ......... according to the view of Mr. Zhan En, your destination is Royal castle, I think that we could cooperate ............... & R dquo ; “我只是想知道,在那样的宝物旁边,一定会有不少财宝吧………按照詹恩先生的说法,您的目的地是王城,我想我们或许可以合作……………” This is not an easy matter, Mr. Steve, I am only a scholar, came to here is to inquire about and investigation ancient secret. Moreover, but Royal castle the central point of past riot, currently there has anything who unable to reach an agreement, perhaps will have the danger that we are unable to deal with. & R dquo ; “这可不是一件容易的事情,史蒂夫先生,我只是一名学者,来这里是为了探寻和调查古代的秘密。而且,王城可是当年暴乱的中心点,现在那里有什么谁也说不好,说不定会有我们无法应对的危险。” Facing the speech of Steve, Zhan En shakes the head. But obtains Zhan En's to reply, the Steve complexion is somewhat cloudy, lowers the head. But a commission army corps chapter of expression gets a panoramic view at present, Zhan En is also in the heart sneers, later says. 面对史蒂夫的说话,詹恩摇了摇头。而得到詹恩的回答,史蒂夫的面色有些阴沉,不由的低下头去。而将眼前佣兵团章的表情尽收眼底,詹恩也是心中冷笑,随后开口说道。 I indeed am also interested in the sky scepter very much, even if can have a liking for one by far is also good ............ this, Commander Steve, when we reach the destination, can have a look at the situation, if inside does not have is so dangerous, then we who we imagine can attempt to look to look. & R dquo ; “不过我个人对于天空权杖也的确很感兴趣,哪怕能够远远看上一眼也是好的…………这样吧,史蒂夫团长,当我们到达目的地时,可以看看情况,如果内里没有我们想象的那么危险的话,那么我们可以去尝试找找看。” This naturally does not have the issue. & R dquo ; “这当然没有问题。” Hears these words, in the eye of Steve then flashes through a none, then he nods to Zhan En. 听到这句话,史蒂夫的眼中这才闪过一丝精光,接着他对詹恩点了点头。 Asked Mr. Zhan En to feel relieved, we can certainly reach the destination smoothly. & R dquo ; “请詹恩先生放心,我们一定能够顺利到达目的地的。” Hope so. & R dquo ; “希望如此。” Facing the speech of Steve, Zhan En put out a hand to push the eyeglasses, later had the meaningful smile, opening the mouth to reply. 面对史蒂夫的说话,詹恩伸出手去推了推眼镜,随后带着意味深长的微笑,开口回答道。
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