DR :: Volume #4

#311: Fairy and Treasure Chest

The late autumn river water is ice-cold. 深秋的河水冰冷刺骨。 Tillis puts out a hand, puts in river water that flows, shows made her tremble icy coldly, but she soon held to hold water in cupped hands to sprinkle on the face, that ice cold feeling made the dizzy mind also immediately sober. The young girls shake the head, throw off the water drop in surface, then combed by the mild-mannered flax color curly hair that the water moistens, this raised the head, looks to another side mountain valley. Under the sweep of mist, that mountain valley seemingly seems , if no, indistinct can also see a sketch of city, light/only sees that serious shadow, makes Tillis feel exceptionally anxiously, she stood up, closes the eye to contemplate the moment in a low voice, one side this threw into the thought in brain. 蒂莉丝伸出手去,放入流淌的河水之中,从中透出的冰凉让她不由的哆嗦了一下,但是她还是很快捧起一捧水洒在脸上,那种冰寒的感觉让原本晕晕乎乎的头脑也顿时清醒了许多。少女摇了摇头,甩掉面上的水珠,接着梳理了一下被水打湿的柔顺亚麻色卷发,这才抬起头来,望向另外一侧的山谷。在雾气的笼罩下,那座山谷看起来似有若无,隐隐约约还能够看见一座城市的剪影,光是看见那个沉重的影子,就让蒂莉丝感到异常不安,她站起身来,闭上眼睛低声冥想了片刻,这才将脑中的念头抛到一边。 City of Lost Isoss. 失落之城伊索斯 Tillis heard to cross the hearsay of this city more than once, as well as hid in this period secret and buried treasure. For these years, many Adventurer want to go down to this city, seeks to hide in precious wealth. However actually few people can live, before present Isoss no longer has been, that grand magnificent city, but is a devil's lair that is flooding the monster. There is ambushing various fearful demon, even the hearsay also has orc and tribe of mountain giant. As for the Isoss core area, the hearsay said that there is occupied by a fearful big devil, the person who any steps into the core city, will be dragged into dark Demon World, does not have the means to come back again. 蒂莉丝曾经不止一次听人说起过这座城市的传闻,以及隐藏在期间的秘密与宝藏。这么多年以来,不少冒险者都想要深入这座城市,去寻找隐藏在其中的宝贵财富。但是却很少有人能够活着出来,现在的伊索斯早已经不再是以前那座宏伟瑰丽的城市,而是一座充斥着怪物的魔窟。那里潜伏着各种各样可怕的魔物,甚至传闻还有半兽人与山巨人的部落。至于伊索斯的中心地区,还有传闻说那里居住着一个可怕的大魔鬼,任何踏入核心城区的人,都会被拉入黑暗的魔界之中,再也没有办法回来。 However regarding Adventurer, these is unimportant, artificial wealth dead birds die in pursuit of food, this truth, no matter in which world same suitable. In fact, Tillis is atFairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; adventure group is one, they once risked neck, to enter City of Lost for successive three times. But unfortunately, their not many harvests. All that in fact the entire City of Lost surrounding can plunder, by their Adventurer seniors plundering. But to thorough, demon are more is also more dangerous. The Adventurer team that many risks wrestle pours , on path that charges into the inner city. „ Fairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; The squad is no exception, in fact in the last time enters City of Lost conducts the exploration on the way, they to enter the inner city also paid the prices of three companions. But despite that they cannot break through the hindrance of these demon, can only dingy going home. 但是对于冒险者来说,这些都不重要,人为财死鸟为食亡,这个道理不管在哪个世界都一样适用。事实上,蒂莉丝所在的“妖精与宝箱”冒险团就是其中的一员,他们曾经冒着生命危险,连续三次进入失落之城。但可惜的是,他们并没有多少收获。事实上整个失落之城的外围能够搜刮的一切,早就被他们的冒险者前辈给搜刮一空。而越是向里深入,魔物就越多也越危险。很多冒险一搏的冒险者团队都是倒在了冲向内城的道路上。“妖精与宝箱”小队也不例外,事实上在最后一次进入失落之城进行探索的途中,他们为了进入内城也付出了三名同伴的代价。但是即便如此,他们也没有能够冲破那些魔物的阻碍,只能够灰溜溜的打道回府。 This a series of risks have made Tillis be exhausted, she has received enough such day. It looks like in Tillis, they should leave here, goes to other places to continue to take risk. Helps these village elimination harass their gnome, or should certain aristocrat feudal lords' requests clean up peripheral demon, these can let they very relaxed completion. Moreover attains the high reward. Rather than doing time and time again like the present is not studious. But unfortunately, their teams leader seem to have competed with City of Lost, according to his view, how regardless of as if must attain some valuable treasures to leave from Isoss, otherwise, they will also continue to consume here. 这一连串的冒险已经让蒂莉丝疲惫不堪,她已经受够了这样的日子。在蒂莉丝看来,他们应该离开这里,去其他地方继续冒险。帮助那些村庄消灭骚扰他们的地精,或者应某些贵族领主的要求去清理周边的魔物,这些都能够让他们很轻松的完成。而且拿到高额的报酬。而不是像现在这样一次又一次的做无用功。但可惜的是,她们的队长似乎已经和失落之城较上了劲,按照他的说法,似乎无论如何也要从伊索斯里拿到一些有价值的宝物才会离开,不然的话,他们还会继续在这里耗下去。 Yeah ............... & R dquo ; “哎……………” Thinks of here, Tillis sighed, put out a hand to trace the side is conducting the arm the backpack. They already not remaining how much money, does not know that also how long can insist. Moreover recently because of Goldshire Empire and war of Skaar federation, many Adventurer had left here. After all this area also edge in war zone. No one knows when Goldshire Empire will project on to forget the ravine, their these Adventurer do not hope and regular army resists, does not want to lose the life here for no reason. According to the idea of Tillis, they should also same leave here with others, going to other place risks is. After all Klein Continent is so big, why can hang to death on this wryneck subtree? 想到这里,蒂莉丝叹了口气,不由的伸出手去摸了摸身边挎着的背包。他们已经没有剩下多少钱了,也不知道还能够坚持多久。而且最近因为闪金帝国斯卡尔联邦的战争,很多冒险者都已经离开了这里。毕竟这个地区也在战区的边缘。谁也不知道什么时候闪金帝国会打到遗忘溪谷,他们这些冒险者可不希望和正规军对抗,更不想在这里平白无故的丢了性命。按照蒂莉丝的想法,她们也应该和其他人一样离开这里,去其他地方冒险才是。毕竟克莱恩大陆这么大,为什么一定要吊死在这一颗歪脖子树上呢? Yo, is thinking anything. & R dquo ; “哟,在想什么呢。” At this time, a hand extended suddenly from behind, patted the present young girl, frightened Tillis to jump. She has quickly turned the head. Then sees wear Adventurer leather armour , has a emerald green beautiful hair half-elf young girl to have the smile of playful to look at itself, but looks at present half-elf, Tillis then long air vent. 就在这个时候,忽然一只手从后面伸过来,拍了拍眼前的少女,吓了蒂莉丝一跳。她急忙转过头去。这才看见一个穿着冒险者皮甲,有着一头翠绿秀发的半精灵少女正带着俏皮的微笑望着自己,而看着眼前的半精灵,蒂莉丝这才长长的出了口气。 Really is. Do not frighten me, Aina. & R dquo ; “真是的。别吓我啊,艾娜。” Haha, is sorry. & R dquo ; “哈哈,抱歉抱歉。” Looks the small face pallid appearance that Tillis frightens, half-elf young girl both hands join the palms in greeting to apologize, just like Tillis, she is also „ Fairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; The member of squad. In two two female members as entire adventure team, two people relations naturally are also very only good. 看着蒂莉丝吓的小脸煞白的样子,半精灵少女双手合掌道了个歉,和蒂莉丝一样,她也是“妖精与宝箱”小队的成员。作为整个冒险团队里唯二的两个女性成员,两人的关系自然也很不错。 On the other hand, do you do here? & R dquo ; “话说回来,你在这里干什么呢?” It’s nothing ......... kills next time slightly, you? & R dquo ; “没什么………只是稍微打发一下时间而已,你呢?” I? & R dquo ; “我?” Hears the inquiry of Tillis, Aina blinks, this remembers that anything resembles hand that held Tillis. 听到蒂莉丝的询问,艾娜眨了眨眼睛,这才想起什么似的一把抓住了蒂莉丝的手。 Right, the regimental commander wanted me to ask you to gather, we wanted! & R dquo ; “对了,团长要我来叫你集合,我们要出发了!” „? Also can go to City of Lost? & R dquo ; “出发?又要去失落之城吗?” Heard these words, Tillis gawked, later frowns. But draws her Aina not to notice Tillis that anxious face completely, but is one side runs forward, the opens the mouth that at the same time does not return to replied. 听到这句话,蒂莉丝愣了一下,随后皱起眉头。而拉着她的艾娜则完全没有注意到蒂莉丝那张不安的面孔,而是一边向前奔跑,一面头也不回的开口回答道。 Yes, but this time we are not bring death. The regimental commander got a big business, this time we must take the guide, leading a person to enter Isoss, this is a big reward! & R dquo ; “是啊,但是这次我们可不是去送死的呢。团长接了一笔大生意,这次我们要作为向导,带一个人进入伊索斯,这可是一大笔报酬呢!” Guide? & R dquo ; “向导?” Hears here, Tillis stares, what situation is this? Generally speaking, dares to come Isoss risky is a mercenary, but among the mercenaries may be the competitor, in many little takes in a situation of spoils of war, considered inside danger to/clashes, these mercenaries wish one could the one person alone individual farming. Do not say that also some bad teams ambush to attack these Adventurer that evacuates specially from Isoss, „ Fairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; Before adventure group, has run into several similar things. However what is lucky is their adventure group here is also a strength quite strong side, therefore has not eaten many to owe. 听到这里,蒂莉丝不由一愣,这是什么情况?一般来说,敢来伊索斯冒险的都是佣兵,而佣兵之间可都是竞争对手,在多一个人就少拿一份战利品的情况下,要不是考虑到里面危险冲冲,那些佣兵恨不得自己一个人孤身单干。更不要说还有一些恶劣的团队专门埋伏袭击那些从伊索斯撤离的冒险者,“妖精与宝箱”冒险团之前也碰到过好几次类似的事情。不过幸运的是他们的冒险团在这里还算是实力比较强劲的一方,因此并没有吃多少亏。 However must say that some people do disburse money to hire them to go to Isoss ......... this outcome what's the matter? 但是要说有人出钱雇佣他们前往伊索斯………这究竟是怎么回事呢? Has not waited for Tillis to understand reason, Aina has towed her to crash in the adventure group station, then opens the front door. 还没有等蒂莉丝想明白其中的缘由,艾娜已经拖着她冲进了冒险团的驻地,接着一把推开大门。 Regimental commander, I come back the Tillis belt/bring! & R dquo ; “团长,我把蒂莉丝带回来啦!” Hears shouting of half-elf Ranger young girl, everyone on the scene turns the head, looks to two people. But Tillis also saw to stand in the room central that consignor quickly. 听到半精灵游侠少女的呼喊,在场的所有人都转过头来,望向两人。而蒂莉丝也很快就看见了站在房间中央的那个委托者。 That is young people, seems like also less than 20 years old. Puts on black to mount the formal clothes of gold-edged, the waist is being hanging a magnificent long sword. Appearance the children of the nobility has no difference from these Tillis had seen. Outside him is wrapping a black cape, the whole person seems like actually seems mild-mannered and cultivated, on the dashing face always brings lightly, the graceful smile, no frame eyeglasses made him many makings of several scholars. In brief, this is one looks person who is very easy to have the favorable impression. Even if Tillis, when detecting the opposite party looked to oneself is still in the surface red one red, quickly lowers the head, simultaneously complained why secretly Aina must draw oneself with such noticeable way. 那是一个年轻人,看起来似乎还不满二十岁。穿着一件黑色镶嵌着金边的礼服,腰间悬挂着一把华丽的长剑。打扮的就和那些蒂莉丝曾经见过的贵族子弟没什么区别。他外面包裹着一件黑色的斗篷,整个人看起来倒是显得温文尔雅,英俊潇洒的面孔上总是带着淡淡的,优雅的笑容,一副无边框眼镜让他多了几份学者的气质。总而言之,这是一个看着就很容易让人心生好感的人。就算是蒂莉丝,在察觉到对方望向自己时也是不由面上红了一红,急忙低下头去,同时暗暗埋怨艾娜干嘛要用这么引人注目的方式把自己拉进来。 However quick, Tillis heard the voice of oneself regimental commander to resound again, this let Tillis raising the head, looked to standing in front not far away, put on a man of slightly worn-out magic armor. ThatFairy and Treasure Chest & R dquo ; adventure group regimental commander & mda S h ; Steve. Duncan. Hearsay his father once was a magic knight, but Steve also inherited oneself father's talent and skill in Wushu, although the temperament appeared somewhat is sometimes irritable, but in indispensable character as team, he deeply by everyone's faith. But at present, is also represented entire adventure team and opposite party by him obviously negotiates. 不过很快,蒂莉丝就听见了自己团长的声音再次响起,这让蒂莉丝不由的抬起头来,望向站在前面不远处,穿着一身略显破旧的魔法盔甲的男子。那正是“妖精与宝箱”冒险团的团长—史蒂夫.邓肯。传闻他的父亲曾经是一位魔法骑士,而史蒂夫也继承了自己父亲的天赋与武艺,虽然有时候脾气显得有些急躁,但是作为团队之中不可或缺的人物,他还是深受大家的信赖。而眼下,显然也正是由他代表整个冒险团队与对方交涉。 Now the member, Mr. Zhan En, I can take an oath in the name of nine Saints completely here, here everyone once entry City of Lost more than once, moreover they have the ability that moves out from there. I can promise you, we can absolutely is well leads you to enter City of Lost, this point also asks you to feel relieved. & R dquo ; “现在我们的团员全部都在这里了,詹恩先生,我可以以九圣的名义起誓,这里每一个人都曾经不止一次的进入失落之城,而且他们都拥有从那里全身而退的能力。我可以向您保证,我们绝对能够平安无事的带您进入失落之城,这一点还请您放心。” Is he? Is he that Aina said hires everyone to enter the City of Lost person? 就是他?他就是艾娜所说的那个雇佣大家进入失落之城的人? Although some innermost feelings early expectations, however after hearing regimental commander's speech, Tillis also somewhat curious raising the head, sizes up secretly is standing that young people opposite of regimental commander. But sees only the opposite party after hearing regimental commander's speech, looked at one to stand in room more than ten individuals, later pondered the moment, this smiled is nodding to say. 虽然内心早有预料,但是在听到团长的说话之后,蒂莉丝还有些好奇的抬起头来,偷偷打量着站在团长对面的那个年轻人。而只见对方在听到团长的说话之后,望了一眼站在房间里的十多个人,随后沉思了片刻,这才微笑着点了点头开口说道。 Very good, Commander Steve, looked coming out, everyone is experienced Adventurer. I think that everyone will certainly not disappoint me, then ......... & R dquo ; Is saying, sees only that young people puts out a purse to place on the table, Tillis only hearscrash-bang & R dquo ; She saw the shining money to flood from the pocket. „ Here is 500 gold coins, the part of supplies commodity and everyone embarked needs before the deposit here. After quest completes, after we return safely, you can attain the remaining 5000 gold coins. & R dquo ; “很好,史蒂夫团长,看的出来,各位都是经验丰富的冒险者。我想各位一定不会让我失望的,那么………”一面说着,只见那个年轻人一面拿出一个钱袋放在桌子上,蒂莉丝只听见“哗啦”一声,紧接着她就看见金灿灿的钱币从口袋里满溢了出来。“这里是五百金币,包括订金和各位出发前需要的补给物资的部分都在这里了。等到任务完成之后,我们平安归来之后,你们就可以拿到剩下的五千金币了。” 5000 gold coins! 五千金币! Hears here, almost held breath a cold air/Qi including Steve everyone, they have known before this employer is very natural, but has not actually thought that the opposite party acts unexpectedly so outstanding Kuo. 5000 gold coins! Comes minute of words at the present adventure group population, everyone are least also the incomes of 500 gold coins, this is many Adventurer investigates the wealth that its life is unable to obtain! 听到这里,包括史蒂夫在内的所有人几乎都倒吸了口冷气,他们之前已经知道这位雇主很大方,但是却没有想到对方居然出手如此卓阔。五千金币!以现在冒险团的人数来分的话,每个人最少也有五百金币的进账,这已经是很多冒险者究其一生都无法得到的财富了! Looks at the present purse, Steve swallowed a saliva, this puts out a hand, held the present purse, then he turns to the present young people, serious to him good a ritual. 看着眼前的钱袋,史蒂夫不由的吞咽了口口水,这才伸出手去,一把抓住了眼前的钱袋,接着他转向眼前的年轻人,郑重的向他行了一礼。 Please feel relieved, honored guest, our & l S quo ; Fairy and Treasure Chest & R S quo ; adventure group, will certainly protect you to complete quest full power! & R dquo ;( To be continued.) “请您放心,尊贵的客人,我们‘妖精与宝箱’冒险团,一定会全力保护您完成任务的!”(未完待续。)
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