DR :: Volume #4

#310: Stage and audience

„ The gate of Death shadow? & R dquo ; 死亡阴影之门?” Enoya slightly surprised raising the head, looks to approach own master. 埃诺娅略显惊讶的抬起头来,望向自己的主人。 Miss Lilicia really said? & R dquo ; 莉莉西亚小姐真的是这么说的吗?” Near perfect, since she said the gate of Death shadow fragment in the Skaar federation, then should mistakenly. But she also only then this is the truth, other things, that old woman was covering-up a few words had not said. & R dquo ; “八九不离十吧,既然她说死亡阴影之门的碎片在斯卡尔联邦,那么应该就错不了了。只不过她也只有这句是真话而已,其他的东西,那个老女人根本就是藏着掖着一句话都没有说。” Facing the inquiry of Enoya, Zhan En does not care at all. The so-called wisest lie has the selective saying truth, this is demon most excels, but Lilicia is eminent. Therefore regarding own elder sister, Zhan En is vigilant, does not have a little so-called fraternity. But those who make him not be feeling well, although knows that this is Lilicia to a trap that he sets, but Zhan En has to jump. After all what if Lilicia said is real, even if that he ignores, should still annoy to be greatly troublesome. Might as well initiates an attack, seizes offensive. 面对埃诺娅的询问,詹恩毫不在意。所谓最高明的谎言就是有选择性的说出真相,这一手是魔族最擅长的,而莉莉西亚更是其中翘楚。所以对于自己的这个姐姐,詹恩只有警惕,却没有一点儿所谓的手足之情。而更让他不爽的是,虽然知道这是莉莉西亚给他设下的一个圈套,但是詹恩还是不得不跳。毕竟如果莉莉西亚所说的是真的话,那么就算他对此置之不理,也会惹来大麻烦。还不如主动出击,抢占先手。 On the other hand ............... Your Highness Klein wants to marry Your Highness Nabelius ......... this to be possible unexpectedly to really be the fantastic story. & R dquo ; “话说回来……………克莱因殿下居然想要娶娜贝利乌斯殿下………这可真是奇闻呢。” Yes, I also want to know, pushes Nabelius as Klein of Death knight with what? By his how many tattered bones? & R dquo ; “是啊,我也想知道,作为死亡骑士的克莱因拿什么去推娜贝利乌斯?就靠他那几根破烂骨头吗?” Compared to the sigh of Enoya, Zhan En is taunts is in the majority. However this also no wonder, Klein with the Enoya same not dead race, he after falling into Demon King's trap Death transformed Death knight, therefore is also Undead one. But the Undead biggest characteristics are unable multiplication & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; No, do not say that is unable to multiply. Overthrows cannot achieve. You must say like Enoya higher Undead. The good and evil also has the physical body, so long as does not fear death can also work as the gasification baby to use. However Klein only has the Death knight of soul and skeleton, does he push the woman with what? Is it possible that opens how many bones to force to make the substitute commodity from own body? 相对于埃诺娅的感叹,詹恩则是冷嘲热讽居多。不过这也难怪,克莱因可是和埃诺娅一样的不死种族,他是在陷入了魔王的陷阱死亡之后才被转化的死亡骑士,因此也算是死灵的一员。而死灵的最大特征就是无法繁衍———不,不要说无法繁衍了。就连推倒都做不到。你要说像埃诺娅这样的高等死灵。好歹还有肉体,只要不怕死也可以当充气娃娃来用。但是克莱因可是只剩下灵魂和骨架的死亡骑士,他拿什么去推女人?莫非是从自己的身上拆几根骨头塞进去做代替品吗? Sounding is really sorrowful ............... 听起来还真是悲哀啊…………… However taunted turns over to the taunt, why actually Zhan En was very clear Klein to marry Nabelius, to put it bluntly, this was a union agreement. It seems like nether world Princess favors Klein very much, therefore wants before he succeeds Demon King hits to relate with him. But as her daughter, Nabelius naturally is most suitably sold out. Among demon did not speak what kinship, do not say that Nabelius such powerful arrived existence that can threaten own mother, in The lower world, killing seized the position is the habit, although the Nabelius natural disposition was gentle, but Zhan En is very clear any Demon King not wanting to pin on the opposite party weak and on conservative. But through with the Klein union, nether world Princess can boss around to a potential strong presence, but can also suppress the extremely powerful daughter conveniently. It may be said that killing two birds with one stone, this is the The lower world ruler typical conduct. 不过嘲讽归嘲讽,其实詹恩很清楚为什么克莱因要娶娜贝利乌斯,说白了,这就是一个同盟协定。看来幽冥公主很看好克莱因,所以才想要在他继任魔王之前与他打好关系。而作为她的女儿,娜贝利乌斯自然就是最适合被卖掉的了。魔族之间可不讲什么亲情,更不要说娜贝利乌斯这样实力强大到可以威胁到自己母亲的存在,在下层界,杀亲夺位才是常态,虽然娜贝利乌斯生性平和,但是詹恩很清楚任何一个魔王都不会把希望寄托在对方的软弱和保守上。而通过与克莱因的同盟,幽冥公主能够笼络到一方潜在的强大势力,还能够顺手压制自己太过强大的女儿。可谓一石二鸟,这就是下层界统治者典型的做派。 As for the kinship ......... ha, lives to start from Nabelius is Zhan En visits her to grow up, nether world Princess has mother and daughter in blood relationship to relate besides and her does not have other relation again, in this case, counted on that this Demon King your majesty the heavy sentiment like human indulges in fantasy simply. This also why Nabelius more intimate Zhan En's reason. In fact if wants Nabelius chooses a side between Zhan En and nether world Princess. Then she will definitely not choose latter & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Just like nether world Princess, Nabelius also has no sentiment regarding oneself this cheap mother. 至于亲情………哈哈哈,从娜贝利乌斯生下来开始就是詹恩看着她长大的,幽冥公主除了和她有血缘上的母女关系之外就再也没有别的联系,在这种情况下,指望这位魔王陛下像人类那样重感情简直就是异想天开。这也为什么娜贝利乌斯更加亲近詹恩的原因。事实上如果要娜贝利乌斯詹恩和幽冥公主之间选择一方的话。那么她肯定不会选择后者———与幽冥公主一样,娜贝利乌斯对于自己这个便宜老妈也没什么感情可言的。 However ridiculed turns over to the ridicule, laughs at them to face at present these tough troubles and issues, but what the eye skirt-width was most troublesome in front of Zhan En was ............ 不过嘲笑归嘲笑,笑完了他们还是要面对眼前这些棘手的麻烦和问题,而眼下摆在詹恩面前最麻烦的是………… Heard what this time comes the Skaar federation to seek for the fragment is Tinidell ............ & R dquo ; “听说这次来斯卡尔联邦寻找残片的是蒂尼德尔啊…………” ......... Is that young lady ......... & R dquo ; “啊………是那位小姐啊………” Hears here, Enoya showed a being suddenly enlighted expression, then her faint smile is looking steadily at Zhan En. 听到这里,埃诺娅露出了一丝恍然大悟的表情,接着她似笑非笑的盯视着詹恩 „ The master you also really must start ahead of time, otherwise possibly but actually big mildew. & R dquo ; “那主人您还真是要提前下手呢,不然可能会倒大霉。” But facing the ridicule of Enoya, Zhan En is cold snort/hum one, put out a hand to hold the eyeglasses. 而面对埃诺娅的嘲弄,詹恩则是冷哼一声,伸出手去扶了扶眼镜。 I am certain, was that b*tch divulged my whereabouts to Klein absolutely. Therefore here Tinidell will come to look for my trouble. & R dquo ; “我可以肯定,绝对是那个碧池克莱因泄露了我的行踪。所以蒂尼德尔才会来这边找我的麻烦。” If regrets now, the master you should not initially doing that certainly ......... others after all is a child, but the master you played with her unexpectedly for ten days and ten nights, really described with crazed, if we had known, her will leave behind like this at that time, when your retinue wasn't good? & R dquo ; “如果现在后悔的话,主人您当初就不该做的那么绝啊………人家毕竟还是个小孩子,而主人您居然玩弄了她十天十夜,真可谓用丧心病狂来形容,早知道会这样的话,当时把她留下当您的仆从不就好了?” My this has not thought that she will run ......... on the other hand, isn't you bleeds off her? & R dquo ; “我这不也是没想到她会跑………话说回来,还不是你把她放走的?” That is not because the master you said that what is casual she to make not to relate, therefore I haven't gone to manage? In the final analysis, can only say that the master you really had regarding your charm at that time self-confidently, if obeyed my advice initially, places in the underground shackles to imprison her, didn't have so many terrible business? Initially Miss Clarice very warm-hearted has sold the slave medicament to you, finally you because also the price was too expensive, but has not purchased, even if you wanted to take that young lady to do the experiment, always must complete the safety measure. & R dquo ; “那还不是因为主人您说随便她去做什么都没有关系,所以我才没有去管吗?归根结底,只能够说主人您那个时候对于自己的魅力实在太有自信了一些,如果当初听从我的建议,把她放在地下牢笼里监禁起来,不就没有这么多的麻烦事了?当初克拉莉丝小姐可是很热心的向您推销过奴隶药剂的,结果您还因为价格太贵而没有购买,就算您想要拿那位小姐做实验,总也要做好保险措施嘛。” Two people gazed at fixedly the moment mutually, finally Zhan En first raises hand to surrender. 两人相互瞪视了片刻,最终还是詹恩首先举手投降。 Ok, in any case things have gotten to this point, this is the mistake that young will violate, the past matter we do not raise again, first says at present. & R dquo ; “算了,反正事已至此,这都是年轻才会犯下的错,过去的事情我们就不要再提了,先来说说眼下吧。” Good, master. & R dquo ; “好的,主人。” Since the litigants are willing to uncover this matter, then asaccomplice & R dquo ; Enoya will not naturally raise again, but regarding her was traps that young lady fell into the chief criminal matter of Zhan En trap, Enoya naturally on the selectivity to forget. 既然当事人都愿意揭过这件事,那么作为“帮凶”的埃诺娅自然也不会再提,而对于她才是诱骗那位大小姐落入詹恩陷阱的罪魁祸首这件事,埃诺娅理所当然的就选择性遗忘了。 Since that the determination is Miss Tinidell, what to do the master you do plan? Can prepare and her here fights one? & R dquo ; “那么既然确定是蒂尼德尔小姐的话,主人您打算怎么办?要在这里准备好和她大战一场吗?” No. & R dquo ; “不。” Facing the inquiry of Enoya, Zhan En actually shakes the head. 面对埃诺娅的询问,詹恩却是摇了摇头。 Tinidell is very inflexible and tenacious fellow, since Klein sends her to seek for the gate of Death shadow fragment, then she will definitely take completing quest as first, after completing quest, the fellow can definitely look for my trouble. Passus develops with great difficulty, I do not hope, because opens a territory with the fight of that fellow again. Moreover was too easy to expose the status in the Passus words, the best way was ........., so long as made her unable to complete quest on the line. & R dquo ; 蒂尼德尔是个很死板和固执的家伙,既然克莱因派她来寻找死亡阴影之门的残片,那么她肯定会以完成任务为优先,在完成任务之后,那家伙肯定会来找我的麻烦。帕苏斯好不容易才发展起来,我可不希望因为和那个家伙的战斗再拆一遍领地。而且在帕苏斯的话实在太容易暴露身份了,最好的办法就是………只要让她一直完不成任务就行了。” In other words, the master can you also seek for the gate of Death shadow fragment? & R dquo ; “也就是说,主人您也要去寻找死亡阴影之门的碎片?” Hears here, Enoya frowns. 听到这里,埃诺娅皱了下眉头。 This thing is not to us useful, even if in taking, we are impossible to obtain the acknowledgment of nether world Princess. Moreover, if we attain the gate of Death shadow fragment, Your Highness Klein will not give up, he will certainly come to attack again, by that time, won't we be more troublesome? & R dquo ; “这个东西对于我们来说并没有什么用啊,就算拿到手里,我们也不可能得到幽冥公主的承认吧。而且,如果我们拿到死亡阴影之门的碎片,克莱因殿下也不会放弃的,他一定会再次派人前来袭击,到那个时候,我们不会更麻烦吗?” This point you do not need to worry, regarding processing of gate of fragment Death shadow, I have the idea. & R dquo ; “这一点你不用担心,对于死亡阴影之门碎片的处理,我已经有想法了。” Zhan En put out a hand to push the eyeglasses, then showed a being as deep as a well smile. 詹恩伸出手去推了推眼镜,接着露出了一丝高深莫测的笑容。 Lilicia that inexpensive goods want to take me, when the spear/gun causes to cope with Klein, she is good benefits as the third party in a dispute, but I am not a fool, on her pirate ship whatever this b*tch organizes. To tidy up me, perhaps without is so easy. Do not look that she seems like helps my, actually this is just that woman to my retaliation, I in Casalance and Goldshire Empire the mess that her arrangement makes, by narrow-mindedness that Lilicia that slight defect must report, if will let off me yes damn. I know that she harbors evil intentions ......... speaks the truth, this news also indeed gave me a very good inspiration. & R dquo ; 莉莉西亚那个贱货想要拿我当枪使去对付克莱因,她好在其中渔翁得利,而我也不是傻子,上了她的贼船就任凭这个碧池摆布。想要收拾我,恐怕没那么容易。别看她好像是来帮我的,其实这只不过是那女人对我的一次报复罢了,我在卡萨兰斯闪金帝国把她的布置弄的一团糟,以莉莉西亚那瑕疵必报的小心眼来说,如果会就此放过我的话才是见鬼。我就知道她居心不良………不过说实话,这个消息也的确给了我一个很好的灵感。” Said, we must first do is first Miss Tinidell one step, first found the gate of Death shadow fragment...... & R dquo ; “这么说,我们首先要做的就是抢先蒂尼德尔小姐一步,先找到死亡阴影之门的碎片……” Is saying, Enoya has turned the head, looks to being hanging that Klein Continent the map on study room wall. 一面说着,埃诺娅一面转过头去,望向悬挂在书房墙壁上的那张克莱恩大陆的地图。 Since the master looks has the self-confidence, has known the gate of fragment Death shadow in position? & R dquo ; “既然主人看起来这么有自信,想必已经知道死亡阴影之门碎片的所在位置了?” Almost. & R dquo ; “差不多吧。” Zhan En shrugs the shoulders, then narrows the eye, looks to the present map. Actually in he learns the gate of Death shadow fragment from Lilicia there when Skaar federation, Zhan En on has almost guessed correctly his location. What the present Skaar federation generally believes is Great Mother Chatti and Eye of truth Tom, but in fact at first them is the Firmament Country time, at that time here person indeed what believed is Sun God Amora. But behind because of the Firmament Country disasters as well as all sorts of reasons, the belief of Sun God Amora gradually dissipates, finally was replaced by other two beliefs. But the people on person's of surviving again entire this piece of plateau under the leadership of Hero, establishing the Skaar federation is this later matter. 詹恩耸耸肩膀,接着眯起眼睛,望向眼前的地图。其实在他从莉莉西亚那里得知死亡阴影之门的碎片在斯卡尔联邦的时候,詹恩就差不多已经猜到了他的所在地。现在的斯卡尔联邦普遍信奉的是伟大之母查提真实之眼托姆,但是事实上在最初他们还是苍穹之国的时代,当时这里的人的确信奉的是太阳神阿蒙拉。只不过后面因为苍穹之国的祸乱以及种种原因,太阳神阿蒙拉的信仰逐渐消散,最终被其他两个信仰所取代。而残存的人在英雄的带领下重新整个这片高原上的人民,成立了斯卡尔联邦则是这之后的事情了。 Initially gate of Death shadow fragment by the Sun God Amora seal, therefore naturally in Sun Temple. But now in entire Eagle Plateau, remains only the Sun Temple vestige, only then initial Firmament Country capital city & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Dark green blue capital. It the forgetting ravine situated in Eagle Plateau, in the age of that resplendence, dark green blue once was on this plateau has several, magnificent city. However along with the invasion of turbulence and Barbarian race in country, there has turned into stretch of ruins now, once civilization was nothing left, displacing was the innumerable wild animals, orc as well as various types of fearful demon nest. 当初死亡阴影之门的碎片是由太阳神阿蒙拉封印的,因此自然就在太阳神殿之中。而现在在整个雄鹰高原,唯一还残留着太阳神殿遗迹的,只有当初的苍穹之国的都城———苍蓝之都。它位于雄鹰高原的遗忘溪谷,在那个辉煌灿烂的年代,苍蓝之都曾经是这片高原上有数的,辉煌的城市。但是伴随着国家的动荡与蛮族的入侵,现在那里已经变成了一片废墟,曾经的文明荡然无存,取而代之的则是无数的野兽,半兽人以及各种可怕魔物的巢穴 People are called City of Lost & mda S h that city ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Isoss. 人们将那座城市称为失落之城———伊索斯 Zhan En is certain, if as expected, gate of Death shadow fragment definitely there. 詹恩可以肯定,如果不出意外的话,死亡阴影之门的碎片肯定是在那里。 Let alone ............... 更何况…………… Thinks of here, Zhan En opens the system, swept an above quest panel. 想到这里,詹恩打开系统,扫了一眼上面的任务面板。 Has the light to have the shadow, following place vanguard that Sun raises, travel only then span all dangers and difficulties, can obtain the wealth that they long. Meeting with destiny is waiting for you, holds the pulsation of soul. Only by doing so, you can grasp own destiny & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; quest: Goes to the north to seek forshadow fragment & R dquo ;. Reward: Obtains Dungeon to strengthen module one randomly, the Dungeon Experience Points 120000 points 【有光必有影,顺着太阳升起的地方前行,旅者只有跨越一切艰难险阻,才能够获得他们渴望的财富。命运的邂逅在等待着你,去抓住灵魂的脉动。只有这样,你才能够掌握属于自己的命运———任务:前往北方寻找“阴影残片”。奖励:随机获得地下城加强模块一枚,地下城经验值120000点】
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