DR :: Volume #4

#309: The gate of Death shadow

Can collaborate with me, copes with Klein? & R dquo ; “要不要和我一起联手,对付克莱因?” Hears Lilicia these words, Zhan En has not replied immediately, on the contrary, he has first taken a slice of bread, then cut several ham shops above, smudged some mushroom sauces of smell sharp aroma, this raised the head, swept an opposite woman, later sneers.:. 听到莉莉西亚的这句话,詹恩并没有立刻回答,相反,他先是拿过一片面包,然后又切了几片火腿铺在上面,涂抹了一些香气扑鼻的蘑菇酱,这才抬起头来,扫了一眼对面的女人,随后冷笑一声。:。 Hehe ......... Lilicia, how many years did your move play is not greasy? Copes with Klein jointly? This advantage don't you arrest and deliver to court the rhythm that I go to? Do not think that I do not know, in the eye of Klein, you are he goal that wants to cope with rather than I, wants to instigate me to bring about own destruction, you did not think that this proposed some were extremely naive? & R dquo ; “呵呵………莉莉西亚,你这招玩了多少年还不腻?联手对付克莱因?这不还是好处你拿送死我去的节奏?别以为我不知道,在克莱因的眼里,你才是他想要对付的目标而不是我,想要怂恿我去自寻死路,你不觉得这个提议有些太过天真了吗?” „ Is this uncertain? & R dquo ; “这可不一定哦?” Hears Zhan En's to speak, appearance that Lilicia has not been angry actually completely, but is the grinning opens the mouth said. 听到詹恩的说话,莉莉西亚倒是完全没有生气的样子,而是笑嘻嘻的开口说道。 Sometimes eats instead quite the convenience that from most is free from worry . Moreover, according to my informer, our that elder brother Sirs recently had the big movement? & R dquo ; “有时候从最省心的吃起来反而会比较方便呢,而且,根据我的眼线,我们的那位兄长大人最近可是有大动作哦?” Has nothing to do with me in any case. & R dquo ; “反正和我无关。” Big liquor was swallowing the ham and bread in mouth, Zhan En pays no attention regarding the bait that Lilicia ejects, as if she said from the start is these streets and lanes loquacious women is idling the bored between private talk, rather than anything involves the significant secret. However Lilicia has not as if heard his speech to be the same completely, but selfish is looking at out of the window, stretches out the finger to rotate in the edge of wine glass slowly, then seems like saying that thought aloud. 就着一大口酒吞下了口中的火腿与面包,詹恩对于莉莉西亚抛出的诱饵理都不理,仿佛她所说的压根就是那些街头巷尾长舌妇们闲着无聊之间的密谈,而不是什么牵扯重大的秘密。但是莉莉西亚似乎完全没有听到他的说话一样,只是自顾自的望着窗外,伸出手指在酒杯的边缘缓缓的转动着,然后看起来像是自言自语的说道。 Recently, the Klein Undead army encountered slightly troublesome some. However he seems like will not call a halt evidently, but that side Templar Order has begun to investigate regarding Klein, actually stands in my standpoint, but also really hopes he do not do is so mammoth, for fear that others do not know to be the same. However since now what is done cannot be undone, said that these have not used. & R dquo ; “最近,克莱因死灵大军稍微遭遇到了一些麻烦呢。不过看样子他似乎是不会停手,而圣堂教团那边对于克莱因已经展开了调查,其实站在我的立场上,还真希望他不要搞的那么声势浩大,生怕别人不知道一样。不过现在既然木已成舟,说这些也没有用了。” Is saying, Lilicia spreads out hand quite exaggerating sighing. But Zhan En starts the dedicated elimination in front of half roasted chicken, turns a deaf ear to regarding the speech of Lilicia. Looks at his appearance, does not seem to sat anyone in own front, but he does not come to here to be the same with the opposite party talk on invitation. 一面说着,莉莉西亚一面摊开手颇为夸张的叹了口气。而詹恩则开始专注的消灭起自己面前的半只烤鸡,对于莉莉西亚的说话充耳不闻。看他的样子,似乎在自己的面前根本就没有坐什么人,而他也不是应邀来这里和对方谈话一样。 Ok. Templar Order is only the small trouble. However according to information that I have, the matter that Klein then must handle will be very possibly troublesome, he has sent out the nether world four generals, goes to seek for the gate of Death shadow. I think, you should very clear that be anything. & R dquo ; “算了。圣堂教团只是小小的麻烦。不过根据我所掌握的情报来看,克莱因接下来要做的事情可能会很麻烦,他已经派出了自己手下的幽冥四将军,前去寻找死亡阴影之门。我想,你应该很清楚那是什么东西吧。” Hears here, Zhan En curls the lip close to, but the movement in hand has not actually stopped slightly. The gate of Death shadow, he knows certainly that is anything. That is one of the Undead department most powerful Demonic Artifact , the name in gate of Death shadow such as surface on such that said that was only a door. However the strength of this door is not simple, in fact, the function of gate of Death shadow only has & mda S h ; That is transforms the life and death the demarcation line. 听到这里,詹恩撇了撇嘴巴,但是手中的动作却是丝毫没有停下来。死亡阴影之门,他当然知道那是什么。那可是死灵系最强大的魔器之一,死亡阴影之门就如表面上的名字所说的那样,只是一扇门而已。但是这扇门的力量可不简单,事实上,死亡阴影之门的作用只有一个—那就是转换生与死的界线。 Naturally, perhaps this view extremely literary arts, then trades one type more direct-viewing, easily the accepted view is, when the gate of Death shadow opens the time, all lives within several kilometers centered on it surrounding area is forced to pass this leaf of front door immediately. Enters the Death domain. To put it bluntly, the gate of Death shadow is actually wide scope aoe destructive weapons. After starting this door, all lives will enter the gate of Death, almost does not have any exception. Conceivable, if Klein obtained the gate of Death shadow, his Dead Army will promote a time of rhythm immediately, by that time, human wants to prevent the footsteps of Death army is not an easy matter. 当然,或许这种说法太过文艺,那么换一种更加直观的,容易被人接受的说法就是,当死亡阴影之门打开时候,以它为中心的方圆数千米之内的所有生命都会立刻被强制通过这扇大门。进入死亡的领域。说白了,死亡阴影之门其实就是一个大范围aoe的杀伤性武器。在启动这扇门之后,所有的生命都会进入死亡之门,几乎没有任何例外。可以想象,假如克莱因得到了死亡阴影之门,他的亡者大军立刻就会提升一倍的节奏,到那个时候,人类想要阻止死亡大军的脚步可不是件容易的事情。 But ......... is like all pit fathers' Demonic Artifact , the gate of Death shadow is no one can use casually. 只不过………和所有坑爹的魔器一样,死亡阴影之门也不是什么人都能够随便使用的。 This Divine Artifact creates at first, in saint in time of war. Then nether world Princess to be separated from the fetter of main plane, returned own god territory, used own ability to arouse a undead army, and brought them to attack at that time quite famous brilliance city not Locke on continent. What this city once believed is Sun God Amora. But is also consecrating stick of in the temple in city the life Amora sacred item. But nether world Princess used at that time the negligence of nine Saint allied armies, treated as the allied armies that the bait tempted nine Saints to circle the east side of thunder mountain range own principal force, but she brought 300 high rank undead lifeform to mix in the city of life while the curtain of night. 这件神器最初创造出来,是在圣者战争时期。当时的幽冥公主为了脱离主位面的束缚,重新回到自己的神域,利用自己的能力唤起了一只不死者大军,并且带着它们进攻了当时在大陆上颇为有名的光辉之城莫洛克。这座城市曾经信奉的是太阳神阿蒙拉。而在城市的圣殿里还供奉着阿蒙拉圣物之一的生命之杖。而幽冥公主则利用当时九圣联军的一个疏忽,把自己的主力部队当做诱饵引诱九圣的联军绕到了雷霆山脉的东侧,而她自己则带着三百个高阶不死生物趁着夜幕混入了生命之城。 Is a massacre. 紧接着,就是一场大屠杀。 Holds in the nether world Princess curse attribute in addition, the entire city only spent entire two days to change into a dead city, inside over ten thousand everybody did not have a survival. Turned into the dead under nether world Princess governance completely, but this Your Highness Princess must recompense to obtain the stick of life hopes, and starts to take the entire city several tens of thousands people of lives and blood as the price, its attribute reversal, changed into fearful Demonic Artifact that fills Death magic power. Then nether world Princess then tried reversing the stick of attribute life with this( perhaps changed name to call the stick of Death to be better) to break the fetter of space, opened territory the path to Death. 在幽冥公主的诅咒属性加持下,整个城市只花了整整两天就化为了一座死城,里面的上万名男女老少无一幸存。全部变成了幽冥公主治理下的死者,而这位公主殿下也得偿所愿的获得了生命之杖,并且开始以全城数万人的生命与鲜血为代价,将其属性逆转,化为了一件充满死亡魔力的可怕魔器。然后幽冥公主便试图用这把逆转了属性的生命之杖(或许改名叫死亡之杖更好)打破空间的束缚,重新开启通往死亡之域的道路。 But nine Saint allied armies at this moment also detected that finally the matter is not wonderful, quickly sets out toward the city of life, and to occupying launched the ferocious attack in the undead army. What a pity finally was they or late one step, arrived at the square in city of life in the by Sun God Amora nine saints, nether world Princess had successfully opened the front door to Death god territory, then after everyone of long in coming was lavishing praise drills into the gate of Death shadow the life scepter transformed becomes, slipped away thoroughly. 而此刻的九圣联军也终于察觉到事情不妙,急忙向着生命之城进发,并且对盘踞在其中的不死者大军发起了猛烈的进攻。可惜的是最终他们还是晚了一步,在以太阳神阿蒙拉的九圣者到达生命之城的广场时,幽冥公主已经成功打开了通往死亡神域的大门,然后对着姗姗来迟的各位抛了个媚眼之后就钻入了生命权杖幻化而成的死亡阴影之门里,彻底溜之大吉。 But comes the late step nine saints also only to this leaf to be discarded by nether world Princess in main plane the gate of Death shadow is dumbfounded, but actually cannot take any good way. Must say that pursues that does simply, when saint war all gods and Demon King are forced to appear in the form that the saint arrives in main plane, but before saint's strength seems like Zhan En, Lolth such that kills, is actually is not too strong, the legend is mostly top, luck good a little can restore to the demigod level, even if the ancestor blessed, only then after returning to own god territory, the gods can heavy retrieve oneself authority newly, but nether world Princess has almost been certain the percentage hundred restorations through the gate of Death shadow returned to the Death domain she as the Demon King's strength, nine saints were stupid not. Will go into the domain of enemy to challenge one to restore Demon King of authority with their current stances, therefore can only look helplessly nether world Princess travelled. 而来迟一步的九圣者也只能够对这扇被幽冥公主丢弃在主位面死亡阴影之门大眼瞪小眼,但是却拿不出什么好办法。要说追进去那简直就是作死,圣者战争时所有的神明和魔王都被迫以圣者降临的形式出现在主位面,而圣者本身的实力就好像詹恩之前所干掉的罗丝那样,其实算不上太强,大多不过传奇顶尖,运气好一点儿的能够恢复到半神水准就算是祖宗保佑了,只有回到自己的神域之后,众神才能够重新找回自己的权柄,而已经通过死亡阴影之门回到死亡领域去的幽冥公主几乎可以肯定百分百的恢复了她作为魔王的实力,九圣者再蠢也不会以他们目前的姿态跑到敌人的地盘上去挑战一个已经恢复了权柄的魔王,所以只能够眼睁睁看着幽冥公主跑路了。 However the issue therefore has not actually been solved. 但是问题却并没有因此解决。 Perhaps nether world Princess is gate of Death shadow the stick of life also had other idea regarding the transformation, because pitifully nine saints come is too quick, enabling her not to have the means to conclude, can only give up main plane the gate of Death shadow returning to native place & mda S h ; After all maintains life importantly. 或许原本幽冥公主对于转化为死亡阴影之门的生命之杖还有别的想法,但可惜由于九圣者来的太快,使得她也没办法收尾,只能够放弃主位面死亡阴影之门逃回自己老家—毕竟还是保命要紧。 Natural that however this Your Highness Princess walks actually, but the trouble that nine saints face has not actually solved & mda S h because of departure of nether world Princess ; The stick of life is one granted the life continuously Divine Artifact , after the attribute reversal of nether world Princess, this Divine Artifact changed into the gate of Death shadow, captures the life continuously fearful Demonic Artifact . Moreover after losing the operation of nether world Princess. This Demonic Artifact starts the violent to walk immediately, undifferentiated harvesting all around all lives, nine Saint allied armies are also the loss are suddenly serious. 但是这位公主殿下倒是走的潇洒,而九圣者面临的麻烦却并没有因为幽冥公主的离开而解决—生命之杖原本是一把源源不断赐予生命的神器,在经过幽冥公主的属性逆转之后,这件神器化为了死亡阴影之门,一件源源不断夺取生命的可怕魔器。而且在失去了幽冥公主的操纵之后。这件魔器顿时开始暴走,无差别的收割四周的所有生命,一时间九圣联军也是损失惨重。 Really finally did not have the means that Sun God Amora to have together with God of Truth Tom and silver Saintess Seren three people destroyed the gate of Death shadow jointly. Then this fearful Demonic Artifact fragment thorough seal, then hid. But this matter also becomes the Sun Temple black history, after all the stick of life is the Sun God Amora thing, finally was won by nether world Princess, moreover made into such evil fearful Demonic Artifact . This matter no one will want to publicize. Therefore Sun Temple then together is thorough finallyseal & R dquo together with the fragment of gate of Death shadow this matter ;. Actually to be hidden as for these fragments where, is unknown. Now Zhan En still remembers only, is that once the city of brilliance life now already became on Klein Continent thoroughly places of one of the most notorious cursecity of & R dquo Death ;, With inexhaustible Death and destruction, shows all that it once encountered to the visitor. 最终实在没有办法,太阳神阿蒙拉只好连同真实之神托姆和银色圣女塞伦三个人联手摧毁了死亡阴影之门。接着将这件可怕魔器的碎片彻底封印,然后隐藏了起来。而这件事也成为了太阳神殿的黑历史,毕竟生命之杖原本是太阳神阿蒙拉的东西,结果被幽冥公主夺走,而且还弄成了这么一件邪恶可怕的魔器。这种事情谁都不会想要宣扬出去的。因此太阳神殿最终便将这件事连同死亡阴影之门的碎片一起彻底“封印”了起来。至于那些碎片究竟被隐藏在什么地方,就不得而知了。现在詹恩唯一还记得的,就是那曾经光辉的生命之城现在已经彻底成为克莱恩大陆上最臭名昭著的诅咒之地之一的“死亡之城”,用无穷尽的死亡与毁灭,向来访者展现它曾经所遭遇到的一切。 However this and Zhan En and has no relations. 然而这和詹恩并没有什么关系。 Naturally, just like all Demonic Artifact , the gate of Death shadow also has its pit father's place, that is only then the talent of nether world Princess approval can start this Demonic Artifact , if others start this thing casually, perhaps will be dragged into the territory and Your Highness Princess nether world directly drinks the afternoon tea. 当然,和所有魔器一样,死亡阴影之门也有它坑爹的地方,那就是只有幽冥公主认可的人才能够启动这件魔器,其他人要是随随便便启动这东西,恐怕就会直接被拉入幽冥之域和公主殿下喝下午茶了。 „ Are you very curious. Although Klein is the Death knight, but he is not the nether world Princess subordinate, how possibly to obtain the approval of nether world Princess? & R dquo ; “你是不是很好奇。克莱因虽然是死亡骑士,但是他可不是幽冥公主的部下,怎么可能得到幽冥公主的认可呢?” Looks at the appearance that Zhan En dines, Lilicia grinning staggered both hands, narrow the eye to gaze at him, as if slightly discontentedly is not same regarding the behavior that this audience had not responded. 一面看着詹恩用餐的样子,莉莉西亚一面笑嘻嘻的交错双手,眯起眼睛注视着他,似乎对于这个听众一直没有反应的行为没有丝毫不满一样。 Answer is very simple, he has come to an arrangement about one to trade & mda S h with nether world Princess ; So long as he can collect the gate of simultaneous/uniform Death shadow fragment, and activates, then he can obtain the approval of nether world Princess, moreover subscribes the engagement with Your Highness Nabelius. I think, you should be very clear, who our that lovable younger sister's mothers are. & R dquo ; “答案很简单,他已经和幽冥公主谈妥了一笔交易—只要他能够重新收集齐死亡阴影之门的碎片,并且重新激活,那么他就能够获得幽冥公主的认同,而且与娜贝利乌斯殿下订下婚约。我想,你应该很清楚,我们那可爱妹妹的母亲是谁吧。” Hears here, the movement in Zhan En hand stopped finally. He raised the head, looks to present Lilicia. But regarding Zhan En this time response, Lilicia was quite obviously satisfied, she put out a hand to cover up oneself mouth, eats the chuckle to say. 听到这里,詹恩手中的动作终于停了一下。他抬起头,望向眼前的莉莉西亚。而对于詹恩这个时候的反应,莉莉西亚显然相当满意,她伸出手去遮掩住自己的嘴巴,吃吃轻笑着开口说道。 Husband who „ big brother must always turn into the younger sister, this may really be an interesting matter. Not? & R dquo ; “一直以来的大哥要变成妹妹的丈夫了,这可真是件有趣的事情呢。不是吗?” I do not think Nabelius will agree to his request. & R dquo ; “我可不认为娜贝利乌斯会同意他的要求。” Until this time, Zhan En then gave a reply lightly. His is not the casual nonsense, the Nabelius natural disposition is but actually gentle, but her magic power strong, even if also excels by far the top of Demon King in The lower world, is almost certain this ceremony ended later promotes Demon King's definitely to have her one. Although Klein is very strong, but wants to force Nabelius and he marries almost not possibly, but Nabelius very repugnant Klein, naturally is impossible to agree to this request. 直到这个时候,詹恩这才淡淡的给出了一句回答。他这倒也不是随便胡说,娜贝利乌斯生性平和,可是她的魔力之强哪怕在下层界也是冠绝魔王之顶,几乎可以肯定这次仪式结束之后晋升魔王的绝对有她一个。克莱因虽然很强,但是想要强迫娜贝利乌斯和他结婚几乎没有可能,而娜贝利乌斯也很讨厌克莱因,自然也不可能同意这个要求。 Who knows? The people can also change? Moreover regarding nether world Princess, this may be is good to buy and sell. & R dquo ; “谁知道呢?人也是会变的哦?而且对于幽冥公主来说,这可算是一笔好买卖呢。” Lilicia eats the chuckle saying that then her right hand moves slightly, „ & R dquo ; Opened the fragrant fan in hand, blocked own half face, only reveals an eye, having the wrapped in a shroud of obscurity brilliance to look to present Zhan En. 莉莉西亚吃吃轻笑着说道,接着她右手微微一动,“唰”的一声打开了手中的香扇,挡住了自己的半边面孔,只露出一双眼睛,带着神秘莫测的光辉望向眼前的詹恩 „, Right, the gate of Death shadow by in which fragment of seal in the Skaar federation, this may really be the unlucky place, just experienced the aggression of Goldshire Empire, staring at ......... me heard the general who he dispatches seeks for the fragment here by Klein is Death Moon ......... this name, to you should be familiar, not? & R dquo ; “哦,对了,死亡阴影之门被封印的其中一块碎片正是在斯卡尔联邦,这可真是倒霉的地方啊,刚刚才经历完闪金帝国的侵略,又被克莱因给盯上了………我听说他派往这边寻找碎片的将军是死亡之月………这个名字,对你来说应该非常熟悉,不是吗?” Hears here, Zhan En a few words had not said that on the contrary, he stopped the movement in hand, put out a hand to push the eyeglasses, then looks to present Lilicia. 听到这里,詹恩一句话也没有说,相反,他只是停下了手中的动作,伸出手来推了推眼镜,然后望向眼前的莉莉西亚 Afterward, the cold light flashes through from the Zhan En's eye together.( To be continued.) 随后,一道寒光从詹恩的眼中闪过。(未完待续。)
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