DR :: Volume #4

#308: The rotation of checkerboard

A woman sits in the tavern alone. New address: 一个女人独自坐在酒馆中。新地址: She has one mild-mannered, is sending out the weak luminous purple long hair, the graceful stature was wrapped by the long skirt of black tissue, in the slit that below splits can see the snow white slender thigh clearly, she sits before a tavern second floor position by the window like this, takes a glittering and translucent carving wine glass, inside the bright red liquor water under shining of sunlight reflects hallucination luminous, but in the bosom of female, is lying down an only lazy black cat. This moment that black cat face upwards lying down on the knee of female, before stretching out two , the claw is provoking the finger of female, looks from afar, looks seems like the beautiful drawing that in the afternoon an aristocrat young lady rests. 她有着一头柔顺的,散发着微弱光亮的紫色长发,曼妙的身材被黑色薄纱的长裙所包裹,下面裂开的缝隙之中可以清楚的看见雪白修长的大腿,她就这样坐在酒馆二楼靠窗的一个位置前,拿着一个晶莹剔透的酒杯,内里鲜红的酒水在阳光的照耀下反射迷幻的光亮,而在女子的怀中,则躺着一只慵懒的黑猫。此刻那只黑猫正仰躺在女子的膝盖上,伸出两只前爪拨弄着女子的手指,远远望去,看起来就好像是午后一副贵族小姐休憩的美丽图画。 No matter where such combination should be noticeable, what may feel strange, although the aide in tavern, guest one after another back and forth process from female, but actually no one looks at one to her. As if at present this beautiful simply probably person that goes out of the man most wonderful dreamland radically is one group of air, has not had the feeling to be the same completely. No, should say that in the side of this female, the time of entire tavern seemed to have suspended generally. 这样的组合不管是在哪里都应该会引人注目,可奇怪的是,虽然酒馆的侍从,客人陆陆续续的从女子身边来回经过,但是却没有人向她望上一眼。似乎眼前这个美丽的简直好像从男人最美妙的梦境之中走出的人儿根本就是一团空气,完全没有存在感一样。不,应该说在这个女子的身边,整座酒馆的时间似乎已经暂停了一般。 Until another person enters the tavern, arrives at the opposite of this female to sit down, in the entire tavern the air of that solidification restarts flowing. 直到另外一个人走进酒馆,来到这位女子的对面坐下,整间酒馆之中那凝固的空气才重新开始流动。 Zhan En pushes the chair, sat was looking steadily at her in the opposite of female, quick, a waiter walked up, respectful inquiry this seemed very noble the graceful mister to need anything to serve. Even so, he has not looked like that woman to have a liking for one, as if on his at present, this table only has Zhan En person. 詹恩拉开椅子,坐在了女子的对面盯视着她,很快,一位侍者就走上前来,恭敬的询问这位看起来就很高贵优雅的先生需要什么服务。但即便如此,他也没有像那个女人看上一眼,似乎在他的眼前,这张桌子上只有詹恩一个人似的。 One bottle of white wines, the roasting venison of spice cooking comes with the empire coast, the mushroom thick soup, remembers that wants the fresh material. Half roasted chicken, the crucial moment wants the foot. Comes cheese and beef steak again ......... & R dquo ; “一瓶白葡萄酒,用帝国海岸来的香料烹调的烤鹿肉,还有蘑菇浓汤,记得要新鲜的材料。半只烤鸡,火候要足。再来一份奶酪和牛排………” Just like the waiter, Zhan En looked continually has not looked at opposite that woman one eyes, selfish wanted one pile, nods to leave after the waiter. He cold snort/hum, by the chairback, before both hands interlocks backward is placing the body . Narrows the eye to look to the present woman. After the long time, this had said. 和侍者一样,詹恩连看都没有看对面那个女人一眼,自顾自的要了一堆,直到侍者点头走人之后。他才冷哼一声,向后靠在椅背上,双手交错着放在身前。眯起眼睛望向眼前的女人。在过了半晌之后,这才开口说道。 To be honest, I simply have not thought that will receive your invitation, Lilicia. & R dquo ; “老实说,我根本没想到会接到你的邀请,莉莉西亚。” You said like this may really make me sad. My lovable younger brother ............... & R dquo ; “你这样说可真让我伤心。我可爱的弟弟……………” Hears Zhan En's to speak, opposite woman shows a faint smile, she holds up the wine glass, was rocking to Zhan En, then sipped good wine in cup lightly. Then puts down the cup in hand. Bright such as the fragrant tongue of fire stretches out from her mouth, slow licking licks own lip, the whole person has one type sensational with the aura that filling to attract. Common man after seeing such movement, perhaps will unable to bear throw directly. 听到詹恩的说话,对面的女人微微一笑,她举起酒杯,对着詹恩晃动了一下,接着轻抿了一口杯中的美酒。这才放下手中的杯子。鲜艳如火的香舌从她的口中伸出,缓慢的舔舐着自己的嘴唇,整个人带着一种煽情与充满魅惑的气息。一般的男人在看见这样的动作之后,恐怕都会忍不住直接扑上去吧。 As the elder sister, I naturally can care about own younger brother? After all you are in all brothers and sisters most do not let one that the person feels relieved, but I have not even thought that unexpectedly you can do is so good. makes me quite somewhat accidental/surprised, confesses, I have not thought that will change own plan ......... & R dquo ; “作为姐姐,我当然要关心自己的弟弟咯?毕竟你也是所有兄弟姐妹之中最不让人放心的一个,只是连我都没有想到,你居然能够做的这么好呢。使得我颇为有些意外,坦白来说,我还从来没有想到会更改自己的计划………” Therefore , Goldshire Empire and war between Skaar federations. Casalance that broken matter, is you do? & R dquo ; “所以说,闪金帝国斯卡尔联邦之间的战争。还有卡萨兰斯那档子破事,都是你搞出来的了?” Hears here, Zhan En shouldered swept opposite party one eyes that the brow was bored to death, completely does not have any response. Although the opposite is person of acme of beauty and deportment, but Zhan En is well aware to sit in the opposite woman is only an elder sister's puppet, Sicilia is a discretion, careful person, even if pulling strings behind the scenes, she will also never arrive personally, but serves own purpose like through a spiritual control person. Zhan En is very clear. His elder sister's that crowd of Charming Demon Legion, are used to do these things. But in fact sits before him the woman, is one in that Charming Demon Legion. But now she is completely the Lilicia puppet, every action and every movement all receive the opposite party to control and that's the end. 听到这里,詹恩挑起眉头百无聊赖的扫了对方一眼,完全没有任何反应。虽然对面是个千娇百媚的人儿,但是詹恩心知肚明坐在自己对面的女人只是自己姐姐的一个傀儡,西西莉亚是个谨慎,小心的人,哪怕是在幕后操纵,她也从来不会亲自登场,而是像这样通过精神操纵一个人来达到自己的目的。詹恩很清楚。他姐姐手下的那群魅魔军团,就是用来干这些事情的。而事实上坐在他面前的这个女人,也是那个魅魔军团之中的一员。只不过现在她完全就是莉莉西亚的傀儡,一举一动皆受对方掌控就是了。 That just plays a small joke. & R dquo ; “那只不过是开个小小的玩笑罢了。” Hears the Zhan En's inquiry. Lilicia shows a faint smile, spreads out both hands to say. 听到詹恩的询问。莉莉西亚微微一笑,摊开双手开口说道。 Goldshire Empire and war of Skaar federation is only small floor show, human not most deficient is the ambition, Namis VIII that old fogy hope can the glorious empire, then I did not mind that boosts their in the back. Do the hunters see the weak prey not to act as soon as one gets the news? Human greedy and stupid is inherent, from them being created starting from that day. The battle, the slaughter, the conquered factor has ambushed in their bodies. Moreover you looked, I haven't made fun of that old Emperor not? If not your appearance, Goldshire Empire can definitely seize the Skaar federation completely, but in fact, that emperor is certainly impossible to think that a small variable can change the overall situation. & R dquo ; 闪金帝国斯卡尔联邦的战争只是一场小小的余兴,人类最不缺乏的就是野心,纳美西斯八世那个老家伙渴望能够荣耀帝国,那么我不介意在背后推他们一把。猎人看见虚弱的猎物怎么不会闻风而动?人类的贪婪与愚蠢是与生俱来的,从他们被创造出来的那天开始。争斗,屠杀,征服的因子就一直潜伏在他们的身体之中。而且你看,我也并没有捉弄那位老皇帝不是吗?如果不是你的出现,闪金帝国肯定能够完全占领斯卡尔联邦,而事实上,那位皇帝陛下当然也不可能想到一个小小的变数就能够改变全局。” Therefore you did kill him? & R dquo ; “所以你就杀了他?” Hears here, Zhan En cold snort/hum, he takes up the knife and fork, cut open placed oneself front beef steak, then forked to put in the mouth together. Before arriving here, Zhan En had known that Namis VIII in the news that the acute illness died suddenly, but the entire empire also after this emperor dies a violent death was in a state of incoherent mass thoroughly. Although many people think that under the old Emperor death is the royal power competes for another tragedy, but Zhan En is very clear, this cannot be inseparable from own elder sister absolutely. 听到这里,詹恩冷哼一声,他拿起刀叉,切开了放在自己面前的牛排,然后叉起一块放入口中。在来到这里之前,詹恩就已经得知那位纳美西斯八世在忽然暴病身亡的消息,而整个帝国也在这位皇帝陛下暴毙之后彻底陷入了一片散沙的状态。虽然不少人都认为老皇帝的死是王权争夺下的又一场悲剧,但是詹恩却很清楚,这绝对和自己的姐姐脱不了干系。 I may not have to begin personally, lovable younger brother. & R dquo ; “我可没有亲自动手,可爱的弟弟。” Inquired regarding Zhan En's, Lilicia somewhat suffering casts aside the mouth, made one lovably and lets the movement that the person pities. 对于詹恩的询问,莉莉西亚有些委屈的撇起嘴巴,做出了一个可爱的又让人怜悯的动作。 You looked, the ambitious person always does not lack, I just am tell them to realize my ideal, cannot extremely rigidly adhere to the fetter of sentimental and moral principle, becomes important matter to not bother about trifles, this is also the human recognized truth. & R dquo ; “你看,有野心的人总是不缺的,我只不过是告诉他们想要实现自己的理想,就不能够太过拘泥于感情与伦理道德的束缚,成大事者不拘小节,这也是人类公认的道理嘛。” Yes, in any case in your hand always clean, unlucky is others. Goes to bed like you and so many men, but is still the maiden is the same. & R dquo ; “是啊,反正你的手上总是干净的,倒霉的都是其他人。就像你和这么多男人上了床,但却依然是处女一样。” Hears here, Zhan En cold snort/hum, then took up nearby white wine but actually one cup. His saying satirized not completely, but was the fact, Lilicia enticed human to degenerate is her unique skill, but ironically, she handled these things time, took possession on own Succubus does. Therefore Zhan En will satirize her approach, obviously spiritually is the immoral woman of having fought many battles, but ** on actually as before is the pure virgin. This is like the Lilicia consistent essence, seems like the present, although she directed a turmoil in country personally, but just like each schemes and tricks, in her own hand has not contaminated a bloodstain time. 听到这里,詹恩冷哼一声,接着拿起旁边的白葡萄酒倒了一杯。他这话也不完全是讽刺,而是事实,莉莉西亚勾引人类堕落是她的拿手绝活,而讽刺的是,她做这些事情的时候,都是附身在自己的魅魔身上去干的。所以詹恩才会如此讽刺她的做法,明明精神上已经是身经百战的荡妇,但**上却依旧是冰清玉洁的处子。这就和莉莉西亚一贯的本质是一样的,就好像眼下,虽然她亲自导演了一个国家的动乱,但是和每一次的阴谋诡计一样,她自己的手上从来没有沾染一点血迹。 Really is the clean disgusting behavior ......... & R dquo ; “真是干净的让人恶心的生活作风………” But satirized regarding Zhan En's, meaning that Lilicia has not been angry completely, the time that both sides had to do was very long, as the elder sister and tender, Lilicia was almost looks at Zhan En to grow up, this degree of dialogue, between both sides has been the potluck. 而对于詹恩的讽刺,莉莉西亚完全没有生气的意思,双方打交道的时间可是很长的,作为姐姐和照料者,莉莉西亚几乎是看着詹恩长大的,这种程度的对话,在双方之间早已经是家常便饭。 Do not say that everyone has the power to protect the side the last chastity, you look, the life is such darkness with degenerating, but doesn't human still yearn for the light? The words that if you are angry for the Casalance matter, the elder sister I can apologize, but can't this blame me? When I look for Nabelius, but said is used to cope with you very refreshedly, she that named & l S quo ; g virus & R S quo ; The gadget gave to me, it seems like your younger sister seem waiting for your failure. & R dquo ; “不要这么说嘛,每个人都有权力保护自己身边的最后一丝纯洁,你看,生活是如此的黑暗与堕落,但是人类不依然向往光明?如果说你是为了卡萨兰斯的事情而生气的话,那姐姐我可以道歉,不过这也不能够怪我哦?当我去找娜贝利乌斯的时候,只是说用来对付你,她就很爽快的把那个叫‘g病毒’的玩意儿送给我了呢,看来你的妹妹们似乎都在翘首以待你的失败啊。” Therefore you want to say that my educational policy does have the issue? & R dquo ; “所以你是想说我的教育方针有问题吗?” Hears here, Zhan En selected under the brow slightly, to be honest, when he hears this news, Zhan En is not really surprised. He looks Vivian and Nabelius grow up, how naturally knows their personalities. Indeed, they have the sentiment to themselves, but among demonfraternity & R dquo ; Not like world imagination gentle, the idea of Zhan En very clear Nabelius, she thinks that oneself strength was too weak, simply does not have the means to arrive in this ceremony finally, therefore starts simply earlier, lets the Zhan En complete failure. Then Nabelius can make a move to protect him, then two peopleforever & R dquo ; Happy lives together. 听到这里,詹恩微微挑了下眉头,说实话,当他听到这个消息时,詹恩真的一点儿都不惊讶。他可是看着薇薇安娜贝利乌斯长大的,自然知道她们的性情如何。的确,她们是对自己有感情,但是魔族之间的“手足之情”可不像人类世界想象的那样平和,詹恩很清楚娜贝利乌斯的想法,她认为自己的实力实在太弱了,根本没有办法在这场仪式之中走到最后,所以干脆就早点儿下手,让詹恩彻底失败。然后娜贝利乌斯就可以出手把他保护起来,接着两个人“永远”幸福的生活在一起。 This is the demon values. 这就是魔族的价值观。 If you choose to return to The lower world, I think that this is also a good choice? Must know in Demon World, but many Demon King expected that you can teach their children. Can teach that existences of two Demon King successors in Demon World are also very respected, Succubus Demon Queen has mentioned this matter to me more than once, can look, she can kill her daughter regarding you, graduates to be very curious ......... & R dquo from the school ; “如果你选择回到下层界的话,我想这也是个不错的选择哦?要知道在魔界里可是有很多魔王都期望你能够去教导他们的孩子呢。能够教导出两位魔王继任者的存在在魔界也是很受尊重的,魅魔女王就不止一次向我提起过这件事,看得出来,她对于你能够杀死她的女儿,从学院之中毕业感到很好奇………” But I have not planned to go home now obviously, you should be clear about this point very much, Lilicia. & R dquo ; “但是我现在显然没有打算打道回府,你应该很清楚这一点,莉莉西亚。” Zhan En shrugs the shoulders, then put out a hand to take up nearby roasted chicken, with a blade incision piece by piece, then touched mayonnaise above. 詹恩耸耸肩膀,接着伸出手去拿起了旁边的烤鸡,用刀一片片的切开,然后在上面摸了一层蛋黄酱。 This is natural, my lovable younger brother, I have not really thought, you are also hiding such strength. It seems like you indeed learned me to teach your ......... me not to know that initially you had such strange strength unexpectedly, although said that when you summoned Enoya, I should have ............ to consider as finished vigilantly, no matter how said i, now you in good of very main plane development, then I do not need to say anything. & R dquo ; “这是当然的,我可爱的弟弟,我真没想到,你还隐藏着这样的力量。看来你的确学会了我当初教给你的那些………连我都不知道你居然拥有这样奇怪的力量,虽然说在你召唤出埃诺娅的时候,我就应该有所警觉了…………算了,不管怎么说i,现在你在主位面发展的很不错,那么我也没必要多说什么了。” „ Hasn't this called to say? & R dquo ; “这还不叫多说?” Hears here, Zhan En funny is looking steadily at the present woman. 听到这里,詹恩好笑的盯视着眼前的女人。 Ok, Lilicia, your time asked me to come out to not to remember past times obviously, spoke frankly. & R dquo ; “好了,莉莉西亚,你这次叫我出来显然不是为了怀旧的,打开天窗说亮话吧。” You like this are irritable, this is not good, my lovable younger brother, everything must wait for has the interest. & R dquo ; “你还是这样急躁,这可不行啊,我可爱的弟弟,凡事都要等待才有趣味嘛。” Time is money, but I do not like wasting the time, is a viper feelings woman wastes the time let alone here. & R dquo ; “时间就是金钱,而我并不喜欢浪费时间,更何况是和一个蛇蝎心肠的女人在这里浪费时间。” Zhan En beckons with the hand, obviously does not spare a glance regarding the Lilicia words. 詹恩摆了摆手,显然对于莉莉西亚的话不屑一顾。 What matter therefore , do you ask me to have? & R dquo ; “所以说,你找我到底有什么事?” „ Very simple. & R dquo ; “很简单。” Inquired facing Zhan En's, the Lilicia smile appears such beautiful, pure, moving. 面对詹恩的询问,莉莉西亚的笑容显得那样美丽,纯真,动人。 I only want to ask you, can collaborate with me, copes with Klein? & R dquo ;( To be continued.) “我只想问你,要不要和我一起联手,对付克莱因?”(未完待续。)
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