DR :: Volume #4

#307: Young girl magic study

Magic? 魔法? Hears here, almost all people gawked , the girls then stared in a big way the eye, surprised looked is standing in their front young girls, reveals expression that does not dare to believe. 听到这里,几乎所有人都愣了一下,紧接着,女孩们便瞪大了眼睛,惊讶的望着站在她们面前的少女,露出了不敢置信的表情。 Must study magic matter regarding oneself, the girls have listened to Zhan En and Pattilina actually have mentioned, but they had not thought at that time many. Because on Klein Continent, studying the magic is a very difficult matter, do not say that their these Abandoned by Gods, even generally the child of civilians even is the gentries and these aristocrat few such great honor. mage has the aloof position on Klein Continent, in people's eyes, mage compares Priest to be more fearful by far, after all you do not have the means to imagine a Priest release fireball to rumble the scene that forever a big hole comes, but the mage summon meteorite makes the entire city fall into the sea of fire the story actually to hear everywhere. In the common civilian eyes, mage is powerful, is mystical and arrogant, moreover does not need to pay attention to these aristocrats( the latter in civilian opinion is key) . Moreover the mage status is mostly noble, is quite enviable. If who can seemingly be the apprentice by mage, let surrounding person envy, jealousy, hate sufficiently a while. 对于自己要学习魔法这件事情,女孩们倒是早就听詹恩帕蒂莉娜说起过,只不过当时她们也不并没有想得太多。因为在克莱恩大陆上,学习魔法可是一件很困难的事情,不要说她们这些神弃者,就算是一般平民的孩子甚至是士绅和那些贵族都很少有这样的殊荣。法师克莱恩大陆上有着超然的地位,在一般人眼里,一个法师远远比一个牧师要更加可怕,毕竟你永远没办法想象一个牧师释放火球轰出一个大坑来的场景,但是法师召唤陨石让整座城市陷入火海的故事却是随处可闻。在一般平民眼里,法师强大,神秘又孤傲,而且还不用理会那些贵族(后者在平民看来才是重点),而且法师大多身份高贵,颇为让人羡慕。如果有谁能够被法师看上去做学徒,就足以让周围的人羡慕嫉妒恨一阵子了。 Also because of this, these Witch's child actually spoke regarding Zhan En's at first has not taken seriously, in their eyes, this was only a comfort. Like the parents to the child will promise that their long congress becomes Princess, or marries a handsome put on airs like this wonderful dream, what pitifully is, this also merely is only the dream. Witch's child compared the ordinary child to taste early passed away the difficulty, therefore promised regarding Zhan En's, they also smiled. Is regarded as a few words that the Sir of this good intention comforted them to speak thoughtlessly to speak. Has not thought that Sir really looked for mage to be the teacher to them unexpectedly! 也正因为如此,最初这些魔女之子其实对于詹恩的说话并没有当真,在她们看来,这不过只是一种安慰。就像父母会对孩子许诺他们长大会成为公主,或者嫁给一个英俊的白马王子这样的美妙梦想,不过可惜的是,这也仅仅只是梦想。魔女之子们比平常的孩子更早品尝过世间的艰辛,所以对于詹恩的许诺,她们也只是一笑而过。当做是这位好心的大人安慰她们所随口说的一句话。只是没有想到,那位大人居然真的给她们找来了一位法师做老师! Zhan En makes Elise teach their magic. Does not find a person is so simple casually, in fact. He assigns Elise, rather than summoned unit from Dungeon again, the reason only had a that is Elise as the blood group status. 詹恩之所以让伊丽丝来教授她们魔法。并非是随便找个人这么简单,事实上。他之所以指定伊丽丝,而不是重新从地下城里召唤一个施法单位,原因只有一个那就是伊丽丝身为血族的身份。 The blood group has to operate the blood since birth, the strength of activation potential. But the Witch's child strength, is the ambush in their bloodlines, must say that who can the guidance they stimulate to hide strength the words in these Witch's child bodies effectively, then belonged to Elise. 血族生来就拥有能够操纵血液,激活潜能的力量。而魔女之子们的力量,正是潜伏在她们的血脉之中,要说谁能够最有效的引导她们激发隐藏在这些魔女之子身体里的力量的话,那么就非伊丽丝莫属了。 Moreover, as Warlock, is the use that Elise most excels flows the strength in bloodlines. Because Warlock is a control and grasps in the blood the wild magic power occupation. Can say, no matter guides these Witch's child to understand their abilities, later teaches them to operate strength, Elise is the best choice. 而且,作为一名法术士,伊丽丝最擅长的也就是使用流淌在血脉之中的力量。因为法术士自身就是一种操控和掌握自身血液内狂野魔力的职业。可以说不管是引导这些魔女之子了解她们的能力,还是之后教授她们操纵力量方面,伊丽丝都是最佳的选择。 Regarding Zhan En's this request, Elise, although is not very positive, but nodded to comply finally. To be honest, as mage, Elise same is afraid troublesome with others, to her, nothing reads to learn these mysterious knowledge in the library the dwelling more interesting. But in turn. Teaching one crowd of magics is Imp (little demon) that anything does not know, will obviously not be Elise will like the matter that will go to handle. Since Zhan En has issued the order, then her also nature, only then complies with the order conduct. 对于詹恩的这个要求,伊丽丝虽然不是很积极,但最终还是点头答应了下来。说实话,作为一名法师,伊丽丝和其他人一样害怕麻烦,对于她来说,没有什么比宅在图书馆里看书学习那些神秘的知识更有趣的。而反过来。教授一群连魔法是什么东西都不知道的小鬼,显然不是伊丽丝会喜欢去做的事情。但是既然詹恩已经下达了命令,那么她也自然只有遵从命令行事。 That ......... Sir Elise ......... & R dquo ; “那个………伊丽丝大人………” In a moment later, these Witch's child then recovers. Afterward Felicity raises the hand, represented others to ask the question in oneself heart. 在片刻之后,那些魔女之子这才回过神来。随后菲拉丝举起手,代表其他人问出了自己心中的疑问。 Before you said that we are Witch's child ......... please ask what that is? Also, can we really study the magic? & R dquo ; “之前您说我们是魔女之子………请问那是什么?还有,我们真的可以学习魔法吗?” Some things. When you should know naturally knows . If you have not studied the magic the quality, then I not time waste on you. & R dquo ; “有些事情。当你们该知道的时候自然就会知道,还有。如果你们没有学习魔法的素质的话,那么我是不会把时间浪费在你们身上的。” Although displays in front of Zhan En receives very much. However Elise after all Black Onyx Stone City small Princess. She naturally always follows in front of Zhan En, timid. However facing one crowd of human, Elise is obviously impossible also to adopt the stance that receives weakly. Therefore facing the inquiry of Felicity, she swept opposite party one eyes, later coldly answered. But hears the reply of Elise, the people also closed the mouth immediately, is gazing at the present young girl cautiously. They have not produced anything to suspect to the Elise desolate attitude, after all in the hearsay mage always keeps aloof, to the average people are not the false word usage, then currently this Miss mage will have such attitude is not but actually strange to them. 虽然在詹恩面前表现的很受。不过伊丽丝毕竟还是黑玛瑙石城的小公主。在詹恩面前她自然是言听计从,唯唯诺诺。但是面对一群人类,伊丽丝显然不可能也摆出那副弱受的姿态来。所以面对菲拉丝的询问,她只是扫了对方一眼,随后冷冷的做出了回答。而听到伊丽丝的回答,众人也顿时闭上了嘴巴,小心翼翼的注视着眼前的少女。她们倒没有对伊丽丝冷淡的态度产生什么怀疑,毕竟传闻里法师总是高高在上,对普通人都是不假辞色的,那么现在这位法师小姐会对她们有这样的态度倒也不算多么奇怪。 After looked at present people again, Elise then satisfied nod, then she takes the paint brush in hand, drew silver luminous in the midair. 再又望了一圈眼前的众人之后,伊丽丝这才满意的点了点头,接着她拿起手中的画笔,在半空中画了一道银色的光亮。 „ Then is the first class, characteristic ............... & R dquo about magic rune/symbol writing ; “那么接下来就是第一课,关于魔法符文的特性……………” Is listening to the Elise speaking voice, Witch's child including Elinster quickly raised the head, wholly absorbed looks at the present young girl they not to discover completely, at this moment outside the room, two forms is standing there, quietly is peeping at them. 听着伊丽丝的说话声,包括艾琳丝特在内的魔女之子们急忙抬起头来,专心致志的望着眼前的少女她们完全没有发现,此刻就在房间外面,有两个身影正站在那里,悄悄的窥视着她们。 Never expected that Elise also very decent. & R dquo ; “没想到伊丽丝还挺像模像样的嘛。” Pattilina curls the lip close to, then fills with the sigh the opens the mouth to say. 帕蒂莉娜撇了撇嘴巴,然后满怀感叹的开口说道。 I also think like her the young lady, regarding imparting knowledge and educating people this matter does not excel completely. & R dquo ; “我还以为像她那样的大小姐,对于教书育人这种事情完全不擅长呢。” Therefore you mean you excels very much? & R dquo ; “所以你的意思是你很擅长了?” Heard the speech of Pattilina, Zhan En comes back to stare her one eyes. In fact Pattilina starts the teaching the time by far many that Elise is earlier, however her way of teaching may really not be the average person can adapt. First did not say that the amount of exercise of that meeting deceased person and nearly the operating training of actual combat, is only field survival enough these Witch's child drinks a pot. In fact Pattilina some training people will be injured each time somewhat, the abrasion breaks anything is the minor matter, breaks arm leg anything also has. This must change others, perhaps could not have insisted. However luckily these Witch's child are also tenacious enough, moreover these Alice maids also meet spell that some treatments use somewhat, causes these Witch's child unexpectedly also really in the Pattilina devil trained to live. 听到帕蒂莉娜的说话,詹恩回过头去瞪了她一眼。事实上帕蒂莉娜开始教学的时间远远比伊丽丝早的多,但是她的教学方式可真不是一般人能够适应的了的。先不说那会死人的运动量和近乎实战的操作训练,光是野外生存就够那些魔女之子喝一壶的。事实上每次帕蒂莉娜的训练多多少少都会有人受伤,擦伤摔伤什么的都是小事,摔断个胳膊腿什么的也不是没有。这要换了其他人,恐怕早就坚持不下去了。不过也幸亏这些魔女之子足够坚韧,而且那些爱丽丝女仆多多少少也还会一些治疗用的法术,使得那些魔女之子居然还真的在帕蒂莉娜的魔鬼训练里活了下来。 However when Zhan En after Lydia there learned this matter, stopped the Pattilina teaching decisively, cracks a joke, these Witch's child also less than ten years old. Moreover everyone has the physical disability. Pattilina also makes these little fellows bear about ten kilograms heavy item on foot mountains and plains about hundred li (0.5 km) unexpectedly, isn't this awfully? Getting so far as has not made one life now unexpectedly is these Witch's child lives is hard enough. Tosses about again, even if there is big resurrecting technique of Saint place to estimate that could not rescue. 不过当詹恩丽姬娅那里得知这件事之后,就果断叫停了帕蒂莉娜的教学,开什么玩笑,那些魔女之子一个个还不满十岁。而且每个人都有身体残疾。帕蒂莉娜居然还让这些小家伙背上近十公斤的重物徒步山野近百里,这不是要命吗?弄到现在居然还没闹出人命已经算是那些魔女之子的命足够硬。再折腾下去就算有圣座的大复活术估计都救不回来了。 Therefore Zhan En pulls back the little fellow quickly, as for that some curricula of vacancy. Makes the Elise magic study make up, according to Zhan En's plans in any case, after these Witch's child societies studied was literate should contact the magic. Makes up while this opportunity simply, makes them rest while convenient well. 因此詹恩很快就把小家伙拉了回来,至于空缺的那部分课程。则让伊丽丝的魔法学补上,反正按照詹恩的计划,在这些魔女之子学会读书识字之后也应该接触魔法了。干脆趁这个机会补上,顺便也让她们好好休息一下。 I said that the master you really extremely makes much ado about nothing. & R dquo ; “我就说主人你实在是太过大惊小怪啦。” Spoke regarding Zhan En's, Pattilina somewhat thought otherwise obviously. 对于詹恩的说话,帕蒂莉娜显然有些不以为然。 Do not look that I such toss about them, but do I have calculated their limit well? You look, the master, before is not, some extraordinary personalities said that if the person does not compel himself the limit. Is impossible to discover own potential? If not I compels them to train, these Imp (little demon) impossible to run several hundred li (0.5 km) in the mountains and plains. Moreover you looked, important was not they accepted the exercise, but was their mental is enough strong, this was the key point, wasn't right? & R dquo ; “别看我那样折腾她们,但是我可是有好好的计算过她们的极限哦?你看嘛,主人,不是以前就有伟人说,人要是不把自己逼到极限的话。是不可能发现自己的潜力的吗?如果不是我逼着她们训练,这些小鬼也不可能在山野里跑上数百里吧。而且你看,重要的不是她们是否接受了锻炼,而是她们的心智是不是足够坚强,这才是重点,不对吗?” That said that the method that but if you use can make me feel relieved that will be better, not? & R dquo ; “话是这么说,但是如果你用的方法能够让我更加放心一些的话才会更好,不是吗?” Hears here, Zhan En shrugs the shoulders. Then he has turned the head to look to Pattilina, then says. 听到这里,詹恩耸耸肩膀。接着他转过头去望向帕蒂莉娜,接着开口说道。 I also know that you cannot idle ......... this, recently these refugees had also incorporated a garrison force, but they lack the training now. You are very in any case idle, how drills simply well these fellows? I do not request you to toss about them to the level of guards, so long as drilled qualified soldier to be OK these fellows. What's wrong? This is not considered as to you any difficult matter, you looks to manage well as for the concrete method. How wants to do how to do, does not need scruples other. & R dquo ; “不过我也知道你闲不下来………这样吧,最近那些难民也已经收编成了一只守备部队,只不过他们现在还是缺少训练。反正你很闲,干脆好好去操练一下那些家伙如何?我不要求你把他们折腾到近卫军的水准,只要把这些家伙操练成合格的士兵就可以了。如何?这对于你来说不算是什么困难的事情吧,至于具体的方法你看着办就好。想怎么做就怎么做,不用顾忌其他的。” Really? Masters? & R dquo ; “真的?主人?” Hears here. On the Pattilina somewhat bored face bloomed immediately the brilliance of sparkle, she stares the big eye like this, bringing the vision that excited and jumps for joy to look to standing in own master. 听到这里。帕蒂莉娜原本有些无聊的面孔上顿时绽放出了闪耀的光彩,她就这样瞪大眼睛,带着兴奋和雀跃的目光望向站在自己身边的主人。 How can I really want to do how do? Even if drills these idiots lies like the dead dog in the ground pain wails does not have the issue? & R dquo ; “我真的可以想怎么做就怎么做?哪怕把那些白痴操练的像条死狗一样趴在地上痛苦哀嚎的话也没问题?” From establishes own joy in others' pain this point, Zhan En and Pattilina indeed have the common language. 从把自己的快乐建立在别人的痛苦上这一点来看,詹恩帕蒂莉娜的确是有共同语言的。 Naturally does not have the issue. & R dquo ; “当然没问题。” A few words, Zhan En handed over overall the destinies of these pitiful refugees. 只是一句话,詹恩就把那些可怜难民的命运全盘交出去了。 Too good, the master, I prepares now! Please feel relieved, I will train absolutely these fellows am as good Creager Death army corps elite! & R dquo ; “太好啦,主人,我现在就去准备!请您放心,我绝对会把那些家伙训练成不逊于克里格死亡兵团的精锐的!” Hears Zhan En's to reply, Pattilina immediately delighted jumped, then she is brandishing the small fist to Zhan En good a ritual, then departure that turns around racing racing to jump looks at the little fellow immediately is somewhat unbearably anxious, making one really have to suspect before her, actually trains these Witch's child, for they are good? To send time purely leads a life of comfort? 听到詹恩的回答,帕蒂莉娜顿时欢喜的跳了起来,接着她挥舞着小拳头向詹恩行了一礼,接着便立刻转身奔奔跳跳的离开看得出来小家伙对此已经是有些急不可耐,让人实在不得不怀疑她之前训练那些魔女之子究竟是真的为了她们好呢?还是单纯只是为了打发时间自己享乐? Is both all has it. 或者是两者皆有之吧。 Thinks of here, Zhan En shrugs the shoulders, then he has turned the head, looks to the corridor dim shadow. 想到这里,詹恩耸耸肩膀,接着他转过头去,望向走廊昏暗的阴影之中。 Ok, you can come out now, suspicious like the mouse. & R dquo ; “好了,现在你可以出来了吧,不要偷偷摸摸的像个老鼠一样。” Your strength grew stronger, His Royal Highness Prince. & R dquo ; “您的力量又增强了呢,王子殿下。” With these words, the shadow starts to wave again , a female walked head who comes out she is Kulisgain Chamber of Commerce, Clarice. Saw only her to go out from the corridor channel of shadow like this, arrived in front of Zhan En's, then respectful toward him good a ritual. 伴随着这句话,黑影再次开始舞动,紧接着,一个女子从中走了出来她正是库利斯盖因商会的负责人,克拉莉丝。只见她就这样从阴影的走廊通道之中走出,来到了詹恩的面前,接着恭敬的向着他行了一礼。 I have never thought that does not see some time, you become the Hero character of Templar Order praise unexpectedly, this may really be the extraordinary merit, His Royal Highness Prince, makes a country fall into the prospect of confusion and fission solitarily, but can also let these human such respect and loves you, it seems like, this time ceremony certainly will be very interesting. & R dquo ; “真没想到,一段时间不见,您居然成为了圣堂教团传颂的英雄人物,这可真是了不得的功绩呢,王子殿下,只身让一个国家陷入混乱与分裂的前景,还能够让这些人类如此的崇敬与爱戴您,看来,这一次的仪式一定会很有趣的。” You comes to here should not be and I speaks the idle talk, Clarice. & R dquo ; “你来这里应该不是和我说废话的吧,克拉莉丝。” Hears the speech of Clarice, Zhan En cold snort/hum. 听到克拉莉丝的说话,詹恩冷哼一声。 Beforehand stated, I may not have to plan recently to go shopping. & R dquo ; “事先声明,我最近可没打算买什么东西。” This I am very clear, His Royal Highness Prince, in fact, this time I ask you to be asked. & R dquo ; “这点我很清楚,王子殿下,事实上,这次我来找您是受人之托。” Is saying, Clarice puts out a hand into the bosom, then put out a correspondence to hand over. But on seeing bright red, grew bat wing the mark of double headed snake, Zhan En was provoking a brow, then at this time, saw only Clarice to raise the head, showed a faint smile to him. 一面说着,克拉莉丝一面伸手入怀,接着拿出了一封信函递了过去。而看见上面鲜红的,长着蝙蝠翅膀的双头蛇的标记,詹恩不由挑动了一下眉头,接着就在这个时候,只见克拉莉丝抬起头来,对他微微一笑。 I represent your older sister Your Highness Lilicia to convey her invitation to you ......... & R dquo ; “我代表您的姐姐莉莉西亚殿下向您转达她的邀请………” Then, Clarice says.( To be continued......) 接着,克拉莉丝开口说道。(未完待续……)
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