DR :: Volume #4

#306: Newborn territory

Indigenous people ethnic group such quiet vanishes in the cold frost mountain range deep place thoroughly, their disappearances have not brought to anybody's attention, Templar Order, the place aristocrat, is other refugees. New address: Few will care that crowd of Indigenous people, they such complete becomes forgotten existence, even the spray has not turned, vanished in the gaps of history like this. 亚兴人的族群就这样悄无声息的彻底消失在寒霜山脉的深处,他们的消失并没有引起任何人的注意,无论是圣堂教团,地方贵族,还是其他难民。新地址:几乎没人会去关心那群亚兴人,他们就这样完完全全的成为了被遗忘的存在,甚至连一点儿浪花都没有翻起,就这样消失在了历史的间隙之间。 But the life must continue, no matter what happened, this world will still start once again, that moment arrival that until perishes thoroughly. 而生活还是要继续下去的,不管发生了什么事,这个世界依然会周而复始,直到彻底灭亡的那一刻的到来。 Since Passus has gotten quite the lively, refugee group by group to come here to settle down these days, the quantity are getting more and more, even leads the local original total number of people almost the same as entire Passus. Generally speaking, the arrivals of such large numbers of refugees will have the impact on the local order mostly. But in fact in the Passus area, the arrivals of these refugees, although some tumults, but is roughly steady. 帕苏斯领这段时间以来可谓是相当的热闹,一批又一批的难民来到这里定居,数量越来越多,甚至和整个帕苏斯领当地原本的总人数相差无几。一般来说,这样大批难民的到来多半会对当地的秩序产生冲击。但事实上在帕苏斯地区,这些难民的到来虽然有些骚动,但是大致上还算平稳。 But these refugees will be honest, on the one hand is because Zhan En, when pursued Indigenous people to display a feudal lord to have the strength and authoritative that making these refugees also realize that personal here feudal lord may not only be only a Hero legend in story, ruler but who was genuine. These refugees were also suddenly honest immediately, the person have to lower the head under the eaves after all . Moreover the opposite party was Hero. If annoys to go wrong, making that feudal lord Sir deport them, when the time comes no one will definitely think the principle this side them, once turned into such to be finished. Must know that these refugees are not only only the refugees, is the followers of nine Saints. Perhaps they facing common aristocrat, only then dreads, but Zhan En also holds a concurrent post of an awarding a decoration aristocratHoly status & R dquo ;, Therefore in refugee opinion, this feudal lord Sir and Archbishop also has no difference, if therefore were pursued by the feudal lord Sir, that to not only to be expelled by the aristocrat, even also has the disciplinary punishment in belief. This time grass-root people's belief mostly is simple and honest, in this case, most refugees naturally are trembling. Does not dare to annoy anything to trouble. 而那些难民之所以会老老实实,一方面是因为詹恩在驱逐亚兴人的时候表现出了一位领主应该有的强硬和权威,让那些难民也切身体会到这里的领主可不仅仅只是故事里的一个英雄传说,而是切实存在的统治者。一时间那些难民也顿时老实了许多,毕竟人在屋檐下不得不低头,而且对方可是一位英雄。假如惹出什么乱子,让那位领主大人把他们驱逐出境的话,到时候肯定没有人会认为理在他们这一边,而一旦变成那样的话可就完蛋了。要知道这些难民不仅仅只是难民,也是九圣的信徒。或许他们面对一般的贵族只有畏惧,可是詹恩还兼任一个授勋贵族的“神圣身份”,因此在难民看来,这位领主大人和一位大主教也没什么区别,因此如果被领主大人驱逐的话,那可不仅是被贵族赶走,甚至还有着信仰上的惩戒。这个时代底层民众的信仰大多还是淳朴的,在这种情况下,大多数难民自然是战战兢兢。不敢惹出什么麻烦的。 Naturally, this is only on the one hand, the belief cannot be used to fill the belly again devotionally. The refugees must eat meal, in fact many place refugees and local resident had the dispute biggest reason is they encroached the interest of native. Took their tax money, either robbed their job. This matter is common in the modern society, on Klein Continent naturally must have. 当然,这只是一方面,信仰再虔诚也不能够用来填饱肚子。难民也是要吃饭的,事实上很多地方难民之所以和本土住民产生纠纷最大的原因就是他们侵犯了本地人的利益。或者是占用了他们的税金,又或者是抢走了他们的工作岗位。这种事情在现代社会都屡见不鲜,克莱恩大陆上自然也是少不了。 But the method that Zhan En solves this problem is also very simple, he first put out the money, started „ the Passus reconstruction to plan & R dquo ;. To put it bluntly is expands in Passus the scale of each agglomeration , to promote the village as the small town, or promotes the town as city & mda S h ; Must know in the Passus territory not to have a city to the present, this regarding an independent feudal lord, is really a feeling ashamed matter. No matter said that is also good for the livelihood of the people, the face-saving project is also good, Zhan En must have a true city to be good by own territory. But extension these small town villages, naturally need large numbers of manpower, these refugees turned into the best worker. Regarding this refugees naturally are also the nod that busy does not deliver comply, after all a stability. Calm and steady, the work that has money to gain can guarantee continuation that they live, no one will reject such advantage. 詹恩解决这个问题的方法也很简单,他先是拿出了一大笔钱,启动了“帕苏斯改建计划”。说白了就是扩建帕苏斯里各个聚集地的规模,将村子升级为小镇,或者把镇子升级为城市—要知道帕苏斯领地里到现在还没有一座城市,这对于一个独立的领主来说,实在是件脸上无光的事情。所以不管说是为了民生也好,面子工程也好,詹恩也必须要让自己的领地里拥有一座真正的城市才行。而扩建这些小镇村落,自然需要大批的人手,那些难民就变成了最好的工人。对此难民们自然也是忙不送的点头答应,毕竟一份稳定。安稳,有钱赚的工作才能够确保他们生活的继续,没有人会拒绝这样的好处。 But in addition, Zhan En has not forgotten to promote the living condition of Passus originally resident while convenient, these have not fled from the homeland during former Passus and Goldshire Empire war, Passus local area resident almost all people but who keep obtained a good monetary reward . Moreover the original farmer also had own big lands, „ by & R dquo ; Promoted the manorial lord. Said that is the feudal lord Sir leads the feedback that people Loyalty perseveres to oneself. Regarding this Passus these lead(er) people naturally are also happy incomparable, praised oneself really to run into a good feudal lord. 而除此之外,詹恩也没有忘记顺便提升帕苏斯原本住民的生活条件,那些在之前帕苏斯闪金帝国战争期间没有逃离家园,而是留下来的帕苏斯本地住民几乎所有人都得到了一笔丰厚的赏金,而且很多原本的农民也拥有了属于自己的一大片土地,“被”升级成了庄园主。说是领主大人对自己领民忠诚坚守的回馈。对此帕苏斯的那些领民自然也是高兴无比,交口称赞自己真的遇到了一个好领主。 But after having more lands, thesemanorial lord & R dquo ; Naturally also need more helpers and servants. This also solved the problems of many refugee in invisible. Naturally, has the person to try to fish in troubled waters to occupy little profit anything, after Enoya leads the demon to lead the regiment killed several monkeys, person who these have ulterior motives finally also law-abiding. Does not dare to make what petty action again. Suddenly, entire Passus leads actually prosperously, a busy scene. In order to live, everyone starts to strive for success diligently, progress also quite quick & mda S h of construction ; The refugees are not the fools, but now late autumn. Several months are the cold winters, if they can complete oneself work before that does not use the avoidance cold winter in the shack trembling, but lives in warm comfortable in the bridal chamber/new house, had such power, they work naturally are also particularly diligently. 而拥有了更多的土地之后,这些“庄园主”自然也需要更多的帮工和奴仆。这也在无形之中解决了不少难民的问题。当然,也不是没有人试图浑水摸鱼占点儿小便宜什么的,但是在埃诺娅率领魔导军团杀了几只猴子之后,那些心怀鬼胎的人终于也安分了下来。不敢再搞什么小动作。一时间,整个帕苏斯领倒是欣欣向荣,一派繁忙的景象。为了生活,所有人都开始努力拼搏,建设的进度也相当的快—难民们也不是傻子,现在可是深秋。过不了几个月就是寒冬了,如果在那之前他们能够完成自己的工作,就不用在窝棚里瑟瑟发抖的躲避寒冬,而是在温暖舒适的新房里过日子,有了这样的动力,他们工作起来自然也是分外努力。 Naturally, these need to spend a lot of money, but regarding Zhan En, these money is also a drop in the bucket, Underdark or the surface, he may plunder quite many wealth, at present supports Passus to lead absolutely not to have the issue. Also, the fund shortage, Zhan En plundered several cities even when the time comes again, will return to this & mda S h quickly ; These money are snatch in any case, flowered many does not love dearly. 当然,这些都需要花不少钱,但是对于詹恩来说,这些钱也不过是九牛一毛,无论是幽暗地域还是地表,他可都掠夺了相当多的财富,眼下支撑一个帕苏斯领完全没有问题。再说了,就算资金紧张,到时候詹恩再去掠夺几座城市,就会很快回本—这些钱反正都是抢来的,花多少也不心疼。 Naturally, these average people do not know on these money in own hand receiving contaminated many innocent blood and life, on the contrary, they even more respected and respected about oneself feudal lord Sir. These refugees are also same, even has been less. Must know before them, has fled from calamity many places, there feudal lord was basically concerned with regarding them, died died, lived also has no relations with them, seemed like outside one flock of wild dogs. Even sometimes, these refugees will also receive the pursuit and beating of local garrison, but does not have the means to get up the resistance. Compared with them, Passus the feudal lord Sir simply was a sage, not only disbursed money to hire them, but also provided the grain and work for them. Suddenly regardless of among the refugee got the people, praised regarding Zhan En, thinks that own feudal lord Sir worthily was Templar Order praise Hero, was really a benevolent and great feudal lord. 当然,那些普通人可不知道自己手里拿到的这些钱上面沾染了多少无辜的鲜血与生命,相反,他们对自己的领主大人越发尊敬和敬仰了起来。就连那些难民也是一样,甚至还有过之而不及。要知道他们之前也逃难过不少地方,那里的领主对于他们基本不闻不问,死了就死了,活着也和他们没什么关系,就好像是外面的一群野狗。甚至有些时候,那些难民还会受到当地警备队的驱逐和殴打,可是却没办法起来反抗。与他们相比,帕苏斯的这位领主大人简直可谓算是圣人了,不但出钱雇佣他们,还为他们提供粮食和工作。一时间无论在难民还是原本的领民之间,对于詹恩都是交口称赞,认为自己的这位领主大人不愧为圣堂教团传颂的英雄,果然是一位仁慈而伟大的领主。 Naturally, perhaps Indigenous people has the different viewpoints, what a pity will be the deceased person will not speak. 当然,亚兴人或许对此有不同的观点,可惜的是死人是不会说话的。 But in the bustling Passus collars, still has own peace and gracefulness. 只不过在热火朝天的帕苏斯领里,依然有属于自己的安静与优雅。 In monastery as always tranquil serene, a girl of wear black school uniform/subdue pokes head to look at all around, later runs across the corridor, arrives at another side room, she puts out a hand, knocked knocking on the elegant azure preserved egg front door, then opened the door to walk. 修道院里一如既往的平静安详,一个穿着黑色学院制服的女孩探出头去望了望四周,随后一路小跑的穿过走廊,来到另外一侧的房间,她伸出手去,在典雅的青松花大门上敲了敲,接着这才推开门走了进去。 What kind of? Felicity? & R dquo ; “怎么样?菲拉丝?” Sees the girl to come, sits Witch's child on sofa raised the head immediately, is gazing at her curiously. But facing sisters' vision, the girl named Felicity shows a faint smile. 看见女孩进来,坐在沙发上的魔女之子们顿时抬起头来,好奇的注视着她。而面对姐妹们的目光,名叫菲拉丝的女孩则是微微一笑。 Goldshire Empire indeed has drawn back, the feudal lord Sir defended Passus! & R dquo ; 闪金帝国的确已经退了,领主大人守住了帕苏斯!” „! & R dquo ; “哦!” Hears here, room girls exciting screaming. Since must know these days, they have been anxious. Although Pattilina does not spare a glance regarding the ideas of these Witch's child, told them to worry from the start white/in vain, even also began specially, hit seven meat eight usually to make these children clearly recognize their true strengths these pitiful children. Made them give up for the idea to defend Passus fighting. However this does not represent these children to be indifferent regarding Passus, but here entire Klein Continent can admit their places only, once Passus falls to the enemy, they do not even know oneself should be what to do good. 听到这里,房间里的女孩们都不由兴奋的叫出声来。要知道这段时间以来,她们一直都非常紧张。虽然帕蒂莉娜对于这些魔女之子的想法不屑一顾,告诉她们压根就是白操心,甚至还专门上手,把这些可怜孩子打了个七荤八素来让这些孩子认清她们真正的实力。使得她们放弃了为保卫帕苏斯而战的想法。但是这并不代表这些孩子对于帕苏斯漠不关心,这里可是整个克莱恩大陆唯一能够接纳她们的地方,一旦帕苏斯沦陷,她们甚至都不知道自己应该怎么办才好。 However what is lucky, matter that they are worried about has not happened, the Goldshire Empire army left Passus, the Zhan En's Hero deeds naturally also spread to the ears of these Witch's child. However they know that these news the time want to be later than others, after all the monastery is a relative independence, close place. Moreover Witch's child, because mostly has the disability, does not have the means to go out. Therefore most of them are transport the commodity through each Monday time to the monastery cart driver there. Inquires some current situations. 不过幸运的是,她们所担心的事情并没有发生,闪金帝国的军队离开了帕苏斯,詹恩的英雄事迹自然也传入了这些魔女之子的耳中。不过她们知道这些消息的时间比其他人要晚一些,毕竟修道院是个相对独立,封闭的地方。而且魔女之子们由于大多身有残疾,也没有办法外出。因此她们大多是通过每个星期一次向修道院运送物资的车夫那里。打听一些目前的情况。 But Felicity is in Witch's child is responsible for with the person who the outside world contacts, naturally, just like all Witch's child, she is also inborn is cursed, just her curse quite covert & mda S h ; Felicity cannot feel the pain since birth, any scar, was to her unsensible. Also because just this flaw is quite covert, therefore Felicity can be quite spent initial period of time smoothly, when her parents discovered that oneself child never does not cry noisily, even throws down will not weep and wail the shouting the time. They get suspicious finally, and finally abandons her. 菲拉丝就是魔女之子中负责与外界联络的人,当然,和所有魔女之子一样,她也天生被诅咒,只不过她的诅咒比较隐蔽—菲拉丝生来就感觉不到痛楚,无论是什么样的伤痕,对她来说都毫无感觉。也正因为这个缺陷比较隐蔽,所以菲拉丝才能够算是比较顺利的度过了最初的一段的时间,但是当她的父母发现自己的孩子从来不哭不闹,甚至摔倒了也不会哭喊叫嚷的时候。他们终于起了疑心,并且最终把她抛弃。 Although also takes Witch's child, but compares others, Felicity also calculates that in the surface looks quite normal. Therefore in many sisters, held the post by her with quest that the outside world had to do. Although said in the monastery, the life of Witch's child is quite normal, however they were discriminated in the outside world unavoidably. The grooms of these transportation commodities are not willing extremely to approach the children of these innate disabled, compares them, Felicity at least looks very normal. Also easier to communicate with the bystander. In fact, seems like facing the surface in them has no difference Felicity, the vigilant heart of cart drivers wants to be smaller, can say with her about outside matter. In draws out the information after cart driver there, Felicity will have these stories to come back to give own sisters share. But they most like listening, naturally is Zhan En intrudes Goldshire Empire, forcing the emperor to sign of agreement. Actually in fact at that time what happened, most people are unable to know, few words that only then spreads from the royal family spread in the crowd, the brain of people makes up the ability is very strong, was only depends upon these divulging the news, the matter has deducted many different editions. However regardless of which edition, unlucky is Goldshire Empire, but big on forever is Zhan En. This is also some people general small reverse psychology of causes trouble, can see the ruler who these keep aloof to eat to suppress, has the market regarding most people and popular. 虽然同样作为魔女之子,但是相比起其他人来说,菲拉丝还算表面上看起来比较正常。所以在众多姐妹之中,就由她担任起了与外界打交道的任务。虽然说在修道院里,魔女之子们的生活还比较正常,但是在外界她们还是免不了受到歧视。那些运输物资的马夫也不愿意太过靠近这些先天残疾的孩子,相比起她们来说,菲拉丝至少看起来很正常。也更容易和外人沟通。事实上也正是如此,面对表面上看起来和他们没什么差异的菲拉丝,车夫们的警惕心要小一些,也会和她说一些关于外面的事情。而在从车夫那里套出情报之后,菲拉丝就会带着这些故事回来给自己的姐妹分享。而她们最喜欢听的,自然就是詹恩闯入闪金帝国,强迫皇帝陛下签订协议的那一段。事实上那个时候究竟发生了什么事,大部分人根本无从知晓,只有从王室里流传出来的只言片语在人群之中流传,不过人们的脑补能力是很强的,光是依靠那些泄露的消息,整件事就已经演绎出了很多不同的版本。但是无论哪个版本,倒霉的都是闪金帝国,而高大上的则永远是詹恩。这也算是人们普遍的某种小小的逆反心理作祟吧,能够看见那些高高在上的统治者吃憋,对于大部分人来说还是更有市场和受欢迎一些。 But the girls most like listening is such story, a day an edition will toss about will not as if be bored, although said that they will be Witch's child, but in the depths of ones heart many will have the girl naive romantic, a great Hero character naturally can be welcomed by everyone, do not say that Zhan En will rescue the sea of bitterness them, the person who will give them the brand-new life, naturally compared to other Hero characters to take to Witch's child more identities. 而女孩们最喜欢听的就是这样的故事,一天一个版本翻来覆去似乎也不会腻味似的,虽然说她们是魔女之子,但是内心深处多少还是有女孩子的天真浪漫,一位伟大的英雄人物自然会受到所有人的欢迎,更不要说詹恩还是将她们救出苦海,给予她们全新生活的人,自然比起其他的英雄人物带给了魔女之子们更多的认同感。 But they will often also fall into during the ponder, such great can Hero, why help them? Must say that clings to their beauties, obviously is unlikely. Although Witch's child mostly also calculates lovably beautiful, but one is the day leaves compared with that with Zhan En Alice badly, moreover most of them have the disability, this type not convenient is the reality exists, the average person is not willing to accept their reasons also lies in this. 只不过她们每每也会陷入思考之中,这样一位伟大的英雄,为什么会来帮助她们呢?要说贪恋她们的姿色,显然不太可能。虽然魔女之子本身大多还算可爱秀丽,但是和詹恩身边的爱丽丝一比那就是天差地别,而且她们大多身有残疾,这种不方便是现实存在的,一般人也不愿意接受她们的原因也在于此。 Miss Lydia only said that they will become very useful person in the future, but the girls are confused as before, they studied the language very much diligently, writing and various knowledge, but regarding own path is still vacant, they should make anything, they can make anything, no one knows this issue the answer. 丽姬娅小姐只说她们将来会成为很有用的人,可是女孩子们对此依旧是一头雾水,她们很努力的学习了语言,书写和各种知识,但是对于自己的道路依然是一片茫然,她们应该做什么,她们又能够做什么,没有人知道这个问题的答案。 Dingdong ............... & R dquo ; “叮当……………” Time of attending class to! & R dquo ; “上课的时间到了!” Hears the bell clear sound, immersed Witch's child that in story, in Felicity spoke sit straight the body immediately, looking at steadily is looking at the front. Under the guidance of Jasmine and Lily, their present deportment already and an ordinary aristocrat young lady had nothing to distinguish, since these months trainings, to them have been fruitful. 听到铃铛清脆的响声,原本还沉浸在菲拉丝所讲的故事之中的魔女之子们立刻坐直了身体,目不转睛的望着前方。在茉莉铃兰的教导下,她们现在的仪态已经和一位普通的贵族大小姐没有什么区别了,这几个月以来的苦练,对于她们来说也算是卓有成效。 Quick, under the gaze of girls, was turning off the front door opens slowly, later, a young girl walked. 很快,在女孩们的注视下,原本关着的大门缓缓打开,随后,一个少女走了进来。 Yeah? & R dquo ; “哎?” Sees the present young girl, everyone stares. The person who because walks is not Lily and Jasmine, is not Madame Lydia, even is not these in the maid and knight who in the monastery work, but is one has a silver-white long hair, puts on a young girl of jet black mage long gown. 看见眼前的少女,所有人都是一愣。因为走进来的人不是铃兰茉莉,也不是丽姬娅夫人,甚至不是那些在修道院里工作的女仆和骑士,而是一个有着一头银白色长发,穿着一件漆黑的法师长袍的少女。 Who is she? 她是谁? Is looking at the present young girl, mutual looking at each other of Witch's child doubts, before they do not know will have others to teach itself, then, who is this young lady? 望着眼前的少女,魔女之子疑惑的互相对视,之前她们可不知道会有其他人来教授自己,那么,这位小姐又是谁呢? It seems like detected the vision that Witch's child had doubts, saw only the young girl to select under the brow, later she swept present Witch's child, next moment, everyone felt that a graceful nice sound resounded in their brains. 似乎是察觉到了魔女之子们疑惑的目光,只见少女挑了下眉头,随后她扫了一眼眼前的魔女之子们,紧接着下一刻,所有人都感觉到一个优雅动听的声音在她们的脑中响起。 Hello, Witch's child, I am Elise ......... starting today, is responsible for teaching you to study the magic by me. & R dquo ;( To be continued.) “你们好,各位魔女之子,我是伊丽丝………从今天开始,由我来负责教授你们学习魔法。”(未完待续。)
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