DR :: Volume #4

#305: Rainy night murderous intention

The autumn rain , the entire cold frost mountain range will cover in a piece of curtain of rain continuously. 秋雨连绵而下,将整个寒霜山脉笼罩在一片雨幕之中。 At this moment is the late autumn season, catches the eye to look, only sees a withered and yellow leaf, they in the cold air freeze by mountain, spread out white frost, looks at the entire mountain from afar seems like seems like covered by the white tissue, this is also cold the frost mountain range name the origin. Under the sweep of curtain of night, the entire mountain range is seemingly dreamlike, the sparse raindrop hits in the leaf and ground, formed a happy symphony. 此刻已经是深秋时节,抬眼望去,只看见一片枯黄的树叶,它们被山里的寒气冻结,铺上了一层白色的冰霜,远远望去整座山看起来就好像是被白色的薄纱笼罩,这也寒霜山脉名称的由来。在夜幕的笼罩下,整座山脉看起来如梦似幻,稀稀拉拉的雨滴打在树叶和地面上,形成了一曲欢乐的交响乐。 But Dogan is not in no mood to appreciate outside beautiful scene at this moment, he shrinks the body, by sitting by fire of high-piled firewood. What in the top of the head transmits is the raindrop and animal skin makes the sound of roof contact. Ice-cold cold air encirclement all around, only then by the fire of high-piled firewood can also feel warm feeling reluctantly. Before starting to rain, Indigenous people has detected the change of weather, and pitches camp in the halfway up the mountainside of cold frost mountain range, after waiting for this rain to get down , to continue to go forward. However now seems like, this rain feared unable to stop ......... to think of here for a short time, Dogan took up the pipe in hand, knocked bonfire. Outside silence, can only hearcrash-bang & R dquo ; The noise of the rain, can hear the sound that the children wept and wailed occasionally. 只不过多安此刻却没心情欣赏外面的美景,他缩起身体,靠坐在火堆旁边。头顶上传来的是雨滴与兽皮制成的帐顶接触的声音。冰冷的寒气环绕四周,只有火堆旁边还勉强能够感到一丝暖意。早在开始下雨之前,亚兴人就已经察觉到了天气的变化,并且在寒霜山脉的半山腰安营扎寨,等待这场雨下完之后再继续前进。不过现在看起来,这场雨恐怕一时半会儿停不了………想到这里,多安拿起手中的烟袋,敲了敲身边的篝火。外面一片寂静,只能够听见“哗啦啦”的雨声,偶尔还能够听见孩子们哭喊的声音。 Actually is this day what is a head? 这种日子究竟是什么才是个头呢? Thinks of here, Dogan sighed. He closes the eye, recalls the legend in clan again, they also once had own land, own country. However that is gone, their ancestors encountered the fearful curse, the fertile land becomes withered, the lively city was covered by the sandstorm, they are forced to leave oneself homeland. Roams about on this piece of continent. The legend they will gather one day. Returns to own homeland. However that after all is only a legend, but now, they as before, are pursued again, leave, took another brand-new path. Even if they found new lands in Land of Four seasons, how can also? Perhaps dozens years later. They have to defend own belief, maintains their civilizations contamination fight that but cannot withstand with these again dirtily. Thus is forced to leave again, this is the Indigenous people fate, started from his grandfather's grandfather that generation, perhaps is unable to finish to own grandson's grandson that generation. 想到这里,多安叹了口气。他闭上眼睛,再次回想起族里的传说,他们也曾经拥有属于自己的土地,属于自己的国家。但是那都已经成为过去,他们的先祖遭到了可怕的诅咒,肥沃的土地变得干枯,繁华的城市被风沙所覆盖,他们被迫离开自己的家园。在这片大陆上流浪。传说总有一天他们会重新聚集起来。回到自己的家园。但是那毕竟只是个传说,而现在,他们又和以前一样,再次被人驱逐,离开,踏上了另外一条全新的道路。就算他们在四季之地找到了一片新的土地,又能够怎么样呢?或许在几十年之后。他们不得不为了维护自己的信仰,维护他们的文明而再次与那些肮脏不堪的污秽者战斗。从而再次被迫离开,这就是亚兴人的宿命,从他爷爷的爷爷那一代就开始了,恐怕到自己孙子的孙子那一代也无法结束。 Dogan knows, so long as they discard oneself life style, can integrate into this world. With others same on similar life, but this is they want? No, they have the noble belief and holy faith. They are maintaining oneself custom and tradition entire life, this is they aloof and reasons above others. Custom and ancient precept that these inherit, is the pride of Indigenous people. Different on behalf of them with these utterly filthy people because of this, is special, establishes a new school. They believe that person who only then oneself most are close to the gods. When finally end when the trial day arrived. These contamination will be dragged into the flame of hell, they earnestly seek pays the eternal price for enjoyment and greed that. But they will become the resident in completely new world, becomes this world's greatest nationality, does not have one. 多安知道,只要他们舍弃自己的生活方式,就可以重新融入这个世界。和其他人一样过上同样的生活,但是这是他们想要的吗?不,他们有着高贵的信仰和圣洁的信念。他们一生都在维护自己的习俗和传统,这才是他们超然与其他人之上的原因。那些传承下来的习俗与古训,都是亚兴人的骄傲。因为这代表他们和那些污秽不堪的人是不同的,是特别的,是独树一帜的。他们相信,只有自己才是最接近神明的人。当终末的审判日到来之时。那些污秽者将会被拉入地狱的火焰,为他们渴求的享受与贪欲付出永恒的代价。而他们将成为全新世界的住民,成为这个世界最伟大的民族,没有之一。 Crash-bang. & R dquo ; “哗啦。” At this time, the curtain of tent was lifted, later a robust male stride walked, he first kneels in the Dogan direction, respectful bowing. Then stands up to arrive at old person's side, handed over a water bag. 就在这个时候,帐篷的门帘被掀开,随后一个身材健壮的男子大步走了进来,他先是向着多安的方向跪下来,恭敬的鞠了一躬。接着这才站起身走到老人的身边,将一个水袋递了过去。 Please with, elder. & R dquo ; “请用,长老。” Thanks. & R dquo ; “谢谢。” Looks at the present man. Dogan showed several points of happy expression, he put out a hand to receive the water bag, drank several hydromel, this felt that oneself was better. Then the old person places by the water bag the bonfire like this, this looks again to the present man. 看着眼前的男子。多安露出了几分笑意,他伸出手去接过水袋,喝了几口蜂蜜水,这才感觉到自己好了许多。接着老人就这样把水袋放在篝火旁,这才再次望向眼前的男子。 Outside situation how? Others how? & R dquo ; “外面情况如何?其他人怎么样?” Fortunately, the elder, everyone is only somewhat exhausted. But the children as if received frightening, always makes a tearful scene to keep, somewhat is slightly troublesome. & R dquo ; “还好,长老,大家只是有些疲惫。只不过孩子们似乎受到了惊吓,总是哭闹不停,稍微有些麻烦。” All around situation? & R dquo ; “四周的情况呢?” We arranged the sentry post, all seem very normal. This weather, the wild animals also mostly returned to the nest, will not have what danger. & R dquo ; “我们安排了岗哨,一切看起来都很正常。这个天气,野兽们也大多回巢了,不会有什么危险。” Very good. & R dquo ; “很好。” Hears here, nod of Dogan then feels relieved, he closed the eye later. Regarding an old person, makes a long and wearisome journey in the mountain is also enough makes people feel that exhausted matter, now his only hope is the rain can stop earlier, as the matter stands, they can continue to start off tomorrow. 听到这里,多安这才放心的点了点头,随后他闭上了眼睛。对于一个老人来说,在山里长途跋涉也是一件足够让人感到疲惫的事情,现在他唯一的希望就是雨能够早点儿停,这样一来,他们明天就能够继续上路了。 The jet black form drops from the clouds, falls in the woods. 漆黑的身影从天而降,落在树林之间。 Alien Queen as if Ghost general jumps down from the branch, bends down, like only cat general slow and graceful walks toward the Indigenous people camp following the thick patch of grass at present. The raindrop falls on her that jet black and soft body, has not exuded the least bit sound. She follows the slit of shrubbery to forward like this slowly, has arrived at the edge of camp. 异形女王仿佛幽灵一般的从树枝上跳下,俯下身去,像只猫一般缓慢而优雅的顺着草丛向着眼前亚兴人的营地走去。雨滴落在她那漆黑而柔软的身体上,没有发出半点儿响声。她就这样顺着灌木丛的缝隙缓慢向前,一直来到营地的边缘。 A Indigenous people sentry walked gradually, he swept one toward the thick deep woods, got hold of the lance in hand. Indigenous people wanders around, naturally also to encounter the attack of these wild animal and mountain thief bandit frequently, but can be elected to be the standing night watch sentry, mostly is in a clan most powerful warrior. They are shouldering the mission of protection entire clan and tribe, has the average man the glory that is hard to attain. In such a cold rainy night, most animal not going out, but as the guard of protection clan and tribe, they must persevere on own post. 一个亚兴人哨兵缓步走了过来,他向着浓密的森林深处扫了一眼,握紧了手中的长矛。亚兴人四处流浪,自然也经常遭遇到那些野兽和山贼匪盗的袭击,而能够被选出来担任守夜哨兵的,大多都是一族之中最强大的战士。他们肩负着守护整个部族的使命,也拥有着常人难以企及的荣耀。在这样一个寒冷的雨夜,大部分动物不会出外活动,不过作为守护部族的卫士,他们还是要在自己的岗位上坚守。 The rain gets bigger and bigger, at present can only see water vapor, the sentry to shake the head, then turns around, here seems like all normal. But must arrive from the time of rotation immediately, so long as after a while, he can return to the warm tent again. Then he can exercise oneself power, chooses a woman to serve itself from the clan ......... 雨越下越大,眼前只能够看见一片水汽,哨兵摇了摇头,接着转过身去,这里看起来一切正常。而距离轮换的时间马上就要到了,只要再过一会儿,他就能够回到温暖的帐篷里。然后他就可以行使自己的权力,从族里挑选一个女人来侍奉自己……… The grating pain transmits after the brain. 刺耳的痛楚从脑后传来。 The ice-cold hard tail blade pierced the back of the head of sentry, stretches out from his left eye nest, then takes back rapidly. But originally by eyeball of tail blade state-of-art penetration also& R dquo ; Falls in the ground. Until this time, the body of that sentry about swayed, then falls to the ground. 冰冷坚硬的尾刃刺穿了哨兵的后脑勺,从他的左眼窝中伸出,接着迅速收回。而原本被尾刃尖端穿透的眼球也“啪嗒”一声掉落在地面上。直到这个时候,那个哨兵的身体才左右摇晃了一下,接着一头栽倒在地。 Alien Queen raised the head, dexterous overstride the body of sentry, then she opens the mouth at present, sent out the silent wailing. But along with her summon. In forest that seemingly was empty, rocking that the shadow cannot start.. Another Alien appears from the shadow, they like this peacefully and passed through the bush and forest fast, plunges the sentry who the surrounding defended fierce. 异形女王抬起头来,轻巧的跨过眼前哨兵的尸体,接着她张开嘴巴,发出了无声的尖啸。而伴随着她的呼唤。原本看起来空无一物的森林之中,阴影开始不住的晃动。紧接着。一只又一只的异形从阴影里浮现,它们就这样安静而快速的穿过了灌木与森林,凶猛的扑向了外围防守的哨兵。 As a migration ethnic group, Indigenous people did not have how powerful strength, perhaps their primitive customs and customs enable them to have some physical body strength strong warrior, but in addition, they are very even rare witch doctor such. This is also Zhan En questioned that Indigenous people not by another evidence that Forest Goddess cares. Must know, even if in underground Kobold will present the Kobold sorcerer, in most primitive a witch doctor without truth Indigenous people cannot come out. But Indigenous people does not have the only possibility is they at all not by care of any gods, the gods who or they believe in have passed through died. No matter, in brief, these fellows do not seem like such Holy that they claimed inviolably and that's the end. 作为一个迁徙族群,亚兴人原本就没有多么强大的力量,他们原始的习俗与习惯使得他们或许拥有一些肉体力量强健的战士,但除此之外,他们甚至连巫医这样的施法者都很少见。这也是詹恩质疑亚兴人不受森林女神眷顾的又一个证据。要知道就算是地下的狗头人里都会出现狗头人巫师,没道理亚兴人里连个最原始的巫医都出不来。而亚兴人没有施法者唯一的可能性就是他们根本不受任何神明的眷顾,或者他们信奉的神明早已经死去。不管是哪一个,总而言之,这些家伙都不像是他们声称的那样神圣不可侵犯就是了。 But strengthens after a series of promotion, now in the Zhan En hand the strength of this Alien army has only arrived at two star tops, this almost can place on a par with a elite army of country. But in comparison, Indigenous people, be only some ordinary warrior, the disparity between both are simply obvious. 而经过一系列的升级加强,现在詹恩手中这只异形大军的实力已经到达了两星顶级,这几乎可以和一个国家的精锐军队相提并论。而相比之下,亚兴人这边只有一些普普通通的战士,两者之间的差距简直是明摆着的。 Under besieging of Alien. The Indigenous people peripheral sentry post is almost the flash all extinguishes thoroughly. Among them even no one sounds any caution with enough time, was bitten to drag down by Alien, then cut by biting their throats, pierced their heads and hearts. Then has lost the corpse of life one to fling toward side these , to continue to go forward. 异形的围攻下。亚兴人的外围岗哨几乎是一瞬间就彻底全灭。他们当中甚至没有人来得及发出任何警示,就被异形咬住拖倒,然后咬断了他们的喉咙,刺穿了他们的脑袋和心脏。接着把这些已经失去了生命的尸体往旁边一甩,继续前进。 After day of difficult journey, Indigenous people had been exhausted. Sentry who beside is responsible for admonishing except for the surrounding. Others had almost fallen into the deep sleep. In addition under the cover of autumn rain, the Alien figure was almost covered by dark, their bending down body of quietly, drilled into these Indigenous people tents following the slit of tent, later is one bloody, not relentless slaughter. 经过了一天的艰难跋涉,亚兴人们早已经疲惫不堪。除了外围负责警戒的哨兵之外。其他人几乎都已经陷入了深沉的睡眠之中。再加上在秋雨的掩护下,异形的身形几乎完全被黑暗所掩盖,它们就这样悄悄的俯下身体,顺着帐篷的缝隙钻入了那些亚兴人的帐篷里,随后就是一场血腥的,毫无节制的屠杀。 Alien went inside in the tent quietly, what first appears before it is an extinguished fire of high-piled firewood, as well as lies down on the animal skin the whole family of deep sleep, a man and woman, the middle also has a 3 or 4-year-old child. Three people in whistling are resting & mda S h greatly ; Perhaps is when Alien infiltrates made the crevice of tent slightly big. Makes close to the outside woman stuffy snort/hum, her blurry turning over, actually rubs the eyes to sit up to come to see what happened. However has not waited for her to rub the eye, the Alien sharp tail blade has twined the nape of the neck of that woman, then makes an effort, along with the weak broken air/Qi sound, the blood sprays from the nape of the neck of woman, sprinkles to in the air. But that pitiful woman has not even made clear actually what happened, like this softly to lie down, fell into during forever sinking dormancy. 一只异形悄悄钻进了帐篷之中,首先出现在它面前的是一个已经熄灭的火堆,以及躺在兽皮上沉睡的一家人,一个男人和女人,中间还有一个三四岁的孩子。三个人正在呼呼大睡—或许是因为异形钻进来时使得帐篷的空隙稍微大了一些。使得靠近外侧的女人闷哼一声,她迷迷糊糊的翻了个身,揉了揉眼睛想要坐起来看看究竟是发生了什么事。但是还没有等她揉完眼睛,异形锋利的尾刃就已经缠绕住了那个女人的脖颈,接着用力一下,伴随着微弱的破气声,鲜血从女人的脖颈中喷射而出,洒向空中。而那个可怜的女人甚至还没有搞清楚究竟发生了什么事,就这样软绵绵的躺倒了下去,陷入了永远的沉眠之中。 But dropping down of female as if awakened nearby child, he puts out a hand, pushed female, as to make anything. However at this time Alien that sharp tail had been similar to the advantage arrow from top to bottom, passed through that child's thin and small body. Then saw only dark God of Death this to leap suddenly, threw. 而女子的倒下似乎惊醒了旁边的孩子,他伸出手去,推了推身边的女子,似乎想要做些什么。但是这个时候异形那条锋利的尾巴已经如同利箭般从上而下,贯穿了那个孩子瘦小的身躯。接着只见黑暗的死神就这样猛然一跃,扑了上去。 When the husband opens the awake song sleepy eyes, maps in his eye, is a pitch-dark big mouth. 而当男主人睁开惺忪的睡眼时,映入他的眼中的,是一张黑洞洞的血盆大口。 Such scene happened in each tent repeatedly, occasionally some people will awaken to send out to call out in alarm, but quick will be strangled thoroughly, the noise of the rain covered all, few detects any issue. Alien probably silent God of Death, brutally and is harvesting the life fast. 这样的场景在每个帐篷之中反复发生,偶尔会有人惊醒过来发出惊呼,但是很快就会被彻底扼杀,雨声掩盖了一切,几乎没有人察觉到任何问题。异形们就好像是沉默的死神,无情而且快速的收割着生命。 Dogan frowns. 多安皱了下眉头。 He opens the eye, is looking at present the jet black tent, now had entered late at night, at present everywhere is a darkness. Only then at present that bright red bonfire residual sparks/Mars. In his side, that loyal and devoted aide is depending to sit there, in the hand is holding a long sword, closes one's eyes, seems like resting. 他睁开眼睛,望着眼前漆黑的帐篷,现在已经进入了后半夜,眼前到处都是一片黑暗。只有眼前那鲜红的篝火残留的火星。在他的身边,那忠心耿耿的侍从正靠坐在那里,手中抱着一把长剑,闭着眼睛,看起来像是在休息。 What's the matter? 怎么回事? Dogan frowns, why does not know, he felt that quick of own heart beat, as if has what not good matter to happen. The old person cocks the ears to listen, but can only hear the raindrop to fall on the sound in tent and ground, in addition an entire camp silence, as if does not have any issue. But is the old person thought that is not quite right, he sits to set out, looked at a aide. Then slightly & mda S h ; According to truth, when oneself sit, his aide should wake up was right. Must know that he is in this clan and tribe is most powerful, most resourceful warrior, will therefore be chosen the safety of guard elder, is now, he closes one's eyes to sit there, motionless, looks seems like a statue. 多安皱起眉头,不知道为什么,他感觉自己的心脏跳动的很快,似乎有什么不好的事情正在发生。老人侧耳听去,但是只能够听见雨滴落在帐篷和地面上的声音,除此之外整个营地一片寂静,似乎没有任何问题。而是老人就是觉得不太对劲,他坐起身来,望了一眼自己身边的侍从。接着微微一愣—按照道理来说,在自己坐起来的时候,他的侍从就应该已经醒来了才对。要知道他可是这个部族之中最强大,最机敏的战士,所以才会被选择来守卫长老的安危,可是现在,他只是闭着眼睛坐在那里,一动不动,看起来就好像是一尊石像。 „? & R dquo ; “达达?” Is shouting the name of opposite party, Dogan puts out a hand, pushed a aide gently, under his pushes, aide that strong body looks like beach mud soft pouring immediately on the ground, his head rubber ball falls likely from the nape of the neck, tumbling that racing racing jumps in ground, wheel wheel transferred several, this stopped. An soulless eye vacant partly is opening the eyes, is gazing at the present old person. 一面呼喊着对方的名字,多安一面伸出手去,轻轻推了一下身边的侍从,而在他的一推之下,侍从那强壮的身躯顿时像一滩烂泥般软绵绵的倒在地上,他的头颅像皮球般从脖颈上掉落下来,奔奔跳跳的滚落在地面上,轱辘轱辘的转了好几圈,这才停了下来。一双无神的眼睛茫然的半睁着,注视着眼前的老人。 This is ............! & R dquo ; “这是…………!” Sees this, the old person is tense immediately, wish of his instinct stands up, but at this time, the old person felt that pair of ice-cold, the hard big hand stretched out from behind, held down own shoulder. 看见这一幕,老人顿时紧张起来,他本能的想要站起身,但就在这个时候,老人感觉到一双冰冷,坚硬的大手从后面伸出,按住了自己的肩膀。 next moment, the sharp tail blade then be relentless passed through his heart.( To be continued.) 下一刻,锋利的尾刃便毫不留情的贯穿了他的心脏。(未完待续。)
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