DR :: Volume #4

#304: Being ruthless

Finally, Indigenous people left the Passus lead(er). However the matter had not ended, Dogan also really found local Templar Order, requesting them to uphold the justice for oneself, to prove that the Zhan En's statement radically is nonsensical talk! 最终,亚兴人还是离开了帕苏斯领。但是整件事并没有就此结束,多安还真的找到了当地的圣堂教团,要求他们为自己主持公道,以证明詹恩的声明根本就是无稽之谈! Also Dogan is so no wonder anxious, changed others, saying Indigenous people was the words of heathen also says, everyone listens also on the past. However Zhan En is different, he is the Hero character in legend, Templar Order handful of the positive/direct model, is a status noble awarding a decoration Knight, the words influence that such a person said is very big. Probably on Earth, the same matter, words and compared with that an emperor giant star a local official spoke, was latter's influence is obviously bigger, the dissemination range was broader. Several days time, almost all Passus resident & mda S h ; Has known including these new refugees these Indigenous people are the things of heathen, not only that other peripheral places, has spread similar hearsay. This makes Dogan restless, although they left the Passus lead(er), but now they not in one under nobody's jurisdiction place, but in Skaar federation territory. Now the Skaar federation is busy with the Goldshire Empire war, but also does not have the time to respond these Indigenous people, after when the war ended, they cannot absolutely to theseheathen & R dquo ; Stays here. 也难怪多安这么紧张,换了其他人,说亚兴人是异教徒的话也只是说说而已,大家听听也就过去了。但是詹恩不一样,他可是传说中的英雄人物,圣堂教团捧出来的正面典型,还是一位身份高贵的授勋爵士,这样一个人说的话影响力可是很大的。就好像在地球上,同样一件事,一个地方官说的话和一个天皇巨星相比,明显是后者的影响力更大,传播范围更广。只是短短几天的工夫,几乎所有帕苏斯的住民—包括那些新来的难民都已经知道了这些亚兴人是异教徒的事情,不仅如此,就连周边的其他地方,也早已经传开了类似的传闻。这让多安如坐针毡,虽然他们离开了帕苏斯领,但是现在他们也不是在一片三不管的地方,而是在斯卡尔联邦的领地。现在斯卡尔联邦忙于和闪金帝国的战争,还没时间搭理这些亚兴人,但是等到战争结束之后,他们绝对不会任凭这些“异教徒”留在这里的。 Moreover, after this matter disseminates, the same clan in other places are also pursued! In that case, they had no place to go!! 不仅如此,当这件事传播出去之后,其他地方的同族也会遭到驱逐!那样一来,他们就无处可去了!! Therefore Dogan must resist, in any event, he does not accept absolutely Zhan En buckles in their heads aboutheathen & R dquo ; Big hat, this relates to an important matter of their clan life and death, in this regard, Indigenous people cannot compromise. 所以多安必须抗争,无论如何,他也绝对不接受詹恩扣在他们头上的关于“异教徒”的大帽子,这是关系到他们一族生死存亡的大事,在这方面,亚兴人不能妥协。 You may really be looked to us greatly troublesome, Mr. Zhan En. & R dquo ; “你可真是给我们找了个大麻烦,詹恩先生。” When Howard Bishop appears in the Zhan En front again, he is also exhausted of face, this also no wonder, by Indigenous people surrounding that one crowd becomes stale dirtily shouted that angrily roars is not makes people feel the happy experience. 霍华德主教再次出现在詹恩面前时,他也是一脸的疲惫不堪,这也难怪,被一群肮脏发臭的亚兴人包围在其中叫嚷怒吼可不是什么让人感觉愉快的经历。 I do not think this is anything troubles, Howard Sir Bishop. & R dquo ; “我可不认为这是什么麻烦,霍华德主教大人。” Regarding the Howard bitter experience, the Zhan En even table the sympathy do not look. 对于霍华德的遭遇,詹恩甚至连表一表同情心都不看。 Your I am very clear. The indigenous clan is not the Mielikki follower, how many Ranger among them has perhaps had and Druid, what can this represent? In human also has the degeneration knight, were we followers of god of darkness? & R dquo ; “你我都很清楚。亚兴族根本就不是梅莉凯的信徒,他们当中或许出过几个游侠和德鲁伊,但这又能够代表什么?人类里也不是没有出过堕落骑士,难道我们都是黑暗之神的信徒了?” Words did not say. & R dquo ; “话不是这么说。” Hears the Zhan En's analogy. Howard Bishop is also a forced smile of face. 听到詹恩的比喻。霍华德主教也是一脸的苦笑不得。 „ The Indigenous people situation is quite special, in fact ............... & R dquo ; 亚兴人的情况比较特殊,事实上……………” My very clear Indigenous people origin, Howard Sir Bishop. & R dquo ; “我很清楚亚兴人的来历,霍华德主教大人。” Zhan En coldly interrupted the speech of Howard, he changed a posture, comfortable by chair. Then looks to sitting old Bishop before oneself. 詹恩冷冷的打断了霍华德的说话,他换了个姿势,舒舒服服的靠在椅子上。这才望向坐在自己面前的老主教 „ The world all thinks that Indigenous people roams about since birth, but is not such in fact. Before the first world war, they had had own country, at that time they also indeed were the followers of nine Saints. But during the first world war, they have abandoned the original belief, falls into error, they abandoned nine Saints, then believes in lord of Lu Nu wilderness. Moreover later period of the first world war, they even helps the dark allied armies transport the disaster demon nuclear secretly, created the tide of extremely tragic plague. After the first world war ended. They as the dark people and slave, arrives until the wartime of Mielikki saint saint, got rid of the lord of wilderness, loses the Indigenous people country that the evil god sheltered also to collapse, was buried by a big dust storm thoroughly. But also after that Indigenous people started to wander around the life. The Forest Goddess Mielikki creed is the natural samsara and balance, but has a look at that crowd dirtily fellow the ghost appearance of like dog, their which point did seem like the Mielikki follower? Even elf, perhaps will not acknowledge what these fellows and they believe is the same position goddess. & R dquo ; “世人皆以为亚兴人生来流浪,但事实上并非如此。在第一次天地大战之前,他们曾经有过属于自己的国家,当时他们也的确是九圣的信徒。可是在第一次天地大战期间,他们已经抛弃了原本的信仰,误入歧途,他们抛弃了九圣,转而信奉荒野之主卢奴。而且在第一次天地大战后期,他们甚至帮助黑暗联军偷偷运送灾难魔核,造成了惨绝人寰的瘟疫之潮。而在第一次天地大战结束之后。他们就一直身为黑暗的子民和奴隶,直到圣者之战时梅莉凯圣者降临,干掉了荒野之主,失去了邪神庇护的亚兴人的国家也随之崩溃,被一场大沙暴彻底掩埋。而也就是在那之后,亚兴人才开始了四处流浪的生活。森林女神梅莉凯的信条是自然的轮回与平衡,而看看那群肮脏的像狗一样的家伙的鬼样子,他们哪点儿像是梅莉凯的信徒了?就算是精灵,恐怕也不会承认那些家伙和他们信仰的是同一位女神吧。” ............... & R dquo ; “呃……………” Hears understands clearly, Howard that Zhan En said could not be justified. Clearly. This young people quite understood this phase of history, this indeed somewhat stems from unexpected of Howard. Must know that past about Indigenous people, most people are actually not clear, perhaps in the middle of Indigenous people many are not clear. However Templar Order is actually retaining this phase of history. Actually to be honest, Templar Order regarding the Indigenous people attitude is also very ambiguous, they are not the fools, although said that Templar Order has assigned many evil cult, but that is some organization & mda S h ; For example Ring of Magic association estimate could not run away. 听到詹恩说的这么清楚明白,霍华德也是说不下去了。很明显。这个年轻人对于这段历史相当了解,这的确有些出乎霍华德的意料之外。要知道关于亚兴人的过去,大多数人其实并不清楚,恐怕就连亚兴人当中不少人自己也不清楚。但是圣堂教团却保留着这段历史。其实说实话,圣堂教团内部对于亚兴人的态度也很暧昧,他们不是傻瓜,虽然说圣堂教团指定过许多邪教,但是那都是一些组织—比如说环法协会这次估计是跑不掉了。 But Indigenous people is different, if they assign Indigenous people for the heathen. Conceivable trim continent will raise to a slaughter of race, Indigenous people is not much well-known in the reputation, but they after all are also human. As believing in nine Saints, advocates the harmonious coexistence, tenacious friendly Templar Order, is not naturally willing to give the green light to such ethnic cleansing. 可是亚兴人不同,假如他们指定亚兴人为异教徒。可以想象整片大陆就会掀起对一个种族的屠杀,亚兴人在外界的口碑不怎么样是众所周知的,但是他们毕竟也是人类。作为信奉九圣,提倡和谐共存,坚韧友善的圣堂教团,自然不愿意给这样的种族清洗开绿灯。 Why this is existence of Indigenous people in Templar Order very awkward root & mda S h ; They indeed are the followers of evil god, but the evil god has died, but Indigenous people country also because of divine punishment destruction. According to the truth, the penalty that they suffered is enough. Moreover Indigenous people after that has also claimed that they by Mielikki were persuaded, to believe in Forest Goddess. Also can only hug to this matter Templar Order is rather believing its some attitudes, naturally, as for the conflicts of Indigenous people and others, they mostly claimed that is the custom to be different, regarding this Templar Order not big means. Actually in the interior, many people including Howard regarding Indigenous people is the attitudes of disregarding, moreover they are also very close, rarely and other influences communicated, always poured also has no major problem. 这就是为什么亚兴人的存在在圣堂教团很尴尬的根源—他们的确是邪神的信徒,可是邪神已死,而亚兴人的国家也因为神罚毁灭。按照道理来说,他们遭受的惩罚已经足够了。而且在那之后亚兴人也是一直声称他们被梅莉凯感化,信奉了森林女神。对这种事圣堂教团也只能够是抱着宁可信其有的态度,当然,至于亚兴人和其他人的冲突,他们大多声称是属于习俗不同,对此圣堂教团也没有多大办法。其实在内部,包括霍华德在内的很多人对于亚兴人一直都是无视的态度,而且他们自己也很封闭,很少和其他势力来往,一直以来倒也没什么大问题。 However this time, Zhan En cut open their external skin directly, ** bare pointed out that these fellows are the evil cult people, this held immediately the hornet's nest, Indigenous people was not naturally willing to sit waiting for death, therefore looking Templar Order, therefore the matter was noisy, but then was not so good to end. 但是这一次,詹恩直接剖开了他们的表皮,**裸的指出这些家伙是邪教徒,这顿时捅了马蜂窝,亚兴人自然不甘愿坐以待毙,于是找上了圣堂教团,于是事情闹大,这下可就不那么好收场了。 Draws back 10,000 steps, even if they really believe in Forest Goddess, I still have the power to deport him, after all that is not my belief, why do I want to manage the life of this crowd of parasites? & R dquo ; “退一万步来说,就算他们真的信奉森林女神,我也有权力将其驱逐出境,毕竟那不是我的信仰,我为何要管这群寄生虫的死活?” In other words, Mr. Zhan En were you are not willing to accept this crowd of Indigenous people in any event? & R dquo ; “也就是说,詹恩先生您是无论如何都不愿意接受这群亚兴人了?” I have not made the parasite crawl Vampire on myself also often have the disease interest. & R dquo ; “我没有让寄生虫爬在自己身上吸血还动不动带点儿疾病的兴趣。” Said here, Zhan En stood up, looks at his appearance, obviously was plans to see a visitor out. But but, old Bishop also has to shake the head. He and Zhan En contact such for a long time, understands that the opposite party is what personality, matter that once Zhan En decides, nine cows do not want to pull back. Moreover Indigenous people at this matter does not occupy the principle. They without allowing to enter a territory of feudal lord, should be punished. Zhan En these people have not hung, but deported directly is very polite, he did not have the means to request the opposite party more. Actually this matter should not be one's turn Templar Order to act, because involves determining the nature of follower. Therefore Howard will come to conduct an exchange with Zhan En. Now the conclusion has also come out, he also only then said goodbye to leave. 说道这里,詹恩站起身来,看他的样子,显然是打算送客了。而无奈之下,老主教也只好摇了摇头。他和詹恩接触这么久,也明白对方是什么个性情,一旦詹恩决定的事情,九头牛也别想拉回来。而且在这件事上亚兴人也不占理。他们未经允许进入一位领主的领地,原本就应该受到严惩。詹恩没有把这些人吊死而是直接驱逐出境已经算是很客气了,他也没有办法要求对方更多。其实这种事情本来不应该轮到圣堂教团出面,但是由于涉及到信徒的定性。所以霍华德才会来和詹恩进行一番交流。现在结论也已经出来了,他也只有告辞离开。 When Dogan returns to the camps of indigenous clan again, his complexion black like coal. 多安再次回到亚兴族的营地时,他的脸色黑的像煤炭一样。 Finally, Templar Order has not responded to his request, that Howard Bishop attitude is also very fuzzy. However the result is very obvious. Pursues Indigenous people to leave country this matter regarding that feudal lord, Templar Order is not willing to meddle obviously. However this also within the expectation of Dogan, but he is worried is not this issue, but is another more serious trouble & mda S h ; That is the belief and status of Indigenous people. 最终,圣堂教团也没有回应他的要求,那位霍华德主教的态度也很模糊。但是结果已经很明显了。对于那个领主驱逐亚兴人出境这件事,圣堂教团显然不愿意插手。不过这也是在多安的预料之内,但是他所担心的不是这个问题,而是另外一个更加严重的麻烦—那就是亚兴人的信仰与身份。 On this issue but, Dogan has not earned the explicit support of Templar Order like he hopes. Howard Bishop told him Templar Order, in Indigenous people was pursued at this matter helpless, they cannot meddle the politics as the religious organization at will, as for the Indigenous people follower status, opposite party has not raised, he to an opportunity of Dogan inquiry, has not even sent people to send out Temple him. Clearly. On this issue, Templar Order does not seem willing to take a stand. 可是在这个问题上,多安并没有像他所希望的那样获得圣堂教团的明确支持。霍华德主教只是告诉他圣堂教团亚兴人被驱逐这件事上无能为力,作为宗教组织他们不能够随意插手政治,至于亚兴人的信徒身份,对方一句都没有提,他甚至没有给多安一个询问的机会,就派人将他送出了神殿。很明显。在这个问题上,圣堂教团似乎并不愿意表态。 Thinks of here, Dogan sighed. If this matter has what advantage, is Templar Order has not at least confirmed them for the heathen publicly. Even so, their situations are still worrying. 想到这里,多安叹了口气。如果说这件事有什么好处的话,那么就是至少圣堂教团没有公开确认他们为异教徒。但即便如此,他们的处境依然堪忧。 Elder, situation how? & R dquo ; “长老,情况怎么样?” Sees Dogan to come back, many people surround the inquiry immediately, but facing their inquiries, Dogan sighed, then helpless shaking the head. But sees this. These Indigenous people got hold of the fist immediately angrily. 看见多安回来,不少人都立刻围拢过来询问,而面对他们的询问,多安只是叹了口气,接着无奈的摇了摇头。而看见这一幕。那些亚兴人顿时愤怒的握紧了拳头。 This group of damn contamination!! I know that they cannot trust ~! They started to be dirty from the birth, but now, they must insult our pure Holy noble belief unexpectedly!! & R dquo ; “这群该死的污秽者!!我就知道他们不可信赖~!他们从出生开始就是肮脏的,而现在,他们居然还要侮辱我们纯洁神圣高贵的信仰!!” Elder, we cannot endure all these again. We should stand bravely, making them hear our sounds. The fellow who let these contamination understands, actually who is correct!! & R dquo ; “长老,我们不能够再忍受这一切了。我们应该勇敢的站出来,让他们听到我们的声音。让那些污秽的家伙明白,究竟谁才是正确的!!” Shuts up to me! & R dquo ; “都给我闭嘴!” Hears near the ear the noisy sound, Dogan only feels agitated incomparable, he angrily roars, interrupted people's quarrel. 听到耳边嘈杂的声音,多安只感觉烦躁无比,他怒吼一声,打断了众人的争吵。 „ Is this also useful? By our people. What matter can become? Did you forget ancestor's instruction? For a while impulses will only bring the destructive disaster to our clansmen. But we cannot do that absolutely. & R dquo ; “这又有什么用?靠我们这点儿人。能够成什么事?你们难道忘记了先祖的教诲吗?一时冲动只会给我们的族人带来毁灭性的灾难。而我们绝对不能够这么做。” That, do we want to leave here? & R dquo ; “那么,难道我们要离开这里吗?” Not ............... & R dquo ; “不……………” Heard this issue, Dogan pondered the moment, then he raised the head, showed a happy expression. 听到这个问题,多安思考了片刻,接着他抬起头来,露出了一丝笑意。 We can go to Land of Four seasons, I remember that the Goldshire Empire army had left there, but now, Land of Four seasons has not returned to the Skaar federation hand temporarily. We can settle down there, so long as we settle down there, even if when the time comes the Skaar federation took back Land of Four seasons, cannot drive away us again! Although this can be a very poverty-stricken process, so long as we can be successful, then we can have the glorious future! & R dquo ; “我们可以去四季之地,我记得闪金帝国的军队已经离开了那里,而现在,四季之地暂时还没有回到斯卡尔联邦的手中。我们可以在那里定居,而只要我们在那里定居下来,到时候斯卡尔联邦哪怕收回了四季之地,也不能够再赶走我们了!虽然这会是一个很困苦的过程,但是只要我们能够成功,那么我们就能够拥有美好的未来!” Said here, Dogan made an effort to get hold of the fist, the body of that rickets also started to shiver. 说道这里,多安用力握紧拳头,那佝偻的身躯也开始颤动。 Now, us! Goes to Land of Four seasons! & R dquo ; “现在,我们出发!前往四季之地!” Under elder's leadership, Indigenous people tidied up oneself saluting, set off the long journey again, but this they have not detected time, in them in the gloomy forest, the black shadow calm and upright static ambush there, is looking steadily at the crowd of distant place behind. 在长老的带领下,亚兴人们收拾好了自己的行礼,再一次踏上了漫长的旅程,只不过这一次他们并没有察觉到,在他们身后阴暗的森林之中,一个个黑色的阴影正安静的潜伏在那里,盯视着远处的人群。 Indigenous people has started, goes to Land of Four seasons, master. & R dquo ; 亚兴人已经启程,前往四季之地了,主人。” Really is one flock of mangy dogs, has not really thought that they will also very choose the place. & R dquo ; “果然是一群癞皮狗,真没想到他们还挺会选地方的。” Hears the report of Enoya, Zhan En cold snort/hum, he puts down the teacup in hand, by the chair, narrows the eye. 听到埃诺娅的报告,詹恩冷哼一声,他放下手中的茶杯,靠在椅子上,眯起眼睛。 „ Have our lovable puppies taken place? & R dquo ; “我们可爱的小狗已经就位了吗?” Yes, the master, the Alien army has ambushed in the cold frost mountain range, so long as this crowd of Indigenous people enter the cold frost mountain range, can launch the attack to them immediately. & R dquo ; “是的,主人,异形大军已经潜伏在寒霜山脉之中,只要这群亚兴人进入寒霜山脉,就可以立刻对他们发起进攻。” Very good. & R dquo ; “很好。” Hears here, Zhan En is smiling nod, then he puts out a hand, pushed the eyeglasses, in the eye pupil flashed through a wisp of ice cold brilliance. 听到这里,詹恩微笑着点了点头,接着他伸出手去,推了推眼镜,眼眸之中闪过一缕冰寒的光辉。 Their thorough cold frost mountain ranges time begins again, so as to avoid being detected issue & mda S h ; Remember, kills off completely, does not remain. & R dquo ;( To be continued.) “等他们深入寒霜山脉的时候再动手,免得被人察觉到问题—记住,全部杀光,一个不留。”(未完待续。)
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