DR :: Volume #4

#303: Heathens?

The feeling of Dogan is not very good. 多安的感觉很不好。 The old person by a nearby tree, is gazing at peripheral all. Takes a broad view to look only to see these tent that uses the broken skin old rags to build, as well as shuttle in, crowd in rags. They mostly have an ashen look, perhaps is relations that because makes a long and wearisome journey, the body thin skinny of these people, but these children are the same skin are also dark, they shuttle back and forth like this in the crowd, tumbles to whip in the muddy water, the entire camp is noisy, but also has ill-smelling aura. However this has not made the old person say anything, this is also the Indigenous people habit, they move from a place to another place, is always passing such day. 老人靠在旁边的一棵树上,注视着周边的一切。放眼望去只能够看见那些用破皮烂布搭建的帐篷,以及穿梭其中的,衣衫褴褛的人群。他们大多面有菜色,或许是因为长途跋涉的关系,这些人的身体都瘦的皮包骨头,而那些小孩也是同样皮肤黝黑肮脏,他们就这样穿梭在人群之中,在泥水里翻滚拍打,整个营地乱哄哄的,还带着一股酸臭的气息。不过这并没有让老人多说什么,这也是亚兴人的常态,他们从一个地方迁徙到另外一个地方,总是过着这样的日子。 However the old person does not know that here how long they can stay, they have passed through many places, no feudal lord is willing to give shelter to them. Reason that arrives at Passus, is because hears here feudal lord is a benevolence, kindhearted Hero, compares other aristocrats, perhaps he will be better to speak some. Now old person only expects that the opposite party can allow them to live here, quite makes their ethnic group be able to multiply to live. 但是老人并不知道他们能够在这里呆多久,他们已经走过了很多地方,没有哪个领主愿意收留他们。之所以来到帕苏斯,也不过是因为听闻这里的领主是个仁慈,好心肠的英雄,相比起其他贵族来说,或许他会更好说话一些。现在老人只期望对方能够允许他们住在这里,好让他们的族群能够繁衍生息下去。 This days are tranquil, in them after the Passus town/subdues, send the militiaman often to come to have a look at their situations besides the local area, basically no one has looked for them. However the old person therefore is not relieved, his very clear present is also not feels relieved. Although to maintain a livelihood, they have to take action first and explain later to enter Passus, however aristocrat feudal lord one day of opposite party has not promised them to stay behind, they are many a pursued danger. Although these young people vowed solemnly that expressed the opposite party will not reject their requests absolutely, but Dogan does not think so, he already nearly is 70 years old. Leads the indigenous clan and tribe to turn mountain Yueye to go to many places. Has learned not to have any expectation to the matter, therefore these young fellows said such determination that even if. He extremely will not care. 这段日子还算平静,在他们驻扎在帕苏斯镇外之后,除了当地派遣民兵不时过来看看他们的情况之外,基本上没有人来找过他们。但是老人却并没有因此而安下心来,他很清楚现在还不是放心的时候。虽然为了活命,他们不得不先斩后奏进入帕苏斯,但是对方的贵族领主一日没有答应他们留下,他们就多一份被驱逐的危险。虽然那些年轻人都信誓旦旦的表示对方绝对不会拒绝他们的请求,但是多安并不这么看,他已经快七十岁了。率领亚兴部族翻山越野去过很多地方。早已经学会了对事情不抱任何期望,因此哪怕那些小伙子说的如此确定。他也不会太过放在心上。 ..................!! & R dquo ; “………………!!” At this time, suddenly. Not far away heard loud noise, but hears this loud noise, the elder frowns, then looks to own man, says. 就在这个时候,忽然。不远处传来了一阵喧闹声,而听见这阵喧闹声,长老皱了下眉头,接着望向自己身边的男子,开口说道。 You had a look what happened. & R dquo ; “你去看看发生了什么事。” Yes, elder. & R dquo ; “是,长老。” Hears the speech of Dogan, that aide respectful to old person good a ritual, then leaves rapidly. Looks back that he goes far away, old person standing up of slowly. He is touching in the hand this already the walking sticks of some years, thick anxious appears from old person's in the depths of ones heart. Although he has not known that actually what happened, the indignant slogan that but exudes from the clansman can know, this absolutely is not the good deed. 听到多安的说话,那个侍从恭敬的向老人行了一礼,接着迅速离开。看着他远去的背影,老人缓缓的站起身来。他抚摸着手中这根已经有些年头的拐杖,一股浓浓的不安从老人的内心深处浮现。虽然他还不知道究竟发生了什么事,但是从族人发出的气愤的呐喊声就可以得知,这绝对不是什么好事。 Sure enough, in a moment later, that aide complexion is then serious, the asthma whistling ran. 果不其然,在片刻之后,那个侍从便面色严肃,气喘呼呼的跑了回来。 Elder, no, is not good!! That feudal lord sent for!! & R dquo ; “长老,不,不好了!!那个领主派人来了!!” Really came! 果然来了! Hears this news. The Dogan innermost feelings sink, he knows that this definitely will not be any good news. In fact, unlike other clansmen, Dogan has the preparation early. But, he is still not so willing to leave on such obediently even, must know that they experience untold hardships. Arrives at Passus with great difficulty, if drove out. Then all ended. Although old Dogan did not hug too in a big way expected, since came. Regardless how must try hard one to be good. Thinks of here, he also makes the decision immediately, narrows the eye to say to own aide. 听到这个消息。多安内心一沉,他知道这肯定不会是什么好消息。事实上,与其他族人不同,多安对此早有心理准备。只不过即便如此,他也依然不愿意就这样乖乖离开,要知道他们可是历尽千辛万苦。才好不容易才来到帕苏斯,假如被人赶出去的话。那么一切都完了。虽然老多安对此本来就不抱太大期望,但是既然来了。无论如何也要努力一把才行。想到这里,他也是立刻做出了决定,眯起眼睛对自己身边的侍从开口说道。 I have a look at the outcome what's the matter, you find an excuse, attracts other refugees, I do not believe that feudal lord under big crowd of people, but also dares to begin blatantly inadequately to us? & R dquo ; “我去看看究竟是怎么回事,你去找个借口,把其他难民也吸引过来,我不信那位领主在大庭广众之下,还敢公然对我们动手不成?” Good, elder! & R dquo ; “好的,长老!” Hears the speech of Dogan, in that aide surface showed the exciting expression, then he then nods, later immediately runs speedily. Until this time, the old person then reorganized on that to make with the animal skin, appeared the somewhat worn-out long gown slightly, leaves tent that he occupied, walks toward the place that had chaotic. 听到多安的说话,那个侍从面上露出了兴奋的表情,接着他这才点了点头,随后立刻一溜烟的跑了出去。直到这个时候,老人这才整理了一下自己身上那件用兽皮制成的,略微显得有些破旧的长袍,离开了他所居住的帐篷,向着混乱发生的地方走去。 Elder came! & R dquo ; “长老来了!” Elder Sir!! & R dquo ; “长老大人!!” Sees the appearance of Dogan, these gather Indigenous people yelled immediately, then they give away a road to give the present old person rapidly. But Dogan followed the path that they give away to arrive at the entrance of area, quick, his one eyes saw young girl who stood in the area entrance, it seems like she was the tumult center. 看见多安的出现,那些聚集在一起的亚兴人顿时叫喊了起来,接着他们迅速让出了一条路给眼前的老人。而多安则顺着他们让出的道路来到了聚集区的入口,很快,他就一眼看见了站在聚集区大门口的少女,看来她就是骚动的中心了。 But even the old person, still has to acknowledge, at present this young girl looks quite attractive, a golden long hair is sparkling the beautiful brilliance under the sunlight, that beautiful facial features and snow white exquisite flesh are also quite noticeable. She wears that magnificent incomparable aristocrat western-style clothing that these aristocrats usually wear, peaceful standing is motionless there, as if side these dirty, almost half-naked the man of body is not existing completely. 但即便是老人,也不得不承认,眼前这位少女看起来相当漂亮,一头金色的长发在阳光下闪耀着明媚的光辉,那姣好的面容与雪白细腻的肌肤也颇为引人注目。她穿着一件那些贵族们经常穿的那种华丽无比的贵族洋装,安静的站在那里一动不动,仿佛身边这些肮脏,几乎半裸着身体的男人完全不存在似的。 Sees the appearance of young girl, Doan understands why the crowd will have the tumult. In the Indigenous people Minzuli, the woman does not have the position, in man opinion, the value of woman is the multiplication descendant and having a child, in their eyes the woman and domestic animal actually do not have much difference, are the private property. Therefore general Indigenous people refuses the female to appear in public, in their opinion, these do not pass through permit, appears in the other man front women of arbitrarily is completely profligate, not proper and evil, should be punished. But the present young girl, in their opinion perhaps is also so. Moreover in the indigenous clan, the woman does not have the qualifications and position and man discusses any important matter, looks like in Indigenous people, so long as the woman completes their labors of duty to have a child, was best to contribute. 看到少女的出现,多安就明白为什么人群会发生骚动了。在亚兴人的民族里,女人是没有地位的,在男人看来,女人的价值就是繁衍后代和生孩子,在他们眼中女人和牲畜其实没多大区别,都属于私有财产。因此一般的亚兴人严禁女子抛头露面,在他们看来,那些不经过允许,擅自出现在其他男人面前的女人全部都是放荡,不正经和邪恶的,应该受到惩罚。而眼前的少女,在他们看来恐怕也是如此。而且在亚兴族里,女人是没有资格和地位与男人谈论任何重要的事情,在亚兴人看来,女人只要做好她们的本职工作生孩子,就是最好的贡献了。 But now, that feudal lord sends a woman to arrive at their agglomerations unexpectedly, Indigenous people felt immediately oneself received that feudal lord's insult and slighting. They look to the look of young girl even more are also bad, even some people get hold of the fist, the chill in the air is looking steadily at her wear a look. 而现在,那个领主居然派遣一个女人来到他们的聚集地,亚兴人顿时感觉自己受到了那位领主的侮辱和轻待。他们望向少女的眼神也越发不善,甚至有些人已经是握紧拳头,面带着寒意盯视着她。 However regarding the gazes of these Indigenous people, Enoya has not paid attention to from the start. Until the old person appears, she moved a line of sight slightly, casts the vision on this withered thin old person, later, Enoya shows a faint smile, asks. 不过对于这些亚兴人的注视,埃诺娅压根就没有放在眼里。直到老人出现,她才稍微移动了一下视线,将目光投在这个干枯精瘦的老人身上,随后,埃诺娅微微一笑,开口询问道。 Excuse me, are you here leader? & R dquo ; “请问,您就是这里的领导者吗?” Right. & R dquo ; “没错。” Is saying, Dogan raises hand, hints others to shut up. But sees the Dogan movement. Was making noise the indigenous clansman also closed the mouth immediately. 一面说着,多安一面举起手来,示意其他人闭嘴。而看见多安的动作。原本喧闹着的亚兴族人也顿时闭上了嘴巴。 What matter has? & R dquo ; “有什么事吗?” Is such ............ & R dquo ; “是这样的…………” Enoya any did not seem affected completely, she even looking has not looked at other person of one. But is gazing at the present old person, then says. 埃诺娅似乎完全不受任何影响,她甚至连看都没有看其他人一眼。而是注视着眼前的老人,接着开口说道。 Feudal lord Sir orders me to represent him to come to circular, because everyone in without permitting in the situation enters the Passus lead(er) arbitrarily. Therefore the feudal lord Sir requests you before the darkness, must all leave. & R dquo ; “领主大人命令我代表他前来向各位通告由于各位在未经允许的情况下擅自进入帕苏斯领。因此领主大人要求你们在天黑之前,必须全部离开。” Hears the speech of Enoya, the surrounding peoplerumble immediately & R dquo ; Blasted out the pot. 听到埃诺娅的发言,周围的众人顿时“轰”的一声炸开了锅。 What did you say?! „ “你说什么?!“ Why to want us to leave, we are also the refugees!! & R dquo ; “凭什么要我们离开,我们也是难民啊!!” „ A woman, you have what qualifications to want us to leave, you are to our indigenous clansman's insult! Roll out! We disagree/not with the woman to do! & R dquo ; “一个女人,你有什么资格要我们离开,你这是对我们亚兴族人的侮辱!滚出去!我们不和女人打交道!” Suddenly, angry imprecations continuously, but here all also attracted the attention of other refugee camps. After all arrives at the Passus refugee to be possible not only then indigenous clansman, but at this moment saw the person who these refugee and feudal lord Sir sent to argue. Others also encircled immediately curiously. After all everyone is a refugee, if said that this feudal lord Sir plans to make anything's words, then also together may be very unlucky together with others. Therefore must eavesdrop on the information before then, at least must be ready. 一时间,愤怒的咒骂声此起彼伏,而这里的一切也吸引到了其他难民营地的注意。毕竟来到帕苏斯的难民可不仅仅只有亚兴族人,而此刻看见这些难民与领主大人派来的人发生了争执。其他人也顿时好奇的围了过来。毕竟大家都是难民,万一说这位领主大人打算做些什么的话,那么很可能连同其他人也一起倒霉。所以要在这之前探听一下情报,至少也要做好准备。 The old person waves, his behind indigenous clansmen closed the mouth again, but these people blow up the eye to gaze at fixedly Enoya, even also raises two fists, seems like the plan to teach her evidently ruthlessly. Changed any ordinary young girl, perhaps feels helpless facing such situation. However Enoya actually remains unmoved completely. She is looking steadily at the old person, is waiting for his reply. 老人挥了挥手,他身后的亚兴族人们再次闭上了嘴巴,只不过这些人一个个都鼓起眼睛瞪视着埃诺娅,甚至还举起两个拳头,看样子似乎是打算狠狠教训她一顿。换了任何一个普通的少女,面对这样的情况恐怕都已经不知所措了。但是埃诺娅却完全不为所动。她只是盯视着老人,等待着他的回答。 We hope finds a place to live, this young lady. & R dquo ; “我们只是希望找一个地方居住,这位小姐。” Finally, Dogan opens the mouth. His sound is trembling, even is somewhat dismal. 终于,多安开口了。他的声音颤巍巍的,甚至有些悲凉。 My clansman was not accepted in each region, therefore we will come here. The expectation can this good intention, the approval of benevolent feudal lord Sir. I acknowledged. Our approach some do not conform to the standard, but this is also has no alternative. Please have a look. This young lady, our people have been exhausted, we need are not many, merely is only the land that can make us rest and build up strength, is only this, we such small desire, isn't that feudal lord Sir willing to realize? & R dquo ; “我的族人在各地都不被接受,所以我们才会来到此处。期望能够得到这位好心的,仁慈的领主大人的认同。我承认。我们的做法有些不太符合规范,但这也是不得已而为之。请你看看。这位小姐,我们的人都已经疲惫不堪,我们所需要的并不多,仅仅只是一块能够让我们休养生息的土地,只是这样而已,难道就连我们这样小小的愿望,那位领主大人都不愿意实现吗?” Hears here, other person also nods. Has to acknowledge, these Indigenous people look indeed pitiful from the surface, because resists the civilized reason, the refugees like other places, do not wear the homespun cloth clothing of linen somewhat, these Indigenous people basically throw over an animal skin to settle, therefore is easier to see their bodies. After so many days difficult climbing mountains and crossing rivers, these Indigenous people seemingly are indeed emaciated and poor, skinny, is scarred, how to see how pitifully. Other refugees also appeared the meaning of several points of sympathy. 听到这里,其他人也不由的点了点头。不得不承认,这些亚兴人从表面看起来的确可怜,因为抵制文明的缘故,他们不像其他地方的难民,多多少少还穿着亚麻制的粗布衣物,这些亚兴人基本都只是披着一件兽皮了事,因此更容易看见他们的身体。经过这么多天的艰苦跋涉,这些亚兴人的确看起来瘦弱又贫苦,皮包骨头,伤痕累累,怎么看怎么可怜。就连其他难民也不由浮现出了几分同情的意思。 What a pity is, Enoya still has nothing to feel that she is undead lifeform, will not vacillate because of this matter absolutely mental. Regarding undead lifeform, living the life mostly has no difference, she will not naturally go to feel sorry for these Indigenous people. Moreover Zhan En has also warned her, absolutely should not be confused by the weak trend that these indigenous clansmen camouflage, they do in each place. With camouflage like sheep swindles the sympathy of opposite party docilely, then waited for the influence on expand, started to install the big tail wolf. 可惜的是,埃诺娅对此依然没有任何感觉她可是不死生物,绝对不会因为这种事情而动摇心智。对于不死生物来说,活着的生命大多没有什么区别,她自然也不会去可怜这些亚兴人。而且詹恩也告诫过她,绝对不要被那些亚兴族人伪装出来的弱势所迷惑,他们在每个地方都是这么干的。用伪装的像绵羊一样的温顺来骗取对方的同情心,然后等自己势力壮大了,就开始装大尾巴狼了。 Zhan En is not certainly willing to turn into that by the idiot who they play a trick on. 詹恩当然不愿意变成那个被他们耍弄的白痴。 This is the feudal lord Sir's order, but also asks everyone to leave immediately, if you are not willing to leave, then we have to enforce. & R dquo ; “这是领主大人的命令,还请各位立刻离开,如果你们不愿意离开的话,那么我们只好强制执行了。” Is saying, Enoya withdrew half step, seems echoing her speech general, dozens fully-armed Magic Knight walked up immediately, stands in these Indigenous people front. 一面说着,埃诺娅一面退后了半步,仿佛是在呼应她的说话一般,数十名全副武装的魔导骑士顿时走上前来,站在了这些亚兴人的面前。 Sees this, the peripheral crowd was in a tumult immediately, these refugees after arriving at Passus lead, the day passes is good, is also very good regarding that feudal lord impression. However what makes them not think, in that legend sounds the genial, benevolent feudal lord Sir, unexpectedly such side. Although Enoya said is very vague, but looks at this stance, if these Indigenous people do not walk, they do want to begin? 看见这一幕,周边的人群顿时骚动了起来,那些难民在来到帕苏斯领之后,日子过的还算不错,对于那位领主印象也很好。但是让他们没有想到的是,那个传说之中听起来和善,仁慈的领主大人,居然还有这样的一面。虽然埃诺娅说的很隐晦,但是看这个架势,假如那些亚兴人不走的话,他们就要动手了? We expected can rest and build up strength here, just like others, why can drive away us? & R dquo ; “我们只是期望能够在这里休养生息而已,和其他人一样,为什么非要赶走我们?” Detects the peripheral tumult. Dogan also raised the sound, he knows that these refugees are vacillating at this moment. Now he does these refugees and they binds together, as the matter stands. That feudal lord Sir may take back own order. But sure enough, this moment other refugees also collected, after all Dogan these words saying not wrong, everyone is a refugee, why can expel Indigenous people? 察觉到周边的骚动。多安也是提高了声音,他知道那些难民此刻正在动摇。现在他所做的就是把那些难民和他们绑在一起,这样一来。那位领主大人或许会收回自己的命令。而果不其然,此刻其他的难民们也是凑了过来,毕竟多安这句话说的也没有错,大家都是难民,那么为什么非要赶走亚兴人呢? But facing the interrogation of Dogan, the reply of Enoya is very brief, is very direct. 而面对多安的质问,埃诺娅的回答很简短,也很直接。 „ Very simple, because everyone is Indigenous people. & R dquo ; “很简单,因为各位是亚兴人。” don't tell me, because we are Indigenous people. Therefore we not in the power that on this lands occupies? & R dquo ; 难道说,就因为我们是亚兴人。所以我们没有在这片土地上居住的权力吗?” Very much so. & R dquo ; “正是如此。” Enoya nod of without hesitation. 埃诺娅毫不犹豫的点了点头。 Indigenous people is a heathen, but the heathen cannot live on the land of feudal lord Sir. Therefore, you must leave. & R dquo ; 亚兴人是异教徒,而异教徒是不能够在领主大人的土地上居住的。因此,你们必须离开。” What?! & R dquo ; “什么?!” Hears here, no matter other Dogan refugees stare, then sees these refugee who came from other places immediately& R dquo ; One spread out with Indigenous people. The heathens in Klein Continent are not the good noun, actually heathen not representative evil cult disciple, follower but who does not believe in nine Saints is said. It seems like these barbarians or Kobold is this kind. Does not only attend to regarding the average person, both not big difference. Therefore after hearing the reply of Enoya, these refugees spread out with Indigenous people immediately. Although everyone is a refugee, but they believe in nine Saints after all. But these Indigenous people are actually the heathens, the so-called say/way different is not the stratagem, once related to belief and heathenism important standpoint issue. That has no refugee of culture even, knows how oneself should choose. 听到这里,不管是多安还是其他的难民都是一愣,紧接着便看见那些从其他地方来的难民顿时“呼啦”一下与亚兴人拉开了距离。异教徒在克莱恩大陆可不是什么好的名词,其实异教徒并不代表邪教徒,只不过是不信奉九圣的信徒的统称而已。就好像那些野蛮人或者狗头人就属于这一类。只不顾对于普通人来说,两者并没有多大的不同。因此在听到埃诺娅的回答之后,那些难民立刻就与亚兴人拉开了距离。虽然大家都是难民,但毕竟他们还是信奉九圣的。而这些亚兴人却是异教徒,所谓道不同不相为谋,一旦涉及到信仰和异教这个重要的立场问题。那即便是没什么文化的难民,都知道自己应该如何选择。 Each region let alone Indigenous people is was notorious, moreover their performance are also barbaric and dirty. The agglomerations of other refugees may be somewhat messy and dirty. But is also orderly. Only has the Indigenous people area to be dirty and smelly, radically is an activity garbage dump. In addition their short temper, did not communicate with others. Therefore originally between both sides on no good relations. Before was just because everyone with was a refugee, therefore came to care. But now one hear of these dirty and dangerous fellows are the heathens, others naturally cut the demarcation line with the opposite party immediately. 更何况亚兴人在各地原本就名声不佳,而且他们的表现也是野蛮又肮脏。其他难民的聚集地或许还有些脏乱。但还算是有秩序。只有亚兴人的聚集区又脏又臭,根本就是一个活动的垃圾场。再加上他们脾气暴躁,也不和其他人来往。所以原本双方之间就没什么良好的关系。之前只不过是因为大家同为难民,所以才过来关心一下。而现在一听这些肮脏又危险的家伙是异教徒,其他人自然就立刻和对方划开了界线。 But as the matter stands, the attitude of that feudal lord Sir they can also understand, many refugees may still remember that here feudal lord is the awarding a decoration aristocrat, but the awarding a decoration aristocrat is the status that Templar Order awards. This explained that this feudal lord Sir certainly is a devout follower, such a thinks, the opposite party pursued the Indigenous people approach naturally also to understand. As devout nine Saint followers, if the feudal lord Sir presents one group of heathens to be concerned with that to own territory really damn. 而这样一来,那位领主大人的态度他们也就可以理解了,不少难民可还记得这里的领主是授勋贵族,而授勋贵族则是圣堂教团授予的身份。这就说明这位领主大人一定是个虔诚的信徒,这么一想,对方驱逐亚兴人的做法自然也就可以理解了。作为一个虔诚的九圣信徒,假如领主大人对自己的领地出现一群异教徒不闻不问那才真是见了鬼呢。 Heathen?! & R dquo ; “异教徒?!” Hears the reply of Enoya, Dogan is also dumbfounded, he has to think the opposite party will find the excuse, but has not thought that unexpectedly will find such a excuse. 听到埃诺娅的回答,多安也是目瞪口呆,他不是没想过对方会找借口,但是没想到居然会找这么一个借口。 How we can be the heathens, our one clan generations of believe in Forest Goddess Mielikki ............... & R dquo ; “我们怎么会是异教徒,我们一族代代信奉森林女神梅莉凯……………” But everyone cannot produce the evidence to prove this point. & R dquo ; “但是各位拿不出证据来证明这一点。” Enoya interrupted the speech of Dogan lightly. 埃诺娅淡淡的打断了多安的说话。 Believing in Forest Goddess is only your statement of only one of the parties, but does not have any evidence, very sorry, you must leave, moreover leaves immediately. & R dquo ; “信奉森林女神只是你们的一面之词,而没有任何证据,很抱歉,你们必须离开,而且是立刻离开。” With the speech of Enoya, Magic Knightcrash-bang & R dquo ; Pulls out the long sword, directional present Indigenous people, the cold light flashes through from the sharp sword blade, brings ice-cold killing intent. 伴随着埃诺娅的说话,魔导骑士们“哗啦”一声抽出长剑,指向眼前的亚兴人,寒光从锋利的剑刃上闪过,带着冰冷的杀意。 This is an obvious threat. 这是一个显而易见的威胁。 Very good ......... we to leave here. & R dquo ; “很好………我们会离开这里。” Looks the sword light that sparkles at present, the old person bites the jaw to say. He knows that now and others does not have the means to agitate other refugees again, he has not thought that this feudal lord Sir so will be unexpectedly bold, determines the nature them as the heathen directly must know before then, although Indigenous people has been dreaded, but can also survive the present but had not stamped out the source of trouble , because they claimed that what oneself believe is Forest Goddess Mielikki, this makes others leave a loophole to them. But now, Zhan En claimed unexpectedly directly they are the heathens, this was almost equal to cutting off the way out of entire indigenous clansman, once this news passed on, he is certain, each region bywill eliminate heathen & R dquo ; Launches a big clean for the name to the indigenous clansman! That will evolve a massacre!! 看着眼前闪耀的剑光,老人咬住牙关开口说道。他知道现在自己等人已经没办法再去鼓动其他难民了,他也没有想到这个领主大人居然会这么大胆,直接把他们定性为异教徒要知道在这之前,虽然亚兴人一直被人畏惧,但还能够存活到现在而没有被斩草除根,就是因为他们声称自己信奉的是森林女神梅莉凯,这才使得其他人对他们网开一面。而现在,詹恩居然直接声称他们是异教徒,这几乎等于断绝了整个亚兴族人的生路,一旦这个消息传出去,他可以肯定,各地都会以“消灭异教徒”为名对亚兴族人展开一场大清洗!那会演变成一场大屠杀!! But, we will not consider as finished! We will leave here, but we will not tolerate your slandering, we will appeal to Templar Order, requesting them to uphold the justice for Indigenous people!! & R dquo ; “但是,我们不会就这么算了!我们会离开这里,但是我们不会容忍你们的污蔑,我们会上诉圣堂教团,要求他们为亚兴人主持公道!!” Spoke these words, old person cold snort/hum, then turns around to leave. 说完这句话,老人冷哼一声,接着转身离开。 But looks at his back, Enoya is showing a faint smile. 而望着他的背影,埃诺娅则只是微微一笑。 Does as you please. & R dquo ;( To be continued......) “请便。”(未完待续……)
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