DR :: Volume #4

#302: Been unsolicited trouble

Goldshire Empire had been finished. & R dquo ; 闪金帝国已经完蛋了。” Zhan En throws the information in hand on the table, is looking at Enoya superficially gave Goldshire Empire to sentence the death penalty. But he indeed did not speak thoughtlessly the nonsense, through the investigation of Enoya, Zhan En has long known, this Goldshire Empire initiated to the attack of Skaar federation, the tough stance of that king plays the suitable role. In fact initiation of each war, depends on its ruler whether has an enough strong heart, after all has the war party to have the peace advocation group, wants to suppress the sounds of these oppositions, achieves own goal, a timid ruler is impossible to achieve. 詹恩将手中的情报扔在桌子上,望着埃诺娅轻描淡写的就给闪金帝国判了死刑。而他也的确并非是随口胡说,通过埃诺娅的调查,詹恩早就知道,这次闪金帝国发起对斯卡尔联邦的进攻,那位国王陛下的强硬态度在其中起到了相当的作用。事实上每一场战争的发起,都取决于它的统治者是否拥有一个足够强硬的心脏,毕竟有主战派就有主和派,想要压制那些反对的声音,达成自己的目的,一个唯唯诺诺的统治者是不可能做到的。 After this ruler reveals his weak side, matter will change, present Goldshire Empire is so, Namis VIII in other person of eyes is always the blood and iron brutal image, but this time he unexpectedly under Zhan En's will force to lower the head. Although has reason . Moreover the Zhan En's strength is indeed strong to the degree that the mortal is unable to prevent, the person but who these have a guilty conscience will not face these realities, to them, they only need a result, that was old Emperor is weak, the blood and iron like before was no longer brutal, but becomes vivid, goal that can be struck down. This is why Goldshire Empire starts the turmoil now the root. 但是当这个统治者露出他虚弱的一面之后,事情就会有所变化,现在的闪金帝国就是如此,纳美西斯八世在其他人眼里向来都是铁血无情的形象,但是这一次他居然会在詹恩的逼迫下低头。虽然事出有因,而且詹恩的力量的确强大到凡人无法阻挡的程度,但是那些心中有鬼的人可不会正视这些现实,对于他们来说,他们只需要一个结果,那就是老皇帝已经虚弱了,不再像以前那样铁血无情,而是成为了一个有血有肉,可以被击倒的目标。这才是为什么闪金帝国现在开始动乱的根源。 So long as utilizes appropriately, similarly the goal that but Holy the lofty goal can achieve the destruction, Klein does not understand this point. & R dquo ; “只要运用得当,一个神圣而崇高的目标同样可以达到毁灭的目的,克莱因就是不理解这一点。” Looked at the scenery of distant place, Zhan En was obviously showing a contemptuous facial expression, later had the disdaining tone to say. 望着远方的风景,詹恩明显露出了一丝轻蔑的神情,随后带着不屑的口吻开口说道。 Has a look, Enoya. I now am Hero that the people hand down. Knights, sword Saint. I destroyed a pillar/backbone of country, making it fall into the turbulence and chaos caused by war since then, even may turn into one group of loose sands. Countless people had the possibility dead very much, but I was still respected, was awed, even was loved. Moreover I now or Templar Order Hero character. Recited Poet roaming to arrange to sing is extolling my poetry, is praising my merit. This has explained the issue very much, not? Just, the protection, the Holy faith, all these all looked how you use, the human nature was wicked, they pursue Holy and honor, because they know that is they use the life unable to achieve. People are praising the Hero deeds, because they have the spirit of sacrifice that most human natures do not have. Human fetters for their natural dispositions, actually struggles tries to be separated from this boundary, they set the goal that was almost impossible to achieve for themselves, and used sets out to it full power, even if were scarred also refuses to balk. To put it bluntly. This is one crowd shakes M. So long as looked pulled out their methods right, even if pulled out again ruthless, they also only will immerse in that type painfully joyful in yearning thorough overturned the heavens crisply. & R dquo ; “看看,埃诺娅。我现在是众人交口相传的英雄。骑士,剑圣。我毁灭了一个国家的支柱,让它从此陷入动荡与战乱,甚至有可能就此变成一团散沙。无数的人都很有可能在这其中死去,但是我依然被人崇敬,被人敬畏,甚至被人爱戴。而且我现在还是圣堂教团英雄人物。吟游诗人编唱着赞颂我的诗歌,传颂着我的功绩。这已经很说明问题了,不是吗?正义,守护,神圣的信念,这一切全看你怎么使用,人性本恶,他们之所以追求神圣与荣光,正是因为他们知道那是他们倾尽一生也无法做到的。人们传颂着英雄的事迹,正是因为他们具备大多数人性所不具备的牺牲精神。人类为他们的本性所束缚,却又挣扎的试图脱离这个界限,他们为自己设下了几乎无法完成的目标,并且倾尽全力向其进发,哪怕伤痕累累也在所不惜。说白了。这就是一群抖M。只要找对了抽他们的方法,哪怕抽的再狠,他们也只会沉浸在那种痛苦的快乐与向往之中彻底爽翻天。” Said here, the Zhan En corners of the mouth turned upwards slightly, showed a happy expression. 说道这里,詹恩嘴角微微翘起,露出了一丝笑意。 Human nature, human is therefore great, therefore degenerates. This and good and evil irrelevant, pure are only a existing condition. Probably a stone, it lies down in the roads, if you used it to pound to run a vicious dog. Then that stone to you naturally is the good thing. But if you cannot choose the exact way because of flurry by the stone are stumbled are then worried by the vicious dog, that stone in your heart definitely is not the good thing. Matter is such simple. & R dquo ; “人性,人类因此而伟大,也因此而堕落。这和善与恶无关,单纯只是一种存在的状态。就好像一块石头,它就躺在路中间,如果你用它砸跑了一只恶狗。那么那块石头对你来说自然就是好东西。但是如果你慌不择路被石头绊了一跤然后被恶狗撕咬,那么在你心中那块石头肯定就不是什么好东西。事情就是这么简单。” Is saying, Zhan En spreads out the hand, shrugs the shoulders, sighs. 一面说着,詹恩一面摊开手,耸耸肩膀,叹了口气。 Unfortunately, Klein that fool always does not listen to my words, he always thinks that the sufficient strength, can destroy all. However now, his doesn't Undead army same bog down? Therefore , the person stupid real no medicine rescues. & R dquo ; “可惜的是,克莱因那个笨蛋总是不听我的话,他总以为有了足够的力量,就可以摧毁一切。但是现在,他的不死大军不也一样停滞不前?所以说,人蠢真的没药救。” Hears Zhan En's to taunt, Enoya is only peaceful standing smiles not to speak. Zhan En and Klein contradiction has continued many years, even can say, from a Zhan En birth time, he and this cheap big brother each other look unpleasing to the eyes. This is not because of the character or other anything special characteristics, but pure is because the both sides idea is different. Klein advocates the strength, worships the strength, in his opinion, the powerful strength is more important than anything. But Zhan En thinks that the strength is very important, but how to utilize this strength is very important. 听到詹恩的冷嘲热讽,埃诺娅只是安静的站在旁边笑而不语。詹恩克莱因的矛盾已经持续了很多年,甚至可以说,从詹恩一出生的时候,他和自己这位便宜大哥就彼此看不顺眼。这并非因为性格或者其他什么特质,而单纯是因为双方理念不同。克莱因崇尚力量,更崇拜力量,在他看来,强大的力量比什么都重要。而詹恩虽然认为力量很重要,但是如何运用这种力量也很重要。 But this Zhan En's wins, then is the both sides idea directly manifests and encounters, as the child of Demon King, Klein and Zhan En is shouldering the mission of destruction human. But Klein after constructing own Dungeon, leads the Undead army to send out on a large scale, will lose some unlucky country outside swamp to exterminate thoroughly, from top to bottom, from inside to outside, a living person has not stayed behind. But finally? Although he successfully eliminated this country, and wields the army to go north, but also because of his Death army cruel bloody slaughtering, making the peripheral country join up under the leadership of Templar Order, formed allied armies to block the footsteps of Undead army in the Barcus mountain range actually incoherently. Because they are very clear, if went north by the Undead army, then they will face with some unlucky national similar destiny. 而这一次詹恩的胜利,则正好是双方理念的直接体现和交锋,作为魔王之子,克莱因詹恩都背负着毁灭人类的使命。而克莱因在建造完自己的地下城之后,就率领死灵大军大举出动,将失落沼泽外的某个倒霉国家彻底灭绝,从上到下,从里到外,一个活人都没有留下。而结果呢?虽然他成功的消灭了这个国家,并且挥军北上,但是也正因为他的死亡大军残暴血腥的杀戮,使得周边的国家在圣堂教团的领导下联合起来,组成了一支联军硬是在巴尔库斯山脉拗口挡住了死灵大军的脚步。因为他们很清楚,如果被死灵大军北上,那么他们就会面临和某个倒霉国家同样的命运。 Under such fear, human naturally can display the unprecedented strength, therefore Klein Undead army, does not have the means smoothly to advance even again. 在这样的恐惧下,人类自然能够发挥出前所未有的力量,因此就算是克莱因不死大军,也没办法再顺利推进。 However reviews Zhan En, similarly destroyed a country, not only has not obtained others' hostility, instead everyone is full of praise to his actions, naturally, this does not have to write off country's people to be related with him directly. However Zhan En is certain, along with the decline of Goldshire Empire, the fire of fever chaos caused by war will be only more prosperous, thus destroys all. This may compared with approach intelligent many of Klein. 但是反观詹恩,同样是毁灭了一个国家,非但没有得到别人的仇视,反而所有人都对他的所作所为赞不绝口,当然,这也和他没有直接抹杀一个国家的子民有关。但是詹恩可以肯定,伴随着闪金帝国的衰落,战乱之火只会越烧越旺,从而摧毁一切。这可比克莱因的做法聪明的多了。 Also because of this, Zhan En will taunt to Klein, completely not the meaning that oneself big brother pays attention. However Enoya is very clear he currently also to have such qualifications, beforehand Zhan En before has not launched Dungeon almost no strength, therefore he said that what Klein will not pay attention. But present Zhan En has made and Klein similar result, proved his theory is correct unmistakable, therefore Zhan En naturally cannot let off this opportunity of ridiculing Klein. Only is a pity is Klein not here, therefore Zhan En said no matter how he cannot hear in any case and that's the end. 也正因为如此,詹恩才会对克莱因冷嘲热讽,完全没有把自己的大哥放在眼里的意思。但是埃诺娅很清楚他现在也有这样的资格,以前的詹恩在没有展开地下城之前几乎没什么力量,所以他说什么克莱因也不会理会。而现在的詹恩已经做出了和克莱因差不多的成绩,也证明了他的理论是正确无误的,所以詹恩自然不会放过这个嘲弄克莱因的机会。唯一可惜的就是克莱因不在这里,所以詹恩不管怎么说他反正也听不到就是了。 However the idea of Zhan En also very clear Klein, he wants the positive/direct steamroll, for is destroys the human belief all. Unity. Brave. Good, just. But Klein must tell human with this unequalled violence, these things that you believe, do not have the significance in the face of the true strength, no matter how you abandon the past animosity, the absolute sincerity cooperation, the union is consistent. Finally also only then destroys and a Death way. All that you believe in are completely the good for nothing trash, together with human is also same. He wants with this means that making human collapse thoroughly, falls into thorough degeneration and in the hysteric hysterical/frenzy. 不过詹恩也很清楚克莱因的想法,他之所以非要正面碾压,为的就是破坏人类信仰的一切。团结。勇敢。善良,正义。而克莱因正是要用这种无与伦比的暴力告诉人类,你们所信奉的那些东西,在真正的力量面前根本就毫无意义,不管你们怎么抛弃前嫌,精诚合作,联合一致。最终也只有毁灭和死亡一途。你们所信奉的一切全部都是毫无价值的垃圾,连同人类本身也是一样。他正是想要用这种办法,让人类彻底崩溃,陷入彻底的堕落与歇斯底里的狂乱之中。 Zhan En is not Klein, before is unable to understand his body , when takes the Hero glory, after is unable to understand he degenerates, changes into demon to the hatred and anger of human, in his opinion this merely is only a game, he must do survives in this game finally, while convenient with A & mda S h ; The S appraisal was OK. Eliminating human is just quest in this game. So long as can complete well, naturally, since his goal is to complete quest, then natural is how cost-effective how to come, is insufficient like Klein, must die to knock both sides mutually wounded & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Even Klein is very powerful. What significance however does this have? 詹恩不是克莱因,无法理解他身前作为英雄时的荣耀,也无法理解他堕落之后化为魔族时对人类的仇恨与愤怒,在他看来这就仅仅只是一个游戏,他所要做的就是在这个游戏里存活到最后,顺便拿个A—S评价就可以了。消灭人类只不过是这个游戏里的一个任务。只要能够完成就好,当然,既然他的目的是完成任务,那么自然是怎么划算怎么来,不至于像克莱因那样,非要死磕到双方两败俱伤———就算克莱因很强大。但是这又有什么意义呢? Perhaps regarding Klein meaningful. However looks like in Zhan En, all that he makes besides look for trouble for oneself, there is no advantage. 或许对于克莱因来说有意义。但是在詹恩看来,他所做的一切除了给自己找麻烦之外,根本没什么好处可言。 However Klein is willing to do, made him go, did dead fellow daoist not dead this poor Daoist, have no relations with him in any case is not? 不过克莱因愿意去做,就让他去好了,反正死道友不死贫道,和他也没什么关系不是? Recently the situation in territory how? & R dquo ; “最近领地的情况怎么样?” „ The situation in territory all normal, because the master your does so-called, getting the people is very respectable and love to you, they even spontaneous sent some grain and crops of harvest for us even is the special product as the expression of gratitude, as for Templar Order that side & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Howard Bishop once proposed that must build a church in Passus specially ............ & R dquo ; “领地的情况一切正常,因为主人您的所做所谓,领民们对您都很尊敬和爱戴,他们甚至自发的为我们送来了一些收获的粮食和作物甚至是特产作为道谢,至于圣堂教团那边———霍华德主教曾经提出要不要专门在帕苏斯建立一座教堂…………” So long as at present this were OK. & R dquo ; “眼下只要这样就可以了。” Hears here. Zhan En changed a posture, narrows the eye. 听到这里。詹恩换了个姿势,眯起眼睛。 Remember, extremely do not involve relations between us and Templar Order, I do not hope these fellows love it and everything that comes along with it to turn into the Templar Order crazy follower, if turns into this that really to lift a rock to drop it on one's own feet ......... as for constructing church matter, as before, temporarily puts aside. As for Howard that side, finds an excuse to send casually. & R dquo ; “不过记住,不要太过牵扯我们和圣堂教团之间的关系,我可不希望那些家伙爱屋及乌变成圣堂教团的狂信徒,如果变成这样的话那才真是搬起石头砸自己的脚………至于建教堂这件事,就和以前一样,暂时搁置。至于霍华德那边,随便找个借口打发掉。” Good. & R dquo ; “好的。” Hears Zhan En's to reply, Enoya nods, then she crossed one page, showed the slightly cunning smile. 听到詹恩的回答,埃诺娅点了点头,接着她翻过一页,露出了略显狡黠的笑容。 Needs the Sir you to deal with ......... the issue about refugee as for the next issue. & R dquo ; “至于下一个问题则需要大人您来处理………是关于难民的问题。” Refugee? What issue do the refugees have? & R dquo ; “难民?难民有什么问题吗?” Hears here, Zhan En gawked, in fact currently has many refugees to go to Passus, and seeks harbour. This is also very normal, although said that Goldshire Empire has become one piece randomly, but the Skaar federation and Goldshire Empire war has therefore not stopped, to avoid the flames of war, many refugees left oneself hometown, many people choose to arrive at Passus to seek harbour. This is not strange, after all Passus had signed the peace agreement with Goldshire Empire, therefore looks like in others, where no matter Goldshire Empire, will not definitely hit Passus, coming to here to avoid the chaos caused by war, is a good choice. 听到这里,詹恩愣了一下,事实上现在已经有不少难民前往帕苏斯,并且寻求庇护。这也很正常,虽然说闪金帝国内部已经乱成一片,但是斯卡尔联邦和闪金帝国的战争并没有因此而停止,而为了躲避战火,不少难民都离开了自己的家乡,其中很多人都选择来到帕苏斯寻求庇护。这也不奇怪,毕竟帕苏斯已经和闪金帝国签订了和平协议,因此在其他人看来,闪金帝国不管打哪里,肯定都不会打帕苏斯的,来这里躲避战乱,也是一个不错的选择。 Regarding these refugees, Zhan En basically remained, after all Passus no one, many points of person many points of popularity did not have nothing well. Naturally, he also in the refugee to territory conducted the strict demand, so as to avoid they make what trouble. 对于这些难民,詹恩基本都留了下来,毕竟帕苏斯原本就没什么人,多点儿人多点儿人气也没什么不好。当然,他也对领地里的难民进行了严格要求,免得他们闹出什么乱子来。 Now looks at the view of Enoya, did these refugees also really make what trouble? 现在看埃诺娅的说法,难道这些难民还真闹出什么乱子了? Is this, master. & R dquo ; “是这样的,主人。” Detected that the Zhan En's expression, Enoya gave the answer quickly. 察觉到詹恩的表情,埃诺娅很快就给出了答案。 Several days ago, one crowd of Indigenous people walks, hopes that can our asylum ......... their altogether about 500 people, everybody has. At present they are stationed in the outlying zone of Passus small town ......... to ask how should process? & R dquo ; “在几天之前,一群亚兴人找上门来,希望能够得到我们的庇护………他们总共有五百人左右,男女老少都有。眼下他们正驻扎在帕苏斯小镇的外围地区………请问应该怎么处理?” Indigenous people? & R dquo ; 亚兴人?” Hears here, Zhan En silent, later his complexion sank, showed several points of gloomy and cold expression. 听到这里,詹恩沉默了一下,随后他面色微沉,露出了几分阴冷的表情。 Indigenous people is on Klein Continent famousrefugee & R dquo ; The nationality, they wandered around, the hope found a calm and steady place of residence continuously. But in fact, this group of people never are popular with any ruler, where they stay are not long. And many also has these aristocrat own reasons, but main issue, came from Indigenous people. 亚兴人克莱恩大陆上有名的“难民”民族,他们四处流浪,一直希望找到一个安稳的居住地。但事实上,这群人从来不受任何统治者的欢迎,他们在什么地方都呆不长。其中多少也有那些贵族自己的原因,但是最主要的问题,还是来自于亚兴人本身。 Indigenous people is in human the nationality that believes in Forest Goddess Mielikki few, they advocates the nature and wild nature, does not spare a glance regarding the civilization of human. In fact their cultures are also quite primitive, not only that they also regard as Holy inviolable existence this primitive culture, naturally, if they are only play themselves, no one manages them. But the issue is, this crowd of Indigenous people always like weighing others with oneself standard, and makes the incident. Generally speaking, one group of refugees move to an area, naturally must respect local local conditions and social customs, then integrates in the culture of opposite party. However Indigenous people does not do that they are persevering that primitive and backward civilization tenaciously, moreover in every possible way is unpleasing to the eyes to the local culture. Indigenous people does not eat has domesticated the meat of animal, thinks that human tames the animal is to the natural disrespect, but their meat are also unclean. Therefore they take hunting for as generally to live, only eats the game. 亚兴人是人类之中为数不多信奉森林女神梅莉凯的民族,他们崇尚自然与野性,对于人类的文明不屑一顾。事实上他们本身的文化也相当原始,不仅如此,他们还将这种原始文化视为神圣不可侵犯的存在,当然,如果他们只是自己玩自己,也没人去管他们。可问题在于,这群亚兴人总喜欢用自己的标准去衡量别人,并且闹出事端。一般来说,一群难民迁徙到一个地区,自然是要尊重当地的风土人情,然后融入对方的文化里。但是亚兴人不这么做,他们固执的坚守着自己那原始又落后的文明,而且还对当地的文化百般看不顺眼。亚兴人不吃驯化过的动物的肉,认为人类驯养动物是对自然的不尊重,而它们的肉也是不干净的。所以他们一般都是以捕猎为生,只吃野味。 Moreover, these Indigenous people will also besiege local these to violate the person of indigenous clan doctrine in their opinion, even if the opposite party does not know from the start what happened, they will not let off the opposite party, therefore these fellows cause the turmoil and rebellion frequently, making the local ruler quite have a headache. 不仅如此,这些亚兴人还会围攻当地那些在他们看来违反了亚兴族教义的人,哪怕对方压根就不知道发生了什么事,他们也不会放过对方,因此这些家伙常常引起动乱和暴动,让当地的统治者颇为头疼。 But in addition, Indigenous peopleindependent & R dquo ; The tradition is also they not by a big reason that the person welcome. As a vagrant nationality, Indigenous people longs for establishing a own country. But these fellows establish the method manner of country to despise, they first camouflage themselves the persecuted refugee, gains the sympathies of others, then enters the territory of opposite party. Then not relentless birth expansion like gnome, formed the Indigenous people area, after their quantities are many enough, these fellows will depend to overwhelm with numerical strength to request the opposite party to respect and acknowledge their beliefs, the request opposite party who even also reaches out for a yard after taking an inch must according to their doctrine conduct. Once were rejected, they immediately standresistance tyranny & R dquo by the suppressed and persecution appeal all Indigenous people in the name of oneself belief ;, Establishes ownhomeland & R dquo ;. 而除此之外,亚兴人的“独立”传统也是他们不受人欢迎的一大原因。作为一个流浪民族,亚兴人一直渴望建立一个属于自己的国家。只不过这些家伙建立国家的手段为人不齿,他们先把自己伪装成受迫害的难民,博取其他人的同情,然后进入对方的领地。接着像地精一样毫无节制的生育扩张,形成了一个又一个亚兴人聚集区,而在他们的数量足够多之后,这些家伙就会仗着人多势众要求对方尊重并且承认他们的信仰,甚至还得寸进尺的要求对方必须按照他们的教义行事。一旦被拒绝,他们就会立刻以自己的信仰被压制和迫害为名呼吁所有亚兴人站起来“反抗暴政”,建立属于自己的“家园”。 But the recent victim is 150 years ago coastal country Swort, then Indigenous people area almost occupied the 1/5 lands of coastal country's, then they request the king to be set at the national religion the religion of Indigenous people, making everyone believe in Forest Goddess Mielikki, this naturally encountered rejection that the country's of seashore believes in Goddess of Water Renee. Therefore Indigenous people after that then initiates the rebellion, they not only attack Goddess of Water Temple and follower, even also tries to overthrow this country. 而最近的受害者则是一百五十年前的滨海之国斯沃特,当时的亚兴人聚集区几乎占据了滨海之国的五分之一土地,然后他们就要求国王将亚兴人的宗教设定为国教,让所有人都信奉森林女神梅莉凯,这自然遭到了信奉水之女神蕾薇妮的海滨之国的拒绝。于是在那之后亚兴人便发起暴动,他们不但袭击水之女神神殿与信徒,甚至还试图推翻这个国家。 This made the king thunder of coastal country's be furious at that time, facing the provocation of Indigenous people, he brazenly dispatched troops, conquered by killing the entire Kasira peninsula, from experienced and reliable slightly killed clean above Indigenous people, Templar Order went all out to persuade, perhaps this king stamped out the source of trouble the Indigenous people race directly thoroughly. However even so, he still imprisons completely remaining Indigenous people, then throws in the sea, whatever they run its own course. 这让当时滨海之国的国王雷霆震怒,面对亚兴人的挑衅,他悍然出兵,血洗了整个卡西拉半岛,将上面的亚兴人从老到小杀了个一干二净,要不是圣堂教团拼命劝说,恐怕这位国王直接就把亚兴人的种族彻底斩草除根了。不过即便如此,他也将剩下的亚兴人全部囚禁起来,然后扔到大海上任凭他们自生自灭。 But what is most laughable, changed other Temple followers, perhaps if had been lodged the protest by treatment like this. Pitiful Indigenous people kept on proclaiming they believed in Forest Goddess Mielikki, but in Templar Order representative Mielikki forest Temple regarding the bitter experience of this group of fellows was actually concerned with radically, as if these fellows and they had no relations to be the same from the start. 而最可笑的是,换了其他神殿的信徒,如果遭受到这样的对待恐怕早就提出抗议了。可怜亚兴人口口声声说他们信奉森林女神梅莉凯,而圣堂教团里代表梅莉凯的森林神殿对于这群家伙的遭遇却根本就是不闻不问,仿佛那些家伙和他们压根就没什么关系一样。 Indigenous people after that has roamed about in each region, but theirreputation & R dquo ; Also makes regional rulers not dare to give shelter to these disasters, naturally, has the aristocrat not to listen to the old person saying that but will be quick they to regret decision that oneself will make, and will deport these fellows. 从那之后亚兴人就一直在各地流浪,而他们的“名声”也让各地的统治者不敢收留这些祸害,当然,也不是没有贵族不听老人言,但是很快他们就会后悔自己做出的决定,并且把这些家伙驱逐出境。 To put it bluntly, this group of fellows are one crowd of harmful insects, who stains who has bad luck. Zhan En has not thought, this group of fellows went into oneself domain unexpectedly bold. 说白了,这群家伙就是一群害虫,谁沾上谁倒霉。只是詹恩没想到,这群家伙居然胆大包天跑到自己的地盘上来了。 But makes him feel what is laughable, the common refugees seek harbour outside, obtains the feudal lord to agree, will enter Passus. But this group of fellows are not only unsolicited, moreover unexpectedly still pitches camp & mda S h in the Passus central area ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Did this mother depend does not want to walk here? 而更让他感到可笑的是,一般的难民都是在外面寻求庇护,得到领主同意之后才会进入帕苏斯。而这群家伙非但不请自来,而且居然还在帕苏斯的中心区域安营扎寨———这尼玛还是赖在这里不想走了? Drives away them. & R dquo ; “把他们赶走。” Thinks of here, Zhan En made the decision quickly, then, he does not forget to supplement one. 想到这里,詹恩很快就做出了决定,接着,他也不忘补充一句。 If necessary, can use force. & R dquo ; “如有必要,可以使用武力。” Good, master. & R dquo ; “好的,主人。” Hears here, Enoya nods. 听到这里,埃诺娅点了点头。 She has known how should do. 她已经知道该怎么做了。
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