DR :: Volume #4

#301: One the war becomes famous

Since old Emperor has made the decision, then the following all were very simple, he represented Goldshire Empire to sign oneself name in the peace treaty that Zhan En brought, in the name of empire to nine Saints pledged to not attack the Zhan En's territory again. But obtains Zhan En that the emperor signed naturally not to continue to treat the interest here, quick brings Pattilina and Blue Legion goes home. It seems like, the entire event as if drew to a close like this. 既然老皇帝已经做出了决定,那么接下来的一切就很简单了,他代表闪金帝国詹恩带来的和平条约上签下了自己的名字,以帝国的名义向九圣发誓不会再攻击詹恩的领地。而得到了皇帝签字的詹恩自然也没有了继续待在这里的兴趣,很快就带着帕蒂莉娜苍蓝军团打道回府。看起来,整个事件似乎就这样落下了帷幕。 But in fact, this starts merely. 但事实上,这不过仅仅只是开始。 Since has signed nine Saint agreements, then Goldshire Empire naturally does not dare to violate this agreement, otherwise Templar Order can summon that all countries that believe in nine Saints conduct „ holy war & R dquo to it ;, But this typeinvades & R dquo legitimately ; The opportunity is quite rare to other countries, old Emperor can determine, so long as Templar Order dares to summon launches the holy war, next moment Goldshire Empire closes by these flock of wolves immediately, directly carves up does not remain the residual. 既然已经签订了九圣协议,那么闪金帝国自然是不敢违反这个协议的,不然的话圣堂教团就可以号召所有信奉九圣的国家对其进行“圣战”,而这种“合法侵略”的机会对于其他国家来说可是相当罕见,老皇帝可以确定,只要圣堂教团敢号召发动圣战,下一刻闪金帝国就会立刻被那些群狼一拥而上,直接瓜分的连残渣都不剩。 In this case, Goldshire Empire has to recall the army stationed in Land of Four seasons, to avoid producing misunderstands & mda S h ; Or was caught the handle by Zhan En, Goldshire Empire even give away half Land of Four seasons, but as the matter stands, naturally also affected them and war between Skaar federations. Naturally, must have as Barkley and Charlotte of commander is hapless, after all the matter is they invades Passus to annoy, although said that they also carry out the above order, however at this kind of time, must some people come out to work as the scapegoat to be good. Which does his cell phone look at? Could not tidy up Zhan En, but also couldn't tidy up a person on one's own side? 在这种情况下,闪金帝国只好召回驻扎在四季之地的军队,为了避免产生误会—或者说被詹恩抓到把柄,闪金帝国甚至让出了半个四季之地,而这样一来,自然也影响到了他们和斯卡尔联邦之间的战争。当然,作为指挥官的巴克利夏洛特也少不了要倒霉,毕竟整件事都是他们入侵帕苏斯惹出来的,虽然说他们也只是执行上面的命令,但是在这种时候,总要有人出来当替罪羊才行。他手机看哪家强?们收拾不了詹恩,还收拾不了一个自己人吗? Although superficially, matter and Skaar between federation Goldshire Empire and Passus is uninterested, in agreement content that Zhan En and old Emperor sign. Also only includes the Passus territory under his governance, but excluding the Skaar federation. Even if therefore Goldshire Empire does not attack Passus. Also can continue to fight with the Skaar federation. However spreads along with this news, suddenly the frontline is also flustered. Has to acknowledge, a country emperor lowers the head under forcing of enemy is even forced to sign truce treaty such matter really to injure the morale very much . Moreover the fight of Zhan En and Pattilina also destroyed half main hall, this matter wants to conceal the truth unable to conceal the truth radically, therefore the Goldshire Empire frontline regiment is also the morale reduces suddenly greatly, is attacking the Skaar federation is not positive. 虽然从表面上看,闪金帝国帕苏斯之间的事情与斯卡尔联邦毫无关系,就连詹恩老皇帝签署的协议内容里。也只包括他治理下的帕苏斯领地,而不包括斯卡尔联邦。所以哪怕闪金帝国不去进攻帕苏斯。也可以和斯卡尔联邦继续战斗。但是伴随着这个消息传开,一时间前线也是人心惶惶。不得不承认,一国皇帝在敌人的逼迫下低头甚至被迫签订停战条约这样的事情实在是很伤士气的,而且詹恩帕蒂莉娜的战斗还摧毁了半个大殿,这种事情根本就是想瞒也瞒不过去,于是一时间闪金帝国的前线军团也是士气大减,连带着攻打斯卡尔联邦也没有那么积极了。 But the Skaar federation took advantage this opportunity initiated counter-attacking one after another, tries to restore the lost territory. Although Goldshire Empire wants to be stronger than the Skaar federation in military force, but has almost no resistance facing the attack of Skaar federation, because they are very confused. In such matter, actually the emperor is what attitude? Their original goals are to seize the chance to capture the entire Skaar federation, but now Goldshire Empire and Passus signed the peace agreement, then they also do want to continue to hit with the Skaar federation? Maintains the present situation? Beats the gong to signal retreat? Also or also has other ideas? 斯卡尔联邦则趁这个机会发起了一轮又一轮的反攻,试图收复失地。虽然闪金帝国在军力方面比斯卡尔联邦要强许多,但是面对斯卡尔联邦的攻击却几乎没有什么反抗,因为就连他们自己都很迷茫。发生了这样的事情,皇帝陛下究竟是个什么态度?他们原本的目的是要趁机攻陷整个斯卡尔联邦,但是现在闪金帝国帕苏斯签订了和平协议,那么他们还要和斯卡尔联邦继续打下去吗?是维持现状?还是鸣金收兵?又或者还有其他的想法? Because of such situation, causes the Goldshire Empire major frontline regiments regarding this time war whether should continue to have the vacillation, when the Skaar federation initiates counter-attacks, among them also each other comes apart, does not know that should should do. Some people think that should first hold fast at the position, at least should eating the lands defend. Coping with shifting events by sticking to a fundamental principle. After all said no matter how this is also they bleeds the domain that the perspiration hits with great difficulty, how can easily also goes back? 正是因为这样的情况,使得闪金帝国的各大前线军团对于这次的战争是否应该继续下去产生了动摇,以至于当斯卡尔联邦发起反攻的时候,他们之间也是彼此前后脱节,不知道该如何是好。有人认为应该首先坚守阵地,至少应该把吃下去的这片土地守住。以不变应万变。毕竟不管怎么说这也是他们流血流汗好不容易打下来的地盘,怎么能够轻易的还回去呢? Some people think now the king situation is not steady, should first withdraw the kings to guard against mishap, after all Goldshire Empire does not have a Skaar federation enemy. Before they launched the attack to the Skaar federation. Is because they returned the well-trained and equipped army at that time, has nothing needs to be worried. However now is broken through the kings, entire empire internal precariousness. Therefore returns to Goldshire Empire to maintain the situation is the correct path. 有人则认为现在王都局势不稳,应该首先撤回王都以防不测,毕竟闪金帝国也不是只有斯卡尔联邦一个敌人。之前他们对斯卡尔联邦发起进攻。是因为那个时候他们还兵强马壮,也没什么需要担心的。但是现在连王都都被人攻破了,整个帝国内部一片风雨飘摇。因此返回闪金帝国维持局势才是正道。 Regarding this General Frank also has no means that in fact is obtaining the information earliest possible time he to conduct the communication with the kings. Hopes can know the emperor the idea. But that side has not spread what news, therefore Frank also has to announce that but the major frontline regiments guard temporarily in the region that currently is. Simultaneously resists the attack of Skaar federation. 对此弗兰克将军也没什么办法,事实上在得到情报的第一时间他就已经和王都进行了通讯。希望能够得知皇帝陛下的想法。只不过那边并没有传来什么消息,因此无奈之下弗兰克也只好宣布各大前线军团暂时驻守在目前所在的区域。同时抵挡斯卡尔联邦的进攻。 But such order is unable to stand firm the morale of troops, heads into the Royal castle matter to start to spread along with Zhan En, the increasing numbers of people know that a young feudal lord brought one flock of big dragons to surround entire Royal castle, moreover fought with two empire sword Saints, and beat them easily, finally forced the emperor to sign the contract. 只不过这样的命令无法稳住军心,伴随着詹恩闯入王城的事情开始流传,越来越多的人都知道一位年轻的领主带着一群巨龙包围了整个王城,而且还与两位帝国剑圣交手,并且轻而易举的击败了他们,最终逼迫皇帝陛下签下合约。 Which time no matter , the person always likes tracking down these to sound the shocking story, moreover Zhan En this story also enough romantic & mda S h ; A young feudal lord, to protect own lead(er) people, intrudes empire Royal castle personally, beat two prestigious powerhouses, finally forced the opposite party to bow the head to admit mistakes, signed the peace agreement. After such story is to eat to the heart's content simply, best subject, suddenly aboutZhan En. Bassammens & R dquo ; This name as well as his deeds spread over entire northern land, not only in Eagle Plateau and Goldshire Empire, even loves to talk about regarding this story in some peripheral national also many aristocrats and civilians. 不管在哪个时代,人总是喜欢追寻那些听起来耸人听闻的故事,而且詹恩这个故事也足够浪漫—一位年轻的领主,为了守护自己的领民,亲自闯入帝国王城,击败了两位享有盛誉的强者,最终逼迫对方俯首认错,签订了和平协议。这样的故事简直是酒足饭饱之后最好的谈资,一时间关于“詹恩.巴夏侬门斯”这个名字以及他的事迹传遍了整个北地,不但在雄鹰高原闪金帝国,甚至在周边的国家也有不少贵族和平民对于这个故事津津乐道。 In fact, about is so quick, besides seeking novelty psychology that people who the Zhan En's deeds can spread generally have, Templar Order is also indispensable in back promotion. But in fact, regarding Templar Order, this also a time is quite good opportunity, the religion always hopes that can put out several representatives to come to the people to show noble and chastity of belief. But in this secularization world, most people places great emphasis on the present benefit, does not set at a word regarding the belief and honored energetic glory type of thing. Therefore Templar Order will promote these and demon, with the evil cult disciple or with Evil Dragon resistance Hero, with their brave, benevolent, good and so on noble qualities touches the world, guiding them to track down the sublimation of higher level. 事实上,关于詹恩的事迹能够流传的这么快,除了人们普遍存在的猎奇心理之外,圣堂教团在背后的推动也是不可或缺的。而事实上,对于圣堂教团来说,这也是一次相当好的机会,宗教总是希望能够拿出几个代表人物来向众人展现信仰的高贵与纯洁。但在这个世俗化的世界里,人们大多更看重眼前的利益,对于信仰与尊贵的精神荣耀这种东西不置一词。所以圣堂教团才会推出那些和魔族,和邪教徒或者和恶龙对抗的英雄,用他们的勇敢,仁慈,善良等等高贵的品质去打动世人,引导他们追寻更高层次的升华。 But Zhan En also conforms to Templar Order request & mda S h very much ; He is the awarding a decoration aristocrat, in other words he is approval of nine Saint religious doctrines, is the Templar Order person on one's own side. Moreover the matter that he does is also strange enough, is very easy to attract the attention of populace, moreover meets spreads a long time, has enough endurance. Moreover all these that the most important thing is, he makes conform to first spiritual & mda S h of ancient aristocrat very much ; An aristocrat should protect own lead(er) people. Protects them far away from the threat of war and Death, but in this time. Few aristocrats have been willing this. They even regard as the lead(er) people who oneself govern with the pig sheep Jiquan similar thing, wants to give up giving up. To discard discards. Regarding this Templar Order also has no means that after all they cannot directly meddle in this political affairs, but they can eulogize Zhan En's loudlyheroic conduct & R dquo ;, Commended his glorious and nobleness, thus affected other aristocrats. 詹恩也很符合圣堂教团的要求—他是授勋贵族,也就是说他是九圣教义的认同者,属于圣堂教团自己人。而且他所做的这件事也足够离奇,很容易吸引大众的眼球,而且会在很长一段时间内流传,有足够的持续性。而且最重要的是,他所做的这一切很符合先古贵族的精神—一位贵族应该守护自己的领民。保护他们远离战争与死亡的威胁,而在这个时代。已经很少有贵族愿意这样做。他们甚至把自己治下的领民看做和猪羊鸡犬差不多的东西,想放弃就放弃。想扔掉就扔掉。对此圣堂教团也没什么办法,毕竟他们不能够直接插手到这种政治事务里,但是他们可以大声歌颂詹恩的“英勇行为”,称赞他的荣耀与高尚,从而影响到其他贵族。 Probably a news association/will of country reported that some Hero characters of behaving righteously, now Zhan En also becomes on the Templar Order propaganda machinery the most dazzling pearl. Moreover has to acknowledge, the Templar Order influence is considerably large, perhaps otherwise, the Zhan En's deeds does not have the means among such broad that other countries' tops spreads. 就好像一个国家的新闻总会报道一些见义勇为的英雄人物,现在詹恩也成为了圣堂教团的宣传机器上最耀眼的一颗明珠。而且不得不承认,圣堂教团的影响力还是相当大的,不然的话,詹恩的事迹恐怕也没办法在其他国家的高层之间流传的如此之广。 Naturally. Regarding most people, they more look at a pleasure or joining in the fun, but a these more resourceful influence and organization, have actually focused in that only Blue Legion that Zhan En had &mda S h ; Although many countries take Lesser Dragon to use as the air force. However the regiment in Zhan En obviously is not Asian dragon species, moreover seems like also leads the science and technology to be closely linked with the demon. Let alone they did not believe a Passus such clear(ly), in this named Zhan En. Bassammens young aristocrat behind, may hide the huge influence that cannot be hiding very much. But now, this influence must come in continent again. 当然。对于大多数人来说,他们更多只是看个乐子或者凑个热闹,但是那些更加机敏的势力和组织,却已经把目光集中在了詹恩所拥有的那只苍蓝军团上—虽然有不少国家都拿亚龙做为空军使用。但是詹恩手里的这只军团明显不是亚龙种,而且看起来似乎还与魔导科技息息相关。更何况他们也不相信帕苏斯这么一个明,在这个名叫詹恩.巴夏侬门斯的年轻贵族的身后,很有可能隐藏着一个隐蔽不出的庞大势力。而现在,这个势力要重新在大陆现身了。 Suddenly peripheral major influence & mda S h ; What no matter outwardly is the hidden place, enhancing vigilance. Can have an influence of big dragon regiment, takes a broad view at some entire Klein Continent also not necessarily many. Moreover judges an organization strongly. So long as looked that its upper-level battle efficiency has can guess 12 & mda S h high ; From this point of view, has Passus of Zhan En and Zhan En liangs legend powerhouse, its battle efficiency has been enough and Goldshire Empire places on a par. Even some possibilities were higher. 一时间周边的各大势力—不管是明面的还是暗处的,都不由的提高了警惕。能够拥有一只巨龙军团的势力,放眼整个克莱恩大陆也不见得有多少。而且判断一个组织有多强。只要看它的上层战斗力有多高能够猜测一二—从这点来看,拥有詹恩个传奇强者的帕苏斯,其战斗力已经足以和闪金帝国相提并论。甚至有可能更高一些了。 Naturally, this point Templar Order also has to think. In fact after that Howard Bishop looks for Zhan En to ask about the matter about Blue Legion. But regarding Templar Order. Zhan En maintained only said the standards of half of truth as before forever, he actually very honest told Howard these big dragon regiments is he summons, as for remaining was the business secret. 当然,这一点圣堂教团也不是没有想到。事实上在那之后,霍华德主教就找詹恩询问过关于苍蓝军团的事情。而对于圣堂教团詹恩依旧保持了永远只说一半实话的标准,他倒是很坦白的告诉霍华德这些巨龙军团是他召唤来的,至于剩下的就是商业机密了。 Naturally, Howard hopeless Zhan En will also tell him overall, but regarding these big dragons, actually Templar Order also had the conclusion, others do not know, but many high levels in Templar Order know this Zhan En. Sir Bassammens once accepted the God of War honor, this was Templar Order is also willing to give him afterward one of awarding a decoration title primary causes. Now God of War Temple has restarted the recovery, but this Mr. Zhan En received care of God of War, if that he requested that boost of God of War, pours also to have possibly to summon such an army. Moreover Howard Bishop also testified on these big dragons unable to feel the evil aura of general magic summon, instead can detect that indistinct Holy aura, this also perfectly conformed to them regarding the guesses of these big dragons. 当然,霍华德也没指望詹恩会全盘告诉他,不过对于这些巨龙,其实圣堂教团内部也有了定论,别人不知道,但是圣堂教团内的很多高层都知道这位詹恩.巴夏侬门斯爵士曾经接受了战争之神的荣光,这也是后来圣堂教团愿意给他授勋爵位的主要原因之一。现在战争之神神殿已经重新开始复苏,而这位詹恩先生又受到了战争之神的眷顾,那么假如他请求战争之神的助力,倒也不是没有可能召唤出这样一只大军。而且霍华德主教也作证说那些巨龙身上感受不到一般魔法召唤的邪气,反而能够察觉到隐隐约约的神圣气息,这也非常符合他们对于那些巨龙的猜测。 Although said that which gods in the scripture has not recorded to have the big dragon to follow( except for Platinum Dragon God Bahamut, but pitifully it is the god of dragon clan, cannot have what relations with human), however the family member of god are always many and varied, has not registered above like Angel the ID card, looked can recognize. Moreover God of War loses for a long time, returns makes the new family member and retinue is not but actually strange. All that in addition Zhan En makes also conform to God of War doctrine & mda S h ; Or is the God of War doctrine that they think, to be just, nicely fights with the axiom. 虽然说圣典里从来没有记载哪个神明有巨龙追随(除了白金龙神巴哈姆特,不过可惜它是龙族之神,和人类扯不上什么关系),但是神的眷属总是多种多样的,不像天使都在上面挂过号有身份证的,一看就能够认出来。而且战争之神失落已久,重新归来弄点儿新的眷属和仆从倒也不奇怪。再加上詹恩所做的一切也蛮符合战争之神的教义—或者说是他们自认为的战争之神的教义,为了正义,善良与公理而战。 Since the Zhan En's behavior it seems like had the reasonable explanation in Templar Order, then they will not naturally intertwine in this aspect, after all regarding one by gods care, they must maintain some respectable. 既然詹恩的行为在圣堂教团看来有了合理的解释,那么他们自然就不会在这方面纠结,毕竟对于一名受神明眷顾者,他们还是要保持一些尊敬的。 Naturally, regarding Zhan En in some behaviors that in this process makes, the Templar Order nature on selective disregarded, the opposite party is the awarding a decoration aristocrat, but after all is not the devout follower, you count on his likely sage not possibly. Hero that in fact in Templar Order promoted what is all sorts of people have, all wraps to Thief from warrior, can count on that what good consciousness they do have with the behavior? Compared with them, the good and evil Zhan En's family background is nobler, is more glorious. That son's matter out of the ordinary, looks like in Templar Order is not considered as that anything out of the ordinary. Moreover his performance in the Goldshire Empire is also gentle, showed first demeanor of ancient aristocrat, the empire high-ranking court officials in secret to this young aristocrat sigh, from this, he are in the Templar Order history rare Hero. 当然,对于詹恩在这个过程中所做的一些行为,圣堂教团自然就选择性的无视了,对方是授勋贵族,但毕竟不是虔诚的信徒,你指望他像个圣人是没可能的。事实上之前圣堂教团里推出的英雄就是三教九流什么都有,从战士盗贼无一不包,能指望他们有什么良好的觉悟和行为?与他们相比,好歹詹恩的出身更加高贵,也更加荣耀一些。那点儿出格的事情,在圣堂教团看来也就是不算是什么出格的事情了。而且他在闪金帝国的表现也是文质彬彬,展现出了先古贵族的风度,就连帝国重臣私下里都对这位年轻的贵族感叹不已,从这点儿来说,他已经算是圣堂教团历史上难得的英雄了。 But besides propagandizing the Zhan En's Hero deeds, the Templar Order also matter must do, that looks for the trouble of Ring of Magic association. 而除了宣传詹恩的英雄事迹之外,圣堂教团还有一件事要做,那就是找环法协会的麻烦。 After Howard returns magician demonic nature that urged unlucky, Templar Order the thunder is furious immediately, before the Goldshire Empire imperial family was guaranteeing, they have hit and evil cult disciple the Ring of Magic association is a companion. Has not thought that these fellows refuse stubbornly to repent, unexpectedly also dares to make this matter, because of this, this Templar Order is threatening, the oath must clean the Ring of Magic association thoroughly. 霍华德回报了那位倒霉催的**师的魔性化之后,圣堂教团顿时雷霆震怒,之前要不是闪金帝国皇室保着,他们早就把环法协会打去和邪教徒为伍了。没想到这些家伙还是死不悔改,居然还敢做出这种事情,也正因为如此,这一次圣堂教团可谓是来势汹汹,誓要彻底扫除环法协会。 But the Ring of Magic association naturally is refuses stubbornly to acknowledge that regarding this matter( also really has no relations with them in fact), as for magician demonic nature, they also only said that is the personal behavior of opposite party , there is nothing to do with the association. Therefore both sides launched the vigorous argument, but this Ring of Magic association has not had the support of imperial family like before again, because this moment Goldshire Empire imperial family also troubles one pile. 环法协会对于这件事自然是死不承认(事实上也真的和他们没什么关系),至于**师的魔性化,他们也只说是对方的个人行为,与协会无关。于是双方就此展开了激烈的争论,只不过这一次环法协会并没有再像以前那样得到皇室的支持,因为此刻闪金帝国皇室自己也是麻烦一堆。 Although old Emperor signed the peace agreement, however his approach also caused the disaffection of internal many people, before his strong decision started to the invasion of Skaar federation, but now he actually so lowering the head easily under the threat of opposite party. This rather gave people this emperor to lose aggressively, no longer suited rules the feeling of this country. Therefore suddenly various group of having ulterior motives monsters and freaks jumped, causes the present Goldshire Empire sovereigns is also lively incomparable, a short time is tranquil does not get down evidently. 虽然老皇帝签署了和平协议,但是他的做法也引起了内部不少人的不满,之前正是他强硬的决定发动对斯卡尔联邦的入侵,而现在他却在对方的威胁下如此轻易的低头。这未免给人一种这位皇帝陛下已经失去了霸气,不再适合统治这个国家的感觉。于是一时间各路心怀鬼胎的牛鬼蛇神都跳了出来,使得现在的闪金帝国皇都也是热闹无比,看样子一时半会儿是平静不下来了。 However all these and Zhan En has no relations, when the outside world is troubled, he had returned to Passus silently.( To be continued......) i1292 不过这一切和詹恩已经没有什么关系,就在外界纷纷扰扰的时候,他已经悄然无声的回到了帕苏斯。(未完待续……)i1292
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