DR :: Volume #3

#300: Between Death and destruction

„ To begin with the master, first crossed my closed/pass said again!! & R dquo ; “想要和主人动手,先过了我这一关再说!!” With this clearness, the slightly immature sound resounds, Richard front mist and dust turns toward two sides division dispersing suddenly, then saw Pattilina to throw with a spear/gun beast of prey probably, the little fellow put out a hand to forward, in the friction of silver white long spear/gun has brought together sharp howling during air, seemed like the big dragon simply angrily roared to sweep away toward Richard.:. As an assassin, Richard does not excel at the positive/direct showdown like Jenkins, but most excelled at just the positive/direct knight simply is his natural enemy. This makes Richard have to leave to retrocede, the short-sword in his hand is turning over ejection, the burr to the eyes of Pattilina, but next moment was wasted by the heavy/thick shield, but the little fellow had not been given to confuse by Richard this mysterious style completely, on the contrary, she roars lowly, the long spear/gun in hand shrinks backward, the innumerable air as if were being spun the congealment in this moment by the magnet attraction but actually in the surroundings of long spear/gun, then, the long spear/gun in Pattilina hand makes an effort to puncture forward. 伴随着这个清脆,略显稚嫩的声音响起,理查德面前的烟尘忽然向着两边分割散开,紧接着便看见帕蒂莉娜连人带枪好像一头猛兽般扑了进来,小家伙伸手向前,银白的长枪在空气中的摩擦之中带过一道尖锐的呼啸,简直就好像是巨龙的怒吼般向着理查德横扫过去。:。作为一名刺客,理查德不像格林克斯那样擅长正面对决,而最擅长刚正面的骑士简直就是他的天然克星。这使得理查德不得不抽身后退,他手中的短剑翻转着射出,飞刺向帕蒂莉娜的双眼,但是下一刻就被厚重的盾牌打飞,而小家伙完全没有被理查德这故弄玄虚的招式给迷惑,相反,她低吼一声,手中的长枪向后一缩,无数的空气在这一刻仿佛被磁铁吸引般倒旋着凝结在长枪的周围,接着,帕蒂莉娜手中的长枪用力向前刺出。 „!! & R dquo ; “!!” The deafening wailing sound penetrating entire main hall, the people cannot help but covered the ear, unstab draws back backward, fight of Pattilina not like Zhan En thatcivilized & R dquo ;, Acted is the limit kills to incur, sees only that say/way sharp white light to forward loudly, after having swept the entire main hall, on another side wall a large cave/hole, this stopped finally. 震耳欲聋的尖啸声响彻整个大殿,众人都不由自主的捂住了耳朵,东倒西歪的向后退开,帕蒂莉娜的战斗可不像詹恩那么“文明”,一出手就是极限杀招,只见那道锐利的白光轰然向前,扫过了整个大殿之后又在另外一侧的墙壁上开了一个大洞,这才总算是消停了下来。 But at this moment in the entire main hall the almost 2/3 areas could have been one piece in confusion, only then hides in the region that under emperor throne these high-ranking court officials are is safe, naturally, that is Zhan En and Pattilina has not started to them, otherwise during the fight of legendary rank, first unlucky is they. Although said in these high-ranking court officials also many powerhouses, but compared with existence of legendary domain, they was also the kitten 2-3 degrees. 而此刻整个大殿里几乎有三分之二的地区已经算得上是一片狼藉,只有躲在皇帝王座下方的那些重臣所在的区域还算安全,当然,那也是詹恩帕蒂莉娜没有对他们下手,不然在传奇等级的战斗之中,第一个倒霉的准是他们。虽然说这些重臣里也有不少强者,但是和传奇领域的存在相比,他们也不过就是小猫2-3只的程度了。 But at this moment, the Richard form appears from the dust again, he shakes hand tightly the short-sword. Behind a skeleton mask eye gloomy incomparable looks steadily is grasping the long spear/gun to keep off in front of Zhan En, the whole body puts on the girl of silver white armor. Does not need to ask, light/only from that struck a moment ago can see this girl's strength is as good as itself, and as knight. She is obviously higher regarding an assassin's restraint. 而此刻,理查德的身影再次从灰尘之中浮现,他紧握手中的短剑。骷髅面具后面的一双眼睛阴沉无比的盯视着手持长枪挡在詹恩面前,全身穿着银白装甲的女孩。不用多问,光从刚才那一击就可以看出这个女孩的实力不亚于自己,而且作为骑士。她本身对于一个刺客的克制显然更高一些。 Two legendary domains powerhouses. 两位传奇领域的强者。 At this moment, everyone held breath a cold air/Qi, other did not discuss, is only the strength that Zhan En and Pattilina display, has the qualifications to stand in their emperors in front of sufficiently. Must know the Goldshire Empire imperial family. Also only has two legendary powerhouses as the protection. But is the protections of these two legendary powerhouses, establishes Goldshire Empire to have until now position. But now, that small place named Passus also has two legendary powerhouses unexpectedly, significance is simply obvious. 这一刻,所有人都不由的倒吸了口冷气,别的不谈,光是詹恩帕蒂莉娜展现出来的力量,就足以有资格站在他们的皇帝陛下面前。要知道闪金帝国的皇室。也不过只拥有两名传奇强者作为守护而已。而就是这两位传奇强者的守护,奠定了闪金帝国存在至今的地位。而现在,那个叫帕苏斯的小地方居然也有两位传奇强者,这其中的意义简直不言自明。 „? I have never thought that unexpectedly will have two ............... & R dquo ; “哦?真没有想到,居然会有两个……………” Until this time, Richard then cold snort/hum, he is turning over the short-sword in hand, two eyes gloomy is looking steadily at Zhan En and Pattilina, says. However his words have not said, sees opposite that little girl to raise the head. Like looking at mangy dog looking to him, then sees only the little girl to put out a hand, drew anything in the knight spear/gun of that silver, later looks to him opens the mouth to get angry shouts. 直到这时,理查德这才冷哼一声,他一面翻转着手中的短剑,两只眼睛阴沉的盯视着詹恩帕蒂莉娜,一面开口说道。但是他的话还没有说完,就看见对面那个小女孩抬起头来。像看一只癞皮狗一样的望向他,接着只见小女孩伸出手去,在那白银的骑士枪拉动了一下什么,随后望向他开口怒喝道。 Must hit hits, which so many idle talk! Refusing to accept, looked this young lady projects on the clothing/taking you!! & R dquo ; “要打就打,哪那么多废话!不服是吧,看本小姐把你打到服!!” With angry roaring of Pattilina, only hearsto rumble & R dquo ;, The shell of howling explodes to shoot from the silver white long spear/gun like this, rumbled toward Richard in the past. 伴随着帕蒂莉娜的怒吼,只听见“轰”的一声,呼啸的炮弹就这样从银白的长枪之中爆射而出,向着理查德轰了过去。 Saw this, Richard also to stare. Where he thinks that this seemingly delicate little girl temperament was so irritable, said hit hits a little face not to remain. in a moment saw that cone the metal shell to arrive at his front. However as the legendary powerhouse, Richard naturally is not the fool, although he has not seen the demon that grows into this appearance leads the artillery. However the flash also responded. Sees only his cold snort/hum one, the two stilettos in hand interlocks to throw immediately, impartial division the shell of that metal. Quick, explodes the sound, the hysterical/frenzy air current sways the dance in the main hall, even the heavy/thick wall starts to rock. 看见这一幕,理查德也是愣了一下。他哪里想到这个看起来娇娇弱弱的小女孩脾气如此火爆,说打就打一点儿情面都不留。只是眨眼的工夫就见那枚圆锥形的金属炮弹已经来到了他的面前。不过作为传奇强者,理查德当然也不是傻瓜,他虽然从来没有见过长成这个样子的魔导炮。不过一瞬间也是反应了过来。只见他冷哼一声,手中的两把短剑顿时交错着扔出,不偏不倚的分割开了那枚金属的炮弹。很快,爆炸声响,狂乱的气流在大殿之中吹拂狂舞,甚至就连厚重的墙壁都开始晃动。 The Richard ghosts and demons avoided the attack of explosion likely. That two stilettos do not know when returned to his hand, but has not waited for him to prepare, only sees a dazzling bright brilliance to flash through from oneself at present, next moment, Pattilina appeared together with her long spear/gun in the Richard front like this. 理查德像鬼魅般的躲开了爆炸的袭击。那两把短剑已经不知道什么时候又回到了他的手中,不过还不等他重新准备好,只看见一道耀眼明亮的光辉从自己眼前闪过,下一刻,帕蒂莉娜连同她的长枪就这样出现在了理查德的面前。 Bottom eruption that the energy of roaring changes into the open fire from the long spear/gun, like rocket general is promoting the long spear/gun and young girl's unprecedented initiation charge. Richard does not dare to meet such strength hardly, but he has no alternative at present, sees only the poisonous wolf of this empire to bite the jaw, the dark blue principle brilliance crazy twinkle, then he interlocks two stilettos from top to bottom, effort cuts toward the Pattilina long spear/gun. 咆哮的能量化为明火从长枪的底端爆发,如同火箭一般的推动着长枪和少女一往无前的发起冲锋。理查德可不敢硬接这样的力量,但是眼下他别无选择,只见这头帝国的毒狼咬住牙关,浑身上下暗绿色的法则光辉疯狂的闪烁,接着他交错两把短剑,用力的向着帕蒂莉娜的长枪砍下。 Bang!!! & R dquo ; “轰!!!” next moment, the people can only see one group of flat lands, but back that the mist and dust, as well as flies upside down. Under the gaze of people, sees only that form on such numerous collisions in the main hallempire has nautical chart & R dquo ; On, that once drew up the portray of empire honor hitting piece by piece shatter, falling that Richard of whole body dust then staggers along the ground. The armor that on his both hands covers had broken generally, the part that inside reveals is also covered with blood. But in another, Pattilina in the big hole that also since oneself create crawled, shook the head, the Richard full power struck evidently is not totally without creates the difficulty to the little fellow. 下一刻,众人只能够看见一团平地而起的烟尘,以及一个倒飞出去的背影。在众人的注视下,只见那个身影就这样重重的撞在大殿的“帝国出海图”上,把那曾经绘制了帝国荣光的刻画给撞的片片破碎,紧接着满身尘土的理查德这才跌跌撞撞的落在地上。他双手上覆盖的装甲已经破碎了一般,内里露出的部分也是血肉模糊。而在另外一处,帕蒂莉娜也从自己造成的大坑里爬了出来,晃了晃脑袋,看样子理查德刚才的全力一击也并非完全没有对小家伙造成困扰。 But facing all these, Jenkins can only the forced smile be right, he has to pass to help Richard, but Zhan En eyes covetously in side. Jenkins is very clear, do not look that this young people had a face wind light cloud Dan smile to seem like a moment ago in side watch the fun, however his psychic force continuously locking firmly on oneself. If he feels to begin to help Richard, will then certainly encounter the Zhan En violent storm attack and stop. Do not say monster that the opposite party binary element domain is expert, this must hand over the seat of honor again, oneself definitely have the defeat not to win. 而面对这一切,格林克斯只能够苦笑已对,他不是没有想过去帮助理查德,但是詹恩就在旁边虎视眈眈。格林克斯很清楚,别看刚才这个年轻人带着一脸风轻云淡的笑容好像是在旁边看热闹似的,但是他的精神力一直都牢牢的锁定在自己身上。如果他感动手帮助理查德,那么一定会遭到詹恩暴风骤雨般的打击和阻拦。更不要说对方还是双元素领域专精的怪物,这要再交上手,自己肯定是有败无胜。 But at this time, old, the serious sound resounded finally. 而就在这个时候,一个苍老,严肃的声音终于响起。 Sir Bassammens, I have understood your meaning. & R dquo ; 巴夏侬门斯爵士,我已经明白你的意思了。” Namis VIII stands up, his two eyes are glittering the bright brilliance, he stands there like this, occupying a commanding position gazes is standing in oneself front Zhan En. This emperor called the Zhan En's way to have no mistake actually, it seems like he did not exist to know nothing regarding Zhan En's. 纳美西斯八世站起身来,他的两只眼睛闪烁着明亮的光辉,他就这样站在那里,居高临下的注视着站在自己面前的詹恩。这位皇帝陛下称呼詹恩的方式倒是没有任何错误,看来他也并非完全对于詹恩的存在一无所知。 But, you think depending on this, can make me submit? & R dquo ; “但是,你以为光凭这样,就能够让我屈服?” How this depends on you to understand, your majesty. & R dquo ; “这取决于您如何理解,陛下。” Heard emperor's speech, Zhan En is smiling good to the opposite party a ritual. 听到皇帝的说话,詹恩微笑着向对方行了一礼。 In this world, something are always more important than the life. But in turn, does not have any the life is more important. Therefore both have no difference, regardless of your majesty you make anything to choose, that is your choice, but I, naturally must respect an emperor the choice. & R dquo ; “这个世界上,总有些东西比生命更加重要。而反过来,也没有什么比生命更加重要。所以两者没有什么区别,无论陛下您做出什么选择,那都是您的选择,而我,自然也是要尊重一位皇帝陛下的选择的。” Said here, Zhan En received the sword to return to the sheath, then put out a hand to push the eyeglasses. 说道这里,詹恩收剑回鞘,接着伸出手去推了推眼镜。 I think, before your majesty you make the decision, hopes that you can look at all around well. & R dquo ; “不过我想,在陛下您做出决定之前,希望您能够好好的看一看四周。” All around? 四周? Hears here, the emperor frowns, but these high-ranking court officials also stare, they quickly raise the head to look out in all directions, quick, sharp, is full of the frightened sound to resound. 听到这里,皇帝陛下皱了下眉头,而那些重臣也是一愣,他们急忙抬头四望,很快,一个尖锐的,充满恐惧的声音从中响起。 God, you look ............!!! & R dquo ; “天啊,你们看…………!!!” The imperial main hall before this moment splendid, Zhan En has no longer made the entire main hall tattered and torn together with the fight of Pattilina completely, everywhere is the ruined traces. The corridor to lead to main hall has collapsed completely, 2/3 main hall peaks are also tattered and torn, by these giant gaps, the people even can see clearly outside all. 此刻的皇家大殿已经完全不复之前的富丽堂皇,詹恩连同帕蒂莉娜的战斗已经让整个大殿千疮百孔,到处都是破败的痕迹。通向大殿的走廊已经完全坍塌,三分之二的大殿顶端也已经千疮百孔,透过那些巨大的缺口,众人甚至能够看清楚外面的一切。 However they see is actually not a sky. 但是他们看见的却并不是天空。 But is the big dragon of blotting out the sky. 而是铺天盖地的巨龙。 Blue Legion launches the pair of wings, the innumerable big dragons gather above the sky like this, covered entire Royal castle, under metal artillery tube that pitch-dark muzzle aiming on their shoulder, like ice-cold destruction, is only brutally waiting for the conclusion of final Death countdown. But at this time people discovered that under Zhan En behind corridor, the similarly hill huge form is looking steadily here, eye of pupil that pair of golden dragon is only looks makes the person palpitation. Although the Blue Legion dragon prestige has not erupted, but these high-ranking court officials have actually looked pale, even the somewhat timid person did not say a word, fainted directly. 苍蓝军团展开双翼,无数的巨龙就这样汇聚在天空之上,笼罩了整个王城,它们肩膀上的金属炮筒那黑洞洞的炮口瞄准下方,如同冰冷无情的毁灭者,只等待着最后的死亡倒计时的结束。而这个时候人们才发现在詹恩身后的走廊下,同样有一个小山般巨大的身影正盯视着这里,那双金黄色的龙之眼眸光是看着就令人心悸。虽然苍蓝军团的龙威还没有爆发,但是这些重臣却已经是面色苍白,甚至有些胆小的人根本就是一言不发,直接昏倒在地。 However now actually no one notices this point, they are only the gaze of looking pale the sky, brings to look frightened to these Death shadows, resounds until the Zhan En's sound again. 不过现在却没有人注意到这一点,他们只是面色苍白的注视着天空,带着恐惧望向那些死亡的阴影,直到詹恩的声音再次响起。 As the ruler, must be responsible for own lead(er) people, your majesty. I and you are the same, each choice that we make, may cause the irretrievable consequence very much. I acknowledged, my strength is also not enough to destroy the entire empire, but makes a king fall into the sea of fire, has more than enough to spare. & R dquo ; “身为统治者,必然要为自己的领民负责,陛下。我和你都是一样,我们所做的每一个选择,都很有可能导致不可挽回的后果。我承认,我的力量还不足以毁灭整个帝国,但是让一个王都陷入火海之中,还是绰绰有余的。” Said here, Zhan En put out a hand again, pushed the eyeglasses, later he looked to the emperor on throne, showed a faint smile. 说道这里,詹恩再次伸出手去,推了推眼镜,随后他望向王座上的皇帝陛下,微微一笑。 Now, good wine and arms all in this. Your majesty, should be you make the choice the time, you choose the peace? Destruction? & R dquo ; “现在,美酒与枪炮皆在此。陛下,该是您做出选择的时候了,您是选择和平?还是毁灭?” Hears these words, others have also turned the head, looks to approach own emperor. In most people's eyes brings to earnestly seek with anxiously, the official as empire, they do not fear Death, is as the aristocrat, they are not willing dead without a heir. Must know that these big aristocrats may almost be entire family live in Royal castle, what we definitely know is that once flames of war of Zhan En opening destruction, then in this Royal castle, perhaps no one can escape by luck. 听到这句话,其他人也转过头去,望向自己的皇帝。大多数人的眼中都带着渴求和不安,作为帝国的臣子,他们不惧怕死亡,可是作为贵族,他们可不愿意断子绝孙。要知道那些大贵族可几乎是全家都在王城之中居住,可以肯定的是,一旦詹恩开启毁灭的战火,那么这座王城之中,恐怕没有人可以幸免。 Under the vision gaze of people, Namis VIII silent moment, finally, he closes the eye, long sighing, then sat on the throne. When he opens the eye, this old person appeared even more older. Under he sweeps the high-ranking court official who passes away like this, will then focus in Zhan En's. 在众人的目光注视下,纳美西斯八世沉默了片刻,最终,他闭上眼睛,长长的叹了口气,接着重新坐回了王座上。当他睁开眼睛时,这位老人显得越发苍老了许多。他就这样扫过身下的重臣,接着将目光放在詹恩的身上。 You have made to choose for me, not? Sir Bassammens? & R dquo ; “你已经为我做出选择了,不是吗?巴夏侬门斯爵士?” Afterward, old Emperor says in a low voice.( To be continued.) 随后,老皇帝低声开口说道。(未完待续。)
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