DR :: Volume #3

#299: The wolf of stinger

The shadow is waving. 阴影在舞动。 Provokes the Shadowmoon sword movement along with Zhan En, the people then saw the shadow in entire ground to seem like the rug of shop in ground to be selected in this moment, then blocking in his front. next moment that mixed with the bang that unequalled imposing manner the fire of gold is threatening like this above & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; It is not right, should say that the bang in was right. Jenkins looks helplessly the flame on own sword was separated from his sword blade like this, flew into the deep place of that dark shadow, as if before oneself is not a shadow barrier, but is the entrance that a space is too deep to see the bottom is the same. 伴随着詹恩挑起影月之剑的动作,众人便看见整个地面上的黑影都在这一刻好像是铺在地面上的地毯般被挑了起来,接着遮挡在他的面前。下一刻那夹杂着无与伦比气势的黄金之火就这样气势汹汹的轰在了上面———不对,应该说轰在了里面才对。格林克斯眼睁睁的看着自己剑上的火焰就这样脱离了他的剑身,飞入了那黑暗阴影的深处,仿佛在自己面前的不是一个阴影屏障,而是一个空间深不见底的入口一样。 In fact, that is an entrance. 事实上,那正是一个入口。 At this moment Jenkins only felt that own scalp tingles, he is almost the withdrawing long sword of being able choose the exact way because of flurry, then flings forward, quick, the flame erupts again, bringing the air current to change the Jenkins originally downward path forcefully, making him roll falls returns to the rear main hall. But Jenkins looks in the Zhan En's look to have several points to be frightened at this moment. Why perhaps others have not made clear Jenkins to retrocede, but he himself is very clear, in fact in that moment, Zhan En had opened the front door to shadow plane, if oneself really get down with the sword bang, that seems like the theater curtain same space channel through that directly, was thrown shadow plane by Zhan En. 这一刻格林克斯只感觉自己的头皮发麻,他几乎是慌不择路的抽回长剑,然后向前一甩,很快,火焰再次爆发而出,带着气流硬生生的改变了格林克斯原本向下的轨迹,让他就地一滚重新落回到后方的大殿之中。只不过这一刻格林克斯看着詹恩的眼神里已经带着几分惊悚了。或许其他人还搞不清楚为什么格林克斯会后退,但是他自己却很清楚,事实上在那一刻,詹恩已经打开了通往阴影位面的大门,如果自己真的连人带剑轰下去,那就直接通过那条看起来像是幕布一样的空间通道,被詹恩扔到阴影位面去了。 The double domain is expert!! 双领域专精!! Looks the Zhan En right hand is grasping Sea Blue Light, and left hand is grasping Shadowmoon sword, Jenkins complexion& R dquo ; One becomes pale. Can turn on the shadow plane channel, represented him to obtain the strength of control shadow. But before the opposite party and fought 300 rounds. The strength of used water element is also real. This can only explain that the opposite party grasped the water element and being expert of shadow two big domains simultaneously. 看着詹恩右手握着的海蓝之光,以及左手握着的影月之剑,格林克斯的面色“唰”的一下变得苍白起来。能够开启阴影位面的通道,就代表他已经获得了支配阴影的力量。而之前对方和自己大战了三百回合。用的水元素之力也是货真价实的。这只能够说明对方同时掌握了水元素和阴影两大领域的专精。 However this possibility? 但是这可能吗? Jenkins only felt oneself seem like having a dream, Klein Continent in history, but also has not seen simultaneously the legendary powerhouse who could be expert in two domains, naturally, will sometimes have existences of some legendary peaks to simulate the low principle with the higher principle that they grasp, but side the issue lies in the shadow and water element does not build the principle domain from the start, possibility that therefore does not have the mutual simulation. 格林克斯只觉得自己好像是在做梦,克莱恩大陆有史以来,还从没有见过能够同时专精两个领域的传奇强者,当然,有时候也会有一些传奇巅峰的存在用他们掌握的高等法则来模拟低等法则,可问题在于阴影和水元素压根就是不搭边的法则领域,所以也不存在相互模拟的可能性。 Now Jenkins felt oneself know what finally why uses to Fang Mingming is the single-handed sword technique. Actually must wear two long swords. Clearly, this young people wear two long swords , because he is expert in two domains simultaneously, but as the matter stands, can display the limit his strength. 现在格林克斯觉得自己终于知道为什么对方明明用的是单手剑术。却要佩戴两把长剑了。很明显,这个年轻人之所以佩戴两把长剑,是因为他同时专精两个领域,而这样一来,才能够把他的力量发挥到极限。 However what pitifully is, Jenkins or guessed mistakenly, in fact was not Zhan En is expert in two domains to wear these two long swords, because he wore these two long swords therefore to be expert in these two domain & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; It seems like if now Jenkinstooth of & R dquo golden color ; Gives Zhan En, that Zhan En can display with the strength of Jenkins same flame. 不过可惜的是,格林克斯还是猜错了,事实上不是詹恩专精两个领域才佩戴这两把长剑,而是因为他佩戴了这两把长剑所以才专精这两个领域———就好像现在如果把格林克斯的“金色之牙”交给詹恩,那詹恩就可以发挥出和格林克斯一样的的火焰之力。 No matter actual situation actually how. It’s nothing change regarding Jenkins, he at this moment it can be said that is also in a dilemma. The principle domain of shadow element to one of the high fantasy domains, is next to bright, dark, with chaos these three big, the principle domain and fantasy domain of principle four big elements compares fundamentally on no advantage. Moreover the both sides strength is similar. In this case. Many a support of domain principle, are many a odds of success. But in turn regarding Jenkins, his situation appeared some to be not quite wonderful. 但是不管实际情况究竟如何。对于格林克斯来说也没什么改变,此刻的他可以说是进退两难。阴影元素的法则领域可是至高幻想领域之一,仅次于光明,黑暗,与混沌这三大界,四大元素的法则领域和幻想领域法则比起来根本就没有什么优势。而且双方实力差不多。在这种情况下。多一种领域法则的支持,就多一份胜算。而反过来对于格林克斯来说,他的处境就显得有些不太妙了。 However has not waited for Jenkins to think anything again, actually hears surrounding crowd one to call out in alarm, then when next moment he looks again forward, actually the discovery should stand that young people there does not know when has vanished does not see, but keeps in front of him, is dim, by main hall that the shadow covers. 不过还没有等格林克斯再想些什么,却听到周围的人群一阵惊呼,接着下一刻他再次向前望去时,却发现原本应该站在那里的那个年轻人不知道什么时候已经消失不见,而留在他面前的,只有昏暗的,被阴影笼罩的大殿。 It is not good!! 不好!! Almost at the same time, Jenkins as if detected anything. He quickly turns around, both hands grasp the sword cross piece before oneself body. Only hearsclang & R dquo ;, next moment that has slid from his sword blade cold such as Shadowmoon sword light/only like this, since splash a series of flames, but at the same time, Jenkins also drew support from this to see opposite party that young actually self-confident face luminously. Zhan En at this moment as before is wear a look of the wind light cloud Dan smile, seeming like must be the same with this empire lion idle talk daily family activity probably at present, but his movement hand/subordinate has not actually stopped completely, Shadowmoon sword after striking was blocked, Zhan En holding up Sea Blue Light without hesitation, is a sword toward the lower abdomen of Jenkins punctures. 几乎就在与此同时,格林克斯似乎察觉到了什么。他急忙转身,双手握剑横档在自己的身前。只听见“铛”的一声,下一刻那把寒冷如光的影月之剑就这样从他的剑身上滑过,飞溅起了一连串的火光,而与此同时,格林克斯也借助这光亮看见了对方那张年轻却充满自信的面孔。此刻的詹恩依旧是面带着风轻云淡的微笑,看起来就好像要和眼前这位帝国雄狮闲话家常一样,不过他手下的动作却完全没有停下,影月之剑的一击被挡住之后,詹恩毫不犹豫的举起海蓝之光,接着又是一剑向着格林克斯的小腹刺去。 But Jenkins at this moment is also panic-stricken incomparable, he knows certainly why the opposite party will arrive suddenly own behind, shadow plane has no difference regarding his such existence with the ghost gate, but to the holder of shadow principle actually from the start is the back garden, wants to come to come to walk walks. Jenkins can believe firmly that Zhan En absolutely through the shadow plane channel arrives own behind, the shadow is the natural entrance and exit|to speak, regarding grasping existence of shadow domain, this is not the difficult matter. 而此刻的格林克斯也是惊骇无比,他当然知道对方为什么会忽然来到自己的身后,阴影位面对于他这样的存在来说和鬼门没有任何区别,但是对阴影法则的持有者来说却压根就是自家后花园,想来就来想走就走。格林克斯可以确信詹恩绝对是通过阴影位面的通道来到自己的身后的,影子就是天然的入口与出口,对于掌握了阴影领域的存在而言,这并不是什么困难的事情。 Jenkins at this moment had given up the last luck, clearly, opposite party is not only the binary element is expert, but also coordination unusual is tacit, absolutely during does not have to imagine such situation of biting off more than one can chew to appear. Had such moment, Jenkins even wants to raise hand to surrender, but was swordsman proud made him clench the teeth to grasp to stop the long sword to launch the counter-attack, quick, the flame twinkle that stuck out suddenly shone, the strong shadow will scatter. However then sees Sea Blue Light in Zhan En hand to sweep, the next moment ice-cold bone-chilling cold cold wind howls like this, hit with the flame again in one. 此刻的格林克斯已经放弃了最后一丝侥幸,很明显,对方不但是双元素专精,而且配合的非常默契,完全没有自己想象之中那样贪多嚼不烂的情况出现。有那么一刻,格林克斯甚至想要举手投降了,不过身为剑士的骄傲还是让他咬紧牙关握住手中的长剑发起了反击,很快,暴起的火光闪烁亮起,将浓重的阴影驱散开来。但是紧接着便看见詹恩手中的海蓝之光扫过,下一刻冰冷凛冽的寒风就这样呼啸而出,与火焰再次撞击在了一起。 The double sword balances, this Jenkins cannot resist to retrocede finally, but Zhan En closely associated follows close on after that Shadowmoon sword in his hand under the package of shadow flickers, even seems like the shape is not that clear, but actually gives a Jenkins dangerous feeling. He retroceded two steps, the both hands sword belt in hand seven a sword was colored, welcomes to that seemingly slurred Shadowmoon sword, the quick, golden flame explodes, clean that the strong shadow will scatter. But that hid Sharp Edge in dark shadow also appeared its prototype under the ray, but sees this, Jenkins to feel relieved finally. His sword swung Sea Blue Light in Zhan En. Then wields again to the Shadowmoon sword direction. 双剑相抵,这一次格林克斯终于抵挡不住后退开来,而詹恩则如影随形般紧跟其后,他手中的影月之剑在阴影的包裹下忽明忽暗,甚至连形态都看起来似乎都不是那么清晰,但却给格林克斯一种危险的感觉。他后退了两步,手中的双手剑带七了一道剑花,迎向了那看起来模糊不清的影月之剑,很快,金色的火光爆起,将浓重的阴影驱散的一干二净。而那原本隐藏在幽暗黑影之中的利刃也在光芒之下显出了它的原型,而看见这一幕,格林克斯总算是放下心来。他一剑荡开了詹恩手里的海蓝之光。然后再次向影月之剑的方向挥去。 Has to acknowledge, as experienced swordsman, the choice of Jenkins is quite correct, what a pity is he does not know Shadowmoon sword another characteristic. 不得不承认,作为一名经验丰富的剑士,格林克斯的选择相当正确,可惜的是他并不知道影月之剑的另外一个特性 When he sees Zhan En's not to choose the defense facing oneself attack, instead slanting when holds up Shadowmoon sword to reflect the flame the ray, actually Jenkins does not even make clear the opposite party to do suddenly. 所以当他看见詹恩的面对自己的进攻并没有选择防御,反而斜斜的举起影月之剑反射起火焰的光芒时,格林克斯一时间甚至搞不清楚对方究竟想要干什么。 next moment, flashes from his present flashing through that luminously passes. 下一刻,一闪即逝的光亮从他的眼前闪过。 Whiz!! & R dquo ; “嗖!!” Totally is a swordsman instinct. Jenkins then evaded that wiped the light blade that flew to shoot to come, the squatting down body of partly his no demeanor, making that light blade scratch own shoulder to fly to shoot. Even so, Jenkins also feels the shoulder burning pain, but he may not be in no mood to pay attention to oneself injury at this time, because in his front, the double sword in Zhan En hand has interlocked to raid. 完全是出于一个剑士的本能。格林克斯这才堪堪躲过了那一抹飞射而来的光刃,他毫无风度的半蹲下身体,使得那道光刃擦着自己的肩膀飞射而过。即便如此,格林克斯也感觉到肩膀火辣辣的疼痛,不过这个时候他可没心情关注自己的伤势,因为在他的面前,詹恩手中的双剑已经交错袭来。 The expert of same rank encounters, loses the situation already enough fatally, do not say that at present Zhan En has completely the advantage. But Jenkins is also actually injured. Therefore these round assaults facing Zhan En's, he cannot even achieve the avoidance, can only clench the teeth, the right hand lives in the long sword, the left hand holding down ridges holds up upwardly, tries to block the opposite party the strikes. 同等级的高手交锋,失去先机已经足够致命,更不要说眼下詹恩占尽优势。而格林克斯却还受了伤。因此面对詹恩的这一轮抢攻,他甚至连躲避都做不到,只能够咬紧牙关,右手住长剑,左手按住剑脊向上举起,试图挡住对方的这一击。 First what cuts on the golden long sword is Sea Blue Light. The impact of water and fire brought a dazzling magic immediately luminously the white fog of eruption. But next moment, Shadowmoon sword in Zhan En hand does not have under cutting of flower trellis, but this Jenkins cannot support finally, both legs soft, kneeing down, because the long sword in his hand also these hits by slanting separating time, Jenkins then sees Sea Blue Light in opposite party hand to draw an arc again, raids toward oneself. 首先砍在黄金长剑上的是海蓝之光。水与火的冲击顿时带来了一阵耀眼的魔法光亮而喷发的白雾。而下一刻,詹恩手中的影月之剑也毫无花架的砍下,而这一次格林克斯终于支持不住,双腿一软,不由的单膝跪地,而他手中的长剑也因为这一次撞击被斜斜弹开,紧接着格林克斯便看见对方手中的海蓝之光再次划过一道弧线,向着自己袭来。 Saw this, Jenkins to reveal the forced smile finally slowly, the speed of both hands long sword originally. Oppresses others by the strength purely, rapidness that but opposite young people not only strength compared with him a head, the speed has also imagined compared with him, obviously is two single-handed long swords, in his hands probably two daggers are the same, meaning that a sword sword has not then stopped. In this case, Jenkins obviously only then raised hand to surrender. 看见这一幕,格林克斯终于露出了苦笑,双手长剑的速度本来就慢。纯粹靠力量压人,但是对面这个年轻人不但力量比他强过一头,速度也比他想象的更快,明明是两把单手长剑,在他手里却好像两把匕首一样,一剑接着一剑根本就没有停下来的意思。在这种情况下,格林克斯显然只有举手投降了。 But at this time, in his eye actually caught trivial not obvious deep green. 但就在这个时候,他的眼中却捕捉到了一丝微不可见的暗绿。 At the same time, wielded a sword to cut to Jenkins Zhan En turns around to turn head suddenly, then Sea Blue Light of his right hand wields forward, quick, along with ice-cold cold air eruption, together clear cold ice barrier on such flat land. But, then sees the deep green the light to wield flies to fling, the numerous hits above the ice wall, hit a smashing it. Castrates marches forward, brushes on the Zhan En's body that does not reduce & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; However then sees that hit body starts to melt fast shatter, next moment then changed into the dark shadow to integrate the ground. 就在与此同时,原本挥剑砍向格林克斯詹恩忽然转身回头,接着他右手的海蓝之光向前一挥,很快,伴随着冰冷的寒气爆发,一道晶莹的寒冰屏障就这样平地而起。而紧接着,便看见暗绿的光挥飞甩而过,重重撞击在冰墙之上,将其打了个粉碎。去势不减的继续向前,抽打在了詹恩的身体上———不过紧接着便看见那被击中的身躯开始飞快破碎融化,下一刻便化为了幽暗的阴影重新融入地面。 „ Do you do, Richard!! & R dquo ; “你干什么,理查德!!” Looks at this, Jenkins frowns tightly, he stands up, looks to place & mda S h that the attack initiates ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Sees only in the dark corner of main hall, a whole body puts on jet black leather armour , the face by male calm and upright static standing that the pale skeleton mask surrounds there, the dark green short-sword in his hand is sending out a trivial not obvious brilliance in the dim shadow. 看着这一幕,格林克斯紧皱眉头,他站起身来,望向袭击发起的地方———只见在大殿的一个阴暗角落里,一个全身穿着漆黑皮甲,就连面部都被惨白的骷髅面具包围的男子正安静的站在那里,他手中的墨绿色短剑在昏暗的阴影之中散发着一丝微不可见的光辉。 He is the second legendary powerhouse of Goldshire Empire imperial family, wolf of Richard stinger. 他正是闪金帝国皇室的第二个传奇强者,毒刺之狼理查德 Compared to Jenkins, this legendary powerhouse does not reveal in the Goldshire Empire reputation, few people know his existence. He is the royal family secret agent family background, belongs organization that a spy kind of it must not exposed to the light, naturally does not suit like Jenkins appears in public. But Jenkins is very clear, by having strength, Richard perhaps low frontline, principle element actually quite thorny & mda S h that but he grasps ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; His element domain ispoisonous & R dquo ;, So long as were wounded by him, then Richard can operate the toxin to corrode the opposite party. Although this strength is not considered as that too high strength level, but used to be the same makes in the will of the people send the cold fearful element. 相对于格林克斯来说,这位传奇强者在闪金帝国名声不显,只有很少的人才知道他的存在。他是王室密探出身,属于间谍一类本身就见不得光的组织,自然不适合像格林克斯那样抛头露面。只不过格林克斯很清楚,论起本身的实力来说,理查德或许比自己低一线,但是他掌握的法则元素却相当棘手———他的元素领域是“毒”,只要被他击伤,那么理查德就可以操纵毒素对对方进行侵蚀。这种力量虽然不算是太高的力量层次,但是利用好了一样会是让人心里发寒的可怕元素。 This does not develop the competition on martial stage, Mr. Jenkins. & R dquo ; “这并非是演武场上的比试,格林克斯先生。” Hears angry roaring of Jenkins, Richard sneers, he puts out a hand went and came to throw startedtooth of & R dquo poisonous snake ;, Then narrows the eye, exuded the similar snake common fizz. 听到格林克斯的怒吼,理查德冷笑一声,他伸出手去来回抛了一下手中的“毒蛇之牙”,然后眯起眼睛,发出了类似蛇一般的嘶嘶声。 This is a fight, that country bumpkin provoked the dignity of imperial family, we must do beats and kills him thoroughly, what knight spirit rather than studies here, not? & R dquo ; “这是一场战斗,那个乡巴佬挑衅了皇室的尊严,我们所要做的就是彻底击败和杀死他,而不是在这里学什么骑士精神,不是吗?” You ............... & R dquo ; “你……………” Heard the speech of Richard, Jenkins cold snort/hum, but anything had not said finally. He is not a fool, naturally knows that perhaps the present situation, at his strength, wanted to cope with Zhan En to have no chance alone. Now only then looked oneself and Richard collaborate, has a look to defeat that young people & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; No matter how said that he impossible by an enemy two. 听到理查德的说话,格林克斯冷哼了一声,但是最终还是什么都没有说。他不是傻瓜,自然知道眼下的情况,以他的力量,想要单独对付詹恩恐怕是没什么希望了。现在只有看自己和理查德联手,看看不能不能够击败那个年轻人———不管怎么说,他也不可能以一敌二吧。 Really makes me feel the surprised, solemn empire will also use such sneak attack method unexpectedly. & R dquo ; “真让我感到惊讶,堂堂帝国居然也会采用这样的偷袭手段。” But at this time, the Zhan En's sound resounded again, reverberates in the entire main hall, as if he was ubiquitous. But hears this sound, the people gawked gawked, along with the following look changes incomparably embarrassedly. In fact is not only Jenkins, the highest -ranking court officials in empire also the competition between him and Zhan En are regarded as a glorious martial arts contest, as the matter stands, Richard makes a move to sneak attack in side obviously is very ** the matter of share. However they pour do not say anything, after all that is also the legendary character in empire, moreover its cruel and merciless degree above Jenkins, no one hopes because of a wild talk bewildered wiped the neck. 而就在这个时候,詹恩的声音再次响起,回荡在整个大殿上,仿佛他无处不在。而听到这个声音,众人都是愣了一愣,随后面色变得无比难堪。事实上不但是格林克斯,就连帝国的大多数重臣也将他和詹恩之间的比试看做是一场荣耀的比武,这样一来,理查德在旁边出手偷袭显然就是一件很**份的事情。不过对此他们倒也不好说什么,毕竟那也是帝国的传奇人物,而且其心狠手辣的程度远在格林克斯之上,谁也不希望因为一句妄言而被莫名其妙的抹了脖子。 Does not need to talk too much, you are the enemy in empire, rather than the guest, we naturally does not need to speak what formality with you. & R dquo ; “不必多言,你是帝国的敌人,而非客人,我们自然不用和你讲什么礼节。” Compared to others, the Richard complexion is actually tranquil, naturally, that can be seen what expression by the face that on the skeleton mask blocks, but at least his sound is very steady, no shivers with hesitant. 相对于其他人来说,理查德倒是面色平静,当然,那张被骷髅面具挡住的面孔上也看不见什么表情,不过至少他的声音还是很平稳,没有一丝颤抖和犹豫。 I want also to be, since the empire wants to treat as the enemy me, that does not have the matter of means. & R dquo ; “我想也是,既然帝国想要将我当做敌人,那也是没有办法的事情。” Said here, the shadow started to rock again , the Zhan En's form appeared in the front of people again, he stood in the place that before he vanished as before, looked absolutely does not have the injured appearance. 说道这里,黑影再次开始晃动,紧接着,詹恩的身影再次出现在了众人的面前,他依旧站在之前他消失的地方,看起来完全没有受伤的样子。 It seems like do you want by an enemy two? & R dquo ; “看来你想要以一敌二?” Sees Zhan En's to appear, Richard narrowed the eye, the short-sword in hand crossed a series of remnant shades in the in the air belt/bring. But Jenkins looked at his one eyes, the both hands sword that in holding up hand anything has not said that said no matter how, since already like this, has to brace oneself to continue. 看见詹恩的出现,理查德眯起眼睛,手中的短剑在空中带过了一连串的残影。而格林克斯则望了他一眼,什么也没有说的举起手中的双手剑,不管怎么说,既然都已经这样了,也只好硬着头皮继续下去。 Simultaneously two legendary characters facing empire, indeed is a very attractive proposition. & R dquo ; “同时面对帝国的两位传奇人物,的确是一个很有魅力的提议。” But the smile in Zhan En surface still has not changed, he raises slightly to the Richard direction slightly, then says. 可是詹恩面上的笑容依然没有丝毫改变,他微微向理查德的方向欠了欠身,接着开口说道。 But the person expensive/noble had self-knowledge, I do not think I can obtain what advantage under besieging of two legendary characters. & R dquo ; “但是人贵有自知之明,我可不认为我能够在两位传奇人物的围攻下得到什么好处。” „? & R dquo ; “哦?” Hears here, Richard gawked. 听到这里,理查德愣了一下。 Then you were the plan leave? & R dquo ; “那么你是打算离开了?” Spoke facing Richard, Zhan En shakes the head. 面对理查德说话,詹恩摇了摇头。 I said that I come for the peace, so long as the emperor is willing to sign the peace agreement with me, then I will naturally leave. However before that ......... was sorry very much, it seems like I have to disturb a while. & R dquo ; “我说了,我是为和平而来,只要皇帝陛下愿意和我签署和平协定,那么我自然就会离开。但是在那之前………很抱歉,看来我还不得不打搅一会儿。” That, you must face both of us. & R dquo ; “那么,你就必须要面对我们两个人了。” This does not see. & R dquo ; “这倒也不见的。” Hears Zhan En's to reply, the people stare, but next moment, suddenly, a howling wind sound/rumor from in the air raids suddenly, next moment, they then see light beam to drop from the clouds, the bang broke in the vault in main hall straight shot below Richard. 听到詹恩的回答,众人都是一愣,但是下一刻,忽然,一阵呼啸的风声忽然从空中袭来,紧接着下一刻,他们便看见一道光束从天而降,轰破了大殿的穹顶之中笔直的射向了下方的理查德 But facing this sudden attack, Richard also stares, he quickly holds up the short-sword in hand, quick, the line of rule started to glitter in his side, changed into the shield of order. next moment, that light beam on such numerous bombardments on the Richard body. The flame of rupturing also in this moment flat land, swallowed that black form. Afterward, a clearness, the slightly immature sound resounds. 而面对这突如其来的袭击,理查德也是一愣,他急忙举起手中的短剑,很快,规则之线在他的身边开始闪烁,化为了秩序的盾牌。紧接着下一刻,那道光束就这样重重的轰击在了理查德身体上。爆裂的火光也在这一刻平地而起,吞噬了那黑色的身影。随后,一个清脆,略显稚嫩的声音响起。 „ To begin with the master, first crossed my closed/pass said again! & R dquo ; “想要和主人动手,先过了我这一关再说!”
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