DR :: Volume #3

#298: The lion of gold

The double sword interlocks, the burning hot and cold ice erupt in the flash. 双剑交错,炙热与寒冰在一瞬间爆发。 Zhan En grasps Sea Blue Light, the long sword in hand selects to, then makes an effort to strike off downward. But Jenkins is serious both hands grasps the sword, is sweeping away another attack that compelled the opposite party. The flame and cold ice the strength of element collides in this moment again, even the space starts to shiver. However this is not anything troubles regarding the fight of legendary domain, Jenkins partly is hanging the view, as if looked continually has not looked at Zhan En one, but the long sword in hand actually from sweeping away to transfer in this moment chops to cut, sees only in his hand to burn the long sword of flame to make an effort to cut forward, later then sees one comprised of the flame, like this Golden Lion of flaming combustion angrily roars departed from the sword blade, mixes with the unequalled power and influence on throw the past toward Zhan En. 詹恩手握海蓝之光,手中的长剑向上一挑,接着用力向下砍去。而格林克斯则是面色凝重的双手握剑,横扫着逼开了对方的又一次进攻。火焰与寒冰的要素之力在这一刻再次碰撞,甚至连空间开始为之颤抖。不过这对于传奇领域的战斗来说并不算什么麻烦,格林克斯半垂着眼帘,似乎连看都没有看詹恩一眼,但是手中的长剑却在这一刻从横扫转为劈砍,只见他手中燃烧着火焰的长剑用力向前砍下,随后便看见一头由火焰组成的,熊熊燃烧的黄金狮子就这样怒吼的从剑身上飞出,夹杂着无与伦比的威势向着詹恩扑了过去。 This is the tooth of lion, is Jenkins depending on the sword technique of becoming famous, as a sword Saint, he is the model of great talent matures slowly. Before age 50, this sword Saint has also stayed in the social class of sword technique Grandmaster bogs down & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; This is also the peak that all mortals can reach. Sees with own eyes the time to fly, almost all people think that perhaps this sword technique Grandmaster can only halt in this. No one thinks that on that day of his 50 th birthday, Jenkins actually comprehended the true meaning of tooth of lion finally, spanned the boundary of every world, entered the legendary domain like this. However even, he does not have but therefore seeks anything for oneself, but defers to family's responsibility as before, is protecting the empire royal family silently. 这是雄狮之牙,也是格林克斯赖以成名的剑术,作为一名剑圣,他算是大器晚成的典型。在50岁之前,这位剑圣还一直停留在剑术大师的阶级停滞不前———这也是所有凡人能够达到的巅峰。眼见时光飞逝,几乎所有人都认为这位剑术大师恐怕只能够止步于此。只是没有人想到在他50岁生日的那一天,格林克斯却终于领悟了雄狮之牙的真意,跨越了凡世的界限,就这样进入了传奇领域。不过即便如此,他也没有因此而为自己谋求些什么,而是依旧按照家族的职责,默默的守护着帝国王室。 Present Jenkins already almost 100 years old, because has the influence of strength spans the legend, his physical body placed about 50 -year-old ages as before. However its physical body strength actually and peak is equally matched. If some people's because of his surface in seniles, but has the contempt to him, will then certainly eat to owe greatly. 现在的格林克斯已经差不多有一百岁了,但是由于拥有跨越传奇的力量的影响,他的肉体依旧维持在五十岁左右的年纪。但是其肉体力量却和巅峰时期不相上下。如果有人因为他表面上的老态而对他产生轻视的话,那么一定会吃个大亏。 However Zhan En will not make this mistake obviously, demon must deliberately plan 100 times of races compared with human, how possibly to capsize in in the sewers. Therefore facing the attack of opposite party, he actually draws back backward, Sea Blue Light in hand before delimiting the slanting curved arc has punctured together suddenly, sends out cold air the snake of cold ice to neigh from top to bottom is jumping out. Winding stubbornly threw Golden Lion that comes, suddenly the white steam eruption, as if the thick fog fills the proliferation. Then only hearsbang & R dquo ; A depressed loud sound, the air current of explosion scatters in all directions immediately, but the people who surround actually have not seen clearly what happened, see two forms to collide again in one. 但是詹恩显然不会犯这种错误,魔族可是比人类还要处心积虑一百倍的种族,怎么可能在阴沟里翻船。所以面对对方的进攻,他却是向后一退,手中的海蓝之光在划过一道斜斜的弯弧之后猛然前刺,紧接着一条浑身上下散发着寒气的寒冰之蛇嘶鸣着从中窜出。死死的缠绕住了扑上前来的黄金狮子,一时间白色的蒸汽爆发,仿佛浓雾般弥漫扩散。接着只听见“砰”的一声沉闷巨响,爆炸的气流顿时四散,而围观的众人还没有看清楚究竟发生了什么事,就看见两个身影再次碰撞在了一起。 Clang!! & R dquo ; “铛!!” The sword and Sea Blue Light gold collide again in together, the flame scatters also illuminated two people faces. Zhan En at this moment as before is wear a look of graceful smile that was full of the aristocrat demeanor, as if at this moment in his present is not the life and death decisive battle, but is only a martial arts contest of floor show. However Jenkins is actually serious. He looked steadily at the present young people, in the eye was flashing through several points of serious, then saw only this empire lion to angrily roar, both hands grasps the sword to press suddenly downward. But Zhan En as if knows that he must make what general, pressure while Jenkins Sword protector, Sea Blue Light in his hand as if did not have the bone to follow another side slanting downward glide immediately. But Jenkins strength of the striking was also unloaded like this. The both hands long sword in his hand following the ridges of Sea Blue Light brought a series of dazzling luminous, thenrumbled & R dquo ; Hits in the ground. Suddenly sees only main hall everything may become vulnerable, the innumerable say/way slits like the spider web proliferation, the golden flame spray, such as the fireworks bloom toward all around. But Zhan En at this moment has actually received the sword to withdraw, avoided the attack of golden flame like Ghost generally, distant standing beyond the Jenkins attack range. But Jenkins is not a straw bag, after the discovery cannot hit he also holds up the long sword immediately again, distant aimed at present Zhan En, both sides confronted again. 黄金之剑与海蓝之光再次碰撞在一起,火光四溅的同时也照亮了两人的面孔。詹恩此刻依旧是面带着充满了贵族风度的优雅微笑,仿佛此刻在他眼前的并非是生死决战,而不过只是一场余兴的比武。但是格林克斯却是面色凝重。他盯视着眼前的年轻人,眼中闪过了几分严肃,接着只见这位帝国雄狮怒吼一声,双手握剑猛然向下压去。而詹恩似乎知道他要做什么一般,就在格林克斯持剑下压的同时,他手中的海蓝之光仿佛没有了骨头般顿时顺着另外一侧斜斜向下滑动。而格林克斯的一击之力也就被这样卸开。他手中的双手长剑顺着海蓝之光的剑脊带起了一连串耀眼的光亮,接着“轰”的一声打在地面上。一时间只见大殿地动山摇,无数道缝隙如蛛网般扩散开来,金色的火焰从中喷射而出,如礼花般向着四周绽放开去。而此刻的詹恩却早已经收剑后撤,像幽灵一般躲开了金色火焰的袭击,远远的站在格林克斯的攻击范围之外。而格林克斯也不是草包,在发现一击不中之后他也立刻再次举起长剑,遥遥的对准了眼前的詹恩,双方再次对峙了起来。 The people who surrounding that this looks are deluded. They even forgot what condition present are under. The fight of legendary domain is not easy to see, Jenkins becomes famous in the empire for a long time, but sees the person who he has acted full power also few, it spoke the truth the fight of Zhan En and Jenkins is not also gaudy, but arrived at legendary domain boundary, even if was only simple divided the vertical stroke to cut horizontally, will take to people an unusual imposing manner. When Zhan En lifts the sword, the people only feel like the ocean waves to stand erect high, the tumbling roared is changing into the mighty current to try to shatter all. When Jenkins wields a sword, the people can feel only the flame of flaming combustion blots out the sky, as if the whole world was even dyed red. This has gone beyond the category of pure sword technique, but in their at present, these two swordsman seems like the King in two world simply, brings the army of water and fire initiates the charge to make one shock and act to the opposite party. 这一幕看的围观的众人如痴如醉。他们甚至都忘记了眼下自己处在一个什么样的状况下。传奇领域的战斗可不是那么容易看见的,格林克斯在帝国成名已久,但见过他全力出手的人也不过寥寥,其实说起来詹恩格林克斯的战斗也并不多么花哨,但是到达了传奇领域这一境界,哪怕只是简单的横劈竖砍,都会带给人一种与众不同的气势。当詹恩举剑时,众人只感觉好像海浪高高竖立,翻滚咆哮着化为洪流试图冲垮一切。而当格林克斯挥剑时,众人唯一能够感觉到的只有熊熊燃烧的火焰铺天盖地,似乎连整个世界都被染成一片红色。这已经超越了单纯的剑术的范畴,而在他们的眼前,这两位剑士简直就好像是两个世界的王者,带着水与火的大军向对方发起冲锋般的令人震撼与行动。 Jenkins has such strength is not unexpected, after all the empire lion becomes famous for many years, naturally does not have unearned reputation. However opposite that young people have the strength that unexpectedly can confront with Jenkins was very surprising, can look, he also less than 20 years old, but actually the so powerful strength ......... are this young people who? 格林克斯拥有这样的力量并不出人意料,毕竟帝国雄狮成名多年,自然也并非浪得虚名。但是对面那个年轻人居然也拥有能够和格林克斯对峙的力量就很让人惊讶了,看得出来,他还不满二十岁,但是如此强大的力量………这个年轻人究竟是谁? At this time, some smart high-ranking court officials have frowned. The Skaar federation is absolutely impossible to have such strength, then this young people may stem from some mysterious influence very much, at first they treat as a no significance Passus the wild outskirts range, now seems not evidently simple. Perhaps this time, the empire was really annoys should not the enemy annoying ......... thinks of here, many people raise the head, worried gaze the emperor on throne. But Namis VIII as if not detected regarding the anxiety of people, he sits there, the complexion ice-cold and is gazing at fight below main hall seriously, does not know that is thinking anything. 这个时候,一些脑筋灵活的重臣已经皱起了眉头。斯卡尔联邦绝对不可能拥有这样的力量,那么这个年轻人很有可能出自某个神秘势力,最初他们只是把帕苏斯当做一片没什么意义的荒郊野岭,现在看样子似乎没那么简单。或许这一次,帝国真的是惹上了不该惹的敌人………想到这里,不少人都抬起头来,担忧的注视着王座上的皇帝陛下。而纳美西斯八世似乎对于众人的忧虑毫无察觉,他只是坐在那里,面色冰冷而严肃的注视着下方大殿上的战斗,不知道在想些什么。 But other Jenkins actually person of so many ideas, he has not been warrior, once after entering the fight, will remove all distracting thoughts, only then fights. However even, he at this moment is still serious is so looking steadily at the opposite party, in the heart is also startled secretly. 格林克斯却并没有其他人这么多的想法,他是一个战士,一旦进入战斗之后就会去除一切杂念,只有战斗。不过即便如此,此刻的他也是面色凝重的盯视着对方,心中也是暗暗吃惊。 He is startled actually not the Zhan En's position and status, present Jenkins does not have the time to think these things. On the contrary, lets the Jenkins surprised Zhan En's strength, others only look at the both sides dozen splendid intense. However Jenkins more hits more is the heart is actually startled. Must know that his weapon is a both hands sword, but brandishes this each time the long sword, Jenkins grips tightly to brandish with both hands. But what in Zhan En hand is the single-handed sword, moreover when facing the attack of Jenkins, he is also single-handed Sword protector corresponds. According to the truth, both hands Sword protector strength addition definitely compared stronger single-handed, the upfront resistance will also get the advantage. However Jenkins discovered that this advantage is equal to not having in front of Zhan En from the start. When the double sword junction strikes each time, he can feel intensely from the sword blade instead shakes, this explained that the strength of opposite party contends with sufficiently, but those who make the Jenkins heart startled is, but the opposite party single-handed Sword protector, this even explains at present the strength of this young people by far in oneself, if he is also both hands Sword protector, perhaps Jenkins does not have to block the full power of opposite party to strike self-confidently. 他倒不是吃惊詹恩的地位和身份,现在的格林克斯也没时间去想那些东西。相反,让格林克斯吃惊的正是詹恩的力量,别人只看双方打的精彩激烈。但是格林克斯越打却越是心惊。要知道他的武器可是一把双手剑,而每次挥舞这把长剑,格林克斯都是用双手紧握挥舞的。但詹恩手中的是单手剑,而且在面对格林克斯的进攻时,他也是单手持剑来对应的。原本按照道理来说,双手持剑的力量加成肯定比单手要强,正面对抗也会更占优势。但是格林克斯发现这个优势在詹恩面前压根就等于没有。每次双剑交击时,他都能够从剑身上感受到强烈的反震,这说明对方的力量足以与自己抗衡,而更让格林克斯心惊的是,对方可是单手持剑,这甚至说明眼前这个年轻人的力量远胜于自己,如果他也是双手持剑的话,恐怕格林克斯都没有自信能够挡住对方的全力一击。 Moreover, from the beforehand fight. Jenkins also saw more things. The bystander who side these do not understand the true situation felt two people lead the army to fight like the King, but Jenkins is very clear, in legendary domain, this on behalf of anything. 不仅如此,从之前的战斗之中。格林克斯还看出了更多的东西。旁边那些不明真相的围观者只是感觉两个人如同王者率领大军战斗,但是格林克斯却很明白,在传奇领域之中,这代表着什么。 The element controls & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; The opposite party are not only legendary domain swordsman, but also had arrived at the legendary peak level. 元素支配———对方不但是传奇领域的剑士,而且已经到达了传奇巅峰的水准。 After entering the legendary domain, swordsman. Will have own being expert domain. But at this stage, was divided into the element to grasp, the element operation, the element controls three stages, the corresponding legend is respectively preliminary, legendary middle reaches and legendary peak. With beforehand that unlucky Archmage, before by demon, he can operate the wind element incarnation is the storm giant, this is the level of legendary middle reaches. 进入传奇领域之后,无论是剑士还是施法者。都会有自己的专精领域。而在这个阶段,也被分为元素掌握,元素操纵,元素支配三个阶段,分别对应传奇初阶,传奇中游和传奇巅峰。就拿之前那位倒霉的大法师来说,在没有被魔化之前,他能够操纵风元素化身为风暴巨人,这就是传奇中游的水准。 However the legendary peak actually goes a step further, just like these people felt same. The legendary peak is the King of element they control, each fight, almost can say that their enemies are contending with an element plane army. Such matter naturally possibly is not, therefore the powerhouse of legendary domain who does sweeping away all obstacles, will ride to work as thousand feelings. 但是传奇巅峰却是更进一步,正如那些人所感觉到的一样。传奇巅峰就是他们所支配的元素的王者,每一次战斗,几乎都可以说他们的敌人是在与一个元素位面的大军相抗衡。这样的事情当然不可能是谁都做的到的,所以传奇领域的强者才会给人一种所向披靡,一骑当千的感觉。 Moreover ............... 不仅如此…………… Thinks of here, Jenkins vigilant is looking steadily at another long sword of Zhan En waist, from fight he knows what the opposite party uses is some single-handed sword technique, in other words the sword technique of opposite party does not need two swords, but this young people wore two swords in the waist, this not only for fun is so obviously simple. Then the sword from the appearance is not inferior in owntooth of & R dquo golden color ; Magical Weapons , the Jenkins being well aware opposite party has not used that perhaps not to need the long sword, once he must draw out that the sword, becomes more formidabe. 想到这里,格林克斯警惕的盯视着詹恩腰间的另外一把长剑,从刚才的战斗之中他知道对方用的是某种单手剑术,也就是说对方的剑术是不需要两把剑的,可是这个年轻人却在腰间佩了两把剑,这显然不仅仅是为了好玩这么简单。而且那把剑从样子来看就是一把不逊色于自己的“金色之牙”的魔法武器,格林克斯心知肚明对方之所以没有使用那把长剑恐怕还是没有必要,一旦他要拔出那把剑,想必会变得更难对付。 However what Jenkins does not know, present Zhan En discusses its strength is also the level of legendary middle reaches, strict must miss the frontline compared with him. But the issue lies in Zhan En is not a human, moreover is demon & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; The demon physique has striven to excel inborn human, therefore do not look that Zhan En stands there feels and these delicate aristocrats has no difference, but the fist wind explodes the building actually also to have no difficulty to him. 不过格林克斯不知道的是,现在的詹恩论本身实力也不过是传奇中游的水准,比起他来说严格而言还要差一线。但问题在于詹恩并非人类,而且是魔族———魔族的体质天生就要强过人类,因此别看詹恩站在那里感觉和那些弱不禁风的贵族没什么区别,但是拳风爆大楼对他来说其实也没什么难度。 But in addition, Zhan En is Dungeon Master. 而除此之外,詹恩还是一位地下城主 Although he does not have the legendary peak strength, but Zhan En can actually achieve to make itself promote to legendary peak level & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; This skill is also very simple, so long as the magic power continuous irrigation of Dungeon to own body on, then the Zhan En's strength naturally also meets when production costs rise, prices rise too. 虽然他本身并没有传奇巅峰的力量,但是詹恩却可以做到使得自己提升到传奇巅峰的水准———这个技巧也很简单,只要把地下城魔力源源不断的灌注到自己身体上,那么詹恩的实力自然也会水涨船高。 This sounds actually has no difference from the beforehand Archmage promotion strength, only different is Zhan En as demon, is bigger to the magic power attraction, is easier to absorb, is insufficient Archmage that looks like that pitiful bad luck to urge, but must first give up itself the status as human being able the control to magic power. 这听起来其实和之前大法师的提升实力没什么差别,唯一不同的就是詹恩身为魔族,对魔力的吸引力更大,也更容易吸收,不至于像那个可怜的倒霉催的大法师,还得首先放弃自己身为人类的身份才能够得到对魔力的控制权。 But Dungeon magic power came from the Dungeon domain regarding the production and absorption of magic power, now the Zhan En's Dungeon sphere of influence including City of Gold, Passus and a Underdark considerably large stretch of area, produced magic power naturally is also the astronomical figures, being used to supply he himself to enhance the strength naturally is nothing issue. 地下城魔力来自于地下城领域对于魔力的生产与吸收,现在詹恩的地下城势力范围已经包括黄金之城,帕苏斯幽暗地域在内的相当大的一片疆域,产生的魔力自然也是天文数字,用来供给他自己提升实力自然是没什么问题的。 Respects the young. 后生可畏啊。 Pitiful Jenkins does not know from the start the Zhan En's real status, he only has several points of appreciation and sigh regarding this young people, but no matter how , the glory of empire cannot be deceived just as he said. Therefore he shakes the head, then holds up the long sword again, the whole person forwards suddenly, is starting to Zhan En vigorously to strike. 可怜格林克斯压根不知道詹恩的真实身份,对于这个年轻人他只有几分赞赏与叹息,但是不管如何,正如他所说的,帝国的荣耀不容亵渎。所以他只是摇了摇头,接着再次举起长剑,整个人猛然向前,对着詹恩发动了倾力一击。 The golden flame flaming is burning the body that wrapped Jenkins, making him seem like seems the giant of flame to be common simply, but the long sword in his hand also rises suddenly in this moment, having the aura of burning hot to howl under. 金色的火焰熊熊燃烧着包裹了格林克斯的身体,让他看起来简直就好像火焰的巨人一般,而他手中的长剑也在这一刻暴涨,带着炙热的气息呼啸而下。 That and fire of extraordinary world, but came from hot element the strength of source. 那并非凡世之火,而是来自火元素界的本源之力。 However facing this strikes, the expression in Zhan En surface has no change, his smile as before is that wind light cloud Dan, even facing the attack of Jenkins, Zhan En also had the leisure to extend the left hand to push the eyeglasses, then his left hand took advantage of opportunity to dangle like this, gripped the Shadowmoon sword sword hilt. 但是面对这一击,詹恩面上的表情没有任何改变,他的微笑依旧是那么风轻云淡,甚至面对格林克斯的进攻,詹恩还有闲暇伸出左手推了推眼镜,接着他左手就这样顺势垂下,握住了影月之剑的剑柄。 It is not good!! 不好!! Sees this, Jenkins to feel immediately the important matter is not wonderful, but is too late at this moment, because of next moment, Zhan En has pulled out the sword to come out of the sheath. 看见这一幕,格林克斯顿时感到大事不妙,只不过此刻为时已晚,因为下一刻,詹恩就已经抽剑出鞘。 next moment, the dark shadow erupts immediately, howls from the ground, moves forward to meet somebody toward everywhere flame. 下一刻,黑暗的阴影顿时爆发,从地面上呼啸而起,向着漫天火光迎了上去。
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