DR :: Volume #3

#297: By envoy who the peace name comes

At this moment in the royal palace main hall, is a deathly stillness. If you have read this chapter, please step 此刻在王宫大殿里,已经是一片死寂。如您已阅读到此章节,请移步到 : Chinese read the latest chapter :中文阅读最新章节 Aristocrats trembling looking at dumbly in one side, being sweating profusely looks is sitting the emperor on throne. Namis VIII complexion pale sitting on the chair, a few words did not say. In entire main hall peaceful almost falls the needle to hear, only outside can hear the explosive sound that hears indistinctly. This makes the people even more anxious, they each other are exchanging the meaningful glance, frowns, but the facial expression actually does not relax & mda S h ; After all they are very clear, these explosions and bombing sounds are absolutely impossible to come from itself. 贵族们战战兢兢的呆立在一边,满头大汗的望着坐在王座上的皇帝陛下。纳美西斯八世面色铁青的坐在椅子上,一句话也不说。整个大殿里安静的几乎落针可闻,只能够听见外面隐隐约约传来的爆炸声。这让众人越发不安,他们彼此交换着眼色,皱起眉头,但是神情却都不怎么放松—毕竟他们都很清楚,那些爆炸和炮击声绝对不可能来自自己这边。 Then, the following answer was also very obvious. 那么,接下来的答案也就很明显了。 Does not know where attacks here outcome is Holy, although on Klein Continent does not have the dragon clan to plunder the matter of human country to happen, but that mostly is single-handedly, which dragon clan never has in groups looks for the trouble of Goldshire Empire, is don't tell me this Skaar federation secret army? This is not right, if the Skaar federation really has the so strong army, then the Goldshire Empire offensive had been prevented, is impossible to project on the present. If the third party influence of fishing in troubled waters, the people rack brains unable to think that actually who peripheral has such big courage to look for their troubles in Goldshire Empire ............ 只是不知道进攻这里的究竟是何方神圣,虽然克莱恩大陆上也并非没有龙族掠夺人类国家的事情发生,不过那大多都是单枪匹马,还从来没有哪个龙族成群结队的来找闪金帝国的麻烦,难道说这是斯卡尔联邦的秘密军队?这也不对啊,如果斯卡尔联邦真的有如此强劲的军队,那么闪金帝国的攻势早就被阻止了,不可能一直打到现在。如果说是浑水摸鱼的第三方势力,众人绞尽脑汁也想不到在闪金帝国周边究竟谁有这么大胆子来找他们的麻烦………… The weather seemed to be gloomy, during the entire main hall fell into one piece to be dim. But, an explosion does not have the indication erupts like this in the people behind. 天色似乎暗淡了下来,整个大殿陷入了一片昏暗之中。而紧接着,一阵爆炸就这样毫无征兆的在众人身后爆发。 Bang!!! & R dquo ; “轰!!!” The standing tall and erect vault as if collapsed by invisible big hand crushing loudly, the Kafka relief of above carving also turned into the fragment, the people even feels the heart pain for the destruction of this artware five centuries ago without enough time, hearsthump & R dquo ;, A huge shadow falls from the space like this, razes to the ground the entire corridor thoroughly. Even the main hall also starts to sway in this huge impact, visible cracks appear on the heavy/thick wall, the dust flutters about to fall like the raindrop, the ministers were screaming the rearward flees, but guards soldier assemble rapidly, grasps the weapon to gaze at the mist and dust that front that is filling vigilantly. 高耸的穹顶仿佛被一只无形的大手击碎般轰然倒塌,上面原本雕刻的卡夫卡浮雕也随之变成碎片,众人甚至来不及为这五个世纪之前的艺术品的毁灭而感到心痛,就听见“咚”的一声,一个庞大的阴影就这样从天上落下,将整个走廊彻底夷为平地。甚至就连大殿本身也在这剧烈的冲击中开始摇晃,一道道肉眼可见的裂缝出现在厚重的墙壁上,尘土如雨点般纷飞落下,大臣们尖叫着向后方逃离,而近卫军士兵们则迅速集结起来,手持武器警惕的注视着前方那弥漫的烟尘。 The gaze of everyone holding breath static air/Qi front. Quick, they see in that mist and dust, a person's shadow walked gradually. 所有人都屏声静气的注视着前方。很快,他们就看见在那烟尘之中,一个人影缓步走了出来。 That is seemingly under 20-year-old young people, he wears black formal clothes. It seems like children of the nobility who seem like these to find at everywhere. Only different in his waist, is hanging two long swords simultaneously, cold like ice, brings blue color that absorbs the person soul. But other one wraps in the shadow of black flame formation waves unceasingly probably, can only gaze at to wipe the bright color that appears from the shadow deep place occasionally. Has to acknowledge. This young aristocrat is very dashing, near that pair of gold thread the eyeglasses also made him many aura of several scholarly, making people feel mild-mannered and cultivated, was very easy to have the favorable impression. He is with smile on the face, movement not anxiously not slow, seems like seems like in the afternoon back garden drinks tea to take a walk equally with ease comfortable. 那是一个看起来不到20岁的年轻人,他穿着一身黑色的礼服。看起来就好像是那些随处可见的贵族子弟。唯一不同的就是在他的腰间,同时悬挂着两把长剑,其中一把寒冷如冰,带着摄人心魂的蓝色。而另外一把则好像是包裹在不断舞动的黑色火焰形成的阴影之中,只能够偶尔注视到从阴影深处浮现的一抹亮色。不得不承认。这个年轻的贵族很是英俊潇洒,那双金丝边眼镜也让他多了几份儒雅的气息,让人感觉温文尔雅,很容易心生好感。他面带微笑,动作不急不缓,看起来就好像是在午后的后花园里喝茶散步一样轻松自在。 But in this situation, actually no one really thinks that at present this young people come to here to take a walk to drink tea. 只不过眼下在这个场合,却没有人会真的认为这个年轻人只是来这里散步喝茶的。 „ Who are you? Unexpectedly dares to excel at rushing to empire Royal castle!! & R dquo ; “你是什么人?居然胆敢擅闯帝国王城!!” Quick, the guard senior official stood from the crowd, he pulls out the long sword, vigilant is looking steadily at the present young people. Then drinks to ask loudly. 很快,近卫长官从人群之中站了出来,他抽出长剑,警惕的盯视着眼前的年轻人。接着大声喝问道。 However facing his shouting a question, Zhan En thinks little slightly, he even looking has not looked at opposite party one eyes, but looks steadily is sitting the emperor in throne at present, then puts out a hand to place the chest front, graceful toward the opposite party good a ritual. 不过面对他的喝问,詹恩丝毫不以为意,他甚至连看都没有看对方一眼,只是盯视着眼前坐在王位上的皇帝,然后伸出手去放在胸前,优雅的向着对方行了一礼。 I think that you certainly are the Goldshire Empire emperor, Namis VIII your majesty. Sorry takes the liberty to come to disturb, I think that I should make one to introduce oneself & mda S h ; I am the Passus feudal lord, the lord of Bassammens family, Zhan En. Bassammens. First meeting. Has what disrespectful place also to forgive. & R dquo ; “我想您一定就是闪金帝国的皇帝,纳美西斯八世陛下。很抱歉冒昧前来打搅,我想我应该做一个自我介绍—我是帕苏斯的领主,巴夏侬门斯家族之主,詹恩.巴夏侬门斯。初次见面。有什么失礼之处还请包涵。” Hears Zhan En's to introduce oneself, almost all people stare, Passus? Bassammens? What gadget is that? These nouns are extremely really strange, everyone fell into a strange silence. Until a moment later, an obese aristocrat then remembers anything to come& R dquo probably ; Shouted one lightly, aimed at Zhan En. But his yawp as if also gives others to remind, before Passus ......... Passus is not , the emperor had just mentioned that place? 听到詹恩的自我介绍,几乎所有人都是一愣,帕苏斯巴夏侬门斯?那是什么玩意儿?这些名词实在太过陌生,以至于所有人都陷入了一阵诡异的沉默。直到片刻之后,一个肥胖的贵族这才像是想起什么来“啊”的轻叫一声,指向詹恩。而他的叫喊声仿佛也给其他人提了个醒,帕苏斯………帕苏斯不就是之前皇帝陛下才刚刚提到过的那个地方吗? Suddenly, the people looked that immediately changed to the Zhan En's look, to be honest. They also are only restricted in the opposite party regarding the Passus cognition are the Skaar federation together relatively remote territories, but the frontline division of empire is annihilated there, the emperor who can therefore annoy the thunder is furious. However they have not thought that the master in that territory, unexpectedly big thorn walking in! 一时间,众人看向詹恩的眼神顿时都变了,说实话。他们对于帕苏斯的认知也仅限于对方是斯卡尔联邦一块儿相对偏僻的领地,而帝国的一个前线师团则是在那里全军覆没,所以才会惹的皇帝陛下雷霆震怒。但是他们没想到,那块领地的主人,居然会大刺刺的找上门来了! Moreover the way by this anybody not being able to think. 而且还是以这种任何人都想不到的方式。 It seems like, everyone has known my origin. & R dquo ; “看来,大家都已经知道我的来历了。” Facing the vision of people, Zhan En smiled to shoot the neckband, made a ball to wipe the dust movement & mda S h ; Entire movement that perfect, cannot pick up any problem including the severest etiquette masters. He first nods to these empire high-ranking court officials, this turns head, looks to Namis VIII above throne. 面对众人的目光,詹恩微笑着弹了弹领口,做了一个弹拭灰尘的动作—整个动作是那么的完美无缺,连最严苛的礼仪师都挑不出任何的毛病来。他先是向那些帝国重臣点了点头,这才重新回过头去,望向王座之上的纳美西斯八世 Frankly, I then come, is holding very sincerity. The emperor, Passus and your country and have no conflict, but was actually invaded by your country again and again, I think that this is really a very excessive matter. Therefore, I will come here, hopes that can sign the ceasefire agreement with the emperor, to solve among us small misunderstanding and conflict. Please believe me, the emperor, I holds very sincerity to come with you to meet with. & R dquo ; “实不相瞒,我这才前来,是抱着很大的诚意的。皇帝陛下,帕苏斯与贵国并没有任何冲突,但是却三番两次遭到贵国的入侵,我认为这实在是一件很过分的事情。因此,我才会来到这里,希望能够与皇帝陛下签下停战协议,以解决我们之间小小的误会与冲突。请相信我,皇帝陛下,我是抱着很大的诚意前来和您会面的。” Snort, sincerity. & R dquo ; “哼,诚意。” Hears Zhan En's to speak, senior king cold snort/hum, he narrows the eye, contemptuously gazes is being with smile on the face to stand in following Zhan En, what as if there is only a dog. 听到詹恩的说话,老国王冷哼一声,他眯起眼睛,轻蔑的注视着面带微笑站在下面的詹恩,仿佛在那里的只是一条狗。 If I do reject your request? & R dquo ; “如果我拒绝你的要求呢?” That may really be regrettable. & R dquo ; “那可真是遗憾。” Hears the senior king's reply, the smile in Zhan En surface has not changed, as before that mild-mannered and cultivated. 听到老国王的回答,詹恩面上的笑容没有丝毫改变,依旧是那么的温文尔雅。 If you do not want, then I have to make another be willing with me to sign the person of agreement to sit this position. & R dquo ; “如果您不愿意的话,那么我只好让另外一个愿意和我签订协议的人坐上这个位置了。” ..................... & R dquo ; “…………………” The entire main hall fell into the flash died the general silence, the feudal officials stared in a big way the eye surprisedly, cannot believe looked is standing before them the young people. Some of their even flash suspected oneself misunderstood, or was that young people was insane, what is he saying? How does he dare to say? How he can say! He thinks that who he is?! He thinks where here is!! 整个大殿在一瞬间陷入了死一般的寂静,众臣都惊讶的瞪大了眼睛,不敢相信的望着站在他们面前的这个年轻人。他们甚至有一瞬间怀疑自己听错了,或者是不是那个年轻人疯了,他在说什么?他怎么敢这么说?他怎么可以这么说!他以为他是谁?!他以为这里是什么地方!! Dissolute! Bold avid follower!! & R dquo ; “放肆!大胆狂徒!!” This time guard team leader also responded, he shouted angrily, next moment goes toward the Zhan En burr with the sword. 这时的近卫队长也反应了过来,他怒喝一声,下一刻就连人带剑向着詹恩飞刺而去。 The guard senior official as protection royal family, his strength naturally does not allow to talk too much, is having that flash of sword, he has then merged into one organic whole with the sword light. The sharp sword air/Qi eruption revolves the bang to go forward, even periphery others by this sword air/Qi stabbing pain skin, draws back in abundance backward. Only then Zhan En stands in as in same place, welcomed the sword light of that wild sparkle directly. Even if sword blade of opposite party had arrived at oneself front. The Zhan En's smile also has no change, he stands there, gazes at the attack of guard team leader, the corners of the mouth is turning upwards slightly. 作为守护王室的近卫长官,他的实力自然不容多言,在出剑的那一瞬间,他本身便已经与剑光融为一体。锐利的剑气爆发旋转着向前轰去,甚至连周围的其他人都被这剑气刺痛了皮肤,不由的纷纷向后退开。只有詹恩依旧站在原地,正面迎上了那狂暴闪耀的剑光。哪怕对方的剑锋已经到了自己的面前。詹恩的笑容也没有任何改变,他只是站在那里,注视着近卫队长的进攻,嘴角微微翘起。 No one notices in his eyes, contemptuous brilliance flashing through silently. 没有人注意到在他的眼中,一丝轻蔑的光辉悄然无声的闪过。 next moment. The Zhan En's right hand pressed like this on the waist Shadowmoon sword sword hilt. But at the same time, the entire main hall suddenly seems even more gloomy. 下一刻詹恩的右手就这样按在了腰间影月之剑的剑柄上。而就在与此同时,整个大殿忽然显得越发暗淡。 The people only felt oneself at present one black, as if the dim main hall was extinguished several lamps general, but the guard team leader erupts the sword air/Qi of release also to be as if covered by this gloomy shadow, in a flash becomes dim, seems everyone to blink in that moment. 众人只感觉自己眼前一黑,仿佛原本昏暗的大殿又被人熄灭了几盏灯一般,而近卫队长爆发释放的剑气也似乎被这晦暗的阴影所笼罩,一瞬间变得黯淡下来,就好像所有人在那一刻眨了眨眼睛似的。 Afterward, ray recover is normal. 随后,光线再次回复正常。 But at this moment, the guard team leader had arrived at Zhan En's behind, his both hands grasp the sword, sword blade forward. Makes gesture that divided to cut. The whole person stands there is motionless, but Zhan En also stands in as in same place, only different when does not know, Shadowmoon sword of his waist the sheath is common, dense/woods cold sword blade appears under the package of shadow scabbard even more bright, dazzling. Then, Zhan En grips the sword hilt, presses to below. 而此刻,近卫队长已经来到了詹恩的身后,他双手握剑,剑锋向前。做出了一个劈砍的姿态。整个人站在那里一动不动,而詹恩也依旧站在原地,唯一不同的就是不知道什么时候,他腰间的影月之剑已然出鞘一般,森寒的剑锋在阴影剑鞘的包裹下显得越发明亮,耀眼。接着,詹恩握住剑柄,向下一按。 ............... & R dquo ; “噗呲……………” At the same time, the blood sprays from the nape of the neck of guard team leader, from the sky draws an arc to scatter the ground. The naked eye obvious slit appears from the nape of the neck place under the extrusion of blood together. Gradually spreads, but at the same time, the body of guard team leader also seemed like the person of line occasionallythump & R dquo ; Falls down, that head also therefore left its body thoroughly. Rumble rolls to side, stopped until corner. 就在与此同时,鲜血从近卫队长的脖颈中喷射而出,在空中划过一道弧线散落地面。一道肉眼可见的缝隙在鲜血的挤压下从脖颈处浮现。逐渐扩散,而与此同时,近卫队长的身体也像是断了线的人偶般“咚”的一声倒在地上,那颗头颅也因此彻底离开了它的躯体。咕噜咕噜的向旁边滚去,直到墙角处才停了下来。 God, he killed Cliff unexpectedly! He killed the cheetah of empire unexpectedly!! & R dquo ; “天啊,他居然杀了克里夫!他居然杀死了帝国的猎豹!!” Sir Cliff, but the sword technique Grandmaster, actually this young people are who!? & R dquo ; 克里夫大人可是剑术大师啊,这个年轻人究竟是什么人!?” Sees this, everyone was shocked, Cliff. But Stouffer empire famous sword technique Grandmaster. The sword of his flash has almost reached the pinnacle, how many sword Saints in the empire besides that few is his opponent, but now, before this young people, this empire famous sword technique Grandmaster unexpectedly won't be gathering of opposite party? He does not even have the strength of a wee bit resistance, was killed by the opposite party thorough second? Actually this young people have how strong strength, don't tell me ............ 看见这一幕,所有人都惊呆了,克里夫.斯托夫可是帝国有名的剑术大师。他的一手闪光之剑几乎已经登峰造极,在帝国里除了那几位剑圣之外,几乎没有人是他的对手,而现在,在这个年轻人面前,这位帝国享有盛名的剑术大师居然不是对方的一合之将?他甚至连一丁点儿的抵抗之力都没有,就被对方彻底秒杀了?这个年轻人究竟有多么强大的实力啊,难道说………… Legendary domain. & R dquo ; “传奇领域。” Hoarse, as if broken bellower sound appears suddenly, forcefully pressed the aristocrats noisy voice. Then sees the crowd to separate, later a wear black coat, seemingly 50-year-old strong man in big strides walked from the crowd, since he narrows the eye, that seems like seems like the lion momentarily brings several to segregate to be heavy and serious on the face getting angry. 一个沙哑,仿佛破风箱般的声音忽然出现,硬生生的将贵族们嘈杂的声音压了下去。紧接着便看见人群分开,随后一个穿着黑色大衣,看起来50多岁的健硕男子大踏步的从人群之中走了出来,他眯起眼睛,那看起来就好像是狮子般随时都在发怒的面孔上带着几分凝重与严肃。 At your age, this indeed is the extraordinary achievement, if you think that can challenge a country by this skill directly, then you were completely mistaken. & R dquo ; “以你的年纪来说,这的确是了不得的成就,但是若你以为可以靠这点儿本事正面挑战一个国家,那么你就大错特错了。” Sir Jenkins!! & R dquo ; 格林克斯大人!!” Sees his appearance, everyone is a heart loosen, then summoned the name of this man, they looked to the eyes of this man, only then admired, the reason did not have him, because of this man, in protects at present secretly silently & mda S h empire dozens years of two big legend sword Saints ; Golden Lion Jenkins. 看见他的出现,所有人都是心头一松,接着纷纷呼唤起这个男人的名字,他们望向这个男人的眼中只有敬佩,原因无他,因为眼前这个男人,正是在暗地里默默守护了帝国数十年的两大传奇剑圣之一—黄金狮子格林克斯 I have not wanted to challenge a country, Mr. Jenkins. & R dquo ; “我从来没有想要挑战一个国家,格林克斯先生。” Zhan En naturally also knows that the name of this legendary powerhouse, he first is polite nods to the opposite party, is then with smile on the face to continue to say. 詹恩自然也知道这位传奇强者的名字,他先是礼貌的冲对方点了点头,接着这才面带微笑继续开口说道。 But, my people were involved in the chaos caused by war, lost the life. But they are innocent, with this war uninterested existence. As the feudal lord, I must want justice for them, I believe, the peace to us is not a difficult matter. & R dquo ; “但是,我的子民被卷入战乱,失去了生命。而他们是无辜的,与这场战争毫无关系的存在。作为领主,我必然要为他们讨回一个公道,我认为,和平对于我们双方来说并不是一件困难的事情。” Is saying, Zhan En puts out a hand, pushed the eyeglasses. 一面说着,詹恩一面伸出手去,推了推眼镜。 I have the sincerity to come, therefore here with conversation, what just pitifully is, this emperor as if in the appearance that my proposition is not interested in very much. Really does not have the means that I have only all my efforts to convince him to change his idea. & R dquo ; “我带着诚意而来,所以才会在这里和各位交谈,只不过可惜的是,这位皇帝陛下似乎对于我的提议并不是很感兴趣的样子。实在没办法,我也只好仅自己的一切努力来说服他改变他的想法了。” ..................... & R dquo ; “…………………” Hears Zhan En's to reply, Jenkins narrows the eye, looked are for many several points to admire to the look of this young people. The aristocrats shelter his subordinate and lead(er) people are this world Holy rules, was ancient times Noble's honor is. But few people have been willing like the fool to insist that now such glory, to them, leads the life of people are not worth mentioning compared with own position and power. But now, this young people actually want, for his lead(er) people face directly a country, is only this courage, is worth respecting. 听到詹恩的回答,格林克斯眯起眼睛,望向这个年轻人的眼神之中不由多了几分敬佩。贵族庇护他的部下和领民是这个世界神圣的规则,也是远古贵族的荣誉所在。只不过现在已经很少有人愿意像傻瓜一样坚持这样的荣耀,对于他们来说,领民的死活比起自己的地位与权力而言根本不值一提。而现在,这个年轻人却愿意为了他的领民直面一个国家,光是这份勇气,就值得尊重。 Said is very good, Mr. Zhan En, but you should also understand, the glory of empire cannot be deceived. & R dquo ; “说的很好,詹恩先生,但是你也应该明白,帝国的荣耀不容亵渎。” Is saying, Jenkins drew out the both hands long sword of oneself waist, the golden flame gallops, illuminated at present the dim shadow. 一面说着,格林克斯一面拔出了自己腰间的双手长剑,金色的火焰从中奔腾而起,照亮了眼前昏暗的阴影。 Glory ......... in my opinion this is insistence and tenacity that refuses stubbornly to repent. & R dquo ; “荣耀………在我看来这不过是死不悔改的坚持与固执。” Hears here, Zhan En shakes the head, then he puts out a hand, draws a sword the sheath, Sea Blue Light comes out of the sheath baseless, brings to wipe the ice-cold piercing aura to point to the front. 听到这里,詹恩摇了摇头,接着他伸出手去,拔剑出鞘,海蓝之光凭空出鞘,带着一抹冰冷刺骨的气息直指前方。 However in my opinion, all these do not have the significance. & R dquo ;( To be continued.) “而在我看来,这一切都毫无意义。”(未完待续。)
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