DR :: Volume #3

#296: The shadow of big dragon

Goldshire Empire sovereigns, Caroline., 闪金帝国皇都,加罗林。, Empire emperor Namis VIII is sitting on the chair, is gazing below subject. Although this emperor has over 60 years old, but that does not get angry from the imposing manner of prestige and dignified such as the shadow shape along with accompanying he. He is this national supreme ruler, he once spent the lifetime energy, changes this country, making him more powerful. But now, with the war of Skaar federation is his answering a curtain call performance, this is also he always vainly hoped. Goldshire Empire and Skaar federation entanglement was really long, this was his last chance, he must before oneself handed over the throne, realized the ideal of ancestors thoroughly, annexed the entire Skaar federation, making Goldshire Empire advance into first-class country. After annexes the Skaar federation, Goldshire Empire then can borrow the danger of Eagle Plateau, expands to the north, by that time, a brand-new time will approach. 帝国皇帝纳美西斯八世正坐在椅子上,注视着下方的臣民。虽然这位皇帝已经有六十多岁,但是那股不怒自威的气势和威严还是如影形随的相伴着他。他是这个国家至高无上的统治者,他曾经花费了一生的精力,来改变这个国家,让他变得更加强大。而现在,与斯卡尔联邦的战争则是他的谢幕演出,这也是他一直以来的梦想。闪金帝国斯卡尔联邦纠缠的实在是太久了,这是他最后的机会,他要在自己交出王位之前,彻底实现先祖们的理想,吞并整个斯卡尔联邦,让闪金帝国跻身于一流国家之列。而等到吞并斯卡尔联邦之后,闪金帝国便可以借雄鹰高原之险,向北扩张,到那个时候,一个全新的时代就会来临。 Now in various fronts transmits basically is the good news, although after the initial rout, the Skaar federation also started the resistance, the present situation like most does not start relaxed, but Namis VIII does not care, the war is also a game, who occupied offensive, who took the lead. Now although the Skaar federation has organized the resistance, but is too late, in the worst situation, it may lose about half of lands. Therefore looks like in old Emperor, the resistance of Skaar federation does not have the significance. For their ancestors once a common faith joined up, but it seems like its later generation as if not such boldness. 现在各条战线上传来的基本都是好消息,虽然在最初的溃败之后,斯卡尔联邦也开始了抵抗,现在的情况已经不像最开始那样轻松,但是纳美西斯八世并不在乎,战争也是一场游戏,谁占据了先手,谁就占据了主动。现在斯卡尔联邦虽然已经组织起抵抗,但为时已晚,最糟糕的情况下,它可能会丢失将近一半的土地。因此在老皇帝看来,斯卡尔联邦的抵抗已经毫无意义。他们的先祖曾经为了一个共同的信念联合起来,但是看来其后人似乎并没有这样的魄力。 Also lets have another matter that old Emperor worries. Heard that recently the Templar Order branch in Skaar federation was conducting what movement, although does not know that actually they want to do, but this does not seem like a good deed. Although old Emperor is ambitious. However he is not silly, if involved in one resistance with Templar Order. Then to the empire obviously is the gain does not equal the loss. 只不过让老皇帝烦心的还有另外一件事。听说最近斯卡尔联邦方面的圣堂教团支部正在进行什么动作,虽然不知道他们究竟想要干什么,但是这似乎不是件好事。老皇帝虽然野心勃勃。但是他可不傻,如果卷入一场与圣堂教团的对抗。那么对于帝国而言显然是得不偿失的。 Another ............... 还有另外一个…………… „ The tactical situation in Passus aspect how? & R dquo ; 帕苏斯方面的战况如何?” Why does not know, this name appears suddenly in the heart of old Emperor. When old Emperor thinks this name, his suddenly instinct feels a palpitation, as if has anything to be thought by oneself is anxiously same. Therefore he frowns, asks. 不知道为什么,这个名字忽然浮现在老皇帝的心中。而当老皇帝想到这个名字的时候,他忽然本能的感到一阵心悸,仿佛有什么东西让自己觉得不安一样。因此他皱了下眉头,开口询问道。 Facing the emperor inquiry, the following official stares, if before is , perhaps then their Passus is what damned place does not know. However holds Zhan En thatto revere arrogant & R dquo absurdly ; The official documents luck, the Goldshire Empire high level basic no one does not know that place now. But facing the emperor inquiry, the following people looked at each other one mutually. Minister of Military Affairs Doug walks to say. 面对皇帝陛下的询问,下面的臣子都是一愣,如果是以前的话,那么恐怕他们连帕苏斯是个什么鬼地方都不知道。不过托詹恩那封“妄尊自大”的公文的福,现在闪金帝国的高层基本没有人不知道那个地方了。而面对皇帝陛下的询问,下面的众人互相对视了一眼。接着军机大臣达克走出来开口说道。 Reported your majesty, That side General Frank has not transmitted about the news that Passus captured. & R dquo ; “报告陛下,弗兰克将军那边并没有传来关于帕苏斯攻略的消息。” So to be how slow! & R dquo ; “怎么这么慢!” Hears here, old Emperor cold snort/hum. 听到这里,老皇帝冷哼一声。 „ Is only countryside area, taking Schart more difficult than? Is Frank doing! Now outside is looking at the joke of empire, you can endure countryside feudal lord's shame and ridicule to an empire!? & R dquo ; “区区一个乡下地区,难道会比拿下沙尔特还难吗?弗兰克到底在干什么!现在外面都在看帝国的笑话,难道你们能够忍受一个乡下领主对帝国的羞辱和嘲弄!?” Is ......... this is our negligences, General Frank has delegated General Barkley and Charlotte knight long is responsible for this matter, believes that soon will have the result. & R dquo ; “是………这是我们的疏忽,佛兰克将军已经委派巴克利将军和夏洛特骑士长去负责此事,相信不久就会有结果了。” Facing the interpellation of old Emperor, the grand master exemplar sweats profusely, can only lower the head timidly the nod name is. He is also the soldier family background. Naturally knows actually Frank does right. Although according to the emperor meaning, Goldshire Empire should assemble the army to put down Passus thoroughly is, but the issue lies in the present war has fired, the major regiments all have the area of being responsible. The Skaar federation resistance is also fierce, once reassigns other regiments to waste all previous efforts very much, being annihilated of frontline division had made the empire troops somewhat become serious. If to attack Passus the words that but gathers the Goldshire Empire main force regiment, that Skaar federation will certainly have a dream will smile to awake. 面对老皇帝的质询,军机大臣大汗淋漓,只能够唯唯诺诺的低下头去点头称是。他也是军人出身。自然知道其实弗兰克做的没错。虽然按照皇帝陛下的意思,闪金帝国应该集结大军彻底扫平帕苏斯才是,可问题在于现在战争已经打响,各大军团皆有负责之区。斯卡尔联邦抵抗又猛烈,一旦抽调其他军团就很有可能前功尽弃,原本前线师团的全军覆没就已经让帝国兵力有些吃紧了。要是为了攻打帕苏斯而把闪金帝国的主力军团集合起来的话,那斯卡尔联邦一定做梦都会笑醒。 However these words cannot say to the emperor. Therefore was unjustly discredited can only make him go to the back. 但是这些话是不能对皇帝陛下说的。于是黑锅只能够让他去背了。 Should better so! & R dquo ; “最好如此!” Hears grand master exemplar's reply, old Emperor cold snort/hum. 听到军机大臣的回答,老皇帝冷哼一声。 „ The opposite party is only a countryside feudal lord. If this can also make what mistake, then I take you is asking!! & R dquo ; “对方只是一个乡下领主。如果这样还能出了什么差错的话,那么我就拿你们是问!!” „ Is is, your majesty, I promised you, certainly will not have what issue. & R dquo ; “是是是,陛下,我向您保证,一定不会有什么问题的。” Hears here, grand master exemplar immediately streaming with sweat, he trembling cleaning the beads of sweat on forehead, replied. Hears his reply, old Emperor nods, but has not waited for him to say anything again, suddenly, a series of rapid dings resounded, broke the peace in main hall. 听到这里,军机大臣顿时汗如雨下,他一面战战兢兢的擦拭着额头上的汗珠,一面回答道。听到他的回答,老皇帝点了点头,但是还没有等他再说什么,忽然,一连串急促的钟声响起,打破了大殿之中的宁静。 What happened? 发生了什么事? Hears this ding, a high-ranking court official look at each other in blank dismay, they know certainly, this ding has the army to attack in the warning inner city, but the issue lies in they now in the Goldshire Empire sovereigns, moreover in Royal castle, what person will have to attack here? Coup d'etat? Reported mistakenly? Is always impossible really some people to attack Royal castle. 听见这钟声,一席重臣面面相觑,他们当然知道,这钟声是在警告内城有大军来袭,但问题在于他们现在是在闪金帝国的皇都,而且是在王城之内,在这里会有什么人袭击?政变?还是误报?总不可能真的有人进攻王城吧。 Report ............!!! & R dquo ; “报…………!!!” At this time, saw only guard soldier to shout crashed in the main hall, he did not even attend to the two sides civil and military feudal officials, but arrived at the emperor the front to knee down directly, then raised the head, the complexion anxious opens the mouth said. 就在这个时候,只见一个近卫士兵大喊着冲进了大殿,他甚至不顾两边的文武众臣,而是径直来到皇帝陛下的面前单膝跪地,接着抬起头来,面色焦急的开口说道。 Reported your majesty, Royal castle was attacked, the opposite party was threatening, here situation was critical, please leave here immediately! & R dquo ; “报告陛下,王城遭到了攻击,对方来势汹汹,这里情况危急,请立刻离开这里!” The speech of guard soldier like lit a sparks/Mars in the oil, immediately the entire main hallrumbles & R dquo ; Boils, everyone is dumbfounded standing there, does not know how completely should understand this information, in the entire main hall makes noise suddenly exceptionally, no one knows that actually this is representing anything. But at this time, the old Emperor sound resounded again. 近卫士兵的说话如同在油里点燃了一枚火星般,顿时整个大殿都“轰”的一声沸腾起来,所有人都是目瞪口呆的站在那里,完全不知道该如何理解这个信息,一时间整个大殿内喧闹异常,没有人知道这究竟代表着什么。而就在这个时候,老皇帝的声音再次响起。 Silence! Gives me to be solemnly silent!! & R dquo ; “肃静!都给我肃静!!” Hears the old Emperor angry roaring sound, the terrified aristocrats then restored calmly, looks to their emperors. But under the vision gaze of people, old Emperor is maintaining his dignity as before, the serious expression, coldly is looking steadily at present soldier. 听到老皇帝的怒吼声,原本惊恐不安的贵族们这才恢复了冷静,重新望向他们的皇帝。而在众人的目光注视下,老皇帝则依旧保持着他那威严,严肃的表情,冷冷的盯视着眼前的士兵 Who is? Actually is who has that big courage, dares to attack Royal castle?!! & R dquo ; “是谁?究竟是谁有那么大的胆子,敢进攻王城?!!” Is the big dragon!! Your majesty, is one flock of big dragons!!! & R dquo ; “是巨龙!!陛下,是一群巨龙!!!” The strong winds howl. 狂风呼啸而过。 Snow white. The huge dragon group runs out of the clouds, goes to the forward flight. But not far away under their bodies. Goldshire Empire Royal castle is close at hand. Can the clear visible following people run to evade crazily, this is over a hundred big dragons. The power and influence that they gather makes these mind frail person thoroughly nervous breakdowns be sufficiently as for falling into Death Abyss. When dragon group the shadow passed over gently and swiftly from the sky, below people collapse completely, by that moment that the dark shadow covers, sends out a call from the world other end in their in the depths of ones heart probably, as if their whole person had been abandoned by this world completely, becomes in the infinite darkness slightly not obvious tiny existence, the desperate, helpless sense of fear in this moment complete explosion, swallowed their mind. 雪白。巨大的龙群冲出云霄,向前飞去。而在它们的身下不远处。闪金帝国王城已经近在眼前。可以清晰的看见下面的民众正在疯狂的奔走逃避,这可是上百条巨龙。它们所聚集起来的威势足以让那些心灵脆弱的人彻底精神崩溃乃至于陷入死亡深渊。当龙群的阴影从天空之中掠过时,下方的民众们则完全崩溃,在被黑暗阴影笼罩的那一刻,在他们的内心深处就好像发出一声来自世界彼端的呐喊,仿佛他们整个人已经完全被这个世界所抛弃,成为了无限黑暗之中最微不可见的渺小存在,绝望,无助的恐惧感在这一刻完全爆发开来,吞噬了他们的心灵。 Our goals are close at hand. & R dquo ; “我们的目标已经近在眼前。” Standing is head conducting the back of dark green blue dragon. Zhan En is looking at front Royal castle. Can see a dense piece of as if dark cloud thing to lift off there, fast flies toward them. He knows certainly, this is the Goldshire Empire only in the air army, is responsible for protecting the Lesser Dragon air force of imperial family, but ............... in the Zhan En eye, these things does not have the significance from the start. 站在为首的苍蓝之龙的背上。詹恩望着前方的王城。在那里可以看见黑压压的一片仿佛乌云般的东西正在升空,飞快的向着他们飞来。他当然知道,这就是闪金帝国唯一的空中军队,负责守护皇室的亚龙空军,只不过……………在詹恩眼里,这些东西压根就毫无意义。 Had the watch-dog to be in the way, gives you, Pattilina! & R dquo ; “有看门狗挡路,交给你了,帕蒂莉娜!” Understanding, gives me. Masters!! & R dquo ; “了解,交给我吧。主人!!” Hears the Zhan En's order, lay down in there behind looked the little fellow who cloud jumped immediately, beforehand fight Pattilina had not participated, but sneak attacked a that magician artillery by far. This has made the Pattilina heart be hard to take itchy, but now she returns to the battlefield finally, leads Blue Legion to start brand-new war & mda S h again ; Although looks like strong that the army of these enemy might as well insect clan empress and sickleman comes in Pattilina. But the good and evil was also an enemy. 听到詹恩的命令,原本在他身后躺在那里看云彩的小家伙顿时跳了起来,之前的战斗帕蒂莉娜一直没有参加,只是远远的偷袭了那个**师一炮。这早就让帕蒂莉娜心痒难耐,而现在她终于回到了战场,再次率领苍蓝军团开始一场全新的战争—虽然在帕蒂莉娜看来这些敌人还不如虫族女皇和收割者的大军来的强劲。但好歹也算是敌人了。 „ The the blue dome of heaven envoys, obey my verbal command!! & R dquo ; 苍穹的使者们,听从我的号令!!” Pattilina stands in the dragon first peak. Holds up the long spear/gun in hand high. 帕蒂莉娜站在龙首顶端。高高举起手中的长枪。 I am Pattilina, I am Starlight Knight. Ruler from 1 trillion stars sea! In this moment, I will take the galaxy as the number, the blue dome of heaven is a flag, reappears that ancient glory and brilliance again. Now, lets these stupid and tiny residuals, personally experienced that our might, we will bring the destruction, but we will also certainly the rebirth ............!! & R dquo ; “我是帕蒂莉娜,我是星光骑士。来自万亿星辰大海的支配者!在这一刻,我将以星河为号,苍穹为旗,再次重现那古老的荣耀与光辉。现在,就让这些愚蠢而渺小的残渣,亲身体会我们的威力吧,我们将带来毁灭,而我们也必将重生…………!!” Is saying, Pattilina gets hold of the long spear/gun, makes an effort to wield forward. 一面说着,帕蒂莉娜一面握紧长枪,用力向前一挥。 Blue Legion, attack! For the pure deep blue world! & R dquo ; 苍蓝军团,进攻!为了清净蔚蓝的世界!” „!! & R dquo ; “!!” With the order of Pattilina, dragon Qunmen sent out angry roaring that shocks the world, next moment, the fight starts. 伴随着帕蒂莉娜的命令,龙群们发出了一阵震撼天地的怒吼,下一刻,战斗就此打响。 Fights regarding general dragon clan, they will first use dragon breath, then near body and attacks through various incantations auxiliary, then does not have the demeanor fighting hand-to-hand. However Blue Legion is different, they are the representatives of mechanical civilization, because of this, while discovering that crowd of Lesser Dragon regiments, they direct dragon breath like the ordinary big dragon have not puffed out, on the contrary, in a angry roaring sound, can see the dark green blue dragon to conduct the back that to start to revolve to elongate to the giant metal artillery, then moves was aiming at the present enemy. The giant metal shell revolving clothing fills in the barrel, next moment, explodes the sound. 对于一般的龙族战斗来说,它们会首先使用龙息,然后近身通过各种咒文与辅助进行进攻,接着就是毫无风度可言的肉搏。但是苍蓝军团不同,它们是机械文明的代表,也正因为如此,在发现那群亚龙军团的同时,它们并没有像普通的巨龙那样直接一口龙息喷出去,相反,在一阵怒吼声中,可以看见苍蓝之龙背上那对巨大的金属炮开始旋转伸长,然后移动着瞄准了眼前的敌人。巨大的金属炮弹旋转着装填入炮身之中,下一刻,爆炸声响。 A series of flames blast out in Blue Legion, several hundred dazzling explode to shoot from the artillery tube like the meteor brilliance, howled is firing into the present enemy, next moment formed big hot clouds continuously in the Lesser Dragon regiment, but these Lesser Dragon knights crashed in the hot cloud of this big piece in abundance, the flame of brutal rupturing swallowed and attaches the spread on these Lesser Dragon and their manipulators, turned into group black burnt/anxious meat/flesh them. 一连串的火光在苍蓝军团之中炸开,数百道耀眼如流星般的光辉从炮筒中爆射而出,呼啸着冲向眼前的敌人,下一刻就在亚龙军团中形成了一大片连绵不断的火云,而那些亚龙骑士则在这大片的火云之中纷纷坠落,无情爆裂的火焰吞噬并且附着蔓延在了那些亚龙和他们的操纵者身上,把他们变成了一团黑色的焦肉。 Strikes, inconsistency that the close Lesser Dragon air force defense line will tear. 只是一击,就将原本紧密的亚龙空军防线撕扯的七零八落。 This outcome what's the matter? 这究竟是怎么回事? Rides dumbfoundedly in Lesser Dragon commander is looking at the present all these, he has to cope with the big dragon, but this flock of big dragons feel now are obviously unusual. Must know that the dragon breath of big dragon may not have such long distance & mda S h ; They even also without hit back with enough time, or the opposite party absolutely would have no to enter their attack scopes, they want to hit cannot project on the opposite party! 骑在亚龙身上的指挥官目瞪口呆的望着眼前的这一切,他不是没有对付过巨龙,但是现在这群巨龙给人的感觉明显与众不同。要知道巨龙的龙息可没有这么长的距离—他们甚至还没有来得及还手,或者说,对方根本就没有进入他们的攻击范围,他们就是想打也打不到对方啊! What big dragon is this? 这算什么巨龙? However has not waited for him to think anything, Blue Legion has mixed with is destroying to draw the potential of dry decaying, hit Lesser Dragon regiment that already by the tattered and torn defense line that in the fire shelled. 但是还没有等他多想什么,苍蓝军团已经夹杂着摧拉枯朽之势,一头撞进了亚龙军团那已经被炮火轰击的千疮百孔的防线之中。 Then, is the lopsided slaughter. 接下来,就是一面倒的屠杀。 Really does not have the significance. & R dquo ; “真是毫无意义。” Looks at the present fight, Zhan En shrugs the shoulders. Lesser Dragon is on Klein Continent quite rare one demon, naturally, they are only Lesser Dragon, has no way to place on a par with the true big dragon. Although Zhan En's Blue Legion is not the true big dragon, revises to conduct the production in enormous quantities to these dragon species from the true big dragon through the gene adjustment, even if is inferior to the first edition big dragon, will not differ too. However Lesser Dragon was different, after a lot of years of evolution, they and their ancestors has been entirely different the son. Other did not discuss, with build, if Zhan En's Pseudo-dragon and true big dragon compare are the disparity of dolphin and whale, then Lesser Dragon and they compare are also carp on a table. 看着眼前的战斗,詹恩耸耸肩膀。亚龙算是克莱恩大陆上比较罕见的一种魔物,当然,它们只是亚龙,和真正的巨龙没法相提并论。虽然詹恩的苍蓝军团也不是真正的巨龙,到这些龙种是从真正的巨龙通过基因调整修改而进行大批量生产的,因此即便不如原版巨龙,也不会相差太多。但是亚龙就不同了,经过千百年的演变,它们和它们的先祖已经完全不是一回事儿。别的不谈,就拿体形来说,如果詹恩的伪龙和真正的巨龙相比是海豚与鲸鱼的差距的话,那么亚龙和它们相比也就是一条餐桌上的鲤鱼。 Imposing manner not too enough. 气势还是不太够啊。 Looks own Blue Legion, Zhan En sighed. He personally sees the power and influence that younger sister's Black Dragon Legion that has blocked the sky, when Black Dragon Legion sends out, from the one side of horizon to that one side, taking a broad view to look is the huge physique of jet black big dragon, in addition no other otherness. This only Black Dragon Legion in the bloody battle battlefield can easy thorough destroy a country, but own Blue Legion can also surround Royal castle to play the power and prestige now. 看着自己身边的苍蓝军团,詹恩叹了口气。他可是亲眼见过自己妹妹的黑龙军团那遮天蔽日的威势,当黑龙军团出动时,从地平线的这一侧到那一侧,放眼望去皆是漆黑巨龙的庞大身姿,除此之外别无他物。在血战战场上这只黑龙军团可以轻而易举的彻底毁灭一个国家,而自己的苍蓝军团现在也就能够包围着王城耍耍威风了。 However what is lucky is as own summon, Blue Legion can also promote, according to the view of Pattilina, if this regiment can promote to the first edition degree, then the Zhan En's goal really can change to the stars sea. 不过幸运的是作为自己的召唤物,苍蓝军团也是可以升级的,按照帕蒂莉娜的说法,假如这只军团能够升级到原版程度的话,那么詹恩的目标就真的可以改成星辰大海了。 However that after all is the later matter. 不过那毕竟是以后的事情。 Thinks of here, Zhan En lowers the head, looks to below Royal castle. 想到这里,詹恩低下头去,望向下方的王城 Then, is biding one's time for punishment time.( To be continued......) 接下来,就是秋后算账的时候了。(未完待续……)
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