DR :: Volume #3

#295: By blood treaty of alliance

The entire small town has changed into scorched earth. 整个小镇已经化为一片焦土。 When Howard Bishop steps onto the hillside, can only see the burnt burned black house and land, the scattered in disorder rock tumbles place, the rich blood aura everywhere is. Here was occupied by dozens families, but now, the survivor is actually ten less than one, because the luck good or other what reason forces to escape the joy of the chaos caused by war birth day lead(er) people this time completely not having been saved from death, on the contrary, they wept and wailed were screaming plunged the burned black house, goes crazy same is seeking for family member's body. Some people do not even take into consideration to examine carefully hug that covered with blood corpse in the bosom, sent out like wild animal sobbing and weeping sound. 霍华德主教走上山坡来的时候,只能够看见已经被烧的焦黑的房屋和大地,散乱的山石滚落一地,浓郁的鲜血气息到处都是。这里原本居住着几十户人家,但是现在,幸存者却是十不足一,因为运气好或者什么别的原因才勉强从战乱之中逃出生天的领民们这个时候完全没有死里逃生的喜悦,相反,他们哭喊尖叫着扑向焦黑的房屋,发了疯一样的寻找着自己亲人的尸体。有些人甚至不顾及细看就把那血肉模糊的尸身抱在怀里,发出了如同野兽般的呜咽与哭声。 This is the war. 这就是战争。 Sees this, Howard Bishop is also with a heavy heart, he gave a hand signal at the same time, hints oneself Clergymen hand/subordinate to assist to clean up and processing epidemic disease, after the war, is easiest to erupt the plague, in this crucial point any place cannot withstand to toss about. Thinks of here, this Sir Bishop shaking the head of a heavy heart, then continues stand forth. Before this he starts earnest consideration Zhan En, Templar Order that time proposed intended to participate in the proposition in Klein Continent war, to be honest, before then, old Bishop regarding the Zhan En's proposition, although was somewhat excited , conducted submission to the Church high level in Skaar federation, but regarding Templar Order whether should directly involve, above hesitates. However now, after personally sees the war took to the wounds of these general public, he has set firm resolve, in any event, must explain well to the church high level, sheltering the people far away from the pain and injury is the Templar Order consistent objective. Even if in time of war. They should not give up oneself mission. 看见这一幕,霍华德主教也是心情沉重,他一面做了个手势,示意自己手下的神官去协助清理现场和处理疫病,大战之后最容易爆发瘟疫,这个节骨眼上任何地方都经不起折腾。想到这里,这位主教大人心情沉重的摇了摇头,接着继续向前走去。这一次他开始认真的考虑詹恩之前提出的圣堂教团出手参与到克莱恩大陆战争之中的提议,说实话,在这之前,老主教对于詹恩的提议虽然有些心动,也向斯卡尔联邦方面的教团高层进行了提交,不过对于圣堂教团是否应该直接介入,上面还在犹豫。但是现在,在亲眼看见了战争带给这些普通民众的创伤之后,他已经下定了决心,无论如何,也要向教会高层好好说明一下,庇护子民远离痛苦与伤害是圣堂教团一贯的宗旨。哪怕是在战争时期。他们也不应该放弃自己的使命。 Thinks of here, Howard Bishop sighed, later he arrived at another side on the small town hillside following the mountain road, quick, Howard saw that young form. 想到这里,霍华德主教叹了口气,随后他顺着山路来到了小镇另外一侧的山坡上,很快,霍华德就看见了那个年轻的身影。 Zhan En is standing there motionlessly, is gloomy the face to gaze under to be burnt as the hard coke the small town, in his side. These militiamen are piling up to prepare to burn down the bodies of these Goldshire Empire cavalries. Although said that such handling method some are not quite appropriate, however after seeing the Zhan En ice-cold complexion, Howard or the decision do not haggle over with the opposite party in this minor matter. 詹恩正一动不动的站在那里,阴沉着脸注视着下方已经被烧为焦炭的小镇,在他的身边。那些民兵正在把那些闪金帝国骑兵的尸体堆积起来准备一把火烧掉了事。虽然说这样的处置方法有些不太妥当,但是在看见詹恩冰冷的面色之后,霍华德还是决定不在这种小事上和对方计较。 You came, Sir Bishop. & R dquo ; “你来了,主教大人。” Hears the sound of footsteps, Zhan En to turn head, nods to Howard Bishop. But Howard Bishop also returned to a ritual, later took a step to arrive at side Zhan En's like this, looked below not far away only to be left over the remnant of destroyed building with him the small town, the ice-cold wind swayed. Indistinct can also hear the following resident to cry out and sob rendingly. 听见脚步声,詹恩回过头来,对霍华德主教点了点头。而霍华德主教也是回了一礼,随后就这样迈步走到了詹恩的身边,和他一起望着下方不远处只剩下断壁残垣的小镇,冰冷的风吹拂而过。隐隐约约还能够听到下面住民撕心裂肺的呐喊与哭泣。 It seems like Goldshire Empire indeed is the having courage color, I have not thought that he will achieve this step. & R dquo ; “看来闪金帝国的确是有胆色,我也没想到他会做到这一步。” In a moment later, Zhan En had then said. However his tone is hard, absolutely does not have usually in mild-mannered and cultivated. Also without and other Howard Bishop said anything, Zhan En has asked. 在过了片刻之后,詹恩这才开口说道。不过他的语气硬邦邦的,完全没有平日里的温文尔雅。还没有等霍华德主教说些什么,詹恩就已经开口询问道。 Sir Bishop, I remembers right words. Before did that circular indeed deliver Emperor Goldshire Empire in through Templar Order the hand? & R dquo ; 主教大人,我记得没错的话。之前那封通告的确是通过圣堂教团送递到闪金帝国皇帝手中了?” Yes. Mr. Zhan En. & R dquo ; “是的。詹恩先生。” Hears here, Howard Bishop nods, by the Zhan En's status, is naturally impossible to submit what diplomacy according to the article to Goldshire Empire, therefore that letter/believes was he transmitted through Templar Order to the Goldshire Empire royal family initially, Howard also knows that had to hint relations between opposite party stretch of territory and Templar Order. He from Zhan En there has known that Passus news that is independent from the Skaar federation, to be honest, this news makes Howard Bishop quite surprised. But he naturally also understands, an awarding a decoration aristocrat has a political significance of stretch of independent territory, but stemming from consistent caution and care. He extremely has not meddled, but has allowed nature to take its course. 听到这里,霍华德主教点了点头,以詹恩的身份,自然不可能递交什么外交照文给闪金帝国,因此当初那封信是他通过圣堂教团传递给闪金帝国王室的,霍华德也知道这其中有示意对方这片领地与圣堂教团之间的关系。他已经从詹恩那里知道帕苏斯斯卡尔联邦独立出来的消息,说实话,这个消息着实让霍华德主教颇为吃惊。而他自然也明白,一位授勋贵族拥有一片独立领地的政治意义,只不过出于一贯的谨慎小心。他并没有太过插手其中,而是一直顺其自然。 However now ............ 不过现在………… Sees this, the old Bishop innermost feelings somewhat are also uncomfortable, although said that between he and Zhan En does not calculate how deep friendship, but attacks an independent territory of awarding a decoration aristocrat, this and gave a Templar Order palm of the hand is also similar. Perhaps the opposite party thinks that what Templar Order couldn't make in time of war? Thinks of here, the Howard complexion sinks, although said that this indeed is a minor matter, however the Templar Order prestige was vacillated is not the minor matter. Perhaps this is convinces the high-level good opportunity, if they are not potential achievement, then the Templar Order existence feeling will be getting more and more weak, perhaps in the future will not exist to feel radically also perhaps. 看见这一幕,老主教内心也有些不爽,虽然说他和詹恩之间并不算有多么深厚的交情,但是袭击一位授勋贵族的独立领地,这和给圣堂教团一个巴掌也差不多了。或许对方认为圣堂教团在战争时期做不了什么?想到这里,霍华德面色一沉,虽然说这的确是件小事,但是圣堂教团的威信被动摇可不是小事。或许这是个说服高层的好机会,如果他们再不有所作为的话,那么圣堂教团的存在感就会越来越弱,说不定日后根本就毫无存在感了也说不定。 In this case, the reform is unavoidable. 在这种情况下,改革在所难免。 That emperor is not willing to accept my request ............... & R dquo ; “那位皇帝陛下不愿接受我的请求啊……………” Gets a panoramic view the Howard Bishop Yin clear uncertain face, but Zhan En has not said anything, on the contrary, his cold snort/hum, looks again to the front. 霍华德主教阴晴不定的面孔尽收眼底,但是詹恩却并没有多说什么,相反,他冷哼一声,再次望向前方。 But I promised you, Sir Bishop, this matter will not end thing that ......... I want, did you bring? & R dquo ; “但是我向您保证,主教大人,这件事是不会就这么结束的………我要的东西,请问您带来了吗?” Has brought, Mr. Zhan En. & R dquo ; “已经带来了,詹恩先生。” Hears Zhan En's to inquire, Howard old Bishop then put out one from the bosom magnificently, mounts the etching Holy trace seal official correspondence, handed over. However he frowns later, having several points of doubts to look to the present young people. 听到詹恩的询问,霍华德主教这才从怀里拿出了一封华丽的,镶嵌蚀刻着神圣纹路的刻印文书,递了过去。不过他随后又皱起眉头,带着几分疑惑望向眼前的年轻人。 But I am not clear, do you want this doing? Indeed, signature of peace official correspondence under nine Saint testimonies by Templar Order was acknowledged that but you also think that now the Goldshire Empire emperor does meet under signing of obediently this official correspondence? Mr. Zhan En, I know that you now are very angry, but I hope that you can see clearly reality & mda S h ; You are impossible to arrive in the Goldshire Empire imperial palace like this, before arriving at the emperor the bed of state, then makes him sign own name on this nine Saint official correspondence. & R dquo ; “但是我还是不明白,你要这个干什么?的确,和平文书在九圣见证下的签署是受到圣堂教团承认的,可难道现在你还认为闪金帝国的皇帝会乖乖的签订下这份文书詹恩先生,我知道你现在很愤怒,但是我希望你能够看清现实—你不可能就这样走到闪金帝国的皇宫里,来到皇帝陛下的御座前,然后让他在这份九圣文书上签下自己的名字。” Since you think me unable to achieve, why you will bring nine Saint official correspondence for me? & R dquo ; “既然你认为我做不到,那么你又为什么会为我带来九圣文书?” Hears the complaint of old Bishop, Zhan En shows a faint smile, later he put out a hand to receive official correspondence to look at one, then admitted in own bosom. 听到老主教的抱怨,詹恩微微一笑,随后他伸出手去接过文书看了一眼,然后放进了自己的怀中。 If I remember that right, the applications of nine Saint official correspondence are not simple, moreover needs nine Saint representatives adopts unanimously, is difficult to be inadequate you to think that I am having daydream? If that was true, then this approach can be very interesting? & R dquo ; “如果我记得没错的话,九圣文书的申请可不简单,而且还需要九圣代表的一致通过,难不成你们都认为我只是在做白日梦?如果真是这样的话,那么这个做法可就很有趣了哦?” This is only the representative Templar Order attitude, cannot explain any key question. & R dquo ; “这只是代表圣堂教团的态度,不能够说明什么实质问题。” Feels vision that Zhan En teased. Howard is red shameless one. He knows certainly what Zhan En said is the fact. However he has not told the lie. Templar Order on the Klein main road besides is a religious organization, is also shouldering the function of the law office and notary public. Generally speaking, between countries, if has any significant agreement to need to conclude, needs to sign own name on nine Saint official correspondence, this means that this agreement receives on Klein Continent all gods' acknowledgments and attention. 感受到詹恩略带戏谑的目光。霍华德不由老脸一红。他当然知道詹恩所说的是事实。不过他也没有说假话。圣堂教团克莱恩大路上除了是一个宗教性的组织之外,同时也担负着法律事务所和公证处的功能。一般来说,国与国之间如果有什么重大的协议需要缔结,就需要在九圣文书上签下自己的名字,这就意味着这份协议受到克莱恩大陆上所有神明的承认与关注。 Naturally, although sounds very on big, in fact this agreement is also useful under the Templar Order asylum. After all between various countries has the secret treaty and transaction, this matter is naturally impossible to tell Templar Order. Therefore general nine Saint official correspondence under the influence for Templar Order conduct the negotiation with other influences time & mda S h ; To put it bluntly even a contract agreement of specific organization. 当然,虽然听起来很高大上,事实上这种协议也就是在圣堂教团庇护下才有用。毕竟各国之间都有秘密协议和交易,这种事情自然不可能都告诉圣堂教团。因此一般九圣文书就是用于圣堂教团下的势力与其他势力之间进行交涉的时候—说白了就算是一种特定组织的合同协约罢了。 Like, Templar Order high-level interior that Zhan En said regarding him to be whether able to be smooth with the Goldshire Empire signing peace agreement does not report completely hopes, but the issue was, Zhan En was the aristocrat who Templar Order awarded a decoration, the status was noble and official, since now he set this request, then in emotion in reason must walk this procedure/program. But the high level in Skaar federation after undergoing a consideration, eventually authorized the Zhan En's application. Brings peace official correspondence that Templar Order acknowledged. 就像詹恩所说的,圣堂教团的高层内部对于他能否顺利和闪金帝国签订和平协议完全不报希望,可问题在于,詹恩圣堂教团授勋的贵族,身份高贵而且正式,现在他既然提出了这个要求,那么于情于理也必须走这一趟程序。而斯卡尔联邦方面的高层在经过了一番考虑之后,最终还是批准了詹恩的申请。将圣堂教团承认的和平文书带了过来。 But this also said like Howard Bishop, this represented a Templar Order attitude, obviously, they also so disregarded the Church face to feel angry regarding Goldshire Empire, but because Church policy always also had lazy, they naturally impossible, because this minor matter coped with Goldshire Empire. Now since Zhan En the plan continues to look for the trouble of empire. Then Templar Order did not mind that boosts his in the back. Although they do not know how Zhan En plans to do, but if can through his hand to a Goldshire Empire small lesson, then Templar Order will not naturally prevent. 只不过这也就像霍华德主教所说的,这只是代表了圣堂教团的一个态度,显然,他们也对于闪金帝国如此无视教团的面子感到恼怒,但由于教团一直以来的方针还有怠惰,他们当然不可能因为这点儿小事就去对付闪金帝国。现在詹恩既然打算继续找帝国的麻烦。那么圣堂教团也不介意在背后推他一把。虽然他们不知道詹恩打算怎么做,但是如果能够通过他的手给闪金帝国一个小小的教训,那么圣堂教团自然是不会阻止的。 Although they believe in the gods, but after all is also human, as the saying goes Buddha has three points of anger, now Goldshire Empire not only attacks the Skaar federation, provokes the war arbitrarily, even also disregards Templar Order advises to insist on attacking an independent territory of awarding a decoration aristocrat, words that this must also be able to endure was equal to that pulled out the left face also to let give the opposite party the right face to pull out & mda S h ; In the lucky nine Saints no gods to issue such doctrine to own follower stupidly. 他们虽然信奉神明,但毕竟还都是人类,俗话说佛都有三分火气,现在闪金帝国不但进攻斯卡尔联邦,擅自挑起战争,甚至还无视圣堂教团的劝阻执意进攻一位授勋贵族的独立领地,这要还能忍的话那就等于被人抽完左脸还把右脸让出来给对方抽—幸运的九圣之中没有哪个神明愚蠢到给自己的信徒下达这样的教义。 Therefore Templar Order does not plan to endure this tone obviously, let alone ............... 所以圣堂教团显然也不打算忍下这口气,更何况…………… Before remembering, that half demon Archmage corpse that sees. The Howard complexion is even more cloudy. Must know that historically Templar Order and between the Ring of Magic associations had gratitude and grudges, initially the Goldshire Empire imperial family protected the Ring of Magic association, they were swept by Templar Order to the garbage heap and evil cult disciple early act as companion. But now, these damn fellows unexpectedly demonic nature under big crowd of people? 想起之前看到的那个半魔化的大法师的尸体。霍华德的面色越发阴沉。要知道在历史上圣堂教团环法协会之间本来就有一段恩怨,当初要不是闪金帝国的皇室力保环法协会,他们早被圣堂教团扫到垃圾堆和邪教徒作伴了。而现在,这些该死的家伙居然在大庭广众之下魔性化? If the empire imperial family and Ring of Magic association do not give them an explanation, then Templar Order did not mind that completes that some work that beforehand has not completed. 如果帝国皇室和环法协会不就此给他们一个解释,那么圣堂教团不介意完成以前没有完成的那部分工作。 However ............... 不过…………… Thinks of here, Howard somewhat is curious, he looks up Zhan En, the hesitant moment, asks finally. 想到这里,霍华德还是有些好奇,他抬起头来看着詹恩,犹豫片刻,最终还是开口询问道。 Mr. Zhan En, please I take the liberty, I really want to know, actually you do plan how to make the Goldshire Empire emperor sign this peace official correspondence before you? & R dquo ; 詹恩先生,请恕我冒昧,我实在很想知道,你究竟打算如何让闪金帝国的皇帝在你面前签下这份和平文书?” As you said that Howard Sir Bishop. & R dquo ; “就像你所说的,霍华德主教大人。” Hears the inquiry of Howard, Zhan En shows a faint smile. 听到霍华德的询问,詹恩微微一笑。 Arrives at the Goldshire Empire imperial palace like this, then arrives at the emperor the front, then makes him sign this agreement ......... you to look, isn't this very simple matter? & R dquo ; “就这样走到闪金帝国的皇宫,然后来到皇帝陛下的面前,接着让他签下这份协议………您看,这不是件很简单的事情吗?” Please do not crack a joke, Mr. Zhan En. & R dquo ; “请不要开玩笑,詹恩先生。” I have not cracked a joke, Sir Bishop. & R dquo ; “我并没有开玩笑,主教大人。” Is saying, Zhan En put out the pocket watch to look at one from the bosom, later since narrowed the eye. 一面说着,詹恩一面从怀中拿出怀表看了一眼,随后眯起眼睛。 Time similar ......... that I should also be the time started, Sir Bishop, please wait for my good news. & R dquo ; “时间差不多了………那么,我也该是时候启程了,主教大人,请等我的好消息吧。” What good .................. & R dquo ; “什么好………………” Hears here, Howard gawked, but has not waited for him to say anything again, suddenly, a flat land, but the strong winds make him be quiet close close to, old Bishop turning around of cannot help but, prevents to blow to own sand dust, in this moment, the sky seemed gloomy, the land is also covered by a shadow. After that strong winds dissipate, old Bishop turns the head to look at & mda S h again forward ; Then he stared in a big way the eye surprisedly. 听到这里,霍华德愣了一下,但是还没有等他再说什么,忽然,一阵平地而起的狂风让他闭住嘴巴,老主教不由自主的转过身去,阻挡吹向自己的沙尘,在这一刻,天空似乎暗淡了许多,就连大地也被一片阴影所笼罩。而当那阵狂风消逝之后,老主教再次转过头来向前望去—接着他惊讶的瞪大了眼睛。 Sees only in his front, big dragon calm and upright static standing of hill size there, its high raising the head , the pure white body is reflecting the radiance of Sun. But behind its body, can see sincerely, huge, is glittering the ice-cold gloss, making person one eyes be able to associate to fearful existence of destruction. 只见在他的面前,一座山丘大小的巨龙正安静的站在那里,它高高的抬起头来,纯白的身躯反射着太阳的光华。而在它的身体后方,可以看见厚重,巨大,闪烁着冰冷光泽,让人一眼就能够联想到毁灭的可怕存在。 This is ..................... & R dquo ; “这是…………………” Sees this, Howard is dumbfounded. dragon prestige that sends out from this big dragon he can feel, that is an incomparably huge power and influence, looks at the present colossus merely, makes him feel that the own probably tiny ant is not worth mentioning, if not the firm that the Godhood personnel discipline, perhaps this time Howard has lain on the ground trembled & mda S h ; But in fact, the residents in these militiaman and small town in the instance that the big dragon presents, has kneed down, they have the vision of awe to look at the present big dragon, the growing up mouth could not say half a word words. 看见这一幕,霍华德目瞪口呆。他可以感受到从这头巨龙身上所发出的的龙威,那是一种无比庞大的威势,仅仅只是看着眼前的庞然大物,就让他感觉自己好像渺小的蚂蚁般不值一提,如果不是神职人员磨练出来的坚定信念,恐怕这时候的霍华德已经趴在地上瑟瑟发抖了—而事实上,那些民兵和小镇的居民在巨龙出现的瞬间,就已经跪倒在地,他们带着敬畏的目光望着眼前的巨龙,长大嘴巴却说不出半句话来。 Passus people!! & R dquo ; 帕苏斯的子民们!!” At this time, the Zhan En's sound resounded again, reverberates near the ear of everyone. 就在这个时候,詹恩的声音再次响起,回荡在每一个人的耳边。 Not long, we are crossing the happiness, peaceful time. However the arrival of war, destroys all that we once had ......... no one to like the war, no one longs for the war. I once tried to seek the peaceful path to that emperor, but now, that arrogant emperor has made his choice. However, the blood of our Passus person cannot flow in vain! I promised you, these once destroyed on this lands recklessly, the slaughtered person, will certainly encounter the harshest penalty. But my people, I with you in!! Now, we are going to send out to be our sounds, making Goldshire Empire understand, our making concessions do not come from timidly, a tooth for a tooth, returns the blood by the blood, they feel our anger eventually, and will pay the price for this reason!! & R dquo ; “曾几何时,我们过着幸福,和平的时光。但是战争的到来,毁了我们曾经所拥有的一切………没有人喜欢战争,也没有人渴望战争。我曾经试图向那位皇帝陛下寻求和平的道路,但是现在,那位傲慢的皇帝已经做出了他的选择。但是,我们帕苏斯人的血不会白流!我向你们保证,那些曾经肆意在这片土地上破坏,杀戮的人,必将遭到最严厉的惩罚。而我的子民,我将与你们同在!!现在,我们将要发出属于我们自己的声音,让闪金帝国明白,我们的退让并非来自怯懦,以牙还牙,以血还血,他们终究感受到我们的愤怒,并会为此付出代价!!” Feudal lord Sir long live!! & R dquo ; “领主大人万岁!!” Hears these words, these before knelt down got the people, immediately cheered loudly. If before trading is, all that Zhan En said perhaps simply did not have the significance regarding them. However now, after their presents a big dragon at present, all changed. Must know that is the a dragon! Regarding these simple and honest countrymen, the dragon was almost boss of final level all stories had. But their feudal lords, can control the big dragon unexpectedly! This has made these lead(er) people feel that incomparable shock, then is excited and proud. They deeply believed, in the front of big dragon, the Goldshire Empire army is not worth mentioning! 听到这些话,那些之前跪倒在地的领民,顿时高声欢呼起来。如果换了是之前的话,詹恩所说的一切对于他们恐怕根本没有意义。但是现在,当他们的眼前出现了一条巨龙之后,一切都改变了。要知道那可是一条龙啊!对于这些淳朴的乡民们而言,龙几乎是所有故事存在的最终级的波ss了。而他们的领主,居然能够驾驭巨龙!这已经让这些领民感到无比的震惊,接着便是兴奋与自豪。他们深信,在巨龙的面前,闪金帝国的军队根本不值一提! Just like the feudal lord Sir said that the present is to let these arrogant Empire People tastes us to be angry the time. 正如领主大人所说,现在是让那些傲慢的帝国子民品尝我们愤怒的时候了。 In the cheers of people, the big dragon opens the wing, howls is flying to the horizon. 在众人的欢呼声中,巨龙张开翅膀,呼啸着飞向天际。 But in its behind, the innumerable huge forms follows & mda S h ; As if flows rapidly in the top of the blue dome of heaven white great waves. 而在它的身后,无数巨大的身影紧随其后—仿佛奔流于苍穹之顶的白色浪涛。 This ............... & R dquo ; “这……………” Looks at present, Howard dumbfounded thoroughly, he such stands on the hillside, is gazing at several hundred big dragons that flies to the horizon, at this moment, in his brain only have a thought. 看着眼前的这一幕,霍华德彻底呆住了,他就那样站在山坡上,注视着飞往天际的数百条巨龙,此刻,他的脑中只剩下一个念头。 Perhaps Goldshire Empire, must but actually big mildew.( To be continued.) 闪金帝国,恐怕要倒大霉了。(未完待续。)
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