DR :: Volume #3

#294: River bank it war( end)

What ghost who this damn outcome does? 这该死的究竟搞的什么鬼? Hears the report that the front transmits, Charlotte wants to kill people simply, in a moment ago, him thought that these temperament strange mage some uses, he thinks now really should not depend upon these mage, actually he does not know that actually the frontline is what situation. The news that however feeds in told him, at present the front situation is not good, but that Archmage does not know that what's the matter turned into a monster, is going crazy probably the army of attack empire. Has also disappeared without a trace as for opposite these Passus people, does not know that died or hides. 听到前方传来的报告,夏洛特简直就想要杀人了,就在刚才,他还是觉得那些脾气古怪的法师还是有些用处的,现在他则觉得果然就不应该依靠那些法师,其实他也不知道前线究竟是个什么情况。但是传回的消息却告诉他,眼下前方的情况可一点儿都不好,而那位大法师也不知道怎么回事变成了一个怪物,正在像是发了狂似的攻击帝国的军队。至于对面那些帕苏斯人也已经不知去向,不知道是死了还是躲起来了。 Most starts, Charlotte also orders empire soldier to cope with that monster, or massacres it. The news that however later spreads makes him realize that this is a quite difficult matter. The opposite party will fly, will use fearful spell, this is disadvantageous regarding the army in ground. The empire has the air force, in this time, generally slightly is big country to have the air force to dispose, naturally, majority is Griffon, Lesser Dragon this kind of low demon, these demon are quite on the other hand good to train, is easy to become the organization system. But like Magic Warship, Unicorn, Pegasus high rank air force branch of the services, only then these great nation and elf country of this unique country had. 最开始的时候,夏洛特还命令帝国士兵去对付那个怪物,或者把它杀掉。但是随后传来的消息让他意识到这是件相当困难的事情。对方会飞,而且还会使用可怕的法术,这对于地面上的部队来说已经非常不利了。帝国不是没有空军,在这个时代,大凡稍微大一些的国家都有空军配置,当然,其中大部分都是狮鹫,亚龙这一类的低等魔物,这些魔物相对来说比较好培养,也容易成建制。而像魔导战舰,独角兽,天马这样的高阶空军兵种,就只有那些大国和精灵之国这样本身独特的国家才有了。 Goldshire Empire also has a Lesser Dragon air force, but exists as the imperial family guards, usually is stationed in the sovereigns, no one has the qualifications to transfer this army besides the emperor, Charlotte is naturally impossible. Therefore after the discovery attack is invalid, he issued the order of retreating rapidly. Regarding this Charlotte not slightly psychological barrier. As a mature military officer. He knows how should face the situation in battlefield, no arrogance in victory and no shame in defeat, no arrogance in victory is very important, but no shame in defeat as is also important. A failure is not considered as anything, moreover he has also found to himself withstand/top the object of pot, although at present also not clear special details, but from the description of soldier. Obviously was these mage screwed up all, moreover summoned demon ............... 闪金帝国也拥有一支亚龙空军,不过是作为皇室近卫军存在,平日里驻扎在皇都,除了皇帝陛下外没有人有资格调动这只军队,夏洛特自然也不可能。因此在发现攻击无效之后,他就迅速下达了撤退的命令。对此夏洛特没有丝毫心理障碍。作为一个成熟的将领。他知道应该如何面对战场上的局势,胜不骄败不馁,胜不骄很重要,但是败不馁也同样重要。一次失败不算是什么,而且他也已经找好给自己顶锅的对象了,虽然目前还不清楚具体情况,但是从士兵们的描述来看。明显是那些法师搞砸了一切,而且还召唤出了魔物…………… Summon demon ............... 召唤魔物…………… Thinks that here Charlotte is a toothache, he did not worry how goes back later to report own failure, but how is the worry must explain this matter to Templar Order. Although said that Templar Order always remains neutral in various countries' war, but that also is only restricted in a normal range, this on Earth, how you no one manages with the missile bombing tank steamroll probably, but must use the bacteriological weapon and nuclear bomb washes the place words that is a different matter. If oneself the news of summon demon in this war pass on, Charlotte is certain on one religious adjudication division was only the time issue. Do not look that he in Goldshire Empire is also the star of tomorrow raises slowly, but Templar Order will not care about his status and position, thinks the religious trial of that total darkness, Charlotte felt own heart was cool, he even started to want the dying in battle battlefield for the first time hesitant. At least as the matter stands, he can also have a dignified honor and Death. 想到这里夏洛特就是一阵牙疼,他不担心回去之后如何报告自己的失败,而是担心要如何向圣堂教团解释这件事。虽然说圣堂教团在各国战争之中向来保持中立,但那也只限于一个正常的范围,这就好像在地球上,你怎么用飞弹轰炸坦克碾压都没人管,但是非要使用细菌武器和核弹洗地的话那就是另外一回事了。假如自己在这场战争中召唤魔物的消息传出去,夏洛特可以肯定自己上宗教审判庭就只是时间问题了。别看他在闪金帝国也算是一颗冉冉升起的明日之星,但是圣堂教团可不会在意他的身份和地位,一想到那暗无天日的宗教审判,夏洛特感觉自己的心都凉了,他甚至第一次开始犹豫要不要战死沙场。至少这样一来,他还能够有一个体面的荣誉和死亡 However finally. As a commander. Charlotte has not chosen to sneak away at a critical juncture, but stands firm the formation to start to retreat immediately & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; In fact now he thinks that does not retreat is not good. Because frontline soldier has collapsed completely, demon that was actually turned into by Archmage truly what massacres is few part, but most soldier were given to daunt by the shape of that monster terrifying, moreover they also produced with the Charlotte same idea. The don't tell me empire summoned the devil to come with them to fight intentionally together? 不过最终。作为一个指挥官。夏洛特还是没有选择临阵脱逃,而是立刻稳住阵型开始撤退———事实上现在他想不撤退也不行了。因为前线的士兵已经完全崩溃,其实真正被大法师变成的魔物杀掉的是很少的一部分,而大部分士兵则是被那怪物恐怖的形态给吓住,而且他们也产生了和夏洛特一样的想法。难道说帝国是故意召唤恶魔来和他们一起战斗的吗? Thinks of here, their also same whole body trembles, Charlotte this aristocrat thinks that the religious trial hates unable dead to evade, these ordinary soldier were afraid. They may probably be stronger than these aristocrats regarding the awe of Templar Order, thinks after this war ended, they may very much by Templar Order bydemon running dog & R dquo ; The name grasps to tie up the stake frame. These soldier morale collapsed immediately. 一想到这里,他们也同样浑身发抖,就连夏洛特这种贵族想到宗教审判都恨不得以死逃避,这些普通的士兵就更害怕了。他们对于圣堂教团的敬畏可比那些贵族要更强,一想到这场战争结束之后,他们很有可能被圣堂教团以“魔族走狗”的名义抓起来绑上火刑架。这些士兵的士气顿时就崩溃了。 Naturally, perhaps the somewhat mindless person does not care about these, but the issue lies in that shadow that dances in the air in the space is not divided the enemy and ourselves, sees the person to kill. Moreover the letting person who sends out hears panic-stricken angry roaring & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Naturally, looks like him to roar in Archmage, but transforms now is demon he had lost the ability of human language, will therefore listen only to think that in others this fearful monster is roaring. 当然,或许有些没心没肺的人不在乎这些,可问题在于那个在天上飞舞的阴影可不分敌我,见人就杀。而且发出的让人闻之惊恐的怒吼———当然,在大法师看来他是在咆哮,只不过现在转化为魔族的他已经失去了人类语言的能力,所以在其他人听来只会认为这个可怕的怪物在吼叫罢了。 In this chaotic situation, wants to conduct the beforehand plan is completely the wishful thinking. Moreover the initial plan requested each squad close coordination cooperation, may look the present appearance does not seem like the time that can coordinate closely. Therefore Charlotte also no longer hesitates, starts to contract the army rapidly to evacuate & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Naturally, his in the depths of ones heart rather does not have to let this demon simply Passus noisy earth-shaking, then oneself obtain without labor the idea of fisherman's profit. 在这种混乱的情况下,想要进行之前的计划已经完全是痴心妄想。而且当初的计划可是要求各个小队紧密配合协作来进行的,可看眼前的样子怎么也不像是能够紧密配合起来的时候。因此夏洛特也不再犹豫,迅速开始收缩部队进行撤离———当然,他内心深处也未免没有干脆就让这头魔物把帕苏斯闹个天翻地覆,然后自己坐收渔翁之利的想法。 However what pitifully is, Zhan En had not planned meaning that obviously made Charlotte achieve wishes. 不过可惜的是,詹恩显然没有打算让夏洛特如愿以偿的意思。 In that demon in the Goldshire Empire army slaughters recklessly, Zhan En has then been similar to Ghost generally silently to touch. But dives while that demon again to the empire cavalries launches the attack the neutral gear, Zhan En sticks out suddenly immediately suddenly, has delimited together bright dazzling blue radiance with the sword in the dark nighttime sky, straight flushes away toward demon of space. 就在那头魔物在闪金帝国的军队里肆意杀戮之时,詹恩便已经如同幽灵一般悄然无声的摸了过来。而趁着那头魔物再一次俯冲对帝国骑兵发起攻击的空档,詹恩顿时忽然暴起,连人带剑在黑暗的夜空中划过一道明亮耀眼的蓝色光华,笔直的向着天上的魔物冲去。 But detected from oneself swift and fierce sword air/Qi, Archmage is also quickly turns the head, but while he turns the head, that ice-cold, the sword light of sparkle is close at hand. 而察觉到从自己背后袭来的凌厉剑气,大法师也是急忙转过头来,但在他转过头来的同时,那冰冷,闪耀的剑光已经近在眼前。 Dies!!! & R dquo ; “去死!!!” At this moment even has transformed for demon, Archmage felt a Death fear, his hurried leaf of wing retreats backward, simultaneously calls out one, sees only a cone-shape the air current on the big mouth that like this since he opens explodes to shoot, shot toward Zhan En. 这一刻就算已经转变为了魔物,大法师还是感觉到了一丝死亡的恐惧,他急忙一扇翅膀向后退去,同时暴喝一声,只见一股锥形的气流就这样从他张开的血盆大口之中爆射而出,向着詹恩射了过去。 Changed in the ground these empire cavalries, perhaps in this struck to meet a cruel death, but Zhan En will not pay attention to this degree of aerodynamic impact. Sees only his long sword to sweep, immediately separates from the middle that group of air currents, later then sees Sea Blue Light in Zhan En hand to shrink puts, the sword light that everywhere stars erupt present demon will wrap immediately. Only hears blood-curdling screech, next moment that demon to fly upside down like this from the big net of innumerable ice-cold sword light knitting, numerous hits on nearby mountain wall. 换了地面上那些帝国骑兵,在这一击下恐怕早已经粉身碎骨,但是詹恩可不会把这种程度的气流冲击放在眼里。只见他长剑一扫,立刻就将那团气流从中间分开,随后便看见詹恩手中的海蓝之光一缩一放,漫天繁星爆发的剑光顿时将眼前的魔物包裹其中。只听见一声惨叫,下一刻那头魔物就这样从无数冰冷剑光编织的大网之中倒飞出来,重重的撞击在旁边的山壁上。 If now this Archmage or human. Perhaps then he also has strength of the war with Zhan En. But the issue lay in the present he turned into demon thing & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; In the imagination of mortal, changes to become Mowu to bring the tremendous strength, naturally, from some perspective yes right. But the issue is, demon regarding the operation and human of principle is completely different, do not look at this Archmage when human once is storm mage, even can the incarnation storm giant. But that is because he has been familiar with go to with the status of human. But demon is the completely different concepts. 如果现在这位大法师还是人类的话。那么他说不定还和詹恩有一战之力。可问题在于现在他变成了魔物———在凡人的想象里,变身成魔物会带来巨大的力量,当然,从某方面来说是没错的。可问题在于,魔物对于法则的操纵和人类是完全不同的,别看这位大法师在人类时曾经是风暴法师,甚至可以化身风暴巨人。但那是因为他已经习惯用人类的身份去施法。可是魔物是完全不同的概念。 Especially at the beginning of the transformation, draws an analogy, the person who this used Windows system probably, wanted your entire rewiring MAC suddenly, then the rewiring ended the system, you must again the rewiring software and actuation use the brand-new system to use. But now this Archmage is atrewiring system & R dquo ; Stage, perhaps in some days, after he grasped the demon unique strength thoroughly, his strength will restore to the original level. However present he most is also the Grandmaster peak level. Even the regular line of legendary domain cannot release, can only depend upon demon characteristic wild magic power with being above the physical body of mortal fights. 特别是在转化初期,打个比方来说,这就好像一个用惯了WINDOWS系统的人,忽然要你整个重装MAC,然后重装完系统,你还要再次重装软件和驱动来使用全新的系统才能够使用。而现在这位大法师就处在“重装系统”的阶段,或许在过些日子,当他彻底掌握了魔族独特的力量之后,他的实力会重新恢复到原本的水准。不过现在的他最多也不过就是大师巅峰的水准。连传奇领域的规则之线都释放不出来,只能够依靠魔族特性的狂暴魔力与超乎凡人的肉体进行战斗。 This method copes with the legendary following social class also a little use, may grasp the regular domain powerhouse to have no significance to. This probably player is flamboyant, cannot be victorious GM. Present Archmage is tall play who took off the GM halo, skill and response also, but cannot support the opposite party to do you with the GM jurisdiction! 这种手段对付传奇以下阶级还有点儿用处,可对上掌握了规则领域的强者就没什么意义了。这就好像一个玩家再牛逼,也打不过GM。现在的大法师就是一个脱去了GM光环的高玩,技巧和反应还在,可是架不住对方用GM权限搞你啊! Was knocked down demon struggles wish to stand to counter-attack immediately. However Zhan En may not give him completely this opportunity. Sees only his forward one finger/refers, later the water element in air immediately congealment collection. The body freeze of demon in land. If Archmage also has the legendary domain strength now, then he can also use Rule of Law to shield the Zhan En's water element to his corrosion, but the issue lies in present he has been inlay-off re-employment & R dquo ; The condition, is unable to operate own domain rule, can only look helplessly own body was congealed to freeze, later then sees the long sword in Zhan En hand to sweep crosswise, together sword air/Qicrash-bang & R dquo ; The long whip strokes likely layer on layer/heavily on Archmage that jet black dry and hard body, „ is ripped to draw & R dquo by the body that the tenacious external skin wraps immediately ; A to split open, dark-red blood counter- sputtering. Scatters the ground. But the feeling this fierce pain, that demon also opens the mouth, wails, this sharp like the nail on the blackboard has stressed the sound reverberation in the nighttime sky, making these evacuations soldier hear is also the fine hair raises up, immediately dies runs backward. 被打翻在地的魔物顿时挣扎着想要站起来进行反攻。但是詹恩可完全不会给他这个机会。只见他向前一指,随后空气中的水元素立刻凝结汇集。将魔物的身体冻结在大地上。如果说现在大法师还拥有传奇领域的力量的话,那么他还可以使用法则之线屏蔽詹恩的水元素对他的侵蚀,可问题在于现在的他已经处于“下岗再就业”状态,无法操纵自己的领域规则,只能够眼睁睁的看着自己的身躯被凝结冰冻,随后便见詹恩手中的长剑横向扫过,一道剑气“哗啦”的像长鞭般重重击打在大法师那漆黑干硬的身体上,原本被坚韧表皮包裹的身躯顿时“撕拉”一声开裂,暗红色的鲜血从中反溅射而出。散落地面。而感受到这剧烈的痛苦,那头魔物也是张开嘴巴,哀嚎起来,这尖锐的如同指甲在黑板上抓过的声响回荡在夜空之中,让那些撤离的士兵听见也是汗毛竖起,顿时没命的向后跑去。 But Zhan En remains unmoved slightly, gets sick to want him to assign/life while him is the correct path. While demon opens mouth wails, he has punctured toward the heart of opposite party with the sword, needs to strike to be killed violently. 詹恩对此丝毫不为所动,趁他病要他命才是正道。就在魔物张嘴哀嚎的同时,他已经连人带剑向着对方的心脏刺去,务求一击毙命。 But facing the crucial moment, Archmage also finally started to go all out, is looking at that to the silver white line that own heart punctured, it screamed one, the wild tornado was centered on him toward immediately disperses in all directions, the next moment huge impulse brought Archmage to fly like this from the ground, flew toward the rear dark nighttime sky. 而面对生死关头,大法师也终于开始拼命了,望着那向自己心脏刺下的银白之线,它尖叫一声,狂暴的旋风顿时以他为中心向着四面八方散开,紧接着下一刻巨大的冲击力就这样带着大法师从地面上飞去,向着后方黑暗的夜空飞去。 What pitifully is, he must face not just a Zhan En person. 只不过可惜的是,他要面对的并非只有詹恩一个人。 Bang!! & R dquo ; “轰隆!!” The thunder lightning thunders , the silver snake has fled together like this sky, without bias and without favor hit the Archmage body, this he does not have the means to resist Enoya Wrath of Thunder time again, sees only in the midair brilliance to flash, next moment, one group is burning the fireball mixes with the squeal to crash from the sky like this, falls into the scattered in disorder hillsides in one group of trash, tumbling downward, falls into the river water, braves since along with white smoke, that group pitch-dark thing finally was again not the movement. 雷霆闪电轰鸣而下,一道银蛇就这样窜过天空,不偏不倚的击中了大法师的身躯,这一次他再也没有办法抵挡埃诺娅雷霆之怒,只见半空之中光辉一闪,下一刻,一团燃烧着的火球就这样夹杂着尖叫声从天空上坠落,像一团垃圾般掉入散乱的山坡间,翻滚向下,落入河水之中,伴随着一阵白烟冒起,那团黑漆漆的东西总算是再也没有动作了。 This may really be distressed, Mr. mage. & R dquo ; “这可真是狼狈啊,法师先生。” Has the ice-cold smile, Zhan En near arriving sandbank that is carefree and content, looks to that black form. Sees only demon that this moment this Archmage changes into is bruised and lacerated, his four limbs and skin before to work loose Zhan En's freezes the fetter is badly-damaged, behind Enoya fatal struck turned into the barbecue it directly, now takes a broad view to look, can see on his body the everywhere burnt black meat, is mixing with the demon unique stench aura, revolting. 一面带着冰冷的微笑,詹恩一面悠然自得的走到河滩边,望向那黑色的身影。只见此刻这位大法师所化为的魔物已经是皮开肉绽,他的四肢和皮肤在之前为了挣脱詹恩的冰冻束缚已经是残破不堪,后面埃诺娅的致命一击又直接将其变成了烤肉,现在放眼望去,可以看见他身体上到处都是被烤焦的一块块的黑肉,夹杂着魔族特有的腥臭气息,让人作呕。 Looks at present Archmage, Zhan En looked to all around. This moment Goldshire Empire soldier have evacuated was similar, all around empty cannot see the person's shadow again. Zhan En found time to turn toward all around to sweep one, the forest that takes a broad view to look only to see to scatter the crushed stone that and changes beyond all recognition. Although traded others' words, perhaps also thinks that the opposite party has the ambush, but Zhan En has actually seen that group of intruder to retreat from own Dungeon map, meaning that obviously, they have not fought. 看了一眼眼前的大法师,詹恩重新望向四周。此刻闪金帝国士兵们已经撤离的差不多了,四周空荡荡的再也看不见人影。詹恩抽空向着四周扫了一眼,放眼望去只能够看见散落的碎石和面目全非的森林。虽然换了别人的话,或许还会认为对方有埋伏,不过詹恩却已经从自己的地下城地图上看见那群入侵者正在撤退,显然,他们已经没有战斗的意思了。 .................. drinks ............... & R dquo ; “喝………………喝……………” The mage body at this moment also starts to have the change gradually, because originally magic power intensifies, but variation starts gradually to recover the human form, his incisiveness, the tall and slender big mouth gradually contracts, slowly appeared the shape of human. In the Death edge, this Archmage as if follows dissipation of wild magic power finally to restore soberly, he stares the big eye, stubbornly is looking steadily at present this young people, as to see through his real status. 此刻的法师身躯也渐渐开始产生变化,原本因为魔力激化而变异的身体开始逐渐恢复成人形,他那张尖锐,细长的血盆大口逐渐收缩,慢慢的重新浮现出了人类的形态。在死亡的边缘,这位大法师似乎伴随着狂暴魔力的消逝而终于恢复了清醒,他瞪大眼睛,死死的盯视着自己眼前这个年轻人,仿佛想要看穿他的真实身份。 Actually you ............ you are who ............... the young people ......... why ......... I never know that ......... in this type of remote place ............ will have unexpectedly your such ..................... & R dquo ; “你…………你究竟是谁……………年轻人………为什么………我从不知道………在这种偏僻之地…………居然还会有你这样的…………………” Hehe. & R dquo ; “呵呵。” Hears the inquiry of mage, Zhan En shows a faint smile & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; One such as the smile of aristocrat, is graceful and false, cannot see any flaw. Then, he holds up the long sword in hand, aimed at the present enemy. 听到法师的询问,詹恩微微一笑———一如贵族的笑容,优雅又虚伪,看不出任何的破绽。接着,他举起手中的长剑,瞄准了眼前的敌人。 You can go ahead and guess. & R dquo ; “你可以猜猜看。” next moment, the long sword in Zhan En hand punctures like this, no stagnation passes through this to twist the ugly body thoroughly at present. 下一刻,詹恩手中的长剑就这样刺下,毫无停滞的彻底贯穿了眼前这具歪曲丑陋的身体。
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