DR :: Volume #3

#293: War of (Last Part) river bank

Roar & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ;!! & R dquo ; “吼——————!!” The strange howling resounds through the skies, suddenly is not only Zhan En, the cavalries in empire also gawked, that sounds looks like a bear to fall into, filled the wild nature and fierce angry roaring that in simply the trap sends out. Their stopping footsteps as if by prior agreement, subconscious raising the head of looks to the sky. 诡异的吼叫声响彻云霄,一时间不但是詹恩,就连帝国的骑兵们也是愣了一下,那听起来简直就像是一头熊掉入陷阱之中所发出的,充满了野性和凶恶的怒吼。他们不约而同的停下脚步,下意识的抬起头来望向天空。 But at this moment, halo magnificence dizzy/fog has diverged, Archmage appeared in the people again at present. 而此刻,光环的华晕已经散去,大法师再一次出现在了众人的目前。 However present he no longer the beforehand stance, his body had inflated about three times compared with the posture of original human, two arm enough about three meters, above is also covering a similar bat wing black thin film, but his head also becomes thin and long, seems like the pterodactyl to be the same. However in comparison, this Archmage upper part is also decent, but his lower part is completely different, from the waist is the granulations of a series of huge inflation, above is moving such as the long whip tentacle, light/only looked made people feel to feel sick. 不过眼下的他已经不复之前的姿态,他的身体比起原本的人类之姿膨胀了将近三倍有余,两只手臂足足有近三米长,上面还覆盖着一层类似蝙蝠翅膀般的黑色薄膜,而他的头也变得又细又长,就好像是翼手龙一样。不过相比之下,这位大法师的上半身还算是有模有样,而他的下半身就完全不同了,从腰部以下是一连串庞大膨胀的肉芽,上面甩动着一个个如长鞭般的触手,光是看了就让人感觉作呕。 Actually is this what thing? 这究竟是什么东西? At this moment, the cavalries in empire stopped the footsteps, surprised uncertain is looking at the monster of space. Regardless how to see does not seem like worth relieved existence, in the folklore has certainly mage to summon the hearsay of various strange lifeform, is at present that huge, float seems like in the in the air monster may be the monster is not so only simple, that pair of bright red eye pupil, the split mouth and huge makes people feel that frightened body, radically is a devil kind of product. 这一刻,帝国的骑兵们都停下了脚步,惊疑不定的望着天上的怪物。那无论怎么看都不像是值得让人安心的存在,民间传说里当然有法师能够召唤各种各样奇怪生物的传闻,可是眼前那个巨大的,悬浮在空中的怪物看起来可不仅仅是怪物这么简单,那双鲜红的眼眸,裂开的嘴巴和巨大又让人感觉恐惧的身躯,根本就是恶魔一类的产物。 This makes empire soldier somewhat have doubts, somewhat fears. Although they are the invaders. But this is a war. In the war, the aggression and defense are only a definition. However like must fight side-by-side with a devil is completely different, here after all is main plane, is not Underdark, is not The lower world. But in main plane, actually no matter among human to kill suffers extreme distress, that is human own matter. No one is willing to be regarded as the demon running dog and accomplice, but now, actually this is ......... 这让帝国士兵们有些疑惑,也有些恐惧。他们虽然是侵略者。但这是一场战争。在战争之中,侵略与防御都只是一个定义。但是如同要和一个恶魔并肩作战就完全不同了,这里毕竟是主位面,不是幽暗地域,也不是下层界。而在主位面,不管人类之间究竟杀的多么死去活来,那都是人类自己的事情。谁也不愿意被当做是魔族的走狗和帮凶,但是现在,这究竟是……… This may really be ugly, Enoya. & R dquo ; “这可真是难看,埃诺娅。” Distant standing in hillside another side woods, Zhan En embraces the both arms, to that float is curling the lip in the in the air monster, then has turned the head to look to Enoya says. 远远的站在山坡另外一侧的树林之中,詹恩怀抱双臂,对着那悬浮在空中的怪物撇了撇嘴,接着转过头望向埃诺娅开口说道。 I demon was also many in Demon World has seen, however long such turnoff ......... estimate, only then Undead king and Stiff Maggot Thane this goods the meeting is willing to raise. & R dquo ; “我在魔界见过的魔物也不少了,但是长的这么倒胃口的………估计只有不死之王僵蛆领主这种货色才会愿意养。” Degree of probably medium demon. & R dquo ; “大概中等魔物的程度。” Hears Zhan En's to speak, Enoya shows a faint smile. Then she looked at one to float the shadow in sky, then said. 听到詹恩的说话,埃诺娅微微一笑。然后她望了一眼浮在天空上的黑影,接着开口说道。 It seems like human regarding the magic power receptivity is insufficiently high. & R dquo ; “看来人类对于魔力的接受程度还是不够高。” „ That without any ceremony prepares, turns into this human demon is not very easy. & R dquo ; “在没有任何仪式准备的情况下,把一个人类魔化成这样已经算是很不容易了。” Facing the speech of Enoya, Zhan En shrugs the shoulders, later by a he such crooked depending on stone sat, then sees side Enoya respectful arriving Zhan En's. Both hands turn. A next moment pot braves the steam the black tea and clear thorough teacup appears in the present stone platform like this, later the Zhan En such carefree taking up teacup, was hearing inside tea aroma blew the tone. 面对埃诺娅的说话,詹恩耸耸肩膀,随后他就这样歪歪斜斜的靠着旁边的一块石头坐了下来,紧接着便看见埃诺娅恭敬的来到詹恩的身边。双手一翻。下一刻一壶冒着热气的红茶与晶莹透彻的茶杯就这样出现在了眼前的石台上,随后詹恩就这样悠闲自在的拿起茶杯,闻着内里的茶香吹了口气。 Then, makes us watch a good play. & R dquo ; “接下来,就让我们看一场好戏吧。” Has changed into demon Archmage does not seem to detect oneself has what inappropriate place, in fact his present feeling is very good. Huge magic power flows in his body continuously, seems him to contemplate to be the same frequently, at this moment his brain is also incomparably fresh, all kinds of magic incantation, so long as a recollection can appear in own brain slightly, he even can feel flowing of storm, hindered his these to exist. As if had completely vanished generally., 已经化为魔物的大法师似乎并没有察觉到自己有什么不妥当的地方,事实上他现在的感觉很好。庞大的魔力源源不断的流入他的身体之中,就好像他时时刻刻都在冥想一样,此刻他的脑筋也是无比清新,各种各样的魔法咒文只要稍一回忆就可以出现在自己的大脑之中,他甚至可以感受到风暴的流动,原本阻碍他的那些存在。仿佛都已经完全消失了一般。、 This is the strength, the unequalled strength, he gets hold of the double fist, the howling sound of wind only feels as if spins in own body, that seems him to place oneself in storm plane same & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; This feeling once when he stepped into the legendary domain has felt one time, just after that he did not have such feeling again. But now, storm that familiar aura returned to his body again, agitation that cannot start, echo. 这就是力量,无与伦比的力量,他握紧双拳,只感觉的风的呼啸声仿佛在自己的身体之中打转,那就好像他置身于风暴位面一样———这种感觉曾经在他踏入传奇领域的时候感受过一次,只不过在那之后,他就再也没有这样的感觉。而现在,风暴那熟悉的气息再次回到了他的身体之中,开始不住的鼓动,回响。 The strength, this is the strength, don't tell me, oneself overstepped that boundary finally, arrived at legendary domain peak & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; The summit of principle?! No, this feeling, this type as if grasps all feelings, is demigod? Have oneself in grasped the strength of principle? 力量,这就是力量,难道说,自己终于超越了那个界限,来到了传奇领域的巅峰———法则之巅?!不,这种感觉,这种仿佛掌握一切的感觉,是半神吗?难道自己在不知不觉间已经掌握了法则之力? Thinks of here, Archmage pleasant surprise even more, he lowers the head, looks toward, later & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Was shocked. 想到这里,大法师越发的惊喜,他低下头,向着下方望去,随后———不由的愣住了。 On the sandbank, these dared to prevent his maggot to be missing before. But the cavalries in empire have not charged like he thinks, on the contrary, everyone stands there dull, the opening mouth raised the head to gaze at him. Most starts Archmage also to think that this is because of them regarding the incomparably powerful expectation. However is quick he to discover that the matter is not right, because these people gaze in oneself vision not to respect and respect & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Only then loathes and fear. 在河滩上,之前那些胆敢阻挡他的蛆虫已经不见了踪影。而帝国的骑兵们并没有像他所想的那样冲锋,相反,所有人都呆呆的站在那里,张大嘴巴抬起头来注视着他。最开始大法师还以为这是因为他们对于自己无比强大的憧憬。但是很快他就发现事情不对,因为那些人注视自己的目光中没有尊敬和敬仰———只有厌恶与恐惧。 Sees this, Archmage to feel burning with anger suddenly, these lowly, how can the damn mortal like this? How can they gaze at demigod mage with this vision? They do not know, at this moment appears before them, is one is powerful, how fearful existence? No, they must know!! If they do not know, then makes them realize own strength personally!! 看见这一幕,大法师忽然觉得怒火中烧起来,这些低贱的,该死的凡人怎么可以这样?他们怎么能够用这种目光注视一位半神法师?难道他们不知道,此刻出现在他们面前的,是一个多么强大,多么可怕的存在吗?不,他们必须知道!!如果他们不知道的话,那么就让他们亲自来体会自己的力量吧!! You are looking at anything!! & R dquo ; “你们在看什么!!” Archmage angrily roars to put out a hand, along with his movement, the air hits the vortex to change into the giant tornado again, thunders is firing into the ground, numerous stroking among these cavalries, see are only off their feet suddenly, these cavalries have not thought completely they will be under the foray of this monster, immediately was screaming to disperses in all directions. But has not had the affected cavalries in the rear area takes up own bow crossbow rapidly, the monster of aiming space commenced fire. Although they do not know that this outcome what's the matter, what we definitely know is that this monster harbors evil intentions absolutely!! 大法师怒吼着伸出手去,伴随着他的动作,空气打着漩再次化为巨大的龙卷风,轰鸣着冲向地面,重重的击打在那些骑兵中间,只见一时间人仰马翻,那些骑兵完全没有想到他们会遭遇到这个怪物的突然袭击,顿时尖叫着向四面八方散开。而在后方尚未有被波及的骑兵们则迅速拿起了自己的弓弩,瞄准天上的怪物开始射击。虽然他们不知道这究竟是怎么回事,但可以肯定的是,这个怪物绝对不怀好意!! You dare to attack me unexpectedly!!! & R dquo ; “你们居然敢攻击我!!!” Detected that the howling sound of arrow arrow, Archmage angrily roars is turning around to look at rearward these cavalries, he opens the mouth, made hissing the sound, then both hands wield, quick sees the atmospheric the barrier to tumble is arriving at his side, as if an only invisible hand held these arrow arrows, then returned their old route. These unlucky eggs have not even made any response, only sees itself to be black light at present flashes, the arrow arrow that later they projectedoriginal returns & R dquo on this ;, Injected in the body of cavalries. 察觉到箭矢的呼啸声,大法师怒吼着转过身来望向后方那些骑兵,他张开嘴巴,发出了嘶嘶的声响,接着双手一挥,很快就看见大气的屏障翻滚着来到他的身边,仿佛一只只无形的手抓住了那些箭矢,接着将它们原路返还了回去。那些倒霉蛋甚至没有做出任何反应,只看见自己眼前黑光一闪,随后他们原本射出的箭矢就这样“原物归还”,射入了骑兵们的身体之中。 Counter-, simply is instead!! „ “反了,简直是反了!!“ This a series of attacks make Archmage be burning with anger, he had not detected why not completely assumes the post right, all that before had seemed to have forgotten to him, he did not even have to ponder why now only then here, actually before assisted itself to conduct these people of Ring of Magic ceremony to run up to where went, this to him radically immaterial. But regarding has turned into demon at present thoroughly Archmage, most importantly, is under the lesson this crowd arrives rashly dares to attack own stinking insect unexpectedly! How do they dare to treat itself like this? Is this envies? They envied me to have the strength of transcending the mortal world, therefore wanted to eliminate me? The meaning of Ring of Magic association that old codger? In the surface wants me to come to here to help, in fact actually plans to want my life here? 这一连串的攻击让大法师怒火中烧,他完全没有察觉到任何不对,之前所发生的一切对于他来说似乎早已经忘记,他甚至都没有去思考为什么现在只有自己一个人在这里,之前协助自己进行环法仪式的那些人究竟跑到哪里去了,这对于他来说根本就无关紧要。而对于眼前已经彻底变成魔物的大法师来说,最重要的,就是教训下面这群胆大妄为到居然敢攻击自己的臭虫!他们怎么敢这样对待自己?难道这就是嫉妒吗?他们嫉妒我拥有了超凡入圣的力量,所以才想要消灭我吗?还是环法协会那个老不死的意思?表面上要我来这里帮忙,实际上却打算在这里要我的命? No, I will not concede!! Now, I had the strength, compared with a former more powerful strength!! I will defeat all dare to revolt against my person, I will have all!! & R dquo ; “不,我是不会就此服输的!!现在,我拥有了力量,比以前更加强大的力量!!我会击败所有胆敢反抗我的人,我会拥有一切!!” Is roaring, Archmage speeds away downward, then his body below tentacle stretches out fast, curls up to twine cavalries on several horseback to the sky, later such a throws, then opens the mouth, struggles unlucky egg that from the sky is dancing in the air to bite that blood-curdling screech, then swallowed. The rich blood aura transmits, making him feel even more excitedly, not only that Archmage also discovered, comes along with the blood, fragrant incomparable magic power. 一面怒吼着,大法师一面疾驰向下,接着他身体下方的触手飞快伸出,将几个马背上的骑兵卷起缠绕着拉向天空,随后就这么一抛,接着张开嘴巴,将那惨叫挣扎着在空中飞舞的倒霉蛋一口咬住,然后吞咽了下去。浓郁的鲜血气息传来,让他感到越发兴奋,不仅如此,大法师还发现,伴随着鲜血而来的,还有一股香甜无比的魔力 This may really be interesting. & R dquo ; “这可真是有趣。” Leisurely is drinking the black tea, Zhan En looks to the sandbank of distant place says after a sigh. At this moment in his eyes, that is transformed demon that becomes to howl by Archmage downward, starts to launch the attack to the Goldshire Empire troop. But facing the attack of this huge demon, the Goldshire Empire cavalries simply does not have the slight preparation, immediately was flushed a inconsistency. But that Archmage as if not detected, but is attacking the present enemy as before crazily. 一面悠闲自得的喝着红茶,詹恩一面望向远处的河滩感叹道。此刻在他的眼中,那个由大法师转化而成的魔物已经呼啸向下,开始对闪金帝国的骑兵队发起袭击。而面对这个巨大魔物的袭击,闪金帝国的骑兵们根本没有丝毫心理准备,顿时就被冲了个七零八落。而那个大法师似乎对此毫无察觉,而是依旧疯狂的攻击着眼前的敌人。 This is demonic nature, it will not wipe to disappear your memory, will not make you turn into a brand-new person, will only twist your personality and thought that making you step onto another before the completely different paths. But what is more important, few can detect this transformation , when because they take this road, in their eyes does not have other things, the demonic nature instinct will take over control of their bodies quickly, then takes over control of their thought that will then make them view the issue in the demon thinking pattern completely. But now this Archmage this, under the curse of Cerberus, he has transformed as demon completely, will not have the opportunity of returning to the fold again. Perhaps regarding others, this transformation is very sudden, but regarding the litigant, he did not think from the start own transformation has anything to be strange. Even also thinks that this is awakens, understood the omen of the world truth. But at present regarding Zhan En is also a good opportunity, because at this moment, this Archmage is in the period of just transforming, in this period the wild demon instinct will control his all, making him vent the darkness and pain of innermost feelings heartily, thus infiltrates in the soul, in this period of time, the demon it strength that although transforms will be increased, but the reason will actually drop to a dog has no difference, but regarding Zhan En, copes with a dog, obviously is a very simple matter. 这就是魔性化,它不会抹消你的记忆,不会让你变成一个全新的人,只会扭曲你的人格和思想,让你走上另外一条与之前完全不同的道路。而更重要的是,几乎没有人能够察觉到这种转变,因为当他们走上这条路的时候,他们的眼中就已经没有了其他的东西,魔性的本能很快就会接管他们的身体,然后接管他们的思想,接着就会让他们完全以魔族的思考方式去看问题。而现在这位大法师就这样,在塞伯拉斯的诅咒下,他已经完全转化为魔物,而且不会再有浪子回头的机会了。或许对于其他人来说,这种转变很突然,但是对于当事人来说,他压根不觉得自己的转化有什么奇怪的。甚至还会认为这是自己觉醒,了解了世界真理的先兆。而眼下对于詹恩来说也是个好机会,因为此刻,这位大法师正处于刚刚转化完毕的时期,这段时期里狂暴的魔族本能会控制住他的一切,让他尽情的发泄自己内心的黑暗与痛苦,从而渗透进灵魂之中,在这段时间里,虽然转化的魔物本身实力会有所提升,但是理智却会下降到一条狗没有什么区别,而对于詹恩来说,对付一条狗,显然是件非常简单的事情。 Time was up. & R dquo ; “时间差不多了。” Looks is transformed demon that to wield the wing by Archmage again, bringing the strong winds of roaring to blow to collapse river valley nearby hill, making several hundred cavalries be buried after the ruins of hill next, Zhan En stood up, gave nearby Enoya the teacup, later he put out a hand, stroked under the sword hilt of waist. 看着由大法师转变的魔物再一次挥动翅膀,带着咆哮的狂风吹塌了河谷旁边的小山,使得数百名骑兵被掩埋在小山的废墟下之后,詹恩重新站起身来,将茶杯递给了旁边的埃诺娅,随后他伸出手去,抚摸了下自己腰间的剑柄。 „, Then is almost this/should we enters the stage, ended this farce the time ............... & R dquo ; “那么,接下来差不多就是该我们出场,结束这场闹剧的时候了……………”
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