DR :: Volume #3

#292: War of (Middle Part) river bank

The purple lightning drops from the clouds, after swallowing Archmage fell on the river bank, suddenly sees only in the river water the electric light twinkle. Enoya raises in the hand that the sickle that is congealed by the lightning, makes an effort to wield forward. Afterward then sees the silver snake chaotic dance, the wild electric current covers the entire river bank. But these cavalries have bad luck, in a moment on the crying father shouted mother lay down a piece. 紫色的闪电从天而降,在吞噬了大法师之后落在河岸上,一时间只见河水之中电光闪烁。埃诺娅举起手中那由闪电凝结的镰刀,向前用力挥下。随后便看见银蛇乱舞,狂暴的电流将整个河岸都笼罩在内。而那些骑兵更是倒了大霉,一眨眼的工夫就哭爹喊娘的躺倒了一片。 But their above mage groups cannot escape by luck. While that thunder hits Archmage, electric lights also turn toward immediately spread in all directions erupt, toward other mage assaults. But facing attack that this such as it comes suddenly, these mage are also startled, suddenly sees only the magic brilliance twinkle, the colorful all kinds of magics protected the shield to appear in their side like this, but has not waited for them to make the next step movement, the closely associated lightning has been howling enormously, brought a series of explosions continuously in the sky. 而他们上方的法师团也没有能够幸免。在那道雷霆击中大法师的同时,一道道电光也顿时向着四面八方扩散爆发,向着其他法师袭去。而面对这忽如其来的袭击,那些法师也是大吃一惊,一时间只见魔法光辉闪烁而过,紧接着五颜六色各种各样的魔法护盾就这样出现在了他们的身边,而是还没有等他们做出下一步的动作,如影随形的闪电就已经呼啸着极大了过来,在天空上带来了一连串连绵不断的爆炸。 When Archmage protects from the storm of howling in the shield recovers, sees, only then lies down empire soldier as well as their warhorse on sandbank. However all these regarding this Archmage at all are not anything, on the contrary, he panic-stricken uncertain is looking steadily at opposite that peaceful standing in the young man behind aristocrat young lady, when lightning sickle that seeing her hand grips tightly, the eye pupil of Archmage contracted immediately. 大法师从呼啸的暴风护盾之中回过神来时,所看见的只有躺倒在河滩上的大片大片的帝国士兵以及他们的战马。不过这一切对于这位大法师来说根本不算什么,相反,他惊恐不定的盯视着对面那个安静的站在年轻男子身后的贵族小姐,在看到她手中紧握的闪电镰刀时,大法师的眼眸顿时收缩了起来。 Element obviously, another legendary powerhouse! 元素显化,又一个传奇强者! At this moment Archmage only felt oneself seem like having a dream simply, must know entire Goldshire Empire also 56 legendary domains powerhouses. This was the empire spent big strength training and recruits, although had no way to compare with the Seth strong country like this. However as a medium country. The Goldshire Empire strength is quite strong. After all the legendary powerhouse is not the cabbage, looked that Skaar federation so many years had/left a sword Saint, understand that the legendary powerhouse is rare. However now, he met two legendary powerhouse & mda S h in Passus this remote incomparable place unexpectedly ; No, the strength of element these two people control before sneak attacks own that also differently, in other words, in this damn damned place. Unexpectedly three legendary powerhouses? 这一刻大法师只感觉自己简直好像是在做梦,要知道整个闪金帝国也不过才五六个传奇领域的强者。这还是帝国花费了大力气培养和招募的,虽然和塞斯这样的强大国家没法比。但是作为一个中等国家。闪金帝国的实力已经算是相当强劲了。毕竟传奇强者可不是大白菜,就看斯卡尔联邦这么多年才出了一个剑圣,就明白传奇强者有多么罕见。但是现在,他居然在帕苏斯这个偏僻无比的地方遇到了两个传奇强者—不,这两个人控制的元素之力与之前偷袭自己的那个也不一样,也就是说,在这个该死的鬼地方。居然有三个传奇强者? Is this possible? 这怎么可能呢? Why Archmage cannot think through like this, but compared with the strength of opposite party, their ages instead makes him feel surprised, because, that young aristocrat and his behind that young lady seems like also less than looking from the outside 20 years old, but actually has such strength unexpectedly ......... they are who? Are don't tell me these fellows the children of God's family? 大法师怎么也想不通为什么会这样,不过比起对方的实力,他们的年纪反而更让他感到惊讶,因为从外表来看,那个年轻的贵族和他身后的那位大小姐看起来似乎还不到二十岁,可是居然就已经拥有了这样的实力………他们究竟是什么人?难道说这些家伙是神眷之子吗? Thinks of here, Archmage more wants more to feel to have the possibility, although he assists the Goldshire Empire army is not interested regarding this time, but has conscientiously done the schoolwork. Knows that this stretch of territory is an awarding a decoration aristocrat. But the awarding a decoration aristocrat stems from Templar Order is not the secret. Under 20-year-old young people, what merit no matter made, looks like in Archmage by the sealed aristocrats is not an easy matter. But if were the child of God's family that were different, they received care and love of gods since birth, has the unequalled talent, moreover will receive the respect and love of Templar Order. If such a background. Then can understand why this young people can obtain awarding a decoration of Templar Order. 想到这里,大法师越想越觉得有可能,虽然他对于这次来协助闪金帝国的军队不怎么感兴趣,但还是认真做过功课的。知道这片领地是属于一个授勋贵族所有。而授勋贵族出自圣堂教团也不是什么秘密。一个不到20岁的年轻人,不管做出了什么样的功绩,在大法师看来被受封贵族都不是件容易的事情。但如果是神眷之子的话那就不一样了,他们生来就受神明的眷顾和宠爱,拥有着无与伦比的天赋,而且也会受到圣堂教团的尊敬与爱戴。如果是这样一个背景的话。那么就可以理解为什么这个年轻人能够获得圣堂教团的授勋了。 These damn god sticks! 那些该死的神棍! Thinks of here. Archmage only felt oneself had completely understood completely the present all these, Templar Order obviously controlled Passus with the aid of this awarding a decoration aristocrat's hand, otherwise, will here possibly have three legendary powerhouses? 想到这里。大法师只感觉自己已经完全看透了眼前的这一切,圣堂教团明显就是借助这位授勋贵族之手控制了帕苏斯,不然的话,这里怎么可能会有三位传奇强者呢? After learning of this news, Archmage not only has not revealed to fear intent, on the contrary, felt oneself were played the anger in his flaming burns at heart. Historically and these religious believers never cope, looks like in mage, the gods are just quite powerful, has exceeded every world the person. Let alone in the war of saint. Also had the gods to fall from the sky, the mortal to seal/confer God story, to them, this is the ultimate objective of each. 在得知了这个消息之后,大法师非但没有露出惧意,相反,一股感觉自己被耍了的怒火在他的心里熊熊燃烧起来。在历史上施法者和那些宗教信徒从来就不对付,在法师看来,神明只不过是比较强大,已经超越了凡世的人而已。更何况在圣者之战中。也曾经有过神明陨落,凡人封神的故事,对于他们来说,这就是每一个施法者的终极目标。 But looks like in Templar Order, the mage actions are blaspheming the gods and their belief radically, these damn no news are one crowd of evil, sly and dangerous fellow. In this world does not have the mage words to be better. Therefore always, the relations between follower and mage are not harmonious, Holy nation Seth and between country of Corencia demon leading has even also erupted two holy wars, but each other is unable to do to opposite party. Therefore these wars have no result finally, but deepened and religious believers tension between. 而在圣堂教团看来,法师们的所作所为根本就是在亵渎神明和他们的信仰,这些该死的无信者都是一群邪恶,狡猾又危险的家伙。这个世界上没有法师的话会更好。所以一直以来,信徒和法师之间的关系都不怎么和睦,圣国塞斯和魔导之国科伦西亚之间甚至还爆发过两次圣战,只不过彼此都无法奈何的了对方。因此这些战争最终也没有什么结果,只是加深了施法者和宗教信徒之间的紧张关系。 But as, this Archmage does not like Templar Order similarly, after realizing them fell into the snares of these damn god sticks, this Archmage also bristles with anger immediately. Thinks these god stick complacent expressions, make him be mad do not hit come out. But in fact, Archmage had set firm resolve at this time, must give the opposite party an attractiveness! 而作为一个施法者,这位大法师同样不喜欢圣堂教团,而在意识到他们落入了那些该死的神棍的圈套中之后,这位大法师也顿时怒发冲冠。一想到那些神棍得意洋洋的表情,就让他气不打一出来。而事实上,这个时候大法师已经下定决心,一定要给对方一个好看! Prepares the Ring of Magic ceremony!! & R dquo ; “准备环法仪式!!” Sir? & R dquo ; “大人?” Hears the speech of Archmage, follows stares in his behind several mage, they are not the fool, might these fellows who the opposite party that struck a moment ago naturally also watch. mage are very clear, this absolutely is not the opponent who they can resist, mage is not warrior, knew perfectly well that does not beat must clash upward. To be honest, when detected that opposite party unexpectedly two legend powerhouses, they have to draw back intent. However has not thought of this Archmage your excellency, not only does not have the choice to retreat, instead can also continue to attack? mage look at each other in blank dismay, quick, a mage station, the hesitant opens the mouth said. 听到大法师的说话,跟随在他身后的数个法师都是一愣,他们也不是傻瓜,对方刚才那一击的威力这些家伙自然也是看在眼里。法师们心里都很清楚,这绝对不是他们可以对抗的对手,法师可不是战士,明知不敌还非要往上冲。说实话,在察觉对方居然有两个传奇强者的时候,他们就已经心生退意。但是没想到这位大法师阁下非但没有选择撤退,反而还要继续进攻?法师们面面相觑,很快,一个法师站出来,犹豫的开口说道。 Sir, but among them has ............... & R dquo ; “大人,可是他们当中有……………” Shuts up to me, they only then less than 50 people, having anything are good to fear!! Now, immediately starts the Ring of Magic ceremony to me! & R dquo ; “给我闭嘴,他们只有不到五十个人,有什么好怕的!!现在,立刻给我启动环法仪式!” Archmage is roaring speech that broke itself behind these fools, he has turned the head, the people discovered panic-stricken the Archmage complexion at this moment is fierce, even in his eyes, indistinct sparkle several points of red brilliance. Even his imposing manner, one type strange gloomy and cold and feeling of terrifying. However at present they do not have other means that can only obey the order action of that Archmage. Quick. Saw only nine mage to walk rapidly. They hold up magic staff in hand high, is chanting the mysterious incantation in a low voice. next moment, sparkles bright red brilliance magic to take them to launch as the pivot like this, each other interlocked the congealment to form a giant ring. 大法师怒吼着打断了自己身后那些笨蛋的发言,他转过头去,众人惊恐的发现此刻的大法师面色狰狞,甚至在他的眼中,隐隐约约的闪耀着几分红色的光辉。甚至连他身上的气势,也给人一种诡异阴冷和恐怖的感觉。不过眼下他们也没有别的办法,只能够遵照那位大法师的命令行动。很快。只见九个法师迅速走了出来。他们高高举起手中的法杖,低声咏唱着神秘的咒文。下一刻,闪耀着鲜红光辉的魔法阵就这样以他们为支点展开,彼此交错凝结形成了一个巨大的圆环。 What that is, master? & R dquo ; “那是什么,主人?” Looks at the ring on distant place sky, Enoya blinks, revealed a vigilant flavor. 看着远处天空上的圆环,埃诺娅眨了眨眼睛,露出了一丝警惕的味道。 I felt the demon aura ............... & R dquo ; “我感觉到了魔族的气息……………” Is the Ring of Magic association studies the Ring of Magic's staff later achievement. & R dquo ; “是环法协会研究环法之杖之后的成果吧。” Regarding this Zhan En thinks little actually. demon compared with human regarding flowing sensitive many of magic power, Enoya had not perhaps detected, but he had discovered huge magic power continuous follows law in body that from the body of that nine mage flows to that Archmage. But absorbed nine people of magic power Archmage also seemed even more powerful, if before he also because of being injured, but somewhat weak words, then this Archmage has fully restored the peak level now. At the present his ability, wants to keep off two is not the difficult matter. 对此詹恩倒是不以为意。魔族本身就比人类对于魔力的流动敏感的多,或许埃诺娅还没有察觉,但是他已经发现庞大的魔力正源源不断的从那九个法师的身上顺着法阵流淌到那位大法师的身体之中。而吸收了九人魔力大法师也显得越发强大,如果说之前他还因为受伤而有些虚弱的话,那么现在这位大法师已经完全恢复了巅峰的水准。以现在他的能力,想要以一挡二并不是什么难事。 However ............... 不过…………… Thinks of here, Zhan En sneered was looking at that Archmage, then he took back the long sword, the wrist/skill turned. Afterward then sees a blackness, the seemingly ordinary cane appeared in the Zhan En's hand like this. Demonic Artifact & mda S h that Zhan En has ; Cerberus. 想到这里,詹恩冷笑着望了一眼那个大法师,接着他收回长剑,手腕一翻。随后便看见一把漆黑,看起来平淡无奇的手杖就这样出现在了詹恩的手中。那正是詹恩所拥有的魔器—塞伯拉斯 Just, this Zhan En puts out Cerberus to come, to not fight. 只不过,这一次詹恩拿出塞伯拉斯来,可不是为了战斗的。 As antiquity Demonic Artifact , Cerberus has the magnificent past, but now in Zhan En it is only restored incomplete. Does not have the strength of peak. But despite that. Cerberus has an attribute to exist. That is all by the person who the Cerberus wound arrives, will become demon. 作为一把上古魔器,塞伯拉斯可谓拥有着辉煌的过去,只不过现在在詹恩手里的它只是一个被修复的残缺品。并没有巅峰时期的力量。但是即便如此。塞伯拉斯有一条属性还是存在的。那就是所有被塞伯拉斯伤到的人,都会变为魔物。 Perhaps at present this Archmage is no exception, him has not detected, but as higher demon, Zhan En has smelled in the magic power aura that his rushed to disclose similarly that faint trace sulfur flavor that clearly, this Archmage your excellency demon transformation advancement is smooth. But now seems like ......... him as if to look forward to be smoother. 眼前这位大法师也不例外,或许他本身还没有察觉到,但是同样作为高等魔族,詹恩已经闻到了他那澎湃的魔力气息之中透露出来的那一丝丝硫磺的味道,很明显,这位大法师阁下的魔物化进程非常顺利。而现在看起来………他似乎巴不得更加顺利一些。 Thinks of here, the Zhan En corners of the mouth turn upwards slightly, looks again to the sky. In his opinion, this Archmage choice strengthens magic power to bring about own destruction simply. magic power. demon, magic, these beltsdemon & R dquo ; The words and expressions had shown their source, in fact magic power and magic come from demon, but demon is the congealment body of huge magic power. Now this Archmage your excellency so wild absorption magic power promotes own strength, comes that in Zhan En simply on own initiative the advancement that speeds up the demon to transform into. 想到这里,詹恩嘴角微微翘起,再次望向天空。在他看来,这位大法师选择增强魔力简直就是自寻死路。魔力魔族,魔法,这些带着“魔”的词语就已经说明了他们的本源,事实上魔力和魔法都来自于魔族,而魔族本身就是庞大魔力的凝结体。现在这位大法师阁下如此狂暴的吸收魔力来提升自己的力量,在詹恩开来那简直就是主动加快魔物化的进程啊。 Does not know, actually this weaponry can also hit? 就是不知道,这一仗还究竟要不要打了呢? Is pondering, Zhan En gets hold of cane & mda S h in hand ; Quick, sees only jet black, in ordinary not wonderful palm surface, a series of bright red, incantation that blasphemed evilly. They arrange in turn, the twinkle, changes into the brand-new sentence finally. 一面思考着,詹恩一面握紧手中的手杖—很快,只见在漆黑的,平凡无奇的手掌表面上,一连串鲜红,邪恶而亵渎的咒文。它们依次排列,闪烁,最后化为全新的语句。 X & R S quo ; mli S t “x’mlist na S ge R nasger liona S. & R dquo ; lionas。” The strength, this is the strength!! 力量,这就是力量!! Felt continuous magic power since own body, Archmage stares in a big way the eye, at this moment he felt that oneself so powerful, omnipotent, anything is unable to prevent him. Templar Order cannot, opposite these Imp (little demon) unable, even Goldshire Empire, does not have the means to prevent own advance!! 感受到源源不断的魔力进入自己的身体,大法师瞪大了眼睛,这一刻他感觉到自己是如此的强大,无所不能,任何东西都无法阻止他。圣堂教团不能,对面那些小鬼不能,甚至就连闪金帝国,也没有办法阻止自己的前进!! Thinks of here, he laughs, raises the right hand then to make an effort to below to press. Quick, dozens meters wide tornado erupted from his hand together like this, revolve the impact bang to hit on the sandbank, suddenly the Zhan En young girl knights hand/subordinate also retreated in abundance, beyond left this wild storm. Sees only that tornado to revolve like this advance, everywhere one visit everything may become vulnerable, even the forest and solid rock collapse under its might. 想到这里,他大笑一声,举起右手接着用力向下一按。很快,一道足足有数十米宽的龙卷风就这样从他的手中爆发,旋转着冲击轰打在了河滩上,一时间詹恩手下的少女骑士们也是纷纷撤退,以远离这狂暴的风浪。只见那条龙卷风就这样旋转着前进,所到之处地动山摇,连森林与坚石都在它的威力下崩溃。 Sees this, Goldshire Empire soldier to cheer immediately, If nothing else, was only that seems like as if connects the day and place, the giant incomparable tornado has been representing the enough powerful strength, if that strength appeared in the battlefield, swept away all obstacles absolutely. But now near this not big sandbank, seems to be a fierce giant beast, is roaring sweeping across, the absorption, then destroys to keep off on its progress all. 看见这一幕,闪金帝国士兵们顿时欢呼起来,别的不说,光是那看起来仿佛连接天与地,巨大无比的龙卷风本身就已经代表着足够强大的力量,那种力量如果出现在战场上的话,绝对是所向披靡。而现在在这条不大的河滩边,更是仿佛一头凶猛的巨兽,咆哮着席卷,吸收,然后毁灭挡在它前进道路上的一切。 It seems like these mage have real skill. & R dquo ; “看来这些法师还是有两下子的。” Sees this, rear Charlotte also felt relieved, him also thinks these mage besides disturbed to oneself is useless. However now seems like some spell uses that these god gods talked on endlessly. He even in wants to make that conceited Archmage replace own soldier to put down entire Passus simply to consider as finished, above these people will not care regarding the Passus lead(er) people in any case ......... ......... think of here, Charlotte looks again to the front, looks that say/way giant tornado thundered was cracking-up by a Ronda river valley hill, continued scene forward. 看见这一幕,后方的夏洛特也是放心了许多,原本他还以为这些法师除了给自己捣乱之外毫无用处。不过现在看起来这些神神叨叨的法术还是有些用处的。他甚至不由的在想干脆就让那个狂妄自大的大法师代替自己的士兵扫平整个帕苏斯算了,反正上面那些人对于帕苏斯的领民也不会放在心上………不过………想到这里,夏洛特再次望向前方,看着那道巨大的龙卷风轰鸣着撞碎了兰达河谷旁边的一座小山,继续向前的场景。 Has to acknowledge, this also is really magnificent. 不得不承认,这一幕还真是壮观。 But what makes Charlotte unable to think, at this moment in a law center, actually is completely another scene. 但让夏洛特想不到的是,此刻在法阵中央,却完全是另外一幅景象。 Insufficiently, but also insufficiently!!! & R dquo ; “不够,还不够!!!” Archmage raises both hands high, his eyes had turned into blood red completely, even can see the blue vein that sticks out suddenly on the forehead and nape of the neck. But in his body side, that nine mage has actually looked pale at this moment, sweat profusely. Their strengths had almost been squeezed completely, but this Archmage, seems at present dissatisfied! 大法师高高举起双手,他的双眼已经完全变成了一片血红,甚至在额头和脖颈上都可以看见暴起的青筋。而在他的身侧,那九个法师此刻却已经是面色苍白,大汗淋漓。他们的力量几乎已经被压榨殆尽,而眼前这位大法师,似乎还不满足! Archmage your excellency, we could not have withstood, must relieve the Ring of Magic ceremony! & R dquo ; 大法师阁下,我们已经承受不住了,必须要解除环法仪式!” Finally, some people could not bear great shout, mage magic power was their lives, but now, their magic power are passing at the beyond control speed fast, clearly, the present Ring of Magic ceremony leading power your excellency had been taken away by Archmage completely, they think the opposite party wants to strengthen the strength to deal with the present enemy. However now seems like, has matter as if changed? 终于,有人忍不住大声呼喊了起来,法师魔力就是他们的生命,而现在,他们的魔力正在以自己无法控制的速度飞快流逝,很明显,眼前的环法仪式主导权已经完全被大法师阁下拿走,原本他们以为对方只是想要增强力量来对付眼前的敌人。但是现在看起来,事情似乎有所变化? Relieves? Irrelievable!! This strength is insufficient, I must be more, are more!! & R dquo ; “解除?不能解除!!这点儿力量还不够,我还要更多,更多!!” Hears subordinate's speech, Archmage, not only has not relieved the meaning of ceremony, on the contrary, he has turned the head, stared a that fellow, then the left hand wields forward, next moment saw only to be imprisoned by the magic halo in nearby all mage together. Afterward then sees that bright red law to start to proliferate, in a moment, wrapped Archmage side all completely. 听到部下的说话,大法师非但没有解除仪式的意思,相反,他转过头去,瞪了一眼那个家伙,接着左手向前一挥,下一刻只见在旁边的所有法师都被一道魔法光环禁锢了起来。随后便看见那个鲜红的法阵开始扩散,眨眼的工夫,就将大法师身边所有的施法者全部包裹在了起来。 I also need the strength, more strengths, this strength is insufficient, you come to become our food!! & R dquo ; “我还需要力量,更多的力量,这点儿力量根本不够,你们都来成为我们的食粮吧!!” Archmage angrily roars is lifting up high both hands, on his nape of the neck, near the elbow, strange demon marks starts spread fast, stretches. 大法师怒吼着高举双手,在他的脖颈上,手肘边,一道道诡异的魔纹开始飞快的蔓延,舒展。 But next moment, entire law, becomes a darkness suddenly. 下一刻,整个法阵,骤然变得一片漆黑。 Empties like the wild animal angry roaring sound all night.( To be continued 紧接着,如同野兽般的怒吼声响彻夜空。(未完待续 .) 。)
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