DR :: Volume #3

#291: War of (First Part) river bank

They came!! 他们来了!! Looks the signal that in the sky soars high, Charlotte gawked, he has not thought completely opposite party's response so will be unexpectedly quick. Now from the distance, currently the quickest army also just through the sandbank of Ronda river valley, is the opposite party who he can think only definitely is prepared early, therefore since can in such a short time organize the army to counter-attack, now he only hopes that the number of opposite party should not be too many, perhaps otherwise, this attack must abort. 看着天空之中高高飞起的信号,夏洛特愣了一下,他完全没有想到对方的反应居然会这么快。从距离来看,现在最快的部队也不过才刚刚通过兰达河谷的河滩,现在他唯一能够想到的就是对方肯定对此早有准备,所以才能够在这么短的时间里组织起军队进行反击,现在他只希望对方的数量不要太多,不然的话,这次袭击恐怕就要胎死腹中了。 During when just Charlotte communicates from the magic obtains about the exact information of opposite party, this Goldshire Empire star of hope suddenly even thinks oneself misunderstood. 只不过当夏洛特从魔法通信之中得到关于对方的确切信息时,这位闪金帝国的希望之星一时间甚至认为自己是不是听错了。 40 people? & R dquo ; “四十个人?” Yes, Sir!! & R dquo ; “是的,大人!!” Another side troop platoon leader angrily roared through the magic gem hoarsely passed to the ear of Charlotte, but also along with rumble explosion sound sound. Also does not know that actually that side what happened, but the present is racing against time time, he also inquired about these bored issues without enough time. 另外一侧骑兵队小队长声嘶力竭的怒吼通过魔法宝石传到了夏洛特的耳中,还伴随着隆隆的轰响声。也不知道那边究竟发生了什么事情,不过眼下是争分夺秒的时候,他也来不及去询问那些无聊的问题。 „ Who are they? & R dquo ; “他们是什么人?” Is the girls, at least seems like should be the 17-18 years old young girls, Sir, these small girl are quite fierce, we need to support, they can spell ............! & R dquo ; “都是女孩子,至少看起来应该都是十七八岁的少女,大人,这些小丫头好厉害,我们需要支援,她们会法术…………!” It seems like this was bodyguard of that feudal lord Sir in the information mentioned. The however 40 people make Charlotte relax, he thinks the opposite party was waits at ease for an exhausted enemy the prepare army one to hit on. Now seems like, the opposite party obviously is also the haste, at such marching speed, gathers 40 knights to come but actually no difficulty. Charlotte can also achieve. Therefore he does not have to think anything again. But interrupted the communication quickly, then a drawing nearby transmitting orders officer, has shouted to him greatly. 看来这就是情报中提到的那个领主大人的亲卫队了。不过四十个人还是让夏洛特松了口气,他原本以为对方是以逸待劳早就布置好大军就等自己一头撞进去。现在看起来,对方明显也是仓促行事,以这样的行军速度,集合起四十个骑士来倒没有什么难度。夏洛特自己也可以做到。所以他没有再多想什么。而是很快中断了通讯,接着一把拉过旁边的传令官,对他大喊道。 Immediately transmitted orders, requests second, third, the fourth garrison rushes to the sandbank exit|to speak at the maximum speed, then as scheduled handles affairs. Simultaneously told mage that these played tricks. The goal has appeared, making them go to reinforce immediately!! & R dquo ; “立刻传令下去,要求第二,第三,第四纵队以最快速度赶到河滩出口,然后按照原订计划行事。同时告诉那些装神弄鬼的法师。就说目标已经出现,让他们立刻前往增援!!” Yes, Sir!! & R dquo ; “是,大人!!” Heard the order of Charlotte, the transmitting orders officer nods, then quickly turned around to leave. But until this time, Charlotte was relaxes reluctantly, then he looked to the distant place pitch-dark mountain valley shadow, in the brain appears suddenly curious question & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Actually can these young girl knights fierce? 听到夏洛特的命令,传令官点了点头,接着急忙转身离开。而直到这个时候,夏洛特才算是勉强松了口气,接着他望向远处黑漆漆的山谷阴影,脑中忽然浮现出了一个好奇的疑问———那些少女骑士究竟能够有多厉害? If Charlotte asked this question when the communication, then attacks the team leader certainly to tell him earnestly. That is unusual , very fierce. 如果夏洛特在通讯时问出这个问题的话,那么突击队长一定会非常认真的告诉他。那是非常,非常,非常的厉害。 Most starts attacks the squad to be under the attack the time, he also has a scare with Charlotte, afterward discovered the opposite party only has 40 people, this felt relieved. In his opinion. altogether about 200 cavalries. Coping with 40 knights radically is stress-free. Moreover their goals are not the elimination present enemies, but is breaks through the hindrance to continue to go forward. Naturally has the following brigade to cope as for these 40 young girl knights. In his opinion, matter is such simple. Moreover here is a smooth sandbank, the most suitable cavalry to charge. Even if behind also has anything to ambush, they will not need to be worried to be intercepted here. Also because of this, this attacks the team leader soon to start to charge on order own subordinate. 最开始突击小队遭遇袭击的时候,他也和夏洛特吓了一跳,后来发现对方只有四十个人,这才放下了心。在他看来。己方一共有近两百个骑兵。对付四十个骑士根本就是毫无压力。而且他们的目的也不是消灭眼前的敌人,而是突破阻碍继续前进。至于这四十个少女骑士自然有后面的大队来对付。在他看来,事情就是这么简单。而且这里是一片平坦的河滩,最适合骑兵冲锋。哪怕后面还有什么埋伏,他们也不用担心会在这里被人截住。也正因为如此,这位突击队长很快就命令自己的部下开始冲锋。 But, he saw oneself almost immortal unforgettable one. 而紧接着,他就看见了自己几乎永生难忘的一幕。 Sees only facing the cavalry brigade that dashing to come, these ride the young girl knight complexion on warhorse not to change, uniform put out one to seem like magic staff one thing, then turned toward the front point gently. next moment. Attacks the team leader helplessly on looks on the sandbank that was empty grew immediately baseless one enough several hundred meters, the wall of 45 meters wide thorn, blocked their path forcefully. But these cavalries have not thought that completely oneself front will grow a wall to come unexpectedly baseless, immediately hit unexpected. Suddenly was off their feet, poured one piece. 只见面对飞奔而来的骑兵大队,那些骑在战马上的少女骑士面色不改,整齐划一的拿出了一把看起来像法杖一样的东西,接着轻轻向着前面一点。下一刻。突击队长就眼睁睁的看着原本空无一物的河滩上顿时凭空生长出了一道足足有几百米长,四五米宽的荆棘之墙,硬生生的阻断了他们的道路。而那些骑兵也完全没有想到自己的面前居然会凭空长出一堵墙来,顿时猝不及防的撞了上去。一时间人仰马翻,倒了一片。 But has not waited for the following person to react, sees only these young girl knights to put out a hand again, this time along with their movements, dozens dazzling fireballs cuts the sky like this, is howling the hit on the wall of thorn, in a moment turned into a firewall it. But these fell into the cavalry in thorn wall naturally to be made the barbecue together with their warhorses together. As for the following cavalry, although wanted to try to break through this sea of fire, but their warhorses as if did not plan that sacrificed own life to cometo know perfectly well the mountain had the tiger to be partial to Hushan line of & R dquo ;, How whatever own master beats and scolds, does not dare to approach first half step & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; This also no wonder, facing 78 meters high flame, the person still trembles even at heart. Let alone this is not the fire of every world, but from element burnt/anxious boundary/world the fire, is congealed the flame that becomes to be possible the flame in world to be fiercer and threatening by magic power purely, these warhorses are not naturally willing to attempt. 而还没有等后面的人做出反应,只见那些少女骑士再次伸出手去,这次伴随着她们的动作,数十个耀眼的火球就这样划破天空,呼啸着撞击在荆棘之墙上,眨眼的工夫就把它变成了一堵火墙。而那些陷入荆棘墙壁之中的骑兵自然连同他们的战马一起被做成了烤肉。至于后面的骑兵虽然想要试图冲过这片火海,可是他们的战马似乎并不打算牺牲自己的生命来个“明知山有虎偏向虎山行”,任凭自己的主人怎么打骂,死活也不敢向前半步———这也难怪,面对足足有七八米高的火焰,就算是人也是心里打颤。更何况这可不是凡世之火,而是来自元素焦界的纯粹之火,由魔力凝结而成的火焰可比凡世间的火焰更加厉害和具有威胁,那些战马自然不愿意去尝试一把。 Then, several hundred well-equipped cavalries by 40 knight dragging of forcefully near the river bank, are unable to go forward half step. Before this unthinkable matter traded, he definitely does not believe that but personally sees how after now that 40 young girl knights are blocked their way easily, this attacks the team leader also to acknowledge that in this world some indeed things are unreasonable. Now he can only expect that behind these are quicker, the opposite party who accompanies the armed forces mage and large unit can come obviously is not only only a knight, is mage & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Moreover is very powerful mage. This playing tricks fellow, gives the fellow who these also play tricks to cope, in any case he was nothing prospect. 就这样,数百名装备精良的骑兵被四十个骑士硬生生的拖在了河岸边,无法前进半步。这种匪夷所思的事情换了以前他肯定不信,但是现在亲眼看见那四十名少女骑士是如何轻而易举的挡住了他们的去路之后,这位突击队长也不得不承认这个世界上的确有些事情就是这么不讲道理。现在他只能够期望后面那些随军法师和大部队能够来的快一些,对方显然不仅仅只是骑士,还是法师———而且还是很强大的法师。这种装神弄鬼的家伙,就交给那些同样装神弄鬼的家伙去对付吧,反正他是没什么指望了。 Running water, changes into Sharp Edge!! & R dquo ; “流水,化为利刃!!” At this time, got up along with the resounding chanting sound, next moment, saw only on the sandbank that to overflow the river water of instep suddenly as if ocean waves the erectness, later tumbles to pat to the present firewall, only heard& R dquo ; With the white steam, was burning the firewall extinguishes immediately. But sees this, attacked the team leader to stare, he has turned the head, later saw several person's shadow that flew toward here in the sky. 就在这个时候,伴随着响亮的咏唱声响起,下一刻,只见河滩上那一层不过没过脚面的河水忽然仿佛海浪般的直立起来,随后翻滚着向眼前的火墙拍下,只听见“刺啦”一声,伴随着白色的蒸汽,原本燃烧着的火墙顿时熄灭。而看见这一幕,突击队长愣了一下,他转过头去,随后就在天空上看见了数个向着这边飞来的人影。 Is the mage group, they arrived finally!! 法师团,他们终于到了!! Sees these person's shadows, attacks team leader relaxing, although then for several minutes, but in his opinion actually probably long several hours are the same. Charlotte had emphasized to them more than once the importance of time, requesting them to before the opposite party had not responded controls the Passus most areas. However has not thought to be frustrated. Just left to encounter such problem. However now troubles can relieve finally ......... thought of here. He not hesitant, holds up the long sword in hand again, wields forward. 看见这些人影,突击队长不由的松了口气,虽然这才不过短短几分钟,但是在他看来却像是漫长的过了好几个小时一样。夏洛特不止一次对他们强调过时间的重要性,要求他们务必在对方还没有反应过来之前控制帕苏斯的大部分地区。但是没想到出师不利。才刚刚动身就遇到了这样的麻烦。但是现在麻烦总算会是解除了………想到这里。他也没有犹豫,再次举起手中的长剑,向前一挥。 Quickly!! Do not hesitate, we overruns while the present!! Makes the best use of the time!! & R dquo ; “快!!不要犹豫,趁现在我们冲过去!!抓紧时间!!” Hears to attack team leader's order, the remaining cavalries are also rapid the rallying formation, then, they whip on a horse again. Starts to charge forward. 听到突击队长的命令,剩下的骑兵们也迅速重整队形,接着,他们再一次策马扬鞭。开始向前冲锋。 However at this moment no one sees, in braving white steam another side of sandbank, before the bodies of these young girl knights, Zhan En is standing there. The clear sound that he looks steadily at the white steam opposite that partly visible person's shadow, near the ear can even hear the horse's hoof to trample the river water and cobblestone spreads the sandbank that makes. However in front of Zhan En's does not have the tiny bit dignity, on the contrary, his corners of the mouth turned upwards slightly, revealed an aristocrat unique, charming smile. 但是此刻没有人看见,在冒着白色蒸汽的河滩的另外一侧,在那些少女骑士的身前,詹恩正站在那里。他盯视着白色蒸汽对面那若隐若现的人影,耳边甚至可以听到马蹄践踏河水与鹅卵石铺成的河滩所发出的清脆声响。不过詹恩的面前没有一丝一毫的凝重,相反,他嘴角微微翘起,露出了一丝贵族特有的,迷人的笑容。 Then. Zhan En puts out a hand, places the waist, the slender finger was slowly upward, gripped ice-cold sword hilt & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; At this moment in his waist, altogether is hanging two long swords, what situated above is Zhan En continuously using the light of blue sea. But following before is Zhan En, relieves Shadowmoon sword of seal with great difficulty. But now this long sword already completely no longer initially auction market that skirt silk to incorrect appearance. Its sword hilt and scabbard by the strong shadow congealment, fluctuate along with the breeze, often can see that to wipe radiance that appears from the shadow deep place, a congealment the world's gloomiest beauty. 接着。詹恩伸出手去,放在腰间,修长的手指缓缓向上,握住了冰冷的剑柄———此刻在他的腰间,一共悬挂着两把长剑,位于上方的是詹恩一直在用的蓝海之光。而下面的则是詹恩之前好不容易才解除封印的影月之剑。只不过现在这把长剑已经完全不复当初拍卖场那副屌丝到不行的模样。它的剑柄和剑鞘都由浓重的阴影凝结而成,伴随着微风浮动,不时可以看见从阴影深处浮现的那一抹光华,凝结个世界最阴暗的美。 Zhan En puts out a hand, gripped the Sea Blue Light sword hilt, is only the flash, his imposing manner immediately changes. The illusory aura changed into the cold piercing energy in this moment, even in side Zhan En's also appears piece by piece the deep blue ice crystal, Hoarfrost fast following his under foot spreads, froze the surrounding all. 詹恩伸出手去,握住了海蓝之光的剑柄,只是一瞬间,他的气势顿时一变。原本虚无缥缈的气息在这一刻化为了寒冷刺骨的能量,甚至在詹恩的身边还浮现片片湛蓝的冰晶,白霜飞快的顺着他的脚下蔓延开去,冻结了周围的一切。 Then. Zhan En grips the sword hilt, pulls out the long sword, wields forward. 接着。詹恩握住剑柄,抽出长剑,向前一挥。 When Zhan En pulls out the sword comes out of the sheath, the river water on sandbank as if also probably receives anything to attract general, tumbles is retreating to the direction that Zhan En is. Is ordinary like the ocean waves ebb tide. When Zhan En grasps the sword to wielding, soldier that these river water also as if corresponding generals summoned, „ crash-bang & R dquo ; The mighty force that seems like galloping same greets the cavalry who these are dashing to rush over. 詹恩抽剑出鞘的时候,河滩上的河水似乎也像是受到了什么吸引一般,翻滚着向詹恩所在的方向退去。如同海浪退潮一般。但是当詹恩握剑向挥之时,这些河水又仿佛是相应将军召唤的士兵般,“哗啦”一声好像奔腾的千军万马一样迎接着那些飞奔的骑兵冲了过去。 If merely is only the ordinary river water, is not anything to threaten regarding these cavalries. However what makes everyone not think, these river water roared unexpectedly swooped at the same time starts rapidly to congeal, quick formed sharp incomparable icicles, punctured toward the present enemy. 如果仅仅只是普通的河水,那么对于这些骑兵也算不上是什么威胁。但是让所有人都没有想到的是,那些河水居然咆哮飞扑的同时开始飞速凝结,很快就形成了一根根尖锐无比的冰柱,向着眼前的敌人刺了过去。 Therefore before these organized to speed away with great difficulty again the cavalry who encountered once again , the completely same tragedy. The difference is that theirsenior & R dquo ; Is one crashes in the wall of thorn to be burnt by the flame. But they with horse hit in the barrier that directly, in these sharp ice thorns compose was assassinated. Before must know them , but the full speed advance, absolutely does not have to think in front of oneself will have such hindrance. Let alone opposite is not the smooth wall surface, but is punctured the comprised of Death trap sharp incomparable ice, the sharp ice thorn be relentless pierced the body of cavalries, strings together one string like the dried meat them. As the light cavalry of pursue speed, these cavalries have not worn the heavy/thick armor, but puts on leather armour , this also causes them when the attack that facing the ice punctures, is almost the raising hand surrender of strength of passivity. 于是那些好不容易才组织起来再次疾驰的骑兵又一次遭遇了和之前完全相同的悲剧。所不同的是,他们的“前辈”是一头冲进荆棘之墙里被火焰烧死的。而他们则是连人带马直接撞在那些尖锐的冰刺组成的屏障上被刺死的。要知道他们之前可是全速前进,完全没有想到自己面前会出现这样的阻碍。更何况对面可不是平坦的墙面,而是由一根根尖锐无比的冰刺所组成的死亡陷阱,尖锐的冰刺毫不留情的刺穿了骑兵们的身体,把他们像肉干一样串成一串。作为追求速度的轻骑兵,这些骑兵并没有穿着厚重的盔甲,而是穿着皮甲,这也使得他们在面对冰刺的袭击时,几乎是毫无抵抗之力的举手投降。 Element control! The opposite party have the legendary powerhouse who the element is expert in!! & R dquo ; “元素支配!对方有元素专精的传奇强者!!” Sees this, floats mage immediately surprised screaming in sky, they are not these have no idea except for fighting anything cannot the youth. No matter where, first is a scholar, is mage. The opposite party can among the graces operate such water element to launch the attack, moreover without magic power fluctuates, then the only explanation is the opposite party is expert in the water element the legendary domain powerhouse! 看见这一幕,浮在天空上的法师们顿时惊讶的叫出声来,他们可不是那些两眼一抹黑除了战斗什么都不会的愣头青。不管在什么地方,施法者都首先是一个学者,然后才是一个法师。对方能够举手投足之间操纵这样的水元素发起进攻,而且没有魔力波动,那么唯一的解释就是对方是专精水元素的传奇领域的强者! This is not the range that they can cope with! 这已经不是他们可以对付的范围了! Thinks of here, several other mage make way immediately, looks to oneself behind. But there, the Archmage stride goes out. He is gripping tightly the long spear/gun in hand, coldly is looking steadily at the river bank form & mda S h of that man ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Similarly takes the legendary powerhouse, he feels the aura that the opposite party released in that flash that Zhan En acts, that without a doubt legend domain strength. What makes him not think, the opposite party is so unexpectedly young. 想到这里,其他几个法师立刻让开,望向了自己的身后。而在那里,大法师跨步走出。他紧握着手中的长枪,冷冷的盯视着河岸边那个男人的身影———同样作为传奇强者,他在詹恩出手的那一瞬间就感受到了对方释放出来的气息,那毫无疑问正是传奇领域的力量。只不过让他没有想到的是,对方居然如此年轻。 Moreover before ......... this strength as if , sneak attacks own somewhat different ......... 而且………这股力量似乎和之前偷袭自己的有些不同……… Thinks of here, Archmage frowns, then he says. 想到这里,大法师皱了下眉头,接着他开口说道。 You help these waste cavalries, I deal with that fellow! & R dquo ; “你们去帮助那些废物骑兵,我去对付那个家伙!” Is saying, Archmage holds up the long spear/gun in hand, the air current of wild wind twined to circle on the long spear/gun along with his movement, changed into the blue-green tornado. 一面说着,大法师一面举起手中的长枪,狂暴的风之气流伴随着他的动作在长枪上缠绕盘旋,化为了青绿色的旋风。 But almost at the same time, him sees that young aristocrat to raise the head, shows a faint smile to him. But sees his expression, Archmage to have ill omen suddenly. 而几乎就在与此同时,他看见那个年轻的贵族抬起头来,对他微微一笑。而看见他的表情,大法师忽然心生警兆 It is not good!! 不好!! At this time, a lightning dropped from the clouds, swallowed the Archmage form thoroughly. 就在这个时候,一道闪电从天而降,将大法师的身影彻底吞噬。
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