DR :: Volume #3

#290: Rainy night surprise attack

Rain continuously under. 雨一直下。 The piercing cold air mixes with the rainwater to head on, letting stands militiaman shivering with fright of in sentry post. He held breath a cold air/Qi, drew on drawing rain cape. In order to cover outside chill in the air, present he only hopes that can change shifts as soon as possible, drinks several cups to counter-balance the cold air on body to the following warm small tavern, otherwise the words this way, he will definitely fall ill! 刺骨的寒气夹杂着雨水扑面而来,让站在岗哨上的民兵不由的打了个冷战。他倒吸了口冷气,拉了拉身上的雨披。以遮挡外面的寒意,现在的他只希望能够尽快换班,到下面温暖的小酒馆去喝上几杯来抵消身体上的寒气,不然再这样下去的话,他肯定会生病的! However now ............... 不过现在…………… Thinks of here, militiaman helpless sighing, continues to spunk up to look steadily at the present all these. In fact his also very clear present everywhere is flustered. The Goldshire Empire army outside, does not know when will open. But as the Passus resident, he regarding the empire person not a little favorable impression that these feel self-important. In fact even in Passus, still many different sounds, some people thinks should stand out, but some people think they should surrender. After all Passus this place has is remote and tiny, they were clear compared with anyone. At Passus this strength, wants to resist the empire radically is fantasy story & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Naturally, although they do not know that actually the empire has how strong strength, but certainly very very and that's the end. In any case no matter how, is not Passus this small place can cope. 想到这里,民兵无奈的叹了口气,继续强打起精神来盯视着眼前的这一切。事实上他也很清楚现在到处都是人心惶惶。闪金帝国的大军就在外面,不知道什么时候会开进来。而作为帕苏斯的住民,他对于那些骄傲自大的帝国人没有一点儿好感。事实上即便是在帕苏斯内部,也有很多不同的声音,有人认为应该坚持抵抗到底,而有人则认为他们应该投降。毕竟帕苏斯这个地方有多么偏僻和渺小,他们比谁都清楚。以帕苏斯这点儿力量,想要对抗帝国根本就是天方夜谭———当然,他们虽然不知道帝国究竟拥有多么强大的实力,但一定很强很强就是了。反正不管如何,都不是帕苏斯这种小地方可以对付的。 He does not spare a glance regarding the opinions of these surrender people, the Skaar person under empire rule lives pitifully, this has not been the secret. These Skaar people are very clear, once they seized Passus, then they will be installed the car(riage) to treat as the slave to transport Goldshire Empire, then buys to be the coolie or the slave by certain aristocrats or the merchants. This is Goldshire Empire consistenttraditional & R dquo ;. Some people are willing to maintain a livelihood, but works as the slave. Some people actually do not want obviously. The people who however these are not willing to work as the slave remained, but the person who these hopes maintain a livelihood actually gradually starts to disappear, where they went to no one to know, but everyone knows that they ran away, will be dies is lives ......... will not return to here again, they will leave oneself hometown forever, that day of again not having returned. 对于这些投降主义者的言论他是不屑一顾的,在帝国统治下的斯卡尔人生活的有多悲惨,这早已经不是什么秘密。这些斯卡尔人很清楚,一旦他们占领了帕苏斯,那么他们就会被装上车当做奴隶运到闪金帝国,然后被某些贵族或者商人买下来做苦力或者奴隶。这是闪金帝国一贯的“传统”了。有些人愿意为了活命而当奴隶。有些人却显然并不愿意。不过那些不愿意当奴隶的人都留了下来,而那些渴望活命的人却逐渐开始消失,他们去了哪里没人知道,但是所有人都知道他们逃走了,而且是死是活………都不会再回到这里了,他们将永远离开自己的家乡,再也没有归来的那一天。 However can we really protect our homeland? 但是我们真的能够保护自己的家园吗? Thinks of here. The militiamen got hold of the lance in hand, the news that outside spreads looks like indeed is so, the Goldshire Empire army is stationed in the step before the foothold not, but these militiamen who before relieved a garrison dramatical said to them how repeatedly the opposite party was dirty retreating. This lets him is also the one's heart rushes toward one's destination, but without the relations, according to the stipulation of that feudal lord Sir, the militiaman army must relieve a garrison after a period of time, but he may also step onto the frontline ............... 想到这里。民兵握紧了手中的长矛,外面流传的消息看来的确是如此,闪金帝国的军队在据点前驻步不前,而之前换防的那些民兵则有声有色的对他们说了一遍又一遍对方是如何灰头土脸的退却的。这让他也是心驰神往,不过没关系,按照那位领主大人的规定,再过一段时间民兵部队就要进行换防,而他也有可能走上前线…………… But at this time, flash tearing darkness. 而就在这个时候,一道闪光撕裂黑暗。 In the eye pupil of militiaman only reflects the fireball that a tumbling revolves with enough time. He even strikes a gong to show the scenery without enough time, next moment, breaks through the fireball of curtain of rain to hit the present wooden sentry post tower like this, covered it in bright red flame. 民兵的眼眸之中只来得及反射出一个翻滚旋转的火球。他甚至来不及敲钟示景,下一刻,冲破雨幕的火球就这样击中了眼前的木制哨塔,将它笼罩在一片鲜红的火焰之中。 Archmage your excellency! & R dquo ; 大法师阁下!” Charlotte frowns, gazes at fixedly is standing in own mage. 夏洛特皱起眉头,瞪视着站在自己身边的法师 We reached an agreement before, should not be extremely noticeable! & R dquo ; “我们之前说好的,不要太过引人注目!” This how? & R dquo ; “这又如何?” Hears the speech of Charlotte. Archmage slanting swept his one eyes. cold snort/hum. 听到夏洛特的说话。大法师斜斜的扫了他一眼。冷哼一声。 Is it possible that you think that this trick, really can hide the truth from the opposite party? Regarding legendary powerhouse, early a little 1 : 00 pm no difference. Now, I will handle my matter, but you handle your things well!! & R dquo ; “莫非你们以为这点儿伎俩,真的能够瞒过对方?对于传奇强者来说,早一点儿晚 1 点儿没什么差别。现在,我会去做我的事情,而你们最好去做你们自己的事情!!” You ............!! & R dquo ; “你…………!!” Hears these words, Charlotte bites the jaw, he wishes one could to pull out the sword to come a sword at this moment to hold this old fogy. Must know that for the present all these, he and General Barkley abandoned the tremendous strength, transported 1500 soldier to enter the Passus territory from that said/tunnel secretly. According to their plan is attracted the attention of opposite party by this Archmage and his mage group, but they will fan out in several groups. In the shortest time controls the Passus villages and small towns. As the matter stands that feudal lord is isolated and cuts off from help, takes them to have no means that so long as can control Passus in the actual level, then the remaining issues, naturally were also not the issues. 听到这句话,夏洛特咬住牙关,此时此刻他恨不得抽出剑来一剑捅死这个老家伙。要知道为了眼下的这一切,他和巴克利将军可是废了九牛二虎之力,才从那条地道运送了一千五百名士兵偷偷进入了帕苏斯的领地。按照他们原本的计划是由这位大法师和他的法师团去吸引对方的注意力,而他们则会兵分几路。在最短的时间内控制帕苏斯的村镇。这样一来那位领主孤立无援,也就拿他们没什么办法,而只要能够在实际层面上控制了帕苏斯,那么剩下的问题,自然也就不是问题了。 Naturally, these have not rather contained with the Passus lead(er) people treats as the hostage to force the meaning that young feudal lord obeys, the lead(er) people who because according to the beforehand investigation, this newly appointed Passus feudal lord govern to oneself are very good, is not only generous, but also tax break, but also dispatched own bodyguard to help these villagers eliminate puzzled their mountain thief bandits, which perspective no matter from, this were oneloves the people such as child & R dquo ; Genial feudal lord. Such being the case, then takes the lead(er) people life that he governs for the words of shield, that feudal lord who can perhaps force is cautious about harming evildoers lest the innocent be hurt, does not dare to launch the attack arbitrarily. Naturally, further, even if he does not take into consideration to lead the life of people to insist on attacking the Goldshire Empire army, he still went bankrupt in the Passus prestige, by that time, a being deserted by friends and allies feudal lord, is obviously impossible to treat is too long. 当然,这其中也未免没有包含拿帕苏斯的领民当做人质来逼迫那位年轻领主就范的意思,因为根据之前的调查来看,这位新上任的帕苏斯领主对自己治下的领民都很不错,不但出手大方,而且减免赋税,还派遣自己的亲卫队帮助那些村民消灭了困扰他们的山贼匪盗,不管从哪个方面来看,这都是一个“爱民如子”的和善领主。既然如此,那么以他治下的领民性命为盾牌的话,说不定会逼迫的那个领主投鼠忌器,不敢擅自发动进攻。当然,更进一步来说,就算是他不顾及领民的性命执意攻击闪金帝国的军队,那他在帕苏斯的声望也就破产了,到那个时候,一个众叛亲离的领主,显然是不可能待太久的。 To the empire, this attack fail they did not care even, is instead defeated for the first time here is not, but considering the strength of opposite party, Barkley and Charlotte does not have really to plan to handle this trouble one time, but doesn't matter, they were defeated can also come. How many times however can that feudal lord Sir ............ be defeated? 对于帝国来说,就算这次进攻失败了他们也不在乎,反正在这里失败也不是第一次了,而考虑到对方的实力,巴克利夏洛特也没有真的打算一次性搞定这个麻烦,但是没有关系,他们失败了还能够重新来过。但是那位领主大人…………又能够失败几次呢? Has not thought that this plan just started screwing up by the person on one's own side, really did not fear that the god same opponent, fears the pig same teammate. Although Charlotte does not know that this has spread the really broad famous saying in the Zhan En world, but at this moment his idea also and this was almost the same. 只是没想到这个计划刚开始就被自己人给搞砸了,真是不怕神一样的对手,就怕猪一样的队友。虽然夏洛特不知道这句在詹恩世界已经流传甚广的名言,但是此刻他的想法也和这相差无几了。 However Charlotte also knows, at this time had the conflict with the opposite party is not a wise choice. Moreover the opposite party said is not unreasonable, but as a soldier, he thinks obviously stricts enforcement of orders and bans compared with the careless better attitude, but these damn mage that types do not make Charlotte quite uncomfortable the attitude that the general situation pays attention, he fixes the eyes on Archmage not to speak, but in the depths of ones heart has decided this action if finally is defeated, then he will throw to withstand/top the pot this Archmage absolutely. 不过夏洛特也知道,这个时候和对方起冲突不是个明智的选择。而且对方说的也并非没有道理,但是作为一个军人,他显然认为令行禁止是比漫不经心更好的态度,而这些该死的法师那种不把大局放在眼里的态度也让夏洛特相当不爽,他紧盯着大法师没有说话,但是内心深处已经决定这次行动最后如果失败的话,那么他绝对会把这位大法师扔出去顶锅的。 Archmage has not noticed the idea of Charlotte, even if or he noticed not to care. Now his in the depths of ones heart, only then anger of one group of flaming combustion, that failure in an extremely difficult situation made him feel the anger before, wild. As if because of that failure, he felt, no matter these soldier, is own subordinate, other mage looked that in his eye brings contemptuous & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Look, this great mage, will be defeated in a small fort attack unexpectedly, this may really be enough disgraced. 大法师并没有注意到夏洛特的想法,或者说即便他注意到了也不在乎。现在他的内心深处只有一团熊熊燃烧的怒火,之前那次狼狈不堪的失败让他感到愤怒,狂暴。似乎因为那次失败,他感觉到不管是那些士兵,还是自己的部下,其他法师看他的眼中都带着一丝轻蔑———看啊,这位伟大的法师,居然会在一次小小的要塞袭击中被击败,这可真是够丢人的。 This idea makes him almost get angry crazy, he must once again to everyone show that oneself strength, making them wail in the fearful magic, by that time, they understand how should respect Archmage!! 这种想法让他几乎发怒成狂,他要再次向所有人证明自己的实力,让他们在自己可怕的魔法之中哀嚎,到那个时候,他们才会明白该如何尊重一位大法师!! Fortunately, the reason that he also survives makes this Archmage not vent the body of person on one's own side the anger, if before trading , perhaps he because of the Charlotte attitude, but cleaves in two him directly, but now, he forces oneself the anger shift direction that in the depths of ones heart boils, vented on the bodies of these villagers. 幸运的是,他还残存的理智让这位大法师没有把怒火发泄到自己人的身上,如果换了之前的话,说不定他会因为夏洛特的态度而直接把他劈成两半,不过现在,他还是强迫自己把内心深处沸腾的怒火转移方向,发泄在这些村民的身上。 A series of fireballs drop from the clouds, these pitiful villagers even also made clear what happened without enough time, are buried in the sea of fire like this. But the remaining people were sighing with sadness tries to flee, but the quick Goldshire Empire cavalry caught up with these fugitives, starts to drive away them to retreat toward the small town. 一连串的火球从天而降,那些可怜的村民甚至还来不及搞清楚发生了什么事,就这样葬身火海。而剩下的人则悲叹着试图逃离,不过很快闪金帝国的骑兵就追上了那些逃亡者,开始驱赶他们向着小镇退去。 They are playing with us!! & R dquo ; “他们在玩弄我们!!” Is the militiaman team leader of head grips tightly the long sword red, the eyes angry is gazing at fixedly the cavalry in not far away, he personally sees these empire cavalries to laugh the thorn to act the lance, pierced the right leg that a child who tries to flee, then drags to entrain that pitiful child with the barb of lance to dash like this backward. But in their behind, that child's parents is weeping and wailing hot pursuit, tries to snatch from that cavalry hand own child. However the opposite party actually not cares a whoop, they are involving these villagers, being relentless them knocks down. 为首的民兵队长紧握长剑,双眼通红愤怒的瞪视着不远处的骑兵,他亲眼看见那些帝国骑兵哈哈大笑着刺出手中的长矛,刺穿了一个试图逃离的小孩子的右腿,然后用长矛的倒钩就这样拖拽着那个可怜的孩子向后飞奔。而在他们的身后,那个孩子的父母则哭喊着紧追不舍,试图把自己的孩子从那个骑兵手中抢回来。但是对方却对此丝毫不在意,他们只是牵扯着那些村民,毫不留情的把他们打倒在地。 These damn empire pigs!! 这些该死的帝国猪!! Sees this, the militiaman team leader eyes were red, he angrily roars is holding up the long sword in hand, made an effort to turn toward that cavalry to throw. He is also regular duty swordsman, its strength naturally does not allow slightly to peep, but that knight was also nearly divided under the unexpectedness by that the long sword, he only then drops out the long spear/gun in hand, then extracts the long sword of waist blocked the militiaman team leader the strikes, but at this moment that also wept and wailed to the parents was arriving at side the abandoned child, but their children have not been able to respond to their summons at this moment again. 看见这一幕,民兵队长眼睛都红了,他怒吼着举起手中的长剑,用力向着那个骑兵扔了过去。他本身也算是一个正职剑士,其实力自然不容小窥,而那个骑士在猝不及防下也险些被那把长剑劈个正着,他只有抛下手中的长枪,接着抽出腰间的长剑挡住了民兵队长的这一击,而此刻那对父母也哭喊着来到了被抛弃的孩子身边,只不过此刻他们的孩子已经再也无法回应他们的呼唤了。 You court death, country bumpkin!! & R dquo ; “你找死,乡巴佬!!” Come, your damn domestic animal, the father and you spell!!! & R dquo ; “来啊,你们这些该死的畜牲,老子和你们拼啦!!!” Looks that these cavalry accents turn the head to fire into itself, the militiaman team leader fishes out a dagger from the side red, the eyes is gazing at fixedly the present cavalry. 看着那些骑兵调转过头来冲向自己,民兵队长从身边摸出一把匕首,双眼通红的瞪视着眼前的骑兵。 Even if dies, must tear down their meat!! 哪怕是死,也要撕下他们的一块肉!! Silver light for the first time presently. 银光乍现。 next moment, the innumerable silver white silk threads emerged out of thin air like this in the militiaman team leader at present, but the cavalry who these sped along was cut a inconsistency thoroughly, the grandiose warhorse was opened by the sword autogenous cutting, the firm armor and sharp sword changed into a fragment, danced in the air in in the air, then fell to the ground loudly. 下一刻,无数的银白丝线就这样凭空出现在了民兵队长的眼前,而那些飞驰过来的骑兵则被彻底切了个七零八落,壮硕的战马被剑气切开,坚固的盔甲和利剑化为段段碎片,飞舞在空中,然后轰然倒地。 The militiaman team leader stands there dull, even sprays the dirty blood in oneself surface to clean without enough time, his difficult turning the head, sees only in own behind, a whole body puts on young man calm and upright static standing of jet black formal clothes there. In his side, is dozens young girl knight who is riding the silver white warhorse. 民兵队长呆呆的站在那里,甚至连喷洒在自己面上的污血都来不及去擦拭,他艰难的转过头,只见在自己的身后,一个全身上下穿着漆黑礼服的年轻男人正安静的站在那里。在他的身边,是数十名骑着银白战马的少女骑士。 Right, that is the feudal lord Sir ......... 对了,那是领主大人……… It seems like the empire people really do not hit the south wall not to turn head. & R dquo ; “看来帝国人真是不撞南墙不回头。” Looks small town that the flame is soaring to the heavens at present, Zhan En's complexion gloomy and cold like ice. He stroked the sword hilt of waist, in the eye was flashing through an indifference. 望着眼前火光冲天的小镇,詹恩的面色阴冷如冰。他抚摸着腰间的剑柄,眼中闪过了一丝冷漠。 Since they came, do not want to go back again. & R dquo ; “不过既然他们来了,就别想再回去了。” Is saying, Zhan En raises own right hand. 一面说着,詹恩一面举起自己的右手。 Everyone obeys orders ............... the goal, the Empire army, the attack! & R dquo ; “所有人听令……………目标,帝国军,进攻!”
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