DR :: Volume #3

#289: Difficult choice

Hears here, two people could not sit still immediately again. Although said after that they have probed many times, always no result. However they are impossible really to wait for the space to fall the pie as the soldier here, said that refuses to abandon hope also well, said that is the headless fly proceeds along no particular course also the good, daily patrol work and investigation must have. Naturally, this they had not gone tomine-sweeping & R dquo by oneself subordinate with their bodies time again ;, Made the price is also big after all like this, moreover before also presented several military deserter offense seemingly to occupy the war of overwhelming superiority has not started, unexpectedly will also produce the military deserter, this was also a big marvelous sight. 听到这里,两人顿时再也坐不住了。虽然说在那之后他们已经试探过好多次,总是没有什么结果。但是作为军人他们也不可能真的就在这里等天上掉馅饼,说是死马当活马医也好,说是无头苍蝇乱撞也好,每天的巡逻工作和侦查工作还是少不了的。当然,这一次他们并没有再让自己的部下用他们的身体去“扫雷”,毕竟这样做代价也太大了些,而且之前还出现了几次逃兵一场攻方看起来占据绝对优势的战争还没有开始之前居然也会产生逃兵,这也算是一大奇景了。 But has not thought that has a mind growing flowers unable to spend, chance accomplished what art had failed. When they think already hopeless, unexpectedly spread such a good news. This is really makes their happy in the extreme, takes own own health/guard immediately, in that under leadership that scouts the cavalry hurried hurries to toward the place that he said. 只不过没想到有心栽花花不开,无心插柳柳成荫。就在他们都认为已经没有希望的时候,居然传来了这么一个好消息。这实在是让他们开心的无以复加,立刻就带上自己的亲卫,在那个斥候骑兵的带领下匆匆忙忙的向着他所说的地方赶去。 That the shortcut that to Passus scouts the cavalry saying that is in underground cavern a situated in Ronda river valley north side mountain range. When Barkley and Charlotte bring own health/guard is rushing, sees only there is standing 45 to scout the cavalry, is talking in a low voice anything. Sees the arrival of Barkley and Charlotte, these cavalries also quickly restrained. on smile, then standing body, toward two people good ritual 那个斥候骑兵所说的通往帕苏斯的捷径,是一条位于兰达河谷北侧山脉之中的地下洞窟。当巴克利夏洛特带着亲卫赶到时,只见在那里正站着四五个斥候骑兵,低声交谈着什么。看见巴克利夏洛特的到来,这些骑兵也是急忙收敛了面上的笑容,接着站直身体,向着两人行了一礼。 Regiment long Sir, the third cavalry division reported to you!! & R dquo ; “军团长大人,第三骑兵分队向您报告!!” Was you discovered the shortcut to Passus? & R dquo ; “就是你们发现了通往帕苏斯的捷径吗?” Looks at the present scouting cavalry, Barkley coughed, then asks. But facing his inquiry, the cavalries looked at each other one mutually, quick, is one cavalry who brings the platoon leader helmet from crowd. Respectful lowers the head toward Barkley. 看着眼前的斥候骑兵,巴克利咳嗽了一声,接着开口询问道。而面对他的询问,骑兵们互相对视了一眼,很快,为首一个带着小队长头盔的骑兵从人群中走了出来。恭敬的向着巴克利低下头去。 Yes, Sir, strictly speaking. This is not we discovers. & R dquo ; “是的,大人,严格来说。这并不是我们发现的。” „? & R dquo ; “哦?” Hears here, Barkley looked at a that cavalry team leader. Sees only the opposite party making way body, quick, he sees after behind the place of not far away, several man who seems like the hunting household to dress up by throwing of tying hands in behind, their complexion blanch, the gaze of trembling present these soldier, in the eye cannot be containing the panic-stricken and anxious facial expression. But in their sides, but can also see several women and children. It seems like the combinations of several families. 听到这里,巴克利望了一眼那个骑兵队长。只见对方让开身体,很快,他就看见在身后不远处的地方,几个看起来像是猎户打扮的男子正被五花大绑的扔在后面,他们面色发白,瑟瑟发抖的注视着眼前的这些士兵,眼中遏制不住惊恐与不安的神情。而在他们的身边,还可以看见几个妇孺。看起来好像是几个家庭的组合。 „ Who are they? & R dquo ; “他们是什么人?” They are the Passus hunting household, Sir. & R dquo ; “他们是帕苏斯的猎户,大人。” Is saying, this scouts the cavalry team leader the process that the entire matter said to Barkley and Charlotte. 一面说着,这位斥候骑兵队长一面把整个事情的经过对巴克利夏洛特说了一遍。 Actually soldier only will not obey the raising line puppet that the senior official orders, when Charlotte ordering lets scout inspects all around, this cavalry team leader were many a mind. His idea is very simple, since they cannot go, then the Passus person certainly is also very difficult. Although said that Passus has not sealed up the territory, however in the present situation, the trade route the Goldshire Empire army has basically interrupted. Even if can transport the commodity, perhaps is the quantity is still limited. In this case. Passus also and was sieged no difference. But with his experience, facing the chaos caused by war, some people will definitely choose to escape. Therefore he orders oneself subordinate to inspect these mountains and plains specially. Has a look at a person of appearing and disappearing trace. 其实士兵也并非完全都是只会听从长官命令的提线木偶,在夏洛特下令让斥候们巡视四周时,这个骑兵队长就多了一个心眼。他的想法很简单,既然他们进不去,那么帕苏斯的人也一定很难出来。虽然说帕苏斯并没有封闭领地,但是在现在的情况下,商路基本上已经闪金帝国的军队截断了。就算能够运送物资,恐怕也是数量有限。在这种情况下。帕苏斯也和被围困没什么区别了。而以他的经验来看,面对战乱,肯定会有人选择逃跑。所以他特意命令自己的部下去检查那些山野。看看有没有人出没的痕迹。 What the result has not thought that but also really made him scout to discover hand/subordinate some trails of human action, obtained this news cavalry team leader is also overjoyed, bringing scouting hand/subordinate to pursue the past. Although these fellows also quite have one set in secret oneself whereabouts, but compares specialized soldier after all. In a while was caught by the Goldshire Empire scouting army, after passing through one interrogates and tortures, knew that these people escape to go to other places to avoid the chaos caused by war from Passus, but these scout that secret passage that also soon found them to say. 结果没想到的是,还真让他手下的斥候发现了一些人类行动的踪迹,则得到这个消息的骑兵队长也是大喜过望,带着自己手下的斥候一路追击了过去。虽然那些家伙在隐秘自己的行踪上也颇有一套,但毕竟比不过专业的士兵。没过多久就被闪金帝国的斥候部队逮了个正着,在经过一番拷问之后,得知这些人正是从帕苏斯逃出来前往其他地方躲避战乱的,而这些斥候也很快就找到了他们所说的那条秘密通道。 In fact that so-called secret passage is the underground cavern of barren hill under deep place, its another side and exit|to speak of Ronda river valley is connected. Can calculate on is a natural underground road. In investigating, discovered after that underground road is normal . This cavalry team leader the faction transmits this good news to two commanders immediately. Naturally, at the same time he has not been idling. Sent several people to the deep place to examine, although after all these hunting households said that this underground cavern was quite safe, no danger, but actually in real situation how, that only then god knows. 事实上那条所谓的秘密通道不过是荒山下方深处的一个地下洞窟,它的另外一侧与兰达河谷的出口相连。可以算的上是一条天然的地下甬道。在探查了一番,发现那条地下甬道一切正常之后。这位骑兵队长就立刻派向两位指挥官传达了这个好消息。当然,与此同时他也没有闲着。派遣了几个人前往深处去查看,毕竟虽然那些猎户说这个地下洞窟相当安全,没有什么危险,但是究竟里面的真实情况如何,那就只有天知道了。 Underground cavern? & R dquo ; “地下洞窟?” Hears here, Charlotte swept these by the hunting household of tying hands. 听到这里,夏洛特扫了一眼那些被五花大绑的猎户。 Has confirmed their status? & R dquo ; “确认过他们的身份吗?” Has confirmed that Sir, we got up many methods, believes firmly that they indeed are the local hunting households. Moreover they are by starlight leave covertly, has not caused the suspicions of others , had not been discovered. & R dquo ; “已经确认过了,大人,我们上了很多手段,确信他们的确是当地的猎户。而且他们是趁着夜色偷偷摸摸离开的,并没有引起其他人的怀疑,也没有被人发现。” Who asked them also to know the secret of this channel? & R dquo ; “有问过他们还有谁知道这条通道的秘密吗?” Did not have, Sir. This channel is these person oldest discoveries, this is also their hunter family's secret, besides person who these flee, does not have others to know existence of this channel again. & R dquo ; “没有了,大人。这条通道是那些人最年长的一个发现的,这也是他们猎人家族的秘密,除了这些出逃的人之外,再也没有其他人知道这条通道的存在。” Very good. & R dquo ; “很好。” Hears here, Barkley satisfied nod. Then he turns around, looks to approach oneself Charlotte. 听到这里,巴克利满意的点了点头。接着他转过身去,望向自己身边的夏洛特 How do you see? Charlotte? & R dquo ; “你怎么看?夏洛特?” This perhaps is the direction of gods, said no matter how, a secret passage to us indeed is a good news. As the matter stands, at least we can not use the positive/direct storm. & R dquo ; “这或许是神明的指引,不管怎么说,一条秘密通道对于我们来说的确是个好消息。这样一来,至少我们可以不用正面强攻了。” Said here, Charlotte obviously was also the look relaxed. After all that defense line also is really extremely crazed, who sees has overspread the entire battlefield defense line the magic trap, can this also probably select the face not? Must know , since arriving here, he has not slept calm and steady, thinks these magic traps, make Charlotte exceptionally have a headache, how some of his regrets so will be even stupid initially, listening to General Frank to say several received this quest on volunteering. Also thinks Passus is only a fruit cake that is good to pinch, never expected that the opposite party is completely the hedgehog nowhere end opening that a muddy height punctures, when discovered sends * the masters not to have the means the empire, Charlotte that suddenly also really somewhat desperate. 说道这里,夏洛特明显也是神色放松了许多。毕竟那道防线也实在是太过丧心病狂,谁见过把魔法陷阱铺满整个战场的防线,这还能够要点儿脸不?要知道自从来到这里之后,他还从来没有睡过安稳觉,一想到那些魔法陷阱,就让夏洛特异常头疼,他甚至有些后悔当初自己怎么会那么蠢,听弗兰克将军说了几句就自告奋勇的接下了这个任务。原本还以为帕苏斯只是个好捏的软柿子,没想到对方完全就是个浑身长刺的刺猬无处下口,在发现连帝国派来的*师都没有办法的时候,夏洛特那一时间还真的有些绝望。 However what is lucky, even the hedgehog still has its weakness to be, but now looks like in Charlotte, he had found a Passus this territory most fatal weakness. 不过幸运的是,就算是刺猬也有其弱点所在,而现在在夏洛特看来,他已经找到了帕苏斯这片领地最致命的一个弱点。 Naturally, the premise is this weakness is real. 当然,前提是这个弱点是真实的。 In waiting for these explorations when scouts, Charlotte and Barkley also participated to the interrogation work of these mountain person hunters, when feels sorry for these hunters to see so the status noble great person, is only sees the luxurious armor that on Barkley and Charlotte put on to make them frighten could not have walked. But heard when before oneself is Emperor Goldshire * the commanders of team, these people fall down directly, looked that such will seem next moment they to be towed to feed the dog simply to be the same. 在等待那些探索的斥候回来之时,夏洛特巴克利也参与了对那些山民猎人的审讯工作,可怜这些猎人什么时候见过如此身份高贵的大人物,光是看见巴克利夏洛特身上穿着的豪华装甲就让他们吓的已经走不动路了。而听说站在自己面前的就是闪金帝*队的指挥官时,这些人更是直接瘫倒在地,看那样子简直就好像下一刻他们就会被拖去喂狗一样。 But in this case, regarding Charlotte their inquiries, these hunters naturally all questions will be answered, spills the beans to say the information that oneself knew equally completely. 而在这种情况下,对于夏洛特他们的询问,这些猎人自然是有问必答,竹筒倒豆子一样把自己知道的情报全部说了出来。 But according to the views of these hunters, Barkley and Charlotte then knows entire Passus at present only then about 800 militiamen, this is counted when the Goldshire Empire army arrives the population of temporarily recruiting. They are responsible for besides part in the frontline patrol, others mostly are responsible for maintaining the security of each villages and small towns. After all moves in this time person thoughts, some people will always try to fish in troubled waters. In fact among these militiamen a large part for stability rear area. 而根据这些猎人的说法,巴克利夏洛特这才得知整个帕苏斯眼下只有近八百名民兵,这还是算上在闪金帝国大军到来之时临时征召的人数。他们当中除了一部分负责在前线巡逻之外,其他人大多都是负责维持各个村镇的安全。毕竟在这种时刻人心思动,总有人会试图浑水摸鱼。事实上那些民兵当中很大一部分都是为了稳定后方的。 These information make two people feel inconceivable, but actually reasonable, information that because according to former Passus transmitted, here indeed had no regiments. Even for the Skaar federation, Passus is still together the remote place. Here deploys the military is the meaningless waste. 这些情报让两人感到不可思议,但是却又合情合理,因为根据之前帕苏斯传来的情报,这里的确没有什么军团。就算是对于斯卡尔联邦来说,帕苏斯也是一块偏僻之地。在这里部署兵力是毫无意义的浪费。 However the things that in not these surfaces they want to know. 不过他们想要知道的并不是这些表面上的东西。 What pitifully is, these hunters in Passus are also only the civilians, a lot they are not clear, they know actually own feudal lord Sir hand/subordinate one is completely army & mda S h comprised of the beautiful girl ; This in Passus is not the secret, but they usually are stationed in the monastery of small town edge. In addition, they have not seen other soldier of that feudal lord Sir, without these was urging private soldier who collects the tax money, without these depends the feudal lord authority to put on despicable airs to bully the retinue of person, this new feudal lord is not very high in the Passus existence feeling, but is very respected. Because he acts naturally outstanding Kuo, moreover exempted the most strict taxes of people, calculated on is one welcome feudal lord. 只不过可惜的是,这些猎人在帕苏斯也只是平民,很多事情他们也不清楚,他们倒是知道自己的领主大人手下有一支全部都是由漂亮女孩儿组成的部队—这在帕苏斯不是什么秘密,而她们平日里则驻扎在小镇边缘的修道院里。除此之外,他们也没有见过那位领主大人的其他士兵,没有那些催促着来收取税金的私兵,也没有那些仗着领主权威人模狗样欺负人的仆从,这位新领主在帕苏斯的存在感不算很高,但是却很受人尊敬。因为他出手大方又卓阔,而且还免去了人们的大部分苛税,算的上是一位受人欢迎的领主。 But matter in addition, no one knew. Are more, these hunters also simply know that feudal lord Sir intooth of & R dquo Starfall ; Constructed a very beautiful huge manor, but actually is what appearance, no one has actually seen. 可是除此之外的事情,就没有人知道了。再多一些,这些猎人也仅仅知道那位领主大人在“星陨之牙”修建了一所非常漂亮庞大的庄园,但究竟是什么样子,却没有人见过。 After undergoing a conformity, Barkley and Charlotte also had direct-viewing impression & mda S h regarding the Passus internal situation ; Its military is not strong, even can say the passivity ability. The entire territory is almost depends upon that feudal lord Sir to maintain its existence and safety. But this also means that so long as beats that mysterious feudal lord, entire Passus naturally collapses of itself. 在经过了一番整合之后,巴克利夏洛特对于帕苏斯内部的情况也有了一个直观的印象—本身兵力不强,甚至可以说毫无抵抗能力可言。整个领地几乎完全是依靠那位领主大人来维护它的存在与安危。而这也就意味着,只要击败那个神秘的领主,整个帕苏斯自然不攻自破。 But the manor of that feudal lord in the tooth of Starfall ............... 而那位领主的庄园则在星陨之牙…………… Therefore now, is placed in front of Barkley and Charlotte, only then two choices, one is to gather one crowd of crack troops, then quiet touching enters Passus, the assassination that feudal lord. By that time, entire Passus will yield peacefully. Another is to gather the principal force, while the opposite party had not discovered has the problem time, attacks and occupies Passus at one fell swoop, so long as they controlled the Passus big piece area, regardless of that in that feudal lord hand had how powerful strength not to use. 于是现在,摆在巴克利夏洛特面前的只有两个选择,一个是聚集一群精兵,然后悄无声息的摸进帕苏斯,暗杀掉那位领主。到那个时候,整个帕苏斯就会不战而降。另外一个则是聚集主力部队,趁对方还没有发现出现问题的时候,一举攻占进帕苏斯内部,只要他们控制了帕苏斯的大片地区,那么无论那个领主手里有多么强大的力量也都没有用了。 Leaves their time is not many, no one knows when these villagers will discover the hunters ran away, when will also discover that secret passage to Passus, gets there first, now regarding Barkley and Charlotte, they need to make the decision in the shortest time, then draws up the plan to launch the attack. 留给他们的时间并不多,谁也不知道那些村民什么时候会发现猎人们逃走了,又会在什么时候发现那条通往帕苏斯的秘密通道,兵贵神速,现在对于巴克利夏洛特来说,他们需要在最短的时间内做出决定,然后拟定方案发起进攻。 In this situation, is placed in their front choices, obviously only has one ............ ( to be continued ) 在这种情况,摆在他们面前的选择,显然只有一个…………(未完待续)
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