DR :: Volume #3

#288: Teases you to play (Last Part)

The shell howls to fly. 炮弹呼啸飞来。 Looks that at present flies toward oneself the shell that shoots to come, Archmage stares gawked, but has not paid attention. Although said that during former that fight he received the quite serious wound, moreover most adept storm giant is unable to use temporarily, but this extremely has not weakened him an ability as Legendary Mage. In fact he has the self-confidence very much, so long as does not bump into the same level powerhouse, then he will not have what danger. 看着眼前向着自己飞射而来的炮弹,大法师愣了一愣,但是并没有将其放在眼里。虽然说在之前那次战斗之中他受了相当严重的伤,而且最拿手的风暴巨人化暂时也无法使用,但是这并没有太过削弱他身为一位传奇法师的能力。事实上他很有自信,只要不是碰到同级的强者,那么他是不会有什么危险的。 However even if, is so injured in a bombing in these circumstances still harms a Legendary Mage dignity obviously. Therefore his flying without hesitation to in the air, then a right hand revolution, magic staff appeared in the hand of Archmage like this. Innumerable silver white Rule of Law start to pester mutually congeals, formed the solid barrier before his body. This is the shield of principle only then the legendary powerhouse can release, it will form a legendary powerhouse oneself world, protects thoroughly it. Can say in this moment, he has left from this world completely, closed/pass oneself in own world. But the attack of this world, absolutely does not have the effect on him. 不过即便如此,在这样的情况下挨炸显然也有损一位传奇法师的尊严。于是他毫不犹豫的飞向空中,接着右手一转,一把法杖就这样出现在了大法师的手中。紧接着无数银白的法则之线开始互相纠缠凝结,在他的身前形成了坚实的屏障。这是只有传奇强者才能够释放的法则之盾,它会形成一位传奇强者自己的世界,将其彻底保护起来。可以说在这一刻,他已经完全从这个世界离开,把自己关在了自己的世界里。而这个世界的攻击,对于他来说是完全没有效果的。 At this time, that howled, but the shell has also hit the barrier before Archmage body. 就在这个时候,那呼啸而过的炮弹也已经击中了大法师身前的屏障。 But in this moment, the Archmage complexion finally changed. 而在这一刻,大法师的面色终于变了。 Rule of Law that he can the clear feeling, the knitting become in starts to shiver instantaneously, an intermittent impact that the shell explodes is relentless from the shell of rupturing sprays, numerous stroking on Rule of Law. He can the clear feeling that strength probably be innumerable strikes oneself world that the heavy hammer is relentless to be common, even the body starts to shiver during this impact. 他可以清晰的感受到,编织而成的法则之线在炮弹爆炸的瞬间开始颤动,一阵阵的冲击毫不留情的从爆裂的炮弹喷射出来,重重的击打在法则之线上。他可以清晰的感觉到那股力量就好像无数把重锤毫不留情的敲打着自己的世界一般,甚至就连身躯都在这冲击之中开始颤抖。 This is ......... the principle corrosion!! 这是………法则侵蚀!! Detects this point. Archmage is the innermost feelings is also startled. Indeed. The shield of principle is the method that only then the legendary powerhouse can use, the line of principle can isolate all external attacks. But if the opposite party is also the legendary powerhouse, then both sides on being equal to standing in the same level, in such a case, the principle asylum brought has not existed to tall Xing, can decide the victory and defeat was only principle of both sides whether restrained, whose jurisdiction was higher. Whose strength is stronger. 察觉到这一点。大法师也是内心大吃一惊。的确。法则之盾是只有传奇强者才能够使用的手段,法则的线条可以隔离一切外在的攻击。但是如果对方也是传奇强者的话,那么双方就等于站在了同一个层面,在这样的情况下,法则庇护带来的至高性已经不复存在,唯一能够决出胜负的就是双方的法则是否克制,谁的权限更高。谁的力量更加强大。 But makes this Archmage feel what is surprised, he has not seen such forms of defensive action, unexpectedly can some people use the strength of such bombing release legend, what rule is this damn outcome and domain?!! 但让这位大法师感到惊讶的是,他还从来没有见过这样的攻击方式,居然能够有人利用这样的炮击释放传奇之力,这该死的究竟是什么规则和领域?!! However at present does not consider this issue time, because this moment flame and gunsmoke had thrown altogether, but also without and other Archmage responded that his thorough package is one of them. The jet black mushroom cloud shot up to the sky, camouflaged half sky, land that was shone by the sunlight at this time for it one dark, in a moment later. The mist and dust then diverges slowly. 但是眼下已经不是考虑这个问题的时候,因为此刻火光与硝烟已经一股脑的扑了过来,还没有等这位大法师反应过来就将他彻底包裹在其中。漆黑的蘑菇云冲天而起,遮蔽了半个天空,以至于原本被阳光照耀的大地都在这个时候为之一暗,在过了片刻之后。烟尘这才缓缓散去。 When Archmage from the mushroom cloud of explosion appears again, he already completely no longer beforehand dignity. If he is also holds before is the Ring of Magic association high level, a Archmage dignity. Then his appearance looks seems like the beggar old man who a street roams about now simply. That jet black law robe exploded is only left over broken gores, but on his face and head also everywhere are the traces of scorched by fire. A long hair also by the flame burn curl, looks particularly funny. 大法师从爆炸的蘑菇云之中再次浮现时,他已经完全不复之前的威严。如果说在这之前他还算是保有身为环法协会高层,一个大法师的尊严的话。那么现在他的样子看上去简直就好像是一个街边流浪的乞丐老头。那一身漆黑的法袍被炸的只剩下一条条残破的布片,而他的脸上和头上也到处都是烟熏火燎的痕迹。一头长发也被火焰烧焦卷曲,看起来分外滑稽。 But Archmage at this moment is not in no mood to care that these small issues, he grips tightly the double fist. Vigilant is looking steadily at the foothold city wall in distant place. He is very clear. The beforehand explosion is not the strengths of these traps, they could have the function to these soldier, but regarding a legendary powerhouse like him at all is not anything. However that bombing may be big to the harm that he brings, his being expert is the storm, according to the truth, such explosion can the injury that other party becomes be very limited. However the jurisdiction and social class of opposite party as if many that he is higher, although Archmage the congealment strength has defended as far as possible, but finally also unavoidably a dirty fate. 只不过此刻的大法师并没有心情去关心这些小问题,他紧握双拳。警惕的盯视着远处的据点城墙。他很清楚。之前的爆炸根本就不是那些陷阱的力量,它们或许能够对那些士兵产生作用,但是对于像他这样一个传奇强者来说根本不算什么。但是那次炮击给他带来的伤害可不小,他的专精是风暴,按照道理来说,这样的爆炸能够给他造成的伤害是非常有限的。但是对方的权限和阶级似乎比他高的多,虽然大法师已经尽可能的凝结力量进行防御,可最终也免不了一个灰头土脸的下场。 Archmage that appears from the mist and dust not slightly hesitant, immediately retreat backward fast. Before he is very clear, that strikes to mean what & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; In the opposite party camp has the legendary powerhouse unexpectedly!! Damn, why these idiots do not talk clearly! If we had known the opposite party has the words of legendary powerhouse. Then he so will not be absolutely negligent, delivers to others eyelid to lower to bring death like this eagerly! 从烟尘之中出现的大法师没有丝毫犹豫,立刻飞快的向后退去。他很清楚之前那一击意味着什么———对方阵营里居然有传奇强者!!该死的,那些白痴为什么不说清楚!如果早知道对方有传奇强者的话。那么他绝对不会如此大意,就这样眼巴巴的送到别人眼皮子低下来送死的! Thinks of here, the Archmage figure even more speeds up, changes into a lightning to howl to escape directly backward. He does not know that struck the opposite party to warn or plans begin a moment ago, if the opposite party really plans to tidy up him here, perhaps by his current situation, only had the dead end! 想到这里,大法师的身形越发加快,直接化为一道闪电呼啸着向后逃去。他不知道刚才那一击对方是在警告还是打算动手,但是假如对方真的打算在这里收拾掉他的话,以他目前的情况,恐怕就只有死路一条了! Now this is OK. & R dquo ; “现在这样就可以了。” Is looking flies to the distant place that wipes the dazzling flash, Zhan En nods. Then he puts out a hand, stroked small head that stands in own Pattilina. Feels Zhan En's to stroke, Pattilina narrows the eye immediately, as if the kitten showed the comfortable expression generally. However next moment, she curious raising the head, looks to Zhan En. 望着飞向远处的那一抹耀眼的闪光,詹恩点了点头。接着他伸出手去,抚摸了一下站在自己身边的帕蒂莉娜的小脑袋。感受到詹恩的抚摸,帕蒂莉娜顿时眯起眼睛,仿佛小猫一般的露出了舒服的表情。不过下一刻,她就好奇的抬起头来,望向詹恩 Master , so long as this were OK? That side the present also has no fierce fellow in any case, so long as you order, I do go rumbling immediately the pulp the camps of these idiots am not better? & R dquo ; “主人,真的只要这样就可以了吗?反正现在那边也没什么厉害的家伙,只要你一声令下,我立刻就去把那些白痴的营地给轰成稀巴烂不是更好?” Now, so long as this were OK. & R dquo ; “现在,只要这样就可以了。” Hears the speech of Pattilina, Zhan En shows a faint smile, then repeated to speak again a moment ago. Afterward he raised the head, looks to the distant place of horizon. This moment Goldshire Empire remaining soldier have also evacuated hurriedly, the discerning people can look that Goldshire Empire Archmage suffers a loss, do their these small fish small shrimp stay here not to deliver the vegetable/dish to others? Now the opposite party does not have the meaning of pursuit, if this has not run away, that may be a fool. 听到帕蒂莉娜的说话,詹恩微微一笑,接着再次重复了一遍自己刚才的说话。随后他抬起头来,望向地平线的远方。此刻闪金帝国剩下的士兵也已经匆忙撤离,明眼人都能够看出来闪金帝国大法师吃了个大亏,他们这些小鱼小虾留在这里还不是给别人送菜?现在对方没有追击的意思,这要是还不跑掉的话,那可就是笨蛋了。 But Zhan En not the meaning that wants Pattilina to pursue, at present Goldshire Empire is playing a card, but he must do waits for the opposite party to leave peacefully ends all cards in hand, then discussed the following matter. Since he is a rightness, brave, filled the courage and just knight, then natural needs an incomparably appropriate stage, but the present, Goldshire Empire for the stage that he provides, was really again also appropriately. 詹恩也没有要帕蒂莉娜追击的意思,眼下闪金帝国正在出牌,而他所要做的就是安静的等待对方出完自己所有的底牌,然后再谈接下来的事情。既然他是一位公正,勇敢,充满了勇气与正义的骑士,那么自然就需要一个无比合适的舞台,而现在来看,闪金帝国为他提供的这个舞台,实在是再也合适不过了。 As for following ............... thinks of here, Zhan En takes back the vision. 至于接下来嘛……………想到这里,詹恩收回目光。 That side Goldshire Empire, will certainly press strength mountain to be big. 闪金帝国那边,一定会压力山大吧。 In fact just like Zhan En guessed, Barkley and Charlotte at this moment indeed were press strength mountain to be big. 事实上正如詹恩所猜测的一样,此刻的巴克利夏洛特的确是压力山大。 Returns to military compound Archmage not to go to look for two people's troubles in an extremely difficult situation, but was closes oneself in the mage tent directly had not come out again. Although his anything had not said that but in the depths of ones heart will not have the opposite party not to tell the idea that oneself this information makes him bring death unavoidably intentionally. Although he knows that does this regarding anybody does not have the advantage, who knows that this is some possibility? 狼狈不堪逃回军营的大法师并没有去找两个人的麻烦,而是直接把自己关在了法师的帐篷里再也没有出来。虽然他什么都没有说,但是内心深处难免不会有对方是故意不告诉自己这个情报而让他去送死的想法。虽然他知道这样做对于任何人都没有好处,但是谁知道这是不是某种可能性呢? But Barkley and Charlotte do not have the time to comfort that Archmage now, in fact after hearing the report of soldier, they are even more are also worried. They do not know that this Archmage before arriving here had once been injured, because of this, after knowing vice- chairman of this Ring of Magic association was bombarded to run by the opposite party unexpectedly, two people are also serious, because this obvious indicates they very undesired matter & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; But the issue is, this matter seems the determination without doubt. 巴克利夏洛特现在也没有时间去安抚那位大法师,事实上在听到了士兵们的报告之后,他们也是越发苦恼起来。他们并不知道这位大法师在来到这里之前曾经受过伤,也正因为如此,在得知这位环法协会的副会长居然被对方一炮轰跑之后,两个人也是面色凝重,因为这明显的预示着一件他们非常不希望发生的事情———可问题在于,这件事似乎已经是确定无疑的了。 „ The opposite party has the legendary powerhouse, damn, I know that Templar Order these god sticks will certainly not let up this opportunity! & R dquo ; “对方有传奇强者,该死,我就知道圣堂教团那些神棍一定不会放过这个机会的!” Barkley turns toward on the wine glass in hand the desktop layer on layer/heavily, the opens the mouth that then clenches jaws said. But facing his speech, Charlotte is also frowns tightly, helpless shaking the head. The legendary powerhouse has surpassed the level that they have been able to cope with, Goldshire Empire in Klein Continent is also a medium country, legendary powerhouse not over five people that then he has, three people are mage, another two are the Goldshire Empire internal becoming famous for a long time sword Saint. But they always only never go out in the imperial palace, few people know the deeds about that two legendary sword Saints, even outside had the hearsay they dead ............ this is not the key point, the key point was ............... 巴克利把手中的酒杯重重向着桌面上一顿,接着咬牙切齿的开口说道。而面对他的说话,夏洛特也是紧皱眉头,无奈的摇了摇头。传奇强者已经超过了他们可以对付的层面,闪金帝国克莱恩大陆也算是一个中等国家,则他所拥有的传奇强者也不超过五人,其中三人是法师,另外两位则是闪金帝国内部的成名已久的剑圣。只不过他们向来只在皇宫内从不出门,很少有人知道关于那两位传奇剑圣的事迹,甚至外面有传闻他们都已经死了…………不过这不是重点,重点是…………… Regiment long Sir, you thinks that a legendary powerhouse does have a means thorough elimination regiment? & R dquo ; “军团长大人,你认为一名传奇强者有没有办法彻彻底底的消灭一只军团?” „ Do you refer to ............... the frontline division? & R dquo ; “你是指……………前线师团?” Hears here, Barkley recovers suddenly. He frowns, pondered the moment, but finally, he also can only shake the head. 听到这里,巴克利猛然间回过神来。他皱起眉头,思考了片刻,但是最终,他也只能够摇了摇头。 I don't know either, but ......... , if the legendary powerhouse, pouring is not impossible ............... & R dquo ; “我也不知道,不过………如果是传奇强者的话,倒也不是不可能……………” Although they have not seen the appearance that the legendary powerhouse has acted full power, but on Klein Continent is flowing in legend, these fearful existences can moving mountains to fill the seas, then eliminates a frontline division but is actually not impossible. 虽然他们都没有见过传奇强者全力出手的样子,但是克莱恩大陆上流淌着的传说里,那些可怕的存在举手投足间能够移山填海,那么消灭一只前线师团倒也不是不可能。 Has to acknowledge, Barkley and Charlotte are indeed keen as the intuition of soldier, in fact they catch the frontline division thorough missing reason and root. However this is not meaningful regarding the solution present issue. The Goldshire Empire two sword Saints are impossible to arrive at Land of Four seasons to help them cope with such a small remote area. But in remaining three mage, this vice- Sir chairman evidently is not the opponent of opposite party, moreover as if has been seriously injured. As for another two, Barkley and Charlotte do not think that by own status, can direct the opposite party to help itself. 不得不承认,巴克利夏洛特作为军人的直觉的确敏锐,事实上他们已经抓到了前线师团彻底失踪的原因和根源。但是这对于解决眼前的问题没有任何意义。闪金帝国的两位剑圣是不可能来到四季之地帮助他们对付这么小的一块偏僻地区。而剩下的三位法师之中,这位副会长大人看样子不是对方的对手,而且似乎已经身受重伤。至于另外两位,巴克利夏洛特也不认为以自己的身份,能够使唤对方来帮助自己。 Then they can do only, perhaps only then retreated. 那么接下来他们唯一能够做的,恐怕就只有撤退了。 Two people are also very but clear, if oneself really issue this order, then after perhaps they go back, did not need to explain this matter to anybody. The dignity of empire cannot be deceived, but their actions will only attack the morale of empire, even makes Goldshire Empire a laughingstock. This is not that emperor expected absolutely sees. 可是两人也很清楚,假如自己真的下达这个命令,那么恐怕当他们回去之后,就再也不用向任何人解释这件事了。帝国的尊严不容亵渎,而他们的所作所为只会打击帝国的士气,甚至让闪金帝国成为一个笑柄。这绝对不是那位皇帝陛下所期望看到的。 But now ............... 可是现在…………… Report, reported the Sir!! & R dquo ; “报,报告大人!!” At this time, suddenly, scouted the cavalry to crash in the tent/account camp hurriedly, his complexion was red, but brings several points of excitement. 就在这个时候,忽然,一个斥候骑兵急匆匆的冲进了帐营,他面色通红,但是却带着几分兴奋。 What happened? & R dquo ; “发生了什么事?” Sees this appearance that scouts the cavalry, two people all stare, later Charlotte then sinks the face to ask immediately. But hears his inquiry, that scouts the cavalry excitedly even more. 看见这名斥候骑兵的样子,两人皆是一愣,随后夏洛特便立刻沉下脸来开口询问道。而听到他的询问,那名斥候骑兵越发的兴奋。 „ The frontline investigated the cavalry to spread the news a moment ago, they discovered shortcut that goes to Passus!! & R dquo ; “刚才前线侦查骑兵传来消息,他们发现了一条前往帕苏斯的捷径!!”
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