DR :: Volume #3

#287: Teases you to play (First Part)

Is here? 就是这里? Archmage frowns, looks swamp that at present the black smoke winds around, what the front surface throws is one irritates the nose the burnt aura, but also is mixing with the indistinct smell of blood. But empire soldier stump residual limb fragment such lying this way and that scatters place, burnt like hard coke. From the present situation, that two fellows do not exaggerate. Some words actually many accurate degrees that but they said that are also unknown at present. 大法师皱起眉头,看着眼前黑烟缭绕的沼泽,迎面扑来的是一股刺鼻焦糊的气息,还夹杂着隐隐约约的血腥味。而帝国士兵的残肢碎片就这样横七竖八的散落一地,被烧的如同焦炭。从眼下的情况来看,那两个家伙倒也并非是夸大其词。只不过他们说的话究竟有多少准确程度,目前还不得而知。 Thinks of here, Archmage cold snort/hum, then he closes the eye, starts to mutter had a thought the incantation. Regarding Legendary Mage, „ detects magic power & R dquo ; It is not how difficult spell, almost he completed the preparatory work of this spell in the wink of an eye. This spell can make all have magic power brilliance existence to reappear thoroughly in his front, regardless of they are secret, is unable to escape own eye. 想到这里,大法师冷哼一声,接着他闭上眼睛,开始喃喃自语的念起了咒文。对于一个传奇法师来说,“侦测魔力”并不是一个多么困难的法术,几乎是瞬息之间他就完成了这个法术的准备工作。这个法术可以让一切拥有魔力光辉的存在彻底浮现在他的面前,无论它们有多么隐秘,都无法逃过自己的眼睛。 Thinks of here, Archmage sneers, opened own eye. 想到这里,大法师冷笑一声,睁开了自己的眼睛。 next moment, he closed. 下一刻,他又闭上了。 This is not because spell made what mistake, no, perhaps was really spell made what mistake , when he opened the eye, what heaving in sight was piece of bright red & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; In his front, the trim land is sending out the bright red magic power brilliance, as if at this moment he is standing before the front door of purgatory is the same, has flash that this Archmage even suspected were one release made a mistake spell, he was not transmitted to nine prison Abyss carefully. 这并非是因为法术出了什么差错,不,或许真的是法术出了什么差错,因为当他睁开眼睛时,映入眼帘的是一片鲜红———在他的面前,整片大地都散发着鲜红的魔力光辉,仿佛此刻他正站在炼狱的大门前一样,有那么一瞬间,这位大法师甚至怀疑自己是不是释放错了法术,以至于他不小心被传送到九狱深渊去了。 When he opens the eye again, actually has to acknowledge fact & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; That is at present here or main plane, but he. Also has not left this place. 但是当他再次睁开眼睛时,却不得不承认一个事实———那就是眼前这里还是主位面,而他。也没有离开这个地方。 However that dazzling red almost makes people unable to look straight ahead. If oneself spell all revolutions are correct, then this was equal to that spell is telling him one to let his unthinkable conclusion & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; That is entire Passus constructs above a powerful magic installment. 但是那刺目的红色却几乎让人无法直视。如果自己的法术一切运转正确,那么这就等于法术正在告诉他一个让他匪夷所思的结论———那就是整个帕苏斯都建筑在一片强大的魔法装置之上。 But this possibility? 而这可能吗? Archmage turns head, looks to approach own behind. In his rear area, as before is the jet black swamp, side is the green and luxuriant woods, in the top of the head is the deep blue sky and bright red Sun, all these and usually does not have any change. When he turns head, actually can only see in the trim land to send out, dazzling incomparable red brilliance. 大法师回过头去,望向自己的身后。在他的后方,依旧是漆黑的沼泽,旁边是郁郁葱葱的树林,头顶上是湛蓝的天空与鲜红的太阳,这一切都和平时没有任何变化。但是当他回过头来时,却只能够看见整片大地上所散发出来的,耀眼无比的红色光辉。 How can like this? 怎么会这样? Archmage blinks, opens and closes, but his present scenery has not changed as before. This simply unthinkable, he lived for more than 70 years, had not heard unexpectedly will have such matter to happen. He knows actually some places have powerful magic power since birth. This type was also called the magic territory, but Passus should not be such place, magic territory most remarkable characteristics in some person somewhat magic talents that on this lands was born. But Passus this remote place has not had what mage, therefore naturally possibly was not the magic territory. 大法师眨了眨眼睛,睁开又闭上,可是他眼前的景色依旧没有丝毫变化。这简直让人匪夷所思,他活了七十多年,还从来没有听说过居然会有这样的事情发生。他倒是知道有些地方生来就拥有强大的魔力。这种也被称之为魔法领地,只不过帕苏斯应该不会是这样的地方,魔法领地最显著的一个特征就是在这片土地上出生的人多多少少都有一些魔法天赋。而帕苏斯这种穷乡僻壤根本就没有出过什么法师,因此自然也不可能是魔法领地了。 But actually is this what? 可这究竟是什么? Archmage frowns, abolished spell. The quick, red brilliance diverges, appears before him, is that stretch of swampy ground. No exceptionally place. 大法师皱了下眉头,撤销了法术。很快,红色的光辉散去,在他面前浮现的,还是那片沼泽地。没有任何异常之处。 Grandmaster? & R dquo ; “大师?” Sees the Archmage expression. The opens the mouth inquiry of mage somewhat doubts said. They see the so surprised expression from this vice- chairman surface of noble character and high prestige for the first time, actually did he see what? don't tell me, what secret does this remote place also really have to be inadequate? 看见大法师的表情。身后的法师们有些疑惑的开口询问道。他们还是第一次从这位德高望重的副会长面上看见如此吃惊的表情,他究竟看见了什么?难道说,这片穷乡僻壤还真的有什么秘密不成? However Archmage anything had not said, he wielded oneself hand, hints others temporarily do not speak. Then he gave himself to release the protecting shields rapidly. This situation too is at present strange, he cannot think that in the brain any theory can explain this situation. The only reasonable explanation is, the opposite party who that two fellows said likely in the entire battlefield set the magic trap ............... 但是大法师却什么也没有说,他只是挥了挥自己的手,示意其他人暂时不要说话。接着他迅速给自己释放了一个又一个的护盾。眼前这种情况实在太诡异了,他在大脑中根本想不到有任何理论可以解释这种情况。唯一合理的解释就是像那两个家伙所说的,对方在整个战场上都设置了魔法陷阱…………… However this possibility? 但是这可能吗? Thinks of here, Archmage shakes the head, he is unable to accept this view in any event. Establishes the expenditure that so many magic traps need radically is the astronomical figures, even if a country is impossible to withstand. Moreover this is not only the issue of money. The manufacture magic trap needs various expensive materials, moreover needs lots of skilled craftsmen. Even if gathers the entire Mage Country Alchemy technique master and artisan Grandmaster, is impossible to make so many magic traps. 想到这里,大法师摇了摇头,他无论如何都无法接受这个说法。设置这么多魔法陷阱所需要的花费根本就是天文数字,就算是一个国家都不可能承受的了。而且这不仅仅是钱的问题。制造魔法陷阱需要各种昂贵的材料,而且还需要大量的能工巧匠。哪怕把整个法师之国炼金术师和工匠大师集合起来,也不可能制造出这么多的魔法陷阱。 But in addition, he could not find other reasonable explanation to explain all that oneself see, only if his spell presented the mistake. However this regarding Archmage, is almost impossible. He has not received any disturbance, fluctuation also steadiness of as always spell, only if this is some imaginary technique ........., but can make Legendary Mage fall into imaginary technique, can this need how powerful strength to achieve this point? 可是除此之外,他也找不到别的合理解释来解释自己看到的一切,除非他的法术出现了错误。但是这对于一位大法师来说,几乎是不可能的。他没有受到任何干扰,法术的波动也一如既往的平稳,除非这是某种幻术………但是能够让一位传奇法师神不知鬼不觉陷入其中的幻术,这得需要多么强大的力量才能够做到这一点? After exerts to oneself protects the shield, this Archmage relaxed, he puts out a hand, has a thought the incantation again, then the right hand flings forward, quick, along with his movement, is tumbling the fireball howls like this, numerous bombardments in ground. 在给自己施加好防护盾之后,这位大法师才放松了一些,他伸出手去,再次念起咒文,接着右手向前一甩,很快,伴随着他的动作,一颗翻滚着的火球就这样呼啸而出,重重的轰击在地面上。 Bang!! „ “轰!!“ Resounds along with the explosive sound, present swampy ground immediately burned black a big piece, the bumpy basin was also evaporated bunch of white mist. Sees this, in the city wall looked the militiamen this time of good play changed the complexion finally, they know the magic is powerful, although the feudal lord Sir told them not to need to worry, but sees present, made them feel somewhat anxiously. 伴随着爆炸声响起,眼前的沼泽地顿时焦黑了一大片,原本坑坑洼洼的水池也被蒸发成了一团团白色的雾气。看见这一幕,原本在城墙上看好戏的民兵们这个时候终于变了面色,他们可是知道魔法有多么强大,虽然领主大人告诉他们不需要担心,但是看见眼前的这一幕,还是让他们感觉到有些不安。 Inis bluffing and blustering in that Archmage & R dquo ; Displays own strength at the same time, in another side turret, Zhan En is standing there, having a meaningful smile to gaze at all these that the distant place is having. 就在那位大法师正在“耀武扬威”的施展自己的力量的同时,在另外一侧的一座塔楼上,詹恩正站在那里,带着一丝意味深长的笑容注视着远处所发生的这一切。 I have never thought that we will run into an old friend unexpectedly here, it seems like that the direction of destiny is really exists. & R dquo ; “真没有想到,我们居然会在这里遇到一位老朋友,看来命运的指引果然是存在的啊。” „ Was that old man and master you also has that small bat they to hit the half-day fellow? & R dquo ; “那个老头子就是和主人你还有那头小蝙蝠她们打了半天的家伙?” But in Zhan En's behind, Pattilina is the curious double back of the hand in behind, stands on tiptoes the tip of the toe to look around toward the opposite, after seeing clearly that Archmage, the little fellow curls the lip close to. 而在詹恩的身后,帕蒂莉娜则是好奇的双手背在后面,踮起脚尖向着对面张望,在看清楚那个大法师之后,小家伙撇了撇嘴巴。 Does not seem like strong. & R dquo ; “看起来没有多强嘛。” Is unimportant, more importantly ............... & R dquo ; “强不强倒不重要,重要的是……………” Said here, Zhan En showed a faint smile, he may still remember that this Archmage suffered oneself Cerberus to be relentless struck. Now seems like, he was injured ............ this to be fun quite heavily. 说道这里,詹恩微微一笑,他可还记得这位大法师遭受了自己塞伯拉斯毫不留情的一击。现在看起来,他受伤颇重啊…………这样可就好玩了。 Played them to be good simply. 干脆玩玩他们好了。 Thinks of here, Zhan En puts out a hand, gave a hand signal gently. 想到这里,詹恩伸出手去,轻轻做了一个手势。 At this time, Archmage has also completed own spell, he looked at one at present by a burned black swamp of rumbling, satisfied nod. Then sees only this Archmage on such float body, crossed the brook, then stood in that piece already on the completely burned black land. Sees this, followed in mage behind several soldier staring in a big way the eye, many of them had experienced fierce of these traps, at this moment concentrated on, for fear that these fearful traps appeared in the under foot of Archmage suddenly. 就在这个时候,大法师也已经完成了自己的法术,他望了一眼眼前被轰的一片焦黑的沼泽,满意的点了点头。接着只见这位大法师就这样悬浮身体,越过了溪流,接着站在了那片已经完全焦黑的土地上。看见这一幕,跟随在法师身后的几个士兵都不由的瞪大了眼睛,他们当中不少人都曾经见识过这些陷阱的厉害,此刻更是全神贯注,生怕那些可怕的陷阱忽然出现在大法师的脚下。 But makes the people feel what surprise is, a dreariness in the ground of Archmage under foot, seemed like these traps as if completely to lose the function. don't tell me, these fearful magic traps really by Archmage spell destroying? 只不过让众人感到诧异的是,在大法师脚下的地面上一片沉寂,看起来那些陷阱似乎已经完全失去了作用。难道说,那些可怕的魔法陷阱真的被大法师法术给摧毁了? Suddenly, following soldier could not even bear cheer. 一时间,后面的士兵们甚至忍不住欢呼了起来。 But hears cheering of soldier, Archmage is also satisfied nod. Then he gave a hand signal to oneself behind mage, hints them to follow itself to forward, must destroy thoroughly these troublesome magic traps. But sees the order of Archmage, mage of several other peers also quickly nod, then imitates exerted to oneself defended spell, later stepped the river bank. 而听到士兵们的欢呼,大法师也是满意的点了点头。接着他对自己身后的法师做了个手势,示意他们跟随自己向前,务必将这些麻烦的魔法陷阱彻底破坏掉。而看见大法师的命令,其他几位同行的法师也急忙点了点头,接着依样画葫芦的给自己施加了防御法术,随后踏上了河岸。 next moment, flame eruption. 下一刻,火光爆发。 Cracked the flame of explosion to wrap that several mage immediately, although they prepared to protect spell ahead of time, but under this sudden explosion was also less to guard emaciated, quick saw several mage retreats backward in an extremely difficult situation. The flash of magics appeared from their bodies, block the further attack of flame with exploding fragment. But despite that sparkle dazzling bright and deafening bellow make them unable to withstand. Moreover, at the same time, the blade and advantage that before these mysteriously appeared and disappeared punctures also appears again, howls was greeting the past to the body of people. 崩裂爆炸的火焰顿时将那几个法师包裹了起来,虽然他们提前准备了防护法术,但是这突如其来的爆炸之下也是悴不及防,很快就看见几个法师狼狈不堪的向后退去。一道道魔法的闪光从他们的身上浮现,挡住了火焰与爆炸碎片的进一步进攻。但是即便如此,那闪耀刺眼的亮光和震耳欲聋的轰鸣声还是让他们承受不住。不仅如此,就在与此同时,之前那些神出鬼没的刀刃与利刺也再次出现,呼啸着向众人的身上招呼了过去。 Although the mage protecting shield is very fierce, but is not invincible, after was hit by the attacks of several traps continuously, side several mage protected the carrying capacity of shield also to reach the limit finally, saw only these to protect the brilliance of shield to stagnate slightly, next moment rushed to the segregation. But that several mage blood-curdling screech are also falling down like this, quick is exploded and trap embezzles, 虽然法师的护盾很厉害,但也并非是无敌的,在连续遭受了几次陷阱的袭击之后,有几个法师身边护盾的承受力也终于到达了极限,只见那些护盾的光辉微微一滞,下一刻顿时分奔离析。而那几个法师惨叫着这样倒在了地上,很快就被爆炸和陷阱所吞没, Archmage is no exception, but these traps are not to him useful, the sharp blade edge and advantage puncture impacts his protecting shield, sent out the ignition light, but absolutely did not have the means to pass through his protecting shield. But facing this sudden attack, Archmage is cold snort/hum one, sees only the next moment wild hurricane to erupt centered on him, the smashing that these immediately wreaks havoc to dance in the air the sharp tooth that tears. 就连大法师也不例外,只不过那些陷阱对于他来说并没有什么用,尖锐的刀锋与利刺一次次的冲击着他的护盾,散发出了点点火光,但是却完全没有办法贯穿他的护盾。而面对这突如其来的袭击,大法师则是冷哼一声,只见下一刻狂暴的飓风以他为中心爆发开去,顿时将那些肆虐飞舞的尖锐之牙撕扯的粉碎。 But these weapons seem inexhaustible, even if the previous quarter were torn into shreds by the wind of steamroll wild magic power, next moment will return to the original condition , to continue to launch the attack. 只不过这些武器似乎无穷无尽,哪怕上一刻才被狂暴的魔力之风碾压撕碎,下一刻又会重新恢复原状,继续发起进攻。 This damn outcome is anything!! 这该死的究竟是什么东西!! Even Archmage, cannot bear this to come under attack passively. Sees only him to angrily roar, gets hold of the silver long spear/gun in hand, quick, the magic power brilliance of sparkle erupts immediately, next moment, sees only Archmage to jump like this high, rushes over toward the front foothold! 就算是大法师,也受不了这样一直被动挨打。只见他怒吼一声,握紧手中的银色长枪,很快,闪耀的魔力光辉顿时爆发,下一刻,只见大法师就这样高高跃起,向着前方的据点冲了过去! Looks that mage flushed to oneself suddenly, stands Passus soldier in foothold city wall has a big shock immediately. However, but also without them made what movement, the golden flash howls together like this is cutting the sky, shoots toward Archmage that speeding along to come. 看着那个法师忽然向自己冲了过来,站在据点城墙上的帕苏斯士兵们顿时大惊失色。但是,还没有等他们做出什么动作,一道金色的闪光就这样呼啸着划破天空,向着飞驰而来的大法师射去。 Rumbles & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ;!! & R dquo ; “轰———!!” next moment, along with the huge thundering explosion sound, the jet black giant mushroom cloud shoots up to the sky. 下一刻,伴随着巨大的轰鸣爆炸声响,漆黑巨大的蘑菇云冲天而起。
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