DR :: Volume #3

#286: It is not the enemy does not meet

The response of Goldshire Empire is actually quick, almost in Barkley information transmit that afternoon, the Ring of Magic association sent a top member to bring 30 official mage to arrive at Emperor Goldshire situated in Land of Four seasons ** camp. But will dispatch so many mage to come regarding the empire unexpectedly, Barkley and Charlotte somewhat are also surprised, must know that the common army accompanies the armed forces mage is about five people, only then these sharpest army can obtain the aid of ten people of mage groups. But at present the empire dispatches 30 people of mage unexpectedly, but also is led by Legendary Mage, this specification high almost caught up with the imperial guards! 闪金帝国的反应倒是很快,几乎就在巴克利将消息传递出去的同一天下午,环法协会就派遣了一位高层成员带着三十名正式法师来到了位于四季之地闪金帝**营。而对于帝国居然会派遣这么多法师前来,巴克利夏洛特也有些惊讶,要知道一般的大军随军法师也不过五人,只有那些最精锐的部队才能够获得十人法师团的援助。而眼下帝国居然派遣了三十人的法师,还由一名传奇法师带队,这种规格之高几乎赶上皇家近卫军了! However this also gave Barkley and Charlotte created the considerably large pressure, their very clear this means anything. What Passus this war represents is the face of empire, almost all influence is gazing at this small a very tiny area. If they do not have the means to take Passus, then the battlefields in other aspects may also have uncertainties. 不过这也给巴克利夏洛特带来了相当大的压力,他们很清楚这意味着什么。帕苏斯这一战代表的是帝国的脸面,几乎各方势力都在注视这片小小的弹丸之地。假如他们没有办法拿下帕苏斯,那么其他方面的战场也有可能出现变数。 This is the emperor instruction, requesting you to spare nothing taking Passus. & R dquo ; “这是皇帝陛下的指令,要求你们必须不惜一切代价的拿下帕苏斯。” Leading Legendary Mage puts on a blackness, is mounting near the silver law robe, the complexion gloomy took away the emperor to two people the instruction from superior. But facing Legendary Mage, two people besides the forced smile, as if also has no good way. Now they only expect that these mage can like be so fierce, can handle who they declared at present to face these troublesome. Otherwise, perhaps this time they want to be disgraced, with had been swept in Pastan to garbage heap to act as companion together. 带队的传奇法师穿着一身漆黑,镶嵌着银边的法袍,面色阴沉的向两人带去了皇帝陛下的口谕。而面对一位传奇法师,两个人除了苦笑之外,似乎也没有什么好的办法。现在他们只期望这些法师能够像他们所宣称的那么厉害,可以搞定眼下自己所面临的那些麻烦。不然的话,恐怕这次他们就要名声扫地,和已经被扫到垃圾堆里的帕斯坦一起作伴去了。 But makes them feel what is strange, this Legendary Mage seems like the mood is not very good appearance, his always board a face. Moreover speaks also always the evil report foul odor, seems like very uncomfortable ......... has to them where has offended this mage? 只不过让他们觉得奇怪的是,这位传奇法师看起来似乎心情不是很好的样子,他总是板着一张脸。而且说话也总是恶声恶气,看起来似乎对他们非常不爽………难道自己有在什么地方得罪过这位法师吗? If Zhan En sees this plane color grey defeat here Legendary Mage. Then he will certainly sigh this world unexpectedly such small & mda S h ; But in fact, appears in Land of Four seasons at present. Wears the noble law robe, complexion gloomy whom seemed to owe him simply 1 million gold coin same men, was before and Zhan En, Elise as well as Sofina that Battle mage that to rob Ring of Magic's staff attacked brutally. 如果詹恩在这里看见这位面色灰败的传奇法师的话。那么他一定会感叹这个世界居然如此之小—而事实上,眼下出现在四季之地。穿着高贵法袍,面色阴沉的简直好像谁欠了他一百万金币一样的男人,正是之前和詹恩,伊丽丝以及索菲娜为了抢夺环法之杖大打出手的那个战斗法师 But compared with the initial high-spiritedness, his complexion at this moment was gloomy, looked seems like the chronic illness serious illness number simply, the whole person was gloomy, almost can see it to lend darkness gloomy and cold aura to be the same with the naked eye. 只不过与当初的意气风发相比,此刻的他面色灰暗,看起来简直就好像是久病不愈的重病号,整个人阴沉无比,几乎用肉眼都可以看见其散发出了一股黑暗阴冷的气息一样。 I have read your report. & R dquo ; “我已经看过了你们的报告。” He is looking steadily at the present soldier, the gloomy opens the mouth inquiry said. 他一面盯视着眼前的军人,一面阴森森的开口询问道。 Can the magic trap of reusable ......... good. Looked in your stupid brains are unable to understand that magic in mystery, I think for the time being you said is the fact. Although said how such a consumptive installment supplemented magic power is a major problem, but to you are not the issue, because you do not think that they are an issue, but in fact you had not realized issue is at? Good, when you said is the fact, won't you bypass them to have a look other? & R dquo ; “能够重复使用的魔法陷阱………好吧。看在你们那愚蠢的大脑无法理解魔法的奥秘上,我姑且认为你们说的都是事实。虽然说这样一个消耗性的装置如何补充魔力是个大问题,但是对于你们来说根本就不算问题,因为你们根本不认为它们是个问题,而事实上你们根本就没有意识到问题的所在?好吧,就当你们说的是事实,难道你们就不会绕过它们去看看别的?” We have to attempt, mage your excellency. & R dquo ; “我们不是没有尝试过,法师阁下。” Listens to the opposite party to satirize the speech that in addition taunted, on the Barkley forehead the blue vein braved immediately. However considering that he must continue with now gloomy these, despicable, is not worth mentioning, plays tricks. Will only reply on the non- natural strength to show own idiot to work together as colleagues, therefore he can only restrain the in the depths of ones heart disaffection reluctantly. warrior always looks down upon mage, this is not strange. His high and low glib lips move can destroy a city, but before warrior has confidence he talked, shuts off his throat. Barkley sized up this facial expression again dispiritedly seemed like reckless Tianhu on some woman bed ten days and ten nights mage that the exhausted soul even must shoot. Suppresses in that the brain is extracting his tongue then to sliver the fantasy of fragment to change into the impulsion of reality, then continues to say. 听着对方讽刺加挖苦的说话,巴克利额头上顿时青筋直冒。不过考虑到他现在还要继续和这些阴沉的,卑鄙的,不值一提的,装神弄鬼的。只会借助非自然力量来展现自己的白痴共事,所以他只能够勉强收敛起自己内心深处的不满。战士总是瞧不起法师,这不奇怪。他上下嘴皮子一动就可以毁灭一座城市,但是一个战士有把握他动嘴之前切断他的喉咙。巴克利再次打量了一眼这个神情萎靡不振看起来好像在某个女人床上胡天胡地了十天十夜以至于疲惫的连魂都要射掉的法师。强忍着将自己脑中那个抽出他舌头然后切成碎片的幻想化为现实的冲动,接着继续说道。 But this region such long. To be honest, we even sent the light cavalry to circle one along the entire Passus territory ............ & R dquo ; “但是这片区域是如此之长。说实话,我们甚至派遣轻骑兵沿着整个帕苏斯的领地绕了一圈…………” Said here, Barkley long sighing, helpless spreading out both hands. He joins the army so many years, has not seen so crazed defensive way. Where no matter they, circled the far distance, so long as steps into the Passus territory, will be under the attack of magic trap immediately. Therefore they had lost dozens elite scouting, but Charlotte no longer has also planned to send out more people to bring death again. Now in the entire camp had presented the morale of troops not steady indication, he does not want to present many troubles again. 说道这里,巴克利长长的叹了口气,无奈的摊开双手。他从军这么多年,从来没有见过如此丧心病狂的防守方式。不管他们在什么地方,绕了多远的距离,只要踏入帕苏斯的领土,就立刻会遭遇到魔法陷阱的袭击。为此他们已经损失了数十名精锐的斥候,而夏洛特也已经不再打算再派出更多的人去送死了。现在整个营地里已经出现了军心不稳的征兆,他可不希望再出现更多的麻烦。 Ignorant. & R dquo ; “愚昧。” Listens to narration of Barkley, mage cold snort/hum, stands up. 听完巴克利的讲述,法师冷哼一声,站起身来。 For the time being thinks that you do not have to have a dream, but actually I also need to undergo the careful research and investigation can draw the conclusion ......... I to send people to have a look what's the matter. & R dquo ; “姑且认为你们没有在做梦,但是我还需要经过仔细的研究和调查才能够得出结论………我会派人去看看究竟是怎么回事的。” Spoke these words, mage turns around to leave the tent/account camp, only left behind Barkley and Charlotte they are gazing at his back reluctantly. Until mage vanishes thoroughly, Barkley cold snort/hum, then his hand has then exchanged two sections of feather pens to throw in one side, later looks to own adjutant opening the mouth complains. 说完这句话,法师就转身离开了帐营,只留下了巴克利夏洛特两人无奈的注视着他的背影。直到法师彻底消失,巴克利这才冷哼一声,接着将他手中已经折成两截的羽毛笔扔到了一边,随后望向自己的副官开口抱怨道。 You look, Charlotte, therefore I do not like these mage. Stupid, arrogant, thinks omniscient, but anything does not know in fact. They think that all things have its have the reason, but their quest expose this world all secrets, wants me to think that the larger part trouble of this world is not these damn mage annoys! Has a look at his appearance, looks in the emperor in the face, I a sword has cut! & R dquo ; “你看,夏洛特,所以我不喜欢这些法师。愚蠢,傲慢,自以为无所不知但事实上什么都不知道。他们认为万事万物都有其存在理由,而他们的任务就是揭露这世间一切的秘密,要我看这世间的一大半麻烦不就是这些该死的法师惹出来的!看看他这个样子,要不是看在皇帝陛下的面子上,我早就一剑砍过去了!” „ Please be patient, General Barkley. & R dquo ; “请稍安勿躁,巴克利将军。” Facing oneself immediate superior's complaint, Charlotte also can only smile bitterly reluctantly was advising against several. 面对自己顶头上司的抱怨,夏洛特也只能够无奈的苦笑着劝阻了几句。 „ At least at this time, we needed the assistance of mage, perhaps without them, we simply did not have the means to handle troublesome these. & R dquo ; “至少在这个时候,我们还是需要法师的协助的,如果没有他们,恐怕我们根本没有办法搞定这些麻烦。” Without them, will not have these damn things. I thought in any case that fellow seems like very uncomfortable, light/only treats in his side makes me feel sick! & R dquo ; “如果没有他们,就不会有这些该死的东西了。反正我觉得那个家伙看起来很不舒服,光是待在他身边就令我作呕!” Good. & R dquo ; “好吧。” Regarding the Barkley wicked complaint, Charlotte raises both hands, hints did not plan that discussed on this topic. However quick. He frowns, shrugs the shoulders. 对于巴克利恶狠狠的抱怨,夏洛特举起双手,示意不打算就这个话题进行讨论。不过很快。他就皱起眉头,耸耸肩膀。 „ Before is really strange ......... me, had seen one side this magician in the imperial capital. He gives my impression is a frankness, serious person. However now he actually seemed like turns into another person same ............... & R dquo ; “不过真奇怪………我以前在帝都曾经见过这位**师一面。他给我的印象是个直爽,严肃的人。但是现在他却看起来好像变成了另外一个人一样……………” That definitely is your misconception. & R dquo ; “那肯定是你的错觉。” Regarding thinking aloud of Charlotte. Barkley snorts contemptuously. 对于夏洛特的自言自语。巴克利嗤之以鼻。 mage is one group of odd people, I do not doubt all mage am one group of lunatics, who knows that in their brains is thinking anything. & R dquo ; 法师都是一群怪人,我毫不怀疑所有的法师都是一群疯子,谁知道他们的脑子里在想什么。” Said here, Barkley cold snort/hum. 说道这里,巴克利冷哼一声。 Now I only expect that they really can helps us solve that repugnantly trouble ............ & R dquo ; “现在我只期望他们真的能够帮助我们解决那个讨厌的麻烦了…………” Goes out of magician of tent/account camp not to know that Barkley said anything, but he does not care. To him, present all already enough bad. After Ring of Magic's staff loses, he prestige in Ring of Magic parliament also suffers a disastrous decline, actually if in fact is not the present association is investigating is who to divulge the information that Ring of Magic's staff shifted, perhaps his vice- chairman position could not have preserved. 走出帐营的**师并不知道巴克利说了些什么,但是他也不在乎。对于他来说,眼前的一切已经足够糟糕的了。在环法之杖丢失之后,他在环法议会里的威望也是一落千丈,事实上如果不是眼下协会正在调查究竟是谁泄露了环法之杖转移的情报的话,恐怕他这个副会长的位置已经保不住了。 However even so. At present this magician situation is not wonderful. As the high level of Ring of Magic association, he knows certainly that the contradiction between Ring of Magic associations and Goldshire Empire royal courts is intense, although on the surface, seems to have no big difference in national opinion both sides, but he is very clear, present Goldshire Empire and between the Ring of Magic associations is as incompatible as fire and water. Between both sides the contradiction of most root is lies in beginning generation of chairman use disaster matter that Ring of Magic's staff creates, at that time was Goldshire Empire protects, made the Ring of Magic association survive from the Templar Order thunder anger, had not been infiltratedunderworld and evil forces & R dquo ; In evil cult organization. But after that. The imperial family is also getting more and more bad regarding the attitude of Ring of Magic association, they think that oneself are the savior of Ring of Magic association, therefore regarding these mage is in every possible way nitpicking, directs them like the slave. But mage of Ring of Magic association is also mage. mage is mostly proud, how also possibly to tolerate such treatment? 不过就算如此。眼下这位**师的情况也不妙。作为环法协会的高层,他当然知道环法协会和闪金帝国王室之间的矛盾有多么尖锐,虽然在表面上,在国民看来双方似乎没有什么大的分歧,但是他很清楚,现在的闪金帝国环法协会之间已经是水火不容。双方之间最根源的矛盾就是在于初代会长利用环法之杖所造成的灾难这件事,当时是闪金帝国力保,才让环法协会从圣堂教团的雷霆怒火下生存了下来,没有被打入“黑恶势力”的邪教组织中去。而在那之后。皇室对于环法协会的态度也越来越恶劣,他们认为自己是环法协会的救命恩人,因此对于这些法师是百般挑剔,像奴隶一样使唤他们。而环法协会的法师也是法师法师大多是骄傲的,又怎么可能容忍这样的对待? Although said that the imperial family indeed helps the Ring of Magic association escape the disaster, but the issue is beginning generation of chairman are your royal family members. Moreover His Royal Highness Prince, this matter also has your one to put it bluntly. Now one buckles toward the mage head evil reputation wants to withdraw, where is so easy!? 虽然说皇室的确帮助环法协会逃过大难,但问题是初代会长原本就是你们皇室成员。而且还是王子殿下,这事说白了还有你们自己一份儿呢。现在把屎盆子往法师头上一扣就想脱身,哪儿有那么容易!? In this case. Contradictions of both sides even more deepen, now the imperial family wants to meddle and control the Ring of Magic association thoroughly, but the Ring of Magic association wants to be separated from control & mda S h of imperial family thoroughly ; The matter the past several hundred years, now Templar Order is in any case impossible to be better late than never again to them according to the evil cult charge, why bother do they continue to be the slave under Goldshire Empire? 正是在这种情况下。双方的矛盾越发加深,现在皇室想要彻底插手和控制环法协会,而环法协会则想要彻底脱离皇室的控制—反正事情已经过去几百年了,现在圣堂教团也不可能再亡羊补牢给他们按个邪教的罪名,他们又何苦继续在闪金帝国下面做奴隶呢? Also under this background, the Ring of Magic association wants the secret to shift Ring of Magic's staff, after all this is association sacred item, cannot place that side the royal family. 也正是在这个背景下,环法协会才想要秘密转移环法之杖,毕竟这是协会圣物,不能够放在王室那边。 What a pity was this matter screwed up finally, until now, the Ring of Magic association does not know that actually robbed the Ring of Magic's staff person to be which side, did not seem like the royal family, but did not seem like their enemies. It seems like braves to be the same baseless, moreover after that the prediction of association is magician also attempt more than once locks the magic staff position, has no result completely. This makes the Ring of Magic association very depressed, may be also at wit's end. 可惜的是这件事最终搞砸了,直到现在,环法协会也不知道抢走环法之杖的人究竟是属于哪一方,看起来不像是王室,但也不像是他们的敌人。就好像是凭空冒出来一样,而且在那之后,协会的预言系**师也不止一次的尝试锁定法杖的位置,却完全没有任何结果。这让环法协会很是郁闷,可也无计可施。 In this case, he was sent to participate by the association to a meaningless war, has made this honored magician quite annoyed. He grips tightly the double fist, on an angry killing intent straight heart. 在这种情况下,他被协会派来参与到一场毫无意义的战争之中,已经让这位尊贵的**师相当恼火。他紧握双拳,一股愤怒的杀意直上心头。 This group of bastards!! They are insulting themselves as the magician dignity!! Killed them, killed these benighted mortals, making them know the magic the strength! Let them tremble before oneself! By that time, looked that also who will despise his opinion!! 这群混蛋!!他们是在侮辱自己身为**师的尊严!!杀了他们,杀了这些愚昧无知的凡人,让他们知道魔法的力量!让他们在自己面前瑟瑟发抖!到那个时候,看还有谁会轻视他的意见!! This angry thought even became confused the head of magician suddenly, he raised the head, only felt that at present bright red, but the wound of abdomen as if also therefore produced an intermittent stabbing pain, the strange icy cold feeling appears, starts to turn toward all around to send out ............... 这愤怒的念头一时间甚至冲昏了**师的脑袋,他抬起头来,只感觉眼前一片鲜红,而腹部的伤口似乎也因此产生了一阵阵的刺痛,诡异的冰凉感从中浮现,开始向着四周散发…………… next moment, is returned to normal by the world that the blood covered, magician deeply inspires, frowns to hold down wound & mda S h of abdomen ; After storm giant by that mage that wears the mask to defeating, on his body were many such together the strange wound, seeming like the injury is not heavy, but always makes him feel very uncomfortable. Thinks of here, magician shakes the head, then turns around, looks to continuously followed in reverential awe in own apprentice. 下一刻,原本被鲜血笼罩的世界重新恢复了正常,**师深吸了口气,皱起眉头按住自己腹部的伤口—在风暴巨人化被那个戴着面具的法师给击败之后,他的身体上就多了这么一道诡异的伤口,看起来伤势不重,但是却总是让他感觉很难受。想到这里,**师摇了摇头,接着转过身去,望向一直诚惶诚恐的跟随在自己身边的学徒。 We have a look at the outcome that these ignorant mortals said real, hopes that they stupidly to not deceiving me will be good. & R dquo ; “我们去看看那些愚昧的凡人所说的究竟是不是真的,希望他们不会愚蠢到欺骗我才好。” Otherwise I will certainly kill them.( To be continued......) 不然我一定会杀了他们的。(未完待续……)
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