DR :: Volume #3

#285: Meaningless probe

The old knight looks at the matter that is having at present dull, does not know completely should make what response. Just like Charlotte, he also thinks that the opposite party impossible to arrange such magic trap in each place of battlefield. But the issue is, the present reality does not seem to support his deduction. soldier that not only these disperse is no exception, even distant place these tried to detour to enter the light cavalry of forest and river bank also were hit by the total destruction. The moment time, all have fallen into quietly, but is placed in front of the people, corpse and blood that only then that scatters. 老骑士呆呆的望着眼前所发生的事情,完全不知道该作何反应。和夏洛特一样,他也认为对方不可能在战场的每个地方布置这样的魔法陷阱。可问题在于,眼前的现实似乎不支持他的这个推论。不但那些分散开来的士兵无一幸免,甚至就连远处那些试图绕道进入森林与河岸的轻骑兵也同样遭受了灭顶之灾。只是片刻功夫,一切都已经陷入沉寂,而摆在众人面前的,则只有那散落的尸体和鲜血而已。 This ............... & R dquo ; “这……………” The old knight swallowed a saliva, difficult turning head of looks to approach itself behind on the hillside of distant place, although he is veterans who went through the innumerable wars, is an experienced military officer. May facing present all these him not know how should deal is good. Opposite party type did not press the method that the sign principle played a card to come as a surprise to his completely, this made the old knight have the vacant and helpless mood unexpectedly, can make such a veteran have the so panic-stricken mood, from some degree, is a quite extraordinary matter. 老骑士吞咽了口口水,艰难的回过头去望向自己身后远处的山坡上,虽然他是一个经历了无数战争的老兵,也是一个经验丰富的将领。可面对眼前的这一切他也不知道应该如何应对才好。对方这种不按牌理出牌的手段完全出乎了他的预料,这让老骑士居然产生了茫然和不知所措的情绪,能够让这样一个老兵产生如此惊恐的情绪,从某种程度来说,已经算是件相当了不起的事情了。 However can kisses/intimate to conduct this quest by Barkley and Charlotte, the old knight naturally also has many skills, looks at the present pitiful condition, in the surface of old knight surprised uncertain moment, then issued the order again. 不过能够被巴克利夏洛特亲点来进行这个任务,老骑士自然也是有两把刷子的,看着眼前的惨状,老骑士的面上只是惊疑不定了片刻,接着便再次下达了命令。 „ The second team, the tandem goes forward! Goal, dead ahead!! & R dquo ; “第二队,纵列前进!目标,正前方!!” Hears the old knight's order, his behind soldier were in a tumult. Now so long as is not the fools knows that waits for their outcomes is anything. But they are secure calm down finally again, the soldier as empire, bringing death is also their responsibility, the victory for empire, they are willing to pay all, includes own life. 听到老骑士的命令,他身后的士兵们不由的骚动了一下。现在只要不是傻子都知道等待他们的究竟是什么。可是最终他们还是重新安静了下来,作为帝国的军人,送死也是他们的职责,为了帝国的胜利,他们愿意付出一切,包括自己的生命。 Quick. Three rows of platoons become soldier of tandem to pass through from the side of old knight like this, then walks to the direction that before their compatriot died a tragic death. Before what is different, this they do not have to look time again to these soldier in city wall. So long as has a look at these Passus soldier appearances to know that they have not planned to fight from the start. Such being the case, stood on guard the attack from top of the head to be not meaningful like before. At present is most important, then copes with their front traps. 很快。三列排成纵列的士兵就这样从老骑士的身旁走过,接着向之前他们的同胞惨死的方向走去。和之前不同的是,这一次他们没有再望向城墙上的那些士兵。只要看看那些帕苏斯士兵的样子就知道他们压根没打算战斗。既然如此,像之前那样警戒来自头顶的攻击已经没什么意义。眼下最重要的,则是对付他们面前的陷阱。 Naturally, what since knows before them is anything, these soldier naturally cannot come up to bring death. Hand signal that in fact after seeing the old knight makes to them, these soldier know how should do. 当然,既然知道在他们面前的是什么,这些士兵自然不会上去送死。事实上在看见老骑士给他们做出的手势之后,这些士兵就知道该怎么做了。 Takes the stations, the preparation throws!! & R dquo ; “各就各位,准备投掷!!” With platoon leader's order, front soldier held up the shield in hand high, then made an effort to throw forward. Their approaches are not strange. Because common triggering trap, so long as induces to having the thing will activate above, before they also after setting foot on this lands were hit by the attack of magic trap. Clearly, they are the plan use this way to trigger these traps, then passes the place of this Death. 伴随着小队长的命令,前方的士兵们高高举起了手中的盾牌,接着用力向前扔了过去。他们的做法也不算奇怪。因为一般的触发式陷阱只要感应到有东西在上面就会激活,之前他们也是在踏上这片土地之后才遭受到魔法陷阱的袭击。很明显,他们是打算利用这种方式触发那些陷阱,然后再通过这片死亡之地。 Has to acknowledge, their ideas are good. 不得不承认,他们的想法不错。 Clang ......... clang ............... & R dquo ; “铛………铛……………” The heavy/thick shield falls on the ground, exuded the heavy collision sound, but has no response. It seems like there as if to have no trap, or just like before , guessed, these triggering -type magic traps were disposable, used up ends. If that was true. Then regarding the emperor * the team, pouring is also a good deed. 厚重的盾牌落在地上,发出了沉重的碰撞声,但是却没有任何反应。看起来那里似乎没有什么陷阱,又或者正如之前所猜测的一样,这些触发式的魔法陷阱是一次性的,用完就完了。如果真是这样的话。那么对于帝*队来说,倒也不失为一件好事。 However these soldier have therefore not relaxed obviously, they take a step to forward. Then set foot on the present that lands. 不过那些士兵显然并没有因此而放松,他们举步向前。然后踏上了眼前的那片土地。 crack!! & R dquo ; 咔嚓!!” The sharp thorn of revolving is almost break out from the ground from the surface instantaneously, sharp sharp blade thorncrash-bang & R dquo ; One in forefront soldier putting on the hedgehog, then took back rapidly. Following soldier had not even responded that what happened, he winked under the eyeglasses, „ grows & R dquo on the visible front colleague body on ; The innumerable sharp advantage thorns, then next moment his colleague seemed like broken by to bind the balloon to spray the blood to fall down same. On each passing through wound of bright red blood sprays from his body, immediately sprinkles soldier that behind dodged to be all over the head and face. 旋转的尖刺几乎是瞬间从地表下破土而出,尖锐锋利的刃刺“哗啦”一下就把走在最前面的士兵给穿成了刺猬,接着迅速收回。后面的士兵甚至还没有反应过来发生了什么事,他只是眨了下眼镜,就看见前面的同僚身体上“长出”了无数根尖锐的利刺,接着下一刻他的同僚就好像是被扎破了的气球一样喷洒着鲜血瘫倒在地。鲜红的血液从他身体上的每一处贯穿的伤口里喷射而出,顿时洒了后面躲闪不及的士兵一头一脸。 Ha!! & R dquo ; “呜啊!!” Facing this sudden attack, following soldier also has a scare, he quickly raises both hands. Rebounds toward side. But in that flash that he falls to the ground, suddenly a piercing distressed ice erupts from his ankle coldly like this. When he lowers the head looks, this discovery does not know. One Sharp Edge that brings the sawtooth has emerged as the times require, passed through his ankle. Has not waited for that pitiful creature to make anything again, several cold light erupt instantaneously, the present pitiful creature will change into a beach rotten meat. But this had not finished, because in that unlucky child's body just fell to the ground, soldier did not step into the place of this Death , the blade of gloomy and cold God of Death appears again baseless, wraps in which it thoroughly. 面对这突如其来的袭击,后面的士兵也是吓了一跳,他急忙举起双手。向着旁边跳开。而就在他落地的那一瞬间,忽然一阵刺骨痛心的冰寒就这样从他的脚腕上爆发。当他低下头看去的时候,这才发现不知道什么时候。一把带着锯齿的利刃已经破土而出,贯穿了他的脚腕。还没有等那个可怜虫再做些什么,数道寒光瞬间爆发,将眼前的可怜虫化为了一滩烂肉。但这并没有结束,因为就在那个倒霉孩子的尸体才刚刚落地之时,又有一个士兵不甚踏入了这块死亡之地,紧接着,阴冷的死神之刃再一次凭空浮现,将其彻底包裹其中。 How can like this ............... & R dquo ; “怎么会这样……………” Sees this, not only the old knight complexion is pale, Charlotte also surprised stares the big eye, cannot believe is looking at of distant place. 看见这一幕,不但老骑士面色铁青,就连夏洛特也惊讶的瞪大眼睛,不敢相信的望着远处的那一幕。 Regarding the approach of old knight, Charlotte does not think that anything is not right. But what makes him not think, the magic trap of opposite party unexpectedly is not disposable, but can the reusable!! 对于老骑士的做法,夏洛特并不认为有什么不对。但让他没有想到的是,对方的魔法陷阱居然不是一次性,而是能够重复使用的!! Actually they will have such wrong judgment no wonder, after all magic trap thing is the consumables, this is the consensus on entire Klein Continent. Therefore when seeing Passus these fearful magic traps, their first response naturally is also so. But the issue is, Zhan En's Dungeon System does not eat this set, indeed, these Dungeon traps will produce because of use wear, lose durably, finally damage. However will actually not damage because of the destruction of enemy, not only that actuating magic power of these magic traps to come from Dungeon, but not like these magic traps on Klein Continent, but stores up the use magic power. This put through the difference that between installments the installment and dependence battery of power source actuated, on these magic traps with Klein Continent compared, the Zhan En Dungeon trap was more lasting, was fatal. 其实也难怪他们会有这样错误的判断,毕竟魔法陷阱这东西是消耗品,这是整个克莱恩大陆上的共识。因此在看见帕苏斯这些可怕的魔法陷阱时,他们的第一反应自然也是如此。可问题在于,詹恩的地下城系统不吃这一套,的确,这些地下城陷阱会因为使用次数而产生磨损,失去耐久,最后损坏。但是却不会因为敌人的破坏而损坏,不仅如此,驱动这些魔法陷阱的魔力来自于地下城本身,而并非像克莱恩大陆上的那些魔法陷阱一样,只是把魔力储存起来使用。这就是接通了电源的装置和依靠电池驱动的装置之间的区别,和克莱恩大陆上那些魔法陷阱比起来,詹恩地下城的陷阱更加持久,也更加致命。 Naturally, Zhan En truly crazed enough to has not overspread entire Passus the trap, first does not need, secondly like this regarding the Dungeon magic power consumption supplies is also a burden. Present Bixy has become an artisan Grandmaster, is made the magic trap that to have + 3 attributes by her design goblin, this may want powerful many compared with the Dungeon initial trap might, can say that by trap of Bixy improvement in front, below two star intensities has many dead many. However as the matter stands the magic power consumption of trap also increased, must know these magic traps not like the Zhan En's magic, only then uses time will have the consumption, consumption magic power that but has kept. If Zhan En really overspreads entire Passus the magic trap, his Dungeon because of the magic power consumption but completely the shutdown, troubles by that time earnest. 当然,詹恩并没有真正丧心病狂到把陷阱铺满整个帕苏斯,一来没有必要,二来这样对于地下城魔力消耗供给也是一个负担。现在的比克丝已经成为了一名工匠大师,由她设计监督哥布林制造出来的魔法陷阱都拥有的属性,这可比地下城的初始陷阱威力要强大的多,可以说在被比克丝改良的陷阱面前,两星强度以下的存在来多少死多少。但是这样一来陷阱的魔力消耗也是增加了许多,要知道这些魔法陷阱可不像詹恩的魔法那样,只有使用的时候才会产生消耗,而是会一直不停的消耗魔力。所以假如詹恩真的把魔法陷阱铺满整个帕苏斯,那他的地下城就会因为魔力消耗殆尽而停摆,到那个时候才叫真麻烦。 Also because of this, in addition the manpower is really limited, therefore Zhan En wants goblin regarding the entire Passus boundary spread one about 100 meters widelymine field & R dquo ;. Do not despise these 100 meters, estimated by Zhan En's, on the Goldshire Empire current military, they want to break through this piecemine field & R dquo ; Perhaps, must make contact with that side 2/3 armies to have the possibility to be effective. However Zhan En does not care, on the contrary, he person who looks forward to Goldshire Empire to come the more better. 也正因为如此,再加上人手实在有限,所以詹恩只是要哥布林们围绕整个帕苏斯的边界铺了一圈大约100米宽的“地雷区”。可别小看这100米,以詹恩的估计,就闪金帝国目前的兵力而言,他们想要突破这片“地雷区”,恐怕要搭上自己那边三分之二的军队才有可能奏效。不过詹恩对此也不在乎,相反,他巴不得闪金帝国来的人越多越好。 Also almost should be the time makes own Dungeon promote ......... 也差不多该是时候让自己的地下城升级了啊……… Retreats!! Let their whole staff retreat!! “撤退!!让他们全员撤退!! Looks at these soldier still the futile attempt breakthrough present magic trap, Barkley cannot bear finally. That may be his elite soldier, if sacrificed them to yield enough income, then he will naturally do. At present but he may be unable to obtain any advantage, this is sends own person to bring death in vain!! 看着那些士兵依然徒劳无功的试图突破眼前的魔法陷阱,巴克利终于忍不住了。那可都是他的精锐士兵,假如牺牲他们能够获得足够的收益的话,那么他自然会去做的。可是眼下他可得不到任何好处,这不过是派自己的人白白送死而已!! Hears the order of Barkley, Charlotte gestures rapidly, quick, the bugle horn sound resounds. But hears the bugle horn sound, had revealed the old knight who weary condition also responds immediately, before ordering remaining soldier stopped , that nearly suicide action, then turns around to leave rapidly, they so flustered, the body of colleague has not even restrained & mda S h with enough time ; Or they did not have the means to restrain these corpses. After all if they walk, perhaps will also encounter with their colleague same destinies and fates, gathered up dead bodies the person to turn into the corpse, this was not a funny joke. 听到巴克利的命令,夏洛特迅速打了个手势,很快,号角声响起。而听到号角声,早已经显露出疲态的老骑士也是立刻反应过来,命令剩下的士兵停止了之前那近乎自杀般的举动,接着迅速转身离开,他们是如此的慌张,以至于连同僚的尸体都没有来得及收敛—或者说,他们也没有办法去收敛那些尸体了。毕竟如果他们走上去的话,恐怕也会遭到和他们同僚相同的命运和下场,收尸人变成了尸体,这可不是个好笑的笑话。 It seems like we were in the big trouble. & R dquo ; “看来我们遇上了大麻烦。” Is gloomy the face, Barkley is gazing at the swamp of distant place, in his eyes these Passus soldier are in high spirits ran from the foothold, then * the body of person towed these emperors. But before that God of Death the blade fearful trap seemed to be motionless at this time, as if not exist to be the same. How whatever these Passus soldier toss about above, meaning that do not start. Barkley suspected that was beforehand these soldier Death has consumed up energy & mda S h of that magic trap ; However he is not willing to send people to test again one time. 阴沉着脸,巴克利注视着远处的沼泽,在他的眼中那些帕苏斯士兵则是兴高采烈的从据点里跑了出来,然后将那些帝*人的尸体拖了回去。而之前那仿佛死神之刃般的可怕陷阱这个时候却一动不动,仿佛根本就不存在一样。任凭那些帕苏斯士兵在上面怎么折腾,都没有要发动的意思。以至于巴克利都怀疑是不是之前那些士兵死亡已经耗光了那个魔法陷阱的能量—不过他可不愿意再派人去实验一次。 Right. & R dquo ; “没错。” Is unattractive in Barkley nearby Charlotte complexion. 巴克利旁边的夏洛特面色也不好看。 It seems like our enemies have many strange methods, those who at least light/only depend on us to fear is hard to handle troublesome these. A so-called snake matter turns over to the coil, since these things are the category of magic, then we should please the professional help us solve this problem. & R dquo ; “看来我们的敌人有很多稀奇古怪的手段,至少光靠我们恐怕的是难以搞定这些麻烦的。所谓蛇道的事情归蛇管,既然这些东西属于魔法的范畴,那么我们就应该请专业人士来帮助我们解决这个问题。” What idea do you have? & R dquo ; “你有什么想法吗?” Hears here, Barkley has turned the head, looks to approach own adjutant. But detected that the Old military commander vision, Charlotte nods. 听到这里,巴克利转过头去,望向自己的副官。而察觉到老将军的目光,夏洛特点了点头。 I think, we need to request the support of Ring of Magic association. & R dquo ; “我想,我们需要请求环法协会的支援。” Then, he says. ( to be continued ) 接着,他开口说道。(未完待续)
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