DR :: Volume #3

#284: Please note the under foot

Scorching sun overhead. 烈日当空。 The old knight raised the head, looks to the vast battlefield. In another of horizon, can see Passus that lowly, almost said city wall that anything threatens. As a knight of Elite rank, he does not need any help, can clear seeing clearly stand guard the patrol besides one crowd of soldier in that city wall, anything does not have. During without them imaginemysterious weapon & R dquo ;, Also has nostrange & R dquo ; Thing. Naturally, if must say that anything is strange, that is this crowd of soldier looks at present no matter how does not seem like elite of these process strict trainings, although they already very diligently is boosting own morale, but old knight eyes can look, these soldier also compared with militiaman slightly strong a little. In the Goldshire Empire regiment, these people are not even the first-level establishment. 老骑士抬起头来,望向眼前一望无际的战场。在地平线的另外一段,可以看见帕苏斯那低矮,几乎称不上什么威胁的城墙。作为一个精英等级的骑士,他不需要任何帮助,都可以清晰的看清楚在那城墙上除了一群士兵正在站岗巡逻之外,什么都没有。没有他们想象之中的“神秘武器”,也没有什么“怪异”的东西。当然,如果要说有什么事情怪异的话,那就是眼前这群士兵不管怎么看都不像是那些经过严格训练的精锐,虽然他们已经很努力的在提升自己的士气,但是老骑士一眼就能够看出来,这些士兵也就比民兵稍微强那么一点儿罢了。在闪金帝国的军团之中,这些人甚至连一级编制都算不上。 Can beat the frontline division depending on this soldier? 凭这种士兵能够击败前线师团? The old knight shakes the head, does not believe such absurd matter. How at present but should all these explain? Here is the vast swamp plain, takes a broad view to look at almost no obstacle. Regardless of how he does not have the means to imagine, actually the frontline division is how is eliminated by the opposite party in this place. According to the truth, such battlefield regarding having the army of numerical advantage is the best choice, even if Pastan is incompetent will only shout that worthless fellow of charge, this weaponry is also wins steadily. By him as an experience of veteran, no matter how looked that does not think the frontline regiment will defeat in this place unexpectedly, moreover unexpectedly collapses completely. 老骑士摇了摇头,怎么也不相信这样荒谬的事情。可是眼下这一切又该怎么解释呢?这里是片一望无际的沼泽平原,放眼望去几乎没什么障碍物。他无论如何也没有办法想象,前线师团在这种地方究竟是如何被对方消灭的。按照道理来说,这样的战场对于拥有数量优势的军队来说是最佳的选择,哪怕帕斯坦是个无能的只会喊冲锋的酒囊饭袋,这场仗也是稳赢的。以他作为一个老兵的经验来说,不管怎么看都不认为前线军团居然会在这种地方战败,而且居然还是一败涂地。 However said no matter how ............... they were defeated after all. 但是不管怎么说……………他们毕竟失败了。 Thinks of here, the old knight sighed, then he has turned the head. Facial color serious is looking at behind soldier. 想到这里,老骑士叹了口气,接着他转过头去。面色严肃的望着自己身后的士兵 Remembers our responsibility, the regiment long Sirs is visiting us in behind!! & R dquo ; “记住我们的职责,军团长大人正在后面看着我们!!” Yes! Team leader!! & R dquo ; “是!队长!!” Hears the old knight's speech. These soldier are look dignified nods. They know that oneself mission is anything, now they must do. Is goes to test the opposite party, actually having a look at these Passus people to have what skill. Has to acknowledge, this mediation from some degree makes them bring death no difference, but as a soldier, the command prompt is their duties. Even if therefore knows this time possibly has not to return, they also can only brace oneself to do. 听到老骑士的说话。那些士兵们都是神色凝重的点了点头。他们知道自己的使命是什么,现在他们要做的。就是前去试探对方,看看那些帕苏斯人究竟有什么本事。不得不承认,这从某种程度上来说和让他们送死没什么区别,但是作为一个军人,服从命令是他们的本分。因此哪怕知道这次可能有去无回,他们也只能够硬着头皮干了。 Advance!! & R dquo ; “前进吧!!” Satisfaction looks at own subordinate, in the old knight eyes appeared several points of gratified, then next moment he pulled out the long sword, referred to toward the front. But in his side. The hand grasps the long spear/gun, takes warrior of long shield is being the platoon becomes three rows, cautious setting out forward. 满意的看着自己的部下,老骑士眼中浮现出了几分欣慰,接着下一刻他抽出长剑,向着前方指去。而在他的身边。手握长枪,拿着长盾的战士们则是排成三列,小心翼翼的向前进发。 They started to go forward. & R dquo ; “他们开始前进了。” Stands on the hillside of rear distant place, Charlotte blinks, is looking at distant place that soldier that moves slowly, the tone heavy opens the mouth said. But hears his speech, Barkley also sighs, although said before a war starts, conducts the probe is not the matter at the worst. However before frighteningplays & R dquo ; Makes them very depressed. The enemies do not press the sign principle to play a card. Facing such opponent, they on no means that can only walk one step to look radically one step, but this circumstance is almost each qualified battlefield military officer most is not willing to bump into. 站在后方远处的山坡上,夏洛特眨了眨眼睛,望着远处那正在缓缓移动的士兵们,语气沉重的开口说道。而听到他的说话,巴克利则也是叹了口气,虽然说在一场战争开始之前,彼此之间进行试探也不是什么大不了的事情。但是像这样让人心惊胆战的“前戏”却让他们很是郁闷。对方根本不按牌理出牌。面对这样的对手,他们根本就没什么好办法,只能够走一步看一步,而这种情势几乎是每一个合格的战场将领最不愿意碰到的。 Hopes our judgments are correct ............... & R dquo ; “希望我们的判断是正确的吧……………” Looks soldier that the distant place goes forward. Barkley traces own moment, the opens the mouth of muttering said. 看着远处前进的士兵巴克利摸了摸自己的关头,喃喃自语的开口说道。 At the same time, first wave of soldier that was led by the old knight had also arrived at small stream. Their altogether more than 150 people, are the third division's first infantry garrison. Everyone is the veteran in being bathed in blood battlefield, how is very naturally clear should do. Sees only them to hold up the shield, to guard in the city wall to have the surprise attack and unexpected blow of possibility, another hand grips tightly the weapon, to guard the sudden outbreak that may have anytime. Rear soldier has held up the bow and arrow in hand, to be advantageous when the opposite party conducts the fire counterattacks. 就在与此同时,由老骑士率领的第一波士兵也已经来到了小溪边。他们一共有一百五十多人,属于第三师团第一步兵纵队。每一个人都是浴血沙场的老兵,自然很清楚该怎么做。只见他们举起盾牌,以防备城墙上有可能的突袭和冷箭,另外一只手则紧握武器,以防备随时有可能出现的突发状况。后方的士兵则已经举起手中的弓箭,以便于在对方进行射击时进行还击。 But makes the old knight feel what doubts is, even if oneself had entered the attack range of foothold, in the city wall these soldier still have not launched the attack to them the meaning. Do not say attacked, they even making the gesture of security do not have. On the contrary, after seeing them arrives, these are responsible for near the soldier actually arriving city walls that stand guard in the city wall, curious looks around toward here, probably is waiting for anything to resemble. 只不过让老骑士感到疑惑的是,哪怕自己已经进入了据点的攻击范围,城墙上那些士兵也依然没有对他们发起进攻的意思。不要说进攻了,他们甚至连做出警戒的姿态都没有。相反,在看见他们到来之后,那些负责在城墙上警戒的士兵却一个个的来到城墙边,好奇的向着这边张望,好像是在等待什么似的。 These Passus people actually what's the matter? 这些帕苏斯人究竟是怎么回事? At present this strange scene makes old knight zhang (3.33 m) two monks unable to feel the mind, instead even more is vigilant. His subconscious vertical horse drew back backward several steps, once again looks toward all around right, seeing besides the vast plain mire, anything does not have. Also nothing camouflages own line of sight, in this case, is impossible to have the ambush, has not possibly set up what trap to be right ......... 眼前这一幕诡异的景象让老骑士丈二和尚摸不着头脑,反而越发警惕起来。他下意识的纵马向后退了几步,又一次向着四周望去没错,入目的除了一望无际的平原沼泽之外,什么都没有。也没有任何东西遮蔽自己的视线,在这种情况下,不可能有埋伏,也没可能设下什么陷阱才对……… At this time, first row of soldier had crossed the small stream, stepped the river bank. 就在这个时候,第一列士兵已经渡过小溪,踏上了河岸。 But at this time, flash flashed through from the eyes of old knight, next moment, he saw several infantries to tumble is flying to the upper air, then fell to the ground layer on layer/heavily. 而就在这个时候,一道闪光从老骑士的眼中闪过,下一刻,他就看见数名步兵翻滚着飞向高空,然后重重落地。 Bang!! & R dquo ; “轰隆!!” The depressed explosive sound resounds until this moment loudly. 沉闷的爆炸声直到这一刻才轰然响起。 Has the trap!! Attention under foot!! & R dquo ; “有陷阱!!注意脚下!!” Sees this, the old knight is startled immediately, then he looks all around rapidly, the loud summon said. 看见这一幕,老骑士顿时吃了一惊,接着他迅速环顾四周,大声呼唤道。 What a pity is, is too late. 可惜的是,为时已晚。 Is centered on that flash, as if lit some signal general, saw only the infantries land to start to have the change suddenly. The advantage punctures to fly to flee from the land deep place, is revolving the armor that tore the steel, present soldier will hold to putting on. The cold blade light flashes past, next moment then sees crescent moon Sharp Edge to spring from the slit of surface together, no stagnation stands one in the shield of front unlucky egg in together with his hand cleaves in two together. 以那道闪光为中心,仿佛点燃了某种信号一般,只见步兵们脚下的大地忽然开始产生了变化。利刺从大地深处飞窜出来,旋转着撕裂了钢铁的盔甲,将眼前的士兵捅了个对穿。寒冷的刀光一闪而过,下一刻便看见一道弯月般的利刃从地表的缝隙之中弹出,毫无停滞的将一个站在前方的倒霉蛋连同他手中的盾牌一起劈成两半。 Suddenly, the entire river bank like the living hell, the explosive sound, the puncture sound, the blood-curdling screech sound melts is a piece. Old knight dull sitting in immediately, looking at steadily looks is happening before oneself the tragedy. He looks at a platoon leader with own eyes in the instantaneous leap of explosion, avoided the following flame and air current, but falls to the ground that flash that in him the tumbling turns around, two sharp knife edges do not have the indication suddenly like this from underground flew. Interlocks to revolve is flying to approach own goal. Feeling sorry for that platoon leader good and evil is also warrior of Elite rank, but does not have the means facing such unexpected attack. He brandished the long sword to block the left blade reluctantly, immediately was flown Sharp Edge that shot to come to shut off from the right around the middle. When his body falls the flash in ground. A hugeness, filled the trap of advantage tooth to shoot like this, probably was covered with the wild animal huge mouth of advantage toothkā bā & R dquo ; His corpse chewing smashing. 一时间,整个河岸如同人间地狱,爆炸声,穿刺声,惨叫声融为一片。老骑士呆呆的坐在马上,目不转睛的望着发生在自己面前的这出惨剧。他亲眼看着一个小队长在爆炸的瞬间飞跃而起,躲开了随之而来的火焰与气流,但就在他落地翻滚转身的那一瞬间,两把锋利的刀刃忽然就这样毫无征兆的从地下飞了出来。交错旋转着飞向自己的目标。可怜那个小队长好歹也算是一个精英等级的战士,但是面对这样猝不及防的袭击也毫无办法。他勉强挥舞长剑挡住了左边的刀刃,随即被从右边飞射而来的利刃拦腰切断。而当他的身体落在地面上的一刹那。一个巨大,充满利齿的陷阱就这样弹了起来,好像长满利齿的野兽巨口般“咔吧”一声把他的尸体给嚼的粉碎。 Retreat!! Retreat!! & R dquo ; “后退!!后退!!” Old knight at this moment responded finally, his hurried great shout is hinting others to retrocede, but the responses of these soldier are also quick, soldier that majority has not come ashore immediately rapid draws back backward, spread out with that stretch of fearful Death battlefield. For several minutes, but soldier of first formation has almost been defeated thoroughly. Looks up, can only see to pour these incomplete corpses in ground. Incisive advantage thorn that but as for former these presented suddenly. Steel and iron Sharp Edge as well as other at sixes and sevens thing quiet disappearances are missing, as if they simply have not appeared same. 此刻的老骑士总算反应了过来,他急忙大声呼喊着示意其他人后退,而那些士兵的反应也很快,大部分没有上岸的士兵立刻迅速的向后退开,与那片可怕的死亡战场拉开了距离。前后不过短短几分钟,但是第一队列的士兵几乎已经彻底覆没。抬头看去,只能够看见倒在地面上的那些残缺不全的尸体。而至于之前那些忽然出现的尖锐利刺。钢铁利刃以及其他乱七八糟的东西则悄无声息的消失不见了踪影,仿佛它们根本没有出现过一样。 Sees this, soldier to look at each other in blank dismay, only sees pale incomparable faces. 看见这一幕,士兵们不由面面相觑,彼此之间只看见一张张苍白无比的面孔。 What is that? & R dquo ; “那是什么?” But at this moment, in rear Barkley also saw in all that in the battlefield has, he frowns, inquired in a low voice. Heard his issue silent, Charlotte the moment, this opening the mouth replied. 而此刻,在后方的巴克利也看见了在战场上所发生的一切,他皱起眉头,低声询问道。听到他的问题,夏洛特沉默了片刻,这才开口回答道。 „ It seems like this to seem like the magic trap ............... & R dquo ; “看起来这像是魔法陷阱……………” You meant. Does he place in the magic trap the battlefield? & R dquo ; “你的意思是说。他把魔法陷阱放在战场上?” Hears the reply of Charlotte, muttering that Barkley cannot believe that an eye almost must stare from the eye socket. 听到夏洛特的回答,巴克利不敢相信的喃喃自语道,一双眼睛几乎都要从眼眶里瞪出来了。 Also he will be no wonder surprised, in Klein Continent. Has not presented similar land mine and bomb such thing. However the magic trap has. But their in fact majority is triggering -type magic, for example a rupturing technique etching on together floor, when the person steps on will trigger this spell to have the explosion. But this type of trap is disposable, and quite expensive. Generally speaking. Only then these respected families will choose to lay aside such trap in oneself tomb. But now, some people will place in such trap the battlefield unexpectedly. Is that Passus feudal lord dislikes the money is too many? 也难怪他会如此惊讶,在克莱恩大陆。并没有出现过类似地雷和炸弹这样的东西。但是魔法陷阱还是有一些的。只不过它们事实上大部分都是触发式的魔法阵,比如将一个爆裂术蚀刻在一块地板上,当人踩上去时就会触发这个法术产生爆炸。只不过这种陷阱是一次性的,而且相当昂贵。一般来说。只有那些大家族在自己的墓穴里才会选择放置这样的陷阱。而现在,居然会有人把这样的陷阱放在战场上。那个帕苏斯的领主难道是嫌自己钱太多吗? Has to acknowledge, in the battlefield upfront laying aside certain amount of magic trap, can indeed play the role, but ......... this trap number should not be many. & R dquo ; “不得不承认,在战场正面放置一定数量的魔法陷阱,的确能够起到作用,不过………这种陷阱数量应该不会太多吧。” Judgment of Charlotte not completely unreasonable, must know this swamp considerably large, moreover has the woods and rivers lake in the two sides prevents, if must spread out the magic trap here completely, first did not say money that must spend is the astronomical figures, moreover as the matter stands is not cost-effective, because the magic trap is triggering, can only use one time, used up would have no to use. Stands in any commanding angle, such trap only suits makes the surprise-attack forces, although these magic traps indeed may have the influence on an army from the beginning. So long as can crew cut these traps, then its threatening nature will also be very low. 夏洛特的判断并非完全没有道理,要知道这片沼泽可是相当大的,而且在两边还有树林与河流湖泊阻挡,如果要把这里全部铺上魔法陷阱,先不说要花费的金钱是个天文数字,而且这样一来也不划算,因为魔法陷阱是触发式的,只能够用一次,用完就没有用了。站在任何一个统领的角度,这样的陷阱都只适合做奇兵,虽然一开始这些魔法陷阱的确有可能对一只军队造成影响。但是只要能够推平这些陷阱,那么其威胁性也就会很低了。 No matter how said, we obtained a little useful information finally. & R dquo ; “不管怎么说,我们总算是得到了一点儿有用的情报。” Hears the speech of Charlotte, Barkley cold snort/hum, says. Regarding this Charlotte is deep is also so, although they lost some soldier, but can this information, has the value to them. 听到夏洛特的说话,巴克利冷哼一声,开口说道。对此夏洛特也是深以为然,虽然他们损失了一些士兵,但是能够得到这个情报,对于他们来说也算是非常有价值了。 But at this time, below army also took the action again. 而就在这个时候,下方的部队也再次展开了行动。 Under the old knight's order, second third row of soldier quickly launched the scattered formation, but the light cavalry who is riding a horse also arrived at two wings to separate, obviously, he was the plan continues to go forward with this way, simultaneously avoided entering the magic trap area of opposite party again. Clearly, the judgment of old knight is also like Charlotte, thinks that this type of thing are most puts on the battlefield directly, should the avenue of impossible arrangement be. Quick, he orders again, the scattered infantry and light cavalry go into action immediately, from turns toward the direction of foothold to go forward in all directions. 在老骑士的命令下,第二第三列士兵迅速展开了分散阵型,而骑着马的轻骑兵也来到了两翼分开,显然,他是打算用这种方式继续前进,同时避免再次进入对方的魔法陷阱区。很明显,老骑士的判断也和夏洛特一样,认为这种东西最多就是在战场正面放一放,应该不可能布置的满大街都是。很快,他再次一声令下,分散的步兵与轻骑兵立刻行动起来,从四面八方向着据点的方向前进。 Then should not have the issue. 这下应该没有问题了吧。 Looks below dispersing soldier, Charlotte relaxes. If can investigate this stretch of magic trap area in a big way, that was also a good result. After all said no matter how, the opposite party impossible to overspread the entire battlefield the magic trap is. 看着下方散开的士兵,夏洛特松了口气。如果能够调查出这片魔法陷阱区有多大,那也算是个不错的结局了。毕竟不管怎么说,对方也不可能把魔法陷阱铺满整个战场才是。 However quick, Zhan En, showed him to be actually crazed to the people with practical action. 但是很快,詹恩就用实际行动,向众人展现了他究竟有多么丧心病狂。 Crosses the brook in these soldier, steps is Passus that flash of land, the flame of explosion glittered again, swallowed all.( To be continued......) 在那些士兵越过溪流,踏上属于帕苏斯的土地的那一瞬间,爆炸的火光再次闪烁,吞噬了一切。(未完待续……)
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