DR :: Volume #3

#283: Road ahead of no choice

Charlotte tucks in the cotton thread of tent, walked in big strides. Although at this moment is night, but this Sword protector knight is still scrupulous about every detail. The silver-white armor is reflecting the brilliance of candle, young girls who that lets half empire till the handsome face that is enchanted at this moment appears serious and earnest. Golden hair takes advantage of opportunity to separate, toward two vertical banks to the shoulder by, this makes him seemingly be more like a gentle scholar, rather than a knight in galloping battlefield. However that three scars of his chest actually showed that sufficiently the strength of this young people, that is he cuts to kill the merit that Three-headed Dragon traded in the dusk mountain range, in this time, has been called the legend sufficiently. 夏洛特撩起营帐的布帘,大踏步的走了进来。虽然此刻已经是深夜时分,但是这位持剑骑士依然一丝不苟。银白色的盔甲反射着蜡烛的光辉,那张让半个帝国的少女都为止迷醉的英俊面孔此刻显得严肃又认真。一头金发顺势分开,向着两侧垂到肩旁,这让他看起来更像是一名文质彬彬的学者,而不是一位驰骋沙场的骑士。但是他胸口的那三道伤痕却足以证明这个年轻人的实力,那是他在黄昏山脉斩杀了三头龙首才换来的功绩,在这个时代,已经足以被称为传说了。 Situation how? & R dquo ; “情况怎么样?” Sees Charlotte to walk, sits Old military commander in command tent asks & mda S h ; He named Barkley. Dodis. Is the assistant commandants of Goldshire Empire three big regiment scarlet dragon regiments, this time is responsible for leading the fifth regiment to attack Passus by him. But Charlotte is his assistant, is responsible for directing the silver white sword to coordinate in the one side. According to the truth, such equipment is used to cope with such a small territory obviously is killing a chicken with an ox cleaver, but two people were well aware this emperor to move really hot, the opposite party not only eliminated a Goldshire Empire entire frontline division neatly, but also dared flagrantly raised the protest through the official channel to them. This lets that keeping aloof emperor annoyed, he has issued the order, requests to spare nothing to take Passus, then grasps to deliver to the imperial capital that extremely arrogant feudal lord, by that time, what he will make the opposite party experience thoroughly is the anger of emperor! 看见夏洛特走进来,坐在中军帐里的老将军开口询问道—他名叫巴克利.多迪斯。是闪金帝国三大军团赤红之龙军团的副指挥官,这次正是由他负责率领第五军团攻打帕苏斯。而夏洛特则是他的副手,负责指挥银白之剑在一旁策应。按照道理来说,这样的配备用来对付这么小的一个领地明显是杀鸡用牛刀,不过两人都心知肚明这一次皇帝陛下是动了真火,对方不但干脆利落的消灭了闪金帝国的一整个前线师团,还胆敢明目张胆的通过正式渠道对他们提出抗议。这让那位高高在上的皇帝陛下大为恼火,他已经下达命令,要求不惜一切代价拿下帕苏斯,然后把那个狂妄的领主抓起来送到帝都,到那个时候,他会让对方彻底体验一下什么叫帝王的愤怒! Mentioned this matter, Barkley and Charlotte can only be acquainted to smile bitterly, dexterous that the emperor said that but can write off existence of entire frontline division easily, then can it be that is easy to cope? Must know that this is all extinguishes, all extinguishes. The sentence is not of pleasant to hear, even if they ran into the Holy nation Seth gods' servant guard, is insufficient a military deserter not to have. Although they favored the opposite party suppose what complete set with the aid of the natural defenses, however after the investigation actually discovered that entire Passus basically had no dangers and difficulties, besides divided the river valley of boundary and barbaric open land civilization together, remaining unique stone forest landforms and smooth plateau terrains. This place you said that can bury several thousand soldier, that is who does not believe. 一提到这件事,巴克利夏洛特就只能够相识苦笑,皇帝陛下说的轻巧,但是一个能够轻而易举抹杀了整个前线师团的存在,岂是那么容易对付的?要知道这可是全灭啊,全灭。说句不好听的,哪怕他们是遇到了圣国塞斯神侍卫队,也不至于一个逃兵都没有。虽然他们更倾向于对方是借助天险设下了什么全套,但是在经过调查之后却发现整个帕苏斯基本没有什么艰难险阻,除了一道划分开文明之境与野蛮荒地的河谷之外,剩下的只有独特的石林地貌和平坦的高原地形。这种地方你说能够一下能够埋葬几千名士兵,那是谁都不信的。 Therefore after taking over this quest, two people then bring the Land of Four seasons army to be stationed same place, then starts to send people to investigate, actually at least they must make clear the opposite party how to eliminate soldier of several thousand frontline regiments , and has not left behind a living witness. If not make clear this matter, then they do not dare to attack Passus again, if returns to the Pastan road, that may cry not to have the place to cry. 所以在接手这个任务之后,两人便带着四季之地的军队原地驻扎,然后开始派人调查,最起码他们要搞清楚对方究竟是怎么消灭数千名前线军团的士兵而且没有留下一个活口的。如果不搞清楚这件事,那么他们可不敢再次进攻帕苏斯,万一重蹈帕斯坦的覆辙,那可就连哭都没地方哭去。 Is same, does not have any response. & R dquo ; “还是一样,没有任何回应。” Hears the inquiry of Barkley, Charlotte shakes the head, then sits on nearby chair sighs. Hears his reply, the complexion of General Barkley was also gloomy several points, obviously, this to them is not the good news. The armies have been ready, but they do not have the clue regarding Passus at present, before these information fundamental no use & mda S h ; If useful, Pastan will not die in this remote place. 听到巴克利的询问,夏洛特摇了摇头,接着坐在旁边的椅子上叹了口气。听到他的回答,巴克利将军的面色又阴沉了几分,显然,这对于他们来说可不是什么好消息。大军早已经准备就绪,可是眼下对于帕苏斯他们根本就毫无头绪,以前那些情报根本毫无用处—如果有用的话,帕斯坦也就不会死在这个偏僻的地方了。 But makes them feel what is fearful, dispatches Passus scouting one unable to live after that. The opposite party have not sealed up the entire area, on the contrary, besides drawing in the refugee to avoid having the accident/surprise, entire Passus basic all normal. But their scouts and scouted had also camouflaged various status & mda S h ; For example the merchant, for example the wanderer, for example the class/flow of mercenary enters Passus to eavesdrop on the news. However after they go, has not come out again, even the information has not passed on. This really makes people feel unthinkable, to be honest, if not believe firmly that these scouts are they send personally, moreover elite including respective hand, is without question on Loyalty, they must suspect that here had what spy in the divulging information. 而让他们感到心寒的是,在那之后派往帕苏斯的斥候没有一个能够活着回来的。对方并没有封闭整个地区,相反,除了收拢流民以避免发生意外之外,整个帕苏斯基本一切正常。而他们的探子和斥候也曾经伪装过各种身份—比如商人,比如流浪者,比如佣兵之流进入帕苏斯探听消息。但是他们进去之后,就再也没有出来过,甚至连一点儿信息都没有传回来。这实在让人感到匪夷所思,说实话,如果不是确信那些探子都是他们亲自派出去的,而且还包括各自手上的精锐,就忠诚度来说毫无问题的话,他们都要怀疑这边是不是有什么间谍在泄露情报了。 Barkley and Charlotte do not certainly know, Passus at this moment already completely under the Zhan En's Dungeon control, reason that because Zhan En and Goldshire Empire have battled against, both sides naturally are the members of hostile camp. When these scouts enter the Passus flash, the system prompts the enemy to invade the Dungeon sphere of influence immediately. Then was very simple, Zhan En locks these fellows directly, then puts Alien to go out to take advantage that they do not pay attention to massacre completely. Alien also needs to eat meal in any case, these fellows were regarded as to them eat up. Just takes carry back as for the remaining parts to the Enoya collection information, therefore since so many days, Barkley and Charlotte also anything does not know, but Zhan En actually already through the brains of these secret agents the purity that they understand. 巴克利夏洛特当然不知道,此刻的帕苏斯已经完全在詹恩的地下城控制之下,由于詹恩闪金帝国已经开战的缘故,双方自然就是敌对阵营的成员。而当那些探子走进帕苏斯的一瞬间,系统就会立刻提示有敌人正在入侵地下城的势力范围。接下来就很简单了,詹恩直接锁定那些家伙,然后放异形出去趁他们不注意全部杀掉。反正异形也需要吃饭,这些家伙就当做是给他们加餐了。至于剩下的部分刚好拿回来给埃诺娅收集情报,于是这么多天以来,巴克利夏洛特还什么都不知道,而詹恩却已经通过那些密探的大脑把他们了解的一清二楚。 However even so, the gravity of matter still makes them feel the headache sufficiently. 不过即便如此,事情的严重性也足以让他们感到头疼。 Do not say that yesterday evening in the light beam that Passus presented that so long as were not the fools can guess correctly, now in Passus is having some type unknown, tremendous changes. But the present issue is, they simply do not have the means to know that actually the opposite party is doing anything, this really lets Barkley and Charlotte is somewhat speechless. They go on an expedition battlefield many years of warrior, had met the innumerable dangers and difficulties, but these makes them feel that time incomparable depression, this was blindfolded simply probably, inserts the ear, then throws to a being empty black room is same, tries to find out the advance not to have his law besides oneself. But what is more important, you never possibly know that your next outcome can bring the total destruction to oneself. 更不要说昨天晚上在帕苏斯出现的光柱,只要不是傻子都能够猜到,现在帕苏斯里面正产生了某种不为人知的,翻天覆地的变化。而现在的问题就在于,他们根本没有办法知道对方究竟在搞什么,这实在让巴克利夏洛特有些无语。他们都是征战沙场多年的战士,曾经遇到过无数的艰难险阻,但是这一次还是让他们感到无比的郁闷,这简直就好像被人蒙住眼睛,塞上耳朵,然后扔到一个空无一物的黑房间里一样,除了自己摸索着前进之外根本就是毫无他法。而更重要的是,你永远不可能知道自己的下一步究竟会不会给自己带来灭顶之灾。 A war most important is the system enemy situation, who had the information, who was equal to seeing the smile of Goddess of Victory. Since so many days have not had the achievements to make these two military officers feel exhausted, but yesterday evening that vast momentum light beam becomes almost must crash the camel the last straw, clearly, they are also clear, this way is incorrect. 一场战争最重要的就是制敌先机,谁掌握了情报,谁就等于看见了胜利女神的微笑。这么多天以来毫无建树已经让这两个将领感到疲惫不堪,而昨天晚上那声势浩大的光柱更成为了几乎要压垮骆驼的最后一丝稻草,很明显,他们也清楚,再这样下去是不行的。 We must act immediately. & R dquo ; “我们必须要立刻行动。” Choice and his attitude consistent & mda S h of Barkley ; Decisive, brave, vicious. Just, under at present this situation, rather a daring misconception. 巴克利的选择和他的作风一致—果断,勇敢,凶狠。只不过,在眼前这种局势下,未免给人一种孤注一掷的错觉。 However the battlefield is not a casino. 但是战场并不是赌场。 I agree with your view, General Barkley, but the issue is, how should we take action? & R dquo ; “我同意您的看法,巴克利将军,可问题在于,我们应该如何采取行动?” Hears here, Charlotte also says finally. He first is puts out a hand, quite& R dquo ; Stood erect in front of the long golden bangs, this smiled bitterly, says. 听到这里,夏洛特也终于开口说道。他先是伸出手去,颇为“”的竖立了一下自己前面长长的金色刘海,这才苦笑了一下,开口说道。 To be honest with you, before then, I once consulted about that Zhan En. Fact of Mr. Bassammens. I have to acknowledge, although he handles affairs looks quite crude, but everything all has to complete the subsequent hand. Only because of a small conflict, he killed Gustav and his son, but actually not only does not have therefore to go into exile, instead becomes the awarding a decoration aristocrat in temple. Naturally, the world all thinks that this is his luck is good, but behind he, when Hard rock city defeats Stryker, has not actually encountered any trouble. Although superficially, this mister is one foolhardy generation, he and Alexander attacks brutally in the city of Qian River, even the crew cut is half block, finally? Templar Order helped him depress this matter, but Alexander and Soros family actually instead therefore fell into passively one time ............ can also say the coincidence twice, three times times were very four difficult to say ......... & R dquo ; “不瞒您说,在这之前,我曾经查阅了一下关于那位詹恩.巴夏侬门斯先生的事迹。我不得不承认,虽然他行事看起来相当鲁莽,但是凡事皆有做好后手。只因为一场小小的冲突,他就杀死了古斯塔夫和他的儿子,但是却非但没有因此流亡,反而成为了圣殿的授勋贵族。当然,世人皆认为这是他运气好,可是后面他在坚石城击败斯特尔克的时候,却也同样没有遭遇到任何的麻烦。虽然从表面上来看,这位先生是一个有勇无谋之辈,他和亚历山大在千河之城大打出手,甚至推平了半个街区,可是结果呢?圣堂教团帮他压下了这件事,而亚历山大索罗斯家族却反而因此陷入了被动…………一次两次还可以说巧合,三次四次就很难这么说了………” Therefore you mean ............... & R dquo ; “所以你的意思是……………” Hears here, Barkley frowns, he puts out a hand, traces his bare forehead, is looking steadily at side the young natural knight. 听到这里,巴克利皱起眉头,他伸出手去,摸了摸他那光秃秃的脑门,然后盯视着旁边年轻潇洒的骑士。 Carefully looked that we will discover a rule, that is this mister regarding daring to provoke own existence, be relentless will give the severest counter-attack, but will not look that or other anything aspect leaves a loophole in the status of opposite party. Moreover he has self-confident therefore not to receive the penalty ............... you not to think that each time very much this and our current situations do look like very much? & R dquo ; “仔细看去我们就会发现一个规律,那就是这位先生对于胆敢招惹到自己的存在,都会毫不留情的给予最严厉的反击,而丝毫不会看在对方的身份或者其他什么方面网开一面。而且他每次都很有自信自己不会因此而受到惩罚……………你不觉得这和我们目前的处境很像吗?” You meant, before by the frontline division that he eliminated, was similar to Alexander or Gustav, because provoked him, therefore was eliminated? & R dquo ; “你的意思是说,之前被他消灭的前线师团,就和亚历山大或者古斯塔夫差不多,只是因为招惹到他,所以才被消灭的?” Hears here, Barkley shrugs the shoulders. 听到这里,巴克利耸耸肩膀。 „ But how can this? Must know that first he can escape several times, because of his back influence. In the Valkyrie duchy, has God of War Temple to guarantee him. But in the Skaar federation, is the Parwood family, because of this, he can survive now. But now, facing Goldshire Empire, what method he can put out? You are always impossible to think that Templar Order will dispatch troops for him. & R dquo ; “但是这又能够怎么样呢?要知道前几次他能够逃过一劫,是因为他背后的势力。在瓦尔基里公国,有战神神殿保他。而在斯卡尔联邦,则是帕伍德家族,也正因为如此,他才能够存活到现在。可是现在,面对闪金帝国,他又能够拿出什么手段?你总不可能认为圣堂教团会为他出兵吧。” Templar Order will not achieve this step, but ............... & R dquo ; 圣堂教团不会做到这一步,但是……………” Said here, Charlotte complexion gloomy. 说道这里,夏洛特的面色阴沉了下来。 I really worried very much, if, present Passus that just like that feudal lord Sir suggested has been separated from the Skaar federation, becomes an independent duchy. Then as an awarding a decoration aristocrat, he naturally can be the imperator in this duchy ........., but awarding a decoration aristocrat, is came from Templar Order ............... & R dquo ; “我实在很担心,假如正如那位领主大人所暗示的,现在的帕苏斯已经脱离了斯卡尔联邦,成为了一个独立的公国。那么作为一个授勋贵族,他自然会是这个公国的最高统治者………而授勋贵族,则是来自圣堂教团……………” Therefore you mean, Templar Order may announce that very much the Passus area is their domain? & R dquo ; “所以你的意思是,圣堂教团很有可能宣布帕苏斯地区是他们的地盘?” Hears here, the Barkley complexion also became dignified. If that was true, then may be big troublesome. 听到这里,巴克利的面色也变得凝重了起来。如果真是这样的话,那么麻烦可就大了。 I think that Templar Order will not achieve this step, so long as that feudal lord Sir shows the enough strong strength, perhaps Templar Order will also be glad to promote this point ......... since, moreover he has acted, explained that his counter-attack to the empire is confident, I do not believe that feudal lord Sir really naive to thinking to eliminate an empire frontline division, can request the empire to draw back troops. Clearly, he has coped with our means. & R dquo ; “我想圣堂教团不会做到这一步,但是只要那位领主大人表现出足够强大的实力,圣堂教团恐怕也会乐得推动这一点………而且既然他已经行动了,就说明他对帝国的反击是胸有成竹的,我可不相信那位领主大人会真的天真到以为消灭了帝国一个前线师团,就可以要求帝国退兵。很明显,他已经有了对付我们的办法。” But we actually know nothing. & R dquo ; “但是我们对此却一无所知。” Barkley sighed deeply the tone, by the chairback, is looking steadily at own adjutant. 巴克利长叹了口气,靠在椅背上,盯视着自己的副官。 What good way therefore ............... you do have? & R dquo ; “所以……………你有什么好办法?” „ It is not considered as that the good way. & R dquo ; “不算是好办法。” Charlotte shakes the head, however his vision, is actually falling on the present sand table map. 夏洛特摇了摇头,但是他的目光,却正落在眼前的沙盘地图上。 I think, we must lead the person to probe. & R dquo ; “我想,我们必须要带人去试探一下了。”
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