DR :: Volume #3

#282: Dark green blue envoy

The front door opens. 大门打开。 The pure white brilliance illuminated the sky in this flash, from the day to the place, the light beam connected originally infinite both sides together like this, and opens the space the door. 纯白的光辉在这一瞬间照亮了天空,从天到到地,一道光柱就这样连接了原本无限的双方,并且开启空间的门扉。 This is ............... & R dquo ; “这是……………” Howard Bishop stands up, even the disorderly long gown can ignore the reorganization, before running up to window that staggers along like this, looks to the distant place. That light beam so bright dazzling, actually gives people a gentle simple and beautiful pleasant warmth and comfort, light/only feels its shining, makes people feel that like lying down on prairie, is feeling the gentle breeze happiness. 霍华德主教站起身来,甚至连身上凌乱的长袍都顾不上整理,就这样跌跌撞撞的跑到窗前,望向远方。那道光柱是如此的明亮耀眼,却又给人一种柔和清丽的温软与舒适,光是感受到它的照耀,就让人感觉如同躺在草原上,感受着轻柔微风般的舒畅。 This is ......... the strength of Holy, actually that young people made anything!! 这是………神圣之力,那个年轻人究竟做了什么!! Thinks of here, Howard Bishop got hold of own fist, he knows certainly that light beam came from Passus, because Zhan En sent people to say to him before „, if Templar Order is not willing to protect a territory of awarding a decoration aristocrat, then he has to depend upon oneself strength & R dquo ;, Howard also thinks that at that time Zhan En pure to oneself complained, but now seems like, matter is not so as if simple!! 想到这里,霍华德主教握紧了自己的拳头,他当然知道那个光柱正是来自于帕苏斯,因为之前詹恩曾经派人对他说过“如果圣堂教团不愿意保护一位授勋贵族的领地,那么他只好依靠自己的力量”,那个时候霍华德还以为詹恩只是单纯对自己抱怨而已,但是现在看起来,事情似乎没有这么简单了!! Actually are that young people who? 那个年轻人究竟是什么人? Is looking steadily at the present light beam, the Howard Bishop opening mouth, but actually does not know that should say anything is good. An ordinary awarding a decoration aristocrat is impossible to toss about such big sound. No, do not say the awarding a decoration aristocrat, perhaps even God's family of Cardinal rank, has not probably had like this powerful, summoned the strength of Holy aura!! In Passus, actually to have what at this moment? Arrives there, actually is also anything!! 盯视着眼前的光柱,霍华德主教张大嘴巴,但是却根本不知道该说什么才好。一个普通的授勋贵族是不可能折腾出这么大的动静的。不,不要说授勋贵族,恐怕就算是红衣主教级别的神眷者,也没有可能拥有这样强大的,召唤神圣气息的力量!!在帕苏斯,此刻究竟发生了什么?在那里降临的,又究竟是什么东西!! Zhan En at this moment does not know that Howard is thinking anything, even if knows that he does not care, because present he is looking steadily at present the front door of this leaf of pure light manufacturing, inside waiting summon emergence. But on his present panel, information also reappearing fast. 此刻的詹恩并不知道霍华德在想些什么,不过就算知道他也不在意,因为眼下的他正盯视着眼前这扇纯光制造的大门,等待内里的召唤物出现。而在他眼前的面板上,一道道信息也正在飞快的浮现。 „ Has Pattilina, prepared? & R dquo ; 帕蒂莉娜,已经准备好了吗?” Yes. Masters!! & R dquo ; “是的。主人!!” Hears Zhan En's to inquire, Pattilina quickly nods, then she looked at one behind Enoya of not far away. Then arrives at side Zhan En's, quick. The magnificent halo wrapped two people, revolving that cannot start. 听到詹恩的询问,帕蒂莉娜急忙点了点头,接着她望了一眼身后不远处的埃诺娅。这才走到詹恩的身边,很快。华丽的光环就将两人包裹了起来,开始不住的旋转。 Examines different space plane to fluctuate 【检测到异空间位面波动】 Examines same attribute to exist, enhancement summon signal addition 【检测到同属性存在,增强召唤信号加成】 Brilliance even more dazzling bright that in the giant door sparkles, even Enoya and Pattilina closing eye, draws back backward. But at this time, only heard low and deep thundering and loud sound. The brilliance diverges , a huge form appears in front of Zhan En's. 巨大的门扉上闪耀的光辉越发耀眼的明亮,甚至就连埃诺娅帕蒂莉娜都不由的闭上眼睛,向后退开。而就在这个时候,只听见一声低沉的轰鸣与巨响。光辉散去,紧接着,一个庞大的身影在詹恩的面前浮现。 Bang!! & R dquo ; “轰!!” Sturdy. The giant sharp claws drop from the clouds, fall in the ground, even the smooth heavy/thick floor is unable the food and lodging the body weight of colossus, the collapse to cave at present, is only the flash, Zhan En even felt own sole sinks, later dozens meters centered on that colossus was hollow immediately. Saw this, on Zhan En forehead to reappear several drops of cold sweat & mda S h ; For in order, he established this summon temple in the manor open square fortunately, if otherwise in manor. Perhaps this steps on Zhan En to think that own family/home must repair ............ the demon chamber of commerce to be possible not to have warranty period saying. 粗壮。巨大的利爪从天而降,落在地面上,甚至就连平整厚重的地板都无法吃住眼前庞然大物的体重,崩溃塌陷下去,只是那么一瞬间,詹恩甚至都觉得自己脚底一沉,随后以那个庞然大物为中心的数十米之内顿时凹陷了下去。看见这一幕,詹恩不由的额头上浮现出了几滴冷汗—还好为了方便起见,他把这个召唤圣殿设置在庄园后面的露天广场上了,不然要是在庄园里面的话。恐怕这一脚踩下去詹恩觉得自己的家又要重新装修了…………魔族商会可没有保修期这一说啊。 Appears in front of Zhan En, without a doubt is the a dragon, moreover is a big dragon. 出现在詹恩面前的,毫无疑问是一条龙,而且还是一条巨龙。 However unlike Sofina that big dragon. Presents the dragon in front of Zhan En in the contour, although seemingly differs not in a big way with other dragon clans, but carefully looked that will discover both sides have very big difference. On this dragon clan body has not covered dragon clan to have that scale that generally, on the contrary, its outer covering looks seems like some type of super alloy general of armor casting, in the pure white bottom color draws up is just liking sky deep blue, the edge part is sparkling the brilliance golden border. 但是与索菲娜那种巨龙不同。出现在詹恩面前的这条龙在外形上虽然和其他龙族看起来相差不大,但仔细看去就会发现双方有很大的区别。这种龙族身体上并没有覆盖一般龙族会有的那种鳞片,相反,它的外壳看起来就好像是某种超合金的盔甲铸造的一般,纯白的底色上绘制着犹如天空般的湛蓝,边缘部分则是闪耀着光辉的金色镶边。 Moreover, in the part of this big dragon shoulders, but also is hanging a pair of shoulder cannon, the giant sturdy metal joint entity follows the body of big dragon to proliferate like this. Moreover. On claw before two before its body, is also wearing the heavy/thick giant blue white metal hand guard. But on its giant tail. Also is also equipping metal Sharp Edge, enabling the entire big dragon to seem like seems like the motion fort that can walk general. 不仅如此,在这头巨龙双肩的部分,还悬挂着一对肩炮,巨大粗壮的金属结合体就这样顺着巨龙的身体扩散开去。不仅如此。在它身前的两只前爪上,也同样佩戴着厚重巨大的蓝白色金属护手。而在它那巨大的尾巴上。也同样装备着一个金属利刃,使得整条巨龙看起来就好像是一座会走路的移动要塞一般。 This is ......... Blue Legion!! & R dquo ; “这是………苍蓝军团!!” But sees these big dragons. Zhan En has not said anything, his Pattilina was excitedly and called excitedly. Sees only the little fellow to raise own both hands high, excited is looking steadily at the present colossus. 而看见这些巨龙。詹恩还没有说什么,他身边的帕蒂莉娜却是兴奋和激动的叫了起来。只见小家伙高高举起自己的双手,兴奋不已的盯视着眼前的庞然大物。 Master, your time developed!! & R dquo ; “主人,你这次发达啦!!” „? & R dquo ; “哦?” Heard the speech of Pattilina, Zhan En gawked, later he quickly assigned out present fight unit, quick, the information about these big dragons appears above at present. 听到帕蒂莉娜的说话,詹恩愣了一下,随后他急忙调出了眼前的战斗单位,很快,关于眼前这些巨龙的情报就在上面浮现了出来。 Blue Legion( golden S SR)】 苍蓝军团(黄金ssr)】 Quantity: 333 【数量:333只】 Attack: 【攻击: Defense: 【防御: Special Ability: The regiment charge( looks, in that dark green blue sky, their invincible & mda S h ; Puncture characteristic)】 特殊能力:军团冲锋(看啊,在那苍蓝的天空上,它们所向无敌—穿刺特性)】 Special Ability: The fire covers( the rain of destruction to drop from the clouds, will be overwhelmed with emotion & mda S h including the land ; area + 3)】 特殊能力:炮火覆盖(毁灭之雨从天而降,连大地都会为之销魂—覆盖面积)】 Note: They are the overlords of sky, they are the Death envoy, the destruction are their creeds, the rebirth are their beliefs. The myriad things will be finally on the wane, but the myriad things will recover finally. They will destroy the myriad things, and saw that it has a new lease of life. Illustrious prestige of special Russ Pseudo-dragon on the blue dome of heaven never vanishes, that grazes the land, but the omen that the shadow brings is the established fact, besides acceptance has no other alternative( dragon prestige increase + 1)】 【注:它们是天空的霸主,它们是死亡的使者,毁灭是它们的信条,重生是它们的信仰。万物终将凋零,而万物又终将复苏。它们将毁灭万物,而又眼看着其重获新生。特拉斯伪龙苍穹上的赫赫威名从来不曾消失,那飞掠大地而过的阴影所带来的预兆是既定的事实,除了接受之外别无它途(龙威增幅)】 Has characteristic: Combat Specialization( they from fresh to dying, to fight fight)】 【持有特性:战斗专精(它们从生到死,一直为了战斗而战斗)】 Has characteristic: Steel Faith( the vanguard of deu color mahina, until death faithful)】 【持有特性:钢铁信仰(deu色mahina之先锋,至死不渝)】 Special effect: Legion Banner( promotes 30% when with Starlight Knight battles together the ability)】 【特殊效果:军团旗帜(与星光骑士一起作战时自身能力提升30%)】 Maintains the consumption: 2500 【维持消耗:2500】 Very good! & R dquo ; “很好!” After seeing the present information, Zhan En made an effort to get hold of the fist. This summon, he has not made Enoya be oneself assistant for safety's sake, but chose Pattilina to be responsible for helping itself summon, for is present. Zhan En is very clear, in summoning process, besides resources that oneself invest, has very big relations with own ministrant. Always, assistance Zhan En conducts the summon is Enoya, she was born in one with the Klein Continent similar world, but that world has come to the doomsday end, various evil god evil spirit wreak havoc in the surface, but the civilization has consumed completely, is in this case, Enoya will offer sacrifices by own family member. Also because of her background, therefore Zhan En can summon different summon. 在看见了眼前的信息之后,詹恩用力握紧了拳头。这次召唤为了保险起见,他并没有让埃诺娅作自己的副手,而是选择了帕蒂莉娜来负责帮助自己进行召唤,为的就是眼前的这一幕。詹恩很清楚,在召唤过程之中,除了自己投入的资源本身之外,也和自己的协助者有很大的关系。一直以来,协助詹恩进行召唤的都是埃诺娅,她出生在一个和克莱恩大陆差不多的世界,只不过那个世界已经走到了末日的尽头,各种邪神妖魔在地表肆虐,而文明则已经消耗殆尽,正是在这种情况下,埃诺娅才会被自己的家人献祭。也正因为她的这个背景,所以詹恩才能够召唤出各种不同的召唤物。 But on the contrary, what Pattilina is a mechanical civilized highly developed world, but in that complete scientific world unlike the Zhan En impression, Pattilina world, although is primarily the developed mechanical civilization, but must have other similar dragons similarly and so on race, he once listened to Pattilina more than once to he has mentioned oneselfscore & R dquo ;, Loafs in the galaxy, can like ancient God who chewing a sugar eats a star. And these follow ancient God, races from other stars, including the complete machinery, corrosion all that also some fearful insects, they blot out the sky, until forever. But resists with these fearful races, is the mechanical civilization that human of that world develops, Pattilina is one of their satisfactory works. Each youngster young girl in that world after arriving at certain age stage, will be transformed as the machine person to fight. Although said that transforms machine the person to increase these children's lives to a great extent. However the human society of that world not because the population rises dramatically, but worried & mda S h ; Because most people died in the war of sea of prolonged star. 而相反,帕蒂莉娜所在的是一个机械文明高度发达的世界,不过与詹恩印象之中那种完全的科学世界不同,帕蒂莉娜的世界虽然是以发达的机械文明为主,但是也同样少不了其他类似龙之类的种族,他曾经不止一次的听帕蒂莉娜对他说起过自己的“战绩”,游荡在星河之间,能够像嚼碎一颗糖一样吃掉一颗星球的古神。以及那些追随古神的,来自其他星球的种族,其中有完全的机械,也有一些可怕的虫子,它们铺天盖地的腐蚀一切,直到永远。而与这些可怕种族对抗的,则是那个世界的人类所发展出来的机械文明,帕蒂莉娜就是他们的得意作品之一。那个世界的每个少年少女在到达了一定的年龄阶段之后,都会被改造为机人进行战斗。虽然说改造成机人能够在很大程度上增加那些孩子的寿命。不过那个世界的人类社会并不会因为人口暴增而苦恼—因为大部分人都在旷日持久的星之海洋的战争之中死去了。 Why this is Zhan En will also choose Pattilina to be itself to summon the reason of assistant, in such a world, is centered on Pattilina conducts the summon the words, presents the mix the possibility of mechanical product to be very big. As the matter stands, many that oneself also deceive well. The world that after all although the Klein Continent civilization is not at like Pattilina has the developed machinery, the world that is also not at like the Dragoon knight group is the demon to lead the technical the peak, however also has some precedents in this aspect. 这也是詹恩为什么会选择帕蒂莉娜来做自己召唤副手的原因,在这样一个世界,以帕蒂莉娜为中心进行召唤的话,出现混合的机械产物的可能性很大。这样一来,自己也好糊弄的多。毕竟虽然克莱恩大陆的文明不像帕蒂莉娜所在的世界那样拥有发达的机械,也不像魔装骑士团所在的世界那样属于魔导科技的巅峰,但是在这方面还有有一些先例的。 Has not thought that this summon to oneself such big pleasant surprise, according to the view of Pattilina, these Pseudo-dragon adjusts the dragon clan that later makes in their world through the gene unexpectedly, as the envoy of god of machinery, specifically is used in the war between interstellar. Resists the chaos ancient God of endless insect sea and star sea deep place. To put it bluntly, they in the position of Pattilina world is somewhat similar on Klein Continent these takes care of Angel of gods, as the matter stands Zhan En is understands finally why will summon these fellows. They haveHoly & R dquo in the Pattilina world ; The attribute, being in this position is not but actually strange. 只是没想到这次召唤居然给自己这么大一个惊喜,按照帕蒂莉娜的说法,这些伪龙在她们的世界是通过基因调整之后制造出来的龙族,作为机械之神的使者,专门用于星际间的战争。对抗无尽的虫海与星海深处的混沌古神。说白了,它们在帕蒂莉娜世界的地位有些类似于克莱恩大陆上那些服侍神明的天使,这样一来詹恩总算是明白为什么会把这些家伙召唤出来了。它们在帕蒂莉娜的世界里有“神圣”属性,占据这个位置倒也不奇怪。 Just ............... 只不过…………… After happy ending, Zhan En swept a consumption of opposite party, rubbed doing a lot of talking. 在高兴完之后,詹恩扫了一眼对方的消耗,不由的磨了磨牙。 The consumptions of resources of 2500 unit ............... four resources add to take 10000 points, was almost equal to own beforehand all unit sum totals. 2500单位的资源消耗……………四种资源加起来就要10000点,几乎等于自己之前所有单位的总和。 Moreover to be honest, these Pseudo-dragon, although looks very powerful, but Zhan En contrasted, discovered that they do not have the weakness. First these Pseudo-dragon want small many compared with the normal dragon in the build, although does not arrive at the degree of eagle and chicken, but compares with this world's true big dragon perhaps is also the difference between whale and dolphin. Must know that in this their leader build is biggest, and dragon Sofina is almost big, but strip youth dragon of Sofina in dragon clan, not grown. Also can grow up again, this also means that if Zhan En wants to bring these Pseudo-dragon to challenge truly dragon clan, some insufficiently look at & mda S h ; If nothing else, is only his sister's Black Dragon Legion, enough Zhan En drinks a pot. 而且说实话,这些伪龙虽然看起来很强大,不过詹恩对比了一下,发现它们也并非完全没有弱点。首先这些伪龙比正常的龙在体型上要小的多,虽然不到老鹰和小鸡的程度,但是和这个世界真正的巨龙比起来恐怕也就是鲸鱼和海豚之间的差别。要知道这之中它们的首领体型是最大的,也不过和龙型的索菲娜差不多大,而索菲娜在龙族里还是条青年龙,并没有成年。还能够再长大,这也就意味着如果詹恩想要带这些伪龙去挑战真正龙族的话,还是有些不够看—别的不说,光是他妹妹的黑龙军团,就足够詹恩喝一壶的。 Really, the advantage cannot all be occupied up by oneself. 果然,好处不能让自己全占光了。 Thinks of here, Zhan En helpless shaking the head, but is quick, he recover original good mood. 想到这里,詹恩无奈的摇了摇头,但是很快,他又回复了原本的好心情。 No matter how said, this time, he can receive cordially the guest who Goldshire Empire these are unsolicited well. ( to be continued ) 不管怎么说,这一次,他可以好好款待一下闪金帝国那些不请自来的客人了。(未完待续)
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