DR :: Volume #3

#281: The gate of Holy

Actually solution understrength method Zhan En has thought that now his in six big attributes only also vacancy isHoly & R dquo ;, But wantsHoly & R dquo ; Attribute operational unit summoned, then resisted the attack of Goldshire Empire sufficiently. * %, in entire Dungeon System, „ Holy & R dquo ; Withdark & R dquo ; Is most powerful two unit, has a look to occupydark & R dquo now ; Positionbeliever & R dquo ; City of Gold that protects, has become the death city that had not to return to completely, according to the Sofina beforehand report, altogether dozens well-equipped, has the Adventurer team of considerable strength to enter City of Gold to find out before then, but they pour inbeliever & R dquo finally ; Under powerful barrier , without exception. 其实解决兵力不足的方法詹恩早已经想好了,现在他的六大属性之中唯一一个还空缺的就是“神圣”,而只要将“神圣”属性的作战单位召唤出来,那么就足以抵挡住闪金帝国的袭击。※%,在整个地下城系统之中,“神圣”和“暗黑”是最强大的两个单位,看看现在占据“暗黑”之位的“教徒”所保护的黄金之城,已经完全成了有去无回的死城,按照索菲娜之前的报告,在这之前一共有数十个装备精良,拥有相当实力的冒险者团队进入黄金之城一探究竟,但是最终他们都倒在“教徒”的强力结界下,没有例外。 However must say summonHoly & R dquo ; Operational unit of department, Zhan En too does not want to summon similar actuallybeliever & R dquo ; Such existence. „ Believer & R dquo ; Returns to parental home after being divorced powerful, but it is barrier attribute fixed unit, when the fixed place can play the biggest role, but is actually not able flexible moves. But what this Zhan En need is a powerful army, no matter or in the strength must call from the outward appearance on powerful is good. 不过要说召唤“神圣”系的作战单位,詹恩倒是不太希望召唤出一个类似“教徒”这样的存在。“教徒”强大归强大,可它是一个结界属性的固定单位,只有在固定一个地方的时候才能够发挥最大的作用,可是却无法灵活的进行移动。而这一次詹恩需要的是一只强大的军队,不管是从外观还是实力本身上都要称的上强大才行。 Such operational unit consumption certainly are but many, therefore Enoya wants Zhan Ento set firm resolve & R dquo ;, After all, this is not a minor matter. 可是这样的作战单位消耗一定不少,所以埃诺娅才要詹恩“下定决心”,毕竟,这不是一件小事。 Now in Dungeon System, „ Dragoon knight rolls & R dquo ; As core unit, must consume 4000 resources to maintain every month. But what then second is high isbeliever & R dquo ;, After a series of promotion, its present consumption is each month 2500 : 00 resources, is not considered as that a small number. „ Alien & R dquo ; Then belongs to live a lot eats few models, every month only needs to consume 1900 resources. ButAlice & R dquo ; Then needs 1200 resources. After all they are not fight unit, in many aspect also really strong bad people's desires. As forbanshee & R dquo ; ......... Also is an odd change. Maintenance of only 15 resources is not meaningful. 现在在地下城系统之中,“魔装骑士团”作为核心单位,每个月要消耗4000点资源维持。而接下来第二高的是“教徒”,经过一系列升级,它现在的消耗是每个月2500点资源,也不算是一个小数字。“异形”则属于生得多吃得少的典范,每个月只需要消耗1900点资源。而“爱丽丝”则需要1200点资源。毕竟她们不是战斗单位,在很多方面也实在强差人意。至于“女妖”嘛………也就是个零头。区区15点资源的维持根本没啥意义。 But in the Heroic units aspect, as golden EliteEnoya & R dquo ; Needs to consume the resources 800 points. „ Pattilina & R dquo ; Then is 1500 points, „ Agatha & R dquo ; 900 points, „ Sofina & R dquo ; 500 points. ButBixy & R dquo ;, „ Verna & R dquo ; WithElise & R dquo ; As a result of native biotransformation Heroic units that but did not summon, therefore has not included during the consumption. 而在英雄单位方面,作为黄金精英的“埃诺娅”需要消耗资源800点。“帕蒂莉娜”则是1500点,“阿加莎”900点,“索菲娜”500点。而“比克丝”,“维尔娜”和“伊丽丝”由于是从本土生物转化而并非召唤出来的英雄单位,所以没有列入消耗之中。 This also means that Zhan En's Dungeon every month various disbursement consumptions of resources altogether more than 10,000 point, this is not a small number. Although said that Zhan En after plundering duergar and drow city valuables and money is blindingly rich, but the issue lies in Dungeon also needs the balanced revenues and expenditures even to have the consumption that earnings can maintain. This robber can certainly snatch several million then greatly spending freely from the bank probably, but this after all is not the say/way of stability. Today even if the flowered 10,000 bright smallpox 100,000 such usages give you is not insufficient the money of the world. 这也就意味着詹恩的地下城每个月支出各种资源消耗总共有一万多点,这可不是一个小数目。虽然说詹恩在搜刮了灰矮人黑暗精灵的城市财宝之后已经算是富得流油,可问题在于地下城也同样需要收支平衡甚至有所盈余才能够维持的起消耗。这就好像一个强盗当然可以一口气从银行抢个几百万然后大把挥霍,可这毕竟不是稳定之道。今天花一万明天花十万这样的用法就算把全世界的钱给你都不够用的。 The Zhan En's Dungeon income was not high, before has almost lost money the condition. Luckily the Underdark wealth that he snatches is sufficient enough, this can maintain so many fight unit. Also studied in Elise goblin creation technique And summoned Agatha After the executive officer who this manages four stars, Zhan En's Dungeon then realized the balanced revenues and expenditures reluctantly, every month approximately can have 30,000 resources to deposit, in the system Zhan En the dazzling income negative value that always looks at straightens up finally. 原本詹恩的地下城收益并不高,之前几乎一直都是亏损状态。幸亏他抢来的幽暗地域的财富足够充足,这才能够维持那么多战斗单位。也就是在伊丽丝研究出了【哥布林制造术】以及召唤出了【阿加莎】这个管理四星的执行官之后,詹恩的地下城这才算是勉强实现了收支平衡,每个月大约能够有三万资源入账,总算是把系统里詹恩总是看的刺眼的收入负值扶正了。 However now, if must summonHoly & R dquo ; Attribute fight unit, this means that must strengthens from the qualities and quantity two aspects, as the matter stands consumes will not be definitely few. According to Zhan En's estimated that if he must summon enoughHoly & R dquo ; Is operational unit. Least each month also needs 3000 consumptions, if must achieve his ideal boundary, perhaps that 5000 resources cannot block. 但是现在,假如要召唤“神圣”属性的战斗单位,这就意味着必须要从质量和数量两方面进行加强,这样一来消耗肯定不会少。依照詹恩的估计,假如他要召唤出足够的“神圣”系作战单位。最少每个月也需要3000点消耗,而如果要达到他的理想境界,那恐怕5000点资源都挡不住。 Moreover, unlike other fight unit. „ Dark & R dquo ; WithHoly & R dquo ; Is the religious color thickest two attributes, like other attributes, is very not strange. However you at least cannot guess that which side it is. Butdark & R dquo ; WithHoly & R dquo ; Was different. Now Zhan En only expects oneself do not summon one crowd of Angel to come, although said inHoly & R dquo ; In attribute. Angel is player most long-awaited top fight unit. However Zhan En does not hope makes such a crowd to oneself greatly troublesome, because in Klein Continent. All Angelhave registered & R dquo above ; This also means one crowd of Angel, so long as appears before the world, which gods will then be recognized to be immediately. If these Angel are unauthentic, that may be big on the trouble. Zhan En does not hope to the victory of Goldshire Empire, but builds oneself, if so, then he rather gave up Passus looking for place. 不仅如此,与其他战斗单位不同。“暗黑”与“神圣”是宗教色彩最浓的两个属性,不像其他属性,或许很诡异。但是你至少猜不出来它是属于哪一方的。可是“暗黑”和“神圣”就不同了。现在詹恩只期望自己别召唤出一群天使来,虽然说在“神圣”属性里。天使算是玩家最梦寐以求的顶级战斗单位。但是詹恩可不希望给自己弄来这么一群大麻烦,因为在克莱恩大陆。所有天使都是在上面“挂过号”的,这也就意味着一群天使只要出现在世人面前,那么马上就会被认出属于哪个神明。而假如这些天使来路不明的话,那可就麻烦大了。詹恩可不希望为了对闪金帝国的胜利而把自己搭进去,如果是这样的话,那么他宁可放弃帕苏斯重新找块地儿去了。 Therefore the master, what in your ideal best summon is unit? & R dquo ; “所以说主人,您理想之中最好的召唤单位是什么呢?” Follows in the Zhan En's body side, Enoya curious blinking, looks to present Dark Temple & mda S h ; Naturally, this is not located in Underdark Dungeon that summon temple, but is Zhan En in ownmanor & R dquo ; The second building that in constructs. After all Underdark also has very long distance from Passus, Zhan En is always impossible to go back Underdark through the transmission gate each time, summoned then the belt/bring to come. What let alone this time summoned was the Holy attribute species, even if there is any sound, is not considered as in summon demons and monsters, therefore Zhan En was not worried but actually very much. 跟随在詹恩的身侧,埃诺娅好奇的眨了眨眼睛,望向眼前的黑暗圣殿—当然,这并不是位于幽暗地域地下城的那座召唤圣殿,而是詹恩在自己的“庄园”里重新建造的第二座建筑。毕竟幽暗地域距离帕苏斯还有很长一段距离,詹恩总不可能每次都通过传送门回去幽暗地域,召唤完然后再带过来。更何况这次召唤出来的是神圣属性的物种,就算有什么动静,也不会被认为是在召唤妖魔鬼怪,所以詹恩倒也不是很担心。 If possible, I choose Unicorn or silver Griffon light ........., although discussed battle efficiency these two is not strongest, but existence of Holy Beast rank was also good. & R dquo ; “如果可以的话,我选择光之独角兽或者白银狮鹫………虽然论起战斗力这两个都不算最强,但圣兽等级的存在也算是不错了。” Heard the speech of Enoya, Zhan En pondered the moment, then said that but was quick, he shrugged the shoulders. 听到埃诺娅的说话,詹恩思考了片刻,然后开口说道,不过很快,他就耸耸肩膀。 This was also only says, can actually summon anything, that only then god knows. & R dquo ; “不过这也只是说说而已,究竟能够召唤出什么东西,那就只有天知道了。” On the mouth is speaking, Zhan En has not stopped hand/subordinate. First with summondark & R dquo ; The attribute is the same, Ore With Mercury All invests 999, then according to the even number principle, the investment revision of gem and crystal is 666 With 444. However finally Zhan En thinks, representative the crystal revision of appetite, for 333. This type of thing that mixes characteristic to summon cannot be very pure, perhaps the strength is not very strong, but regarding Zhan En. Now important be not seen something that gives one away, as for the Goldshire Empire that side is only while convenient & mda S h ; Why otherwise can he also make her be busy at work from Underdark belt/bring coming out Bixy here? 嘴上说着话,詹恩手下也没有停。首先和召唤“暗黑”属性一样,将【矿石】和【水银】全部投入999,接着按照偶数原则,将宝石和水晶的投入修改为【666】与【444】。不过最后詹恩想了想,还是把代表食量的水晶修改为了【333】。这种混合特性召唤出的东西不会特别纯粹,或许实力不算很强,但是对于詹恩来说。现在重要的是别被人看出马脚,至于闪金帝国那边只是顺带—不然他干嘛还要把比克丝幽暗地域带出来让她在这里忙活呢? Actually Zhan En also expects like this. InHoly & R dquo ; In the attribute, operational unit was divided intoHoly Son Holy Beast Holy Envoy Holy Spirit & R dquo by the player ; Four ranks. AndHoly Son & R dquo ; Is so-called Holy Knight Regiment, they are human, because of accepting gods' blessing became powerful existence. However in this attribute, they even quite weak one. 其实詹恩也是这样期望的。在“神圣”属性里,作战单位被玩家分为“圣子圣兽圣使圣灵”四个等级。其中“圣子”就是所谓的圣骑士团,他们原本是人类,因为接受了神明的祝福而成为了强大的存在。不过在这个属性里,他们就算是比较弱的一种了。 Then isHoly Beast & R dquo ;, ActuallyHoly Beast & R dquo ; The strong and weak is not good to differentiate, this seems you to take the vermilion bird to the Azure Dragon, perhaps is also same, but I must put the candle dragon to come out here estimate to kneel. „ Holy Beast & R dquo ; The advantage said like former Zhan En, seemed like very on big. However is not quite easy to see the real status. Regarding Zhan En that the present needs to mislead the public, Holy Beast obviously is the best choice. 然后就是“圣兽”,其实“圣兽”的强弱并不好区分,这就好像你拿朱雀对青龙,或许还算是半斤八两,但是我要放条烛龙出来这边估计都是全跪。“圣兽”的好处就像之前詹恩所说的,看起来很高大上。但是不太容易看出真实身份。对于现在需要混淆视听的詹恩来说,圣兽显然是最好的选择。 ButHoly Envoy & R dquo ; Naturally was the Angel army, this was also many players longs for even in dreams thing that but Zhan En most is not willing to summon at present. No matter what Angel, so long as is the Angel army, was summoned later that him to be possible by Zhan En to have a headache dead. 而“圣使”自然就是天使大军了,这也是许多玩家梦寐以求而詹恩眼下最不愿意召唤出来的东西。不管是什么天使,只要是天使大军,被詹恩召唤出来之后那他可就得头疼死了。 As forHoly Spirit & R dquo ;, That almost can be said as clone and spokesman of gods, this existence is very fierce, but also makes one have a headache similarly. Because of the Dungeon nature, therefore naturally do not count on that summoned what peace good gods clone and represent. As the matter stands the matter will have can think with the toe troublesome, therefore Zhan En is not willing to provoke troublesome these. But he chooses the mix to summon, for increasesHoly Beast & R dquo ; Probability that the rank was summoned, reducesHoly Envoy & R dquo ; WithHoly Spirit & R dquo ; Probability of occurrence. After all Zhan En is very clear this system the mechanism, knows purer summon the operational unit rank is higher, but the opposite words will lower. 至于“圣灵”,那几乎可以说是神明的分身和代言人,这种存在很厉害,但是也同样让人头疼。因为地下城的性质,所以你自然别指望召唤出什么和平善良的神明分身和代表来。这样一来事情会有多麻烦用脚趾头都能想到,所以詹恩也不愿意去招惹这些麻烦。而他之所以选择混合召唤,为的就是增加“圣兽”等级被召唤出来的机率,减少“圣使”和“圣灵”的出现概率。毕竟詹恩可是很清楚这个系统的机制,知道越纯粹的召唤出来的作战单位等级越高,而相反的话则会低很多。 Naturally. In the Zhan En brain has transferred this thought that later one side then throws into it. Then he puts out a hand, pressed down the present button. 当然。詹恩脑中只是转过了这个念头,随后便将其抛到一边。接着他伸出手去,按下了眼前的按钮。 The temple starts to shiver. 圣殿开始颤动。 Does not know that is the place that because constructs is the surface rather than the underground reason. In front of this moment Zhan En " dark temple & R dquo ; In that like Underdark is not dim and gloomy, on the contrary, its all around is sparkling the pure white gentle magic brilliance, the midpoint basin is not dark and strange like underground that limpid spring water seems like the ocean waves to ripple, beckoning. But pond middle that pair of asking for money mastermind was rebuilt image that Saintess that kneels on sitting the stage the devout pray. If not above writes Dark temple The name, Zhan En even thinks this is any brilliance temple and so on damned place. 不知道是不是因为建造的地方是地表而非地底的原因。此刻詹恩面前的这座“暗黑圣殿”并不像幽暗地域里那个一样昏暗而阴沉,相反,它的四周闪耀着纯白柔和的魔法光辉,正中央的水池也不像地底的那个幽暗而诡异,一池清澈的泉水看起来碧波荡漾,让人心动。而池塘正中间的那双要钱的黑手则被改建成了一个跪在坐台上虔诚祈祷的圣女的形象。如果不是上面写着【暗黑圣殿】的名字,詹恩甚至以为这是不是什么光辉圣殿之类的鬼地方了。 However ............... 不过…………… Looks that originally kneels on sitting the stage, Saintess statue opening both hands of slowly devout pray, having the smile to make oneto ask for money & R dquo to Zhan En ; The movement, Zhan En understands immediately this system does not make the degree of not dying that high ......... seems like from the start has not changed. 看着那个原本跪在坐台上,虔诚祈祷的圣女雕像缓缓的张开双手,带着笑容对着詹恩做出了一个“要钱”的动作,詹恩顿时就明白了这个系统不作不死的程度还是那么的高………看起来压根是一点儿都没有变。 【Did the summon resources investment determination, summon?】 【召唤资源投入确定,是否召唤?】 Summon. & R dquo ; “召唤。” Again unstated criticism a system the bad essence that no matter after changing to what appearance that to force the natural disposition that player krypton gold/metal has not changed, Zhan En chose the determination quickly. But was quick, obtained Saintess statue again closing up both hands of resource, appearance that restored to pray devotionally. The white ray starts to glitter. 再次腹诽了一下系统不管改成什么样子那强迫玩家氪金的本性还是没有丝毫改变的恶劣本质之后,詹恩很快就选择了确定。而很快,得到了投入资源的圣女雕像再一次合拢双手,重新恢复了原本虔诚祈祷的样子。紧接着,白色的光芒开始闪烁。 The Holy aura appears in the temple, the dazzling brilliance from turned toward the defense line collection that Saintess dropped to be at one after another in all directions in the past. Quick, golden Rule of Law is mixing with mysterious rune/symbol Wen's indistinct reappearing, next moment, all changed. 神圣的气息在圣殿之中浮现,一道又一道耀眼的光辉从四面八方向着圣女掉线所在的防线汇集过去。很快,金色的法则之线夹杂着神秘的符文隐隐约约的浮现,下一刻,一切都改变了。 Bang!! & R dquo ; “轰!!” The pure white light beam is centered on the Saintess statue shoots up to the sky, but in its all around, the innumerable huge, mysterious Saint word writing formed barriers to proliferate, next moment, the ray followed the Saint word the crevice to fill like this , leaf of enough several meters high, huge, glittered the brilliance front door to appear in front of Zhan En's like this. 纯白的光柱以圣女雕像为中心冲天而起,而在它的四周,无数巨大,神秘的圣言文字形成了一道道的屏障扩散开来,下一刻,光线就这样顺着圣言的空隙填充了进去,紧接着,一扇足足有数米高,巨大,闪烁着光辉的大门就这样出现在了詹恩的面前。 „ The gate of Holy? & R dquo ; 神圣之门?” Sees this, Zhan En to frown, he knows certainly that this is anything, what makes Zhan En somewhat anxious is, the appearance of gate of Holy, ......... does not seem to be considered as to him any good indication. 看见这一幕,詹恩皱了下眉头,他当然知道这是什么,但是让詹恩有些不安的是,神圣之门的出现,对于他来说………似乎不算是什么好的征兆。 But this time, under the Zhan En's gaze, this leaf of pure white front door, is opening at present slowly.( To be continued......) 而就在这个时候,在詹恩的注视下,眼前这扇纯白的大门,缓缓的打开了。(未完待续……)
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