DR :: Volume #3

#280: Treads out a stretch of the world

„ The Goldshire Empire army is staying in Land of Four seasons the mountain valley of spring at present, the meaning at present not having acted. & R dquo ; 闪金帝国的军队目前正停留在四季之地的春之山谷,目前并没有行动的意思。” I know, these fellows are incorrigibly wicked. & R dquo ; “我就知道,那些家伙贼心不死。” Heard the report of Enoya, Zhan En provokes under the brow, cold snort/hum to say. He stands in the crude city wall, looks to be rumbled at present the battlefield of scorched earth by Pattilina, here has no valuable thing to exist, at present but regarding Zhan En, he cares is not the skeletons of these Goldshire Empire frontline regiments. These things had been buried in dozens meters deep soil layer in any case thoroughly got down, must dig him also to dislike too wastes the time. 听到埃诺娅的报告,詹恩挑动了下眉头,冷哼一声开口说道。他站在简陋的城墙上,望着眼前已经被帕蒂莉娜轰成焦土的战场,这里已经没有任何有价值的东西存在,不过对于詹恩来说,眼下他所在乎的也不是那些闪金帝国前线军团的尸骸。反正那些东西已经彻底被埋在几十米深的土层下了,要挖出来他还嫌太浪费时间呢。 Goldshire Empire suffered that big on Pattilina, if did not express, then could not rather be justified. & R dquo ; 闪金帝国帕蒂莉娜手上吃了那么大的亏,如果不表示一下的话,那么未免也太说不过去了。” Smiling is looking at Pattilina that winks in side, Enoya says. Then she looked at another side one, what there is the big piece hills and dark forest, under the sweep of curtain of night, the entire Passus area seems like does not have the habitation general, everywhere is pitch-dark one piece. Originally in some area many also brights of small town, but now is also gloomier. If were not Pattilina blocked the Goldshire Empire footsteps, perhaps these people have also run away dutifully. 一面笑盈盈的望着在旁边挤眉弄眼的帕蒂莉娜,埃诺娅一面开口说道。接着她望了另外一侧一眼,在那里的是大片的群山与黑暗的森林,在夜幕的笼罩下,整个帕苏斯地区看起来好像没有人烟一般,到处都是黑漆漆的一片。原本在小镇的聚集区多少还有些亮光,但是现在也暗淡了许多。如果不是帕蒂莉娜挡住了闪金帝国的脚步,恐怕这些人也早就拖家带口的逃出去了吧。 However this way is incorrect. 但是再这样下去是不行的。 Fortunately here is no one's declining place, otherwise makes also is really enough troublesome. & R dquo ; “还好这里原本就是个没什么人的破落地方,不然弄起来还真是够麻烦的。” Muttered is saying, Zhan En looked to nearby Pattilina, but detected that Zhan En's vision, the little fellow a carp hits very to jump from the ground immediately, then hit a sound to refer to him complacently. 一面喃喃自语的说着,詹恩一面望向旁边的帕蒂莉娜,而察觉到詹恩的目光,小家伙立刻一个鲤鱼打挺从地面上跳了起来,然后得意洋洋的冲他打了个响指。 Relax, has me and these knights looks that this nearby does not have others. The Goldshire Empire scout wants the ratio to ascend to heaven also difficultly, we do not need to be worried about these idiots. & R dquo ; “放心吧,有我和那些骑士看着呢,这附近没有别人。闪金帝国的探子想要进来比登天还难,我们根本不用担心那些白痴。” That is good. & R dquo ; “那就好。” Hears the speech of Pattilina, Zhan En nods, then he looked at another side petite form. Wraps Bixy of heavy/thick cloak to detect the Zhan En's vision, is on the rise somewhat embarrassed smiles to him. Before compares. The present little dwarf looked changed a person seem like, her body put on a sincerity, is mounting the class/flow gold/metal, the two sides hung the magnificent cloak that is falling to play the part of much. In the hand is holding one volume almost and she equally long scroll, seeming like seems like Hoff Nepal Institute these old pedants to be the same, her head also brings a big tricorne, on the face to wear gold-edged plane eyeglasses. 听到帕蒂莉娜的说话,詹恩点了点头,接着他把目光投向了另外一侧的娇小身影。包裹着厚重披风的比克丝察觉到詹恩的目光,抬起头来有些不好意思的对他笑了笑。和之前相比。现在的小侏儒看起来倒像是变了一个人,她身上穿着一件厚重,镶嵌着流金,两边吊着不少坠饰的华丽披风。手中则抱着一卷几乎和她本人一样长的卷轴,看起来就好像是华夫尼学院那些老学究一样,她的头上还带着一顶大大的三角帽,脸上则戴着一副金边平面眼镜。 Naturally, if most noticeable. On the little dwarf foot is tying up iron ball, this makes her seem like seems like one to escape the attempted prisoner. Naturally, this is not Zhan En puts on to Bixy, but is Bixy strongly requests, after especially she knows oneself must go to the surface work, the little fellow made such shackles & mda S h to oneself ; According to the view of Bixy, this can avoid herfalling & R dquo ; Goes to the space. 当然,如果说最引人瞩目的。还是小侏儒脚上拴着的铁球,这让她看起来就好像是一个逃跑未遂的囚犯。当然,这并不是詹恩比克丝戴上的,而是比克丝自己强烈要求的,特别是当她知道自己要去地表工作之后,小家伙就给自己做了这么一个镣铐—按照比克丝的说法,这可以避免她“掉”到天上去。 Good, is she is in any case voluntary. 好吧,反正是她自愿的。 According, probably needs how many manpower who before said? & R dquo ; “按照之前所说的,大概需要多少人手?” Makes me have a look, master ............... & R dquo ; “让我看看,主人……………” Hears the Zhan En's inquiry. Bixy places the ground to spread out the books in book, then the moonlight was gesticulating above, later then nods to say. 听到詹恩的询问。比克丝把书中的书卷放在地上摊开,然后就着月光在上面比划了一下,随后这才点了点头开口说道。 Probably 300 people. & R dquo ; “大概三百人。” Good. & R dquo ; “好的。” Heard the reply of Bixy, Zhan En has not said anything again, quick, he raised hand like this, toward present void outstretch, later, sees only the Zhan En right hand to get hold, mysterious cyan color appeared brilliance in his hands. next moment, sees only Zhan En to open the right hand like this, from the sky makes the hand signal that empty wielded. 听到比克丝的回答,詹恩没有再多说什么,很快,他就这样举起手来,向着眼前的虚空伸出,随后,只见詹恩右手握紧,一股神秘的蓝绿色光辉在他的手中浮现。下一刻,只见詹恩就这样张开右手,在空中做出了一个虚挥的手势。 next moment, sees only the cyan brilliance to proliferate in front of Zhan En's like this. With onequack & R dquo ; The cry, goblin emerges out of thin air from the halo like this. It first is respectful toward Zhan En good a ritual, later then turns around to jump down the city wall, starts to rush in the ground jumps, in a while. Only hearsbuzz & R dquo ;, In the uneven ground appeared immediately the smooth flagstone. Sees only goblin to march forward , to continue starts ownflooring & R dquo ; Great undertaking. 下一刻,只见蓝绿色的光辉就这样在詹恩的面前扩散。紧接着,伴随着一阵“嘎嘎”的叫声,一只哥布林就这样从光环之中凭空出现。它先是恭恭敬敬的向着詹恩行了一礼,随后便转身跳下城墙,紧接着开始在地面上一奔一跳,没过多久。只听见“嗡”的一声,原本凹凸不平的地面上顿时浮现出了平整的石板。紧接着只见哥布林继续向前,继续开始自己的“铺地板”大业。 With the Zhan En's movement, only goblin appears from void, they exuded the low and deep cheers, starts to turn toward to proliferate in all directions. 伴随着詹恩的动作,一只只哥布林从虚空之中浮现,它们发出了低沉的欢呼声,开始向着四面八方扩散开来。 ............... & R dquo ; “呼……………” Until last goblin jumps out from void, Zhan En then takes back already the somewhat sore right hand, flung flung. 直到最后一只哥布林从虚空之中跳出,詹恩这才收回已经有些酸痛的右手,甩了一甩。 Really is troublesome ......... also has this war luckily, otherwise is not so perhaps easy. & R dquo ; “真是麻烦啊………也幸亏有这场战争,不然的话恐怕还没有这么容易呢。” Is saying, Zhan En shrugs the shoulders. 一面说着,詹恩一面耸耸肩膀。 If Dungeon System has what flaw, is the expansion regarding Dungeon is a quite troublesome matter. Zhan En's Dungeon for example must be responsible for building the foundation by goblin, can conduct the absorption of magic power and is regarded as the Dungeon territory is good. However after arriving at surface, these goblin naturally do not have the means to bring, this also makes Zhan En after arriving at the surface did not have the means to expand Dungeon. Until this to the war eruption of Goldshire Empire, he found this good opportunity, the excuse dispersal refugee, on these not many human Passus concentrated completely, then suspicious summon goblin steps on the floor. Also Elise gave him to study goblin creation technique luckily, how even if otherwise that five goblin bore the burden of responsibility again, may not end so many work absolutely competently. 如果说地下城系统有什么缺陷的话,那么就是扩张对于地下城来说是件相当麻烦的事情。詹恩的地下城比如要由哥布林负责打好基础,才能够进行魔力的吸收和被视为地下城领地的才行。但是在来到地表之后,那些哥布林自然是没有办法带出来的,这也使得詹恩在来到地表之后一直没办法扩展地下城。直到这场对闪金帝国的战争爆发,他才找到了这个好机会,借口疏散难民,将帕苏斯上那些原本就不多的人类全部集中了起来,然后偷偷摸摸的召唤哥布林来踩地板。也幸亏伊丽丝给他研究出了哥布林制造术,不然就算那五只哥布林再怎么任劳任怨,也绝对不可能干完这么多的工作。 The goblin speed is actually not slow, in fact now the Passus about 2/3 areas have connected with Zhan En's Dungeon. Naturally, Zhan En also has own cheap trick, how if a territory is the even shop straight path and floor that naturally saw everywhere is not how right. However what is lucky is these came from Dungeon Systemfloor & R dquo ; A symbol with representative. So long as manages them, then they will vanish in the soil automatically, superficially, the present land with the former same does not have any difference, naturally will not at least cause others 's suspicion. 哥布林们的速度倒是不慢,事实上现在帕苏斯大约三分之二的地区已经与詹恩的地下城连接了起来。当然,詹恩也有自己的小把戏,如果一块领地到处都是平铺笔直的道路与地板那自然怎么看怎么不对劲。不过幸运的是这些来自地下城系统的“地板”只是一种象征与代表。所以只要不去管它们,那么它们就会自动消失在泥土之中,至少从表面上看,眼前的大地还是和之前一样没有任何区别,自然也不会引起他人的怀疑。 However regarding Zhan En, the most important thing is ......... he can restrain Experience Points finally. 不过对于詹恩来说,最重要的是………他终于能够收敛经验值了。 Thinks before , hit that many times in Passus, finally experience a little has not been fishing, Zhan En feels depressed incomparable. The experience of evil cult disciple and giant made Magic Knight divide, the storm giant fought the experience of mage is lets Elise and Sofina divided equally, Emperor Goldshire ** the experience of team basically had sole possession by a Pattilina person. Thinks that here Zhan En is depressed, only lucky is his strength and Dungeon overall hook. Now Zhan En's Dungeon is five levels, rises needs 100,000 experiences to six levels, but after so many time fights, Zhan En including the quest reward only obtained about 23,000 experiences, this also means that if cannot fish the sufficient experience from Goldshire Empire, then the Dungeon six levels will be basically never. 想想之前在帕苏斯打了那么多次,结果自己一点儿经验都没捞着,詹恩就感到郁闷无比。邪教徒和巨人的经验让魔导骑士们分了,风暴巨人战法师的经验则是让伊丽丝索菲娜平分了,闪金帝**队的经验基本是被帕蒂莉娜一个人独吞了。想到这里詹恩就觉得郁闷,唯一幸运的就是他本身的实力和地下城整体挂钩。现在詹恩的地下城是五级,升到六级需要十万经验,而经过这么多次战斗下来,包括任务奖励在内詹恩只获得了近两万三千点经验,这也就意味着如果不能够从闪金帝国身上捞到足够经验的话,那么地下城的六级基本就是遥遥无期了。 But five levels of Dungeon is also obvious to the addition that Zhan En brings, he has the strength of legendary middle reaches now, although said the fault of own strength and Dungeon binding lies in the promotion is slow, but the advantage will lie in proceeding in an orderly way will not go wrong, Zhan En is certain, so long as, will wait for the Dungeon rise to eight levels of this way steady will stride in the demigod domain, will have is as good as brothers and sisters' strength. But continues to rise to ten levels of words, has almost been able to open own domain and plane world, becomes true Demon King. By that time, even without wins in this ceremony, Zhan En does not need to be worried oneself will be taken away to offer a sacrifice to the flag. 而五级地下城詹恩带来的加成也是显而易见的,他现在已经拥有了传奇中游的实力,虽然说自己本身实力和地下城绑定的坏处在于升级缓慢,但好处就在于循序渐进不会出乱子,詹恩可以肯定,只要继续这样下去,等地下城升到八级自己就可以稳稳的跨入半神领域,拥有不亚于自己兄弟姐妹的力量。而继续下去升到十级的话,已经差不多可以开启自己的领域和位面世界,成为一个真正的魔王。到那个时候,哪怕不用在这场仪式之中获胜,詹恩也不用担心自己会被拿去祭旗了。 Thinks of here, Zhan En's mood was more relaxed, he raised the head, is looking under, sees only in land often appears the bright red flash, seems like all quite smooth. Thinks of here, Zhan En also turns upwards the corners of the mouth slightly, showed an ice-cold smile. 想到这里,詹恩的心情不由的轻松了许多,他抬起头来,望着下方,只见一片一片的大地上不时的浮现出鲜红色的闪光,看起来一切都进行的相当顺利。想到这里,詹恩也是微微翘起嘴角,露出了一丝冰冷的笑容。 His so big fee/spent is flustered, must integrate the Dungeon System range the entire battlefield, not only and to absorb Experience Points is so simple. Pattilina again fiercely also only then a person, in addition the Enoya also two people, before Goldshire Empire was only because treats it lightly to Passus will eat that big to owe, now they must try to rectify an embarrassing situation, naturally cannot make the same mistake again. 他之所以如此大费周章,要将整个战场都纳入地下城系统范围,并不仅仅只是为了吸取经验值那么简单。帕蒂莉娜再厉害也只有一个人,加上埃诺娅也不过两个人,之前闪金帝国只是因为对帕苏斯掉以轻心才会吃那么大个亏,现在他们要找回面子,自然不会再犯下同样的错误。 But as the matter stands, light/only by a Pattilina person naturally is incorrect, even if Magic Knight is still in addition insufficient, they altogether are less than hundred people, but according to the Enoya information, the regiment that this Goldshire Empire sends approximately about 5000 people & mda S h ; Nine Saints on, must know that the entire Passus considering everything is also less than 3000 people. Moreover Zhan En's summon also occupied 2/3 many. Moreover Passus strictly speaking is not considered as that place that may depend on dangerously, if the opposite party really must be determined to give Zhan En to look for trouble also really to make him very difficult what means. 而这样一来,光靠帕蒂莉娜一个人自然是不行的,就算加上魔导骑士也不够,她们一共才不到百人,而根据埃诺娅的情报,这一次闪金帝国派来的军团大约在五千人左右—九圣在上,要知道整个帕苏斯满打满算也不到三千人。而且这其中詹恩的召唤物还占据了三分之二多数。而且帕苏斯严格来说也不算是个有险可依的地方,对方如果真要下定决心给詹恩找麻烦还真让他很难有什么办法。 Therefore Zhan En is determined to make goblin expand the influence, where no matter as the matter stands the Goldshire Empire army attacks, he can obtain the news immediately, then makes to deal. But under is insufficient to be traced by the opposite party to oneself eyes hides also anything not to discover. 所以詹恩才下定决心要让哥布林把势力扩展开去,这样一来不管闪金帝国的军队从哪儿进攻,他都能够在第一时间得到消息,然后做出应对。而不至于被对方摸到自己眼皮子底下还什么都没有发现。 Before, all deferred to us to discuss. & R dquo ; “那么,一切就按照之前我们商量的来。” Is saying, Zhan En gave a hand signal to Bixy. But Bixy nods. After confirming the little dwarf understands completely own meaning, Zhan En has then turned the head, looks to Enoya. 一面说着,詹恩一面对比克丝做了个手势。而比克丝则是点了点头。在确认小侏儒完全明白自己的意思之后,詹恩这才转过头去,望向埃诺娅 On the current situation, we as if has to make some changes. & R dquo ; “就目前的情况来看,我们似乎不得不做出一些改变了。” This is natural, master ......... & R dquo ; “这是当然的,主人………” Hears Zhan En's to speak, Enoya shows a faint smile. 听到詹恩的说话,埃诺娅微微一笑。 Now the only issue is, whether you can under decide this determination. & R dquo ; “现在唯一的问题就是,您是否能够下定这个决心。” Heard these words, Zhan En twitched under the corner of the eye. 听到这句话,詹恩抽动了下眼角。 Has to acknowledge, this to him, indeed is a very major problem. 不得不承认,这对于他来说,的确算是一个很大的问题。 p S: At the end of the month sought the monthly ticket time to arrive ............ sought everyone monthly ticket artillery fire support! A Zhan En person may be unable to shoulder.( To be continued.) ps:月底求月票时间又到了…………求大家月票炮火支援!詹恩一个人可扛不住啊。(未完待续。) Author reminded you!, There has is quicker, clearer novel chapter, website 【作者提醒您!,那里有更快、更清晰的小说章节,网址】
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