DR :: Volume #3

#279: Misgivings numerous

Enoya expects well, at this time, their written protests indeed had arrived on the desk of Goldshire Empire frontline general headquarters. 埃诺娅所料不错,就在这个时候,他们的抗议书的确已经来到了闪金帝国前线总指挥部的书桌上。 But looks at the present correspondence, Frank is knitting the brows does not speak. He raised the head, looks to the front, at this moment arrives here besides his trusted aide, Saint Roland knight regiment representative, the representatives as well as frontline three services of Bouneau Air force influential man. But these galloping battlefield many years of veterans, at this moment actually mostly are serious, knits the brows does not speak, if not know that Goldshire Empire at present all smooth, looks at the appearances of these people, but also thinks that Goldshire Empire next moment wanted the perishing country to be the same. 而望着眼前的这封信函,佛兰克则是皱眉不语。他抬起头来,望向前方,此刻来到这里的除了他的心腹之外,还有圣罗兰骑士团的代表,布诺克孜空军的代表以及前线三军的有力人物。只不过这些驰骋沙场多年的老兵们,此刻却大多都是面色凝重,皱眉不语,如果不是知道闪金帝国眼下一切顺利的话,看这些人的样子,还以为闪金帝国下一刻就要亡国了一样。 However Frank not does not understand that their ideas, this is not they are extremely timid, is really the Pastan frontline regiment the matter was extremely unthinkable, was more shocking. Do not say that his subordinate, he himself is also the innermost feelings holds at this moment. To put it bluntly, because thorough being defeated of frontline regiment. 不过弗兰克也并非不明白他们的想法,这不是他们太过胆小,实在是帕斯坦的前线军团所出的事情太过匪夷所思,骇人听闻了一些。不要说他的部下,就连他自己此刻也是内心揣揣。说白了,还是因为前线军团的彻底覆没。 Actually if only Pastan is defeated, then everyone does not need heavyheartedly, you can't win them all, Goldshire Empire to initiate this invasion, naturally hopes that can advance triumphantly, leads the way courageously. But in fact they will not suffer the failure, in the sewers capsize such matter, although is rare, but also has. If only this, then everyone will also ridicule Pastan, or sighed to sigh that his luck was not good, then also passed. 其实如果只是帕斯坦被人击败的话,那么大家没必要这么忧心忡忡,胜败乃兵家常事,闪金帝国发起这次入侵,自然希望能够一路高歌猛进,奋勇前行。但事实上他们也并非不会遭遇失败,阴沟里翻船这样的事情虽然罕见,但是也并非没有。如果只是这样的话,那么大家也只是会嘲弄一下帕斯坦,或者叹口气感叹他运气不好,然后也就这么过去了。 However this situation is different, because showed according to the information, the frontline division is thoroughall extinguishes & R dquo ;. 但是这一次情况不同因为根据情报显示,前线师团彻底“全灭”。 All extinguishes. 全灭。 Only is these two characters, makes people think unthinkable, because according to general common sense. Even if Pastan will be repelled, they will still retreat. Has the military deserter, has the wounded soldier. Moreover frontline division no doubt elite. But is not undead lifeform, will not fight not to surrender at the last minute such matter is very rare. But the issue is, the frontline division indeed was eliminated completely, because except that the luck is good, in the rear area is stationed in the guarding commodity unable on beside several lucky fellows of frontline fight, does not have a living person again. Only is thinks that this news, Frank felt own whole body sends coldly, although he already year about 50, is a being bathed in blood battlefield, goes on an expedition many years of general. However he has to acknowledge, after seeing that information, he felt an inexplicable fear. Although Frank is not willing to believe that this fact, he even dispatched to scout with the spy massively goes to the Passus neighboring region, seeking, even if a military deserter were also good, was harvestless. Entire Pastan and his frontline division, vanished from this world probably thoroughly generally, disappears. 光是这两个字,都让人觉得匪夷所思,因为按照一般常理来说。就算帕斯坦会被击退,他们也会有撤退。有逃兵,有伤兵。而且前线师团固然精锐。但也不是不死生物,不战斗到最后一刻不会投降这样的事情是很少见的。可问题在于,前线师团的的确确是完全被消灭了,除了因为运气好在后方驻扎看守物资没有能够上前线战斗的几个幸运儿之外,再也没有一个活人。光是想到这个消息,佛兰克就感觉自己全身发寒,虽然他已经年近五十,也是一位浴血沙场,征战多年的将军。但是他不得不承认,在看到那份情报之后,他感受到了一股莫名的恐惧。虽然弗兰克也不愿意相信这个事实,他甚至派遣了大量斥候和奸细前往帕苏斯周边地区,寻找到哪怕一个逃兵也好,可是却毫无收获。整个帕斯坦和他的前线师团,就好像彻底从这个世界上消失了一般,不见踪影。 Thinks of here, Frank sighed. Then he knocked the desk, but the people who whispered stop immediately, has turned the head to look to approach own command. 想到这里,佛兰克叹了口气。接着他敲了敲书桌,而原本交头接耳的众人则立刻停了下来,转过头望向自己的统帅。 Ok, everyone. I think that your not clear today will also be convened the reason here. & R dquo ; “好了,各位。我想你们还不清楚今天会被召集在这里的原因吧。” In confirming everyone after paying attention to itself, Frank then coughed, then says. 在确认所有人都在注意自己之后,佛兰克这才咳嗽了一声,接着开口说道。 In fact. I obtained a news from your majesty there a moment ago ............... & R dquo ; “事实上。我刚才从陛下那里得到了一个消息……………” Is saying, he pushed toward the people the letter/believes on desk. 一面说着,他一面将书桌上的信向着众人推了过去。 This is official official documents from Passus. ......... Very simple as for the above content, the aggression of his our Goldshire Empire to Passus raised the grave protest. And requests Goldshire Empire to draw back troops immediately, leaves Passus. & R dquo ; “这是一封来自帕苏斯的正式公文。至于上面的内容………很简单,他就我们闪金帝国帕苏斯的侵略提出了严正抗议。并且要求闪金帝国立刻退兵,离开帕苏斯。” .........? & R dquo ; “………哈啊?” Hears here, almost all people stare, how many veterans including that at this moment is an expression of delay, suddenly are the people usingyour his Ma to tease me? & R dquo ; The look is gazing at the present emperor ** team commander-in-chief, but sees the expression of people, Frank to shrug the shoulders, in fact starts him to hear this news the time, its performance is also similar to own colleague. Or if not the person who because sends this letter/believes indeed is the emperor trusted subordinate, perhaps he drew a sword to cut directly. 听到这里,几乎所有人都是一愣,包括那几位老将,此刻都是一副呆滞的表情,一时间众人都在用“你他玛在逗我?”的眼神注视着眼前的帝**队最高统帅,而看见众人的表情,弗兰克则是耸耸肩膀,事实上最开始他听到这个消息的时候,其表现也和自己的同僚差不多。或者说,如果不是因为送来这封信的人的确是皇帝陛下的亲信,他恐怕就直接拔剑砍过去了。 I think that you best have a look with own eyes. & R dquo ; “我想你们最好亲眼看看。” Is saying, Frank gestures, quick, his adjutant presented the front of others this letter/believes. But this moment these reputation prominent soldiers also no longer have scruples oneself demeanor, adds up to one group in abundance, careful is looking steadily at the above content. 一面说着,佛兰克一面打了个手势,很快,他的副官就将这封信呈递到了其他人的面前。而此刻这些声名显赫的军人们也不再顾忌自己的风度,纷纷凑成一团,仔细的盯视着上面的内容。 Actually this letter's content has no special place, nothing but was invades Passus to propose to Goldshire Empire the solemn representation and protest, requesting them to draw back troops and comply immediately no longer to intrude into the Passus territory. Is some unnourishing official announcements, seems like nothing special. But careful looked the people who this letter/believes actually seem like the constipation to be the same, twisting a face is not knowing that should say anything is good. 其实这封信本身的内容倒没有什么特别之处,无非就是对闪金帝国入侵帕苏斯提出了严正交涉和抗议,要求他们立刻退兵并且答应不再侵犯帕苏斯的领土。都是一些毫无营养的官方声明,看起来好像没什么特别的。可是仔细的看完这封信的众人却一个个都像是便秘一样,扭曲着一张脸不知道该说什么才好。 This, actually this is ............... & R dquo ; “这,这究竟是……………” If traded usually, they regarding suchcomplained to believe & R dquo ; Does not spare a glance, at least from the surface, this is a coming under attack kid complains, but what not very awkward is, Goldshire Empire has comprehensively developed with the Skaar federation obviously, unexpectedly the opposite party also pretends to be serious does this matter, this rather was doubtable the opposite party not to awake from the start, traded at other times words, this regarding the Goldshire Empire military officers, perhaps was also a joke of leisure time. 如果换了平常,他们对于这样的“告状信”根本就不屑一顾,至少从表面来看,这不过就是一个挨打的小屁孩来告状罢了,而更让人啼笑皆非的是,明明闪金帝国已经和斯卡尔联邦全面开展,对方居然还煞有介事的搞出这种事,这未免让人怀疑对方是不是压根没有睡醒,换了在其他时候的话,这对于闪金帝国的将领们来说,恐怕也不过是一个闲暇时刻的笑谈吧。 Words that the news that however the coordinate frontline division is annihilated comes to see together, then between this official documents disclosed the aura that makes people feel somewhat cool. 但是配合前线师团全军覆没的消息一起来看的话,那么这份公文字里行间所透露出来的气息就让人感到有些凉飕飕的了。 Also because of this, this official letter instead makes the people present feel puzzled and puzzled, even also some surprise. Suddenly in the study room everywhere is buzz humming sound the conversation sound, no one knows that the Passus person delivers this to believe to do, the back is such wicked scheme that hits. 也正因为如此,这份公函反而让在座的众人感到困惑与不解,甚至还有些诧异。一时间书房内到处都是嗡嗡嗡的交谈声,谁也不知道帕苏斯人送这封信来是要干什么,背后又是打的这么鬼主意。 However quick, some people noticed issue. 不过很快,就有人注意到了其中的问题。 In this letter/believes does not have the Skaar federation mark. & R dquo ; “这封信上没有斯卡尔联邦的印记。” Right. & R dquo ; “没错。” Hears here, Frank appreciation looked at a that young military officer, he knows the opposite party, this young people are the Saint Roland knight regiment representative, Sword protector knight Charlotte, the hearsay he are about 25 years old, has the strength of Grandmaster rank, almost can foresee in lifetime young people should be able to break through every world the barrier, enters the legendary domain. The outside world has appraised high to this young people, now seems like. This does not have, because. 听到这里,佛兰克赞赏的望了一眼那个年轻军官,他认识对方,这个年轻人是圣罗兰骑士团的代表,持剑骑士夏洛特,传闻他才不过二十五岁,就已经有了大师等级的实力,几乎可以预见在有生之年这个年轻人应该能够突破凡世的壁垒,进入传奇领域。外界一直对这个年轻人评价甚高,现在看起来。这也并非无因。 What does this mean? & R dquo ; “这意味着什么?” Hears here, the people even more have doubts. Generally speaking, the official credentials note such thing to have certain rule. The big uneducated person who even if their these lead troops to go to war still knows. This is the general knowledge of politics, but now, in this letter/believes only then a head and tail encirclement swallows tail the mark of snake should rules evidently the Passus some family's badge, in addition anything does not have, without the mark of Skaar federation, does not have the seal of federal parliament. It seems like on ......... seems like them and Skaar federation a little relations probably does not have. 听到这里,众人越发疑惑。一般来说,正式的国书照会这样的东西都是有一定规则的。就算是他们这些带兵打仗的大老粗也知道。这可是政治的常识,但是现在,这封信上只有一个首尾环绕吞噬着自己尾巴的蛇的标记看样子应该是统治帕苏斯的某个家族的徽章,除此之外什么都没有,没有斯卡尔联邦的标记,也没有联邦议会的印章。看起来就好像………就好像他们和斯卡尔联邦一点儿关系都没有。 „ The person plan of don't tell me Passus took advantage that this opportunity is independent from the Skaar federation? & R dquo ; 难道说帕苏斯的人打算趁这个机会从斯卡尔联邦独立出来?” This judgment appears from the brain of people immediately, although said that being faced with an archenemy does to split this matter they also to see, but also is really through the ages first that the fission does speaks righteously, changed others , even to practice separatism. Also sends people to seek a secret understanding with the enemy the tune with here secretly, then betrays some information benefit anything, in order to can preserve own position and wealth. Where looks like this, a palm of the hand Goldshire Empire knocks down directly did not say, the running gate that but also threatens announced that oneself and Skaar federation relations do not have, among you matter little provokes me ......... this to calculate anything!! 这个判断从众人的脑中立刻浮现,虽然说大敌当前内部搞分裂这种事情他们也不是没有见过,但是搞分裂搞的如此义正词严的还真是古往今来第一回,换了其他人就算想要搞分裂。也是派人和这边暗通款曲,然后出卖一些情报利益什么的,以求能够保住自己的地位和财富。哪像这位,一巴掌直接把闪金帝国打翻在地不说,还气势汹汹的跑上门来宣告称自己和斯卡尔联邦一点儿关系都没有,你们之间的事情少招惹到我………这算个什么事啊!! Regarding the Passus area, some of some of my also information. & R dquo ; “对于帕苏斯地区,我也有一些情报。” At the same time saying, Frank puts out one pack of information to come from the hand, to be honest. The intelligence agency skill of empire, in the shortest time, they will have a little handed over about here information completely. 一面说着,佛兰克从手中拿出一叠情报来,说实话。帝国的情报机构还是有点儿本事的,在最短的时间里,他们就已经将关于这里的情报全部交了出来。 According to the information showed, Passus is in the Skaar federal parliament at first Parwood family's territory. This I think a little everyone should very be clear, the Parwood family obtained the Skaar federation to discuss the key point that the chairman position ......... this is not we must pay attention to now on the newest parliament. More importantly, the information pointed out. Several months ago, a young aristocrat arrived at Passus. And does not know that through what method, obtained the Passus sovereignty from Parwood family there. Hearsay he and Parwood family's Delly. Parwood walks is very near. Moreover when the parliament convenes helped Parwood family big busy, perhaps this will be the Parwood family will give his reason ......... there also really to have no thing Passus after all. & R dquo ; “根据情报显示,帕苏斯最初是属于斯卡尔联邦议会之中帕伍德家族的领地。这一点儿我想大家应该都很清楚,帕伍德家族在最新的议会上获得了斯卡尔联邦议会长的职位………不过这不是我们现在要关注的重点。重要的是,情报指出。在几个月之前,一名年轻的贵族来到了帕苏斯。并且不知道通过什么手段,从帕伍德家族那里获得了帕苏斯的统治权。传闻他和帕伍德家族的黛莉.帕伍德走的很近。而且还在议会召开时帮了帕伍德家族不小的忙,或许这就是帕伍德家族会将帕苏斯交给他的原因………毕竟那里也实在没什么东西。” Hears here, the people are nod of deep is so, Passus this small place they do not pay attention to from the start, is not considered as that any important strategic offense goal, this frontline regiment dies is too miserable, where perhaps many of them Passus not necessarily can make clear. 听到这里,众人都是深以为然的点了点头,帕苏斯这种小地方他们压根就不放在眼里,也不算是什么重要的战略进攻目标,要不是这次前线军团死的太惨,恐怕他们当中不少人连帕苏斯在哪儿都不一定搞得清楚。 However according to the information showed, this feudal lord Sir has the considerable strong strength, he has about hundred people of swordsman groups, if the information right, these people are the 17-18 years old young girls, everyone has the strength of Grandmaster level ......... & R dquo ; Said here, Frank stopped, is gazing at own colleague. „ ......... . Moreover, they are Sword and Magic pair cultivation. & R dquo ; “而根据情报显示,这位领主大人手下拥有相当强劲的力量,他拥有一支近百人的剑士团,如果情报没错的话,这些人都是十七八岁的少女,每个人都拥有大师水准的实力………”说道这里,佛兰克停顿了一下,然后注视着自己的同僚。“………而且,她们都是咒剑双修。” Hears here, almost all people changed the complexion, they are the veterans, knows this on behalf of anything. About hundred people of swordsman groups look not many, however the Grandmaster Level strength actually almost can endure to compare the Goldshire Empire imperial guard, in addition Sword and Magic pair cultivation, its strength promoted far more than one time. 听到这里,几乎所有人都变了面色,他们都是老兵,知道这代表着什么。近百人的剑士团看起来不多,但是大师级的实力却几乎可以堪比闪金帝国的皇家卫队,再加上咒剑双修,其实力提升了何止一倍。 If these can accept, then these people are 17-18 years old young girl this little are more bitterly disappointing, must know this means what behind this army is a very huge influence, otherwise, the common aristocrat simply does not have such ability. Only if they are the elves, but according to the information in showed, these young girl knights as if are human. 如果说这些都是能够接受的话,那么这些人都是十七八岁的少女这一点儿才更让人心寒,要知道这意味着在这只军队背后的可是一只非常庞大的势力,不然的话,一般的贵族根本没有这样的能力。除非她们都是精灵,但是根据情报上显示,这些少女骑士似乎都是人类。 In addition, that feudal lord Sir is not the affable role ......... & R dquo ; “除此之外,那位领主大人也不是什么好惹的角色………” Said here, the Frank corners of the mouth revealed a forced smile. 说道这里,佛兰克嘴角露出了一丝苦笑。 He called Zhan En. Bassammens, is an awarding a decoration aristocrat who receives Templar Order to seal/confer bestows, the hearsay he has the sword technique strength of legendary rank, but in his side, several powerful accompany ............... perhaps everyone not to have the impression to him, but I think that everyone should still remember, that matter that six months ago the Valkyrie duchy had ............... & R dquo ; “他叫詹恩.巴夏侬门斯,是一位受到圣堂教团封赏的授勋贵族,传闻他已经拥有了传奇等级的剑术实力,而在他的身边,也有好几个实力强大的随从……………或许各位对他没有印象,不过我想大家应该还记得,半年前瓦尔基里公国所发生的那件事吧……………” Originally is he?! & R dquo ; “原来是他?!” Hears here, the people present show a being suddenly enlighted expression immediately. Perhaps they do not know Zhan En. Who Bassammens is, but the tragedy of Valkyrie duchy they are quite clear, Gustav takes the iconic figure in Valkyrie duchy, in other countries is also some prestige, afterward the hearsay he was killed in Underdark, brought to the attention of a large number of people, but without thinking, kills his person unexpectedly in Passus ........., moreover was there feudal lord. 听到这里,在座的众人立刻露出了一副恍然大悟的表情。他们或许不知道詹恩.巴夏侬门斯是谁,但是瓦尔基里公国的惨剧他们可是相当清楚的,古斯塔夫作为瓦尔基里公国的标志性人物,在其他国家也是有些名望的,后来传闻他在幽暗地域被人干掉,也引起了相当一部分人的注意,只不过没想到,干掉他的那个人居然就在帕苏斯………而且还做了那里的领主。 On the other hand, does this fellow run up to Passus to do? 话说回来,这家伙跑到帕苏斯来干什么? The situation that „ now we know is this. & R dquo ; “现在我们所知的情况就是这样。” Said here, Frank put down the information in hand, rubbed some headaches foreheads. To be honest, the status of opposite party is so complex, making him have a headache very much, but the one who makes Frank depressed is, from the information on this paper surface, this feudal lord and Skaar federation has no friendship from the start, how then he also does obtain this territory? 说道这里,弗兰克放下了手中的情报,揉了揉有些头疼的额头。说实话,对方的身份这么复杂,让他也很头疼,而更让弗兰克郁闷的是,从这纸面上的情报来看,这位领主和斯卡尔联邦压根没什么交情,那么他又是怎么得到这块领地的? However at present important is not this issue. 不过眼下重要的不是这个问题。 Everyone believes that what to do should we? & R dquo ; “各位认为,我们应该怎么办?” Finally, Frank conducted the topic of this conference most core. 终于,弗兰克进行到了这次会议最核心的话题。 Emperor is very discontented with all these, he requests us to put out an effective response method to be good. The dignity of empire cannot be defied, even in the place of that barbarian desolate is still same ............... that what good way everyone does have? & R dquo ; “皇帝陛下对这一切很不满,他要求我们必须拿出一个有力的回应手段才行。帝国的尊严不容挑衅,即便是在那种蛮荒之地也是一样……………那么,各位有什么好的办法?” Hears here, everyone present is the complexion changes, they are not the fools, although Frank is soliciting their suggestions superficially, since he carries out the emperor in a moment to see, all these have made the decision, but then, looked that was who receives this thorny quest. 听到这里,在座的所有人都是面色微变,他们可不是傻瓜,虽然佛兰克表面上看是在征求他们的意见,但是从他搬出皇帝陛下的说话就可以看出,这一切早已经做好了决定,而接下来的,就看是谁去接下这个棘手的任务了。 Suddenly, people looking at each other in blank dismay. 一时间,众人不由的面面相觑。 Then, troubled in a big way.( To be continued......) 这下,麻烦大了。(未完待续……)
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