DR :: Volume #3

#278: The scepter of Otherworldly

Flame of scepter Ring of Magic( Otherworldly) & mda S h ; This as the flame casts, the blood of steel, the scalding hot heart, spans the innumerable battlefields, but has not defeated, eternal existence under Holy bloodlines, will certainly open the unlimited path( hot attribute + 50, nest characteristic & mda S h ; When as strengthening summoned the hot element lifeform rank to promote + 1, the attribute promoted + 3)】 环法之火焰权杖(异界)—此身为火焰所铸,钢铁之血,灼热之心,跨越无数战场而未曾一败,在神圣血脉下的永恒存在,必将开启无限的道路(火属性,巢穴特性—作为强化物时召唤火元素生物等级提升,属性提升)】 Is this Ring of Magic's staff true colors? 这就是环法之杖的真面目? Looks that at present this is completely different already and beforehand Ring of Magic's staff, seems like the combustion flame long spear/gun, Zhan En frowning. After that Sofina that he and Elise will remain unconscious also has that to bring back to the Phantom star city inn the long spear/gun, according to narration of Elise, adhered to stick cohere in Ring of Magic's staff the signal and seal that is used to trace has vanished into thin air, therefore Zhan En did not fear that the Ring of Magic association follows again walks, however, even if they really walk to send a punitive expedition, Zhan En still suspected that very much they can also recognize the present long spear/gun are theyRing of Magic's staff & R dquo ;. 看着眼前这把已经和之前环法之杖完全不同,看起来好像燃烧火焰般的长枪,詹恩不由的皱了下眉头。在那之后,他和伊丽丝将昏迷不醒的索菲娜还有那把长枪带回了幻星城的旅店里,根据伊丽丝的讲述,原本附着在环法之杖用来追踪的信号和封印都已经烟消云散,所以詹恩倒也不怕环法协会再顺着找上门来,不过话说回来,就算他们真的找上门来兴师问罪,詹恩也很怀疑他们还能不能够认出眼前的这把长枪就是他们的“环法之杖”。 On the other hand this outcome what's the matter? 话说回来这究竟是怎么回事? Sofina remains unconscious, the result of Elise inspection is she is injured seriously, moreover consumed quite many strengths, in a short time perhaps does not wake. However even if she wakes, Zhan En still was very perhaps difficult only to like saying that from this Your Highness Princess of four character true words the mouth heard what valuable information and clue. However what is lucky is he also has another subordinate to be used to solve this problem, in fact after returning to the inn shortly, Zhan En is responsible for managing all Agatha through the mind connection relation in own Dungeon, conducted the explanation to her the cause and effect of matter. But those who make Zhan En not think, listens to him speaking of this magic staff time, Agatha also revealed the quite surprised mood. 索菲娜昏迷不醒,伊丽丝检查的结果是她受伤严重,而且消耗了相当多的力量,短时间内恐怕醒不过来。不过就算她醒过来,詹恩恐怕也很难从这个只喜欢说四字真言的公主殿下嘴里听到什么有价值的情报和线索。不过幸运的是他还有另外一个部下可以用来解决这个问题,事实上在回到旅店之后没多久,詹恩就通过心灵连线联系上了正在自己的地下城负责操持一切的阿加莎,将事情的前因后果对她进行了说明。而让詹恩没有想到的是,听他说到这把法杖的时候,阿加莎也表露出了相当吃惊的情绪。 You meant, Sofina did awaken the flame scepter? Is this? Feudal lord Sir? & R dquo ; “您的意思是说,索菲娜唤醒了火焰权杖?是这样吗?领主大人?” Flame scepter? & R dquo ; “火焰权杖?” Is Ring of Magic's staff that the feudal lord Sir you said. & R dquo ; “就是领主大人您所称的环法之杖。” Fortunately, Agatha may not have the problem of Your Highness Princess. Quick, she made a detailed introduction to Zhan En the origin of flame scepter. 幸运的是,阿加莎可没有公主殿下的毛病。很快,她就把火焰权杖的来历对詹恩做了一次详细介绍。 Flame scepter in our world is sacred item, the weapon that only then most powerful and is worth respecting and acknowledging dragon clan warrior that can have. But long ago. Because the dragon clan had some problems, causes flame scepter losing. dragon clan after that has had to send people to seek for the flame scepter. And also made the promise, retrieved flame scepter to inherit that glorious position. & R dquo ; “火焰权杖在我们的世界是一件圣物,只有最强大和值得尊重与承认的龙族战士才能够拥有的强力武器。只不过在很久之前。因为龙族内部出现了一些问题,使得火焰权杖遗失。在那之后龙族一直都有派人去寻找火焰权杖。并且还许下诺言,重新寻回火焰权杖者便可重新继承那个荣耀的位置。” Said here, Agatha stopped, this somewhat hesitant continued to say. 说道这里,阿加莎停顿了一下,这才有些犹豫的继续说道。 Actually I and Sofina before arriving here , was also seeking for that scepter ............... & R dquo ; “其实我和索菲娜在来到这里之前,原本也是同样在寻找那把权杖……………” So that's how it is. 原来如此。 Hears here, Zhan En understands finally why Sofina must seek for Ring of Magic's staff, as well as why the system must issue this quest. It seems like the system is very clear they and this relations between magic staff, naturally. Although Agatha has not stated clearly, but Zhan En can also see from her attitude, they passed through a quite not happy exploration before then absolutely, moreover finally for some reasons failed dead, will therefore be summoned. 听到这里,詹恩总算明白为什么索菲娜要寻找环法之杖,以及系统为什么要发布这个任务了。看来系统很清楚她们和这把法杖之间的关系,当然。虽然阿加莎没有明说,不过詹恩从她的态度也可以看出,她们在这之前绝对经过了一段相当不愉快的探索之旅,而且最终因为某种原因失败死去,所以才会被召唤过来。 However what lets some Zhan En doubts is, listens to the view of Agatha, this flame scepter does not seem considered as that any evil thing, but from it characteristic that in Demon World displays, the dragon clan wants this thing to be basically useless. But facing this question, Agatha also gave the explanation. Originally the true ability of flame scepter did not sacrifice numerous lives to raise rank. On the contrary, its characteristic can derive these by flame scepter attack the strength of person, then strengthens the holder. This also means that the flame scepter beats and kills an enemy every time. Its master can the strength of that enemy. 不过让詹恩有些疑惑的是,听阿加莎的说法,这把火焰权杖似乎并不算是什么邪恶的东西,但是从它在魔界表现出来的特性来看,龙族要这个东西基本没什么用。而面对这个疑问,阿加莎也给出了解答。原来火焰权杖的真正能力并不是牺牲众多的生命来提升施法等级。相反,它的特性是可以汲取那些被火焰权杖攻击的人的力量,然后增强持有者。这也就意味着火焰权杖每击败和杀死一个敌人。它的主人就能够得到那个敌人的力量。 But this matter sounds very beautiful, but also has considerably large flaw & mda S h ; The strength that can absorb is infinite, but the carrying capacity of everyone is limited. This gives a bucket to go all out to irrigate probably, to definitely is floods finally. But in the Agatha world, dragon clan also has to track down existence of strongest say/way. Therefore among them the most powerful talent has the qualifications to take up this scepter, but in fact, this scepter is not only the honor, is the test. The test since they take up that the scepter time had opened, but the end point is looked when they died. If these powerful dragon clans are unable to digest to flood the strengths in their body promptly. Finally only will fall a result that explodes the body to perish. But in fact before , that accident/surprise, is most powerhouses in dragon clan thinks that can obtain the flame scepter the complete strength. But made the wrong judgment. Finally, he is unable to withstand that powerful strength dead. Disappearance during the explosion is also missing as for the flame scepter, why as for will appear in Demon World, why will also turn into this appearance, Agatha is not clear. 只不过这种事情听起来很美,但也有一个相当大的缺陷—可以吸取的力量是无限的,但是每个人的承受力是有限的。这就好像给一个水桶拼命灌水,到最后肯定是满溢出来。而在阿加莎的世界,龙族也同样有追寻最强之道的存在。所以他们当中最强大的人才有资格拿起这把权杖,而事实上,这把权杖不仅仅是荣誉,也是考验。考验从他们拿起那把权杖的时候就已经开启了,而终点则是看他们在什么时候死去。如果那些强大的龙族无法及时消化充斥到他们身体之中的力量。最终就会只落个爆体而亡的结局。而事实上之前那场意外,就是龙族之中的最强者自认为能够获得火焰权杖的完全力量。而做出了错误的判断。最终,他无法承受那股强大的力量而死去。至于火焰权杖也在爆炸之中消失不见了踪影,至于为什么会出现在魔界,又为什么会变成这个样子,阿加莎就不清楚了。 Hears here, Zhan En understood the long and short of the story finally, understood finally why Ring of Magic's staff will turn into this appearance. According to the view of Agatha, this scepter, only then in their that dragon clan is chastest the noble bloodlines to use, but will definitely not have such fellow in Demon World. At first however picked Ring of Magic's staff demon definitely also to detect this point, therefore revised Ring of Magic's staff characteristic, took transforming as the appliance that demon can use. It absorbed others strength thus to strengthen her characteristic to revise the Ring of Magic scepter, this turns into present this to need to absorb several tens of thousands people of souls to start Demonic Artifact & mda S h of enhancement effect ; Has to acknowledge, this also really has the demon style. 听到这里,詹恩总算明白了事情的来龙去脉,也终于了解了为什么环法之杖会变成这个样子。按照阿加莎的说法,这把权杖只有她们那龙一族之中最纯洁高贵的血脉才能够使用,而在魔界里肯定不会有这样的家伙。不过最初捡到环法之杖魔族肯定也察觉到了这一点,所以才修改了环法之杖特性,以转化为魔族可以使用的器具。它将环法权杖吸取他人力量从而增强自身的这个特性进行了修改,这才变成了眼下这个需要吸取数万人的灵魂才能够启动增强效果的魔器—不得不承认,这还真有魔族的风格。 After making clear the long and short of the story of matter, Zhan En also felt relieved finally, since this is not the sudden trouble, but is an issue left over by history, then solves also on convenient many. But in Zhan En's system panel, symbolized that this quest has completed, but this quest does not have the big advantage regarding Zhan En's Dungeon, the only efficiency increased one in the librarystrengthened trough & R dquo ;. It can make Zhan En assign one to haveincreases & R dquo ; The magic equipment or the item of effect lay aside in the library conduct „ study & R dquo ;, But was laid aside the magic item in library will bring the increase of certain extent to entire Dungeon System, seems like Sofina now this in the flame scepter, if Zhan En assigns it to go to the enhancement trough of library, will then obtain 【When as strengthening summoned hot element lifeform rank to promote + 1, attribute promoted + 3】 Advantage. However Zhan En has not planned to eliminate it from Sofina temporarily, in fact after he listened to Agatha to say this flame scepter, Zhan En understands immediately during the game this is actually absorbs the Experience Points Divine Artifact item doubled and re-doubled, but there is a limit of user. 在搞清楚整件事的来龙去脉之后,詹恩也总算是放下了心,既然这不是什么突如其来的麻烦而是一个历史遗留问题,那么解决起来也就方便的多。而在詹恩的系统面板里,也标志这个任务已经完成,只不过这个任务对于詹恩的地下城来说没有多大的好处,唯一的增效就是在图书馆里增加了一个“强化槽”。它可以让詹恩指定一个带有“增益”效果的魔法装备或者道具放置在图书馆内进行“研究”,而被放置在图书馆里的魔法道具则会对整个地下城系统带来一定程度的提升,就好像索菲娜现在手里的这把火焰权杖,假如詹恩指定它去图书馆的增强槽,那么就会获得【作为强化物时召唤火元素生物等级提升,属性提升】的好处。不过詹恩暂时还不打算从索菲娜身边剥夺它,事实上在他听阿加莎说完这个火焰权杖之后,詹恩立刻就明白在游戏之中这其实就是一个成倍吸收经验值神器道具,只不过有使用者的限制罢了。 Therefore places in Dungeon to be covered with dust might as well to make Sofina with it take to rise the experience, to be honest the Sofina present silver social class also really lowered, had this addition of flame scepter, she should be able to rise within the short time to golden step & mda S h ; According to the strength division of Klein Continent enters the legendary domain. 所以与其放在地下城里吃灰还不如就让索菲娜拿着涨涨经验,说实话索菲娜现在的白银阶级也实在是太低了一些,有了这把火焰权杖的加成,她应该能够在短时间之内升到黄金阶—按照克莱恩大陆的实力划分就是进入传奇领域了。 After handling all, Zhan En then brings remaining unconscious Sofina and Elise returned to City of Gold together, he gives the Elise attendance Sofina, the former remains unconscious, currently temporarily does not have the means to shoulder City of Gold defense quest. But the latter acts according to her view has comprehended during beforehand and fight of that storm giant, hopes that can find a place to contemplate & mda S h well ; Naturally, this is the view of Elise, according to the Zhan En's view is this time hits the experience that the storm giant gives to be many enough, Elise almost should also be digests one to experience prepares to promote. 在搞定一切之后,詹恩便带着昏迷不醒的索菲娜伊丽丝一起回到了黄金之城,他把索菲娜交给伊丽丝照顾,前者昏迷不醒,目前暂时还没办法担负起黄金之城的守备任务。而后者则根据她的说法在之前和那个风暴巨人的战斗之中有所领悟,希望能够好好找个地方冥想一番—当然,这是伊丽丝的说法,按照詹恩的看法来说就是这次打风暴巨人给的经验足够多,伊丽丝差不多也该是消化一下经验准备升级了。 However this also no wonder, although does not have to kill that storm giant completely, but beat him is also an experience. But the one who makes Zhan En speechless is this goes out is the merit is others, the efforts are own. However this does not have the means that he is Dungeon Master, Dungeon does not promote he not to promote, even if killed many fellows outside, Experience Points will also only disperse to his operational unit rather than on he himself. 不过这也难怪,虽然没有完全杀死那个风暴巨人,但是击败了他也算是一种经验。而让詹恩无语的是这次自己出门又是功劳是别人的,苦劳是自己的。但是这也没办法,他是地下城主,地下城不升级他也就不升级,哪怕在外面杀了再多的家伙,经验值也只会分散到他的作战单位而不是他自己身上。 However what is lucky, his battlefield must take shape immediately. 不过幸运的是,他的战场也马上就要成型了。 Settles Elise and Sofina when Zhan En, returns is located in the Passus territory, he quickly from has waited for there Enoya hand received information & mda S h ; Goldshire Empire stared at him finally. 就在詹恩安顿好伊丽丝索菲娜,重新回到自己位于帕苏斯的领地时,他很快就从早已经等待在那里的埃诺娅手中接过了一份情报—闪金帝国终于盯上他了。 The Pastan disastrous defeat almost can say that makes Goldshire Empire high and low be startled, they think a frontline division copes with Passus this border slightly even is killing a chicken with an ox cleaver, but never expected that the fact actually imagines with them complete opposite, the frontline division is defeated thoroughly, does not have including a living witness remaining. Bombing of Pattilina almost rumbled the battlefield outside Passus upside down, anything does not have remaining. But this sudden makes Goldshire Empire the shock also angry, just like Pastan, they thinks does not understand why also has so strong battle efficiency in the place of this type of border unexpectedly, but why Skaar federation that makes they cannot think through have such powerful strength, actually did not display, not only does not put these important areas to defend, what instead throws in the place of Passus this type of wilderness ......... Skaar federation this does is what ghost? 帕斯坦的惨败几乎可以说让闪金帝国上下大为吃惊,他们原本以为一个前线师团对付帕苏斯这种边境小地甚至算是杀鸡用牛刀,但是没想到事实却和他们想象的完全相反,前线师团彻底覆没,连一个活口都没有剩下。帕蒂莉娜的炮击几乎把帕苏斯外的战场轰了个底朝天,什么都没有剩下。而这突如其来的一幕让闪金帝国即震惊又愤怒,和帕斯坦一样,他们怎么也想不明白为什么在这种边境之地居然还有如此强大的战斗力,而更让他们想不通的为什么斯卡尔联邦有这么强大的力量,却偏偏一直不表现出来,不但不放到那些重要的地区进行防守,反而扔在帕苏斯这种荒野之地………斯卡尔联邦这搞的是什么鬼? In this case, Goldshire Empire has to slow down temporarily the footsteps that attacks the Skaar federation, deploy the army to go to Passus area examination simultaneously again. According to information that Enoya obtains, this Goldshire Empire was plans seriously to treat this place obviously. Comes here, not only complete elite divisions, even also includes three squadron and guards' third brigade. 在这种情况下,闪金帝国不得不暂时放慢了侵袭斯卡尔联邦的脚步,同时派遣军队再次前往帕苏斯地区查看情况。按照埃诺娅所得到的情报来看,这一次闪金帝国显然是打算认真对待这个地方了。前来这里的不仅有一个完整的精锐师团,甚至还包括三个骑兵营和近卫军第三大队。 It seems like the opposite party was iron core must start to Passus. 看来对方是铁了心要对帕苏斯下手了。 Really acts recklessly. & R dquo ; “真是不知死活。” Looks at the information in Enoya hand, Zhan En cold snort/hum. Afterward he as if thinks anything resembles, has turned the head to look to Enoya. 看完埃诺娅手中的情报,詹恩冷哼一声。随后他似乎想到了什么似的,转过头去望向埃诺娅 Right, I let the written protest that you transmit before, have you submitted? & R dquo ; “对了,之前我让你传达的抗议书,你已经提交了吗?” Naturally, master. & R dquo ; “当然,主人。” Hears Zhan En's to inquire, Enoya shows a faint smile. 听到詹恩的询问,埃诺娅微微一笑。 According to the time estimation, I thinks that now that written protest should be placed on the table of Goldshire Empire frontline general headquarters. & R dquo ; ( to be continued ) “按照时间估计,我想现在那份抗议书应该已经摆在闪金帝国前线总指挥部的桌子上了。”(未完待续)
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