DR :: Volume #3

#277: Ring of Magic's staff secret

Since the goal has achieved, then Zhan En will not naturally continue to waste the time here, these Adventurer will have what idea and he has no relations. After seeing the people of Ring of Magic association retreats, he also follows to leave rapidly. However Zhan En is not worried about the opposite party actually, after all that Battle mage by Cerberus hitting, this can let all be changed into demon the curse of Demonic Artifact by the people who it wounds, conceivable, in the near future, that unlucky Battle mage wholeheartedly changes into demon, starts oneself brand-new slaughtering and Death profession. 既然目标已经达成,那么詹恩自然也不会在这里继续浪费时间,那些冒险者会有什么想法和他就没什么关系了。在看见环法协会的人撤退之后,他也跟着迅速离开。不过詹恩倒是一点儿都不担心对方,毕竟那个战斗法师可是被塞伯拉斯给击中了,这把魔器的诅咒可以让所有被它击伤的人都化为魔物,可以想象,在不久的将来,那个倒霉的战斗法师就会全身心的化为一头魔物,开始自己全新的杀戮与死亡的生涯吧。 However this and Zhan En had no relations. 不过这和詹恩就没什么关系了。 After leaving this forest, Zhan En found places and others casually converges, although said that Ring of Magic's staff has taken, but Zhan En may not have the plan to bring back to own nest to go like this, because that was equal to how simply told others to look for him. He can believe firmly that on Ring of Magic's staff definitely is of useful the magic locating, before dismantles these things, he is not willing to provoke troublesome to himself. 在离开了这片森林之后,詹恩就随便找了个地方和其他人汇合,虽然说环法之杖已经弄到手了,不过詹恩可没有打算就这样带回自己的巢穴去,因为那简直就等于告诉别人怎么来找他。他可以确信环法之杖上肯定有什么用来定位的魔法,在把这些东西拆解掉之前,他可不愿意给自己招惹麻烦。 When Zhan En arrives at a hillside mulde, Alien Queen has been waiting for itself there peacefully, but Elise and Sofina have also arrived. Elise seems very but actually normal, because besides excessively consumes Magic/Devil flame appears somewhat looks pale, all usual. However Sofina seemed like may not be good, her whole body everywhere by blood incarnadine, the foreign-style clothing that wore was also tattered, seemed like almost the clothes not to obstruct the body. However even so, this Your Highness Red Dragon Princess is still cold a face, probably these make one look that thought the pain wound is not she is the same. When associates this Your Highness Princess fights the wild appearance again, really makes one have to sigh that is really big of the world, every possible strange thing. 詹恩走到山坡边的一处凹地时,异形女王早已经在那里安静的等待着自己,而伊丽丝索菲娜也已经到了。伊丽丝看起来倒还很正常,除了因为过度消耗魔焰而显得有些面色苍白之外,一切如常。但是索菲娜看起来可就没有那么好了,她全身上下到处都被鲜血所染红,原本穿着的洋服也是破破烂烂,看起来几乎衣不遮体。不过即便如此,这位红龙公主殿下依旧冷着一张脸,好像那些让人看着都觉得痛的伤口根本就不是她的一样。再联想一下这位公主殿下战斗时狂暴的样子,实在让人不得不感叹真是世界之大,无奇不有。 Stemming from the care to own subordinate, Zhan En also inquired several while convenient, but looked that Sofina shakes the head, caring of face did not have to say anything again. Looks steadily at present Ring of Magic's staff to see from her eye in any case stubbornly, even if she currently really has what issue, Sofina estimated that will not care. To her, at present most important was front the Ring of Magic's staff. 出于对自己部下的关心,詹恩也顺便询问了几句,但是看索菲娜只是摇了摇头,一脸的不在意也就没有再多说什么了。反正从她的眼睛死死盯视着眼前的环法之杖就可以看出,就算她现在真的有什么问题,索菲娜估计也不会放在心上。对她来说,眼下最重要的就是面前的这把环法之杖了。 Is putting box calm and upright static lying down of Ring of Magic's staff in the ground, it seemingly has half arm is so long, in the box case of silver casting is carving the mysterious complex design. Zhan En has not seen the locking hole and key here, but generally speaking this degree of magic item does not need that useless means to protect itself. The magic miraculous glow that from outside floats can see, present silver box case was imprisoned by quite powerful magic strength, if not know that the correct opening incantation, perhaps does not have the means to open it. 盛放着环法之杖的盒子此刻正安静的躺在地面上,它看起来有半个手臂那么长,白银铸造的匣子上雕刻着神秘复杂的图案。詹恩并没有在这里看见锁孔和钥匙,不过一般来说这种程度的魔法道具也已经不需要那种没什么用的办法来保护自己。从外面漂浮的魔法灵光就可以看出,眼前的这个白银匣子被相当强大的魔法力量所禁锢,如果不知道正确的开启咒文,恐怕是没办法打开它的。 Naturally, regarding Zhan En, if unable to open lock through the password, then the best way naturally was lets the overall system power failure ............ 当然,对于詹恩来说,如果无法通过密码来打开一把锁,那么最好的办法自然就是让整个系统断电了………… Thinks of here, Zhan En looked at Elise. 想到这里,詹恩望了一眼伊丽丝 Gave you, Elise. & R dquo ; “交给你了,伊丽丝。” Good, master. & R dquo ; “好的,主人。” Hears Zhan En's to speak, Elise smiles to him, then arrives at silver box case side to put out a hand, quick, Magic/Devil flame appears fast from both hands of Elise from the sky has put one after another a strange incomparable law path, sees only under the package of negative energy flame, in the silver box case original magic power starts brilliance gradually becomes gloomy. The magic light/only dust that scatters also starts 11 to vanish, but Elise is serious is looking steadily at present, she is wielding the finger gently, sees only that dark-red Magic/Devil flame to follow the Elise movementto flow & R dquo like this ; Arrives at the silver box case surface, replaces magic that the beforehand these scatter brilliance againpacking & R dquo ; Goes, in her mouth muttered is reading anything in a low voice, on the forehead also appeared a little bit beads of sweat. Sees only Elise right hand forward one finger/refers, next moment, the entire silver box case was covered by the dark-red brilliance immediately, only hearscrack & R dquo ; A light sound, seems like melted to refine a silver box case of body to stretch completely immediately, the thing that inside will hide showed in the front of people. 听到詹恩的说话,伊丽丝冲他笑了一笑,接着走到白银匣子的旁边伸出手去,很快,魔焰伊丽丝的双手浮现飞快的在空中划过了一道又一道诡异无比的法阵轨迹,紧接着只见在负能量火焰的包裹下,白银匣子上原本的魔力光辉开始逐渐变得暗淡下来。那散落的魔法光尘也开始一一消失,而伊丽丝则是面色凝重的盯视着眼前的这一幕,她轻轻挥动着手指,只见那暗红色的魔焰就这样顺着伊丽丝的动作“流淌”到白银匣子的表面,代替之前那些散落的魔法光辉重新“填充”进去,她的口中喃喃自语的低声念着什么,额头上也浮现出了一滴滴的汗珠。紧接着只见伊丽丝的右手向前一指,下一刻,整个白银匣子顿时被暗红色的光辉所笼罩,紧接着只听见“咔嚓”一声轻响,原本看起来好像完全是被融炼成一体的白银匣子立刻舒展开来,将内里所隐藏的东西展现在了众人的面前。 That is magic staff. 那是一把法杖 It does not seem like half meter, is all over the body jet black, above is carving the evil strange trace, but in the magic staff peak, is the design that three rings compose, in their middle is image that heads that are shutting the eyes. Solely goes on the surface, can feel that heading on evil aura. This is with the innumerable flesh and Death, and soul congeals the product that becomes, the only significance that it has swallows, the destruction, swallows again, destroys again, until forever. 它看起来不过半米长,通体漆黑,上面雕刻着邪恶诡异的纹路,而在法杖的顶端,则是三个圆环所组成的图案,在它们的中间是一个闭着双眼的头颅的形象。单单只是从表面看去,都能够感受到那股扑面而来的邪恶气息。这是用无数的血肉与死亡,以及灵魂所凝结而成的产物,它存在的唯一意义就是吞噬,毁灭,再吞噬,再毁灭,直到永远。 Well? & R dquo ; “咦?” However in seeing this Ring of Magic's staff, Sofina actually exuded a surprise low cry. 但是在看到这把环法之杖时,索菲娜却是发出了一声诧异的低叫声。 How can like this? & R dquo ; “怎会这样?” Is saying, she puts out a hand, tries to take up present magic staff. 一面说着,她一面伸出手去,试图拿起眼前的法杖 Saw this, Zhan En to select under the brow, but anything had not said. Must know that robs Ring of Magic's staff this quest is Sofina must receive forcefully. But why as for she does that Zhan En is very difficult the mouth to hear what cause and effect from this reticent Your Highness Princess, but looks at the appearance of this Your Highness Red Dragon Princess, seems like highly cares about this Ring of Magic's staff. But before her responded that is also very interesting, such does not seem like sees the day and night to miss the hope the thing, is more like a strange surprise, saw some type of very familiar thing to turn into another appearance probably. 看见这一幕,詹恩挑了下眉头,但是却什么都没有说。要知道抢夺环法之杖这个任务就是索菲娜强行要接下的。而至于她为什么这么做,詹恩却很难从这个惜字如金的公主殿下嘴里听到点什么前因后果,不过看这位红龙公主殿下的样子,似乎是非常在意这把环法之杖。而她之前的那一丝反应也很有趣,那样子不像是看见自己日夜思念盼望的东西,更像是一种奇怪的诧异,就好像是看见某种自己很熟悉的东西变成了另外一个样子似的。 About Ring of Magic's staff origin Zhan En is actually not very clear, he knows Ring of Magic's staff in Demon Worlddeeds & R dquo ;, But who regarding this Demonic Artifact is because of what reason manufacture, Zhan En is not clear, but now seems like, as if at present some people are very clear this gadget the previous generation this life. 关于环法之杖的来历詹恩其实也不是很清楚,他知道环法之杖魔界的“事迹”,但是对于这把魔器是谁因为什么原因制造的,詹恩也并不清楚,但是现在看起来,似乎眼前有人很清楚这个玩意儿的前世今生。 Actually Ring of Magic's staff is not casual can take, is seeing its instance, Zhan En to know that this gadget same contains the powerful strength and seal with other Demonic Artifact , but such thing is not anybody has the qualifications contact. If Zhan En looks for a grazing sheep country girl this gadget stopper to her hand in now casually, then can guarantee the Ring of Magic's staff evil strength, so long as the flash can rout the soul and reason of opposite party, turns into a stupid fool her. 其实环法之杖不是随随便便就可以拿起来的,在看见它的瞬间,詹恩就知道这玩意儿和其他魔器一样蕴含着强大的力量和封印,而这样的东西不是任何人都有资格接触的。假如现在詹恩随便找个放羊的村姑把这玩意儿塞到她手上,那么可以保证环法之杖的邪恶力量只要一瞬间就可以击溃对方的灵魂和理智,把她变成一个痴痴呆呆的傻瓜。 Naturally, Sofina takes the dragon clan, should not be possible to have such matter. 当然,索菲娜作为龙族,应该不可能会发生这样的事情吧。 Sure enough, grips that in Sofina magic staff, at the same time that it takes, saw only that seemingly gloomy magic staff to start to send out the bright red brilliance suddenly, that three link middle faces opened the eye, the opening mouth put out a series of strange languages, seemed some curse , seemed some incantation. 果不其然,就在索菲娜握住那把法杖,将它拿起来的同时,只见那原本看起来黯淡无光的法杖忽然开始散发出了鲜红色的光辉,紧接着那三个环中间的人脸睁开眼睛,张大嘴巴吐出了一系列诡异的语言,仿佛是某种诅咒,又仿佛是某种咒文。 Ma S & R S quo ; Private denud! & R dquo ; “mas’私denud!” But after hearing this strange incantation, Sofina actually frowns suddenly, then she read a strange prayer in a low voice, in the next instance, then stopped the movement Ring of Magic's staff suddenly, later, sparkle bright red brilliance erupted like this from Ring of Magic's staff. 而在听到这诡异的咒文之后,索菲娜却是猛然皱起眉头,接着她低声念出了一句奇怪的祷文,紧接着在下个瞬间,那把环法之杖忽然停止了动作,随后,闪耀的鲜红光辉就这样从环法之杖上爆发开来。 The bright red pattern flame general starts of Zhan En clear seeing stick these distortions wave likely, but at the same time, in Sofina gripped tightly on the right hand of Ring of Magic's staff also to present the similar pattern, this seemed like characteristic that some resonance produced general, Zhan En only saw the two sides patterns the unceasing tremor, seeming like seemed like two wave bands gradually to coordinate is producing the resonance general. But this moment Sofina complexion is even more dignified, her eye pupil deep place, bright golden color even more glitters brilliance. 詹恩清楚的看见杖身上那些扭曲的鲜红花纹像火焰一般的开始舞动,而与此同时,在索菲娜紧握着环法之杖的右手上也出现了同样的花纹,这就好像是某种共鸣产生的特性一般,詹恩只看见两边的花纹都在不断的颤动,看起来就好像是两个波段正在逐渐协调着产生共鸣一般。而此刻索菲娜的面色越发凝重,她的眼瞳深处,一股灿烂的金色光辉越发闪烁。 But on a moment later, the magic staff pattern and pattern on Sofina arm superposed finally thoroughly, fuses together. 而在过了片刻之后,法杖上的花纹与索菲娜手臂上的花纹终于彻底重合,融为一体。 Ring of Magic's staff starts to have the change. 紧接着,环法之杖开始产生变化。 The three rings of peak gradually decomposed spread, changed into like big dragon sharp claws existence, but that originally only then dozens centimeters stick body also started to revolve the change to extend, was only the moment time, original magic staff changed into an odd-looking long spear/gun. But Sofina at this moment is the complexion even more is also dignified, she muttered in a low voice is saying anything, the body also started gradually to shiver, seems resisting what general. But along with her movement, the Ring of Magic's staff ray is also starts the twinkle to be even more uncertain, even if Zhan En and Elise has also looked at this moment, at present the situation is not wonderful. Although does not know that Sofina is doing, but can definitely absolutely not be the safe matter. 顶端的三个圆环逐渐分解扩散,化为了如同巨龙利爪般的存在,而那原本只有几十厘米长的杖身也开始旋转着变化伸展,只是片刻功夫,原本的法杖就化为了一把形态怪异的长枪。而此刻的索菲娜也是面色越发凝重,她低声喃喃自语的说着些什么,身体也开始逐渐颤抖,仿佛在抵抗什么一般。而伴随着她的动作,环法之杖的光芒也是开始越发闪烁不定,哪怕是詹恩伊丽丝此刻也已经看出来,眼下情况不妙。虽然不知道索菲娜在干什么,但可以肯定绝对不是什么安全的事情。 Sees only Sofina to angrily roar suddenly, but at the same time, the flame of rupturing also erupts from the body of Sofina, wraps entire Ring of Magic's staff in inside. But seems resisting the Sofina flame general, sees only that magic staffbang & R dquo ;, next moment Zhan En and Elise then see one group of black red energy halo from the peak eruption of Ring of Magic's staff, spreads toward all around. 紧接着,只见索菲娜猛然怒吼一声,而与此同时,爆裂的火焰也从索菲娜的身上爆发出来,将整个环法之杖包裹在里面。而仿佛是在抗拒索菲娜的火焰一般,只见那把法杖“砰”的一声,下一刻詹恩伊丽丝便看见一团黑红色的能量光环从环法之杖的顶端爆发,向着四周扩散开去。 Grasps magic staff Sofina to bear the brunt, was hit by that black red energy halo, numerous flies backward. But following Elise and Zhan En responded are actually quick enough, hurried turned over/stood up to avoid the attack of that matter energy halo, saw only this halo to scratch their bodies to fly like this, numerous hits in nearby stone wall, along withbang & R dquo ; The smooth neat stone wall destroyed under the hit of this halo energy immediately most, downward tumbling that the crushed stone continuously, long time stopped. 握着法杖索菲娜首当其冲,被那黑红色的能量光环击中,重重的向后飞去。而接下来的伊丽丝詹恩倒是反应够快,急忙就地一个翻身躲开了那层能量光环的侵袭,只见这道光环就这样擦着他们的身体飞过,重重的撞击在旁边的石壁上,伴随着“轰隆”一声,原本光滑整洁的石壁顿时在这光环能量的撞击下毁灭大半,碎石不住的向下滚落,半晌才停了下来。 Until this time, Zhan En and Elise stood up, surprised looked at & mda S h toward Sofina ; That Red Dragon Princess has fainted, in hand still grabbing Ring of Magic's staff stubbornly. But with compared with, present Ring of Magic's staff had removed originally the dark color a moment ago, seems like seems like one a long spear/gun that is congealed by the flame becomes general, peaceful lying down in the Red Dragon Princess side. 直到这个时候,詹恩伊丽丝才站起身来,惊讶的向着索菲娜望去—那位红龙公主已经昏倒在地,手中依然死死的抓着环法之杖。只不过和刚才相比,现在的环法之杖已经褪去了原本黑暗的色彩,看起来就好像是一把由火焰凝结而成的长枪一般,安静的躺在红龙公主的身边。 Sees this, two people looked at each other one curiously. 看见这一幕,两人不由好奇的对视了一眼。 This outcome what's the matter? 这究竟是怎么回事?
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