DR :: Volume #3

#276: Jet black curse

The thunder tumbles, flame ebullition. 雷霆翻滚,火焰沸腾。 At this moment above the forest, completely has been in chaos. The staggered flame and thunder and lightning continuously, two huge forms pester mutually are thrashing in the same place. During this chaotic fight, the less than half forest has razed to the ground thoroughly, the meaning that but both sides still have not planned to give up, the lightning of wreaking havoc, the flame and wild hit of spraying, formed the brand-new theme. 此刻在森林上方,已经完全是一片混乱。交错的火焰与雷电此起彼伏,两个巨大的身影相互纠缠着厮打在一起。在这混乱的战斗之中,小半个森林已经彻底夷为平地,但是双方依然没有打算罢手的意思,肆虐的闪电,喷射的火焰与狂暴的撞击,形成了全新的主旋律。 This damn thing ............... simply absurd!! & R dquo ; “这该死的东西……………简直岂有此理!!” Battle mage was soon wild with rage at this moment, according to the truth, his strength are too indeed more, what a pity had three aspects that Elise and Sofina stronger to affect his display & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; First, he element, this copes with human the time perhaps is a very effective way, but Sofina is a dragon, moreover is Red Dragon, moreover was antiquity Red Dragon ......... belongs in existence that in the magma swayed back and forth to take a bath does not fear, the Battle mage lightning storm attribute and flame were close, making him fall in torrents, but below thunder was not very big regarding the Sofina use. Next, after he storm, instead helped Elise, if Elise must be worried that before own Magic/Devil flame will be shunted by the opposite party, then she can release the fire of oneself negative energy under the cover of Sofina now heartily, the volume of storm giant is so in any case big, how how to have greatly, although said that Elise strength is too weak, is unable to operate the fire of negative energy to take to the opposite party enough injury, but a person, if has come the hibernation of insects to go by the honeybee hibernation of insects is also a very teasy matter. Do not say, when you want to hit the honeybee also some people stopped you more depressed. 战斗法师此刻快要气疯了,按照道理来说,他的实力的确比伊丽丝索菲娜要强的太多,可惜的是有三个方面影响了他的发挥———第一,他将自己元素化,这对付人类的时候或许是个很有效的途径,但是索菲娜是条龙,而且是条红龙,而且还是一条上古红龙………属于在岩浆里打滚洗澡都不怕的存在,偏偏战斗法师的闪电风暴属性和火焰接近,使得他倾泻而下的雷霆对于索菲娜的用处并不算很大。其次,他将自己风暴化之后反而成全了伊丽丝,如果说之前伊丽丝还要担心自己的魔焰会被对方躲开的话,那么现在她可以在索菲娜的掩护下尽情释放自己的负能量之火,反正风暴巨人的体积那么大,怎么大怎么有,虽然说伊丽丝本身的实力还是太弱,无法操纵负能量之火带给对方足够的伤害,但是一个人要是一直被蜜蜂蛰来蛰去也是一件很让人恼火的事情。更不要说当你想要打蜜蜂的时候还有人阻拦你就更郁闷了。 As for third ............... 至于第三嘛…………… Rumble rumble!! „ “轰隆隆隆隆!!“ The rainstorm of thunder as if from the cloud layer falls in torrents, hits on the Red Dragon giant body. Makes Sofina figure sink. However this as if instead made Sofina move really hot, she angrily roared, launched the wing to jump suddenly, did not dread the attack of thunder lightning, such a bosom that hit the storm giant. Although the hysterical/frenzy storm is tearing her scale, the electric current flashed following the Red Dragon body was bringing a series of explosions, but Sofina still remained unmoved. On the contrary, her bites the chest of storm giant stubbornly, then makes an effort to pull to below, quick, along with the brilliance and angry howling of sparkle, the chest front of storm giant opened a giant gap immediately, he angrily roars is raising the right hand, a fist pounds on the body of Red Dragon, wastes her. However next moment sees that Red Dragon goes crazy the same as turn over/stand up to crawl directly, then again without hesitation toward the storm giant rushes over. 雷霆从云层中仿佛暴雨般倾泻而下,打在红龙巨大的身体上。使得索菲娜不由的身形一沉。但是这似乎反而让索菲娜动了真火,她怒吼一声,猛然展开翅膀跳了起来,丝毫不畏惧雷霆闪电的侵袭,就这样一头撞进了风暴巨人的怀里。虽然狂乱的风暴撕扯着她的鳞片,电流顺着红龙的身躯闪动着带来了一连串的爆炸,但是索菲娜依然不为所动。相反,她一口死死咬住风暴巨人的胸口,接着用力向下一扯,很快,伴随着闪耀的光辉以及愤怒的吼叫声,风暴巨人的胸前顿时开了一个巨大的缺口,他怒吼着举起右手,一拳砸在红龙的身上,将她打飞出去。但是下一刻就看见那头红龙发了疯一样的直接翻身爬起,然后再一次毫不犹豫的向着风暴巨人冲了过去。 This dragon simply is a lunatic!! 这头龙简直就是一个疯子!! Battle mage of this moment storm giant is miserable beyond description simply, according to the truth, dragon clan the fight generally is graceful and fearful, is this Red Dragon is different, she on good to be a lunatic simply. Does not care about itself whether is injured. Also does not care about power balance of both sides, that seems like a mad dog, even if dies must bite your meat to get down to be the same. He also hopes spreads out with the aid of storm giant and opposite party, then carefree tidies up these two enemies. However never expected that storm giant actually instead becomes his soft rib now, Red Dragon pesters him not to make him leave stubbornly, a mad dog is nipping a person probably, how whatever that person hits how scolds refuses stubbornly to relent. Only if kills & mda S h that dog ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; But the issue is, at present this is the a dragon!! 此刻风暴巨人化的战斗法师简直苦不堪言,按照道理来说,龙族的战斗一般都是优雅而可怕的,可是这头红龙不一样,她简直就好想是一个疯子。根本不在乎自己是否受伤。也不在乎双方的力量对比,那就好像是条疯狗,哪怕是死也要咬你一口肉下来一样。他原本还希望借助风暴巨人化与对方拉开距离,然后悠闲自在的收拾这两个敌人。但是没想到现在风暴巨人化却反而成为了他的软肋,红龙死死的纠缠着他就是不让他离开,就好像一条疯狗咬着一个人,任凭那个人怎么打怎么骂都死不松口。除非把那条狗打死———可问题在于,眼下这是一条龙啊!! Pitiful Battle mage lived so many years, when has seen the forms of combat of such crazy such rascal, had no good way to cope at present this colossus by him of Red Dragon near body. Do not say that also has Elise to pull out in side hails a negative energy attacks to him, this makes him uncomfortable, thinks when change after storm giant tidies up these two fellows just divides minute's of matter, has not thought unexpectedly can change is so troublesome! 可怜战斗法师活了这么多年,什么时候见过这么疯狂这么无赖的战斗方式,被红龙近身的他根本没什么好办法来对付眼前这个庞然大物。更不要说还有伊丽丝在旁边抽冷子就给他一次负能量冲击,这让他难受至极,原本以为变化为风暴巨人时后收拾这两个家伙只不过是分分钟的事情,没想到居然会变的这么麻烦! In fact not only he has not thought, Zhan En is also slightly somewhat is surprised, to be honest, he had not expected unexpectedly Sofina can hit is so wild, does not know that Sofina can see own attribute, but Zhan En has seen in his eyes, this moment this Red Dragon Princess volume of blood drops, has skidded at first yellow edge from the healthy green, again downward one step is the remnant blood was red! 事实上不但他没有想到,就连詹恩也是略微有些吃惊,说实话,他也没有预料到索菲娜居然会打的这么狂野,不知道索菲娜能不能看见自己的属性,但是詹恩已经看见在他的眼里,此刻这位红龙公主的血量一路下降,已经是从最初健康的绿色滑动到了黄色的边缘,再往下一步就是残血的红了! But what is opposite with it, the Zhan En surprised discovery Sofina striking power is increased from original two star to four star unexpectedly directly, although is only temporary, but this promotion also sufficiently surprisingly extremely. This similar barbarian general eruption ability of lets the Zhan En surprise, he remembers that in the Sofina attribute should not have the description in this aspect, then this what's the matter? 而与之相反的是,詹恩惊讶的发现索菲娜的攻击力居然从原本的三星直接提升到四星,虽然只是临时的,但是这种提升也足以让人惊讶万分了。这种类似野蛮人一般的爆发能力着实让詹恩诧异不已,他记得索菲娜的属性里应该没有这方面的描述啊,那么这又是怎么回事? However said no matter how, cannot make Sofina continue, this mutually wounded forms of combat are not, he who Zhan En appreciates likes the extreme asymmetry, tempers the strength of opposite party through the schemes and tricks, then the steamroll is a kingly way. Rushes like Sofina with the opposite party directly comes not dead continuous is not his style, do not say that now he does not have porch of resurrecting combat unit soul, that is the Dungeon rise to the thing that seven levels can have. If Sofina hangs here, then Zhan En may be big on the loss. 但是不管怎么说,不能够让索菲娜继续下去了,这种两败俱伤的战斗方式可不是詹恩所欣赏的,他喜欢极端的不对称,通过阴谋诡计削弱对方的力量,然后碾压才是王道。像索菲娜这样直接冲上去和对方来个不死不休可不是他的风格,更不要说现在他还没有灵魂之廊复活作战单位,那可是地下城升到七级才会出的东西。要是索菲娜挂在这里,那么詹恩可就损失大了。 However almost should also finish. 不过差不多也该结束了。 Thinks of here, Zhan En frowns to sweep around one, Battle mage storm is no doubt powerful, but this will also bring in peeping at some people with high aspirations. At present the time is up, delays not to produce anything to change again unavoidably, thinks of here, Zhan En again not hesitant, on the contrary, he holds up the cane, aimed at the present storm giant. Meanwhile issued a series of orders in in the depths of ones heart to Sofina. 想到这里,詹恩皱起眉头扫了一眼四周,战斗法师的风暴化固然强大,但是这也会引来一些有心人的窥视。眼下时间已经差不多了,再耽误下去难免不会产生什么变化,想到这里,詹恩再也没有犹豫,相反,他举起手杖,瞄准了眼前的风暴巨人。与此同时在内心深处索菲娜下达了一系列的命令。 Roar!! & R dquo ; “吼!!” Pouring that Red Dragon staggers along the ground, two wings are tattered and torn, but despite that Sofina is still the appearance that kills to get angry, stubbornly is looking steadily at the present storm giant. But saw Red Dragon the expression, the storm giant to hold breath a cold air/Qi, he had to see the dragon, but has not seen such crazy reckless Red Dragon, where during Battle mage started to think is once had no intention to offend dragon clan ruthlessly, will therefore walk by the opposite party? But by heaven and earth and my conscience, oneself have not had how deep social dealings with dragon clan, must say that murdered the father to kill enmity of that mother is fantasy story. 红龙跌跌撞撞的倒在地上,两只翅膀已经是千疮百孔,但是即便如此,索菲娜依然是一副杀红了眼的样子,死死的盯视着眼前的风暴巨人。而看见红龙的这幅表情,风暴巨人则是倒吸了口冷气,他不是没有见过龙,但是还没有见过这么疯狂不顾一切的红龙,以至于战斗法师都开始思索是不是自己曾经在什么地方无意之中狠狠得罪了龙族,所以才会被对方找上门来?可是天地良心,自己可从来没有和龙族打过多么深的交道,要说有弑父杀母之仇那就更是天方夜谭了。 In the storm giant thinks, he sees Sofina to strike an attitude to throw again, this makes the storm giant quickly raise hand to keep off before own body, but this Sofina has not actually thrown to tear and bite him like before, but angrily roars, then dragon breath is howling together spraying, camouflaged the line of sight of storm giant, then a Sofina suddenly tumbling, next moment that huge dragon body again recover was the petite human body, backward flying upside down whereabouts in the woods in not far away. But in the instance that she falls to the ground, the transmission gate in Elise hand has also formed, sees only brilliance flashes, next moment two people such disappearance is missing. 就在风暴巨人思索之时,他看见索菲娜再次作势欲扑,这让风暴巨人急忙举起手来挡在自己的身前,但是这一次索菲娜却并没有像之前那样扑过去撕咬他,而是怒吼一声,接着一道龙息呼啸着喷射而出,遮蔽住了风暴巨人的视线,接着索菲娜猛然一个翻滚,下一刻那巨大的龙身再次回复为娇小的人类身体,向后倒飞着落在不远处的树林之中。而就在她落地的瞬间,伊丽丝手中的传送门也已经成形,紧接着只见光辉一闪,下一刻两人就这样消失不见了踪影。 Your these bastards!! & R dquo ; “你们这些混蛋!!” Is naturally also felt in the region by the storm giant who the dragon breath prevents the fluctuation of space transmission, naturally is the exceedingly indignant howled, he held up the body to stand tall and erect suddenly is flying to the sky, two eyes had the angry vision to examine toward all around. The storm giant at this moment is to the anger, he has not thought unexpectedly by two juniors playing a trick on this appearance, he has set firm resolve, must that two small girl catching, by that time, wants them to be attractive!! 被龙息阻挡的风暴巨人自然也感受到了区域内空间传送的波动,自然是无比愤怒的吼叫起来,他猛然举起身体高耸着飞向天空,两只眼睛带着愤怒的目光向着四周查看。此刻的风暴巨人已经是出离愤怒,他怎么也没有想到居然会被两个小辈给耍弄成这个样子,他已经下定决心,一定要把那两个小丫头给抓回来,到那个时候,一定要她们好看!! This is the last thought of storm giant. 这是风暴巨人的最后一个念头。 The jet black ray pierced the heart of storm giant quietly, he stares the big eye surprisedly, looks toward, this discovered that on the hillside of not far away, is standing a whole body remaining to cover in the black long gown, brings mage of silver mask, in his hand is lifting a blackness, the decomposition, is revolving to congeal some similar demon to lead the thing that the artillery has unceasingly, aims at like this straightly. But that jet black light beam from ejection that is relentless, passed through his body. 漆黑的光线悄无声息的刺穿了风暴巨人的心脏,他惊讶的瞪大眼睛,向着下方望去,这才发现在不远处的山坡上,正站着一个全身剩下笼罩在黑色长袍之中,带着银色面具的法师,他手中举着一把漆黑,分解,正在不断旋转着凝结成了某种类似魔导炮般存在的东西,就这样笔直的瞄准自己。而那漆黑的光束就是从其中毫不留情的射出,贯穿了他的身体。 This, this is ............... & R dquo ; “这,这是……………” The storm giant had the fear for the first time, he raises both hands to plan to make anything, but at this moment, the dark evil strength has erupted thoroughly, the distortion darkness tore the body of fog manufacture in the flash, then the lines of these black light brandish to pester stubbornly that huge body like the tentacle, as if the poisonous snake tear and bite is swallowing strength. The agitation that the fog continuously, was tried to break out of the difficult position general by the prey of python entanglement probably, however the black tentacle more entangles is tighter, the original storm giant had been pressed one group at this moment, cannot move completely. But in next moment, the dark strength of wreaking havoc erupts thoroughly, entire covered the storm giant. 风暴巨人第一次产生了恐惧,他举起双手打算做些什么,但是此刻,黑暗的邪恶力量已经彻底爆发,扭曲的黑暗在一瞬间撕裂了云雾制造的身躯,接着那些黑色的光之线条如同触手般挥舞着将那庞大的身躯死死纠缠起来,仿佛毒蛇般撕咬吞噬着其中的力量。云雾不住的鼓动,好像被蟒蛇纠缠的猎物试图摆脱困境一般,但是黑色的触手越缠越紧,原本的风暴巨人此刻已经被压成了一团,完全动弹不得。而在下一刻,肆虐的黑暗力量彻底爆发,将风暴巨人整个笼罩在了其中。 Not & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ;!! & R dquo ; “不——————!!” An sharp intense blood-curdling screech sound cuts the clouds, in next moment, sees only gets angry the thunder to drop from the clouds together, covers the whole world in the pure white brilliance of that flash. When vanishes luminously, the original storm giant disappearance has been missing, only then that residual point magic brilliance scatters in the air. 一声尖锐激烈的惨叫声划破云霄,紧接着在下一刻,只见一道怒雷从天而降,把整个世界都笼罩在那一瞬间的纯白光辉之中。当光亮消失之时,原本的风暴巨人已经消失不见了踪影,只有那残留的点点魔法光辉在空气之中飘散开来。 The fog was shattered, as if the entire sky, crashes in this moment continually. 云雾破碎,仿佛连整个天空,都在这一刻坠落。 Unexpectedly ran ......... looked like Elise they to do also insufficient. & R dquo ; “居然跑了………看来伊丽丝她们做的还不够啊。” Narrows the eye, is looking above the vault of heaven the path of that string of connected residual lightnings, Zhan En cold snort/hum, then his right hand turns over, the sound of gunfire that next moment, the dispersion floated closes up again, merges for that seemingly pitch-dark, does not have slightly the ordinary black cane of noteworthy feature. However although his tone is very regrettable, however in the Zhan En's corners of the mouth edge, actually appeared strange sneering. 眯起眼睛,望着天穹之上那一串连串残留的闪电的轨迹,詹恩冷哼一声,接着他右手翻转,下一刻,原本分散漂浮的枪声再次合拢,重新合并为那把看起来黑漆漆的,没有丝毫引人注目之处的普通黑色手杖。不过虽然他的语气很遗憾,但是在詹恩的嘴角边缘,却浮现出了一丝诡异的冷笑。 „ The Ring of Magic association then had may look at ............... & R dquo lively ; 环法协会这下有热闹可瞧了呢……………”
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