DR :: Volume #3

#275: Storm and thunder

This sudden explosive sound makes everyone stare, not only these Adventurer turned the head to look to the explosion place, even Battle mage also gawked, he has quickly turned the head, toward exploding the place looked, next moment, his complexion immediately became ugly incomparable. 这突如其来的爆炸声让所有人都是一愣,不仅那些冒险者转头望向了爆炸发生的地方,甚至就连战斗法师也是一愣,他急忙转过头,向着爆炸发生的地方望去,下一刻,他的面色顿时变得难看无比。 Your these bastards!! & R dquo ; “你们这些混蛋!!” Sees destroyed Magic Puppet, the man understands immediately actually what happened. He angrily roars is holding up the long spear/gun, made an effort to turn toward Elise and Sofina threw. Sees only the metal long spear/gun in his hand along with the movement of man to shoot to the forward flight, changes into a lightning to erupt in the woods, twined the past like tentacles toward two people. But he himself leaves to retrocede rapidly, fast threw in the Magic Puppet direction. 看见被破坏的魔导人偶,男子立刻明白究竟发生了什么事。他怒吼着举起长枪,用力向着伊丽丝索菲娜扔了过去。只见他手中的金属长枪伴随着男子的动作向前飞射而出,化为一道闪电在树林之中爆发开来,如同一只只触手向着两人缠绕过去。而他自己则迅速抽身后退,飞快的向着魔导人偶的方向扑了过去。 Also he so will be no wonder negligent, after all can know that truly the person of this matter were not many, moreover transports Ring of Magic's staff with Magic Puppet is the secret in secret, in the entire Ring of Magic association, will know this matter also absolutely not over three people. But now, the opposite party knows in the Ring of Magic association unexpectedly the most secret point, this also makes Battle mage surprised, he does not know that which part the plan in has problems, actually was also who to leak the secret. However the man is a little clear, that is the present situation regarding the Ring of Magic association already cannot again, if he does not have the means to recapture Ring of Magic's staff, then the consequence can be imagined!! 也难怪他会如此大意,毕竟真正能够知道这件事的人本来就不多,而且用魔导人偶运送环法之杖是秘密之中的秘密,在整个环法协会,知道这件事的也绝对不会超过三个人。而现在,对方居然知道环法协会里最机密的一环,这也让战斗法师惊疑不定,他根本就不知道计划在哪个部分出了问题,又究竟是谁泄露了秘密。但是有一点男子很清楚,那就是眼下的情况对于环法协会来说已经是遭的不能再遭了,假如他没有办法夺回环法之杖,那么后果可想而知!! Thinks of here, the man anger of even more, he does not even attend to rear Elise to the negative energy beam that oneself launch, but is roaring like this side that rushed to Magic Puppet. However this moment Zhan En has ordered Alien Queen to take Ring of Magic's staff to evacuate, although the beforehand explosion is somewhat sudden, but Zhan En has been guarding against opposite party, naturally cannot be therefore panic, instead the light and flame direct control Alien Queen when with the aid of Magic Puppet self-exploding submerged in the forest, but he also knows, this can only hide the truth from the opposite party for a while, the Ring of Magic association has spent Demonic Artifact that such big strength did after all, must say that they have not made the least bit protective measure, that is really laughable. 想到这里,男子越发的愤怒,他甚至不顾后方伊丽丝对自己发射的负能量射线,而是就这样怒吼着冲到了魔导人偶的身边。不过此刻詹恩早已经命令异形女王拿着环法之杖撤离,虽然之前的爆炸有些突然,不过詹恩早就防着对方这一手,自然不会因此惊慌失措,反而借助魔导人偶自爆时的光与火焰直接操纵异形女王潜入了森林之中,不过他也知道,这只能够瞒过对方一时,毕竟环法协会花费了这么大力气才搞到的魔器,要说他们没有做半点儿防护措施,那才真是可笑。 Sure enough, in the Magic Puppet wreckage had not discovered that Ring of Magic's staff Battle mage the complexion is pale immediately, he closes the eye, muttered several, later opens, then has turned the head, looks to the jet black deep woods, later showed a fierce smile. 果不其然,在魔导人偶的残骸里没有发现环法之杖战斗法师顿时面色铁青,他闭上眼睛,喃喃自语了几句,随后重新睁开,接着转过头去,望向漆黑的森林深处,随后露出了一丝狰狞的笑容。 I thought where you can run up to go!! & R dquo ; “我看你能够跑到哪里去!!” With this shouting angrily, sees only the body of Battle mage to change into a lightning immediately, fast threw toward the forest deep place. Sees only that lightning to flee in the forest, is only in a moment, it numerous bombardments before a big tree, swallowed in together with the peripheral forest that big tree the flaming fire together. But almost at the same time, sees only the Alien Queen slender form to jump out from the shadow after tree just like Ghost, rushed to another side shrubbery fast. 伴随着这声怒喝,只见战斗法师的身体顿时化为一道闪电,飞快的向着森林的深处扑了过去。只见那道闪电在森林之中一窜而过,只是眨眼的工夫,它就重重的轰击在了一颗大树前,将那颗大树连同周边的森林一道吞噬进熊熊大火之中。而几乎就在与此同时,只见异形女王纤细的身影宛如幽灵般从树后的阴影中窜出,飞快的奔向了另外一侧的灌木丛。 Halts to me!! & R dquo ; “给我站住!!” Saw the Alien Queen physique, Battle mage also to stare, he has not seen the so strange lifeform. However quick, Battle mage then responded. Actually now is not manages that seemingly grotesque thing is anything time, no matter the opposite party is anything, Ring of Magic's staff must stay behind!! 看见异形女王的身姿,战斗法师也是愣了一下,他还从来没有见过如此古怪的生物。但是很快,战斗法师便重新反应了过来。现在不是管那个看起来怪模怪样的东西究竟是什么的时候,不管对方是什么,环法之杖都必须留下!! At this moment, the Battle mage form disappears finally thoroughly, along with resounding through the angry roaring sound of entire forest, sees only a giant incomparable storm giant to reappear baseless, the congealment forming of heavy/thick cloud layer under the mysterious magic strength, quick changed into a giant kind of person physique, its enough more than ten meters high, seems like seems like lamp god in the legend general, the upper part is a vigorous and healthy man, the lower part is one group of fog. Sees only Battle mage at this moment to float like this in the sky of forest, angry incomparable is looking steadily at that fast in black form that the forests runs. Should be the beat that the place of eye continuously the thunder of two sparkles. Then sees only the storm giant to angrily roar, a palm patted toward Alien Queen, only hearsto rumble & R dquo ;, The grove of cover under this dropping from the clouds huge air pressure a piece, the thunder lightning flip-flop scattered in all directions immediately but actually, twines anything that they contacted, then drags into the bosom of flame it thoroughly. 这一刻,战斗法师的身影终于彻底消失,伴随着响彻整个森林的怒吼声,只见一个巨大无比的风暴巨人凭空浮现,厚重的云层在神秘的魔法力量之下凝结成形,很快就化为了一个巨大的类人形体,它足足有近十米多高,看起来就好像是神话传说之中的灯神一般,上半身是一个健壮的男子,下半身则是一团云雾。只见此刻的战斗法师就这样漂浮在森林的上空,愤怒无比的盯视着那飞快的在森林中间奔跑的黑色身影。原本应该是眼睛的地方则不住的跳动着两点闪耀的雷霆。接着只见风暴巨人怒吼一声,一掌向着异形女王拍了下去,只听见“轰”的一声,茂密的树丛顿时在这股从天而降的庞大气压之下倒了一片,雷霆闪电噼噼啪啪的四散开去,缠绕住了它们所接触的任何一个东西,然后将其彻底拉入火焰的怀抱。 Element storm? This fellow is actually interesting. 元素风暴化?这家伙倒是有意思啊。 Sees this, Zhan En narrows the eye, stroked mask in the surface gently. The legendary powerhouse is all expert, but after stepping into legendary domain compares swordsman more powerful powerful. Before Zhan En has faced several legendary swordsman, their abilities are not perhaps bad, a sword breaks out a leaf of city gate or pares half mountain anything seems very fierce. However of being expert of Legendary Mage is more fearful, seems like now fog giant of this float above forest, is only looks at that as if with the entire sky connected huge body, sufficiently makes the average person frighten falls down. 看见这一幕,詹恩不由的眯起眼睛,轻轻抚摸了一下自己面上的面具。传奇强者皆有专精,而施法者在踏入传奇领域之后的强大相比起剑士来说更有震撼力。就拿詹恩之前面对过的几位传奇剑士来说,他们本身的能力或许不差,一剑劈开一扇城门或者削去半个山什么的看起来就很厉害。但是传奇法师的专精则更加可怕,就好像现在这个漂浮在森林之上的云雾巨人,光是看着那似乎与整个天空相连的巨大身躯,就足以让普通人吓的瘫倒在地了。 If close combat occupation also needs through displaying own strength comes convincing and awe, then only needs small displays, won most people's fear and respect sufficiently. 如果说近战职业者还需要通过展现自己的力量来让人信服和敬畏的话,那么施法者只需要小小的这么表现一下,就足以赢得大多数人的畏惧与尊敬了。 This world is really unfair. 这个世界还真是不公平啊。 When Zhan En indulges in flights of fancy, the storm giant seems to have also sought for the Alien Queen position, it lifts up high the wrist/skill again, then pats downward. But Alien Queen is not the goods that good to provoke, sees only in that flash that the storm giant racket starts, Alien Queen then looks like a flying arrow fast from the shrubbery dashes, rolled avoided the fetter of lightning, then continued fast ran forward. But this also lets the Alien Queen complete exposition under the eyes of storm giant hid, sees only its cold snort/hum one, then puts out a hand, wants grasps this repugnant and mischievous fellow thoroughly in the hand. 就在詹恩胡思乱想的时候,风暴巨人似乎也已经寻找到了异形女王的位置,它再次高举起手腕,接着向下拍去。而异形女王也不是好招惹的货色,只见就在风暴巨人拍下手去的那一瞬间,异形女王便像一只离弦之箭般飞快的从灌木丛中飞奔而出,就地一滚躲开了闪电的束缚,然后继续飞快的向前奔跑过去。只不过这也让异形女王完完全全的暴露在了风暴巨人的眼皮子底下,只见它冷哼一声,便伸出手去,想要把这个讨厌又淘气的家伙彻底掌握在手中。 Roar!! & R dquo ; “吼!!” That while the storm giant puts out a hand, suddenly, along with a deafening great roar, a sturdy giant bright red tail howls is cutting the air, flung like a long whip. Strokes layer on layer/heavily in the wrist/skill of fog giant, scatters it thoroughly. But feeling this pain strikes, the fog giant also shouts wildly to draw back backward, then sees the right hand that it was defeated and dispersed to combine again, quick congeals under the great strength of element, changes into the appearance of palm again. But this storm giant does not have sharply to launch the attack again, on the contrary, it narrows the eye, vigilant looks steadily is keeping off in oneself front colossus. 就在风暴巨人伸出手去的同时,忽然,伴随着一声震耳欲聋的巨吼,一条粗壮巨大的鲜红尾巴呼啸着划破空气,像一条长鞭般甩了过来。重重击打在云雾巨人的手腕上,将其彻底打散。而感受到这痛苦的一击,云雾巨人也是狂叫着向后退开,接着便看见它原本溃散的右手再次组合,很快就在元素的伟大力量之下重新凝结,再次化为手掌的模样。只不过这一次风暴巨人再也没有急着发起进攻,相反,它眯起眼睛,警惕的盯视着挡在自己面前的庞然大物。 That is Red Dragon. 那是一头红龙 Enough 56 building high bodies at this moment on such float in sky, the wing of bright red spacious dragon launches, seems like looks like must wrap the entire forest simply in half. Two sharp sharp long horn are glittering under the function of magic miraculous glow brilliance that infiltrates the person, but the eye pupil of that dual combustion lighting a fire flame seems like so warm, as if the whole world will burn general completely under her gaze. 足足有五六层楼高的身躯此刻就这样悬浮在天空上,鲜红宽大的龙之翼展开,看起来简直就像是要把整个森林都包裹在其中一半。两条尖锐锋利的长角在魔法灵光的作用下闪烁着渗人的光辉,而那双燃烧着火焰的眼眸看起来是如此的热烈,以至于仿佛整个世界都会在她的注视下燃烧殆尽一般。 Dragon clan ............... & R dquo ; “龙族……………” Looks at the present big dragon for the first time, the storm giant stopped the hand, he looks steadily at Red Dragon, in the heart start is having doubts. Can look from the movement of opposite party, they come to Ring of Magic's staff, this without a doubt. But the issue is, in Battle mage at heart several organizations that may register, is impossible to have a dragon. After all this type of thing was extremely really conspicuous, living of average person impossible conceals. The Goldshire Empire royal family does not have this qualifications to direct dragon clan, these greedy big lizards are very slyly very difficult to deal with fellow. If Goldshire Empire can make into the agreement with the dragon clan, then they have been able to handle the Skaar federation, is insufficient to make war while the Skaar federation interior political situation not steady neutral gear now. 看着眼前的巨龙,风暴巨人第一次停下了手,他盯视着红龙,心中不由的开始疑惑起来。从对方的动作可以看得出来,他们是冲着环法之杖来的,这毋庸置疑。可问题在于,在战斗法师心里有可能挂上号的几个组织,都不可能拥有一头龙。毕竟这种东西实在太过显眼了,一般人也不可能藏的住。闪金帝国的王室也没有这个资格来使唤龙族,那些贪婪的大蜥蜴是非常狡猾又非常难对付的家伙。如果闪金帝国能够与龙族打成协议的话,那么他们早就能够搞定斯卡尔联邦了,也不至于到现在才趁着斯卡尔联邦内部政局不稳的空档开战。 Actually are you who? Why can oppose with the Ring of Magic association? & R dquo ; “你们究竟是什么人?为什么要与环法协会作对?” Thinks of here, the storm giant asks, he does not believe this is the enemy behavior of Ring of Magic association, but he cannot believe that these people are the third party influences, must know that the Ring of Magic association is quite strict regarding the protection of Ring of Magic's staff, these is also same time, but why the opposite party will be familiar with own situation, even did he tag along after to detect after? Battle mage at this moment had almost guessed correctly all processes , these people had clearly had long known the plan of Ring of Magic association, even they also know oneself follow in behind, but on the road these many scary attacks, very obviously are also these fellow behaviors, they use this means to make Adventurer that the Ring of Magic association hires be exhausted, thus forces itself to come out. Battle mage even can believe firmly that the opposite party has long known oneself tag along after, otherwise, they can not need to beat around the bush greatly, looked for these Adventurer to kill happily to be good directly. 想到这里,风暴巨人不由的开口询问道,他不相信这是环法协会的敌人所为,可是他也不敢相信这些人是第三方的势力,要知道环法协会对于环法之杖的保护可是相当严格的,这一次也是同样,可是为什么对方会对自己的情况了如指掌,甚至连他尾随在后都察觉到了?此刻的战斗法师已经差不多猜到了一切的过程,很明显,这些人早就知道了环法协会的计划,甚至他们还知道自己跟随在后面,而路上那些多的吓人的袭击,很明显也是这些家伙所为,他们利用这种办法使得环法协会雇佣的冒险者疲惫不堪,从而逼迫自己出来。战斗法师甚至可以确信对方早就知道自己尾随在后,不然的话,他们大可以不用这么拐弯抹角,直接去找上这几个冒险者杀个痛快就好了。 But now ............... 而现在…………… Roar!! „ “吼!!“ Facing the storm giant's inquiry, has changed into dragon body Sofina not to reply, on the contrary she bellows, the dragon breath in mouth immediately ** however leaves, changes into a cone-shape to spread in the forest deep place, like great waves of dashing about wildly straight rushes over to the storm giant. 面对风暴巨人的询问,已经重新化为龙身的索菲娜没有回答,相反她大吼一声,口中的龙息顿时**而出,化为一片锥形在森林的深处蔓延开来,如同狂奔的浪涛般笔直的冲着风暴巨人冲了过去。 But the storm giant at this moment is not a vegetarian, saw that Red Dragon released dragon breath, it also quickly raises both hands, the quick, wild wind formed in its hand, changes into a shield of revolving to keep off in his front, but burning hot dragon breath of these flaming combustion after bumping into the barrier of storm giant then extinguished thoroughly, even cannot raise storm. 而此刻的风暴巨人也不是吃素的,眼看红龙释放了龙息,它也是急忙举起双手,很快,狂暴的风在它的手中成形,化为了一面旋转的盾牌挡在了他的面前,而那些熊熊燃烧的炙热龙息则在碰到风暴巨人的屏障之后便彻底熄灭,甚至没有能够掀起一丝风浪。 If you did not say, then I will make you know, anything is the eternal pain!! „ “如果你不说,那么我会让你知道,什么才是永恒的痛苦!!“ Blocks the storm giant who Sofina struck to bellow to yell again, then his both hands extend, next moment, two a lance that is sparkling the lightning appeared in the left and right hands of storm giant like this, later saw only the storm giant to jump to jump like this, is brandishing the lance, threw toward Red Dragon straightly. 挡住了索菲娜一击的风暴巨人再次大吼大叫起来,接着他双手一伸,下一刻,两把闪耀着闪电的长矛就这样出现在了风暴巨人的左右手,随后只见风暴巨人就这样纵身跃起,挥舞着长矛,向着红龙笔直的扑了下去。 However the storm giant at this moment has not seen, on the hillside of not far away, Zhan En languid by front a stone, is looking at present. 但是此刻的风暴巨人并没有看见,在不远处的山坡上,詹恩正懒洋洋的靠在一块石头边,望着眼前的这一幕。 Said what very good ......... to be a pity, must taste the eternal pain, but must change a person. & R dquo ; “说的很好………不过可惜的是,要品尝永恒痛苦的,可是要换一个人了。” At the same time saying, the Zhan En corners of the mouth turned upwards, reveal one to sneer. Afterward he raised in the hand the jet black cane, aimed at present the giant storm giant. 一面说着,詹恩嘴角翘起,露出了一丝冷笑。随后他举起了手中漆黑的手杖,瞄准了眼前巨大的风暴巨人。 „, Wish you to walk. & R dquo ; “那么,祝你一路走好。”
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