DR :: Volume #3

#274: Canary after

R eadx ; The aura of burning hot heads on.[ Ad S: Home station exchanging website, shorthand method:,] readx;炙热的气息扑面而来。[ads:本站换新网址啦,速记方法:,] Sees only the dazzling brilliance to flash through, the flame that next moment explodes then erupts in the Sofina front, illuminated the present sky and land. The shatter mirror flies upside down, in in the air completely vanishes. Although seems like empty at present completely, but Sofina has not actually called a halt, on the contrary, in the instance that the flame erupts, she raised oneself right hand high, then makes an effort to hit downward in the ground. 只见刺眼的光辉闪过,下一刻爆裂的火焰便在索菲娜的面前喷发而出,照亮了眼前的天空与大地。破碎的镜像倒飞开去,在空中完全消失。虽然眼前看上去完全是空无一物,但是索菲娜却并没有就此停手,相反,就在火焰喷发的瞬间,她高高举起了自己的右手,接着用力向下打在地面上。 Bang!!! & R dquo ; “轰!!!” The land cracks, flame of scattering in all directions toward peripheral dispersing. No matter how said that Sofina is still a big dragon, moreover Red Dragon that grows perceptibly at the strength, struck do not say the land in her vigorously, even the principle started to shiver. That pure strength has overstepped the boundary of physics, achieved a more thorough domain. 大地崩裂,四散的火焰向着周边散开。不管怎么说索菲娜依然是一头巨龙,而且还是以力量见长的红龙,在她的倾力一击下不要说大地,甚至就连法则都开始颤抖。那种纯粹的力量早已经超越过了物理的界限,达到了更加深入的领域。 Really pitifully. 真可惜。 Looks at the Sofina movement, Zhan En helpless shrugging the shoulders. Although as Red Dragon, Sofina in this aspect indeed non- average man can, however her strength be too low, assistance fight unit that after all activates in passing, the striking power of two star rank enables her to be stronger than Elise in the fight level, but has a big disparity facing these true powerhouses. If Sofina can evolve for golden unit, these sufficiently spitting blood that Battle mage hit. Even same social class, but the addition in race is completely different. 看着索菲娜的动作,詹恩无奈的耸耸肩膀。虽然作为红龙,索菲娜在这方面的确非常人所能及,但是她的实力还是太低了,毕竟是附带激活的辅助战斗单位,三星等级的攻击力使得她在战斗层面比伊丽丝要强一些,但是面对那些真正的强者还是有不小的差距。如果索菲娜能够进化为黄金单位的话,这一下就足以把那个战斗法师打的吐血了。就算是同等阶级,可是种族方面的加成可是完全不同的。 However even so, that Battle mage does not feel better, he has not been learned to attend the meeting the a dragon to run obviously to look for oneself trouble, although when sees Sofina to appear suddenly, he is also somewhat surprised, but also is regarded as ordinary human to regard the opposite party, that flash of until both sides battling, that unlucky fellow then discovered that own idea is completely mistaken. 不过即便如此,那个战斗法师也不好受,他显然没有料到会有一条龙跑出来找自己的麻烦,虽然在看见索菲娜忽然出现的时候,他也是有些吃惊,但还只是把对方当做是普通的人类来看待,直到双方交战的那一瞬间,那个倒霉的家伙这才发现自己的想法大错特错。 This two people pull the wrist/skill probably, a side seems like only an elementary student, then another side naturally cannot extremely make an effort. When fight discovers opposite thiselementary student & R dquo ; Unexpectedly when has the fearful strength that the adult males are less than continually, wants to respond that is too late. But present Battle mage, faces such issue. In that flash that he and Sofina contact, opposite party that wild strength then makes Battle mage be startled. However as being expert in fight mage. The response capability of opposite party also is very obviously strong, saw with own eyes that is not wonderful leaves to retreat immediately, with the aid of mirror technique covered own figure shatter, vanishes in the air. 这就好像两个人扳手腕,其中一方看起来只是一个小学生,那么另外一方自然不会太过用力。但是当交手时发现对面这个“小学生”居然拥有连成年男子都不及的可怕力量时,想要反应过来就已经太晚了。而现在的战斗法师,所面对的正是这样的问题。就在他和索菲娜接触的那一瞬间,对方那狂暴的力量便让战斗法师大吃一惊。不过作为专精战斗的法师。对方的应对能力显然也很强,眼见不妙就立刻抽身撤退,借助镜影术的破碎掩盖了自己的身形,消失在空气之中。 What makes Battle mage not think is. The fight experience of Sofina and he is equally rich, seeing the opposite party to retreat, she hits the snake immediately along with the stick on, must manage the unforgiving directness to rumble in the past. What the fight is tasteful is the rhythm, but the key of victory is to master this rhythm. Destroys this rhythm. Now Sofina is doing is this matter, because the misjudgment the Sofina race, making Battle mage lose the original rhythm, but he chooses to make concessions, hopes that can win the time to master the rhythm. 只不过让战斗法师没有想到的是。索菲娜的战斗经验和他一样丰富,看见对方退却,她立刻打蛇随棍上,得理不饶人的直接轰了过去。战斗讲究的是节奏,而胜利的关键就是掌握这个节奏。或者破坏这个节奏。现在索菲娜正在做的就是这件事,由于错误判断了索菲娜的种族,使得战斗法师失去了自己原本的节奏,而他之所以选择退让,正是希望能够争取时间来重新掌握节奏。 However Sofina has not given him this opportunity, when she in further pursues actually does not know where from the start that Battle mage ran up to went, but this did not hinder Sofina directly to the opposite party large-scale aoe, although said that this non- pointed forms of combat can not be many to the damage that the opposite party caused, so long as can delay and hinder the rhythm of opposite party again, the goal regarding Sofina has achieved. 但是索菲娜并没有给他这个机会,她在进一步追击时其实压根不知道那个战斗法师跑到哪里去了,但是这并不妨碍索菲娜直接给对方一个大规模aoe,虽然说这种非针对性的战斗方式能够给对方造成的伤害不多,但是只要能够延迟和再次阻碍对方的节奏,对于索菲娜来说目的就已经达到了。 Sure enough. With stone and dust that the cracking land spews out, a translucent oval-shape halo appears, Battle mage in an extremely difficult situation drew back backward one step, can look, regarding strikes, he who Sofina this disregards all consequences has not expected completely. However what is lucky is he is mage, maintaining life spell naturally also has many after all. Immediately a magic protects the shield set on own body, stalled the attack of Sofina. 果不其然。伴随着崩裂大地喷涌而出的石块与尘土,一个半透明的椭圆形光环从中浮现,战斗法师狼狈不堪的向后退了一步,看得出来,对于索菲娜这不计后果的一击,他也是完全没有料到。不过幸运的是他毕竟是个法师,保命的法术自然也有不少。立刻一个魔法护盾套在了自己的身上,挡住了索菲娜的进攻。 But this also makes Battle mage have to temporarily the idea that gave up planning to counter-attack. Although is only the flash, but regarding Sofina, is enough. 只不过这也让战斗法师不得不暂时放弃了原本打算反击的想法。虽然只是一瞬间,但是对于索菲娜来说,已经足够了。 Together dark-red light beam across dust of spread. Stroked in Battle mage protective barrier, raised a ripple, although it has not hit the target truly, but Battle mage or complexion one white. Then hurried ringing walking in a proper and dignified manner drew back backward two steps. Although that arrives at negative energy not hit Battle mage truly, but he felt like this ice cold piercing aura is relentlesspours into & R dquo ; In own body, seemed the ice-cold blood adverse current of blood transfusion to return to the blood vessel to be the same, in a moment he even felt that oneself half body was more numb. 一道暗红色的光束穿过蔓延的尘土。击打在了战斗法师身边的防护屏障上,掀起了道道波纹,虽然它并没有真正击中目标,但战斗法师还是面色一白。接着急忙朗朗跄跄的向后退了两步。虽然那到负能量并没有确实的击中战斗法师,但他还是感觉到一股冰寒刺骨的气息就这样毫不留情的“注入”了自己的身体之中,就好像输血的冰冷血液逆流回血管一样,眨眼的工夫他甚至感觉自己的半个身子都麻木了许多。 Why this is Warlock will be called the reason of mage natural enemy, so long as both sides spell intersects, then the Warlock negative energy can flow in backward following the path of opposite party enters the body of opposite party. This to mage simply is the deathblow. In addition the effect of negative energy unique reduction life, causes each Warlock is almost the most perfect mage killers. 这就是法术士为什么会被称为法师天敌的原因,只要双方法术相交,那么法术士的负能量就可以顺着对方的施法轨迹倒灌进入对方的身体。这对一个法师来说简直是致命的打击。再加上负能量特有的削减生命的效果,使得每一个法术士几乎都是最完美的法师杀手。 Your this group of bastards!! & R dquo ; “你们这群混蛋!!” The connection encounters the sneak attack of opposite party to make the man furious, he brandishes the long spear/gun to plan to attack, but Sofina had thrown at this time again. Her forms of combat are seemingly barbaric and violent, tears to beat by own both hands completely, but in the coordination the Red Dragon strength makes people unable slightly to peep. But another side Elise draws support from Sofina this mt to draw opportunity distant hiding of bo S S in the darkness, pulls out often hails to him releases negative energy to attack a time, actually lets this unlucky fellow is to display the magic defense to protect itself not to make into the meat sauce by Sofina, selects simply gives up defending, so as to avoid became among the icicles by the negative energy frozen indecisive. 连接遭遇到对方的偷袭让男子怒不可遏,他挥舞着长枪打算进攻,但是这个时候索菲娜已经再一次的扑了上去。她的战斗方式看起来野蛮又暴力,完全就是靠自己的双手撕扯殴打,但是配合上红龙的力量却让人无法小窥。而另外一侧的伊丽丝则借助索菲娜这个mt拉boss的机会远远的躲在黑暗里,抽冷子不时的对他释放一次负能量冲击,让这个倒霉的家伙在究竟是施展魔法防御保护自己不被索菲娜打成肉酱,还是干脆点儿放弃防御免得被负能量冻成冰棍之间犹豫不决。 Cannot look, two people coordinate has the tacit understanding very much. 看不出来,两个人配合的还是很有默契的嘛。 Zhan En looked at a distant place chaotic battlefield again, later takes back the vision. He does not think Sofina adds on Elise to turn that Battle mage dry/does, perhaps now they can also create to that mage by the coordination a little troublesome, but they will be defeated finally. However regarding Zhan En, this actually good opportunity ......... 詹恩再次望了一眼远处混乱不堪的战场,随后收回目光。他可不认为索菲娜加上伊丽丝可以干翻那个战斗法师,或许现在她们还能够凭借彼此之间的配合给那个法师造成一点儿麻烦,不过最终她们还是会失败的。不过对于詹恩来说,这倒是一个绝好的机会……… Thinks of here, Zhan En has turned the head, again the spirit and former Alien Queen connection in one, issued the order later. 想到这里,詹恩转过头去,重新将精神与之前的异形女王连接在了一起,随后下达了命令。 Rumbling rumbling!!! & R dquo ; “轰轰轰轰轰!!!” The brilliance of magic tore the darkness quietly, Alien Queen falls to the ground from the tree following the shadow, as if cat general lithe agile, but this moment these Adventurer had not detected completely existence of Alien Queen, they stare the big eye dull, is looking at present Battle mage and two young girls fights between. But Alien Queen took advantage this opportunity suspicious across the crevice, before then speedily arrives, by the maid who side Elise overthrows. 魔法的光辉撕裂了黑暗,异形女王悄无声息的顺着阴影从树上落地,仿佛猫儿一般轻盈敏捷,而此刻那些冒险者完全没有察觉到异形女王的存在,他们只是呆呆的瞪大眼睛,望着眼前战斗法师与两个少女之间的战斗。而异形女王则趁这个机会偷偷摸摸的穿过空隙,接着一溜烟的来到了之前被伊丽丝打倒的女仆身边。 This moment that young maid calm and upright static lying down in ground, an soulless eye on such delay is looking at the sky. However Zhan En is very clear, although she seemed like dies was the same, but this young maid has not died in fact. If traded is human, a fist of Elise hit to explode their heads sufficiently, only then this Magic Puppet can as before remain intact. But she now this appearance, because the Elise negative energy froze the Magic Puppet original core, caused to lose power her to turn into this appearance. Zhan En is certain, so long as after a period of time, after the negative energy passes, the core of freeze will start again, but by that time this young maidwill die and be reborn & R dquo ;. 此刻那个小女仆正安静的躺倒在地面上,一双无神的眼睛就这样呆滞的望着天空。不过詹恩很清楚,虽然她看起来像是死了一样,但事实上这个小女仆还没有死。如果换了是人类的话,伊丽丝的一拳都足以打爆她们的脑袋,也只有这种魔导人偶才能够依旧保持完整。只不过她现在这个样子,只是因为伊丽丝的负能量冻结了魔导人偶原本的核心,使得失去了动力的她才会变成这副样子。詹恩可以肯定,只要过一段时间,负能量流逝之后,冻结的核心就会再次启动,而到那个时候这个小女仆就会“死而复生”了。 However Zhan En so will not be obviously easy to make her wake up, or ........., since he has arrived here, then this Magic Puppet do not count on that was activated again. 不过詹恩显然不会这么容易让她醒来,或者说………既然他已经来到这里,那么这个魔导人偶就别指望再次被激活了。 Thinks of here, Zhan En narrows the eye, then he issued a series of orders rapidly. 想到这里,詹恩眯起眼睛,接着他迅速下达了一连串的命令。 But heard his order, Alien Queen also started the movement. Sees only her tail to fling, the next moment sharp sharp tail blade tore Magic Puppet maid attire, then following her chest downward, to lower abdomen, dissected girl's body thoroughly. Quick, the blood sprays, scatters place. However Zhan En does not care, in fact these seem like the thing of blood is a magic solution, not only can maintain the body temperature, but can also provide the camouflage of certain extent for Magic Puppet. In fact the technique of manufacture about Magic Puppet also has the collection in Demon World great library early, regarding the content of this part, Zhan En is also familiar cannot be familiar. 而听到他的命令,异形女王也开始了动作。只见她尾巴一甩,下一刻尖锐锋利的尾刃就撕裂了魔导人偶身上的女仆装,然后顺着她的胸口一路向下,一直到小腹为止,彻底将女孩的身体解剖了开来。很快,鲜血从中喷射而出,散落一地。但是詹恩一点儿都不在意,事实上这些看起来像鲜血的东西就是一种魔法溶液,不但可以保持体温,还能够为魔导人偶提供一定程度的伪装以及。事实上关于魔导人偶的制造技术在魔界大图书馆里也早有收藏,对于这部分的内容,詹恩也是熟悉的不能够再熟悉了。 Quick, after dissecting the body of Magic Puppet, Zhan En saw a about half meter rectangular metal holder that lays aside in the person occasionally lower abdomen part, it seems like that the silver to cast, but in box case surface, is carving three rings as well as is setting upright symbol that triangles. 很快,在解剖开魔导人偶的身体之后,詹恩一眼就看见了放置在人偶小腹部分的一个近半米长的长方形金属匣,它看起来像是白银所铸,而在匣子的表面,则雕刻着三个圆环以及一个竖着的三角形的标志。 Three points of ten thousand laws, ten thousand law normalizing & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Right, this is Ring of Magic's staff! 三环万法,万法归一———没错,这就是环法之杖 Sees the present metal holder, in the Zhan En eye to flash through wipes none. Afterward he operates Alien Queen to fling the tail, forcefully that metal holder from the Magic Puppet body lira, then next moment, saw only a Alien Queen jump, later then without hesitation immediately spreads out with that Magic Puppet. 看见眼前的金属匣,詹恩眼中闪过一抹精光。随后他操纵异形女王将尾巴一甩,硬生生的把那个金属匣从魔导人偶的身体里拉了出来,接着下一刻,只见异形女王一个跳跃,随后便毫不犹豫的立刻与那个魔导人偶拉开了距离。 Zhan En does that does not have the reason, Magic Puppet this type of thing is exceptionally precise, moreover is used to lay aside such important thing, kills Zhan En not to believe that has not laid aside the magic trap in inside. Although he can also make Alien Queen directly hauling back Dungeon Magic Puppet then investigates slowly, but this demon leads the equipment to have the protection of beacon generally, was detected their whereabouts very much easily. But Zhan En is not willing to expose own status, therefore for a penny and for a pound tears down simply directly, as the matter stands, no one was possible to find his existence. 詹恩之所以这么做也并非是没有原因的,魔导人偶这种东西异常精密,而且还用来放置如此重要的东西,打死詹恩都不相信在里面没有放置魔法陷阱。虽然他也可以让异形女王直接把魔导人偶给拖回地下城然后再慢慢调查,但是这种魔导装备一般都有信标的保护,很容易被人察觉到他们的去向。而詹恩可不愿意暴露自己的身份,所以干脆一不做二不休直接拆掉,这样一来,谁都不可能找到他的存在了。 But the fact with is also the same, while that metal holder that Zhan En expects was taken by Alien Queen, suddenly, shut tightly the Demonic Path person of eyes to open the eye occasionally, a strange brilliance flashes through from her eye pupil, next moment, only hearsto rumble & R dquo ; A loud sound. 而事实也和詹恩所预料的一样,就在那个金属匣被异形女王取走的同时,忽然,原本紧闭着双眼的魔道人偶睁开了眼睛,一阵诡异的光辉从她的眼眸之中闪过,下一刻,只听见“轰”的一声巨响。 The flame of shooting up to the sky erupts immediately, toward spreads in all directions.( To be continued.) 冲天而起的火光顿时爆发,向着四面八方蔓延开去。(未完待续。) ... ...
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