DR :: Volume #3

#273: Battle mage

The dazzling brilliance drops from the clouds, just like meteor. 耀眼的光辉从天而降,宛如流星。 In that instantaneous, originally dark forest shone well-illuminated that it falls to the ground, the leaf along with the swing chaotic dance that the wild air current continuously, these Adventurer or Elise retreat backward, to avoid this sudden storm. 在它落地的那瞬间,原本黑暗的森林都被映照的一片通亮,树叶伴随着狂野的气流不住的摇摆乱舞,不论是那些冒险者还是伊丽丝都不由的向后退去,以避开这突如其来的暴风。 But in a twinkling, while Elise retrocedes, a long spear/gun explodes to shoot from the dazzling brilliance like this, shot in the direction that the young girl is. But sees long spear/gun that speeds away to come, Elise is also the complexion sinks, her without hesitation is throwing sickle in the hand to the present raider, then whole person as if together illusory shadow fast retreats toward the dark deep place. 而说时迟那时快,就在伊丽丝后退的同时,一把长枪就这样从耀眼的光辉之中爆射而出,向着少女所在的方向射了过去。而看见那疾驰而来的长枪,伊丽丝也是面色一沉,她毫不犹豫的对着眼前的袭击者扔出自己手中的弯刀,接着整个人仿佛一道虚幻的影子般飞快的向着黑暗深处退却。 But the speed of opposite party actually compared with the Elise imagination also wants quick & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Almost in that wisp of luminous tearing darkness, shines while Elise, then had arrived at the Elise front the long spear/gun, saw with own eyes that must pass through at present the heart of young girl. 而对方的速度却比伊丽丝想象的还要快———几乎就在那一缕光亮撕裂黑暗,照耀在伊丽丝身上的同时,那把长枪就已经来到了伊丽丝的面前,眼见就要贯穿眼前少女的心脏。 But at the same time, Elise stares the big eye, that pair of bright red eye pupil becomes in the flash high-pitched and fine, next moment, the wild negative energy flame erupts like this thoroughly from her body, as if a roaring beast of prey opened the mouth to throw toward the front. 而就在与此同时,伊丽丝瞪大眼睛,那双鲜红色的眼眸在一瞬间变得尖细,紧接着下一刻,狂野的负能量火焰就这样从她的身体之中彻底爆发出来,仿佛一只咆哮的猛兽般张开嘴巴向着前方扑了过去。 Well?! & R dquo ; “咦?!” But sees the eruption of this flame, the opposite party is also as if startled, facing the attack of Elise, he almost stops immediately, simultaneously the long spear/gun in hand made an effort to insert to the tread, later loudly shouted. 而看见这火焰的喷发,对方似乎也是大为吃惊,面对伊丽丝的进攻,他几乎是立刻停了下来,同时手中的长枪对着地面用力插了进去,随后大喝一声。 Compact earth, grants me the shield! & R dquo ; “坚土,赐予吾盾!” With angry roaring of opposite party, the land called loudly. A firm incomparable dirt wall this stands erect baseless. Kept off among two people. Flame such dashing of negative energy in that dirt wall, changed into rapidly invisible. But Elise at this moment has also rallied the situation, her both hands downward, the protecting shield of flame appeared like this in her side. However even so, Elise is still serious, that struck her to confirm that from the opposite party a moment ago the opposite party are least also has the Grandmaster peak strength, even might enter the legendary domain. She can drive back the opposite party is completely because Warlock the fire of negative energy restrains all occupations inborn. However this restraint also has & mda S h of lower limit ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Regarding present Elise, she is at least unqualified and such powerful person fight. 伴随着对方的怒吼,大地轰然鸣动。紧接着一道坚固无比的土墙就这样凭空竖立起来。挡在了两人之间。紧接着负能量的火焰就这样一头冲撞在了那道土墙上,迅速化为无形。而此刻的伊丽丝也已经重整态势,她双手向下,紧接着火焰的护盾就这样浮现在了她的身边。不过即便如此,伊丽丝也是面色凝重,从刚才对方那一击她就可以确认对方最少也有大师巅峰的实力,甚至有可能进入了传奇领域。她之所以能够逼退对方完全是因为法术士的负能量之火天生克制一切施法职业。但是这种克制也是有底限的———至少对于现在的伊丽丝来说,她还不够资格和这么强大的人战斗。 The mist and dust diverges. 烟尘散去。 The dirt wall minute rushes to the segregation, damages under the impact of negative energy flame thoroughly, but at this moment, that form also revealed his true colors. 土墙分奔离析,在负能量火焰的冲击下彻底损坏,而此刻,那个身影也露出了他的真面目。 That is a man who seems like 40-50 years old, he is tall and powerfully built, more than two meters high, puts on strange attire that a mage robe reforms, wraps leather armour that warrior are usually putting on outside. If were not he released spell a moment ago. Looks at more than two meters only high, tall and powerfully built, from top to bottom everywhere is the muscle man who can make the healthy training, impossible him and relation & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; On the contrary, if he is a barbarian or is warrior, instead will have persuasive power some. 那是一个看起来不过四五十岁的男子,他身材魁梧,有近两米多高,穿着一件法师袍改过的奇怪装束,在外面则套着战士们经常穿的皮甲。如果不是他刚才释放了法术的话。单看这位两米多高,身材魁梧,浑身上下到处都是肌肉的可以去做健美教练的男子,怎么也不可能把他和施法者联系起来———相反,如果说他是个野蛮人或者是个战士,反而会更加有说服力一些。 Warlock? & R dquo ; 法术士?” The men patted dust. Exposed several shatter jewelry & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Elise uses full power eruption the fire of negative energy, even if he does not dare to greet directly. If as Archmage, his body is not has several protection magic items, perhaps also really by this little fellow injuring. However now, his complexion also is not also attractive, sees only looks steadily at present Elise that man coldly like this, in the eye is burning is fighting intent. 男子拍了拍身上的灰尘。抖落了几个破碎的首饰———伊丽丝倾尽全力爆发的负能量之火哪怕是他都不敢正面迎接。如果不是作为一个大法师,他的身上也算是有几件防备魔法道具的话,说不定还真的就被这个小家伙给伤到了。不过现在,他的面色也同样不怎么好看,只见那个男子就这样冷冷的盯视着眼前的伊丽丝,眼中燃烧着战意。 I have never thought that can be unexpectedly Warlock ......... looks at your appearance, you do not seem like the Goldshire Empire person, who are you? Why can attack our motorcades? & R dquo ; “真没想到,居然会是法术士………看你的打扮,你不像是闪金帝国的人,你是谁?为什么要袭击我们的车队?” ..................... & R dquo ; “…………………” Facing man's inquiry, Elise frowns. However anything had not said. The strength of opposite party goes far beyond itself, moreover Warlock not totally is also invincible, Elise from the fight can detect that the opposite party understands Warlock fight characteristic very much, if he uses the magic shield rather than the strength barrier to resist the fire of oneself negative energy, then Elise had enough assurance to make him unable to eat to capture. However opposite party's response is really quick, was detecting that incorrect chooses the construction dirt wall to build an entity to prevent the attack of negative energy flame simultaneously immediately, fell lowly the might of fire of negative energy. As Warlock, Elise knows certainly that Warlock not completely without weakness, the fire of negative energy is best regarding the pure energy effect effect, but shells these entity time would have no is so powerful. 面对男子的询问,伊丽丝皱了下眉头。但是却什么都没有说。对方的实力远远超过自己,而且法术士也并非完全无敌,从刚才的战斗之中伊丽丝就可以察觉到对方很了解法术士的战斗特性,如果他使用魔法盾而非实力屏障来抵挡自己的负能量之火的话,那么伊丽丝有足够的把握让他吃不了兜着走。但是对方的反应实在很快,在察觉到不对的同时立刻就选择了构建土墙来营造一个实体阻挡负能量火焰的侵袭,将负能量之火的威力降到了最低。作为法术士,伊丽丝当然知道法术士也并非完全没有弱点,负能量之火对于纯粹的能量效应效果最佳,但是去轰击那些实体物的时候就没有那么强大了。 It seems like this enemy is very difficult to deal with. 看来这个敌人很难对付。 Didn't say? & R dquo ; “不说?” Is looking at Elise, the male cold under face, then his turn over took up the long spear/gun in hand. 望着伊丽丝,男子冷下脸来,接着他一个翻转拿起了手中的长枪。 Doesn't matter, after I catch you, some are the means makes you tell me the truth, never expected that Goldshire Empire will also play this cheap trick unexpectedly ......... snort/hum ........., but also mediocre ......... & R dquo ; “没关系,等我把你抓回去之后,有的是办法让你告诉我事情的真相,没想到闪金帝国居然也会玩这种小把戏………哼………但是也不过如此………” Un ............... & R dquo ; “嗯……………” Hears here, the Zhan En brow selects actually. It seems like his guess is correct, Ring of Magic association such suspicious transportation Ring of Magic's staff, even does not hesitate to use these Adventurer to make the bait, not only to keep secret, even also to hoodwink the Goldshire Empire vision. This also means, the Ring of Magic association transports Ring of Magic's staff to go to Phantom star city, the Goldshire Empire high level does not know the circumstances of the matter. 听到这里,詹恩倒是眉头一挑。看来他的猜测是正确的,环法协会之所以这么偷偷摸摸的运输环法之杖,甚至不惜利用这些冒险者来做诱饵,不仅仅只是为了保密,甚至也是为了蒙蔽闪金帝国的目光。这也就意味着,环法协会运输环法之杖幻星城,闪金帝国的高层是不知情的。 Or they do not hope the opposite party knows the circumstances of the matter. 或者说,他们是不希望对方知情的。 Why however can the Ring of Magic association do that? 不过环法协会为什么要这么做? Thinks of here, Zhan En curiosity gets up, the Ring of Magic association is the Goldshire Empire official Organization, in fact they are also very clear, without Goldshire Empire this big tree, they had been destroyed by a Templar Order minute of minute. What then their is making now? don't tell me Goldshire Empire plans to use Ring of Magic's staff, but didn't the Ring of Magic association agree therefore to conduct the shift? Goldshire Empire is not silly, Ring of Magic's staff this type of gadget in main plane, once opens that is rivers of blood, when the time comes Templar Order walked to extinguish your entire family directly. 想到这里,詹恩不由的好奇心起,环法协会是闪金帝国的官方施法组织,事实上他们自己也很清楚,如果没有闪金帝国这颗大树,他们早就被圣堂教团分分钟摧毁了。那么现在他们这是在做什么?难道说闪金帝国打算利用环法之杖,而环法协会不同意所以进行了转移?闪金帝国没有那么傻吧,环法之杖这种玩意儿在主位面一旦开启那就是血流成河,到时候圣堂教团直接就找上门来灭你全家了。 Then is the Ring of Magic association plans to inherit the will of initiator , to continue to track down that unattainable path using Ring of Magic's staff? Why however must elect ......... this should at this time not to plan that starts the opportunity of war to fish in troubled waters with the aid of Goldshire Empire, then being unjustly discredited throws to the imperial family completely goes to the back. 那么难道是环法协会又打算继承创始者的意志,继续利用环法之杖去追寻那条可望而不可及的道路?但是为什么要选在这个时候………这该不会是打算借助闪金帝国发动战争的机会浑水摸鱼,然后把黑锅全部扔给皇室去背吧。 Pondering over. Zhan En thinks the second possibility is higher. After all the Goldshire Empire royal family will not crack a joke with own country, but mage to pursue that all cores spares nothing, this are why they will choose and demon conduct one of transaction reasons. In fact many mage to pursue an illusory goal, but gave demon own soul transaction, and falls into the darkness thoroughly. This matter Zhan En also looked in Demon World is much inferior, therefore he was not strange. Moreover perhaps from present this appearance, Ring of Magic association interior most people does not know about the truth, after all the Ring of Magic's staff story is including three -year-old child to know in the Ring of Magic association. If makes these mage know that they plan to restart Ring of Magic's staff, that has not known that what will become excitedly. But such secret matter, naturally is person who knows the fewer the better, to avoid divulging a secret. 思前想后。詹恩还是认为第二种可能性更高一些。毕竟闪金帝国的王室不会拿自己的国家开玩笑,而法师则为了追求那一切的核心可是不惜任何代价的,这就是为什么他们会选择和魔族进行交易的原因之一。事实上很多法师都为了追寻一个虚无缥缈的目标而将自己的灵魂交易给了魔族,并且彻底堕入黑暗。这种事情詹恩魔界也看过不少次了,所以他一点儿都不奇怪。而且从现在这个样子来看,恐怕就连环法协会内部大部分人也不知道实情,毕竟环法之杖的故事在环法协会可谓是连三岁小孩儿都知道。要是让那些法师知道他们打算重启环法之杖,那还不知道会激动成什么样呢。而这样隐秘的事情,自然是知道的人越少越好,以避免走漏风声。 However now is not the guess time, he can believe firmly that mage has the strength of legendary rank, Elise at all is not the opponent of opposite party. Moreover can see from his appearance, this is Battle mage. 不过现在不是猜测的时候,他可以确信,那个法师有着传奇等级的实力,伊丽丝根本不是对方的对手。而且从他的打扮就可以看出,这是一个战斗法师 Battle mage is in mage most is expert with one that most is good at fighting, they not only will release the powerful force spell. Even can launch the powerful incomparable near body attack. Naturally, Battle mage also has its limit, that is they do not have the means to study the extremely profound mystery like ordinary mage spell, moreover in low level, they seem like warrior more have looked like mage. After these Battle mage grow completely, then they will turn into mage most powerful and most fearful one existence. But now. In the Elise front, obviously is such a exists very much. 战斗法师法师之中最专精和最擅长战斗的一种,他们不但会释放威力强大的法术。甚至能够进行强悍无比的近身攻击。当然,战斗法师也有其极限,那就是他们没办法像普通法师那样学习太过高深奥秘的法术,而且在低级的时候,他们看起来像战士更多过像法师。但是当这些战斗法师完全成长起来之后,那么他们就会变成法师里最强大和最可怕的一种存在。而现在。在伊丽丝的面前,很明显就是这么一个存在。 Although Elise has also studied some fight skills, but Battle mage is expert in the fight, with Elise this fishing three days and drying the nets two days, byfalse double cultivates & R dquo that the inhuman physique drifts along completely ; May be two matters, Zhan En can believe firmly completely, if both sides fight, then Elise was hit to fall face down also divides minute's of matter. 伊丽丝虽然也学习过一些战斗技巧,不过战斗法师可是专精战斗,与伊丽丝这个三天打鱼两天晒网,完全靠自己非人体质混日子的“伪双修”可完全是两码事,詹恩可以确信,如果双方交手,那么伊丽丝被打趴下也就是分分钟的事情。 However he had not planned that makes a Elise person bring death. 不过他也没打算让伊丽丝一个人去送死。 Sofina. & R dquo ; 索菲娜。” Thinks of here, Zhan En looked at a young girl, Sofina at this moment as before is an unemotional desolate appearance. However Zhan En from her eye pupil, actually saw the fighting will of flaming combustion. Clearly, this Your Highness Princess is expecting at present can join a fight. Hears Zhan En's to summon, Sofina turns the head, silent gaze he, but that sparkle bright eye, had actually betrayed her idea. 想到这里,詹恩望了一眼自己身边的少女,此刻的索菲娜依旧是一副面无表情的冷淡模样。但是詹恩从她的眼眸之中,却看见了熊熊燃烧的战斗意志。很明显,这位公主殿下眼下正在期望能够加入一场战斗。听到詹恩的呼唤,索菲娜转过头来,沉默不语的注视着他,但是那双闪耀明亮的眼睛,却已经出卖了她的想法。 In it seems like bloodlines of Red Dragon her body really flows. 看来她身体里果然流淌的还是红龙的血脉啊。 Looks at Sofina look, Zhan En shows a faint smile. 看着身边索菲娜的眼神,詹恩微微一笑。 Helps Elise. & R dquo ; “去帮帮伊丽丝吧。” Hears these words, Sofina nods. 听到这句话,索菲娜点了点头。 Then next moment, her form completely disappears in Zhan En's like this reluctantly. 接着下一刻,她的身影就这样在詹恩的勉强完全消失。 But sees the Sofina form to vanish, Zhan En then turns head, he narrows the eye, looks again to nearby horse-drawn vehicles and these Adventurer. This moment these Adventurer seemed to have been shocked completely, from the start does not know actually at present is what situation. They escorted an aristocrat to go to Phantom star city to seek to save the means of companion while convenient, but now? Who is that young lady? Is the man who this presents suddenly who? Actually they are saying any unclear sleep/felt severe thing!! 而看见索菲娜的身影消失,詹恩这才回过头来,他眯起眼睛,再次望向旁边的马车和那些冒险者。此刻那些冒险者似乎已经完全被惊呆了,压根不知道眼下究竟是个什么情况。他们原本只是护送一个贵族去幻星城顺便寻找拯救自己同伴的办法,而现在这是怎么回事?那个小姐是谁?这个忽然出现的男子又是谁?他们究竟在说些什么不明觉厉的东西啊!! However the man had not planned obviously to meaning that anybody explained that seeing Elise to have no meaning of reply, he was also cold snort/hum one, is meeting in the hand long-term held up high, next moment, his whole person changed into together the tornado, was divided into six to turn toward Elise to rush over. 不过男子显然没有打算对任何人解释的意思,看见伊丽丝没有任何回答的意思,他也是冷哼一声,接着手中的长期高高举起,下一刻,他整个人就化为一道旋风,一分为六向着伊丽丝冲了过去。 Mirror technique!! & R dquo ; “镜影术!!” Saw the present six person's shadows, Elise also to frighten one, just like Zhan En, she saw the opposite party is also guessing the opposite party Battle mage status instantaneously. Has not thought that this Battle mage is so unexpectedly cut-throat, must know that the mirror technique is only an ordinary imaginary technique, is used to confuse the opponent, but has no actual result. But this Battle mage makes actually probably true is divided into six, turned into six people to launch the attack to be the same to her probably simultaneously. Suddenly Elise does not know how should do, finally she bites the jaw, both hands wields forward, quick, the flame of negative energy erupted again, tumbles is rumbling to the opposite party in the past. 看见眼前的六个人影,伊丽丝也是吓了一条,和詹恩一样,她在看见对方的瞬间也猜测出了对方战斗法师的身份。只是没想到这个战斗法师居然如此凶狠,要知道镜影术原本只是一个普通的幻术,用来迷惑对手,但是没有什么实际效果。可是这个战斗法师使出来却好像是真真正正的一分为六,就好像同时变成了六个人对她展开攻击一样。一时间伊丽丝也不知道该怎么做,最终她还是一咬牙关,双手向前一挥,很快,负能量的火焰再次爆发,翻滚着向对方轰了过去。 However Battle mage speed the Elise imagination is quicker, while her flame eruption, that six illusory images also probably are winged to fly generally, having an arc to jump from the flame, then the long-barrelled guns in their hand forward suddenly, straight thorn to the present young girl. 不过战斗法师的速度比伊丽丝想象的还要快,就在她的火焰爆发的同时,那六个幻影也像是长了翅膀一般飞了起来,带着一道弧线从火焰上方跳跃而过,接着他们手中的长枪猛然向前,笔直的刺向眼前的少女。 „ It is not good!! & R dquo ; “不好!!” Sees this, the Elise finally complexion big change, but at this time, she saw a red person's shadow to appear in own front suddenly like this. 看见这一幕,伊丽丝终于面色大变,而就在这个时候,她忽然看见一个红色的人影就这样出现在了自己的面前。 next moment, Sofina and six Battle mage hit on this in one. 下一刻,索菲娜就这样和六个战斗法师撞在了一起。
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