DR :: Volume #3

#272: Magic Puppet

Facing this sudden one, the player and enemy are startled. These Adventurer have not thought completely at this time unexpectedly some people will jumpto bring about own destruction & R dquo from the carriage ;, But Elise has not thought that completely will have such accident. 面对这突如其来的一幕,敌我双方都是大吃一惊。那些冒险者们完全没有想到这个时候居然会有人从马车里跳出来“自寻死路”,而伊丽丝也完全没有想到会发生这样的变故。 However as Warlock that in Underdark was born, Elise dealing with changes ability relative, the so-called matter leaves must unusual for the monster, seeing some people not to hide facing own attack unexpectedly instead moves forward to meet somebody directly, Elise first detected the aura of danger, therefore she interrupted without hesitation to the guidance of spell, later has a series of remnant shades fast drew back toward side. But almost at the same time, that person's shadow also with the spell hit that Elise launched in one. 但是作为一个幽暗地域里出生的法术士,伊丽丝的应变能力相当之强,所谓事出反常必为妖,看见有人面对自己的攻击居然不躲反而正面迎上去,伊丽丝第一时间就察觉到了危险的气息,因此她毫不犹豫的中断了对法术的引导,随后带着一连串的残影飞快的向着旁边退开。而几乎就在与此同时,那个人影也与伊丽丝发射出来的法术撞击在了一起。 crack ......... squeak ............! & R dquo ; 咔嚓………吱…………!” However, the people were expected that the explosion has not taken place, on the contrary, gets up along with a slight crossbow trigger sound, next moment sees only that person's shadow the front to revolve suddenly the magic barrier that presented a hexagon, stalled the attack of Elise, not only that sees only hits that magic barrier in the Elise magic light beam the instance, sees only the entire magic to rebound suddenly, flew toward the place that it launches. Because Elise has cancelled the magic power guidance, in addition hit the present barrier to consume most strengths, how long making that magic light beam not continue to vanish in the air, transformed for the original magic energy, complete decomposition. 但是,众人预料之中的爆炸并没有发生,相反,伴随着一声轻微的机括声响起,下一刻只见那个人影的前方忽然旋转着出现了一个六边形的魔法屏障,挡住了伊丽丝的进攻,不仅如此,只见就在伊丽丝的魔法光束击中那个魔法屏障的瞬间,只见整个魔法骤然反弹,向着它发射的地方飞了回去。只不过由于伊丽丝已经取消了魔力引导,再加上击中眼前的屏障已经消耗了大部分力量,使得那道魔法光束并没有持续多久就消失在了空气之中,重新幻化为原本的魔法能量,完全分解。 What's all this about? 这是怎么回事? Elise frowns, is gazing at present that petite person's shadow vigilantly, the opposite party seems a little girl. Almost is probably big with the Pattilina age. She puts on simple maid attire, this moment calm and upright static standing there, a jet black eye is gazing at the front motionlessly. 伊丽丝皱起眉头,警惕的注视着眼前那个娇小的人影,对方看起来像个小女孩。大概和帕蒂莉娜的年龄差不多大。她穿着一身朴素的女仆装,此刻正安静的站在那里,一双漆黑的眼睛一动不动的注视着前方。 Miss Sally!! & R dquo ; 萨莉小姐!!” Sees the appearance of maid, Adventurer to be as if startled, they know certainly that this maid is the personal bodyguard of that aristocrat Sir, but will not have the considerable opposite party to have such strength unexpectedly, that red robe mage also surprised will stare the big eye. Cannot believe is looking at this. As, his these companions are clearer can rebound spell represent anything. 看见女仆的出现,冒险者们似乎都吃了一惊,他们当然知道这个女仆是那位贵族大人的贴身侍从,只是没有相当对方居然会拥有这样的力量,就连那个红袍法师也是惊讶的瞪大眼睛。不敢相信的望着这一幕。作为一个施法者,他比自己那些同伴更加清楚能够反弹法术代表着什么。 However the Elise coping style makes red robe mage feel the heart similarly startled, in his opinion rebound spell this matter average person has not thought that but the raider in this darkness as if there is guard early, seeing the time to not to interrupt directly to the guidance of spell, such technique may not be the average person can achieve absolutely. 但是伊丽丝的应对方式同样让红袍法师感到心惊,在他看来反弹法术这种事情一般人根本就不曾想过,可是这个黑暗之中的袭击者却似乎对此早有防范,看见时机不对就直接中断了对法术的引导,这样的手法可绝对不是一般人能够做到的。 However this also no wonder, Elise life Underdark not compared with surface, there, even if looks smallest and weakest. The most lovable lifeform possibly has fatal killing to incur. But the first response of lifeform in Underdark when fight is to enhance vigilance to prevent the opposite party possibly killing of hidden to incur, but this fight instinct also similar brand mark in the body of Elise. Do not say the one who stands before her is a little girl, what even if stands in front of Elise is a crab, she will still also choose the avoidance. 不过这也难怪,伊丽丝生活的幽暗地域可不比地表,在那里,哪怕是看起来最弱小。最可爱的生物都可能有着致命的杀招。而幽暗地域里的生物在战斗时的第一反应就是提高警惕以防止对方所可能隐藏的杀招,而这种战斗本能也同样烙印在了伊丽丝的身体之中。不要说站在她面前的是个小女孩,就算站在伊丽丝面前的是一只螃蟹,她也同样会选择躲避的。 Well? & R dquo ; “咦?” However saw this, Zhan En also to send out doubtful calling out in alarm. With the aid of the evil eye, he saw certainly clearly that maid. However makes Zhan En be what is surprised is. This maid is not in the carriage any in two soul, on the contrary, if starts Evil eye Words, then before this maid is actually is in the carriage that is mistaken asRing of Magic's staff & R dquo by Zhan En ;Magic item & R dquo ;. 但是看见这一幕,詹恩也是不由的发出了一声充满疑惑的惊呼。借助邪恶之眼,他当然看清楚了那个女仆。但是让詹恩感到意外的是。这个女仆并不属于马车里两个灵魂之中的任何一个,相反,如果启动【邪恶之眼】的话,那么这个女仆其实是属于马车之中那个之前被詹恩误认为是“环法之杖”的“魔法道具”。 What's all this about? 这是怎么回事? Zhan En opened continuously Evil eye Several observation ways, what the maid in his eye still demonstrates was full of the intense magic miraculous glow, but absolutely did not have the mark of soul flame. This means that the present girl is not human, even is not the life body, but is a item that is actuated by magic power. 詹恩连续开启了【邪恶之眼】的好几种观测方式,但是他眼中的这个女仆依然显示的是充满了强烈的魔法灵光,可是却完全没有灵魂火焰的印记。这就意味着眼前的这个女孩不是人类,甚至不是生命体,而是一种由魔力驱动的道具。 Thinks of here, a Zhan En eye revolution, sneers later. 想到这里,詹恩眼睛一转,随后冷笑一声。 He has known that the opposite party was anything. If Zhan En has not guessed that wrong, this should belongs to product & mda S h of Carlosia secret association ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Magic Puppet. 他已经知道对方是什么东西了。如果詹恩没有猜错的话,这应该是属于卡洛西亚秘密协会的产物———魔导人偶 In fact, this is one with the robot that magic power actuates, during the second world war, these Magic Puppet has engaged in many battles as the principal force and demon Carlosia secret association, because demon most likes the dry/does matter in the battlefield is on various large-scale DEBUFF, but as living the life, what human was filling the fog and curse place of fatal toxin naturally does not ask to advantage. 其实说白了,这就是一个用魔力驱动的机器人,在第二次天地大战期间,这些魔导人偶曾经作为卡洛西亚秘密协会的主力部队和魔族们进行过不少次交锋,因为魔族在战场上最喜欢干的事情就是上各种大型DEBUFF,而作为活着的生命,人类在充满了致命毒素的云雾和诅咒之地自然是讨不到什么好处的。 But the magic person appears occasionally, for deals with this situation. Initially the Carlosia secret association made a large number of Magic Puppet, although they cannot say that had what energy, can only conduct the remote control through mage, but Magic Puppet did not fear DEBUFF, will not have the vacillation on morale, could not be victorious can also self-exploding kill the enemy, this all sorts of characteristic can also restrain most demon sinister sly methods. In the second world war, Magic Puppet was also one of the demon frontal battlefield quite hard to deal with enemies. 而魔法人偶的出现,为的就是应对这种情况。当初卡洛西亚秘密协会制造了数量众多的魔导人偶,虽然他们本身称不上有什么只能,只能够通过法师进行远距离操纵,但是魔导人偶不怕DEBUFF,也不会产生士气上的动摇,打不过还可以自爆杀敌,这种种特性也可以克制大部分魔族的阴险狡猾的手段。在第二次天地大战之中,魔导人偶也算是魔族正面战场比较难缠的敌人之一了。 But after that the Magic Puppet manufacturing method has been lost gradually, Zhan En heard afterward the Carlosia secret association as if overstated the plan to create to have Magic Puppet of soul, finally instead was dispatched to go to enter by demon evilly spirit, destroyed the entire association thoroughly. Has not thought, unexpectedly will see Magic Puppet in this place. 只不过在那之后,魔导人偶的制造方法已经渐渐失传,詹恩只是听说后来卡洛西亚秘密协会似乎走火入魔打算创造出拥有灵魂的魔导人偶,结果反而被魔族派遣邪灵趁虚而入,彻底毁灭了整个协会。只是没想到,居然会在这个地方看见一具魔导人偶 Has to acknowledge, Ring of Magic association really one set, what pitifully is, the fox is sly, cannot fight the hunter. Zhan En had almost guessed correctly, Ring of Magic's staff was definitely placed in the body of this maid. As Magic Puppet, she does not need to eat meal the rest, naturally does not need the internal organs, in the body puts the magic wand is not a problem. 不得不承认,环法协会果然有一套,不过可惜的是,狐狸再狡猾,也斗不过好猎手。詹恩差不多已经猜到,环法之杖肯定是被放在这个女仆的身体里。作为魔导人偶,她又不需要吃饭休息,自然不需要内脏,身体里放把魔杖还是不成问题的。 But Zhan En has not told Elise this matter, he believes that Elise should be able to process. Magic Puppet, if one crowd may be somewhat troublesome, but Magic Puppet threatens not in a big way regarding Elise, if this type of thing could not solve, then Elise has died in Underdark. 只不过詹恩并没有把这件事告诉伊丽丝,他相信伊丽丝应该能够处理好。只是一个魔导人偶而已,如果是一群的话说不定还有些麻烦,但是一个魔导人偶对于伊丽丝来说威胁不大,如果她连这种东西都解决不了,那么伊丽丝早就死在幽暗地域了。 But just like in fact also Zhan En guessed, at the discovery matter to later, Elise does not change own approach immediately. She puts out a hand again, release the missile of a series of implication negative energy, like violent storm bang to the present maid, but the opposite party after the strengthening in defense, sees only the magic shield obviously luminous flashed several, blocked the magic missile of Elise release completely. But even so, the maid had not responded. 而事实上也正如詹恩所猜测的一样,在发现事情不对之后,伊丽丝就立刻改变了自己的做法。她再次伸出手去,释放出了一连串蕴含负能量的飞弹,如同暴风骤雨般的轰向了眼前的女仆,只不过对方显然是经过防御方面的强化的,只见魔法盾的光亮只是闪动了几下,就将伊丽丝释放的魔法飞弹全部拦了下来。而即便如此,女仆也没有丝毫反应。 Sees this, Elise to detect that this girl is not normal, the Warlock dangerous part spell that lies in they releases contains the negative energy, but so long as the opposite party has to these spell by the danger that the negative energy corrodes. But the maid of present had not responded, seems like the negative energy as if to have no appearance of use to her ............ 看见这一幕,伊丽丝已经察觉到这个女孩不正常,法术士的危险之处就在于他们释放的法术都蕴含着负能量,而对方只要对上这些法术就有被负能量侵蚀的危险。而眼下的这个女仆却没有丝毫反应,看起来负能量似乎对她根本没有什么用处的样子………… In Elise ponders, that maid also launched the movement. Sees only her right hand to extend forward, a short-sword appeared in the palm of young maid like this, saw only next moment her magic to reappear brilliance rapidly, that petite form then probably was later cheetah-like, threw in the direction that Elise was. 就在伊丽丝思考之时,那个女仆也展开了动作。只见她右手向前一伸,紧接着一把短剑就这样出现在了小女仆的手心,紧接着只见下一刻她身上的魔法光辉迅速浮现,随后那娇小的身影便好像一头猎豹般,向着伊丽丝所在的方向扑了上去。 Came!! 来了!! Sees the opposite party to launch the attack, Elise not startled, she had guessed correctly that the opposite party is impossible to come under attack passively. At this moment saw that young maid to clash toward oneself, Elise was also puts out a hand, next moment, one sparkled the blood-color sickle to appear in her hand like this & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; As Half vampire, the Elise physique and strength exceeded human many, but has naturally also studied the skill of close combat as Warlock her, therefore does not face the fight of near body to be helpless like most. 看见对方发起进攻,伊丽丝并没有惊慌,她早就猜到对方不可能被动挨打。此刻看见那个小女仆向着自己冲了过来,伊丽丝也是伸出手去,下一刻,一把闪耀着血色的弯刀就这样出现在了她的手中———作为半吸血鬼,伊丽丝的体质和力量远本就超越人类许多,而作为一个法术士的她自然也学习过近战的技巧,因此并不像大多数施法者那样面对近身的战斗手足无措。 Clang clang clang!! & R dquo ; “铛铛铛!!” The sword intersection, a series of flames appear from the darkness, the bright red sickle in Elise hand has from the sky delimited, hits time and time again on the short-sword of opposite party, two form dogfights fast in the same place, then separate rapidly. The Elise right hand grips tightly the sickle, the left hand has delimited baseless, later the bright red fog appears rapidly, covers in the direction of carriage. But she is goes forward one step, again with that small maid dogfight in the same place. The strength of opposite party the Elise imagination is bigger, does not seem like the strength of ordinary child completely, but regarding Elise, this also and does not have any at the worst. 刀剑相交,一连串的火光从黑暗之中浮现,伊丽丝手中的鲜红弯刀在空中划过,一次又一次撞击在对方的短剑上,两个身影飞快的缠斗在一起,然后迅速分开。伊丽丝右手紧握弯刀,左手则凭空划过,随后鲜红色的云雾迅速浮现,向着马车的方向笼罩过去。而她自己则是上前一步,再次和那个小女仆缠斗在一起。对方的力量比伊丽丝想象的还要大,完全不像是个普通小孩子的力量,但是对于伊丽丝来说,这也并没有什么大不了的。 „!! & R dquo ; “唰!!” A small maid sword punctures, Elise is sideways to avoid, sickle impartial cutting in hand approached her nape of the neck. But facing the attack of Elise, the meaning that the young maid has not avoided completely, on the contrary, her whole person jumps forward, rushes over toward the Elise bosom, seeming like one does not die completely the continuous appearance. 小女仆一剑刺下,伊丽丝侧身躲开,手中的弯刀不偏不倚的砍向了她的脖颈。而面对伊丽丝的攻击,小女仆完全没有躲避的意思,相反,她整个人都向前一跳,向着伊丽丝的怀里冲了过去,看起来完全就是一副不死不休的样子。 However Elise is not a fool, seeing the movement of young maid to take back own sickle immediately, kept off before the body resisted another attack of opposite party, simultaneously she gripped tightly the left fist, made an effort to wield forward. 但是伊丽丝也不是傻瓜,看见小女仆的动作就立刻收回了自己的弯刀,重新挡在身前抵住了对方的另外一次攻击,同时她紧握左拳,用力向前挥出。 Thump!! & R dquo ; “咚!!” Elisefriendship cracks a smile fist & R dquo ; Hitting of no flower trellis on the face of young maid, the violent flame erupts immediately, the entire head package of young maid is one of them, but under that petite body also in vigorously of Elise strikes to fly upside down, after breaking by smashing with stone nearby trees, pours in the shrubbery, suddenly the flame spread, has the almost suffocating high temperature of burning hot. 伊丽丝的“友情破颜拳”毫无花架的打在小女仆的脸上,猛烈的火焰顿时爆发开来,将小女仆的整个头颅包裹在其中,而那娇小的身体也在伊丽丝的倾力一击之下倒飞开去,砸断了旁边的树木之后倒在灌木丛之中,一时间火焰蔓延开来,带着炙热的几乎令人窒息的高温。 Sees this, almost all people were shocked. These Adventurer swallowed saliva, having the terrified vision to look to the direction that the young maid drops down. They have not thought that the opposite party so will be unexpectedly fierce, even this seems like very powerful young maids such easy knocks down. 看见这一幕,几乎所有人都愣住了。那些冒险者们不由的吞咽了一口口水,带着惊恐不安的目光望向小女仆倒下的方向。他们没有想到对方居然会如此厉害,甚至连这个看起来很强大的小女仆都被这么轻而易举的打倒在地。 Actually are the opposite party who? 对方究竟是什么人? However, in the people are dumbfounded, suddenly, crazy howl transmits, next moment, the silver-white brilliance passes through the sky, straight fell toward the place that the young maid is. 但是,就在众人目瞪口呆之际,忽然,一阵狂啸声传来,紧接着下一刻,银白色的光辉穿越天空,笔直的向着小女仆所在的地方落了下去。
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