DR :: Volume #3

#271: A qualified behind-the-scenes plotting

The fight is still continuing. 战斗依然在继续。 Adventurer seem more and more exhausted, they had given up the defense of surrounding, by fights near the compartments and these undead lifeform of carriage. Without Paladin Holy Light suppresses undead lifeform characteristic, perhaps as well as red robe mage spell, they could not have supported. However what is lucky, at this moment in magic and god technique , the people insisted alternately. But these undead lifeform are also fewer and fewer, this made Adventurer also hit the spirit, but were getting fewer and fewer along with undead lifeform, the expression in their surface even more was also serious and vigilant, this also no wonder, they were experienced Adventurer, naturally knows that these undead lifeform possibly did not appear accidentally, coming to here to look oneself troublesome. In their behind, may hide a more fearful monster very much, therefore the victory is even close at hand, they have not relaxed vigilantly, on the contrary, everyone even more raised the spirit, is gazing at all around vigilantly. 冒险者们显得越来越疲惫,他们已经放弃了外围的防御,靠在马车的车厢边和那些不死生物战斗。如果没有圣骑士圣光压制不死生物特性,以及红袍法师法术的话,恐怕他们已经撑不住了。不过幸运的是,此刻在魔法和神术的交互下,众人还是坚持了下来。而那些不死生物也是越来越少,这让冒险者们也是打起了精神,不过伴随着不死生物越来越少,他们面上的表情也越发严肃和警惕,这也难怪,他们都是经验丰富的冒险者,自然知道这些不死生物不可能是偶然出现,来这里找自己的麻烦的。在它们的身后,很有可能隐藏着更加可怕的怪物,所以即便胜利近在眼前,他们也没有放松警惕,相反,每个人都越发提起了精神,警惕的注视着四周。 Elise chose a good opponent. 伊丽丝挑选了一个好对手啊。 Gets a panoramic view people's response, Zhan En is smiling nod, actually Demon King most likes is suffers these Adventurer, Zhan En is no exception, to him, looks these strongly, brave, fills Adventurer of just heart becomes dispirited, degenerates, divides to rush to the segregation even died calculates on is a very good entertainment. When probably a person breaks these attractive chinawares the innermost feelings gush out is like the feeling of satisfaction that the destruction wants, not only that if can make these Adventurer degenerate for one in darkness, the harm that then they bring can go far beyond demon, this is the material level is not so only simple, even also includes the soul and spirit ......... 将众人的反应尽收眼底,詹恩微笑着点了点头,其实魔王最喜欢的就是折磨这些冒险者,詹恩也不例外,对于他来说,看着这些坚强,勇敢,充满正义心的冒险者变得颓唐,堕落,分奔离析甚至死去都算的上是一种很好的娱乐。就好像一个人打破那些漂亮瓷器时内心涌出的对破坏欲的满足感一样,不仅如此,如果能够让这些冒险者堕落为黑暗中的一员,那么他们带来的危害会远远超过魔族本身,这不仅仅是物质层面这么简单,甚至还包括灵魂与精神……… To be honest, is lord of Caffet that shadow Demon World Zhan En most appreciates, he once sang a perfect double reed using Bacam, destroyed vigor & mda S h of that national people thoroughly ; He first camouflages the prophet, will warn the king in the near future, will have a group of shadow armies to invade Bacam( naturally, this group of shadow armies naturally will be his subordinate), after experienced that fearful future with own eyes, the Bacam king will be determined to strengthen the national strength. War that for that will soon arrive, he starts becomes strong, but blood and iron, to finance military expenses, he to people strict at high taxes. In order to have the sufficient military and equipment deals with these fearful demon, his wantonly conscription, moreover uses resources and strength that all can take advantage. But the entire kingdom is also unable to withstand the load under this type of tyranny. But the king does not have the means to tell his national the entire truth, because he is very clear, if said this matter. Then the entire country will have the confusion, when the time comes Bacam will perish thoroughly. He even conceals the truth to be one of them including oneself family member, has not told them the truth. In people's eyes, this king appears the cold blood to be even more brutal, is even more greedy, cruel, cruel. 说实话,在魔界詹恩最欣赏的就是阴影之主卡菲特,他曾经利用巴卡姆唱了一出完美的双簧,彻底毁灭了那个国家人民的精气神—他先是伪装成先知,告诫国王在不久的将来,会有一批阴影大军侵略巴卡姆(当然,这批阴影大军自然是他的部下),而在亲眼见识了那个可怕的未来之后,巴卡姆的国王下定决心增强国力。为了那不久即将到来的战争,他开始变得强硬而铁血,为了筹资军费,他对民众苛以重税。为了有足够的兵力和装备应对那些可怕的魔物,他大肆征兵,而且利用一切可以利用的资源和力量。而整个王国也在这种苛政下不堪重负。而国王却没有办法将整个事情的真相告诉他的国民,因为他很清楚,假如把这件事说出去的话。那么整个国家都会产生混乱,到时候巴卡姆就会彻底灭亡。他甚至连自己的家人都瞒在其中,没有告诉他们真相。在众人眼里,这位国王只是显得越发冷血无情,越发贪婪,残忍,残暴。 Finally, the younger brother of king stood, bravely mistake that accuses the Elder Brother, but was actually infiltrated the dungeon by him. Then he flees from the prison. Unites rebellious army that these were unable to withstand the load together, overthrew oneself elder brother's rule. When he returns the king castle, pricks that moment of Elder Brother chest the long sword personally, gave up all kings then telling itself younger brother's all truth. 最终,国王的弟弟站了出来,勇敢的指责自己哥哥的错误,但是却被他打入了地牢。接着他逃离监狱。联合了那些不堪重负的反抗军一起,推翻了自己哥哥的统治。而当他重新回到王都的城堡,亲手将长剑刺入哥哥胸膛的那一刻,放弃了一切的国王这才告诉了自己弟弟一切的真相。 But from Elder Brother there learned that the younger brother after truth went haywire in similarly, he with the rebellious army has decided after oneself re-enter the throne, will eliminate these strict taxes, will lighten their burdens. However now seems like, if oneself really do that then the kingdom will not have the sufficient strength to beat that shadow army. 而从哥哥那里得知真相后的弟弟同样陷入了混乱之中,他原本已经和反抗军商定在自己重回王位之后,会取消那些苛税,也会减轻他们的负担。但是现在看起来,如果自己真的这么做的话,那么王国将不会拥有足够的力量去击败那只阴影大军。 Finally, the younger brother inherited elder brother's path. Tore up among the treaty with rebellious armies, entrusts with an important task to these high-ranking court officials of Elder Brother rule period again , to continue severely, and is relentless plunders all strengthens own strength, finally. They beat the army from shadow plane, but entire Bacam also fell into the long-time confusion after that the people lost regarding king's trust, but king also because of murdering own evil and betrayal fear, but degenerated a Elder Brother to be crueler and seek after to lead a life of comfort from that high-spirited star of hope to evade the realistic tyrant. Finally, Bacam insisting for five years later erupted a series of rebellions again, later this country also the thorough minute in the rebellion rushes to the segregation. Complete destruction. 最终,弟弟继承了哥哥的道路。撕毁了与反抗军之间的条约,重新对哥哥执政时期的那些重臣委以重任,继续严苛并且毫不留情的搜刮一切来增强自己的力量,最终。他们击败了来自阴影位面的大军,但是整个巴卡姆也在那之后陷入了长久的混乱,人民失去了对于国王的信任,而国王本身也因为弑亲的罪恶与背叛的恐惧而从原本那个意气风发的希望之星堕落成了一个比自己哥哥更加残暴和贪图享乐来逃避现实的暴君。最终,巴卡姆在坚持了五年之后再次爆发了一系列暴动,随后这个国家也在暴动中彻底分奔离析。完全毁灭。 Zhan En that this case looks at thumped the table and shouted praise, the main respect was also just like the torrential river water to be continuous regarding that shadow, the Yellow River was in flood once started , it can hardly stop, he almost used each weakness of human nature perfectly, finally successfully destroyed one to have several hundred years of strong country, but this also made the shadow the main reputation to rising a whole new altitude in Demon World. 这一案例看的詹恩拍案叫绝,对于那位阴影之主的敬仰也是犹如滔滔江水连绵不绝,黄河泛滥一发不可收拾,他几乎完美的利用了人性的每一个弱点,最终成功的毁灭了一个已经存在数百年的强大国家,而这也让阴影之主的名声在魔界到上升到了一个全新的高度。 But why this is also Demon King most likes going to seek these Hero troublesome reasons, the country and Hero that each degenerates the destruction are their honors, not only this can make their strengths more powerful, will have an qualitative to promote in the Demon World position to them, if Zhan En can seduce a country to destroy thoroughly, that in Demon World, he also calculated on is No. 1 character. 而这也是为什么魔王最喜欢去找那些英雄麻烦的原因,每一个堕落毁灭的国家和英雄都是他们的荣誉,这不但能够让他们的实力更加强大,也会对他们在魔界的地位有一个质的提升,假如詹恩能够诱惑一个国家彻底毁灭,那么在魔界,他也算的上是一号人物了。 What pitifully is, present these Adventurer have not been considered as that these well-known legendary characters, even if really made them degenerate the collapse unable to gain many prestige, regarding Zhan En, somewhat was rather a pity. 只不过可惜的是,眼前的这些冒险者还不算是那些知名的传奇人物,就算真让他们堕落崩溃也赚不了多少声望,对于詹恩来说,未免有些可惜。 However since Elise has this idea, makes her practice acquiring a skill also the no reason why not. 不过既然伊丽丝有这个想法,就让她去练练手也未尝不可。 When the Zhan En brain has relayed this thought that Elise also acted finally. The time that she chooses is also ingenious, eliminated the attack of another wave of undead lifeform in Adventurer, will blow up the strength plan finally that several undead lifeform thorough settlements time, the Elise of quiet hidden in darkness will put out a hand like this, quick, the dark-red negative energy beam will project from the finger of Elise together like this state-of-art, shoots towards present mage. 就在詹恩脑中转过这个念头的时候,伊丽丝也终于出手了。她选择的时机也非常巧妙,就在冒险者们消灭了又一波不死生物的进攻,鼓起力气打算将最后那几个不死生物彻底解决的时候,悄无声息的隐藏在黑暗之中的伊丽丝就这样伸出手去,很快,一道暗红色的负能量射线就这样从伊丽丝的手指尖端射出,射向眼前的法师 Was born in Underdark as one, existence of growing up, Elise this intended to display common characteristic & mda S h of all Underdark lifeform when fight ; Sinister deceitful, despicable and shameless, she chose the people old strength just to go ingeniously, when new strength has not lived, moreover under chooses in the battlefield only remained final several undead lifeform time. Because of as the matter stands, these Adventurer whether after must eliminate undead lifeform full power and Elise fight, must simultaneously wavering with the undead lifeform fights of Elise and surviving. 作为一个在幽暗地域里出生,长大的存在,伊丽丝这一出手就表现出了所有幽暗地域生物在战斗时的共同特性—阴险狡诈,卑鄙无耻,她巧妙的选择了众人旧力刚去,新力未生之际,而且选择了战场上只残留下最后几个不死生物的时候。因为这样一来,那些冒险者就会在是否要全力消灭不死生物之后再和伊丽丝战斗,还是要同时与伊丽丝和残存的不死生物战斗之间摇摆不定 But under this degree of swing, the aspect in battlefield will develop in a subtle direction. 而在这种程度的摇摆之下,战场上的局面就会向一个微妙的方向发展。 This is the Underdark forms of combat. 这就是幽暗地域的战斗方式。 The response of red robe mage is nothing less than quick, in fact releases the negative energy spell instance in Elise, he detected that the danger was. When he has turned the head, the corner of the eye sees is that silent toward the fire of negative energy oneself raid. But sees this, red robe mage is startled, quick, the frail blue magic power barrier almost appears in his side together immediately, then the magic of sparkle starts to rock brilliance & mda S h ; As. Red robe mage naturally also same has maintaining life spell with others. 红袍法师的反应不可谓不快,事实上就在伊丽丝释放出负能量法术的瞬间,他就察觉到了危险所在。当他转过头去的时候,眼角所看见的就是那无声无息的向着自己袭来的负能量之火。而看见这一幕,红袍法师大吃一惊,很快,一道单薄的蓝色魔力屏障几乎是立刻出现在了他的身边,接着闪耀的魔法光辉开始晃动—作为一个施法者。红袍法师自然也和其他人一样有保命的法术的。 However this time, he made a wrong choice. 但是这一次,他做出了一个错误的选择。 „! ~! & R dquo ; “啊啊啊啊啊!~!” Protects the instance that the shield contacts in the negative energy beam and magic, red robe mage detected own mistake, ice-cold. Contains negative energy being relentless of strength of Death to pass through the present magic to protect the shield, even made it be evaporated to brave the white smoke probably generally, but red robe mage felt the stabbing pain strength that ice-cold tingled with numbness be relentless poured into own body like this, making him send out blood-curdling screech, was insisting spell also vanished into thin air in this moment. 就在负能量射线与魔法护盾接触的瞬间,红袍法师就察觉到了自己的错误,冰冷。蕴含着死亡之力的负能量毫不留情的贯穿了眼前的魔法护盾,甚至让它好像被蒸发一般冒起了白烟,而红袍法师则感觉一股冰冷发麻的刺痛力量就这样毫不留情的灌入了自己的身体,让他不由的发出了惨叫,原本坚持着的法术也在这一刻烟消云散。 Strikes. Discarded mage thoroughly. Warlock is called characteristic of mage natural enemy in the incisiveness that this moment displays. But Elise is plans to beat severely don't hit a person when he's down obviously, therefore she does not even wait for red robe mage to drop down, then the wrist/skill changes, quick, two groups of dark-red fireballs emerge out of thin air, tumbled to fly to red robe mage. But red robe mage at this moment also responded, as, he may be unworthy time one terrifying of having heard Warlock. Does not have to think oneself will meet such a fearful fellow unexpectedly here. Most fearful place of Warlock regarding mage is the energy that they grasp can swallow spell of mage release easily, moreover can through the relation severe wound opposite party between mage and spell. Wants not to make Warlock work, the best way does not release bootstraping spell. But mage most spell need to guide. Moreover spell that every day can prepare is limited, except for predicting mage, who knows can oneself such unlucky to previous Warlock? 只是一击。就彻底废掉了一个法师法术士被称为法师天敌的特性在这一刻表现的淋漓尽致。而伊丽丝显然是打算痛打落水狗,因此她甚至不等红袍法师倒下,便手腕翻动,很快,又有两团暗红色的火球凭空出现,翻滚着向红袍法师飞了过去。而此刻的红袍法师也反应了过来,作为一个施法者,他可不值一次听说过法术士的恐怖。只是没想到自己居然会在这里遇上这么一个可怕的家伙。法术士对于法师来说最可怕的地方就是他们掌握的能量能够轻而易举的吞噬法师释放的法术,而且还能够通过法师法术之间的联系重伤对方。想要不让法术士得逞,最好的办法就是不释放引导性的法术。可是法师的大多数法术都需要引导。而且每天能够准备的法术都是有限的,除了预言法师,谁会知道自己能够这么倒霉对上一个法术士 Avoids quickly, do not bump these red spheres!! & R dquo ; “快躲开,不要碰那些红色的圆球!!” Facing attack of again Elise, red robe mage shouts one, then his figure turns over, a tumbling in an extremely difficult situation, reluctant avoided the attack of Elise. But also Paladin and others planned to go forward to support, after hearing the red robe mage words, stand firm the figure to avoid toward side immediately. Sees only that two fireballs falling in tandem under the gaze of people in the ground, later along withrumbles & R dquo ;. Erupted the violent dark-red large flame, the compelled people drew back again one step. But the feeling the might of that flame, Adventurer are also in the heart one startled, like them does not imagine the burning hot because of the flame that this store front comes. Instead the cold ice is piercing, the nearest dwarf even the beard tied frost on. Such strange flame hears something never heard of before to them simply, suddenly the people do not know should should do. 面对伊丽丝的再次攻击,红袍法师大喊一声,接着他身形翻转,一个狼狈不堪的翻滚,勉勉强强的躲开了伊丽丝的攻击。而圣骑士和其他人原本打算上前支援,听到红袍法师的话之后也是立刻稳住身形向着旁边躲开。只见那两个火球就在众人的注视下一前一后的落在地面上,随后伴随着“轰”的一声。爆发出了猛烈的暗红色火舌,逼的众人再退了一步。而感受到那火焰的威力,冒险者们也是心中一惊,因为这铺面而来的火焰并不像他们想象的那样炙热。反而寒冰刺骨,距离最近的矮人甚至连胡子上都结上了一层冰霜。这么诡异的火焰对于他们来说简直就是闻所未闻,一时间众人也是不知道该如何是好。 But in this moment, the Elise beforehand choice displayed the use finally, did not know the flame and raider of origin facing this, Adventurer suddenly some god & mda S h ; Surviving undead lifeform also has 45. Although the quantity are not many, but must solve them to be possible also to require a little time. But at present here presents the new enemy, seems like also very difficult to deal with appearance, then can first cope with these undead lifeform? First compels this mysterious raider? 而在这一刻,伊丽丝之前的选择终于发挥出了用途,面对这不知来历的火焰与袭击者,冒险者们一时间有些愣神—残存的不死生物还剩下四五只。数量虽然不多,但是要解决它们可还需要一点儿时间。而眼下这里又出现了新的敌人,看起来也很难对付的样子,那么是要先对付那些不死生物呢?还是先把这个神秘的袭击者逼出来? This doubts flicker, but regarding Elise, flickered is also sufficient. 这种疑惑只是一瞬,但是对于伊丽丝来说,一瞬也够用了。 She puts out a hand to forward again, the magic strength of rushing changes following the mysterious orbital congealment, next moment, the dazzling brilliance eruption, charged into present carriage & mda S h straightly ; Regarding these Adventurer, Elise was not interested, on the contrary, actually she also is very clear this time quest is anything. All that before made divert these Adventurer attention, but since now her goal has achieved, then the existence values of these fellows basically were zero. 她再次伸手向前,澎湃的魔法力量顺着神秘的轨道凝结变化,下一刻,耀眼的光辉爆发而出,笔直的冲向了眼前的马车—对于那些冒险者,伊丽丝本来就不感兴趣,相反,她也很清楚自己这次的任务究竟是什么。之前所做的一切不过就是分散这些冒险者的注意力,而现在既然她的目的已经达成,那么这些家伙的存在价值就基本为零了。 Moreover, in Elise in the depths of ones heart, small jumping for joy & mda S h ; If can deliver Ring of Magic's staff by oneself personally to the master, Zhan En will certainly reward own. 不仅如此,在伊丽丝内心深处,还有一丝小小的雀跃—如果能够由自己亲自送上环法之杖给主人的话,詹恩一定会奖励自己的吧。 „ It is not good!! & R dquo ; “不好!!” Sees present, people where has not known that they were swindled. But unfortunately was too late at this moment, sees only the magic power light beam such impartial bang in Elise hand to their horse-drawn vehicles, saw that this unlucky carriage must fall a being split up fate. 看见眼前的这一幕,众人哪里还不知道他们上了当。但可惜的是此刻为时已晚,只见伊丽丝手中的魔力光束就这样不偏不倚的轰向了他们身边的马车,眼看这辆倒霉的马车就要落个四分五裂的下场。 But at this time, the front door of carriage opened suddenly , a shadow fled from inside suddenly, moves forward to meet somebody toward magic light beam this of Elise release without hesitation! 而就在这个时候,忽然马车的大门打开,紧接着,一个黑影忽然从里面窜了出来,向着伊丽丝释放的魔法光束就这样毫不犹豫迎了上去! p S: For these days renewed is quite late, was really because the weather was too hot ......... yeah ......... the evening unable to have a good sleep awfully hot ......... ............( to be continued.) ps:这几天更新比较晚,实在是因为天气太热了………哎………晚上都睡不好………热死人了…………(未完待续。) Author reminded you!, There has is quicker, clearer novel chapter, website 【作者提醒您!,那里有更快、更清晰的小说章节,网址】
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