DR :: Volume #3

#270: Luring the snake from its hole

The dim light of night is deep. 夜色已深。 Paladin depends to sit before the bonfire alone, surrounds the long sword in hand, is gazing at all around darkness vigilantly. Although according to the truth, should some person and he stands night watch together is right. However after such a long time climbing mountains and crossing rivers, this crowd of Adventurer has been the tired soldiers and worn-out horses, the most tenacious dwarf cannot support, not to mention others. Paladin compared with their many quite a little, what he believes is God of Harvest Mona , does not eat meal or does not have in this god blessing next several days the issue. After all God of Harvest manages eats meal to sleep, but as its devout follower, Paladin also fished many advantage. 圣骑士独自靠坐在篝火前,环抱手中的长剑,警惕的注视着四周的黑暗。虽然按照道理来说,应该有人和他一起守夜才对。但是经过这么长时间的跋涉,这群冒险者早已经是人困马乏,就连最坚韧的矮人也支持不住,就更不用说其他人了。圣骑士比他们多少好一点儿,他信奉的是丰收之神莫纳,在这位神祗的祝福下几天不吃饭还是没问题的。毕竟丰收之神管的就是吃饭睡觉,而作为它的虔诚信徒,圣骑士也是捞了不少好处的。 But despite that present Paladin is also exhausted of face, this also no wonder, although gods' blessing makes him be able avoid ** entanglement, but the weariness of spiritual level is not easy to eliminate. Do not say that to this Paladin brought the considerably large stimulation in all that this small town sees, so long as now he closes the eye, can see the expression and face that these civilian pain twist, but his actually anything cannot achieve. Even buries them not to have the means that because of according to the view of mage, these people the whole body is poisonous, even if cremates them, the smog that braves also kills sufficiently. 但是即便如此,眼下的圣骑士也是一脸的疲惫,这也难怪,虽然神明的祝福让他能够免于**的纠缠,但是精神层面的疲劳却不是那么容易消除的。更不要说在这座小镇所看见的一切给这位圣骑士带来了相当大的刺激,现在他只要一闭上眼睛,就能够看见那些平民痛苦扭曲的表情和脸孔,但是他却什么也做不到。甚至就连埋葬他们也没有办法,因为按照法师的说法,这些人已经周身是毒,哪怕是把他们火化掉,冒出来的烟雾也足以致人死命。 Even if buries to the place , their will flow the blood of venom still to corrode the entire land, even might have the disease and plague, why this will be this spell is so fearful and difficult reason, it will seem like the atomic bomb, its might not only will affect in immediately, & R A R R ; Long & R A R R ; Wind & R A R R ; Article & R A R R ; Studies, £ & R A R R ; & R A R R ; t will even continue a long time, reminds people initial frightened and despair. 而就算是埋到地里,他们那流淌着毒液的鲜血也会腐蚀整个大地,甚至有可能产生疾病和瘟疫,这就是为什么这个法术如此可怕和棘手的原因,它就好像原子弹,其威力不但作用在当下,︾→长︾→风︾→文︾→学,£→→t甚至会延续很长一段时间,来提醒人们当初的恐惧与绝望。 According to the view of mage, the best way is to actually look for several Cardinal ranks the follower of Sun God Amora comes to conduct the radical purification to here, be only the Sun God abundant positive synergy can disperse here haze completely. However Paladin is very clear. Sun Temple altogether such several Cardinal, and all the year round outside. Could not find the person. Even if found the person, they are willing to come are still a different matter. Among nine Saints had the gap mutually. Temple and Temple do not bring together completely. Do not say harvest Temple position that he is under Sun Temple, even reported that the opposite party will not pay attention to mostly. 按照法师的说法,最好的办法其实是寻找几位红衣主教级别的太阳神阿蒙拉的信徒来对这里进行彻底净化,也只有太阳神的充沛正能量才能够完全驱散这里的阴霾。但是圣骑士很清楚。太阳神殿总共就那么几位红衣主教,而且长年在外。根本找不到人。就算找到人,他们肯不肯来也是另外一回事。九圣之间原本就互有间隙。神殿神殿也不是完全抱成一团的。更不要说他所在的丰收神殿地位在太阳神殿之下,就算报告上去对方多半也不会去理睬。 Thinks of these, Paladin dejected, he is not short in the time in Temple treating, has heard much regarding the things of these dirty/small error, to be honest, he chooses to go out to make onetour knight & R dquo ;( Refers to is not willing to hold the post of duty to like outside disseminating gods doctrine in Temple alone Paladin) , because is not willing to receive these bureaucrats' controls in Temple. However now seems like, how something are not you want how. 一想到这些,圣骑士就不由的垂头丧气,他在神殿里待的时间也不短了,对于那些龌蹉的事情也听说过不少,说实话,他之所以选择出外做一个“巡礼骑士”(指的是不愿在神殿里担任职务而更喜欢在外面独自传播神明教义的圣骑士),就是因为不愿意在神殿里受那些官僚的管制。但是现在看起来,有些事情不是你想怎么样就怎么样的。 crack. & R dquo ; 咔嚓。” At this time. Near the ear of Paladin catches a clear sound suddenly, this lets his vigilance immediately, although this sound is not loud, place that considering that they are at present, any sound may bring the disaster to them very much. Therefore without slightly hesitant, Paladin such turning over stood, then he& R dquo ; The long sword that extracted oneself waist, is gazing at all around darkness discretely. 就在这个时候。圣骑士的耳边忽然捕捉到一丝清晰的声音,这立刻让他警觉起来,虽然这声音不大,但是考虑到眼下他们所在的地方,任何一种声音都很有可能给他们带来灾难。因此没有丝毫犹豫,圣骑士就这样一个翻身站了起来,接着他“唰”的一声抽出了自己腰间的长剑,谨慎的注视着四周的黑暗。 Is here. 就是这里。 By Alien, Zhan En carefully is observing this small camping area. In Evil eye Under seeing clearly, he can three people of clear visible altogether in the carriage, as well as a magic brilliance exceptionally bright object, if Zhan En has not guessed wrong. That should be Ring of Magic's staff. After all this intense magic miraculous glow is not the equipment can have. Thus it can be seen, Ring of Magic's staff indeed is here. 透过异形,詹恩仔细的观察着这个小小的宿营地。在【邪恶之眼】的洞察下,他可以清晰的看见在马车里一共有三个人,以及一个魔法光辉异常明亮的物体,如果詹恩没有猜错的话。那应该就是环法之杖。毕竟这种强烈的魔法灵光不是什么装备都能够拥有的。由此可见,环法之杖的确是在这里。 However Zhan En has not captured this immediately Ring of Magic's staff, he can the clear feeling, in the rear area is tagging along after powerful aura. But Evil eye Actually no means determined item that the exact location of opposite party, it seems like on the opposite party should camouflage usefully. This is not strange. Evil eye Also is not multipurpose. Like in Cassandra, protection barrier of these evil cult people shielded its detection. However regarding Zhan En. There is no egg to use. 但是詹恩并没有立刻去夺取这把环法之杖,他可以清晰的感受到在后方尾随着一股强大的气息。可是【邪恶之眼】却没办法确定对方的具体位置,看来对方身上应该有用来遮蔽的道具。这不奇怪。【邪恶之眼】也不是万能的。像在卡珊德拉的时候,那些邪教徒的守护结界就屏蔽了它的侦测。然而对于詹恩来说。这却没什么卵用。 Sometimes because does not have the information is also an information. 因为有时候没有信息本身也是一种信息。 As for that two life symptoms, Zhan En has not cared specially, before he has known that in the storm five heroes had a person to receive cursed, in carriage definitely had his one point. But another two people should be the Ring of Magic association dispatch toward the aristocrat who Phantom star city camouflages, from the soul strength, they were high rank, Elise and Sofina enough has also coped with them. 至于那两个生命体征,詹恩倒也没有特别在意,之前他已经知道暴风五侠里有个人受了诅咒,趟在马车里的肯定有他一分儿。而另外两个人应该就是环法协会派遣到往幻星城所伪装的贵族,从灵魂力量来看,他们也不过是高阶施法者,伊丽丝索菲娜已经足够对付他们了。 However Zhan En still has not begun, he is only operating Alien carefully quietly across the jungle, ambushes in the darkness regarding Zhan En, Alien now was one of most convenient fight unit he used, after passing through brutal slaughtering, these Alien abilities have greatly enhanced, Zhan En can believe firmly, so long as can obtain enough Experience Points, conducted after them evolved again, these Alien can definitely reach the average two star rank the level. In fight unit that although this level has in Zhan En is not powerful, but considering Alien characteristic, this can calculate on was extremely frightening fight unit. 不过詹恩依然没有动手,他只是小心的操纵着异形们悄无声息的穿过丛林,在黑暗之中潜伏下来对于詹恩来说,异形现在是他用的最顺手的战斗单位之一了,在经过了一场又一场残酷的杀戮之后,这些异形本身的能力已经大大提高,詹恩可以确信,只要能够获得足够的经验值,对它们进行再次进化后,这些异形肯定能够达到平均三星等级的水准。虽然这个水准在詹恩手里拥有的战斗单位中算不上多么强大,但是考虑到异形本身的特性,这可以算的上是一只极度让人恐惧的战斗单位了。 As for the Alien promotion direction, Zhan En has thought that but at present is also not the time, after waiting for this fight to finish, ......... good, after this flag we and others, stood. 至于异形的升级方向,詹恩已经想好了,只不过目前还不是时候,等这次战斗结束之后………好吧,这个flag我们等以后再立。 ............!! & R dquo ; “…………!!” Whole body jet black Alien quiet falling in the ground, its body seemingly presented several points of graceful curve, the build also wanted to be smaller than other Alien. However Zhan En will not despise its existence, this isQueen & R dquo that in Alien first evolves ;. But with originalQueen & R dquo ; Different, because this as if not need to fulfill the duty that spawns, therefore that big scary belly, on the contrary, besides the head, its entire body has not seemed like with an ordinary human slender graceful female body do not have much difference just wrapped a heavy/thick skin outside as well as grew a long tail. 一头全身漆黑的异形悄无声息的落在地面上,它的身体看起来呈现出了几分曼妙的曲线,体型也比其他异形要小许多。不过詹恩可不会小看它的存在,这是异形之中第一只进化出来的“女王”。只不过和原本的“女王”不同,这一只似乎因为不需要承担产卵的义务,所以并没有那大的吓人的肚子,相反,除了头部之外,它整个身体看起来和一个普通人类纤细曼妙的女性身体没多大区别只不过是在外面包裹了一层厚重的皮以及长了一条长长的尾巴罢了。 Also because of this characteristic, Zhan En is liking operating this only Alien, it not only has both Alien characteristic, but can also look like the human free activity, because this Alien Queen build is only smaller than other Alien, therefore also more suitable detection and probe. 也正因为这个特性,詹恩非常喜欢操纵这只异形,它不但兼备异形特性,还能够像人类般自由活动,而且由于这只异形女王的体形比其他的异形更小一些,所以也更适合侦查和试探。 However this time. Zhan En has not operated Alien Queen to launch the attack, because in his plan. Initiates having someone else of attack. 但是这一次。詹恩并没有操纵异形女王发起进攻,因为在他的计划里。发起进攻的另有其人。 Roar ............... & R dquo ; “吼……………” Howling in a low voice appears from the deep woods, but hears this sound. The expression in Paladin surface is even more serious and earnest, he extended a hand to knock the vehicle door of nearby carriage, awakened several other companions. Oneself hold up the long sword, vigilant is looking steadily at all around the pitch-dark almost pitch-dark forest. But at this moment, several other people have also waked, hear the low roar that in the forest exudes unceasingly, they are also the complexion change, the dwarf got hold of the battle axe in hand, half-elf also put out the dagger of oneself waist. As for red robe mage although appears the depression, but quickly opens magic book in hand, chants in a low voice records incantations. They are experienced Adventurer, the nature knows how oneself should do. 低声的吼叫声从森林深处浮现,而听到这个声音。圣骑士面上的表情越发严肃和认真,他伸出一只手敲了敲旁边马车的车门,将其他几个同伴唤醒。自己则举起长剑,警惕的盯视着四周黑漆漆的几乎伸手不见五指的森林。而此刻,其他几个人也已经醒了过来,听到森林之中不断发出的低吼声,他们也是面色微变,矮人握紧了手中的战斧,半精灵也拿出了自己腰间的匕首。至于红袍法师则虽然显得精神萎靡,可还是急忙打开手中的魔法书,低声咏唱着记录一个个咒文。他们都已经是经验丰富的冒险者了,自然知道自己应该怎么做。 However at present the spirit of everyone is not very good, even has the fight before, but the reason on body so will not be easy to be neglected, they are thirsty and hungry, had almost arrived at the edge. In this case, they do not know when oneself can insist naturally. Who that must look at the opponent is. 不过眼下每个人的精神都不是很好,就算有战斗在前,可是身体上的原因是不会这么容易被忽略的,他们又渴又饿,几乎已经到达了边缘。在这种情况下,他们根本不知道自己能够坚持到什么时候当然。那也要看对手是谁。 Quick, they got the answer. 很快,他们就得到了答案。 Withered and yellow, seems like had been burnt down undead lifeform to go out from the forest dark deep place one after another gradually, their whole body only remain the skeleton. In the hand takes is also the junk. This instead lets these Adventurer hearts even more startled, although in these skeleton has not taken the weapon, but is raising a hoe sickle kind of farm tool, because of this point. Made these Adventurer confirm their before death status quickly. 枯黄,看起来像是被焚烧过的不死生物一个接一个缓步从森林的黑暗深处走出,它们全身上下只剩骨架。手中拿着的也是破铜烂铁。这反而让那些冒险者越发的心惊虽然这些骨头架子手里并没有拿着武器,只是提着锄头镰刀一类的农具,但正是因为这一点。使得这些冒险者很快就确认了他们生前的身份。 These bastards ............!! & R dquo ; “那些混蛋…………!!” half-elf is shaking hand the dagger, bites the jaw stubbornly is gazing at fixedly present undead lifeform. Beat that the angry flame continuously in her eyes. But the dwarf was also the complexion put down originally anti- the axe on shoulder at this time seriously, the complexion gloomy almost can drop to launch. They can believe firmly. The residents in these undead lifeform this small towns transform the product that comes, but thinks these innocent people were killed, the soul was also imprisoned, the tarnish, changes into this wailing monster, this let their in the depths of ones heart combustion angry flame. 半精灵握着手中的匕首,咬住牙关死死的瞪视着眼前的不死生物。愤怒的火焰在她的眼中不住的跳动着。而矮人这个时候也是面色严肃的放下了原本抗在肩膀上的斧头,面色阴沉的几乎可以滴下水来。他们可以确信。这些不死生物正是这个小镇的居民转化而来的产物,而一想到那些无辜的民众被杀死,灵魂还被囚禁,玷污,化为这种哀嚎着的怪物,这让他们的内心深处都不由的燃烧起了一股愤怒的火焰。 But this time, Zhan En was also issuing the order calmly. 而就在这个时候,詹恩也冷静的下达了命令。 Begins. & R dquo ; “动手。” .................. Roar ............!! & R dquo ; “………………吼…………!!” With the Zhan En's order, undead lifeform initiated the angry roar, launched the attack toward present Adventurer. They hold up the weapon in hand high, acting boldly regardless of one's safety throws forward. 伴随着詹恩的命令,不死生物们发起了愤怒的吼声,向着眼前的冒险者发起了进攻。它们高高举起手中的武器,奋不顾身的向前扑去。 Attention, the opposite party is undead lifeform, careful a little!! & R dquo ; “注意,对方是不死生物,小心一点儿!!” Holy Light for the first time presently. 圣光乍现。 The long sword in Paladin hand sent out the dazzling brilliance, instantaneously originally dim camping title deed translucence. But under shining of Holy Light, these undead lifeform movements was also slow immediately. Ubiquitous Holy suppressed evil of their body brilliance, but this cannot make present undead lifeform retreat, on the contrary actually provoked their anger not long, they also once bathed under this brilliance, but now, oneself had lost all. 圣骑士手中的长剑散发出了耀眼的光辉,瞬间将原本昏暗的宿营地照了个透亮。而在圣光的照耀下,那些不死生物的动作也顿时缓慢了许多。无处不在的神圣光辉压制了它们身体的邪恶,但是这并没有能够让眼前的不死生物退却,相反却激起了它们的愤怒曾几何时,它们也曾经沐浴在这光辉之下,但是现在,自己已经失去了一切。 Clang!! & R dquo ; “铛!!” The dwarves are brandishing the axe in hand, swung an attack of undead lifeform, then he angrily roared is waving the weapon to cut forward, next moment was cut down one piece in his front undead lifeform probably cut down wood/blockhead equally, but red robe mage also chanted to put out a hand in a low voice, quick, assumed the cone-shape the flame to howl like this, covered on the bodies of these undead lifeform, was reduced to ashes them thoroughly. 矮人挥舞着手中的斧头,荡开了一个不死生物的进攻,接着他怒吼着挥舞武器向前一砍,下一刻在他面前的不死生物就好像被伐倒的木头一样被砍倒了一片,而紧接着红袍法师也低声咏唱着伸出手去,很快,呈锥形的火焰就这样呼啸而过,覆盖在那些不死生物的身上,将它们彻底化为灰烬。 It seems like our children do good. & R dquo ; “看来我们的小朋友们干的不错啊。” Gazes at these to face the attack of undead lifeform, Adventurer that still insists diligently, Zhan En shoulders the brow to show a faint smile. Afterward he has turned the head, looks to nearby Elise. 注视着那些面对不死生物的袭击,依然努力坚持的冒险者们,詹恩挑起眉头微微一笑。随后他转过头去,望向旁边的伊丽丝 It seems like ......... we need to bring some pressures to them many ......... Elise, gave you, without issue. & R dquo ; “看来………我们需要多给他们施加一些压力………伊丽丝,交给你了,没问题吧。” Please relax, master. & R dquo ; “请放心吧,主人。” Hears Zhan En's to speak, Elise quickly raised the head, having the self-satisfied expression to look to approach own man. 听到詹恩的说话,伊丽丝急忙抬起头来,带着得意的表情望向自己身边的男人。 I promised you, these human certainly will taste to profoundly painful and desperate. & R dquo ;( To be continued......) “我向你保证,那些人类一定会品尝到最深刻的痛苦与绝望的。”(未完待续……)
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