DR :: Volume #3

#269: Having trouble on all sides

The deafening bellow resounds through the skies., 震耳欲聋的轰鸣声响彻云霄。, The Paladin surprised stopping footsteps, have turned the head to look to the distant place. Although in them at present, the mountain range of standing tall and erect tunnelled the vision of people, making them not see the mighty current of light/only that tearing world, but light/only enables the sound that the person trembles to see from this sufficiently, that side had quite serious matter absolutely. 圣骑士惊讶的停下脚步,转过头去望向远方。虽然在他们眼前,高耸的山脉挡住了众人的视线,使得他们没有看见那撕裂天地的光之洪流,但是光从这足以让人发颤的声音就可以看出,那边绝对发生了相当不得了的事情。 Actually what's the matter? & R dquo ; “究竟是怎么回事?” The half-elf archer quickly holds on because of this sudden sound, but terrified horse, to avoid them being frightened, but where her own situation also very to goes in fact, the half-elf sense was keener than human, but this explosion sound is so resounding, even if is away from a mountain range to make them feel like resounds in own ear is the same. That feeling seems some people to strike own heart with the heavy hammer layer on layer/heavily, even if Paladin such body strong person feels suddenly the scant of breath, dizzy. The feeling was slender keen half-elf not to mention, that seemed some people with wrapping the iron hammer of lemon was coming one simply to her back of the head, without fainted at the scene is very good. 半精灵弓箭手急忙拉住因为这突如其来的声响而惊恐不安的马,以避免它们受到惊吓,不过事实上她自己的情况也好不到哪儿去,半精灵的感官原本就比人类敏锐,而这一声轰响又是如此响亮,哪怕是隔着一座山脉都让他们感觉好像是在自己耳边响起的一样。那种感觉就好像有人用重锤重重敲打着自己的心脏,就算是圣骑士这样身体强健的人都感觉一时间呼吸困难,头昏眼花。感觉更加纤细敏锐的半精灵就更不用说了,那简直就好像有人用包着柠檬的铁锤给她的后脑来了一下般,没有当场昏过去就已经很不错了。 I felt that my brain was pounded by 1 million stones simply probably was the same! & R dquo ; “我感觉我的脑子简直就好像被一百万颗石头砸中了一样!” Dwarf warrior is holding the head, loud complained, he has turned the head, is gazing at fixedly front mountain ridge, as if can across the mountain range that this stood tall and erect, actually seeing another side what happened is the same. 矮人战士抱着头,大声的抱怨道,他转过头去,瞪视着面前的山脊,仿佛能够穿过这高耸的山脉,看见另外一边究竟发生了什么事一样。 I am certain, that side absolutely is a dragon ~!! Damn, only then these repugnant big lizards will have such sound. & R dquo ; “我可以肯定,那边绝对是一头龙~!!该死的,也只有那些讨厌的大蜥蜴才会有这样的动静。” I do not look like ......... & R dquo ; “我看不像………” Red robe mage traces own bald, frowns to look to another side of mountain range. 红袍法师摸了摸自己的光头,皱起眉头望向山脉的另一侧。 This does not seem like the cry that a dragon speaks to exude, moreover this sound was also too loud. The common dragon absolutely does not have such ability ............... & R dquo ; “这不像是一头龙会发出的叫声,而且这声音也太大了一些。一般的龙根本就没有这样的能力……………” Ok, now is not we discussed this issue the time. & R dquo ; “好了,现在不是我们讨论这个问题的时候。” Paladin beckons with the hand. Interrupted the speech of red robe mage. 圣骑士摆了摆手。打断了红袍法师的说话。 At present what we are most important is arrives at the next town before the darkness, then there supplies. Then rests to continue to start off in the evening. We had lost a lot of time, I worried that Daniel he could not possibly have supported ......... & R dquo ; “我们眼下最重要的是在天黑之前到达下一个镇子,然后在那里补给。接着休息一个晚上继续上路。我们已经耽误了很多时间,我担心丹尼尔他可能已经撑不住了………” At the same time again saying, Paladin is worrying looked at a carriage. But hears his speech, during others also fell into were silent. If indeed, usually is, they will be will not miss this varvel absolutely. However the situation is now different, the lives of their companion are draining, but at present very obviously is not inquires about the secret the time. Perhaps after their companions recover the health, they will go to there one to find out. But is not now. 一面说着,圣骑士再次担忧的望了一眼马车。而听到他的说话,其他人也陷入了沉默之中。的确,如果是平时的话,他们是绝对不会错过这种奇异之景的。但是现在情况不同,他们同伴的生命正在流失,而眼下很明显并不是去探寻秘密的时候。或许当他们同伴重新恢复健康之后,他们会前往那里一探究竟。但不是现在。 Ok, did we continue to start off far ............... the distance next town also? & R dquo ; “好了,我们继续上路……………距离下一个镇子还有多远?” So long as went out of this woods to arrive. & R dquo ; “只要走出这片树林就到了。” Very good, us. & R dquo ; “很好,我们出发吧。” Hears the reply of red robe mage, Paladin nods, but when he prepares to order to continue to go forward, suddenly, sees only half-elf that in the front explores the way actually flushed fast, in her surface the ice cold piece, brings to make people feel the anxious heaviness. 听到红袍法师的回答,圣骑士点了点头,但是就在他准备下令继续前进的时候,忽然,只见在前方探路的半精灵却是飞快的冲了回来,她的面上冰寒一片,带着让人感到不安的沉重。 Team leader. Had an accident. & R dquo ; “队长。出事了。” Stands on the split scorched earth, is looking at present already the small town that is reduced to ashes, the Paladin complexion is pale, he grips tightly the double fist. Bites the jaw. Although he is only silent standing there, a few words had not said that but almost all people know. Regarding Paladin, present makes people angry. 站在干裂的焦土上,望着眼前已经化为灰烬的小镇,圣骑士面色铁青,他紧握双拳。咬住牙关。虽然他只是沉默的站在那里,一句话都没有说,但是几乎所有人都知道。对于一个圣骑士来说,眼前的这一幕是多么的让人愤怒。 Died completely. No living witness. & R dquo ; “全部都死了。没有一个活口。” Red robe mage is low and deep the face to look to the present land, the corpse dead shapes of these distortions in the jet black rotten land is pitiful and fearful. However fear in his eye actually not because of this terrifying Death, but thing that because behind this displays. 红袍法师低沉着脸望向眼前的大地,在漆黑腐烂的大地上那些扭曲的尸体死状凄惨而可怕。但是他眼中的畏惧却并非是因为这恐怖的死亡,而是因为这背后所表现出来的东西。 „ The opposite party has powerful, moreover incessantly. They almost destroyed this small town easily, moreover used the worst blood to refine spell ......... & R dquo ; “对方有很强大的施法者,而且不止一位。他们几乎是轻而易举的毁灭了这个小镇,而且还动用了最邪恶的血炼法术………” „ Does blood refine spell? What is that? & R dquo ; “血炼法术?那是什么?” Hears here, dwarf warrior frowns, asks. But facing his inquiry, red robe mage pondered the moment, this says. 听到这里,矮人战士皱了下眉头,开口询问道。而面对他的询问,红袍法师思考了片刻,这才开口说道。 That is a dark cult tactic of taboo, it using the blood the congealment evil strength, its radical eruption, with all will then fuse, will thus turn into the violent poisonousness that they will contaminate will kill. These people were not killed by spell, on the contrary, they were killed by poison. But now this small town entire is a big drug den, even if our are stepping on the ground, still also filled violently poisonously. Naturally, here water does not have the means to drink, food naturally does not have the means use ......... even here other things also to should better not to move heedlessly, otherwise I did not determine we can be many a wounded and sick number. & R dquo ; “那是一种禁忌的黑暗邪术,它会利用鲜血来凝结邪恶之力,然后将其彻底爆发,与它们所沾染的一切相融合,从而变成致人死命的剧毒。这些人并不是被法术杀死的,相反,他们是被毒死的。而现在这座小镇整个就是一个大毒窟,就算是我们脚下踩着的地面,也同样是充满了剧毒。当然,这里的水也没有办法喝,食物自然也没有办法使用………甚至就连这里的其他东西也最好不要乱动,不然我可不确定我们会不会再多一个伤病号。” Bah! & R dquo ; “呸!” Hears these words, the dwarf spat a spit indignantly, is gazing at softly just like the rotten flesh land simply, even can also smell a sweet greasy disgusting flavor. 听到这句话,矮人愤愤不平的吐了口吐沫,注视着自己脚下松软的简直犹如腐烂血肉般的大地,甚至还能够从中闻到一股甜腻的让人恶心的味道。 Therefore I am repugnant mage, having a look at you always not to do the good deed!! Even this evil spell can make, only then your fellows! & R dquo ; “所以我就是讨厌法师,看看你们总是不干好事!!连这种邪恶的法术都能弄出来,也只有你们这些家伙了!” This is I am worried. & R dquo ; “这正是我担心的。” Regarding dwarf angry cursing, red robe mage, not only does not have the anger, on the contrary, he frowns tightly, saying of muttering. But detected that his expression has changed, Paladin also frowns, is gazing at own companion seriously. 对于矮人愤怒的咒骂,红袍法师非但没有愤怒,相反,他紧皱眉头,喃喃自语的说道。而察觉到他的表情有所变化,圣骑士也是皱起眉头,面色凝重的注视着自己的同伴。 What issue has? & R dquo ; “有什么问题吗?” Yes. & R dquo ; “是的。” Hears the inquiry of Paladin, red robe mage nods. 听到圣骑士的询问,红袍法师点了点头。 Blood refining up spell is in the dark cult tactic worst one, in fact on this piece of continent, almost no one will have used this evil spell. This is not only because its might is powerful enough, is because this spell is quite high regarding request, this spell needs the extremely pure negative energy to display. But any living person is impossible to have so pure negative energy set. In fact, this spell is spell that Elder Lich of high antiquity invented, only then these spanned the life and death boundary, most powerful can have such strength. & R dquo ; “血炼法术是黑暗邪术之中最邪恶的一种,事实上在这片大陆上,几乎已经没有人会使用这种邪恶的法术了。这不仅仅是因为它的威力足够强大,也是因为这种法术对于施法者的要求相当高,这种法术需要极度纯粹的负能量才能够施展。而任何一个活人都不可能拥有如此纯粹的负能量集合。事实上,这个法术原本就是一个远古时代的大巫妖所发明出来的法术,也只有那些跨越了生与死的界限,最强大的施法者才能够拥有这样的力量。” What therefore you mean ......... destroys this small town is Lich? & R dquo ; “所以你的意思是………毁灭这座小镇的是一个巫妖?” Hears here, the Paladin complexion becomes even more ugly, but red robe mage anxious nod. 听到这里,圣骑士的面色变得越发难看,而红袍法师则不安的点了点头。 Yes. Moreover very possible is Elder Lich, even may be is not this that demigod Lich ............ I am worried. But why is it must do that. As far as I know, this is only an ordinary small town. Does not have any mysterious legend, does not have the seal what strange thing. According to the truth, here should not arouse the interest that so has powerful to be right. From the trace, the attack should happen yesterday, if the opposite party is just being popular finds a place to do the experiment casually fortunately, fears ............... & R dquo ; “是的。而且很可能是一个大巫妖,甚至有可能是半神巫妖…………不过我担心的不是这个。而是它为什么要这么做。据我所知,这只是一个普通的小镇。没有什么神秘的传说,也没有封印什么奇怪的东西。按照道理来说,这里不应该引起一个如此强大存在的关注才对。从痕迹上来看,袭击应该是在昨天发生的,如果对方只不过是兴之所起随便找个地方做实验的话还好,就怕……………” You worried, the opposite party does come to us? & R dquo ; “你担心,对方是冲我们来的?” Paladin is not a fool, his companion naturally also quite found that although the red robe mage words have not said. However he had understood the meaning of opposite party. But hears the inquiry of Paladin, red robe mage was also hesitant. 圣骑士不是傻瓜,对于他的同伴自然也是相当了解的,虽然红袍法师的话还没有说完。但是他已经明白了对方的意思。而听到圣骑士的询问,红袍法师也是犹豫了一下。 Although also has this possibility, but the possibility is very low, if after all the opposite party really has the so strong strength, he can look for us greatly directly. To be honest, by our strengths, wants to face Elder Lich is almost the impossible matter. Therefore I think that this has the possibility very much is just a coincidence ......... & R dquo ; “虽然也不是没有这种可能,但是可能性实在很低,毕竟如果对方真的有如此强大的实力的话,他大可以直接来找我们。说实话,以我们的实力,想要面对一个大巫妖几乎是不可能的事情。所以我认为这很有可能只不过是一次巧合………” Whether or not the coincidence, we must try to find a solution. & R dquo ; “不管是不是巧合,我们都必须想个办法了。” At this time, half-elf was also is exhausted walked. 就在这个时候,半精灵也是疲惫不堪的走了过来。 Our commodities have consumed completely. But here could not find anything to supply & mda S h ; If really according to the view of mage, even if found anything we not to dare to use. Then but also three days of distances we can arrive in the next small town, in this case, can we really very pass? & R dquo ; “我们的物资已经消耗殆尽。而在这里又找不到什么补给—如果真的按照法师的说法,就算找到什么东西我们也不敢用。可是接下来还有三天的路程我们才能够到达下一个小镇,在这种情况下,我们真的能够挺过去吗?” Hears here. Others fell into silent, finally, Paladin helpless sighing. 听到这里。其他人都不由的陷入了沉默,最终,圣骑士无奈的叹了口气。 It seems like we, only then discussed with that Sir. The present situation somewhat is really strange, it seems like goes to the Phantom star city path to imagine us must be more dangerous. If nearby this really has Lich to loaf in the words, actually no matter it wants to do. To us is a threat. However now, we can do finds a place, first boiling to say tonight again, otherwise, no one knows that what happened. & R dquo ; “看来我们只有和那位大人商量一下了。眼下的情况实在有些怪异,看来前往幻星城的道路比我们想象的还要更危险。而且如果这附近真的有一个巫妖在游荡在话,不管它究竟想要干什么。对我们来说都是一个威胁。不过现在,我们能做的就是找个地方,先把今晚给熬过去再说,不然的话,谁也不知道会发生什么事情。” Can stay here? & R dquo ; “要留在这里吗?” Facing the suggestion of Paladin, the half-elf complexion is somewhat ugly. But Paladin helpless spreading out both hands. 面对圣骑士的建议,半精灵的面色有些难看。而圣骑士则无奈的摊开双手。 We do not have a better way, moreover now the quick darkness, everyone has taken a day of road is very weary, at the same night hurries along only to meet the similar danger. & R dquo ; “我们也没有更好的办法,而且现在已经快天黑了,大家走了一天的路都很疲倦,连夜赶路只会同样危险。” Then decided. & R dquo ; “那么就这么决定了。” Dwarf warrior brandished started the axe. 矮人战士挥舞了一下手中的斧头。 No matter other Lich anything thing, dares to come me to hew two sections it, now we find a place to rest well, damn, the land of this curse made my feeling ruined!! & R dquo ; “不管是巫妖还是别的什么东西,敢来我就把它砍成两截,现在我们找个地方好好休息一下吧,该死,这片该诅咒的土地让我的感觉糟透了!!” After making decision, these Adventurer were building up a temporary camp from the small town not far place quickly, because the entire small town had been polluted thoroughly, they could not even find food, can only drink the water in water bag several dry rations, then murky pouring rested on the ground. 在做出了决定之后,这些冒险者很快就在距离小镇不远的地方建起了一个临时营地,由于整个小镇已经被彻底污染,他们甚至连一点儿食物都找不到,只能够喝着水袋里的水就了几口干粮,接着便昏昏沉沉的倒在地上睡了过去。 But this moment these Adventurer have not noticed completely, in the dark jungle deep place, a pair sparkles the brilliance eye through to gaze at them dark. 而此刻这些冒险者完全没有注意到,在黑暗的丛林深处,一双闪耀着光辉的眼睛正通过黑暗注视着他们。 It seems like our guests have reached the limit. & R dquo ; “看来我们的客人已经到极限了。” Looked at tired soldiers and worn-out horses Adventurer, Zhan En is smiling is putting out a hand to stroke a mask. But hears his speech, Elise and Sofina also turns the head, looks to approach own master. 望着人困马乏的冒险者,詹恩微笑着伸出手去抚摸了一下面具。而听到他的说话,伊丽丝索菲娜也转过头来,望向自己的主人。 Then the master, can start to take action? & R dquo ; “那么主人,可以开始行动了吗?” Naturally. & R dquo ; “当然。” Facing the inquiry of Elise, Zhan En self-satisfied nod. 面对伊丽丝的询问,詹恩得意的点了点头。 Pattilina dry/does good, I think that these fellows should detect ......... I must have a look but actually, how long they can also hide in behind. & R dquo ; 帕蒂莉娜干的不错,我想那些家伙应该已经有所察觉了………我倒要看看,他们还能够在后面躲多久。” Is saying, Zhan En gets hold of the cane, knocked the ground gently. 一面说着,詹恩一面握紧手杖,轻轻敲了敲地面。 Then ......... starts, my servant, brings a sumptuous Death dance feast to me. & R dquo ; “那么………开始吧,我的奴仆,给我带来一场丰盛的死亡舞宴吧。” Talked to oneself along with Zhan En's in a low voice, in the wreckage of distant place small town, the soft soil starts gradually to change. 伴随着詹恩的低声自语,远处小镇的残骸之中,松软的泥土开始逐渐翻动。 The dead of deep sleep opened their eyes. 紧接着,沉睡的死者睁开了他们的眼睛。
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