DR :: Volume #3

#268: A war (Last Part) of person

The fire thunders. 炮火轰鸣。 When the first wisp of flash appears in the crowd, Goldshire Empire soldier does not even know that actually what happened, the shell of revolving exuded the grating wailing sound, the tearing air fell in torrents, along with flame mighty current eruption continuously. Forcefully present crowd tearing, then pounded vacancies. The wild energy unscrupulous proliferation, destroyed to keep off in oneself front existence. These soldier also make any response to be rumbled to fly without enough time. The visible and invisible strength twisted their bodies, tore their armor, passed through their flesh. Probably one heavy hammer, brutal pounds a smashing their internal organs and bones together. 当第一缕闪光在人群之中出现时,闪金帝国士兵甚至不知道究竟发生了什么事,旋转的炮弹发出了刺耳的尖啸声,撕裂空气倾泻而下,伴随着火焰洪流连绵不断的爆发开去。强行的将眼前的人群撕裂,然后在其中砸出了一个又一个的空缺。狂野的能量肆无忌惮的扩散,摧毁了一切挡在自己面前的存在。那些士兵还来不及做出任何反应就被轰飞出去。有形与无形的力量扭曲了他们的身体,撕裂了他们的盔甲,贯穿了他们的血肉。好像一把把重锤,无情的将他们的内脏和骨头一起砸个粉碎。 With conclusion that first round bombs, following is sparkle pretty light beam & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; The electromagnetism, the magic, the gravity, various strength congealment bodies from different system showed their original elegant demeanors in this moment. Howls but the magic light beam from the sky split spreads, changes into the squally shower to cover the front land. Brings dazzlingly brilliance, is flashed past by the metal shell that the electromagnetism accelerates, in dodging blindly people eyes also left behind one enough dozens meters in the land widely jet black hollow, the high temperature mixes with the huge impulse to dare to resist becomes the powder in the front all steamroll. The invisible gravity fluctuation has nearly the slightly not obvious jet black outline direct acting, these knights and warhorses just then probably by holding back that a pair of invisible big hand was relentless in the ground, they have not even struggled with enough time, is followingchirp & R dquo ; Pinched the broken air bubble same sound to turn into covered with blood one group probably. 伴随着第一轮轰炸的结束,随之而来的则是闪耀靓丽的光束———电磁,魔法,重力,各种来自不同系统的力量凝结体在这一刻展现出了它们原有的风采。呼啸而过的魔法光束在空中分裂扩散,化为狂风骤雨笼罩了前方的大地。带着耀眼光辉,被电磁加速的金属炮弹一闪而过,在闪瞎了众人双眼的同时也在大地上留下了一道足足有数十米宽的漆黑凹陷,高温夹杂着巨大的冲击力将所有胆敢抵挡在前方的一切都碾压成粉末。无形的重力波动带着近乎微不可见的漆黑轮廓一路直行,那些骑士和战马才不过刚刚回头就好像被一双无形的大手毫不留情的按压在地面上,他们甚至都没有来得及挣扎一下,就伴随着“啪叽”一声好像捏破气泡一样的响声变成了血肉模糊的一团。 Facing this sudden attack, the Goldshire Empire soldier had a small tumult. However is quick they to disperse again. But at the same time these also whip on a horse in the cavalry who in the first round of fire fortunately survives, speeds away forward. Although the attack of Pattilina eliminated the Goldshire Empire frontline garrison nearly 1/3 effective strengths all of a sudden, but now seems like, they do not have the strength to hit back. 面对这突如其来的袭击,闪金帝国的军人产生了一阵小小的骚动。但是很快他们就再次分散。而与此同时那些在第一轮炮火之中幸存下来的骑兵也策马扬鞭,向前疾驰。虽然帕蒂莉娜的攻击一下子就消灭了闪金帝国前线纵队近乎三分之一的有生力量,但是现在看起来,他们也并非完全没有还手之力。 soldier that because lucky or other what reason is separated from first round of bombing with great difficulty by luck has not retroceded, because they know, since had entered the firing distance, then retrocedes only meets works as the living target to the opposite party. At present the only means approach rapidly, so long as can pester that little girl. Then can win the time for rear lord, by that time, has the possibility of victory. 因为幸运或者别的什么原因才好不容易侥幸从第一轮炮击之中脱离的士兵没有后退,因为他们知道既然已经进入了射程,那么后退只会是给对方当活靶子。眼下唯一的办法就是迅速靠近,只要能够纠缠住那个小女孩。那么就可以为后方的主阵争取时间,到那个时候,也不是没有胜利的可能性。 Therefore these soldier continue to go forward, they forward with stride, hold up the shield, welcomed the fire to dash, performs own to try hard for following lord to win the time. 因此这些士兵继续前进,他们大步向前,举起盾牌,迎着炮火飞奔,尽自己的一切努力为后面的主阵争取时间。 However Pattilina will not give them obviously this opportunity. 但是帕蒂莉娜显然不会给他们这个机会。 The high explosive shell of tumbling mixes with fireball as if flowers showered on the earth below by a goddess of the sky to scatter in all directions, formed in the battlefield one after another continuously, with wall that the flame composes. Blocked the Goldshire Empire soldier way again. The flame of combustion brutally swallowed these brave soldier form that dashes forward, changes into the hard coke them thoroughly. But where because these had not had to go by soldier of flame ignition by luck well, the flame of flash eruption combustion absorbed all around air, in explosion instantaneous made a big stretch of vacuum area, these lost air soldier and warhorse spit pouring of foam on such mouth on the ground, opened eye quiet dying. 翻滚的榴弹夹杂着火球仿佛天女散花般四散开来,在战场上形成了一道又一道连绵不断,用火焰所组成的墙壁。再一次挡住了闪金帝国士兵的去路。燃烧的火焰无情的吞噬了那些正在向前飞奔的勇敢士兵的身影,将他们彻底化为焦炭。而那些因为侥幸才没有被火焰灼烧的士兵也没有好到哪儿去,一瞬间爆发燃烧的火焰吸收了四周的空气,在爆炸的瞬间制造出了一大片的真空地区,那些失去了空气的士兵与战马就这样口吐白沫的倒在地上,睁大眼睛悄无声息的死去。 The time of moment. Goldshire Empire vanguard thorough destruction. 只是片刻的工夫。闪金帝国的前锋已经彻底覆灭。 Hiss ............ & R dquo ; “嘶…………” Sees this. Pastan held breath a cold air/Qi. Although before commencing of action, he also has to think that little girl will be very fierce, what makes him unable to believe is that girl can unexpectedly fiercely to this degree. Pastan has to see the legendary powerhouse, in Goldshire Empire, four army regimental commanders is completely the legendary domain leaders, but as of Pastan subordinates also more than once has experienced the prestige of legend. However regardless of being powerful, is only individual strength. But this girl's strength is stranger at present, is more fearful. Pastan does not even know that actually she how achieves, although, the opposite party should be looking from the outside operates the demon to lead the attack that the artillery launches. However are manydemon to lead artillery & R dquo ; The appearance is exceptionally strange, Pastan can believe firmly, these thing have not seen. He even also sees a circular, has four artillery tubes, hidden, in that seemingly is more like in the insect tone same armordemon leads artillery & R dquo ; Revolved was sending out the green light beam, but these hit unlucky egg was almost volatilized the steam in the flash with the weapon together thoroughly. Only is Pastan scalp tingles that this looks, he can believe firmly, even if the spitting breath of big dragon, is absolutely impossible to achieve this effect. 看见这一幕。帕斯坦不由倒吸了口冷气。虽然在战斗开始之前,他也不是没有想过那个小女孩会很厉害,但让他不敢相信的是那个女孩居然能够厉害到这种程度。帕斯坦不是没有见过传奇强者,在闪金帝国,四位军团长全部都是传奇领域的顶尖人物,而身为部下之一的帕斯坦也不止一次的见识过传奇之威。但是那无论多么强大,都是只属于个人的力量。可是眼下这个女孩的力量更加诡异,也更加可怕。帕斯坦甚至都不知道她究竟是怎么做到的,虽然从外表来看,对方应该是操纵魔导炮发动的进攻。但是其中很多“魔导炮”的样子异常怪异,帕斯坦可以确信,这些东西自己从来没有见过。他甚至还看见一个圆形的,有着四个炮筒,隐藏在那看起来更像是昆虫口气一样的装甲之中的“魔导炮”旋转着发出了绿色的光束,而那些被击中的倒霉蛋几乎在一瞬间就连人带武器一起被彻底挥发成了蒸汽。光是这一幕就看的帕斯坦头皮发麻,他可以确信,哪怕是巨龙的吐息,也绝对不可能达到这个效果。 Retreats, immediately retreats!!! & R dquo ; “撤退,立刻撤退!!!” At this moment Pastan no longer hesitates, the strength of opposite party is above own imagination by far , to continue just to bring about own destruction again. Therefore he made a quite wise decision quickly. Quick, the bugle horn sound resounds, but the rear soldier also well-trained retreat backward, just like Pastan, these soldier also detected at this moment obviously the enemy is unusual, can not die well always. Toot that therefore after hearing to retreat, soldier then rapidly react, evacuates toward the rear area fast. 这一刻帕斯坦不再犹豫,对方的实力远远超乎自己的想象,再继续下去只不过是自寻死路。因此他很快就做出了一个相当明智的决定。很快,号角声响起,而后方的士兵此刻也训练有素的向后退去,和帕斯坦一样,这些士兵显然也察觉到敌人并不寻常,能够不死总是好的。因此在听到撤退的号角声之后,士兵们便迅速作出反应,向着后方飞快撤离。 „ To run? & R dquo ; “想跑?” Saw the distant place Goldshire Empire that turned around to escape, on the small face of Pattilina to reappear a cruel smile, then the little fellow raised the right hand high, made an effort to get hold. 看见远处正在掉头逃跑的闪金帝国,帕蒂莉娜的小脸上浮现出了一丝残忍的笑容,接着小家伙高高举起右手,用力握紧。 You think that you can escape!! & R dquo ; “你们以为自己逃得掉吗!!” The land starts to shiver, the strong winds stick out suddenly. 大地开始颤动,狂风暴起。 Nine Saints!! & R dquo ; “九圣啊!!” Pastan has turned the head, looks at the rearward, then he stares the big eye immediately, losing color is looking steadily at present sky & mda S h ; & mda S h ; & mda S h ; Saw only in that day spatial heavy/thick white clouds, dozens meters high, seemed like strange rectangular object reappearing of slowly metal casting, it aimed at the present land like this, that jet black, giant muzzle flame, as if the God of Death shadow has not a little made one shiver. 帕斯坦转过头去,望向后方,接着他顿时瞪大眼睛,面无血色的盯视着眼前的天空———只见在那天空的厚重白云之间,一个足足有数十米高,看起来好像是黑色金属铸造的诡异长方形物体缓缓的从中浮现,它就这样瞄准了眼前的大地,那漆黑,巨大的炮口没有一点儿火光,却仿佛死神的阴影般让人颤抖。 Quickly, leaves here quickly!! & R dquo ; “快,快离开这里!!” At this moment Pastan only felt that the hands and feet sends coldly, he has not thought how small Passus has probably the so powerful strength. This enables Pastan simply not to have the psychology to prepare, holds the picnic mood to go to the home of pet to play with the puppy probably the fellow, actually did not discover carefully oneself met a tyrannosaurus to be the same, present Pastan even wants simple one to kill on the ground considers as finished. All these certainly is a nightmare!! Otherwise, how he will come across this unlucky matter!! Actually is that little girl who? Before why hadn't a little spread about her information? Actually is the intelligence agency of empire doing!! 这一刻帕斯坦只感觉手脚发寒,他怎么也没想到一个小小的帕苏斯怎么可能拥有如此强大的力量。这使得帕斯坦根本没有心理准备,就好像一个抱着郊游心情去宠物之家玩弄小狗的家伙,却不小心发现自己遇到了一头霸王龙一样,现在的帕斯坦甚至想要干脆一头撞死在地上算了。这一切一定都是一场噩梦!!不然的话,他怎么会遇到这种倒霉的事情!!那个小女孩究竟是谁?为什么之前没有一点儿关于她的情报流传?帝国的情报机构究竟在干什么!! However Pastan at this moment is not in no mood to sue the inaction of empire intelligence agency, his whole person currently has being nervous and uneasy, probably soon by the fear that the beast of prey will fall down. That is the human instinct detected that Death threatens the response, Pastan at this moment cannot even attend to directing own army, but transfers the wharf directly, forward dies runs. What penalty as for abandoning own regiment went back to receive, Pastan could not have attended to caring about this problem now, because he has detected, if oneself did not run, perhaps lived on the opportunity in court martial not to have!!! 但是此刻的帕斯坦却没心情去投诉帝国情报机关的不作为,他整个人现在都有一种如芒在背,好像即将被猛兽扑倒的恐惧。那是人类本能察觉到死亡威胁而产生的反应,此刻的帕斯坦甚至顾不上指挥自己的军队,而是直接调转马头,向前没命的跑去。至于抛弃自己的军团回去会受到什么样的惩罚,帕斯坦现在已经顾不上去关心这种问题了,因为他已经察觉到,如果自己再不跑的话,恐怕就连活着上军事法庭的机会都没有了!!! Meaningless putting up a last-ditch struggle, is really stupid, ignorant, vulgar. Does not have the tiny bit glory as warrior, is so timid, does azure who also how probably obtains the war goddess narrow the eyes? & R dquo ; “毫无意义的垂死挣扎,真是愚蠢,无知,低俗。身为战士却没有一丝一毫的荣耀,如此怯懦,又怎么可能获得战争女神的青眯?” Gets a panoramic view the distant place Goldshire Empire soldier movement, Pattilina cold snort/hum, then the little fellow raises hand, hit a sound to refer to gently. 将远处闪金帝国士兵的动作尽收眼底,帕蒂莉娜冷哼一声,接着小家伙举起手来,轻轻打了个响指。 In the jet black muzzle, the dazzling bright appears one by one, later they congeal in central, the wild strength of fetter continuously the overlay following the ordered track. 漆黑的炮口中,耀眼的亮光逐一浮现,随后它们凝结在中央,束缚的狂暴力量顺着有序的轨道不住叠加。 Pastan is still progressing to dash, he at this moment has dropped out oneself regiment by far, but despite that the Pastan in the depths of ones heart fear absolutely does not have therefore to vanish, he has turned the head, having the desperate expression to look to the sky, but, Pastan then saw bright dazzling luminous to map in own eye. 帕斯坦依然在策马飞奔,此刻的他已经将自己的军团远远抛下,但是即便如此,帕斯坦内心深处的恐惧也完全没有因此而消失,他转过头去,带着绝望的表情望向天空,而紧接着,帕斯坦便看见明亮耀眼的光亮映入了自己的眼中。 But next moment, the straight golden light beam erupts from the darkness between that cloud layers together like this, straight charging into ground. The ray of the sparkle is flooding the world in that flash, even Sun also seems gloomy in its front. 下一刻,一道笔直的金色光束就这样从那云层之间的黑暗之中爆发而出,笔直的冲向地面。其闪耀的光芒在那一瞬间充斥着天地,甚至就连太阳也在它的面前显得黯淡无光。 Carried on the shell that the magnetic force accelerated to tear the whole world under over a thousand electric capacity functions like this, the bang in the ground. The strength that 600 tons ferrotungsten shells contain erupts thoroughly in this moment. The powerful strength brought the hysterical/frenzy tornado, the land to start crazy shivering, the crack, revealed slits. Giant mushroom cloud direct impact clouds, even sky by its thorough camouflage. But that soil direct shapes in surface roared the ocean waves of tumbling to sweep across generally, flew under the huge shock effect on the sky. 在上千个电容作用下进行磁力加速的炮弹就这样撕裂了整个世界,轰在地面上。足足有六百吨重的铁钨合金炮弹所蕴含的力量在这一刻彻底爆发开来。强大的力量带起了狂乱的龙卷风,大地开始疯狂的颤抖,龟裂,露出了一条条的缝隙。巨大的蘑菇云直冲云霄,甚至连天空都被其彻底遮蔽。而地表上的那一块块的土壤更是直接像咆哮翻滚的海浪一般席卷而起,在巨大的冲击作用下飞向天空。 When the gunsmoke diverges, shows before the people, before no longer is, that smooth open land and swamp, but is a diameter has several hundred meters wide giant gulf, as for should exist there Unit Goldshire Empire, at this moment does not know the trace. 而当硝烟散去时,展现在众人面前的,已经不再是之前那块平坦的荒地与沼泽,而是一个直径有数百米宽的巨大深坑,至于原本应该存在于那里的闪金帝国,此刻早已经不知所踪。 ............... & R dquo ; “呼……………” Until this time, Pattilina then sighed lightly, wiped the beads of sweat on forehead. Although the little fellow had achieved her goal thoroughly, but summoned so powerful existence also to consume the Pattilina considerable strength. Naturally, if not the regiment having a low opinion of the enemy general idea/careless of Goldshire Empire, actually Pattilina not such easy acquisition victory. 直到这个时候,帕蒂莉娜这才轻叹了口气,擦了擦额头上的汗珠。虽然小家伙已经彻底达成了她的目标,但是召唤如此强大的存在同样也消耗了帕蒂莉娜相当的力量。当然,如果不是闪金帝国的军团轻敌大意的话,其实帕蒂莉娜也不会这么轻而易举的获得胜利。 However now ............... 不过现在…………… Satisfaction looked at happily to make the tragedy that Pattilina nods with a smile. 满意的望了一眼自己制造出来的这场惨剧,帕蒂莉娜得意的笑着点了点头。 Fulfills their mission ......... the master to confess that finally own work, she was also successfully completes. 总算不辱使命………主人交代自己的工作,她也算是圆满的完成了。
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