DR :: Volume #3

#267: A war (Middle Part) of person

Nine Saints on ............ & R dquo ; “九圣在上…………” Looks that stood the petite form before foothold, Bateer swallowed saliva, he felt that oneself body is almost shivering, if personally did not see, Bateer cannot believe that absolutely unexpectedly will have such matter to happen. This girl Bateer also calculates quite familiar, in he goes to the feudal lord Sirmanor & R dquo ; Carries on the report time, frequently can see the kitty same appearance that this girl seems to sleep in the afternoon to be languid, comfortable lying sleeps in the shadow. He too had not understood this girl, only thought she is tone arrogant Imp (little demon), but now, Bateer looked like must re-evaluate one to this girl's view. 看着那个站在据点前的娇小身影,巴特尔不由的吞咽了一口口水,他感觉自己的身体几乎都在颤抖,如果不是亲眼所见,巴特尔绝对不敢相信居然还会有这样的事情发生。这个女孩巴特尔也算比较熟悉,在他前往领主大人的“庄园”进行报告的时候,经常可以看见这个女孩一副好像午后睡觉的猫咪一样的样子懒洋洋的,舒舒服服的趴在阴影里睡觉。他对于这个女孩并没有太多了解,只觉得她是个口气傲慢的小鬼,但是现在,巴特尔看来要重新评估一下对这个女孩的看法了。 And the shame that soldier of garrison, is only the time of flash is destroyed merely thoroughly, looks at the following little fellow in high spirits appearance, Bateer even before oneself is afraid, a child does not fear the fight, but he, accepts the regular troops to train, emerges Elite that from the black tooth regiment, unexpectedly because here these indifferent reasons, but is afraid about the fight? This regarding warrior, simply is the shame. 一个纵队的士兵,仅仅只是一瞬间的工夫就被彻底毁灭,看着下面小家伙兴高采烈的样子,巴特尔甚至为自己之前所感到的恐惧而羞愧,一个小孩子都不惧怕战斗,而他,一个接受过正规军队训练,从黑牙军团脱颖而出的精英,居然会在这里因为那些无所谓的原因而对战斗感到恐惧?这对于一个战士来说,简直就是耻辱。 ............... & R dquo ; “呼……………” Thinks of here, Bateer got hold of the weapon, forcing oneself to calm down. No matter how said, Pattilina has displayed her great power clear, but at this moment her strength also obtained in the city wall cheering and exclamation of these originally also trembling soldier. However Bateer is not fool ¢ ∮ ¢ ∮, m & la R R ;, He is very clear, a person is powerful, is impossible to resist an army, although Pattilina is very indeed strong, but she seems like after all is only a child. Only by her, can resist the Goldshire Empire army? 想到这里,巴特尔握紧了武器,强迫自己冷静下来。不管怎么说,帕蒂莉娜已经明白无误的展现出了她的强大力量,而此刻她的力量也得到了城墙上那些原本还战战兢兢的士兵们的欢呼与惊叹。但是巴特尔不是傻瓜¢∮¢∮,m←,他很清楚,一个人再强大,也不可能对抗一只军队,虽然帕蒂莉娜的确很强,可是她看起来毕竟只是一个小孩子。只靠她一个人,能够抵挡住闪金帝国的大军吗? But in the brain of Bateer flashes through this thought. As if was showing that his idea is ordinary, in another side of horizon. The Goldshire Empire army appeared finally. 而就在巴特尔的脑中闪过这个念头的时候。仿佛在证明他的想法一般,在地平线的另外一侧。闪金帝国的大军终于出现了。 The cheers in city wall also stop suddenly in this moment. 城墙上的欢呼声也在这一刻戛然而止。 The attack of Pattilina does not seem to frighten Goldshire Empire soldier, instead makes them even more angry. Garrisons scatter in all directions to arrange, they hold up the shield, the lance in hand are glittering the bitterly disappointing ice-cold brilliance under the sunlight. The body reddish black two color battle dress distant spreads look, seems limitless. The formation that they launch even went far beyond the foothold fort to protect the place, if were not here acts bashful is entering Passus main channel & mda S h ; The words of throat of warhawk, perhaps regarding Goldshire Empire, the foothold that this fort is not even at present, will not be paid attention to by them. 帕蒂莉娜的袭击似乎并没有吓倒闪金帝国士兵,反而让他们越发愤怒。一个又一个纵队四散排列开来,他们举起盾牌,手中的长矛在阳光下闪烁着令人心寒的冰冷光辉。身上红黑两色的战袍远远的蔓延看去,仿佛无边无际。他们展开的队形甚至远远超过了据点要塞可以护卫之处,如果不是这里拿捏着进入帕苏斯最主要的通道—战鹰之喉的话,恐怕对于闪金帝国来说,眼前这个连要塞都算不上的据点,根本就不会被他们放在眼里吧。 The Goldshire Empire flag flutters in in the air. Looking into the distance, three rows of infantries actually give the pressure that the person one type nearly suffocates. The light cavalries of two wings have started slightly to run, try to outflank from one side. The serious feeling that the wind and rain that suddenly in the air transmits wants is almost suffocating, is looking at present that seemingly limitless enemy, Bateer also swallowed saliva, although they have long known that resists Goldshire Empire not to have the odds of success at own strength. When they experience to the strength of opposite party with own eyes, this for the first time truly understands that anything is calledno odds of success & R dquo ;, Faced the first garrison before even, these militiamen still dare to make a determined effort to give them a lesson. However now. Facing regular army that the Goldshire Empire army sets out, they even lost this ruthless vigor. This also no wonder, this foothold altogether is less than 100 individuals, facing opposite party several hundred over a thousand people of armies. Also is useful? They simply seem like facing a small stone of turbulent rivers, even if throws unable to turn what storm completely. 闪金帝国的旗帜飘扬在空中。放眼望去,不过三列的步兵却给人一种近乎窒息的压力。两翼的轻骑兵已经开始小跑,试图从侧面包抄。一时间空气中传来的风雨欲来的沉重感几乎让人窒息,望着眼前那看起来无边无际的敌人,就连巴特尔也是吞咽了一口口水,虽然他们早就知道以自己的力量对抗闪金帝国是毫无胜算的。但是只有当他们亲眼见识到对方的实力时,这才第一次真正明白什么叫做“毫无胜算”,之前就算是面对第一纵队,这些民兵也敢发狠给他们一个教训。但是现在。面对闪金帝国全军出动的正规军,他们甚至连这股狠劲儿都失去了。这也难怪,这个据点总共才不到一百个人,面对对方数百上千人的军队。又有什么用呢?他们简直就好像是面对一条汹涌河流的小石头,就算全部扔进去也翻不起什么风浪。 Then they can also struggle? This struggling besides laughable suicide, what significance but also there is? 那么他们还要挣扎吗?这种挣扎除了可笑的自杀之外,还有什么意义? At this moment. Almost all people gave up the resistance, these soldier put down the bow crossbow that in the hand held up. Look delay is looking at the front, at this moment their brains radically are blank. What war, what fights, at this moment they absolutely do not have such idea, they do not even know what oneself should make, what should not make ......... on the other hand, what even if they made, is useful? 这一刻。几乎所有人都放弃了抵抗,就连那些士兵都放下了手中原本举起的弓弩。眼神呆滞的望着前方,此刻他们的大脑根本就是一片空白。什么战争,什么战斗,此刻他们已经完全没有了这样的想法,他们甚至不知道自己该做什么,不该做什么………话说回来,就算他们做了什么,又有什么用呢? What uses not to have? If they surrender now, what matter will have to change? Even they do not surrender, can defend their hometown? 什么用也没有不是吗?如果他们现在投降的话,事情又会有什么变化?就算他们不投降,难道就能够守住他们的家乡了吗? One crowd of waste, I know that you cannot apply. & R dquo ; “一群废物,我就知道你们派不上用场。” With a ridicule of pungent satire, Bateer then recovers, he shakes the head, looks toward the place that the sound sends out, this discovered that Pattilina does not know when had returned to the city wall, is standing in the highest city gate peak is gazing at the army of distant place, on that lovable small face does not have the slight anxiety, as if appears before her is not over a thousand people of elite regiments, but is one flock of ants. 伴随着一阵辛辣讽刺的嘲弄,巴特尔这才回过神来,他摇了摇头,向着声音发出的地方望去,这才发现帕蒂莉娜不知道什么时候已经回到了城墙上,正站在最高的城门顶端注视着远处的军队,那张可爱的小脸上没有丝毫的不安,仿佛出现在她面前的不是上千人的精锐军团,而是一群蝼蚁。 Young lady, now what to do should we? & R dquo ; “小姐,我们现在该怎么办?” Although does not know that actually Pattilina wants to do, but Bateer braced oneself to ask at this time. No matter how said, this during the fight had a dream greatly simply probably. However what is lucky was as one once in elite soldier that the regular army served, Bateer not like his these country compatriots ignorant, he knows that these true powerhouses can change the entire battlefield by a person of strength, for example these magician, or these legendary peaks powerhouses, even was Hero in some legends. Although at present this Hero & R dquo ; Cannot touch on slightly, strength that but she showed a moment ago, had explained that this young lady is not a role that is good to cope with, but the feudal lord Sir dares to send her to protect here, explained that is confident to her. At least that feudal lord Sir should not crack a joke with own territory. 虽然不知道帕蒂莉娜究竟想要干什么,但是这个时候巴特尔还是硬着头皮问道。不管怎么说,在刚才的战斗之中这位大简直好像做梦。不过幸运的是作为一个曾经在正规军服役的精锐士兵,巴特尔倒不像他的那些乡野同胞那样无知,他知道那些真正的强者是可以以一人之力改变整个战场的,比如那些**师,又或者那些传奇巅峰的强者,甚至是一些传说之中的英雄。虽然眼下这个的英雄”沾不上边,但是她刚才所表现出来的实力,却已经说明这位大小姐本身并不是一个好对付的角色,而领主大人之所以敢派她来守护这里,就说明对她有信心。至少那位领主大人应该不会拿自己的领地开玩笑吧。 You? & R dquo ; “你们?” Heard the inquiry of Bateer, Pattilina swept his one eyes. 听到巴特尔的询问,帕蒂莉娜扫了他一眼。 You could not do anything, looked, in you have not been crying to the present in share that went home to look for mother, allowed you to see a play in side specially, then praised the reason of eternal boundary this young lady's the glory of prestige and victory. Copes with these trivial residuals, so long as I alone enough! & R dquo ; “你们也干不了什么,看在你们到现在还没有哭着回家找妈妈的份上,特别允许你们在旁边看戏,然后将本小姐的威名与胜利的荣耀传颂到永恒的境界之缘。对付这些区区残渣,只要我一个人就够了!” Residual? & R dquo ; “残渣?” Heard the speech of Pattilina, Bateer gawked, then looks again to the present army. No matter how he saw, could not look that actually these Goldshire Empire soldier where looked like the residual. 听到帕蒂莉娜的说话,巴特尔愣了一下,接着再次望向眼前的大军。但是不管他怎么看,也看不出来这些闪金帝国士兵究竟哪里像残渣了。 „, Looked that your appearance knows country bumpkin who you have not seen the world. & R dquo ; “切,看你这幅样子就知道你是没见过世面的乡巴佬。” Looks that a Bateer face silly did not draw several appearances, Pattilina cold snort/hum. Her right hand grips tightly the long spear/gun, wields forward. 看着巴特尔一脸傻不拉几的样子,帕蒂莉娜不由的冷哼了一声。她右手紧握长枪,向前一挥。 You may once see giant battleship that camouflages the blue dome of heaven? Can you once face the limitless insect sea? That bright red, rottenly becomes stale as if can the fellow who must submerge the whole world? So long as destruction the hammer of thunder an artillery can decompose a planet, the remote ancient creator hid in chaos universe Abyss, even if were Sun can swallow. Compared with them, the present these things are one crowd of battle efficiency less than five residuals! & R dquo ; “你可曾见过遮蔽苍穹的巨型战舰?你可曾面对过无边无际的虫海?那鲜红的,腐烂发臭的仿佛要把整个世界都要淹没的家伙?毁灭的雷霆之锤只要一炮就可以分解一颗行星,遥远的古代创造者隐藏在混沌宇宙的深渊,哪怕是太阳都能吞噬。和它们比起来,眼前的这些东西不过是一群战斗力不到五的残渣罢了!” Said here, Pattilina even more seemed to be excited, saw only the little fellow to hold up the long spear/gun in hand high, continuously is brandishing. 说道这里,帕蒂莉娜似乎越发的兴奋起来,只见小家伙高高举起手中的长枪,不住的挥舞着。 I had faced the boundless insect sea, must give up under my arms on Ms. Lian sovereign! Even these wild blade edge warrior still similarly are not my opponent, even if the sickleman and forerunner will also change into the fragment in my fire similarly! The glory of war and I in, but now ............... & R dquo ; “我曾经面对过无边的虫海,就连母皇也要在我的枪炮下俯首称臣!就算是那些狂暴的刀锋战士也同样不是我的对手,哪怕收割者与先行者也同样会在我的炮火之中化为碎片!战争的荣耀与我同在,而现在……………” Said here, Pattilina was similar to the flame soaring sound suddenly becomes low and deep, the long spear/gun in her hand in in the air has had together the perfect arc, as if a flag straight direction front. 说道这里,帕蒂莉娜原本如同火焰般高昂的声音忽然变得低沉了下来,她手中的长枪在空中带过一道完美无瑕的弧线,仿佛一面旗帜般笔直的指向前方。 ............ Makes you feel the strength of stars. & R dquo ; “…………就让你们感受星辰的力量吧。” The air starts to shiver. 空气开始颤动。 The temperature starts to rise, Bateer likes a cat on hot bricks is looking at own body side, he stares the big eye surprisedly, looks that the transparent space started becomes looks like the pond to swing ripple layer by layer generally. The giant incomparable artillery tubes appear from illusory void, hundreds and thousands of destructions the corresponding summon, spans the space, the time, arrived at the sides of their ruler again, sets up in an array, pitch-dark formation one forest of steel. The innumerable pitch-dark muzzle such straight direction front, aimed at these Goldshire Empire soldier, as if a leader beast of prey has opened their big mouth, only smashing that waits for the present prey to rip. 气温开始升高,巴特尔局促不安的望着自己的身侧,他惊讶的瞪大眼睛,看着原本透明的空间开始变得像池塘一般荡起了一层又一层的波纹。紧接着,一个个巨大无比的炮筒从虚无缥缈的虚空之中浮现,成百上千的毁灭之器相应召唤,跨越空间,时间,再一次来到了它们的支配者的身边,一字排开,黑漆漆的形成了一片钢铁的森林。无数的黑洞洞的炮口就这样笔直的指向前方,瞄准了那些闪金帝国士兵,仿佛一头头猛兽已经张开了它们的血盆大口,只等着将眼前的猎物撕的粉碎。 Quick, the artillery tube of steel starts to revolve, snow white steam from heavy/thick thick artillery tube edge spraying. The shell of steel thunders to revolve is entering the barrel, is only waiting for order, sprinkles all over this world the iron and fire. 很快,钢铁的炮筒开始旋转,雪白的蒸汽从厚重粗大的炮筒边缘喷射而出。钢铁的炮弹轰鸣旋转着进入炮膛,只等着一声令下,就将铁与火洒遍这个世界。 Magic appears one by one, starts to absorb the magic strength from the world source, leads the skill to fuse the barrel of brass and on crystal forging through the mysterious demon, wrapped in a shroud of obscurity seal shine one by one, is representing awakening of again destruction energy. These come from the different world, the destruction weapons of different time have fused to become a mighty army at this moment completely, the only goal that they have is to dare to resist in their front things to rumble thoroughly the fragment, does not have any exception. 魔法阵逐一浮现,开始吸取来自世界本源的魔法力量,通过神秘的魔导技巧融合到黄铜与水晶锻造的炮身上,一道道神秘莫测的刻印逐一亮起,代表着毁灭能量的再次觉醒。这些来自不同世界,不同时间的毁灭武器此刻已经完全融合成为了一只威武之师,它们存在的唯一目的就是将所有胆敢抵挡在它们面前的东西彻底轰成碎片,没有任何例外。 But Pattilina such high standing in city gate peak, as if by the wild animal crowding around of steel imperially gets hold of the long spear/gun in hand, straight directional front. But in city wall, these militiamen already for at present this inconceivable one frightening falls down, they have the awe, the fear is looking at the present all with the expression that cannot believe that even many people think oneself are having a dream. 帕蒂莉娜就这样高高的站在城门的顶端,仿佛被钢铁的野兽簇拥的帝王般握紧手中的长枪,笔直的指向前方。而在城墙上,那些民兵们早已经为眼前这不可思议的一幕吓的瘫倒在地,他们带着敬畏,恐惧与不敢相信的表情望着眼前的一切,甚至不少人以为自己是在做梦。 However Pattilina had not cared from the start their meanings, she even looking has not visited these by fools one of the being scared, wields like this starts the long spear/gun. 但是帕蒂莉娜压根就没有关心他们的意思,她甚至连看都没有看那些被吓傻的笨蛋们一眼,就这样挥下了手中的长枪。 Prepares to greet the destruction, this is my & mda S h ; Full power full!! & R dquo ;( To be continued......) “准备好迎接毁灭吧,这就是我的—全力全开!!”(未完待续……)
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