DR :: Volume #3

#266: A war (First Part) of person

Flame for the first time presently. 火光乍现。 The fierce fire changed into the violent storm to howl, the brutal bombardment in the side of Goldshire Empire first garrison, can only hear the deafening explosive sound to erupt with flash continuously suddenly together, pulled the whole world is entering the brand-new rock and roll orbit. 猛烈的炮火化为了狂风暴雨呼啸而出,无情的轰击在闪金帝国第一纵队的身边,一时间只能够听到震耳欲聋的爆炸声与连绵不断的闪光一同爆发,将整个世界都拉扯着进入全新的摇滚轨道。 ............ me and other this day, but for a long time ......... & R dquo ; “呼…………我等这一天可是等好久啦………” The gunsmoke diverges, the Pattilina petite form appears, she has the exciting and frantic vision, looks to be rumbled at present thoroughly the battlefield of residual. Several hundred meters region centered on first garrison has seemed like entire is turned at this moment, calculates the moist swamp only has sores all over the eye now, braves the black smoke the meteorite crater of scorched earth as well as combustion is everywhere, as for first garrison these well-equipped soldier? Possibly has lain down under the ground waits for the tomorrow's spring to make the manure. 硝烟散去,帕蒂莉娜娇小的身影从中浮现,她带着兴奋和狂热的目光,望着眼前已经被彻底轰成残渣的战场。以第一纵队为中心的数百米区域内此刻已经像是整个被翻了一遍,原本还算潮湿的沼泽现在只剩下满目疮痍,冒着黑烟的焦土以及燃烧的陨石坑比比皆是,至于第一纵队那些装备精良的士兵?可能已经躺倒在地面之下等着明天春天做肥料了吧。 Collapses at the first blow, waste of being worth mentioning. & R dquo ; “不堪一击,不值一提的废物。” Sees this, Pattilina light snort/hum, but sounds the superficial tone unlike her, expression in the Pattilina surface at this moment is actually quite excited, is raising that from her hand the distortion that the long spear/gun cannot start, the eruption the steam and low and deep sound can see, Pattilina the obvious interest surges upward now. 看见这一幕,帕蒂莉娜轻哼一声,但是与她听起来轻描淡写的口气不同,此刻的帕蒂莉娜面上的表情却是相当兴奋,从她手中提着的那把长枪开始不住的变形,喷发出蒸汽与低沉的响声就可以看出,帕蒂莉娜现在显然兴致高涨。 This is natural, stayed here to be responsible for protecting the territory by Zhan En is the Pattilina responsibility, but the little fellow does not like this ordinary life. As warrior, a knight, she longs for the blood, longs for fighting, only then fights, the victory is her glory. The corpse that these pile up is a knight best medal, but they will talk frightened will become the guarantee that the Pattilina honor will spread. Pattilina likes the war, she was born in the war, the life is fighting for this reason. To her, the war seems like the breath simply and eats meal is so natural and important, because of this. In this damned place obediently stays is also making Pattilina feel very uncomfortable, if not Zhan En her promised that a war is close at hand, the little fellow will definitely make is going Phantom star city to look for trouble with him together. 这是理所当然的,被詹恩留在这里负责保护领地是帕蒂莉娜的职责,但是小家伙可不喜欢这种平淡无奇的生活。作为一名战士,一名骑士,她渴望鲜血,渴望战斗,只有战斗,胜利才是她的荣耀。那些堆积如山的尸体是一个骑士最好的勋章,而他们恐惧的交谈将成为帕蒂莉娜荣誉流传的保证。帕蒂莉娜喜欢战争,她出生于战争之中,一生都在为此而战。对她来说,战争简直就好像是呼吸和吃饭那么自然而重要,也正因为如此。在这个鬼地方乖乖的呆着也让帕蒂莉娜感到十分不爽,如果不是詹恩向她保证一场战争已经近在眼前,小家伙肯定会闹着跟他一起去幻星城找麻烦。 But now. Since she can vent these days finally bored and stuffy. 而现在。她总算能够发泄这段时间以来的无聊和闷气了。 Depends on this goods also to invade the territory of master? & R dquo ; “就凭这种货色也想要入侵主人的领地?” Looked at these sunspot of horizon far-end, on Pattilina that lovable small face was showing the facial expression of sparing a glance. She sneers is raising in the hand already the long spear/gun that distorts, aimed at the distant place. next moment, only hearsbang & R dquo ; A loud sound, intensely bright luminous thunders from the Pattilina muzzle together like this, cuts the horizon like the meteor, having an arc to fly the sky, then looks like fireworks blasting open. 望着地平线远端的那些黑点儿,帕蒂莉娜那张可爱的小脸上露出了不屑一顾的神情。她冷笑着举起手中已经变形完毕的长枪,瞄准了远方。下一刻,只听见“轰隆”一声巨响,一道耀眼夺目的光亮就这样从帕蒂莉娜的炮口轰鸣而出,像流星般划破天际,带着一道弧线飞上天空,接着像烟花般的炸裂开来。 However that golden line has not from the sky dissipated like the fireworks, on the contrary. Each ray while falling explodes again, divides into two, two are divided into four, four are divided into eight, is only in a moment, the innumerable golden lines light/only pass through the cloud layer like this, the thorn to the ground. 但是那一道道金色的线条并没有像烟花一样在空中消散,相反。每一道光线在落下的同时再次爆裂,一分为二,二分为四,四分为八,只是一眨眼的工夫,无数金黄色的光之线就这样穿过云层,刺向地面。 But regarding Goldshire Empire soldier, the nightmare just started. 而对于闪金帝国士兵来说,噩梦才刚刚开始。 The innumerable golden light rain drops from the clouds, falls into the flame all in the sea. Rear soldier absolutely does not have to think oneself will be attacked unexpectedly, they do not have to guard facing the rain of light this drops from the clouds slightly. Sees only along with the explosive sound, galloping, but the water splash that the dust splashes probably buried the entire position continuously, soldier blind running. Calls out, but actually does not know that should make anything, these light/only rain be relentless passed through all. Even the hard armor and shield have no function. Some veterans even want to hold up the shield to keep off in oneself top of the head, but next moment saw that dazzling light rain to pass through the heavy/thick hard steel shield, making it seem like by the cheese that the high temperature melted becomes frail, changed into the molten iron of boiling to flow, fell scorches one piece on these soldier facial countenance. However these soldier at this moment already not for this small wound, but the pain shouted & mda S h ; Because they have died. 无数的金色光雨从天而降,将一切都堕入火焰的海洋之中。后方的士兵完全没有想到自己居然会被攻击,面对这从天而降的光之雨他们没有丝毫防备。只见伴随着爆炸声,奔腾而起的尘土就好像是溅起的水花般此起彼伏的掩埋了整个阵地,士兵们盲目的奔跑。嚎叫,但是却不知道应该做什么,那些光雨毫不留情的贯穿了一切。甚至就连坚硬的盔甲和盾牌也没有任何作用。有些老兵甚至想要举起盾牌挡在自己的头顶,但是下一刻就看见那耀眼的光雨贯穿了厚重坚硬的钢铁盾牌,让它像是被高温融化的奶酪般变得脆弱,重新化为了沸腾的铁水流淌而下,落在那些士兵的头脸上烧焦一片。不过那些士兵此刻已经不会为这种小伤而痛呼—因为他们已经死了。 This is anything ............... & R dquo ; “这是什么……………” Pastan stands in dull same place, is gazing at present the rain of this wild golden light. Is only several minutes, he has not even made clear what happened with enough time. Own army hand/subordinate had lost 1/10, but this moment others also in crazy runs to scatter in all directions. Just like Pastan, no one knows that actually attacks to come from where. Also does not know that is attack that who launches, they only know that light/only rain is drops from the clouds, this means where, no matter may be attacked by the enemy very much!! 帕斯坦呆站在原地,注视着眼前这狂暴的金光之雨。仅仅只是几分钟的时间,他甚至还没有来得及搞清楚发生了什么事。自己手下的军队就已经损失了十分之一,而此刻其他人也在疯狂的奔走四散。和帕斯坦一样,没有人知道攻击究竟来自哪里。也不知道是谁发起的攻击,他们只知道那阵光雨是从天而降的,这就意味着不管在哪儿都很有可能遭到敌人的袭击!! Suddenly entire army messes up, everywhere is noisy one piece, but as the Goldshire Empire crack troops, they are also insufficient, because this degree of attack confuses own situations, therefore the unrest one quick secure under shouting angrily of position commander calmed down slightly again. That some regiments that is under the attack scatter in all directions rapidly, then assembles in the rear area. But despite that also nearly half of people buried thoroughly in the mighty current of rain of light. 一时间整个军阵都乱了套,到处都是嘈杂一片,不过作为闪金帝国的精兵,他们还不至于因为这种程度的袭击就自乱阵脚,所以只是稍微骚乱了一下就很快在阵地指挥官的怒喝下重新安静了下来。只有遭遇到袭击的那部分军团迅速四散,然后在后方重新集结。但是即便如此,也有近一半人彻底掩埋在了光之雨的洪流之中。 Actually is this what? 这究竟是什么? A Pastan brain blank at this moment, what weapon is this? Does the demon lead the artillery? Cracks a joke, he had not heard has what demon to lead the artillery to have such strength. He heard mage that actually these god gods talked on endlessly constructed incomparably powerful Magic fortress in Corencia, but was impossible to move to Passus to come from afar, let alone mage and Skaar federation also had no relations ......... 帕斯坦此刻的大脑一片空白,这是什么武器?魔导炮?开什么玩笑,他还从来没有听说过有什么魔导炮拥有这样的力量。他倒是听说那些神神叨叨的法师科伦西亚建造了一个无比强大的魔导要塞,但是也不可能千里迢迢搬到帕苏斯来吧,更何况法师们和斯卡尔联邦也没什么关系……… Thinks of here, Pastan shakes the head, in these distracting thoughts eliminations brain. Although does not know how the opposite party achieves, but obviously, Passus have not seemed like so good to cope, must know them to be possible now also in another side & mda S h of battlefield ; Place that even the city wall in Passus foothold cannot see, but the opposite party can actually the direct attack oneself, light/only be this strength, makes the Pastan incomparable heart be startled sufficiently. He knows certainly that this means anything, release this strength that if the opposite party can keep, then the surface of their enemy could not even see can die was clean. 想到这里,帕斯坦摇了摇头,把脑中那些杂念去除。虽然不知道对方是怎么做到的,但是显然,帕苏斯并没有自己看起来的那么好对付,要知道现在他们可还在战场的另外一边—甚至连帕苏斯据点的城墙都看不到的地方,但是对方却是能够直接攻击到自己,光是这份力量,就足以让帕斯坦无比心惊。他当然知道这意味着什么,假如对方可以不停的释放这种力量,那么他们根本连敌人的面都见不到就会死的一干二净了。 However what is lucky, the opposite party has not launched the attack immediately again, does not know that because of what reason, Pastan raising the head with trepidation looked at the sky to look at for quite a while in any case, has not seen the second wave of similar light rain again. 不过幸运的是,对方并没有立刻再次发动攻击,不知道是因为什么原因,反正帕斯坦提心吊胆的抬起头望着天空看了半天,也没有再看见第二波类似的光雨。 What to do then should? 接下来该怎么办? At this time, Pastan hesitant. Before, he also thinks attacks Passus is only easy cannot easy quest. It looks like in Pastan, attacks Passus and attacks other places to have no difference, so long as the Goldshire Empire army threatens the border, then breaks through their defense lines, these fellows will be defeated to be utterly routed. However now seems like, the situation is not so as if simple. 这个时候,帕斯坦不由的犹豫了起来。就在之前,他还认为攻打帕苏斯只是一个容易的不能够再容易的任务。在帕斯坦看来,进攻帕苏斯和进攻其他地方没什么区别,只要闪金帝国大军压境,然后攻破他们的防线,那些家伙就会丢盔弃甲溃不成军。但是现在看起来,情况似乎没有这么简单。 Damn, Emperor ** actually the intelligence agency of section is doing anything!! 该死的,帝**部的情报机构究竟在搞什么!! Thinks of here, Passus did a lot of talking, if this were the Skaar federation secret weapon, why Goldshire Empire hasn't obtained the wind sound/rumor? Intelligence agency that crowd of rice buckets cannot complete this matter, but can also count on that they to do what? The one who makes Pastan depressed is, the stretch of area that oneself attack is not considered as that what important place, why will have the so powerful weapon to be responsible for defending here? According to the truth, this type of secret weapon should not specifically be used to defend these important cities and forts? Will the damned place that however Passus this bird does not lay an egg, how have this type of thing? 想到这里,帕苏斯就不由的一阵磨牙,如果这是斯卡尔联邦的秘密武器,为什么闪金帝国没有得到一点儿风声?情报机构那群饭桶连这种事情都做不好,还能够指望他们干什么呢?更让帕斯坦郁闷的是,自己攻击的这片地区也不算是什么重要的地方啊,为什么会有如此强悍的武器在这里负责防守?按照道理来说,这种秘密武器难道不应该是专门用来防卫那些重要的城市与要塞的吗?但是帕苏斯这个鸟不生蛋的鬼地方,怎么会有这种东西? Is continues to attack? Retreats temporarily? 是继续进攻?还是暂时撤退? Suddenly, Pastan is also indecisive, according to the truth, he should choose to retreat now. However in his in the depths of ones heart, actually impulsive, wants to continue to attack. Because Pastan is very clear, at the Passus level, impossible support the powerful demon leads the weapon, these may be the money, but Passus most lacks exactly is money. The intelligence agency of empire has not had the massive money mobile information to transmit about Passus, moreover before then he also once sent the spy to go to investigate, the obtained conclusion also has no difference probably ......... is as the matter stands ............... 一时间,帕斯坦也犹豫不决,按道理来说,他现在应该选择撤退。但是在他的内心深处,却有一阵冲动,想要继续进攻。因为帕斯坦很清楚,以帕苏斯的水准,不可能支持的起强大的魔导武器,那些可都是钱,而帕苏斯最缺的恰恰就是钱。帝国的情报机构也从来没有关于帕苏斯有大量金钱流动的情报传来,而且在这之前他也曾经派遣间谍前去探查,得出的结论好像也没什么区别………可是这样一来…………… Sir, scouting of frontline came back!! „ “大人,前线的斥候回来了!!“ But at this time, a sound resounded, hears this news, Pastan also stares, then he quickly issued the order. 而就在这个时候,一个声音响起,听到这个消息,帕斯坦也是一愣,接着他急忙下达了命令。 Brings to come him!! „ “把他带过来!!“ Quick, that scouted to be brought the Pastan front, he at this moment is the complexion is just pale, seemed like received probably enormously frightened to be the same. 很快,那个斥候就被带到了帕斯坦的面前,只不过此刻的他已经是面色铁青,看起来就好像受到了极大的惊吓一样。 Report, reported the Sir, the first garrison complete destruction!! „ “报,报告大人,第一纵队已经完全覆灭了!!“ What? & R dquo ; “什么?” Hears here, in Pastan heart one startled, he almost must issue the order that retreats. However Pastan forces itself to calm down, asks. 听到这里,帕斯坦心中一惊,他几乎就要下达撤退的命令了。不过帕斯坦还是强迫自己冷静下来,开口询问道。 What's the matter? Actually what happened? & R dquo ; “怎么回事?究竟发生了什么事?” Is such ............... & R dquo ; “是这样的……………” Hears the inquiry of Pastan, that scouted quickly also said the matter that oneself saw, but heard is drops from the clouds, puts on the little girl of knight armor to eliminate the first garrison, Pastan selected under the brow, if not the present is in the battlefield, he almost thinks that this fellow is seeking with oneself radically happily. 听到帕斯坦的询问,那个斥候也急忙把自己所看见的事情说了一遍,而听到是一个从天而降,穿着骑士盔甲的小女孩消灭了第一纵队,帕斯坦不由的挑了下眉头,如果不是眼下身在战场上的话,他几乎以为这个家伙根本就是在拿自己寻开心了。 You said, a girl drops from the clouds suddenly, then defeated the first garrison? & R dquo ; “你是说,一个女孩忽然从天而降,然后击败了第一纵队?” Yes, Sir. & R dquo ; “是的,大人。” Hears here, Pastan frowns, later he as if thinks anything, asks. 听到这里,帕斯坦皱了下眉头,随后他似乎想到了什么般,开口询问道。 Then had to launch the light beam of space you to see before together? & R dquo ; “那么之前有一道发射到天上的光柱你看见了吗?” Naturally, Sir, that is also that girl launches, I also think that she is sending the signal ............... & R dquo ; “当然,大人,那也是那个女孩发射的,我还以为她是在发信号……………” What strange thing do you have in the foothold city wall see? & R dquo ; “你有没有在据点城墙上看见什么奇怪的东西?” No, Sir, there some are only one crowd of ordinary soldier, has no strange thing. & R dquo ; “没有,大人,那里有的只是一群普通的士兵,也没有任何奇怪的东西。” Hears here, Pastan silent moment, a girl? Defeated the first garrison, moreover fired that type of strange shell to attack itself? 听到这里,帕斯坦沉默了片刻,一个女孩?击败了第一纵队,而且还发射了那种奇怪的炮弹来袭击自己? Although feels about this news somewhat inconceivable, but Pastan actually relaxed, so long as is not Passus is hiding any powerful secret weapon, by a strength of person, is unable to prevent the footsteps that an army goes forward purely! 虽然对于这个消息还是感到有些不可思议,但是帕斯坦却是放松了许多,只要不是帕苏斯隐藏着什么强大的秘密武器,单纯靠一个人的力量,是无法阻挡住一只军队前进的脚步的! Thinks of here, Pastan sets firm resolve, no longer hesitates. 想到这里,帕斯坦下定决心,不再犹豫。 Orders second, third and fifth army send out, as scheduled, launches the attack to Passus! & R dquo ; ( to be continued ) “命令第二,第三和第五军出动,按照原定计划,对帕苏斯发起进攻!”(未完待续)
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